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Posted to by Craig Dickson <> on 2004/08/13 22:46:34 UTC

Nested tile definitions w parameters

We have a (pretty common) definition similar to this:

<definition name=".masterLayout" 
    <put name="header"   value=".navBarHeader"/>
         <put name="content"  value="${content}"/>
         <put name="footer"   value=".standardFooter"/>

We then have a definition that extends the first definition, like this:

<definition name=".view.single" extends=".masterLayout">
    <put name="content"  value="/WEB-INF/jsp/view/view.jsp"/>
    <put name="viewPane" value="/WEB-INF/jsp/view/singlePanel.jsp"/>

Basically what we are trying to achieve is to use the view.jsp as the 
content that gets included by the master.jsp layout page. But the 
view.jsp page also has a <tiles:insert attribute="viewPane"/> tag in it 
- kind of like a sub-layout situation. We want to include the 
singlePanel.jsp page inside the view.jsp page.

When the page renders, we get an error stating that there is no value 
for "viewPane" - like it is not getting passed or something.

Are we doing something wrong, or is this "nested tile definitions" use 
case outside of Struts current capability?


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