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Posted to by on 2013/12/17 23:56:19 UTC

svn commit: r1551749 [2/4] - in /activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk: ./ keyfile/ src/ src/main/ src/main/csharp/ src/main/ndoc/ src/main/sandcastle/

Added: activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/nant-common.xml
--- activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/nant-common.xml (added)
+++ activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/nant-common.xml Tue Dec 17 22:56:18 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+    contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+    this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+    The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+    (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+    the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+    limitations under the License.
+<project xmlns="">
+    <!-- ============================================================================================ -->
+    <!--    P R O P E R T Y    D E F I N I T I O N S                                                  -->
+    <!-- ============================================================================================ -->
+    <!-- global project settings -->
+    <property name="project.cls.compliant"   value="true" unless="${property::exists('project.cls.compliant')}" />
+    <property name="project.release.type"    value="SNAPSHOT" unless="${property::exists('project.release.type')}" />
+    <property name="project.version.full"    value="${project.version + if(project.release.type == 'snapshot', '-' + project.release.type, '')}" dynamic="true" />
+    <property name="project.startyear"       value="2005" />
+    <property name="build.dir"               value="${basedir}/build" />
+    <property name="doc.dir"                 value="${build.dir}/doc" />
+    <property name="lib.dir"                 value="${path::combine(basedir, 'lib')}" dynamic="true" />
+    <property name=""          value="${path::combine(lib.dir, framework::get-family(framework::get-target-framework()))}" dynamic="true" />
+    <property name="lib.framework.dir"       value="${path::combine(, version::to-string(framework::get-version(framework::get-target-framework())))}" dynamic="true" />
+    <property name="package.dir"             value="${basedir}/package" />
+    <property name=""        value="${ + '-' + project.version + if(project.release.type == 'SNAPSHOT', '-' + project.release.type, '') + ''}" />
+    <property name=""        value="${ + '-' + project.version + if(project.release.type == 'SNAPSHOT', '-' + project.release.type, '') + ''}" />
+    <!-- default configuration -->
+    <property name="build.defines"           value="" />
+    <property name="build.noskip"            value="false" />
+    <property name="build.skip"              value="false" />
+    <property name="build.skip.release"      value="false" unless="${property::exists('build.skip.release')}" />
+    <property name="download.skip"           value="false" unless="${property::exists('download.skip')}"/>
+    <property name="compile.skip"            value="false" unless="${property::exists('compile.skip')}" />
+    <property name=""    value="${if(project.release.type == 'release', 'release', 'debug')}" overwrite="false" />
+    <property name="" value="${framework::get-target-framework()}" overwrite="false" />
+    <property name=""   value="${build.defines}" />
+    <property name="build.framework.strings" value="net-2.0,net-3.5,net-4.0,mono-2.0,netcf-2.0,netcf-3.5" unless="${property::exists('build.framework.strings')}"/>
+    <property name="" value="${framework::get-assembly-directory(framework::get-target-framework())}" dynamic="true" />
+    <property name="build.config.strings"    value="${if(property::exists('configuration'), configuration, if(build.skip.release == 'true', 'debug', 'debug,release'))}" dynamic="true" />
+    <!-- Figure out the user's HOME directory -->
+    <property name="user.home" value="${environment::get-variable('HOME')}"
+            if="${environment::variable-exists('HOME') and platform::is-unix()}"
+            unless="${property::exists('user.home')}" />
+    <property name="user.home" value="${environment::get-variable('USERPROFILE')}"
+            if="${environment::variable-exists('USERPROFILE') and platform::is-windows()}"
+            unless="${property::exists('user.home')}" />
+    <fail message="The HOME environment variable is not defined.  Please set it to your home directory."
+            unless="${property::exists('user.home')}" if="${platform::is-unix()}" />
+    <fail message="The USERPROFILE environment variable is not defined.  Please set it to your home directory."
+            unless="${property::exists('user.home')}" if="${platform::is-windows()}" />
+    <!-- Figure out the NANT repositories -->
+    <property name="nant.remote.repo" value="${environment::get-variable('NANT_REMOTE_REPO')}"
+            if="${environment::variable-exists('NANT_REMOTE_REPO')}"
+            unless="${property::exists('nant.remote.repo')}" />
+    <property name="nant.local.repo" value="${environment::get-variable('NANT_REPO')}/local"
+            if="${environment::variable-exists('NANT_REPO')}"
+            unless="${property::exists('nant.local.repo')}" />
+    <property name="nant.local.repo" value="${user.home}/.nant/repository/local"
+            unless="${property::exists('nant.local.repo')}" />
+    <!-- Figure out the keyfile location -->
+    <property name="snk.file" value="${environment::get-variable('ACTIVEMQ_DOTNET_SNK')}"
+            if="${environment::variable-exists('ACTIVEMQ_DOTNET_SNK')}"
+            unless="${property::exists('snk.file')}" />
+    <property name="snk.file" value="${basedir}/keyfile/NMSKey.snk"
+            if="${not property::exists('snk.file')}" />
+    <!-- ============================================================================================ -->
+    <!--      I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N     T A R G E T S                                           -->
+    <!-- ============================================================================================ -->
+    <target name="init" description="Initializes build properties">
+        <!-- enabled the release or debug configuration -->
+        <call target="set-${}-configuration" />
+        <!-- Check to see if our build setup for the target framework -->
+        <if test="${not(target::exists('set-''-framework-configuration'))}">
+            <fail message="The '${}' framework is not supported by this version of ActiveMQ .NET" />
+        </if>
+        <call target="set-${}-framework-configuration" />
+        <!-- Check to see current platform supports the target framework -->
+        <if test="${framework::exists(}">
+            <property name="build.skip" value="false" />
+        </if>
+        <if test="${not framework::exists(}">
+            <if test="${build.noskip}">
+                <fail message="${} is not available." />
+            </if>
+            <if test="${not(build.noskip)}">
+                <echo message="${} is not available. Build skipped." />
+                <property name="build.skip" value="true" />
+            </if>
+        </if>
+        <!-- Check to see if we should skip this build framework. -->
+        <if test="${not(build.skip)}">
+            <if test="${property::exists('build.''.skip')}">
+                <property name="build.skip" value="true" />
+                <echo message="The '${}' framework is not supported by this version of ActiveMQ .NET" />
+            </if>
+        </if>
+        <property name="" value="${}" />
+        <property name="build.bin.dir" value="${build.dir}/${}/${}" />
+        <if test="${not(build.skip)}">
+            <echo message="Doing ${if(,'a signed','an unsigned')} ${} build for the ${} framework" />
+            <mkdir dir="${build.bin.dir}" />
+        </if>
+        <call target="dependency-init" />
+    </target>
+    <!-- Generate four-digit build number -->
+    <target name="generate-build-number">
+        <if test="${not property::exists('project.version.numeric')}">
+            <script language="C#">
+                <imports>
+                    <import namespace="System.Globalization" />
+                    <import namespace="System.Threading" />
+                </imports>
+                <code>
+                    <!-- Format for assembly revision is the number of days from the year the project 'started', property project.startyear.  -->
+                    <![CDATA[
+                        public static void ScriptMain(Project project)
+                        {
+                            int startYear = Convert.ToInt32(project.Properties["project.startyear"]);
+                            DateTime start = new DateTime(startYear, 1, 1);
+                            TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - start;
+                            project.Properties["project.version.numeric"] = project.Properties["project.version"].ToString() + "." + ts.Days.ToString();
+                        }
+                    ]]>
+                </code>
+            </script>
+        </if>
+    </target>
+    <!-- Generate assemblyinfo.cs files -->
+    <target name="generate-assemblyinfo" depends="generate-build-number" description="Generate the assembly info for the path in assemblyinfo.filename">
+        <asminfo output="${assemblyinfo.filename}" language="CSharp">
+            <imports>
+                <import namespace="System" />
+                <import namespace="System.Reflection" />
+                <import namespace="System.Runtime.InteropServices" />
+            </imports>
+            <attributes>
+                <attribute type="ComVisibleAttribute" value="false" />
+                <attribute type="CLSCompliantAttribute" value="${project.cls.compliant}" />
+                <attribute type="AssemblyTitleAttribute" value="${project.short_description}" />
+                <attribute type="AssemblyDescriptionAttribute" value="${project.description}" />
+                <attribute type="AssemblyConfigurationAttribute" value="${project.release.type}" />
+                <attribute type="AssemblyCompanyAttribute" value="" />
+                <attribute type="AssemblyProductAttribute" value="${project.short_description}" />
+                <attribute type="AssemblyCopyrightAttribute" value="Copyright (C) ${project.startyear}-${datetime::get-year(datetime::now())} Apache Software Foundation" />
+                <attribute type="AssemblyTrademarkAttribute" value="" />
+                <attribute type="AssemblyCultureAttribute" value="" />
+                <attribute type="AssemblyVersionAttribute" value="${project.version.numeric}" />
+                <attribute type="AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute" value="${project.version}" />
+            </attributes>
+        </asminfo>
+    </target>
+    <!-- ============================================================================================ -->
+    <!--    C O N F I G U R A T I O N     T A R G E T S                                               -->
+    <!-- ============================================================================================ -->
+    <target name="set-noskip-configuration" description="Disable skipping builds">
+        <property name="project.noskip" value="true" />
+    </target>
+    <target name="set-debug-configuration" description="Enabled 'debug' builds">
+        <property name="" value="debug" />
+        <property name="" value="true" />
+        <property name="" value="false" />
+        <property name="" value="${build.defines}DEBUG,TRACE," dynamic="true" />
+        <property name="csc.debug" value="Full" />
+        <property name="csc.optimize" value="false" />
+    </target>
+    <target name="set-release-configuration" description="Enabled 'release' builds">
+        <property name="" value="release" />
+        <property name="" value="true" />
+        <property name="" value="false" />
+        <property name="csc.debug" value="Full" />
+        <property name="csc.optimize" value="true" />
+    </target>
+    <target name="set-net-2.0-framework-configuration">
+        <property name="" value="net-2.0" />
+        <property name="" value=".NET 2.0" />
+        <property name="" value="${build.defines}NET,NET_2_0" dynamic="true" />
+        <property name="" value="true" />
+        <property name="link.sdkdoc.version" value="SDK_v2_0" />
+        <property name="link.sdkdoc.web" value="true" />
+        <!-- Use the .NET 3.5 compiler for improved language features.  Still targets same runtime. -->
+        <if test="${framework::exists('net-3.5')}">
+            <property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="net-3.5" />
+        </if>
+    </target>
+    <target name="set-net-3.5-framework-configuration">
+        <property name="" value="net-3.5" />
+        <property name="" value=".NET 3.5" />
+        <property name="" value="${build.defines}NET,NET_2_0,NET_3_5" dynamic="true" />
+        <property name="" value="true" />
+        <property name="link.sdkdoc.version" value="SDK_v6_1" />
+        <property name="link.sdkdoc.web" value="true" />
+        <if test="${framework::exists(}">
+            <property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="${}" />
+        </if>
+    </target>
+    <target name="set-net-4.0-framework-configuration">
+        <property name="" value="net-4.0" />
+        <property name="" value=".NET 4.0" />
+        <property name="" value="${build.defines}NET,NET_2_0,NET_3_5,NET_4_0" dynamic="true" />
+        <property name="" value="true" />
+        <property name="link.sdkdoc.version" value="SDK_v7_0" />
+        <property name="link.sdkdoc.web" value="true" />
+        <if test="${framework::exists(}">
+            <property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="${}" />
+        </if>
+    </target>
+    <target name="set-netcf-2.0-framework-configuration">
+        <property name="" value="netcf-2.0" />
+        <property name="" value=".NET Compact Framework 2.0" />
+        <property name="" value="${build.defines}PocketPC,NETCF,NETCF_2_0" dynamic="true" />
+        <property name="" value="true" />
+        <property name="link.sdkdoc.version" value="SDK_v1_1" />
+        <property name="link.sdkdoc.web" value="true" />
+        <if test="${framework::exists(}">
+            <property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="${}" />
+        </if>
+    </target>
+    <target name="set-netcf-3.5-framework-configuration">
+        <property name="" value="netcf-3.5" />
+        <property name="" value=".NET Compact Framework 3.5" />
+        <property name="" value="${build.defines}PocketPC,NETCF,NETCF_3_5" dynamic="true" />
+        <property name="" value="true" />
+        <property name="link.sdkdoc.version" value="SDK_v3_5" />
+        <property name="link.sdkdoc.web" value="true" />
+        <if test="${framework::exists(}">
+            <property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="${}" />
+        </if>
+    </target>
+    <target name="set-mono-2.0-framework-configuration">
+        <property name="" value="mono-2.0" />
+        <property name="" value="Mono 2.0" />
+        <property name="" value="${build.defines}MONO,MONO_2_0" dynamic="true" />
+        <property name="" value="true" />
+        <property name="link.sdkdoc.version" value="SDK_v1_1" />
+        <property name="link.sdkdoc.web" value="true" />
+        <if test="${framework::exists(}">
+            <property name="nant.settings.currentframework" value="${}" />
+        </if>
+    </target>
+    <!-- ============================================================================================ -->
+    <!--     C O M P I L E    T A R G E T S                                                           -->
+    <!-- ============================================================================================ -->
+    <target name="compile-all" description="Compile all build configurations for all runtime configurations">
+        <echo message="Compiling all build configurations for all runtime configurations." />
+        <foreach item="String" in="${build.framework.strings}" delim="," property="">
+            <foreach item="String" in="${build.config.strings}" delim="," property="">
+                <call target="compile-target" />
+            </foreach>
+        </foreach>
+    </target>
+    <target name="compile-target" depends="init, download-vendor, conditional-compile" />
+    <target name="conditional-compile" depends="init" unless="${build.skip or compile.skip}"
+            description="Conditionaly compiles all the modules if build framework and type are supported">
+        <call target="compile" />
+    </target>
+    <target name="compile" description="Compile everything">
+        <call target="compile-main" cascade="false" />
+        <call target="compile-test" cascade="false" />
+    </target>
+    <target name="compile-main" depends="init" description="Build the main library">
+        <echo message="Building the ${} library" />
+        <property name="assemblyinfo.filename" value="src/main/csharp/CommonAssemblyInfo.cs" />
+        <call target="generate-assemblyinfo" />
+        <csc if="${}" keyfile="${snk.file}" target="library"
+                define="${}" warnaserror="false" debug="${csc.debug}" optimize="${csc.optimize}"
+                output="${build.bin.dir}/${}.dll" doc="${build.bin.dir}/${}.xml">
+            <nowarn>
+                <warning number="1591" /> <!-- do not report warnings for missing XML comments -->
+            </nowarn>
+            <sources failonempty="true">
+                <include name="src/main/csharp/**.cs" />
+            </sources>
+            <references refid="dependencies" />
+        </csc>
+        <csc if="${not}" target="library"
+                define="${}" warnaserror="false" debug="${csc.debug}" optimize="${csc.optimize}"
+                output="${build.bin.dir}/${}.dll" doc="${build.bin.dir}/${}.xml">
+            <nowarn>
+                <warning number="1591" /> <!-- do not report warnings for missing XML comments -->
+            </nowarn>
+            <sources failonempty="true">
+                <include name="src/main/csharp/**.cs" />
+            </sources>
+            <references refid="dependencies" />
+        </csc>
+        <call target="copy-content" />
+    </target>
+    <!-- Compile the nms-test module -->
+    <target name="compile-test" depends="compile-main" description="Build the test library">
+        <echo message="Building the ${}.Test library" />
+        <property name="assemblyinfo.filename" value="src/test/csharp/CommonAssemblyInfo.cs" />
+        <call target="generate-assemblyinfo" />
+        <csc if="${}" keyfile="${snk.file}" target="library"
+                define="${}" warnaserror="false" debug="${csc.debug}" optimize="${csc.optimize}"
+                output="${build.bin.dir}/${}.Test.dll" doc="${build.bin.dir}/${}.Test.xml">
+            <nowarn>
+                <warning number="1591" /> <!-- do not report warnings for missing XML comments -->
+                <warning number="3016" /> <!-- do not report warnings for array parameters  -->
+            </nowarn>
+            <sources failonempty="true">
+                <include name="src/test/csharp/**.cs" />
+            </sources>
+            <references refid="test.dependencies" />
+        </csc>
+        <csc if="${not}" target="library"
+                define="${}" warnaserror="false" debug="${csc.debug}" optimize="${csc.optimize}"
+                output="${build.bin.dir}/${}.Test.dll" doc="${build.bin.dir}/${}.Test.xml">
+            <nowarn>
+                <warning number="1591" /> <!-- do not report warnings for missing XML comments -->
+                <warning number="3016" /> <!-- do not report warnings for array parameters  -->
+            </nowarn>
+            <sources failonempty="true">
+                <include name="src/test/csharp/**.cs" />
+            </sources>
+            <references refid="test.dependencies" />
+        </csc>
+        <call target="copy-content" />
+    </target>
+    <target name="copy-content">
+        <foreach item="File" property="content.filename">
+            <in>
+                <items refid="content.filenames" />
+            </in>
+            <do>
+                <copy todir="${build.bin.dir}" file="${content.filename}" if="${not file::up-to-date(content.filename, '${build.bin.dir}/${content.filename}')}" />
+            </do>
+        </foreach>
+    </target>
+    <!-- ============================================================================================ -->
+    <!--      I N S T A L L     T A R G E T S                                                         -->
+    <!-- ============================================================================================ -->
+    <target name="install-all" description="Install all build configurations for all runtime configurations">
+        <echo message="Installing all build configurations for all runtime configurations." />
+        <foreach item="String" in="${build.framework.strings}" delim="," property="">
+            <foreach item="String" in="${build.config.strings}" delim="," property="">
+                <call target="install" />
+            </foreach>
+        </foreach>
+    </target>
+    <!-- Install the modules to the local repo -->
+    <target name="install" depends="init, compile-target, conditional-install"
+            description="Install the artifacts into the nant repo" />
+    <target name="conditional-install" unless="${build.skip}"
+            description="Install the artifacts into the nant repo">
+        <property name="path" value="${}/${}/${project.version.full}/${}/${}" />
+        <foreach item="File" property="install.filename">
+            <in>
+                <items refid="install.filenames" />
+            </in>
+            <do>
+                <property name="repo.task.artifact" value="${path}/${path::get-file-name(install.filename)}" />
+                <property name="repo.task.src" value="${install.filename}" />
+                <property name="repo.task.dest" value="${nant.local.repo}/${repo.task.artifact}" />
+                <mkdir dir="${directory::get-parent-directory(repo.task.dest)}" />
+                <copy file="${repo.task.src}" tofile="${repo.task.dest}" />
+            </do>
+        </foreach>
+    </target>
+    <!-- ============================================================================================ -->
+    <!--      R E P O    D O W N L O A D     T A R G E T S                                            -->
+    <!-- ============================================================================================ -->
+    <target name="download-vendor-all" description="Download vendor files for all runtime configurations">
+        <echo message="Downloading vendor files for all runtime configurations." />
+        <property name="" value="release" />
+        <foreach item="String" in="${build.framework.strings}" delim="," property="">
+            <call target="download-vendor" />
+        </foreach>
+    </target>
+    <target name="download-vendor" depends="vendor-init, conditional-download"
+                description="Download the vendor artifacts from the nant repo" />
+    <target name="conditional-download" unless="${build.skip or download.skip}"
+                description="Download the artifacts from the nant repo">
+        <!-- Iterate over the defined vendor filesets. -->
+        <foreach item="String" in="${vendor.fileset.names}" delim="," property="current.vendor">
+            <property name="" value="${property::get-value(current.vendor + '.name')}" />
+            <property name="" value="${property::get-value(current.vendor + '.group')}" />
+            <property name="vendor.version" value="${property::get-value(current.vendor + '.version')}" />
+            <property name="vendor.filenames" value="${property::get-value(current.vendor + '.filenames')}" />
+            <property name="local.repo.vendor.path" value="${nant.local.repo}/${}/${}/${vendor.version}/${}/${}" />
+            <property name="lib.path" value="lib/${}/${}" />
+            <!--
+            Update the LIB folder with the latest version of the file.  If there is a newer version
+            installed in the local repository, then that version will be copied into the LIB folder.
+            -->
+            <foreach item="String" in="${vendor.filenames}" delim="," property="repo.task.artifact">
+                <property name="lib.task.dest" value="${lib.path}/${repo.task.artifact}" />
+                <mkdir dir="${directory::get-parent-directory(lib.task.dest)}" />
+                <property name="repo.task.src" value="${local.repo.vendor.path}/${repo.task.artifact}" />
+                <copy file="${repo.task.src}" tofile="${lib.task.dest}" if="${file::exists(repo.task.src)}" />
+                <if test="${not file::exists(lib.task.dest)}">
+                    <echo message="Required dependent assembly ${repo.task.artifact} from ${} for ${} is not available. Build skipped." />
+                    <property name="build.skip" value="true" />
+                </if>
+            </foreach>
+        </foreach>
+    </target>
+    <!-- ============================================================================================ -->
+    <!--      T E S T     T A R G E T S                                                               -->
+    <!-- ============================================================================================ -->
+    <target name="test" depends="test-debug" description="Alias test target to test-debug" />
+    <target name="test-all" depends="test-debug, test-release" description="Test all build configurations for all runtime configurations" />
+    <target name="test-debug" depends="" description="Test debug build configurations for all runtime configurations">
+        <property name="" value="debug" />
+        <call target="test-frameworks" />
+    </target>
+    <target name="test-release" depends="" description="Test release build configurations for all runtime configurations">
+        <property name="" value="release" />
+        <call target="test-frameworks" />
+    </target>
+    <target name="test-frameworks">
+        <foreach item="String" in="${build.framework.strings}" delim="," property="">
+            <call target="init" />
+            <if test="${not build.skip}">
+                <exec program="nunit-console" failonerror="true" workingdir="build/${}/${}">
+                    <arg value="${NUnit.Projectfile}" />
+                    <arg value="-labels" />
+                    <arg value="-exclude=LongRunning" />
+                    <arg value="-xml=Nunit.TestOutput.xml" />
+                </exec>
+            </if>
+        </foreach>
+    </target>
+    <!-- ============================================================================================ -->
+    <!--      M I S C E L L A N E O U S    T A R G E T S                                              -->
+    <!-- ============================================================================================ -->
+    <target name="build" depends="default" description="Build the project." />
+    <target name="rebuild" depends="clean,build" description="Rebuild the project." />
+    <target name="clean" description="Deletes build">
+        <if test="${target::exists('clean-init')}">
+            <call target="clean-init" />
+        </if>
+        <delete dir="build" if="${directory::exists('build')}" />
+        <delete dir="obj" if="${directory::exists('obj')}" />
+        <delete dir="package" if="${directory::exists('package')}" />
+    </target>
+    <target name="package" description="Bundle the source and binary distributions.">
+        <mkdir dir="${package.dir}"
+                if="${not directory::exists(package.dir)}" />
+        <zip zipfile="${package.dir}/${}">
+            <fileset refid="bin.package.contents"/>
+        </zip>
+        <zip zipfile="${package.dir}/${}">
+            <fileset refid="src.package.contents"/>
+        </zip>
+    </target>
+    <target name="doc" depends="build">
+        <mkdir dir="${doc.dir}" />
+        <ndoc failonerror="false">
+            <assemblies basedir="${build.bin.dir}">
+                <include name="${}.dll" />
+            </assemblies>
+            <summaries basedir="${basedir}/src/main/ndoc">
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Propchange: activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/nant-common.xml
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/
--- activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/ (added)
+++ activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/ Tue Dec 17 22:56:18 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+    contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+    this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+    The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+    (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+    the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+    limitations under the License.
+<project name="Apache.NMS.AMQP" default="default" xmlns="">
+    <!-- ============================================================================================ -->
+    <!--      I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N                                                             -->
+    <!-- ============================================================================================ -->
+    <property name="basedir"                   value="${project::get-base-directory()}" />
+    <property name=""              value="Apache.NMS.AMQP" />
+    <property name=""             value="org.apache.activemq" />
+    <property name="project.version"           value="1.6.0" unless="${property::exists('project.version')}" />
+    <property name="project.release.type"      value="SNAPSHOT" unless="${property::exists('project.release.type')}" />
+    <property name="project.short_description" value="Apache NMS for AMQP Class Library" />
+    <property name="project.description"       value="Apache NMS for AMQP Class Library (.Net Messaging Library Implementation): An implementation of the NMS API for AMQP using Apache QPID and Proton" />
+	<!-- Native Qpid DLLs -->
+    <property name="boost_chrono"              value="boost_chrono-${vcver}-mt${boostdebug}-1_47.dll"          dynamic="true" />
+    <property name="boost_date_time"           value="boost_date_time-${vcver}-mt${boostdebug}-1_47.dll"       dynamic="true" />
+    <property name="boost_program_options"     value="boost_program_options-${vcver}-mt${boostdebug}-1_47.dll" dynamic="true" />
+    <property name="boost_system"              value="boost_system-${vcver}-mt${boostdebug}-1_47.dll"          dynamic="true" />
+    <property name="boost_thread"              value="boost_thread-${vcver}-mt${boostdebug}-1_47.dll"          dynamic="true" />
+    <property name="qpidclient"                value="qpidclient${debugsuffix}.dll"    dynamic="true" />
+    <property name="qpidcommon"                value="qpidcommon${debugsuffix}.dll"    dynamic="true" />
+    <property name="qpidmessaging"             value="qpidmessaging${debugsuffix}.dll" dynamic="true" />
+    <property name="qpid-proton"               value="qpid-proton${debugsuffix}.dll"   dynamic="true" />
+    <property name="qpidtypes"                 value="qpidtypes${debugsuffix}.dll"     dynamic="true" />
+    <!-- Repository organized as: organization/module/version/plaform/artifact, platform might be something like 'all' or 'net-2.0/release' -->
+    <property name="nunit.dll"                 value="${basedir}/lib/NUnit/${}/nunit.framework.dll"                 dynamic="true" />
+    <property name="Apache.NMS.dll"            value="${basedir}/lib/Apache.NMS/${}/Apache.NMS.dll"                 dynamic="true" />
+    <property name="Apache.NMS.pdb"            value="${basedir}/lib/Apache.NMS/${}/Apache.NMS.pdb"                 dynamic="true" />
+    <property name="Apache.NMS.Test.dll"       value="${basedir}/lib/Apache.NMS/${}/Apache.NMS.Test.dll"            dynamic="true" />
+    <property name="Apache.NMS.Test.pdb"       value="${basedir}/lib/Apache.NMS/${}/Apache.NMS.Test.pdb"            dynamic="true" />
+    <property name="Apache.Qpid.dll"           value="${basedir}/lib/Apache.Qpid/${}/org.apache.qpid.messaging.dll" dynamic="true" />
+    <property name="NUnit.Projectfile"         value="Apache.NMS.AMQP.Test.nunit" />
+    <!-- Skip certain frameworks, since Apache Qpid is not supported on those platforms. -->
+    <property name="build.netcf-2.0.skip" value="true" />
+    <property name="build.netcf-3.5.skip" value="true" />
+    <property name="build.mono-2.0.skip" value="true" />
+    <property name="" value="true" />
+    <property name="" value="true" />
+    <property name="build.framework.strings" value="net-4.0"/>
+    <target name="vendor-init" description="Initializes Vendor library from local repository.">
+        <!--
+           Vendor specific info.  The prefix of '' is taken from the property
+           'vendor.fileset.names'.  This comma-delimited list is iterated, and properties with
+           well-known suffixes are used to access and copy down vendor file dependencies.
+        -->
+        <property name="vendor.fileset.names" value=",," />
+        <!-- Property grouping for '' -->
+        <property name=""      value="Apache.NMS" />
+        <property name=""     value="org.apache.activemq" />
+        <property name=""   value="1.7.0" />
+        <property name="" value="Apache.NMS.dll,Apache.NMS.pdb,Apache.NMS.Test.dll,Apache.NMS.Test.pdb" />
+        <!-- Property grouping for '' -->
+        <property name=""      value="NUnit" />
+        <property name=""     value="org.nunit" />
+        <property name=""   value="2.5.8" />
+        <property name="" value="nunit.framework.dll" />
+        <!-- Property grouping for '' -->
+        <property name=""      value="Apache.Qpid" />
+        <property name=""     value="org.apache.qpid" />
+        <property name=""   value="" />
+		<property name="vcver"                            value="${if( == 'net-4.0', 'vc100', 'vc90')}" />
+		<property name="debugsuffix"                      value="${if(project.release.type == 'release', '', 'd')}" />
+		<property name="boostdebug"                       value="${if(project.release.type == 'release', '', '-gd')}" />
+		<echo message="Vendor-init = ${}, project.release.type = ${project.release.type}" />
+		<echo message="vcver = ${vcver}, debugsuffix = ${debugsuffix}, boostdebug = ${boostdebug}" />
+        <property name="" value="org.apache.qpid.messaging.dll,${boost_chrono},${boost_date_time},${boost_program_options},${boost_system},${boost_thread},${qpidclient},${qpidcommon},${qpidmessaging},${qpid-proton},${qpidtypes}" dynamic="true"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="dependency-init" description="Initializes build dependencies">
+        <assemblyfileset failonempty="true" id="dependencies">
+            <include name="${}/mscorlib.dll" />
+            <include name="${}/System.dll" />
+            <include name="${}/System.Xml.dll" />
+            <include name="${Apache.NMS.dll}" />
+			<include name="${Apache.Qpid.dll}" />
+        </assemblyfileset>
+        <assemblyfileset failonempty="true" id="test.dependencies">
+            <include name="${}/mscorlib.dll" />
+            <include name="${}/System.dll" />
+            <include name="${}/System.Xml.dll" />
+            <include name="${Apache.NMS.dll}" />
+            <include name="${Apache.NMS.Test.dll}" />
+			<include name="${Apache.Qpid.dll}" />
+            <include name="${build.bin.dir}/${}.dll" />
+            <include name="${nunit.dll}" />
+        </assemblyfileset>
+        <fileset id="content.filenames">
+            <include name="LICENSE.txt" />
+            <include name="NOTICE.txt" />
+            <include name="nmsprovider-*.config" />
+            <include name="${Apache.NMS.dll}" />
+            <include name="${Apache.NMS.pdb}" />
+            <include name="${Apache.NMS.Test.dll}" />
+            <include name="${Apache.NMS.Test.pdb}" />
+			<include name="${Apache.Qpid.dll}" />
+            <include name="${nunit.dll}" />
+            <include name="${NUnit.Projectfile}" />
+        </fileset>
+        <fileset id="install.filenames">
+            <include name="LICENSE.txt" />
+            <include name="NOTICE.txt" />
+            <include name="${build.bin.dir}/${}.dll" />
+            <include name="${build.bin.dir}/${}.pdb" />
+        </fileset>
+    </target>
+    <target name="default" depends="install-all" />
+    <zipfileset id="src.package.contents" basedir="${basedir}">
+        <include name="LICENSE.txt" />
+        <include name="NOTICE.txt" />
+        <include name="nant-common.xml" />
+        <include name="" />
+        <include name="" />
+        <include name="nmsprovider*.config" />
+        <include name="vs2008-*.csproj" />
+        <include name="vs2008-*.csproj" />
+        <include name="vs2008-*.sln" />
+        <include name="keyfile/*" />
+        <include name="src/**/*.cs" />
+        <exclude name="src/sandbox/**" />
+    </zipfileset>
+    <zipfileset id="bin.package.contents" basedir="${basedir}">
+        <include name="LICENSE.txt" />
+        <include name="NOTICE.txt" />
+        <include name="build/**/nmsprovider*" />
+        <include name="build/**/${}*" />
+        <include name="lib/**/*" />
+        <exclude name="build/**/%temp%/**" />
+    </zipfileset>
+    <!-- Load the common target definitions  -->
+    <include buildfile="${basedir}/nant-common.xml" />

Added: activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/nmsprovider-amqp.config
--- activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/nmsprovider-amqp.config (added)
+++ activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/nmsprovider-amqp.config Tue Dec 17 22:56:18 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+* contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+* the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+* limitations under the License.
+	<provider assembly="Apache.NMS.AMQP" classFactory="Apache.NMS.AMQP.ConnectionFactory"/>

Propchange: activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/nmsprovider-amqp.config
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/nmsprovider-test.config
--- activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/nmsprovider-test.config (added)
+++ activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/nmsprovider-test.config Tue Dec 17 22:56:18 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
+* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+* contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+* the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+* limitations under the License.
+    <defaultURI value="amqp:tcp://${activemqhost}:61613"/>
+  <InvalidCredentials-BogusUser value="qpid:failover:tcp://${activemqhost}:61613">
+    <factoryParams>
+      <param type="string" value="InvalidCredentialsTestClient"/>
+    </factoryParams>
+    <userName value="BogusUser"/>
+    <passWord value="BogusPassword"/>
+  </InvalidCredentials-BogusUser>
+  <InvalidCredentials-AuthenticUser value="amqp:failover:tcp://${activemqhost}:61613">
+    <factoryParams>
+      <param type="string" value="InvalidCredentialsTestClient"/>
+    </factoryParams>
+    <userName value="system"/>
+    <passWord value="manager"/>
+  </InvalidCredentials-AuthenticUser>

Propchange: activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/nmsprovider-test.config
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/package.ps1
--- activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/package.ps1 (added)
+++ activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/package.ps1 Tue Dec 17 22:56:18 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+$pkgname = "Apache.NMS.AMQP"
+$pkgver = "1.6-SNAPSHOT"
+$configurations = "release", "debug"
+$frameworks = "net-2.0", "net-4.0"
+write-progress "Creating package directory." "Initializing..."
+if(!(test-path package))
+    md package
+if(test-path build)
+    pushd build
+    $pkgdir = "..\package"
+    write-progress "Packaging Application files." "Scanning..."
+    $zipfile = "$pkgdir\$pkgname-$"
+    zip -9 -u -j "$zipfile" ..\LICENSE.txt
+    zip -9 -u -j "$zipfile" ..\NOTICE.txt
+    foreach($configuration in $configurations)
+    {
+        foreach($framework in $frameworks)
+        {
+            zip -9 -u "$zipfile" "$framework\$configuration\$pkgname.dll"
+            zip -9 -u "$zipfile" "$framework\$configuration\$pkgname.xml"
+            zip -9 -u "$zipfile" "$framework\$configuration\nmsprovider*.config"
+            zip -9 -u "$zipfile" "$framework\$configuration\$pkgname.Test.dll"
+            zip -9 -u "$zipfile" "$framework\$configuration\$pkgname.Test.xml"
+            if($framework -ieq "mono-2.0")
+            {
+                zip -9 -u "$zipfile" "$framework\$configuration\$pkgname.dll.mdb"
+                zip -9 -u "$zipfile" "$framework\$configuration\$pkgname.Test.dll.mdb"
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                zip -9 -u "$zipfile" "$framework\$configuration\$pkgname.pdb"
+                zip -9 -u "$zipfile" "$framework\$configuration\$pkgname.Test.pdb"
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    popd
+write-progress "Packaging Source code files." "Scanning..."
+$pkgdir = "package"
+$zipfile = "$pkgdir\$pkgname-$"
+zip -9 -u "$zipfile" LICENSE.txt NOTICE.txt nant-common.xml package.ps1 vs2008-amqp-test.csproj vs2008-amqp.csproj vs2008-amqp.sln vs2010-amqp-test.csproj vs2010-amqp.csproj vs2010-amqp.sln nmsprovider*.config
+zip -9 -u -r "$zipfile" keyfile src
+write-progress -Completed "Packaging" "Complete."

Added: activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/src/main/csharp/BaseMessage.cs
--- activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/src/main/csharp/BaseMessage.cs (added)
+++ activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/src/main/csharp/BaseMessage.cs Tue Dec 17 22:56:18 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+using System;
+using Apache.NMS.Util;
+namespace Apache.NMS.Amqp
+	public delegate void AcknowledgeHandler(BaseMessage baseMessage);
+	public class BaseMessage : IMessage
+	{
+		private PrimitiveMap propertiesMap = new PrimitiveMap();
+		private IDestination destination;
+		private string correlationId;
+		private TimeSpan timeToLive;
+		private string messageId;
+		private MsgDeliveryMode deliveryMode;
+		private MsgPriority priority;
+		private Destination replyTo;
+		private byte[] content;
+		private string type;
+		private event AcknowledgeHandler Acknowledger;
+		private DateTime timestamp = new DateTime();
+		private bool readOnlyMsgBody = false;
+		public bool ReadOnlyBody
+		{
+			get { return readOnlyMsgBody; }
+			set { readOnlyMsgBody = value; }
+		}
+		// IMessage interface
+		public void Acknowledge()
+		{
+			if(null != Acknowledger)
+			{
+				Acknowledger(this);
+			}
+		}
+		/// <summary>
+		/// Clears out the message body. Clearing a message's body does not clear its header
+		/// values or property entries.
+		///
+		/// If this message body was read-only, calling this method leaves the message body in
+		/// the same state as an empty body in a newly created message.
+		/// </summary>
+		public virtual void ClearBody()
+		{
+			this.Content = null;
+			this.readOnlyMsgBody = false;
+		}
+		/// <summary>
+		/// Clears a message's properties.
+		///
+		/// The message's header fields and body are not cleared.
+		/// </summary>
+		public virtual void ClearProperties()
+		{
+			propertiesMap.Clear();
+		}
+		// Properties
+		public IPrimitiveMap Properties
+		{
+			get { return propertiesMap; }
+		}
+		// NMS headers
+		/// <summary>
+		/// The correlation ID used to correlate messages with conversations or long running business processes
+		/// </summary>
+		public string NMSCorrelationID
+		{
+			get { return correlationId; }
+			set { correlationId = value; }
+		}
+		/// <summary>
+		/// The destination of the message
+		/// </summary>
+		public IDestination NMSDestination
+		{
+			get { return destination; }
+			set { destination = value; }
+		}
+		/// <summary>
+		/// The time in milliseconds that this message should expire in
+		/// </summary>
+		public TimeSpan NMSTimeToLive
+		{
+			get { return timeToLive; }
+			set { timeToLive = value; }
+		}
+		/// <summary>
+		/// The message ID which is set by the provider
+		/// </summary>
+		public string NMSMessageId
+		{
+			get { return messageId; }
+			set { messageId = value; }
+		}
+		/// <summary>
+		/// Whether or not this message is persistent
+		/// </summary>
+		public MsgDeliveryMode NMSDeliveryMode
+		{
+			get { return deliveryMode; }
+			set { deliveryMode = value; }
+		}
+		/// <summary>
+		/// The Priority on this message
+		/// </summary>
+		public MsgPriority NMSPriority
+		{
+			get { return priority; }
+			set { priority = value; }
+		}
+		/// <summary>
+		/// Returns true if this message has been redelivered to this or another consumer before being acknowledged successfully.
+		/// </summary>
+		public bool NMSRedelivered
+		{
+			get { return false; }
+            set { }
+		}
+		/// <summary>
+		/// The destination that the consumer of this message should send replies to
+		/// </summary>
+		public IDestination NMSReplyTo
+		{
+			get { return replyTo; }
+			set { replyTo = (Destination) value; }
+		}
+		/// <summary>
+		/// The timestamp the broker added to the message
+		/// </summary>
+		public DateTime NMSTimestamp
+		{
+			get { return timestamp; }
+			set { timestamp = value; }
+		}
+		public byte[] Content
+		{
+			get { return content; }
+			set { this.content = value; }
+		}
+		/// <summary>
+		/// The type name of this message
+		/// </summary>
+		public string NMSType
+		{
+			get { return type; }
+			set { type = value; }
+		}
+		public object GetObjectProperty(string name)
+		{
+			return null;
+		}
+		public void SetObjectProperty(string name, object value)
+		{
+		}
+		protected void FailIfReadOnlyBody()
+		{
+			if(ReadOnlyBody == true)
+			{
+				throw new MessageNotWriteableException("Message is in Read-Only mode.");
+			}
+		}
+		protected void FailIfWriteOnlyBody()
+		{
+			if( ReadOnlyBody == false )
+			{
+				throw new MessageNotReadableException("Message is in Write-Only mode.");
+			}
+		}
+	}

Propchange: activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/src/main/csharp/BaseMessage.cs
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/src/main/csharp/BytesMessage.cs
--- activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/src/main/csharp/BytesMessage.cs (added)
+++ activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/src/main/csharp/BytesMessage.cs Tue Dec 17 22:56:18 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+using Apache.NMS.Util;
+using System.IO;
+using System;
+namespace Apache.NMS.Amqp
+	/// <summary>
+	///
+	/// A BytesMessage object is used to send a message containing a stream of uninterpreted
+	/// bytes. It inherits from the Message interface and adds a bytes message body. The
+	/// receiver of the message supplies the interpretation of the bytes.
+	///
+	/// This message type is for client encoding of existing message formats. If possible,
+	/// one of the other self-defining message types should be used instead.
+	///
+	/// Although the NMS API allows the use of message properties with byte messages, they
+	/// are typically not used, since the inclusion of properties may affect the format.
+	///
+	/// When the message is first created, and when ClearBody is called, the body of the
+	/// message is in write-only mode. After the first call to Reset has been made, the
+	/// message body is in read-only mode. After a message has been sent, the client that
+	/// sent it can retain and modify it without affecting the message that has been sent.
+	/// The same message object can be sent multiple times. When a message has been received,
+	/// the provider has called Reset so that the message body is in read-only mode for the
+	/// client.
+	///
+	/// If ClearBody is called on a message in read-only mode, the message body is cleared and
+	/// the message is in write-only mode.
+	///
+	/// If a client attempts to read a message in write-only mode, a MessageNotReadableException
+	/// is thrown.
+	///
+	/// If a client attempts to write a message in read-only mode, a MessageNotWriteableException
+	/// is thrown.
+	/// </summary>
+	public class BytesMessage : BaseMessage, IBytesMessage
+	{
+		private EndianBinaryReader dataIn = null;
+		private EndianBinaryWriter dataOut = null;
+		private MemoryStream outputBuffer = null;
+		// Need this later when we add compression to store true content length.
+		private long length = 0;
+		public override void ClearBody()
+		{
+			base.ClearBody();
+			this.outputBuffer = null;
+			this.dataIn = null;
+			this.dataOut = null;
+			this.length = 0;
+		}
+		public long BodyLength
+		{
+			get
+			{
+				InitializeReading();
+				return this.length;
+			}
+		}
+		public byte ReadByte()
+		{
+			InitializeReading();
+			try
+			{
+				return dataIn.ReadByte();
+			}
+			catch(EndOfStreamException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageEOFException(e);
+			}
+			catch(IOException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageFormatException(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public void WriteByte( byte value )
+		{
+			InitializeWriting();
+			try
+			{
+				dataOut.Write( value );
+			}
+			catch(Exception e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.Create(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public bool ReadBoolean()
+		{
+			InitializeReading();
+			try
+			{
+				return dataIn.ReadBoolean();
+			}
+			catch(EndOfStreamException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageEOFException(e);
+			}
+			catch(IOException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageFormatException(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public void WriteBoolean( bool value )
+		{
+			InitializeWriting();
+			try
+			{
+				dataOut.Write( value );
+			}
+			catch(Exception e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.Create(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public char ReadChar()
+		{
+			InitializeReading();
+			try
+			{
+				return dataIn.ReadChar();
+			}
+			catch(EndOfStreamException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageEOFException(e);
+			}
+			catch(IOException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageFormatException(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public void WriteChar( char value )
+		{
+			InitializeWriting();
+			try
+			{
+				dataOut.Write( value );
+			}
+			catch(Exception e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.Create(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public short ReadInt16()
+		{
+			InitializeReading();
+			try
+			{
+				return dataIn.ReadInt16();
+			}
+			catch(EndOfStreamException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageEOFException(e);
+			}
+			catch(IOException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageFormatException(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public void WriteInt16( short value )
+		{
+			InitializeWriting();
+			try
+			{
+				dataOut.Write( value );
+			}
+			catch(Exception e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.Create(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public int ReadInt32()
+		{
+			InitializeReading();
+			try
+			{
+				return dataIn.ReadInt32();
+			}
+			catch(EndOfStreamException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageEOFException(e);
+			}
+			catch(IOException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageFormatException(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public void WriteInt32( int value )
+		{
+			InitializeWriting();
+			try
+			{
+				dataOut.Write( value );
+			}
+			catch(Exception e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.Create(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public long ReadInt64()
+		{
+			InitializeReading();
+			try
+			{
+				return dataIn.ReadInt64();
+			}
+			catch(EndOfStreamException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageEOFException(e);
+			}
+			catch(IOException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageFormatException(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public void WriteInt64( long value )
+		{
+			InitializeWriting();
+			try
+			{
+				dataOut.Write( value );
+			}
+			catch(Exception e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.Create(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public float ReadSingle()
+		{
+			InitializeReading();
+			try
+			{
+				return dataIn.ReadSingle();
+			}
+			catch(EndOfStreamException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageEOFException(e);
+			}
+			catch(IOException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageFormatException(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public void WriteSingle( float value )
+		{
+			InitializeWriting();
+			try
+			{
+				dataOut.Write( value );
+			}
+			catch(Exception e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.Create(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public double ReadDouble()
+		{
+			InitializeReading();
+			try
+			{
+				return dataIn.ReadDouble();
+			}
+			catch(EndOfStreamException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageEOFException(e);
+			}
+			catch(IOException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageFormatException(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public void WriteDouble( double value )
+		{
+			InitializeWriting();
+			try
+			{
+				dataOut.Write( value );
+			}
+			catch(Exception e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.Create(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public int ReadBytes( byte[] value )
+		{
+			InitializeReading();
+			try
+			{
+				return dataIn.Read( value, 0, value.Length );
+			}
+			catch(EndOfStreamException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageEOFException(e);
+			}
+			catch(IOException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageFormatException(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public int ReadBytes( byte[] value, int length )
+		{
+			InitializeReading();
+			try
+			{
+				return dataIn.Read( value, 0, length );
+			}
+			catch(EndOfStreamException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageEOFException(e);
+			}
+			catch(IOException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageFormatException(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public void WriteBytes( byte[] value )
+		{
+			InitializeWriting();
+			try
+			{
+				dataOut.Write( value, 0, value.Length );
+			}
+			catch(Exception e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.Create(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public void WriteBytes( byte[] value, int offset, int length )
+		{
+			InitializeWriting();
+			try
+			{
+				dataOut.Write( value, offset, length );
+			}
+			catch(Exception e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.Create(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public string ReadString()
+		{
+			InitializeReading();
+			try
+			{
+				// JMS, CMS and NMS all encode the String using a 16 bit size header.
+				return dataIn.ReadString16();
+			}
+			catch(EndOfStreamException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageEOFException(e);
+			}
+			catch(IOException e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.CreateMessageFormatException(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public void WriteString( string value )
+		{
+			InitializeWriting();
+			try
+			{
+				// JMS, CMS and NMS all encode the String using a 16 bit size header.
+				dataOut.WriteString16(value);
+			}
+			catch(Exception e)
+			{
+				throw NMSExceptionSupport.Create(e);
+			}
+		}
+		public void WriteObject( System.Object value )
+		{
+			InitializeWriting();
+			if( value is System.Byte )
+			{
+				this.dataOut.Write( (byte) value );
+			}
+			else if( value is Char )
+			{
+				this.dataOut.Write( (char) value );
+			}
+			else if( value is Boolean )
+			{
+				this.dataOut.Write( (bool) value );
+			}
+			else if( value is Int16 )
+			{
+				this.dataOut.Write( (short) value );
+			}
+			else if( value is Int32 )
+			{
+				this.dataOut.Write( (int) value );
+			}
+			else if( value is Int64 )
+			{
+				this.dataOut.Write( (long) value );
+			}
+			else if( value is Single )
+			{
+				this.dataOut.Write( (float) value );
+			}
+			else if( value is Double )
+			{
+				this.dataOut.Write( (double) value );
+			}
+			else if( value is byte[] )
+			{
+				this.dataOut.Write( (byte[]) value );
+			}
+			else if( value is String )
+			{
+				this.dataOut.WriteString16( (string) value );
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				throw new MessageFormatException("Cannot write non-primitive type:" + value.GetType());
+			}
+		}
+		public void Reset()
+		{
+			StoreContent();
+			this.dataIn = null;
+			this.dataOut = null;
+			this.outputBuffer = null;
+			this.ReadOnlyBody = true;
+		}
+		private void InitializeReading()
+		{
+			FailIfWriteOnlyBody();
+			if(this.dataIn == null)
+			{
+				if(this.Content != null)
+				{
+					this.length = this.Content.Length;
+				}
+				// TODO - Add support for Message Compression.
+				MemoryStream bytesIn = new MemoryStream(this.Content, false);
+				dataIn = new EndianBinaryReader(bytesIn);
+			}
+		}
+		private void InitializeWriting()
+		{
+			FailIfReadOnlyBody();
+			if(this.dataOut == null)
+			{
+				// TODO - Add support for Message Compression.
+				this.outputBuffer = new MemoryStream();
+				this.dataOut = new EndianBinaryWriter(outputBuffer);
+			}
+		}
+		private void StoreContent()
+		{
+			if( dataOut != null)
+			{
+				dataOut.Close();
+				// TODO - Add support for Message Compression.
+				this.Content = outputBuffer.ToArray();
+				this.dataOut = null;
+				this.outputBuffer = null;
+			}
+		}
+	}

Propchange: activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/src/main/csharp/BytesMessage.cs
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/src/main/csharp/CommonAssemblyInfo.cs
--- activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/src/main/csharp/CommonAssemblyInfo.cs (added)
+++ activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/src/main/csharp/CommonAssemblyInfo.cs Tue Dec 17 22:56:18 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+using System;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+// <auto-generated>
+//     This code was generated by a tool.
+//     Runtime Version:4.0.30319.18408
+//     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
+//     the code is regenerated.
+// </auto-generated>
+[assembly: ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
+[assembly: CLSCompliantAttribute(true)]
+[assembly: AssemblyTitleAttribute("Apache NMS for AMQP Class Library")]
+[assembly: AssemblyDescriptionAttribute("Apache NMS for AMQP Class Library (.Net Messaging Library Implementation): An imp" +
+    "lementation of the NMS API for AMQP using Apache QPID and Proton")]
+[assembly: AssemblyConfigurationAttribute("SNAPSHOT")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCompanyAttribute("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyProductAttribute("Apache NMS for AMQP Class Library")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCopyrightAttribute("Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Apache Software Foundation")]
+[assembly: AssemblyTrademarkAttribute("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyCultureAttribute("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyVersionAttribute("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute("1.6.0")]

Propchange: activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/src/main/csharp/CommonAssemblyInfo.cs
    svn:eol-style = native

Added: activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/src/main/csharp/Connection.cs
--- activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/src/main/csharp/Connection.cs (added)
+++ activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/src/main/csharp/Connection.cs Tue Dec 17 22:56:18 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Threading;
+using Apache.NMS.Util;
+using Org.Apache.Qpid.Messaging;
+namespace Apache.NMS.Amqp
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Represents a NMS Qpid/Amqp connection.
+    /// </summary>
+    ///
+    public class Connection : IConnection
+    {
+        private static readonly TimeSpan InfiniteTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Timeout.Infinite);
+        private AcknowledgementMode acknowledgementMode = AcknowledgementMode.AutoAcknowledge;
+        private IMessageConverter messageConverter = new DefaultMessageConverter();
+        private IRedeliveryPolicy redeliveryPolicy;
+        private ConnectionMetaData metaData = null;
+        private readonly object connectedLock = new object();
+        private readonly Atomic<bool> connected = new Atomic<bool>(false);
+        private readonly Atomic<bool> closed = new Atomic<bool>(false);
+        private readonly Atomic<bool> closing = new Atomic<bool>(false);
+        private readonly Atomic<bool> started = new Atomic<bool>(false);
+        private bool disposed = false;
+        private string clientId;
+        private Uri brokerUri;
+        private int sessionCounter = 0; 
+        private readonly IList sessions = ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList());
+        Org.Apache.Qpid.Messaging.Connection qpidConnection = null; // Don't create until Start()
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Creates new connection
+        /// </summary>
+        /// <param name="connectionUri"></param>
+        public Connection(Uri connectionUri)
+        {
+            this.brokerUri = connectionUri;
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Destroys connection
+        /// </summary>
+        ~Connection()
+        {
+            Dispose(false);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Starts message delivery for this connection.
+        /// </summary>
+        public void Start()
+        {
+            CheckConnected();
+            if (started.CompareAndSet(false, true))
+            {
+                lock (sessions.SyncRoot)
+                {
+                    foreach (Session session in sessions)
+                    {
+                        //session.Start();
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// This property determines if the asynchronous message delivery of incoming
+        /// messages has been started for this connection.
+        /// </summary>
+        public bool IsStarted
+        {
+            get { return started.Value; }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Temporarily stop asynchronous delivery of inbound messages for this connection.
+        /// The sending of outbound messages is unaffected.
+        /// </summary>
+        public void Stop()
+        {
+            if (started.CompareAndSet(true, false))
+            {
+                lock (sessions.SyncRoot)
+                {
+                    foreach (Session session in sessions)
+                    {
+                        //session.Stop();
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Creates a new session to work on this connection
+        /// </summary>
+        public ISession CreateSession()
+        {
+            return CreateSession(acknowledgementMode);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Creates a new session to work on this connection
+        /// </summary>
+        public ISession CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode mode)
+        {
+            CheckConnected();
+            return new Session(this, GetNextSessionId(), mode);
+        }
+        internal void AddSession(Session session)
+        {
+            if (!this.closing.Value)
+            {
+                sessions.Add(session);
+            }
+        }
+        internal void RemoveSession(Session session)
+        {
+            if (!this.closing.Value)
+            {
+                sessions.Remove(session);
+            }
+        }
+        public void Dispose()
+        {
+            Dispose(true);
+            GC.SuppressFinalize(this);
+        }
+        protected void Dispose(bool disposing)
+        {
+            if (disposed)
+            {
+                return;
+            }
+            if (disposing)
+            {
+                // Dispose managed code here.
+            }
+            try
+            {
+                Close();
+            }
+            catch
+            {
+                // Ignore network errors.
+            }
+            disposed = true;
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Get/or set the broker Uri.
+        /// </summary>
+        public Uri BrokerUri
+        {
+            get { return brokerUri; }
+            set { brokerUri = value; }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// The default timeout for network requests.
+        /// </summary>
+        public TimeSpan RequestTimeout
+        {
+            get { return NMSConstants.defaultRequestTimeout; }
+            set { }
+        }
+        public AcknowledgementMode AcknowledgementMode
+        {
+            get { return acknowledgementMode; }
+            set { acknowledgementMode = value; }
+        }
+        public IMessageConverter MessageConverter
+        {
+            get { return messageConverter; }
+            set { messageConverter = value; }
+        }
+        public string ClientId
+        {
+            get { return clientId; }
+            set
+            {
+                if(connected.Value)
+                {
+                    throw new NMSException("You cannot change the ClientId once the Connection is connected");
+                }
+                clientId = value;
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Get/or set the redelivery policy for this connection.
+        /// </summary>
+        public IRedeliveryPolicy RedeliveryPolicy
+        {
+            get { return this.redeliveryPolicy; }
+            set { this.redeliveryPolicy = value; }
+        }
+        private ConsumerTransformerDelegate consumerTransformer;
+        public ConsumerTransformerDelegate ConsumerTransformer
+        {
+            get { return this.consumerTransformer; }
+            set { this.consumerTransformer = value; }
+        }
+        private ProducerTransformerDelegate producerTransformer;
+        public ProducerTransformerDelegate ProducerTransformer
+        {
+            get { return this.producerTransformer; }
+            set { this.producerTransformer = value; }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Gets the Meta Data for the NMS Connection instance.
+        /// </summary>
+        public IConnectionMetaData MetaData
+        {
+            get { return this.metaData ?? (this.metaData = new ConnectionMetaData()); }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// A delegate that can receive transport level exceptions.
+        /// </summary>
+        public event ExceptionListener ExceptionListener;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// An asynchronous listener that is notified when a Fault tolerant connection
+        /// has been interrupted.
+        /// </summary>
+        public event ConnectionInterruptedListener ConnectionInterruptedListener;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// An asynchronous listener that is notified when a Fault tolerant connection
+        /// has been resumed.
+        /// </summary>
+        public event ConnectionResumedListener ConnectionResumedListener;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Check and ensure that the connection object is connected.  
+        /// New connections are established for the first time.
+        /// Subsequent calls verify that connection is connected and is not closed or closing.
+        /// This function returns only if connection is successfully opened else
+        /// a ConnectionClosedException is thrown.
+        /// </summary>
+        internal void CheckConnected()
+        {
+            if (closed.Value || closing.Value)
+            {
+                throw new ConnectionClosedException();
+            }
+            if (connected.Value)
+            {
+                return;
+            }
+            DateTime timeoutTime = DateTime.Now + this.RequestTimeout;
+            int waitCount = 1;
+            while (!connected.Value && !closed.Value && !closing.Value)
+            {
+                if (Monitor.TryEnter(connectedLock))
+                {
+                    try // strictly for Monitor unlock
+                    {
+                        // Create and open the Qpid connection
+                        try
+                        {
+                            // TODO: embellish the brokerUri with other connection options
+                            // Allocate a new Qpid connection
+                            qpidConnection = new Org.Apache.Qpid.Messaging.Connection(brokerUri.ToString());
+                            // Open the connection
+                            qpidConnection.Open();
+                            connected.Value = true;
+                        }
+                        catch (Org.Apache.Qpid.Messaging.QpidException e)
+                        {
+                            throw new ConnectionClosedException( e.Message );
+                        }
+                    }
+                    finally
+                    {
+                        Monitor.Exit(connectedLock);
+                    }
+                }
+                if (connected.Value || closed.Value || closing.Value
+                    || (DateTime.Now > timeoutTime && this.RequestTimeout != InfiniteTimeSpan))
+                {
+                    break;
+                }
+                // Back off from being overly aggressive.  Having too many threads
+                // aggressively trying to connect to a down broker pegs the CPU.
+                Thread.Sleep(5 * (waitCount++));
+            }
+            if (!connected.Value)
+            {
+                throw new ConnectionClosedException();
+            }
+        }
+        public void Close()
+        {
+            Dispose();
+        }
+        public void PurgeTempDestinations()
+        {
+        }
+        public void HandleException(Exception e)
+        {
+            if(ExceptionListener != null && !this.closed.Value)
+            {
+                ExceptionListener(e);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                Tracer.Error(e);
+            }
+        }
+        public int GetNextSessionId()
+        {
+            return Interlocked.Increment(ref sessionCounter);
+        }
+    }

Propchange: activemq/activemq-dotnet/Apache.NMS.AMQP/trunk/src/main/csharp/Connection.cs
    svn:eol-style = native