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Posted to by Nicolas Chollet <> on 2008/06/17 17:40:26 UTC

Retry to lock log files

 Hello,I am using log4Net for my application.Everything is fine, except during the night where my server restart the IIS Worker process.And sometimes, the day after I don=92t have log!!A guy from Microsoft told me that during the IIS operation on the Worker Process, the old process (which locks the log file) is killed after the creation of the new process.So the new process doesn=92t have the lock on my log file.At the beginning of my application, I do :
log4net.Config.DOMConfigurator.Configure()pLog =3D log4net.LogManager.GetLogger("MyFunction")How can I test if the file is locked? So I will be able to develop a retry function after 30 seconds.Thank you,PS : sorry for my English I am not very good in languages...Nicolas
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