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Posted to by Michael Remijan <> on 2002/08/28 16:05:16 UTC

RE: JDBCRealm + Form Based Auth. How do I tell it were to go if loginis ok?


As of right now you can't!  tomcat relies on where the user was trying to go in order to figure out where to redirect to after the form is submitted.  Example:

1) try to get to /secure_html/prices.html
2) tomcat intercepts, displays login page, and "remember" where user was trying to go.
3) user submits, tomcat authenticats, tomcat redirects to location in step #1

If you search though the bug database (i think) a user posted an update to one of the catalina class files  that allowed for a "j_url" hidden tag in the form (or something like that name), and the updated code pulled that value out and redirect to that url.  I haven't tried it and I don't think I will because I've given up on using tomcat's single sign on and authentication abilities.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alexander Wallace []
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 3:18 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: JDBCRealm + Form Based Auth. How do I tell it were to go if
loginis ok?

Hello there. Very new to realms and java, so sorry if this is too

I have set up a JDBCRealm using PostgreSQL and it all seems to work, It
does connect and load the roles, and when I try to access protected
resources, it does go to the Form based login I specigy in web.xml and
the error page for that works too.

My question is, since the form action in the login page points to <%=
response.encodeURL("j_security_check") %>, how, or where do I specify
where my app goes after a succesful login?

Thanks in advance!

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