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+    <div id="content"><h1>Class: DeltaCloud::PlainFormatter::FormatObject::StorageVolume
+<dl class="box">
+    <dt class="r1">Inherits:</dt>
+    <dd class="r1">
+      <span class="inheritName"><a href="Base.html" title="DeltaCloud::PlainFormatter::FormatObject::Base (class)">Base</a></span>
+        <ul class="fullTree">
+          <li>Object</li>
+            <li class="next"><a href="Base.html" title="DeltaCloud::PlainFormatter::FormatObject::Base (class)">Base</a></li>
+            <li class="next">DeltaCloud::PlainFormatter::FormatObject::StorageVolume</li>
+        </ul>
+        <a href="#" class="inheritanceTree">show all</a>
+      </dd>
+    <dt class="r2 last">Defined in:</dt>
+    <dd class="r2 last">lib/plain_formatter.rb</dd>
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+    <h2>
+      Instance Method Summary
+      <small>(<a href="#" class="summary_toggle">collapse</a>)</small>
+    </h2>
+    <ul class="summary">
+        <li class="public ">
+  <span class="summary_signature">
+      <a href="#format-instance_method" title="#format (instance method)">- (Object) <strong>format</strong> </a>
+  </span>
+    <span class="summary_desc"><div class='inline'></div></span>
+    </ul>
+  <h3 class="inherited">Methods inherited from <a href="Base.html" title="DeltaCloud::PlainFormatter::FormatObject::Base (class)">Base</a></h3>
+  <p class="inherited"><a href="Base.html#initialize-instance_method" title="DeltaCloud::PlainFormatter::FormatObject::Base#initialize (method)">#initialize</a></p>
+<div id="constructor_details" class="method_details_list">
+  <h2>Constructor Details</h2>
+    <p class="notice">This class inherits a constructor from <a href="Base.html#initialize-instance_method" title="DeltaCloud::PlainFormatter::FormatObject::Base#initialize (method)">DeltaCloud::PlainFormatter::FormatObject::Base</a></p>
+  <div id="instance_method_details" class="method_details_list">
+    <h2>Instance Method Details</h2>
+      <div class="method_details first">
+  <p class="signature first" id="format-instance_method">
+    - (<tt>Object</tt>) <strong>format</strong> 
+</p><table class="source_code">
+  <tr>
+    <td>
+      <pre class="lines">
+    </td>
+    <td>
+      <pre class="code"><span class="info file"># File 'lib/plain_formatter.rb', line 55</span>
+<span class='def def kw'>def</span> <span class='format identifier id'>format</span>
+  <span class='sprintf identifier id'>sprintf</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span><span class='string val'>&quot;%-10s | %15s GB | %-10s | %-10s | %-15s&quot;</span><span class='comma token'>,</span>
+    <span class='@obj ivar id'>@obj</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='id identifier id'>id</span><span class='lbrack token'>[</span><span class='integer val'>0</span><span class='comma token'>,</span><span class='integer val'>10</span><span class='rbrack token'>]</span><span class='comma token'>,</span>
+    <span class='@obj ivar id'>@obj</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='capacity identifier id'>capacity</span> <span class='integer val'>? </span><span class='@obj ivar id'>@obj</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='capacity identifier id'>capacity</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='to_s identifier id'>to_s</span><span class='lbrack token'>[</span><span class='integer val'>0</span><span class='comma token'>,</span><span class='integer val'>15</span><span class='rbrack token'>]</span> <span class='colon op'>:</span> <span class='string val'>'unknown'</span><span class='comma token'>,</span>
+    <span class='@obj ivar id'>@obj</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='device identifier id'>device</span> <span class='integer val'>? </span><span class='@obj ivar id'>@obj</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='device identifier id'>device</span><span class='lbrack token'>[</span><span class='integer val'>0</span><span class='comma token'>,</span><span class='integer val'>10</span><span class='rbrack token'>]</span> <span class='colon op'>:</span> <span class='string val'>'unknown'</span><span class='comma token'>,</span>
+    <span class='@obj ivar id'>@obj</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='respond_to? fid id'>respond_to?</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span><span class='string val'>'state'</span><span class='rparen token'>)</span> <span class='question op'>?</span> <span class='@obj ivar id'>@obj</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='state identifier id'>state</span><span class='lbrack token'>[</span><span class='integer val'>0</span><span class='comma token'>,</span><span class='integer val'>10</span><span class='rbrack token'>]</span> <span class='colon op'>:</span> <span class='string val'>'unknown'</span><span class='comma token'>,</span>
+    <span class='@obj ivar id'>@obj</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='instance identifier id'>instance</span> <span class='integer val'>? </span><span class='@obj ivar id'>@obj</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='instance identifier id'>instance</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='name identifier id'>name</span><span class='lbrack token'>[</span><span class='integer val'>0</span><span class='comma token'>,</span><span class='integer val'>15</span><span class='rbrack token'>]</span> <span class='colon op'>:</span> <span class='string val'>'unknown'</span>
+  <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<span class='end end kw'>end</span>
+    </td>
+  </tr>
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+    <div id="content"><h1>Class: String
+<dl class="box">
+    <dt class="r1">Inherits:</dt>
+    <dd class="r1">
+      <span class="inheritName">Object</span>
+        <ul class="fullTree">
+          <li>Object</li>
+            <li class="next">String</li>
+        </ul>
+        <a href="#" class="inheritanceTree">show all</a>
+      </dd>
+    <dt class="r2 last">Defined in:</dt>
+    <dd class="r2 last">lib/deltacloud.rb</dd>
+<div class="clear"></div>
+    <h2>
+      Instance Method Summary
+      <small>(<a href="#" class="summary_toggle">collapse</a>)</small>
+    </h2>
+    <ul class="summary">
+        <li class="public ">
+  <span class="summary_signature">
+      <a href="#camelize-instance_method" title="#camelize (instance method)">- (Object) <strong>camelize</strong> </a>
+  </span>
+    <span class="summary_desc"><div class='inline'><p>Camelize converts strings to UpperCamelCase.</p></div></span>
+        <li class="public ">
+  <span class="summary_signature">
+      <a href="#classify-instance_method" title="#classify (instance method)">- (Object) <strong>classify</strong> </a>
+  </span>
+    <span class="summary_desc"><div class='inline'><p>Create a class name from string.</p></div></span>
+        <li class="public ">
+  <span class="summary_signature">
+      <a href="#convert-instance_method" title="#convert (instance method)">- (Object) <strong>convert</strong> </a>
+  </span>
+    <span class="summary_desc"><div class='inline'><p>Convert string to float if string value seems like Float.</p></div></span>
+        <li class="public ">
+  <span class="summary_signature">
+      <a href="#sanitize-instance_method" title="#sanitize (instance method)">- (Object) <strong>sanitize</strong> </a>
+  </span>
+    <span class="summary_desc"><div class='inline'><p>Simply converts whitespaces and - symbols to &#8216;_&#8217; which is safe for Ruby.</p></div></span>
+        <li class="public ">
+  <span class="summary_signature">
+      <a href="#singularize-instance_method" title="#singularize (instance method)">- (Object) <strong>singularize</strong> </a>
+  </span>
+    <span class="summary_desc"><div class='inline'><p>Strip &#8216;s&#8217; character from end of string.</p></div></span>
+    </ul>
+  <div id="instance_method_details" class="method_details_list">
+    <h2>Instance Method Details</h2>
+      <div class="method_details first">
+  <p class="signature first" id="camelize-instance_method">
+    - (<tt>Object</tt>) <strong>camelize</strong> 
+</p><div class="docstring">
+  <div class="discussion">
+    <p>Camelize converts strings to UpperCamelCase</p>
+  </div>
+<div class="tags">
+</div><table class="source_code">
+  <tr>
+    <td>
+      <pre class="lines">
+    </td>
+    <td>
+      <pre class="code"><span class="info file"># File 'lib/deltacloud.rb', line 499</span>
+<span class='def def kw'>def</span> <span class='camelize identifier id'>camelize</span>
+  <span class='self self kw'>self</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='to_s identifier id'>to_s</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='gsub identifier id'>gsub</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span><span class='regexp val'>/\/(.?)/</span><span class='rparen token'>)</span> <span class='lbrace token'>{</span> <span class='dstring node'>&quot;::#{$1.upcase}&quot;</span> <span class='rbrace token'>}</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='gsub identifier id'>gsub</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span><span class='regexp val'>/(?:^|_)(.)/</span><span class='rparen token'>)</span> <span class='lbrace token'>{</span> <span class='$1 nth_ref id'>$1</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='upcase identifier id'>upcase</span> <span class='rbrace token'>}</span>
+<span class='end end kw'>end</span>
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+      <div class="method_details ">
+  <p class="signature " id="classify-instance_method">
+    - (<tt>Object</tt>) <strong>classify</strong> 
+</p><div class="docstring">
+  <div class="discussion">
+    <p>Create a class name from string</p>
+  </div>
+<div class="tags">
+</div><table class="source_code">
+  <tr>
+    <td>
+      <pre class="lines">
+    </td>
+    <td>
+      <pre class="code"><span class="info file"># File 'lib/deltacloud.rb', line 492</span>
+<span class='def def kw'>def</span> <span class='classify identifier id'>classify</span>
+  <span class='self self kw'>self</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='singularize identifier id'>singularize</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='camelize identifier id'>camelize</span>
+<span class='end end kw'>end</span>
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+      <div class="method_details ">
+  <p class="signature " id="convert-instance_method">
+    - (<tt>Object</tt>) <strong>convert</strong> 
+</p><div class="docstring">
+  <div class="discussion">
+    <p>Convert string to float if string value seems like Float</p>
+  </div>
+<div class="tags">
+</div><table class="source_code">
+  <tr>
+    <td>
+      <pre class="lines">
+    </td>
+    <td>
+      <pre class="code"><span class="info file"># File 'lib/deltacloud.rb', line 512</span>
+<span class='def def kw'>def</span> <span class='convert identifier id'>convert</span>
+  <span class='return return kw'>return</span> <span class='self self kw'>self</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='to_f identifier id'>to_f</span> <span class='if if_mod kw'>if</span> <span class='self self kw'>self</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='strip identifier id'>strip</span> <span class='match op'>=~</span> <span class='regexp val'>/^([\d\.]+$)/</span>
+  <span class='self self kw'>self</span>
+<span class='end end kw'>end</span>
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+      <div class="method_details ">
+  <p class="signature " id="sanitize-instance_method">
+    - (<tt>Object</tt>) <strong>sanitize</strong> 
+</p><div class="docstring">
+  <div class="discussion">
+    <p>Simply converts whitespaces and - symbols to &#8216;_&#8217; which is safe for Ruby</p>
+  </div>
+<div class="tags">
+</div><table class="source_code">
+  <tr>
+    <td>
+      <pre class="lines">
+    </td>
+    <td>
+      <pre class="code"><span class="info file"># File 'lib/deltacloud.rb', line 518</span>
+<span class='def def kw'>def</span> <span class='sanitize identifier id'>sanitize</span>
+  <span class='self self kw'>self</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='gsub identifier id'>gsub</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span><span class='regexp val'>/(\W+)/</span><span class='comma token'>,</span> <span class='string val'>'_'</span><span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<span class='end end kw'>end</span>
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+      <div class="method_details ">
+  <p class="signature " id="singularize-instance_method">
+    - (<tt>Object</tt>) <strong>singularize</strong> 
+</p><div class="docstring">
+  <div class="discussion">
+    <p>Strip &#8216;s&#8217; character from end of string</p>
+  </div>
+<div class="tags">
+</div><table class="source_code">
+  <tr>
+    <td>
+      <pre class="lines">
+    </td>
+    <td>
+      <pre class="code"><span class="info file"># File 'lib/deltacloud.rb', line 506</span>
+<span class='def def kw'>def</span> <span class='singularize identifier id'>singularize</span>
+  <span class='self self kw'>self</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='gsub identifier id'>gsub</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span><span class='regexp val'>/s$/</span><span class='comma token'>,</span> <span class='string val'>''</span><span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<span class='end end kw'>end</span>
+    </td>
+  </tr>
+  </div>
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+  Generated on Fri Jul 30 12:16:29 2010 by 
+  <a href="" title="Yay! A Ruby Documentation Tool">yard</a>
+  0.5.6 (ruby-1.8.7).
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 taCloud::HWP::FloatProperty (class)">FloatProperty</a> &lt; Property<small class='search_info'>DeltaCloud::HWP</small></li><li><a href="DeltaCloud/HWP/Property.html" title="DeltaCloud::HWP::Property (class)">Property</a> &lt; Object<small class='search_info'>DeltaCloud::HWP</small></li></ul><li><a class='toggle'></a> <a href="DeltaCloud/InstanceState.html" title="DeltaCloud::InstanceState (module)">InstanceState</a><small class='search_info'>DeltaCloud</small></li><ul><li><a href="DeltaCloud/InstanceState/State.html" title="DeltaCloud::InstanceState::State (class)">State</a> &lt; Object<small class='search_info'>DeltaCloud::InstanceState</small></li><li><a href="DeltaCloud/InstanceState/Transition.html" title="DeltaCloud::InstanceState::Transition (class)">Transition</a> &lt; Object<small class='search_info'>DeltaCloud::InstanceState</small></li></ul><li><a class='toggle'></a> <a href="DeltaCloud/PlainFormatter.html" title="DeltaCloud::PlainFormatter (module)">PlainFormatter
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 /li><li><a href="DeltaCloud/PlainFormatter/FormatObject/Instance.html" title="DeltaCloud::PlainFormatter::FormatObject::Instance (class)">Instance</a> &lt; Base<small class='search_info'>DeltaCloud::PlainFormatter::FormatObject</small></li><li><a href="DeltaCloud/PlainFormatter/FormatObject/Realm.html" title="DeltaCloud::PlainFormatter::FormatObject::Realm (class)">Realm</a> &lt; Base<small class='search_info'>DeltaCloud::PlainFormatter::FormatObject</small></li><li><a href="DeltaCloud/PlainFormatter/FormatObject/StorageSnapshot.html" title="DeltaCloud::PlainFormatter::FormatObject::StorageSnapshot (class)">StorageSnapshot</a> &lt; Base<small class='search_info'>DeltaCloud::PlainFormatter::FormatObject</small></li><li><a href="DeltaCloud/PlainFormatter/FormatObject/StorageVolume.html" title="DeltaCloud::PlainFormatter::FormatObject::StorageVolume (class)">StorageVolume</a> &lt; Base<small class='search_info'>DeltaCloud::PlainFormatter::FormatObject</small></li></ul></ul></ul
 ><li><a href="String.html" title="String (class)">String</a> &lt; Object<small class='search_info'>Top Level Namespace</small></li>
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Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/site/doc/file.README.html
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+    <div id="content"><div id='filecontents'><h1 id='deltacloud_client_ruby'>Deltacloud Client (Ruby)</h1>
+<p>The Deltacloud project includes a Ruby client. Other language-bindings are possible and will be supported soon. The client aims to insulate users from having to deal with HTTP and REST directly.</p>
+<p>Each resource type has an associated model to ease usage. Where resource reference other resources, natural navigation across the object model is possible.</p>
+<p>For example</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='puts identifier id'>puts</span> <span class='instance identifier id'>instance</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='image identifier id'>image</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='name identifier id'>name</span>
+<span class='puts identifier id'>puts</span> <span class='instance identifier id'>instance</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='hardware_profile identifier id'>hardware_profile</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='architecture identifier id'>architecture</span>
+<h2 id='basics'>Basics</h2>
+<p>To use the client, you must require <code>deltacloud</code>.</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='require identifier id'>require</span> <span class='string val'>'deltacloud'</span>
+<h2 id='connecting_to_a_deltacloud_provider'>Connecting to a Deltacloud provider</h2>
+<pre class="code"><span class='require identifier id'>require</span> <span class='string val'>'deltacloud'</span>
+<span class='api_url identifier id'>api_url</span>      <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='string val'>'http://localhost:3001/api'</span>
+<span class='api_name identifier id'>api_name</span>     <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='string val'>'mockuser'</span>
+<span class='api_password identifier id'>api_password</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='string val'>'mockpassword'</span>
+<span class='client identifier id'>client</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='DeltaCloud constant id'>DeltaCloud</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='new identifier id'>new</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='api_name identifier id'>api_name</span><span class='comma token'>,</span> <span class='api_password identifier id'>api_password</span><span class='comma token'>,</span> <span class='api_url identifier id'>api_url</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<span class='comment val'># work with client here</span>
+<p>In addition to creating a client, operations may occur within a block included on the initialization</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='DeltaCloud constant id'>DeltaCloud</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='new identifier id'>new</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='api_name identifier id'>api_name</span><span class='comma token'>,</span> <span class='api_password identifier id'>api_password</span><span class='comma token'>,</span> <span class='api_url identifier id'>api_url</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span> <span class='do do kw'>do</span> <span class='bitor op'>|</span><span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='bitor op'>|</span>
+  <span class='comment val'># work with client here</span>
+<span class='end end kw'>end</span>
+<p>In the event of a failure, any underlying HTTP transport exceptions will be thrown all the way out to the caller.</p>
+<h2 id='listing_realms'>Listing realms</h2>
+<p>You may retrieve a complete list of realms available to you</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='realms identifier id'>realms</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='realms identifier id'>realms</span>
+<p>You may retrieve a specific realm by its identifier</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='realm identifier id'>realm</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='realm identifier id'>realm</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='string val'>'us'</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<h2 id='listing_hardware_profiles'>Listing hardware profiles</h2>
+<p>You may retrieve a complete list of hardware profiles available for launching machines</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='hwp identifier id'>hwp</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='hardware_profiles identifier id'>hardware_profiles</span>
+<p>You may filter hardware profiles by architecture</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='flavors identifier id'>flavors</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='hardware_profiles identifier id'>hardware_profiles</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='symbol val'>:architecture=</span><span class='gt op'>&gt;</span><span class='string val'>'x86_64'</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<p>You may retrieve a specific hardware profile by its identifier</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='flavor identifier id'>flavor</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='hardware_profile identifier id'>hardware_profile</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='string val'>'m1-small'</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<h2 id='listing_images'>Listing images</h2>
+<p>You may retrieve a complete list of images</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='images identifier id'>images</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='images identifier id'>images</span>
+<p>You may retrieve a list of images owned by the currently authenticated user</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='images identifier id'>images</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='images identifier id'>images</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='symbol val'>:owner_id=</span><span class='gt op'>&gt;</span><span class='symbol val'>:self</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<p>You may retrieve a list of images visible to you but owned by a specific user</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='images identifier id'>images</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='images identifier id'>images</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='symbol val'>:owner_id=</span><span class='gt op'>&gt;</span><span class='string val'>'daryll'</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<p>You may retrieve a specific image by its identifier</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='image identifier id'>image</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='image identifier id'>image</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='string val'>'ami-8675309'</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<h2 id='listing_instances'>Listing instances</h2>
+<p>You may retrieve a list of all instances visible to you</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='instances identifier id'>instances</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='instances identifier id'>instances</span>
+<p>You may retrieve a specific instance by its identifier</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='instance identifier id'>instance</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='instance identifier id'>instance</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='string val'>'i-90125'</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<h2 id='launching_instances'>Launching instances</h2>
+<p>An instance may be launched using just an image identifier</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='image identifier id'>image</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='image identifier id'>image</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='string val'>'ami-8675309'</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<span class='instance identifier id'>instance</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='create_instance identifier id'>create_instance</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='image identifier id'>image</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='id identifier id'>id</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<p>Optionally, a flavor or realm may be specified</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='instance identifier id'>instance</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='create_instance identifier id'>create_instance</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='image identifier id'>image</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='id identifier id'>id</span><span class='comma token'>,</span> <span class='symbol val'>:flavor=</span><span class='gt op'>&gt;</span><span class='string val'>'m1-small'</span><span class='comma token'>,</span> <span class='symbol val'>:realm=</span><span class='gt op'>&gt;</span><span class='string val'>'us'</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<h2 id='manipulating_instances'>Manipulating instances</h2>
+<p>Given an instance, depending on its state, various actions <em>may</em> be available.</p>
+<p>To determine what&#8217;s available, the <code>instance#actions</code> method may be used.</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='instance identifier id'>instance</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='actions identifier id'>actions</span> <span class='comment val'># [ 'reboot', 'stop' ]</span>
+<p>For a valid action, the method matching the action with an exclamation point may be called.</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='instance identifier id'>instance</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='reboot! fid id'>reboot!</span>
+<p>Upon invoking an action, the instance will refresh its contents, in case the state has changed. To determine later if the state has changed again, the instance must be refetched using the <code>client.instance(...)</code> method.</p></div></div>
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+  Generated on Fri Jul 30 12:16:23 2010 by 
+  <a href="" title="Yay! A Ruby Documentation Tool">yard</a>
+  0.5.6 (ruby-1.8.7).
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+    <div id="content"><div id='filecontents'><h1 id='deltacloud_client_ruby'>Deltacloud Client (Ruby)</h1>
+<p>The Deltacloud project includes a Ruby client. Other language-bindings are possible and will be supported soon. The client aims to insulate users from having to deal with HTTP and REST directly.</p>
+<p>Each resource type has an associated model to ease usage. Where resource reference other resources, natural navigation across the object model is possible.</p>
+<p>For example</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='puts identifier id'>puts</span> <span class='instance identifier id'>instance</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='image identifier id'>image</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='name identifier id'>name</span>
+<span class='puts identifier id'>puts</span> <span class='instance identifier id'>instance</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='hardware_profile identifier id'>hardware_profile</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='architecture identifier id'>architecture</span>
+<h2 id='basics'>Basics</h2>
+<p>To use the client, you must require <code>deltacloud</code>.</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='require identifier id'>require</span> <span class='string val'>'deltacloud'</span>
+<h2 id='connecting_to_a_deltacloud_provider'>Connecting to a Deltacloud provider</h2>
+<pre class="code"><span class='require identifier id'>require</span> <span class='string val'>'deltacloud'</span>
+<span class='api_url identifier id'>api_url</span>      <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='string val'>'http://localhost:3001/api'</span>
+<span class='api_name identifier id'>api_name</span>     <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='string val'>'mockuser'</span>
+<span class='api_password identifier id'>api_password</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='string val'>'mockpassword'</span>
+<span class='client identifier id'>client</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='DeltaCloud constant id'>DeltaCloud</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='new identifier id'>new</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='api_name identifier id'>api_name</span><span class='comma token'>,</span> <span class='api_password identifier id'>api_password</span><span class='comma token'>,</span> <span class='api_url identifier id'>api_url</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<span class='comment val'># work with client here</span>
+<p>In addition to creating a client, operations may occur within a block included on the initialization</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='DeltaCloud constant id'>DeltaCloud</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='new identifier id'>new</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='api_name identifier id'>api_name</span><span class='comma token'>,</span> <span class='api_password identifier id'>api_password</span><span class='comma token'>,</span> <span class='api_url identifier id'>api_url</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span> <span class='do do kw'>do</span> <span class='bitor op'>|</span><span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='bitor op'>|</span>
+  <span class='comment val'># work with client here</span>
+<span class='end end kw'>end</span>
+<p>In the event of a failure, any underlying HTTP transport exceptions will be thrown all the way out to the caller.</p>
+<h2 id='listing_realms'>Listing realms</h2>
+<p>You may retrieve a complete list of realms available to you</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='realms identifier id'>realms</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='realms identifier id'>realms</span>
+<p>You may retrieve a specific realm by its identifier</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='realm identifier id'>realm</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='realm identifier id'>realm</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='string val'>'us'</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<h2 id='listing_hardware_profiles'>Listing hardware profiles</h2>
+<p>You may retrieve a complete list of hardware profiles available for launching machines</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='hwp identifier id'>hwp</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='hardware_profiles identifier id'>hardware_profiles</span>
+<p>You may filter hardware profiles by architecture</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='flavors identifier id'>flavors</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='hardware_profiles identifier id'>hardware_profiles</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='symbol val'>:architecture=</span><span class='gt op'>&gt;</span><span class='string val'>'x86_64'</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<p>You may retrieve a specific hardware profile by its identifier</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='flavor identifier id'>flavor</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='hardware_profile identifier id'>hardware_profile</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='string val'>'m1-small'</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<h2 id='listing_images'>Listing images</h2>
+<p>You may retrieve a complete list of images</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='images identifier id'>images</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='images identifier id'>images</span>
+<p>You may retrieve a list of images owned by the currently authenticated user</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='images identifier id'>images</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='images identifier id'>images</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='symbol val'>:owner_id=</span><span class='gt op'>&gt;</span><span class='symbol val'>:self</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<p>You may retrieve a list of images visible to you but owned by a specific user</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='images identifier id'>images</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='images identifier id'>images</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='symbol val'>:owner_id=</span><span class='gt op'>&gt;</span><span class='string val'>'daryll'</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<p>You may retrieve a specific image by its identifier</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='image identifier id'>image</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='image identifier id'>image</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='string val'>'ami-8675309'</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<h2 id='listing_instances'>Listing instances</h2>
+<p>You may retrieve a list of all instances visible to you</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='instances identifier id'>instances</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='instances identifier id'>instances</span>
+<p>You may retrieve a specific instance by its identifier</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='instance identifier id'>instance</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='instance identifier id'>instance</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='string val'>'i-90125'</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<h2 id='launching_instances'>Launching instances</h2>
+<p>An instance may be launched using just an image identifier</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='image identifier id'>image</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='image identifier id'>image</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='string val'>'ami-8675309'</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<span class='instance identifier id'>instance</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='create_instance identifier id'>create_instance</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='image identifier id'>image</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='id identifier id'>id</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<p>Optionally, a flavor or realm may be specified</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='instance identifier id'>instance</span> <span class='assign token'>=</span> <span class='client identifier id'>client</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='create_instance identifier id'>create_instance</span><span class='lparen token'>(</span> <span class='image identifier id'>image</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='id identifier id'>id</span><span class='comma token'>,</span> <span class='symbol val'>:flavor=</span><span class='gt op'>&gt;</span><span class='string val'>'m1-small'</span><span class='comma token'>,</span> <span class='symbol val'>:realm=</span><span class='gt op'>&gt;</span><span class='string val'>'us'</span> <span class='rparen token'>)</span>
+<h2 id='manipulating_instances'>Manipulating instances</h2>
+<p>Given an instance, depending on its state, various actions <em>may</em> be available.</p>
+<p>To determine what&#8217;s available, the <code>instance#actions</code> method may be used.</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='instance identifier id'>instance</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='actions identifier id'>actions</span> <span class='comment val'># [ 'reboot', 'stop' ]</span>
+<p>For a valid action, the method matching the action with an exclamation point may be called.</p>
+<pre class="code"><span class='instance identifier id'>instance</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='reboot! fid id'>reboot!</span>
+<p>Upon invoking an action, the instance will refresh its contents, in case the state has changed. To determine later if the state has changed again, the instance must be refetched using the <code>client.instance(...)</code> method.</p></div></div>
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+  Generated on Fri Jul 30 12:16:23 2010 by 
+  <a href="" title="Yay! A Ruby Documentation Tool">yard</a>
+  0.5.6 (ruby-1.8.7).
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+  }
+function linkSummaries() {
+  $('.summary_signature').click(function() {
+    document.location = $(this).find('a').attr('href');
+  });
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+  if ( {
+    document.body.className = 'frames';
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+  }
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+  if ( return;
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+    switch (evt.charCode) {
+      case 67: case 99:  $('#class_list_link').click(); break;  // 'c'
+      case 77: case 109: $('#method_list_link').click(); break; // 'm'
+      case 70: case 102: $('#file_list_link').click(); break;   // 'f'
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+  });
+function summaryToggle() {
+  $('.summary_toggle').click(function() {
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+  })

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/site/doc/js/full_list.js
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/site/doc/js/full_list.js (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/site/doc/js/full_list.js Fri Aug 13 14:30:21 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+function fullListSearch() {
+  $('#search input').keyup(function() {
+    var value = this.value.toLowerCase();
+    if (value == "") {
+      $('#full_list').removeClass('insearch');
+      $('#full_list li').each(function() {
+        var link = $(this).children('a:last');
+        link.text(link.text()); 
+      });
+      if (clicked) {
+        clicked.parents('ul').each(function() {
+          $(this).removeClass('collapsed').prev().removeClass('collapsed');
+        });
+      }
+      highlight();
+    }
+    else {
+      $('#full_list').addClass('insearch');
+      $('#full_list li').each(function() {
+        var link = $(this).children('a:last');
+        var text = link.text();
+        if (text.toLowerCase().indexOf(value) == -1) {
+          $(this).removeClass('found');
+          link.text(link.text());
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+        else {
+          $(this).css('padding-left', '10px').addClass('found');
+          link.html(link.text().replace(new RegExp("(" + 
+            value.replace(/([\/.*+?|()\[\]{}\\])/g, "\\$1") + ")", "ig"), 
+            '<strong>$1</strong>'));
+        }
+      });
+      highlight(true);
+    }
+    if ($('#full_list li:visible').size() == 0) {
+      $('#noresults').fadeIn();
+    }
+    else {
+      $('#noresults').hide();
+    }
+  });
+  $('#search input').focus();
+  $('#full_list').after("<div id='noresults'>No results were found.</div>")
+clicked = null;
+function linkList() {
+  $('#full_list li, #full_list li a:last').click(function(evt) {
+    if ($(this).hasClass('toggle')) return true;
+    if (this.tagName.toLowerCase() == "li") {
+      var toggle = $(this).children('a.toggle');
+      if (toggle.size() > 0 && evt.pageX < toggle.offset().left) {
+        return false;
+      }
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+    if (clicked) clicked.removeClass('clicked');
+    var win = window.parent;
+    if ( {
+      win =;
+      var title = $('html head title', win.document).text();
+      $('html head title', window.parent.document).text(title);
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+    if (this.tagName.toLowerCase() == "a") {
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+      win.location = this.href;
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+    else {
+      clicked = $(this).addClass('clicked');
+      win.location = $(this).find('a:last').attr('href');
+    }
+    return false;
+  });
+function collapse() {
+  if (!$('#full_list').hasClass('class')) return;
+  $('#full_list.class a.toggle').click(function() { 
+    $(this).parent().toggleClass('collapsed').next().toggleClass('collapsed');
+    highlight();
+    return false; 
+  });
+  $('#full_list.class ul').each(function() {
+    $(this).addClass('collapsed').prev().addClass('collapsed');
+  });
+  $('#full_list.class').children().removeClass('collapsed');
+  highlight();
+function highlight(no_padding) {
+  var n = 1;
+  $('#full_list li:visible').each(function() {
+    var next = n == 1 ? 2 : 1;
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+    if (!no_padding && $('#full_list').hasClass('class')) {
+      $(this).css('padding-left', (10 + $(this).parents('ul').size() * 15) + 'px');
+    }
+    n = next;
+  });
+function escapeShortcut() {
+  $(document).keydown(function(evt) {
+    if (evt.which == 27) {
+      $('#search_frame',;
+      $('#search a','active inactive')
+      $(;
+    }
+  });