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Posted to by haozech via Apache TVM Discuss <> on 2020/11/03 11:45:11 UTC

[Apache TVM Discuss] [Questions] How can I test the performance of a single operator?

Hi guys, I'm new to TVM and I was trying to test the performance of a single operator on NVGPU.
So far I found the doc about how to test model benchmark(
And the doc about [Tuning High Performance Convolution on NVIDIA GPUs] (
But neither of them satisfies my needs. What I want is to test the single op performance instead of testing a whole model nor self-defining an operator and tune it.
Can anybody tell me how to do this?

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[Apache TVM Discuss] [Questions] How can I test the performance of a single operator?

Posted by haozech via Apache TVM Discuss <>.

And also I got some error using method 1.
Here is my code:
strides, padding, dilation = (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1)
data = te.placeholder((1, 512, 7, 7), name="data")
kernel = te.placeholder((512, 512, 3, 3), name="kernel")
cfg = autotvm.get_config()
task = autotvm.task.create(
    "conv2d_nchw.cuda", args=( cfg, data, kernel, strides, padding, dilation), target="cuda"
And the error info is:
Cannot find config for target=None, workload=None. A fallback configuration is used, which may bring great performance regression.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 105, in <module>
    "conv2d_nchw.cuda", args=( cfg, data, kernel, strides, padding, dilation), target="cuda"
  File "/WorkSpace/incubator-tvm/python/tvm/autotvm/task/", line 445, in create
    args = serialize_args(args)
  File "/WorkSpace/incubator-tvm/python/tvm/autotvm/task/", line 77, in serialize_args
  File "/WorkSpace/incubator-tvm/python/tvm/autotvm/task/", line 72, in _encode
    "primitive types or tvm.tir.Var only" % type(x)
RuntimeError: Do not support type "<class ''>" in argument. Consider to useprimitive types or tvm.tir.Var only

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[Apache TVM Discuss] [Questions] How can I test the performance of a single operator?

Posted by haozech via Apache TVM Discuss <>.

Thank you for your reply! It's really helpful. Well, I found that in [Tuning High Performance Convolution on NVIDIA GPUs ](, the step 2 will do tuning and find the best config. Is there any way to skip tuning and just test the default config's performance?

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[Apache TVM Discuss] [Questions] How can I test the performance of a single operator?

Posted by haozech via Apache TVM Discuss <>.

Problem solved. Thank you!

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[Apache TVM Discuss] [Questions] How can I test the performance of a single operator?

Posted by Tristan Konolige via Apache TVM Discuss <>.

To test without a config, remove the `autotvm.apply_history_best` with statement.

`params` is a dictionary mapping from the name of a weight to the actual values of the weight. In this case, you have no weights, so it is just the empty dictionary.

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[Apache TVM Discuss] [Questions] How can I test the performance of a single operator?

Posted by haozech via Apache TVM Discuss <>.

By the way, for 2, the function should return 4 values:`mod, params, input_shape, output_shape`. But I didn't see the params in the code? 
x = relay.Var("x", tvm.relay.TensorType([40, 40]))
y = relay.Var("y", tvm.relay.TensorType([40, 40]))
mod = relay.Function(
    [x, y],
    relay.my_function(x, y)

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[Apache TVM Discuss] [Questions] How can I test the performance of a single operator?

Posted by Tristan Konolige via Apache TVM Discuss <>.

Hello @haozech. There are two ways you can go about benchmarking a single operator. You can either 1. benchmark a specific implementation of the operator or 2. benchmark all implementations of the operator.

For 1, follow the [Tuning High Performance Convolution on NVIDIA GPUs]( tutorial, but skip section 1. In section two, replace `"tutorial/conv2d_no_batching"` in `task = autotvm.task.create("tutorial/conv2d_no_batching", args=(N, H, W, CO, CI, KH, KW, strides, padding), target="cuda")` with the name of the implementation you want to benchmark. You can find the name of the implementation by greping the codebase for `@autotvm.register_topi_compute`. You'll also have to modify the inputs to they match what the function is expecting. Furthermore, you'll have to change `conv2d_no_batching` and `conv2d_nchw_python` in the last code block with the correct function names (these should be the name of the function annotated with `@autotvm.register_topi_compute`).

For 2, follow the [Auto-tuning a convolutional network for NVIDIA GPU]( tutorial. Replace `get_network` with a function that returns a relay function with a single operator like so:
x = relay.Var("x", tvm.relay.TensorType([40, 40]))
y = relay.Var("y", tvm.relay.TensorType([40, 40]))
mod = relay.Function(
    [x, y],
    relay.my_function(x, y)

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