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[40/50] [abbrv] git commit: [#5453] Remove old file, improve userstats code

[#5453] Remove old file, improve userstats code


Branch: refs/heads/db/5453
Commit: 2cfc060827c36478c18d54f7176dc461d8039cc6
Parents: 2df588d
Author: Stefano Invernizzi <>
Authored: Sun Mar 24 11:00:39 2013 +0100
Committer: Dave Brondsema <>
Committed: Wed Apr 3 21:52:58 2013 +0000

 Allura/allura/controllers/                  |   12 -
 Allura/allura/controllers/            |   24 -
 .../ext/user_profile/templates/user_index.html     |    9 -
 Allura/allura/lib/                        |   14 +
 Allura/allura/model/               |  637 --------------
 Allura/allura/model/                       |  640 ++++++++++++++-
 Allura/allura/templates/site_admin.html            |    1 -
 Allura/allura/tests/functional/  |   15 -
 ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/model/       |    9 +-
 .../data/testgit.git/hooks/applypatch-msg.sample   |   15 -
 .../tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/commit-msg.sample |   24 -
 .../data/testgit.git/hooks/post-commit.sample      |    8 -
 .../tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/post-receive      |    1 -
 .../data/testgit.git/hooks/post-receive.sample     |   15 -
 .../data/testgit.git/hooks/post-update.sample      |    8 -
 .../data/testgit.git/hooks/pre-applypatch.sample   |   14 -
 .../tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/pre-commit.sample |   46 -
 .../tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/pre-rebase.sample |  169 ----
 .../testgit.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg.sample    |   36 -
 .../tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/update            |    1 -
 .../tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/update.sample     |  128 ---
 21 files changed, 652 insertions(+), 1174 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Allura/allura/controllers/ b/Allura/allura/controllers/
index 1b9c74e..8e18767 100644
--- a/Allura/allura/controllers/
+++ b/Allura/allura/controllers/
@@ -726,18 +726,6 @@ class SubscriptionsController(BaseController):
-    def upload_sshkey(self, key=None):
-        ap = plugin.AuthenticationProvider.get(request)
-        try:
-            ap.upload_sshkey(c.user.username, key)
-        except AssertionError, ae:
-            flash('Error uploading key: %s' % ae, 'error')
-        flash('Key uploaded')
-        redirect('.')
-    @h.vardec
-    @expose()
-    @require_post()
     @validate(F.subscription_form, error_handler=index)
     def update_subscriptions(self, subscriptions=None, **kw):
         for s in subscriptions:
diff --git a/Allura/allura/controllers/ b/Allura/allura/controllers/
index 096aba7..6d8fdd8 100644
--- a/Allura/allura/controllers/
+++ b/Allura/allura/controllers/
@@ -53,30 +53,6 @@ class SiteAdminController(object):
         neighborhoods.sort(key=lambda n:n[0])
         return dict(neighborhoods=neighborhoods)
-    @expose('jinja:allura:templates/site_admin_stats.html')
-    @without_trailing_slash
-    def stats(self, limit=25):
-        stats = defaultdict(lambda:defaultdict(list))
-        agg_timings = defaultdict(list)
-        for doc in M.Stats.m.find():
-            if doc.url.startswith('/_debug'): continue
-            doc_stats = stats[doc.url]
-            for t,val in doc.timers.iteritems():
-                doc_stats[t].append(val)
-                agg_timings[t].append(val)
-        for url, timings in stats.iteritems():
-            new_timings = dict(
-                (timer, round(sum(readings)/len(readings),3))
-                for timer, readings in timings.iteritems())
-            timings.update(new_timings)
-        agg_timings = dict(
-            (timer, round(sum(readings)/len(readings),3))
-            for timer, readings in agg_timings.iteritems())
-        stats = sorted(stats.iteritems(), key=lambda x:-x[1]['total'])
-        return dict(
-            agg_timings=agg_timings,
-            stats=stats[:int(limit)])
     def api_tickets(self, **data):
diff --git a/Allura/allura/ext/user_profile/templates/user_index.html b/Allura/allura/ext/user_profile/templates/user_index.html
index 2b17b79..2614953 100644
--- a/Allura/allura/ext/user_profile/templates/user_index.html
+++ b/Allura/allura/ext/user_profile/templates/user_index.html
@@ -236,15 +236,6 @@
-  {% if user.stats.visible %}
-    <div class="grid-24">
-      <div class="grid-24" style="margin:0;"><b>User statistics</b></div>
-      <div class="grid-24" style="margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:5px;">
-        <div><a href="{{c.project.url()}}userstats"/>Go to the personal statistics of this user</a></div>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  {% endif %}
   {% if c.user.username == user.username %}
       <div class="address-list grid-18">
         <b>Email Addresses</b>
diff --git a/Allura/allura/lib/ b/Allura/allura/lib/
index ed704d4..efc5d07 100644
--- a/Allura/allura/lib/
+++ b/Allura/allura/lib/
@@ -174,6 +174,15 @@ class AuthenticationProvider(object):
     def update_notifications(self, user):
         raise NotImplemented, 'update_notifications'
+    def user_registration_date(self, user):
+        '''
+        Returns the date in which a user registered himself/herself on the forge.
+        :param user: a :class:`User <allura.model.auth.User>`
+        :rtype: :class:`datetime <datetime.datetime>`
+        '''
+        raise NotImplementedError, 'user_registration_date'
 class LocalAuthenticationProvider(AuthenticationProvider):
     Stores user passwords on the User model, in mongo.  Uses per-user salt and
@@ -230,6 +239,11 @@ class LocalAuthenticationProvider(AuthenticationProvider):
     def update_notifications(self, user):
         return ''
+    def user_registration_date(self, user):
+        if user._id:
+            return user._id.generation_time
+        return datetime.utcnow()
 class LdapAuthenticationProvider(AuthenticationProvider):
     def register_user(self, user_doc):
         from allura import model as M
diff --git a/Allura/allura/model/ b/Allura/allura/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3799ea5..0000000
--- a/Allura/allura/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,637 +0,0 @@
-import pymongo
-from pylons import tmpl_context as c, app_globals as g
-from pylons import request
-import bson
-from ming import schema as S
-from ming import Field, Index, collection
-from ming.orm import session, state, Mapper
-from ming.orm import FieldProperty
-from ming.orm.declarative import MappedClass
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-import difflib
-from allura.model.session import main_orm_session
-from allura.lib import helpers as h
-class Stats(MappedClass):
-    class __mongometa__:
-        name='basestats'
-        session = main_orm_session
-        unique_indexes = [ '_id']
-    _id=FieldProperty(S.ObjectId)
-    visible = FieldProperty(bool, if_missing = True)
-    registration_date = FieldProperty(datetime)
-    general = FieldProperty([dict(
-        category = S.ObjectId,
-        messages = [dict(
-            messagetype = str,
-            created = int,
-            modified = int)],
-        tickets = dict(
-            solved = int,
-            assigned = int,
-            revoked = int,
-            totsolvingtime = int),
-        commits = [dict(
-            lines = int,
-            number = int,
-            language = S.ObjectId)])])
-    lastmonth=FieldProperty(dict(
-        messages=[dict(
-            datetime=datetime,
-            created=bool,
-            categories=[S.ObjectId],
-            messagetype=str)],
-        assignedtickets=[dict(
-            datetime=datetime,
-            categories=[S.ObjectId])],
-        revokedtickets=[dict(
-            datetime=datetime,
-            categories=[S.ObjectId])],
-        solvedtickets=[dict(
-            datetime=datetime,
-            categories=[S.ObjectId],
-            solvingtime=int)],
-        commits=[dict(
-            datetime=datetime,
-            categories=[S.ObjectId],
-            programming_languages=[S.ObjectId],
-            lines=int)]))
-    def getCodeContribution(self):
-        days=( - self.registration_date).days
-        if not days:
-            days=1
-        for val in self['general']:
-            if val['category'] is None:
-                for commits in val['commits']:
-                    if commits['language'] is None: 
-                        if days > 30:
-                            return round(float(commits.lines)/days*30, 2)
-                        else:
-                            return float(commits.lines)
-        return 0
-    def getDiscussionContribution(self):
-        days=( - self.registration_date).days
-        if not days:
-            days=1
-        for val in self['general']:
-            if val['category'] is None:
-                for artifact in val['messages']:
-                    if artifact['messagetype'] is None: 
-                        tot = artifact.created+artifact.modified
-                        if days > 30:
-                            return round(float(tot)/days*30,2)
-                        else:
-                            return float(tot)
-        return 0
-    def getTicketsContribution(self):
-        for val in self['general']:
-            if val['category'] is None:
-                tickets = val['tickets']
-                if tickets.assigned == 0:
-                    return 0
-                return float(tickets.solved) / tickets.assigned
-        return 0
-    @classmethod
-    def getMaxAndAverageCodeContribution(self):
-        lst = list(self.query.find())
-        n = len(lst)
-        if n == 0:
-            return 0, 0
-        maxcontribution=max([x.getCodeContribution() for x in lst])
-        averagecontribution=sum([x.getCodeContribution() for x in lst]) / n
-        return maxcontribution, round(averagecontribution, 2)
-    @classmethod
-    def getMaxAndAverageDiscussionContribution(self):
-        lst = list(self.query.find())
-        n = len(lst)
-        if n == 0:
-            return 0, 0
-        maxcontribution=max([x.getDiscussionContribution() for x in lst])
-        averagecontribution=sum([x.getDiscussionContribution() for x in lst])/n
-        return maxcontribution, round(averagecontribution, 2)
-    @classmethod
-    def getMaxAndAverageTicketsSolvingPercentage(self):
-        lst = list(self.query.find())
-        n = len(lst)
-        if n == 0:
-            return 0, 0
-        maxcontribution=max([x.getTicketsContribution() for x in lst])
-        averagecontribution=sum([x.getTicketsContribution() for x in lst])/n
-        return maxcontribution, round(averagecontribution, 2)
-    def codeRanking(self):
-        lst = list(self.query.find())
-        totn = len(lst)
-        codcontr = self.getCodeContribution()
-        upper = len([x for x in lst if x.getCodeContribution() > codcontr])
-        return round((totn - upper) * 100.0 / totn, 2)
-    def discussionRanking(self):
-        lst = list(self.query.find())
-        totn = len(lst)
-        disccontr = self.getDiscussionContribution()
-        upper=len([x for x in lst if x.getDiscussionContribution()>disccontr])
-        return round((totn - upper) * 100.0 / totn, 2)
-    def ticketsRanking(self):
-        lst = list(self.query.find())
-        totn = len(lst)
-        ticketscontr = self.getTicketsContribution()
-        upper=len([x for x in lst if x.getTicketsContribution()>ticketscontr])
-        return round((totn - upper) * 100.0 / totn, 2)
-    def getCommits(self, category = None):
-        i = getElementIndex(self.general, category = category)
-        if i is None: 
-            return dict(number=0, lines=0)
-        cat = self.general[i]
-        j = getElementIndex(cat.commits, language = None)
-        if j is None:
-            return dict(number=0, lines=0)
-        return dict(
-            number=cat.commits[j]['number'], 
-            lines=cat.commits[j]['lines'])
-    def getArtifacts(self, category = None, art_type = None):
-        i = getElementIndex(self.general, category = category)
-        if i is None:
-            return dict(created=0, modified=0)
-        cat = self.general[i]
-        j = getElementIndex(cat.messages, messagetype = art_type)
-        if j is None:
-            return dict(created=0, modified=0)
-        return dict(created=cat.messages[j].created, modified=cat.messages[j].modified)
-    def getTickets(self, category = None):
-        i = getElementIndex(self.general, category = category)
-        if i is None:
-            return dict(
-                assigned=0,
-                solved=0,
-                revoked=0,
-                averagesolvingtime=None)
-        if self.general[i].tickets.solved > 0:
-            tot = self.general[i].tickets.totsolvingtime 
-            number = self.general[i].tickets.solved
-            average = tot / number
-        else: 
-            average = None
-        return dict(
-            assigned=self.general[i].tickets.assigned,
-            solved=self.general[i].tickets.solved,
-            revoked=self.general[i].tickets.revoked,
-            averagesolvingtime=_convertTimeDiff(average))
-    def getCommitsByCategory(self):
-        from allura.model.project import TroveCategory
-        by_cat = {}
-        for entry in self.general:
-            cat = entry.category
-            i = getElementIndex(entry.commits, language = None)
-            if i is None: 
-                n, lines = 0, 0
-            else: 
-                n, lines = entry.commits[i].number, entry.commits[i].lines
-            if cat != None:
-                cat = TroveCategory.query.get(_id = cat)
-            by_cat[cat] = dict(number=n, lines=lines)
-        return by_cat
-    #For the moment, commit stats by language are not used, since each project
-    #can be linked to more than one programming language and we don't know how
-    #to which programming language should be credited a line of code modified
-    #within a project including two or more languages.
-    def getCommitsByLanguage(self):
-        langlist = []
-        by_lang = {}
-        i = getElementIndex(self.general, category=None)
-        if i is None: 
-            return dict(number=0, lines=0)
-        return dict([(el.language, dict(lines=el.lines, number=el.number))
-                     for el in self.general[i].commits])
-    def getArtifactsByCategory(self, detailed=False):
-        from allura.model.project import TroveCategory
-        by_cat = {}
-        for entry in self.general:
-            cat = entry.category
-            if cat != None: 
-                cat = TroveCategory.query.get(_id = cat)
-            if detailed: 
-                by_cat[cat] = entry.messages
-            else:
-                i = getElementIndex(entry.messages, messagetype=None)
-                if i is not None:
-                    by_cat[cat] = entry.messages[i]
-                else: 
-                    by_cat[cat] = dict(created=0, modified=0)
-        return by_cat
-    def getArtifactsByType(self, category=None):
-        i = getElementIndex(self.general, category = category)
-        if i is None: 
-            return {}
-        entry = self.general[i].messages
-        by_type = dict([(el.messagetype, dict(created=el.created,
-                                              modified=el.modified))
-                         for el in entry])
-        return by_type
-    def getTicketsByCategory(self):
-        from allura.model.project import TroveCategory
-        by_cat = {}
-        for entry in self.general:
-            cat = entry.category
-            if cat != None:
-                cat = TroveCategory.query.get(_id = cat)
-            a, s =,
-            r, time =,
-            if s:
-                average = time / s
-            else:
-                average = None
-            by_cat[cat] = dict(
-                assigned=a,
-                solved=s,
-                revoked=r, 
-                averagesolvingtime=_convertTimeDiff(average))
-        return by_cat
-    def getLastMonthCommits(self, category = None):
-        self.checkOldArtifacts() 
-        lineslist = [el.lines for el in self.lastmonth.commits
-                     if category in el.categories + [None]]
-        return dict(number=len(lineslist), lines=sum(lineslist))
-    def getLastMonthCommitsByCategory(self):
-        from allura.model.project import TroveCategory
-        self.checkOldArtifacts() 
-        seen = set()
-        catlist=[el.category for el in self.general
-                 if el.category not in seen and not seen.add(el.category)]
-        by_cat = {}
-        for cat in catlist:
-            lineslist = [el.lines for el in self.lastmonth.commits
-                         if cat in el.categories + [None]]
-            n = len(lineslist)
-            lines = sum(lineslist)
-            if cat != None:
-                cat = TroveCategory.query.get(_id = cat)
-            by_cat[cat] = dict(number=n, lines=lines)
-        return by_cat
-    def getLastMonthCommitsByLanguage(self):
-        from allura.model.project import TroveCategory
-        self.checkOldArtifacts() 
-        seen = set()
-        langlist=[el.language for el in self.general
-                  if el.language not in seen and not seen.add(el.language)]
-        by_lang = {}
-        for lang in langlist:
-            lineslist = [el.lines for el in self.lastmonth.commits
-                         if lang in el.programming_languages + [None]]
-            n = len(lineslist)
-            lines = sum(lineslist)
-            if lang != None:
-                lang = TroveCategory.query.get(_id = lang)
-            by_lang[lang] = dict(number=n, lines=lines)
-        return by_lang
-    def getLastMonthArtifacts(self, category = None, art_type = None):
-        self.checkOldArtifacts() 
-        cre, mod = reduce(
-            addtuple, 
-            [(int(el.created),1-int(el.created))
-                for el in self.lastmonth.messages
-                if (category is None or category in el.categories) and 
-                (el.messagetype == art_type or art_type is None)], 
-            (0,0))
-        return dict(created=cre, modified=mod)
-    def getLastMonthArtifactsByType(self, category = None):
-        self.checkOldArtifacts()
-        seen = set()
-        types=[el.messagetype for el in self.lastmonth.messages
-               if el.messagetype not in seen and not seen.add(el.messagetype)]
-        by_type = {}
-        for t in types:
-            cre, mod = reduce(
-                addtuple, 
-                [(int(el.created),1-int(el.created))
-                 for el in self.lastmonth.messages
-                 if el.messagetype == t and
-                 category in [None]+el.categories],
-                (0,0))
-            by_type[t] = dict(created=cre, modified=mod)
-        return by_type
-    def getLastMonthArtifactsByCategory(self):
-        from allura.model.project import TroveCategory
-        self.checkOldArtifacts() 
-        seen = set()
-        catlist=[el.category for el in self.general
-                 if el.category not in seen and not seen.add(el.category)]
-        by_cat = {}
-        for cat in catlist:
-            cre, mod = reduce(
-                addtuple, 
-                [(int(el.created),1-int(el.created))
-                 for el in self.lastmonth.messages 
-                 if cat in el.categories + [None]], (0,0))
-            if cat != None:
-                cat = TroveCategory.query.get(_id = cat)
-            by_cat[cat] = dict(created=cre, modified=mod)
-        return by_cat
-    def getLastMonthTickets(self, category = None):
-        from allura.model.project import TroveCategory
-        self.checkOldArtifacts()
-        a = len([el for el in self.lastmonth.assignedtickets
-                 if category in el.categories + [None]])
-        r = len([el for el in self.lastmonth.revokedtickets
-                 if category in el.categories + [None]])
-        s, time = reduce(
-            addtuple, 
-            [(1, el.solvingtime)
-             for el in self.lastmonth.solvedtickets
-             if category in el.categories + [None]],
-            (0,0))
-        if category!=None:
-            category = TroveCategory.query.get(_id=category)
-        if s > 0:
-            time = time / s
-        else:
-            time = None
-        return dict(
-            assigned=a,
-            revoked=r,
-            solved=s, 
-            averagesolvingtime=_convertTimeDiff(time))
-    def getLastMonthTicketsByCategory(self):
-        from allura.model.project import TroveCategory
-        self.checkOldArtifacts()
-        seen = set()
-        catlist=[el.category for el in self.general
-                 if el.category not in seen and not seen.add(el.category)]
-        by_cat = {}
-        for cat in catlist:
-            a = len([el for el in self.lastmonth.assignedtickets
-                     if cat in el.categories + [None]])
-            r = len([el for el in self.lastmonth.revokedtickets
-                     if cat in el.categories + [None]])
-            s, time = reduce(addtuple, [(1, el.solvingtime)
-                                        for el in self.lastmonth.solvedtickets
-                                        if cat in el.categories+[None]],(0,0))
-            if cat != None:
-                cat = TroveCategory.query.get(_id = cat)
-            if s > 0: 
-                time = time / s
-            else:
-                time = None
-            by_cat[cat] = dict(
-                assigned=a,
-                revoked=r,
-                solved=s, 
-                averagesolvingtime=_convertTimeDiff(time))
-        return by_cat
-    def checkOldArtifacts(self):
-        now = datetime.utcnow()
-        for m in self.lastmonth.messages:
-            if now - m.datetime > timedelta(30):
-                self.lastmonth.messages.remove(m)
-        for t in self.lastmonth.assignedtickets:
-            if now - t.datetime > timedelta(30):
-                self.lastmonth.assignedtickets.remove(t)
-        for t in self.lastmonth.revokedtickets:
-            if now - t.datetime > timedelta(30):
-                self.lastmonth.revokedtickets.remove(t)
-        for t in self.lastmonth.solvedtickets:
-            if now - t.datetime > timedelta(30):
-                self.lastmonth.solvedtickets.remove(t)
-        for c in self.lastmonth.commits:
-            if now - c.datetime > timedelta(30):
-                self.lastmonth.commits.remove(c)
-    def addNewArtifact(self, art_type, art_datetime, project):
-        self._updateArtifactsStats(art_type, art_datetime, project, "created")
-    def addModifiedArtifact(self, art_type, art_datetime, project):
-        self._updateArtifactsStats(art_type, art_datetime, project, "modified")
-    def addAssignedTicket(self, ticket_datetime, project):
-        topics = [t for t in project.trove_topic if t]
-        self._updateTicketsStats(topics, 'assigned')
-        self.lastmonth.assignedtickets.append(
-            dict(datetime=ticket_datetime, categories=topics))
-    def addRevokedTicket(self, ticket_datetime, project):
-        topics = [t for t in project.trove_topic if t]
-        self._updateTicketsStats(topics, 'revoked')
-        self.lastmonth.revokedtickets.append(
-            dict(datetime=ticket_datetime, categories=topics))
-        self.checkOldArtifacts()
-    def addClosedTicket(self, open_datetime, close_datetime, project):
-        topics = [t for t in project.trove_topic if t]
-        s_time=int((close_datetime-open_datetime).total_seconds())
-        self._updateTicketsStats(topics, 'solved', s_time = s_time)
-        self.lastmonth.solvedtickets.append(dict(
-            datetime=close_datetime,
-            categories=topics,
-            solvingtime=s_time))
-        self.checkOldArtifacts()
-    def addCommit(self, newcommit, commit_datetime, project):
-        def _computeLines(newblob, oldblob = None):
-            if oldblob:
-                listold = list(oldblob)
-            else:
-                listold = []
-            if newblob:
-                listnew = list(newblob)
-            else:
-                listnew = []
-            if oldblob is None:
-                lines = len(listnew)
-            elif newblob and newblob.has_html_view:
-                diff = difflib.unified_diff(
-                    listold, listnew,
-                    ('old' + oldblob.path()).encode('utf-8'),
-                    ('new' + newblob.path()).encode('utf-8'))
-                lines = len([l for l in diff if len(l) > 0 and l[0] == '+'])-1
-            else:
-                lines = 0
-            return lines
-        def _addCommitData(stats, topics, languages, lines):          
-            lt = topics + [None]
-            ll = languages + [None]
-            for t in lt:
-                i = getElementIndex(stats.general, category=t) 
-                if i is None:
-                    newstats = dict(
-                        category=t,
-                        commits=[],
-                        messages=[],
-                        tickets=dict(
-                            assigned=0,
-                            solved=0,
-                            revoked=0,
-                            totsolvingtime=0))
-                    stats.general.append(newstats)
-                    i = getElementIndex(stats.general, category=t)
-                for lang in ll:
-                    j = getElementIndex(
-                        stats.general[i]['commits'], language=lang)
-                    if j is None:
-                        stats.general[i]['commits'].append(dict(
-                            language=lang, lines=lines, number=1))
-                    else:
-                        stats.general[i]['commits'][j].lines += lines
-                        stats.general[i]['commits'][j].number += 1
-        topics = [t for t in project.trove_topic if t]
-        languages = [l for l in project.trove_language if l]
-        d = newcommit.diffs
-        if len(newcommit.parent_ids) > 0:
-            oldcommit = newcommit.repo.commit(newcommit.parent_ids[0])
-        totlines = 0
-        for changed in d.changed:
-            newblob = newcommit.tree.get_blob_by_path(changed)
-            oldblob = oldcommit.tree.get_blob_by_path(changed)
-            totlines+=_computeLines(newblob, oldblob)
-        for copied in d.copied:
-            newblob = newcommit.tree.get_blob_by_path(copied['new'])
-            oldblob = oldcommit.tree.get_blob_by_path(copied['old'])
-            totlines+=_computeLines(newblob, oldblob)
-        for added in d.added:
-            newblob = newcommit.tree.get_blob_by_path(added)
-            totlines+=_computeLines(newblob)
-        _addCommitData(self, topics, languages, totlines)
-        self.lastmonth.commits.append(dict(
-            datetime=commit_datetime, 
-            categories=topics, 
-            programming_languages=languages,
-            lines=totlines))
-        self.checkOldArtifacts()
-    def _updateArtifactsStats(self, art_type, art_datetime, project, action):
-        if action not in ['created', 'modified']: 
-            return
-        topics = [t for t in project.trove_topic if t]
-        lt = [None] + topics
-        for mtype in [None, art_type]:
-            for t in lt:
-                i = getElementIndex(self.general, category = t)
-                if i is None:
-                    msg = dict(
-                        category=t,
-                        commits=[],
-                        tickets=dict(
-                            solved=0,
-                            assigned=0,
-                            revoked=0,
-                            totsolvingtime=0),
-                        messages=[])
-                    self.general.append(msg)
-                    i = getElementIndex(self.general, category = t)
-                j = getElementIndex(
-                    self.general[i]['messages'], messagetype=mtype)
-                if j is None:
-                    entry = dict(messagetype=mtype, created=0, modified=0)
-                    entry[action] += 1
-                    self.general[i]['messages'].append(entry)
-                else:
-                    self.general[i]['messages'][j][action] += 1
-        self.lastmonth.messages.append(dict(
-            datetime=art_datetime,
-            created=(action == 'created'),
-            categories=topics,
-            messagetype=art_type))
-        self.checkOldArtifacts() 
-    def _updateTicketsStats(self, topics, action, s_time = None):
-        if action not in ['solved', 'assigned', 'revoked']:
-            return
-        lt = topics + [None]
-        for t in lt:
-            i = getElementIndex(self.general, category = t)
-            if i is None:
-                stats = dict(
-                    category=t,
-                    commits=[],
-                    tickets=dict(
-                        solved=0,
-                        assigned=0,
-                        revoked=0,
-                        totsolvingtime=0),
-                    messages=[])
-                self.general.append(stats)
-                i = getElementIndex(self.general, category = t)
-            self.general[i]['tickets'][action] += 1 
-            if action == 'solved': 
-                self.general[i]['tickets']['totsolvingtime']+=s_time
-def getElementIndex(el_list, **kw):
-    for i in range(len(el_list)):
-        for k in kw:
-            if el_list[i].get(k) != kw[k]:
-                break
-        else:
-            return i
-    return None
-def addtuple(l1, l2):
-    a, b = l1
-    x, y = l2
-    return (a+x, b+y)
-def _convertTimeDiff(int_seconds):
-    if int_seconds is None:
-        return None
-    diff = timedelta(seconds = int_seconds)
-    days, seconds = diff.days, diff.seconds
-    hours = seconds / 3600
-    seconds = seconds % 3600
-    minutes = seconds / 60
-    seconds = seconds % 60
-    return dict(
-        days=days, 
-        hours=hours, 
-        minutes=minutes,
-        seconds=seconds)
diff --git a/Allura/allura/model/ b/Allura/allura/model/
index ee1f297..df4e45a 100644
--- a/Allura/allura/model/
+++ b/Allura/allura/model/
@@ -1,13 +1,637 @@
-import logging
+import pymongo
+from pylons import tmpl_context as c, app_globals as g
+from pylons import request
-import ming
+import bson
+from ming import schema as S
+from ming import Field, Index, collection
+from ming.orm import session, state, Mapper
+from ming.orm import FieldProperty
+from ming.orm.declarative import MappedClass
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+import difflib
-from .session import main_doc_session
+from allura.model.session import main_orm_session
+from allura.lib import helpers as h
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class Stats(ming.Document):
+class Stats(MappedClass):
     class __mongometa__:
-        session = main_doc_session
-        name='stats'
+        name='basestats'
+        session = main_orm_session
+        unique_indexes = [ '_id']
+    _id=FieldProperty(S.ObjectId)
+    visible = FieldProperty(bool, if_missing = True)
+    registration_date = FieldProperty(datetime)
+    general = FieldProperty([dict(
+        category = S.ObjectId,
+        messages = [dict(
+            messagetype = str,
+            created = int,
+            modified = int)],
+        tickets = dict(
+            solved = int,
+            assigned = int,
+            revoked = int,
+            totsolvingtime = int),
+        commits = [dict(
+            lines = int,
+            number = int,
+            language = S.ObjectId)])])
+    lastmonth=FieldProperty(dict(
+        messages=[dict(
+            datetime=datetime,
+            created=bool,
+            categories=[S.ObjectId],
+            messagetype=str)],
+        assignedtickets=[dict(
+            datetime=datetime,
+            categories=[S.ObjectId])],
+        revokedtickets=[dict(
+            datetime=datetime,
+            categories=[S.ObjectId])],
+        solvedtickets=[dict(
+            datetime=datetime,
+            categories=[S.ObjectId],
+            solvingtime=int)],
+        commits=[dict(
+            datetime=datetime,
+            categories=[S.ObjectId],
+            programming_languages=[S.ObjectId],
+            lines=int)]))
+    def getCodeContribution(self):
+        days=( - self.registration_date).days
+        if not days:
+            days=1
+        for val in self['general']:
+            if val['category'] is None:
+                for commits in val['commits']:
+                    if commits['language'] is None: 
+                        if days > 30:
+                            return round(float(commits.lines)/days*30, 2)
+                        else:
+                            return float(commits.lines)
+        return 0
+    def getDiscussionContribution(self):
+        days=( - self.registration_date).days
+        if not days:
+            days=1
+        for val in self['general']:
+            if val['category'] is None:
+                for artifact in val['messages']:
+                    if artifact['messagetype'] is None: 
+                        tot = artifact.created+artifact.modified
+                        if days > 30:
+                            return round(float(tot)/days*30,2)
+                        else:
+                            return float(tot)
+        return 0
+    def getTicketsContribution(self):
+        for val in self['general']:
+            if val['category'] is None:
+                tickets = val['tickets']
+                if tickets.assigned == 0:
+                    return 0
+                return float(tickets.solved) / tickets.assigned
+        return 0
+    @classmethod
+    def getMaxAndAverageCodeContribution(self):
+        res = self.query.find()
+        n = res.count()
+        if n == 0:
+            return 0, 0
+        maxcontribution=max([x.getCodeContribution() for x in res])
+        averagecontribution=sum([x.getCodeContribution() for x in res]) / n
+        return maxcontribution, round(averagecontribution, 2)
+    @classmethod
+    def getMaxAndAverageDiscussionContribution(self):
+        res = self.query.find()
+        n = res.count()
+        if n == 0:
+            return 0, 0
+        maxcontribution=max([x.getDiscussionContribution() for x in res])
+        averagecontribution=sum([x.getDiscussionContribution() for x in res])/n
+        return maxcontribution, round(averagecontribution, 2)
+    @classmethod
+    def getMaxAndAverageTicketsSolvingPercentage(self):
+        res = self.query.find()
+        n = res.count()
+        if n == 0:
+            return 0, 0
+        maxcontribution=max([x.getTicketsContribution() for x in res])
+        averagecontribution=sum([x.getTicketsContribution() for x in res])/n
+        return maxcontribution, round(averagecontribution, 2)
+    def codeRanking(self):
+        res = self.query.find()
+        totn = res.count()
+        codcontr = self.getCodeContribution()
+        upper = len([x for x in res if x.getCodeContribution() > codcontr])
+        return round((totn - upper) * 100.0 / totn, 2)
+    def discussionRanking(self):
+        res = self.query.find()
+        totn = res.count()
+        disccontr = self.getDiscussionContribution()
+        upper=len([x for x in res if x.getDiscussionContribution()>disccontr])
+        return round((totn - upper) * 100.0 / totn, 2)
+    def ticketsRanking(self):
+        res = self.query.find()
+        totn = res.count()
+        ticketscontr = self.getTicketsContribution()
+        upper=len([x for x in res if x.getTicketsContribution()>ticketscontr])
+        return round((totn - upper) * 100.0 / totn, 2)
+    def getCommits(self, category = None):
+        i = getElementIndex(self.general, category = category)
+        if i is None: 
+            return dict(number=0, lines=0)
+        cat = self.general[i]
+        j = getElementIndex(cat.commits, language = None)
+        if j is None:
+            return dict(number=0, lines=0)
+        return dict(
+            number=cat.commits[j]['number'], 
+            lines=cat.commits[j]['lines'])
+    def getArtifacts(self, category = None, art_type = None):
+        i = getElementIndex(self.general, category = category)
+        if i is None:
+            return dict(created=0, modified=0)
+        cat = self.general[i]
+        j = getElementIndex(cat.messages, messagetype = art_type)
+        if j is None:
+            return dict(created=0, modified=0)
+        return dict(created=cat.messages[j].created, modified=cat.messages[j].modified)
+    def getTickets(self, category = None):
+        i = getElementIndex(self.general, category = category)
+        if i is None:
+            return dict(
+                assigned=0,
+                solved=0,
+                revoked=0,
+                averagesolvingtime=None)
+        if self.general[i].tickets.solved > 0:
+            tot = self.general[i].tickets.totsolvingtime 
+            number = self.general[i].tickets.solved
+            average = tot / number
+        else: 
+            average = None
+        return dict(
+            assigned=self.general[i].tickets.assigned,
+            solved=self.general[i].tickets.solved,
+            revoked=self.general[i].tickets.revoked,
+            averagesolvingtime=_convertTimeDiff(average))
+    def getCommitsByCategory(self):
+        from allura.model.project import TroveCategory
+        by_cat = {}
+        for entry in self.general:
+            cat = entry.category
+            i = getElementIndex(entry.commits, language = None)
+            if i is None: 
+                n, lines = 0, 0
+            else: 
+                n, lines = entry.commits[i].number, entry.commits[i].lines
+            if cat != None:
+                cat = TroveCategory.query.get(_id = cat)
+            by_cat[cat] = dict(number=n, lines=lines)
+        return by_cat
+    #For the moment, commit stats by language are not used, since each project
+    #can be linked to more than one programming language and we don't know how
+    #to which programming language should be credited a line of code modified
+    #within a project including two or more languages.
+    def getCommitsByLanguage(self):
+        langlist = []
+        by_lang = {}
+        i = getElementIndex(self.general, category=None)
+        if i is None: 
+            return dict(number=0, lines=0)
+        return dict([(el.language, dict(lines=el.lines, number=el.number))
+                     for el in self.general[i].commits])
+    def getArtifactsByCategory(self, detailed=False):
+        from allura.model.project import TroveCategory
+        by_cat = {}
+        for entry in self.general:
+            cat = entry.category
+            if cat != None: 
+                cat = TroveCategory.query.get(_id = cat)
+            if detailed: 
+                by_cat[cat] = entry.messages
+            else:
+                i = getElementIndex(entry.messages, messagetype=None)
+                if i is not None:
+                    by_cat[cat] = entry.messages[i]
+                else: 
+                    by_cat[cat] = dict(created=0, modified=0)
+        return by_cat
+    def getArtifactsByType(self, category=None):
+        i = getElementIndex(self.general, category = category)
+        if i is None: 
+            return {}
+        entry = self.general[i].messages
+        by_type = dict([(el.messagetype, dict(created=el.created,
+                                              modified=el.modified))
+                         for el in entry])
+        return by_type
+    def getTicketsByCategory(self):
+        from allura.model.project import TroveCategory
+        by_cat = {}
+        for entry in self.general:
+            cat = entry.category
+            if cat != None:
+                cat = TroveCategory.query.get(_id = cat)
+            a, s =,
+            r, time =,
+            if s:
+                average = time / s
+            else:
+                average = None
+            by_cat[cat] = dict(
+                assigned=a,
+                solved=s,
+                revoked=r, 
+                averagesolvingtime=_convertTimeDiff(average))
+        return by_cat
+    def getLastMonthCommits(self, category = None):
+        self.checkOldArtifacts() 
+        lineslist = [el.lines for el in self.lastmonth.commits
+                     if category in el.categories + [None]]
+        return dict(number=len(lineslist), lines=sum(lineslist))
+    def getLastMonthCommitsByCategory(self):
+        from allura.model.project import TroveCategory
+        self.checkOldArtifacts() 
+        seen = set()
+        catlist=[el.category for el in self.general
+                 if el.category not in seen and not seen.add(el.category)]
+        by_cat = {}
+        for cat in catlist:
+            lineslist = [el.lines for el in self.lastmonth.commits
+                         if cat in el.categories + [None]]
+            n = len(lineslist)
+            lines = sum(lineslist)
+            if cat != None:
+                cat = TroveCategory.query.get(_id = cat)
+            by_cat[cat] = dict(number=n, lines=lines)
+        return by_cat
+    def getLastMonthCommitsByLanguage(self):
+        from allura.model.project import TroveCategory
+        self.checkOldArtifacts() 
+        seen = set()
+        langlist=[el.language for el in self.general
+                  if el.language not in seen and not seen.add(el.language)]
+        by_lang = {}
+        for lang in langlist:
+            lineslist = [el.lines for el in self.lastmonth.commits
+                         if lang in el.programming_languages + [None]]
+            n = len(lineslist)
+            lines = sum(lineslist)
+            if lang != None:
+                lang = TroveCategory.query.get(_id = lang)
+            by_lang[lang] = dict(number=n, lines=lines)
+        return by_lang
+    def getLastMonthArtifacts(self, category = None, art_type = None):
+        self.checkOldArtifacts() 
+        cre, mod = reduce(
+            addtuple, 
+            [(int(el.created),1-int(el.created))
+                for el in self.lastmonth.messages
+                if (category is None or category in el.categories) and 
+                (el.messagetype == art_type or art_type is None)], 
+            (0,0))
+        return dict(created=cre, modified=mod)
+    def getLastMonthArtifactsByType(self, category = None):
+        self.checkOldArtifacts()
+        seen = set()
+        types=[el.messagetype for el in self.lastmonth.messages
+               if el.messagetype not in seen and not seen.add(el.messagetype)]
+        by_type = {}
+        for t in types:
+            cre, mod = reduce(
+                addtuple, 
+                [(int(el.created),1-int(el.created))
+                 for el in self.lastmonth.messages
+                 if el.messagetype == t and
+                 category in [None]+el.categories],
+                (0,0))
+            by_type[t] = dict(created=cre, modified=mod)
+        return by_type
+    def getLastMonthArtifactsByCategory(self):
+        from allura.model.project import TroveCategory
+        self.checkOldArtifacts() 
+        seen = set()
+        catlist=[el.category for el in self.general
+                 if el.category not in seen and not seen.add(el.category)]
+        by_cat = {}
+        for cat in catlist:
+            cre, mod = reduce(
+                addtuple, 
+                [(int(el.created),1-int(el.created))
+                 for el in self.lastmonth.messages 
+                 if cat in el.categories + [None]], (0,0))
+            if cat != None:
+                cat = TroveCategory.query.get(_id = cat)
+            by_cat[cat] = dict(created=cre, modified=mod)
+        return by_cat
+    def getLastMonthTickets(self, category = None):
+        from allura.model.project import TroveCategory
+        self.checkOldArtifacts()
+        a = len([el for el in self.lastmonth.assignedtickets
+                 if category in el.categories + [None]])
+        r = len([el for el in self.lastmonth.revokedtickets
+                 if category in el.categories + [None]])
+        s, time = reduce(
+            addtuple, 
+            [(1, el.solvingtime)
+             for el in self.lastmonth.solvedtickets
+             if category in el.categories + [None]],
+            (0,0))
+        if category!=None:
+            category = TroveCategory.query.get(_id=category)
+        if s > 0:
+            time = time / s
+        else:
+            time = None
+        return dict(
+            assigned=a,
+            revoked=r,
+            solved=s, 
+            averagesolvingtime=_convertTimeDiff(time))
+    def getLastMonthTicketsByCategory(self):
+        from allura.model.project import TroveCategory
+        self.checkOldArtifacts()
+        seen = set()
+        catlist=[el.category for el in self.general
+                 if el.category not in seen and not seen.add(el.category)]
+        by_cat = {}
+        for cat in catlist:
+            a = len([el for el in self.lastmonth.assignedtickets
+                     if cat in el.categories + [None]])
+            r = len([el for el in self.lastmonth.revokedtickets
+                     if cat in el.categories + [None]])
+            s, time = reduce(addtuple, [(1, el.solvingtime)
+                                        for el in self.lastmonth.solvedtickets
+                                        if cat in el.categories+[None]],(0,0))
+            if cat != None:
+                cat = TroveCategory.query.get(_id = cat)
+            if s > 0: 
+                time = time / s
+            else:
+                time = None
+            by_cat[cat] = dict(
+                assigned=a,
+                revoked=r,
+                solved=s, 
+                averagesolvingtime=_convertTimeDiff(time))
+        return by_cat
+    def checkOldArtifacts(self):
+        now = datetime.utcnow()
+        for m in self.lastmonth.messages:
+            if now - m.datetime > timedelta(30):
+                self.lastmonth.messages.remove(m)
+        for t in self.lastmonth.assignedtickets:
+            if now - t.datetime > timedelta(30):
+                self.lastmonth.assignedtickets.remove(t)
+        for t in self.lastmonth.revokedtickets:
+            if now - t.datetime > timedelta(30):
+                self.lastmonth.revokedtickets.remove(t)
+        for t in self.lastmonth.solvedtickets:
+            if now - t.datetime > timedelta(30):
+                self.lastmonth.solvedtickets.remove(t)
+        for c in self.lastmonth.commits:
+            if now - c.datetime > timedelta(30):
+                self.lastmonth.commits.remove(c)
+    def addNewArtifact(self, art_type, art_datetime, project):
+        self._updateArtifactsStats(art_type, art_datetime, project, "created")
+    def addModifiedArtifact(self, art_type, art_datetime, project):
+        self._updateArtifactsStats(art_type, art_datetime, project, "modified")
+    def addAssignedTicket(self, ticket_datetime, project):
+        topics = [t for t in project.trove_topic if t]
+        self._updateTicketsStats(topics, 'assigned')
+        self.lastmonth.assignedtickets.append(
+            dict(datetime=ticket_datetime, categories=topics))
+    def addRevokedTicket(self, ticket_datetime, project):
+        topics = [t for t in project.trove_topic if t]
+        self._updateTicketsStats(topics, 'revoked')
+        self.lastmonth.revokedtickets.append(
+            dict(datetime=ticket_datetime, categories=topics))
+        self.checkOldArtifacts()
+    def addClosedTicket(self, open_datetime, close_datetime, project):
+        topics = [t for t in project.trove_topic if t]
+        s_time=int((close_datetime-open_datetime).total_seconds())
+        self._updateTicketsStats(topics, 'solved', s_time = s_time)
+        self.lastmonth.solvedtickets.append(dict(
+            datetime=close_datetime,
+            categories=topics,
+            solvingtime=s_time))
+        self.checkOldArtifacts()
+    def addCommit(self, newcommit, commit_datetime, project):
+        def _computeLines(newblob, oldblob = None):
+            if oldblob:
+                listold = list(oldblob)
+            else:
+                listold = []
+            if newblob:
+                listnew = list(newblob)
+            else:
+                listnew = []
+            if oldblob is None:
+                lines = len(listnew)
+            elif newblob and newblob.has_html_view:
+                diff = difflib.unified_diff(
+                    listold, listnew,
+                    ('old' + oldblob.path()).encode('utf-8'),
+                    ('new' + newblob.path()).encode('utf-8'))
+                lines = len([l for l in diff if len(l) > 0 and l[0] == '+'])-1
+            else:
+                lines = 0
+            return lines
+        def _addCommitData(stats, topics, languages, lines):          
+            lt = topics + [None]
+            ll = languages + [None]
+            for t in lt:
+                i = getElementIndex(stats.general, category=t) 
+                if i is None:
+                    newstats = dict(
+                        category=t,
+                        commits=[],
+                        messages=[],
+                        tickets=dict(
+                            assigned=0,
+                            solved=0,
+                            revoked=0,
+                            totsolvingtime=0))
+                    stats.general.append(newstats)
+                    i = getElementIndex(stats.general, category=t)
+                for lang in ll:
+                    j = getElementIndex(
+                        stats.general[i]['commits'], language=lang)
+                    if j is None:
+                        stats.general[i]['commits'].append(dict(
+                            language=lang, lines=lines, number=1))
+                    else:
+                        stats.general[i]['commits'][j].lines += lines
+                        stats.general[i]['commits'][j].number += 1
+        topics = [t for t in project.trove_topic if t]
+        languages = [l for l in project.trove_language if l]
+        d = newcommit.diffs
+        if len(newcommit.parent_ids) > 0:
+            oldcommit = newcommit.repo.commit(newcommit.parent_ids[0])
+        totlines = 0
+        for changed in d.changed:
+            newblob = newcommit.tree.get_blob_by_path(changed)
+            oldblob = oldcommit.tree.get_blob_by_path(changed)
+            totlines+=_computeLines(newblob, oldblob)
+        for copied in d.copied:
+            newblob = newcommit.tree.get_blob_by_path(copied['new'])
+            oldblob = oldcommit.tree.get_blob_by_path(copied['old'])
+            totlines+=_computeLines(newblob, oldblob)
+        for added in d.added:
+            newblob = newcommit.tree.get_blob_by_path(added)
+            totlines+=_computeLines(newblob)
+        _addCommitData(self, topics, languages, totlines)
+        self.lastmonth.commits.append(dict(
+            datetime=commit_datetime, 
+            categories=topics, 
+            programming_languages=languages,
+            lines=totlines))
+        self.checkOldArtifacts()
+    def _updateArtifactsStats(self, art_type, art_datetime, project, action):
+        if action not in ['created', 'modified']: 
+            return
+        topics = [t for t in project.trove_topic if t]
+        lt = [None] + topics
+        for mtype in [None, art_type]:
+            for t in lt:
+                i = getElementIndex(self.general, category = t)
+                if i is None:
+                    msg = dict(
+                        category=t,
+                        commits=[],
+                        tickets=dict(
+                            solved=0,
+                            assigned=0,
+                            revoked=0,
+                            totsolvingtime=0),
+                        messages=[])
+                    self.general.append(msg)
+                    i = getElementIndex(self.general, category = t)
+                j = getElementIndex(
+                    self.general[i]['messages'], messagetype=mtype)
+                if j is None:
+                    entry = dict(messagetype=mtype, created=0, modified=0)
+                    entry[action] += 1
+                    self.general[i]['messages'].append(entry)
+                else:
+                    self.general[i]['messages'][j][action] += 1
+        self.lastmonth.messages.append(dict(
+            datetime=art_datetime,
+            created=(action == 'created'),
+            categories=topics,
+            messagetype=art_type))
+        self.checkOldArtifacts() 
+    def _updateTicketsStats(self, topics, action, s_time = None):
+        if action not in ['solved', 'assigned', 'revoked']:
+            return
+        lt = topics + [None]
+        for t in lt:
+            i = getElementIndex(self.general, category = t)
+            if i is None:
+                stats = dict(
+                    category=t,
+                    commits=[],
+                    tickets=dict(
+                        solved=0,
+                        assigned=0,
+                        revoked=0,
+                        totsolvingtime=0),
+                    messages=[])
+                self.general.append(stats)
+                i = getElementIndex(self.general, category = t)
+            self.general[i]['tickets'][action] += 1 
+            if action == 'solved': 
+                self.general[i]['tickets']['totsolvingtime']+=s_time
+def getElementIndex(el_list, **kw):
+    for i in range(len(el_list)):
+        for k in kw:
+            if el_list[i].get(k) != kw[k]:
+                break
+        else:
+            return i
+    return None
+def addtuple(l1, l2):
+    a, b = l1
+    x, y = l2
+    return (a+x, b+y)
+def _convertTimeDiff(int_seconds):
+    if int_seconds is None:
+        return None
+    diff = timedelta(seconds = int_seconds)
+    days, seconds = diff.days, diff.seconds
+    hours = seconds / 3600
+    seconds = seconds % 3600
+    minutes = seconds / 60
+    seconds = seconds % 60
+    return dict(
+        days=days, 
+        hours=hours, 
+        minutes=minutes,
+        seconds=seconds)
diff --git a/Allura/allura/templates/site_admin.html b/Allura/allura/templates/site_admin.html
index b8b1b7d..5ba439b 100644
--- a/Allura/allura/templates/site_admin.html
+++ b/Allura/allura/templates/site_admin.html
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
     <li class="{{page=='index' and 'active' or ''}}"><a href="{{sidebar_rel}}."><b data-icon="{{g.icons['admin'].char}}" class="ico {{g.icons['admin'].css}}"></b>Home</a></li>
-    <li class="{{page=='stats' and 'active' or ''}}"><a href="{{sidebar_rel}}stats"><b data-icon="{{g.icons['stats'].char}}" class="ico {{g.icons['stats'].css}}"></b>Stats</a></li>
     <li class="{{page=='api_tickets' and 'active' or ''}}"><a href="{{sidebar_rel}}api_tickets"><b data-icon="{{g.icons['admin'].char}}" class="ico {{g.icons['admin'].css}}"></b>API Tickets</a></li>
     <li class="{{page=='add_subscribers' and 'active' or ''}}"><a href="{{sidebar_rel}}add_subscribers"><b data-icon="{{g.icons['admin'].char}}" class="ico {{g.icons['admin'].css}}"></b>Add Subscribers</a></li>
     <li class="{{page=='new_projects' and 'active' or ''}}"><a href="{{sidebar_rel}}new_projects"><b data-icon="{{g.icons['admin'].char}}" class="ico {{g.icons['admin'].css}}"></b>New Projects</a></li>
diff --git a/Allura/allura/tests/functional/ b/Allura/allura/tests/functional/
index b5f2d10..3e1925a 100644
--- a/Allura/allura/tests/functional/
+++ b/Allura/allura/tests/functional/
@@ -23,21 +23,6 @@ class TestSiteAdmin(TestController):
         cells = stats_table.findAll('td')
         assert cells[0].contents[0] == 'Adobe', cells[0].contents[0]
-    def test_performance(self):
-        r ='/nf/admin/stats', extra_environ=dict(
-                username='test-user'), status=403)
-        r ='/nf/admin/stats', extra_environ=dict(
-                username='root'))
-        assert 'Forge Site Admin' in r.html.find('h2',{'class':'dark title'}).contents[0]
-        stats_table = r.html.find('table')
-        headers = stats_table.findAll('th')
-        assert headers[0].contents[0] == 'Url'
-        assert headers[1].contents[0] == 'Ming'
-        assert headers[2].contents[0] == 'Mongo'
-        assert headers[3].contents[0] == 'Render'
-        assert headers[4].contents[0] == 'Template'
-        assert headers[5].contents[0] == 'Total Time'
     def test_tickets_access(self):
         r ='/nf/admin/api_tickets', extra_environ=dict(
                 username='test-user'), status=403)
diff --git a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/model/ b/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/model/
index b2f70a4..722b8d0 100644
--- a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/model/
+++ b/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/model/
@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ from ming.orm import FieldProperty
 from ming import schema as S
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 from ming.orm import session, Mapper
+from pylons import request
+from allura.lib import plugin
 from allura.model.session import main_orm_session
-from allura.model.contrib_stats import Stats
+from allura.model import Stats
 class UserStats(Stats):
     class __mongometa__:
@@ -19,11 +21,12 @@ class UserStats(Stats):
     def create(cls, user):
+        auth_provider = plugin.AuthenticationProvider.get(request)
+        reg_date = auth_provider.user_registration_date(user)
         stats = cls.query.get(user_id = user._id)
         if stats:
             return stats
-        stats = cls(user_id=user._id,
-            registration_date = datetime.utcnow())
+        stats = cls(user_id=user._id, registration_date = reg_date)
         user.stats_id = stats._id
         return stats
diff --git a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/applypatch-msg.sample b/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/applypatch-msg.sample
deleted file mode 100755
index 8b2a2fe..0000000
--- a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/applypatch-msg.sample
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# An example hook script to check the commit log message taken by
-# applypatch from an e-mail message.
-# The hook should exit with non-zero status after issuing an
-# appropriate message if it wants to stop the commit.  The hook is
-# allowed to edit the commit message file.
-# To enable this hook, rename this file to "applypatch-msg".
-. git-sh-setup
-test -x "$GIT_DIR/hooks/commit-msg" &&
-	exec "$GIT_DIR/hooks/commit-msg" ${1+"$@"}
diff --git a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/commit-msg.sample b/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/commit-msg.sample
deleted file mode 100755
index 6ef1d29..0000000
--- a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/commit-msg.sample
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# An example hook script to check the commit log message.
-# Called by git-commit with one argument, the name of the file
-# that has the commit message.  The hook should exit with non-zero
-# status after issuing an appropriate message if it wants to stop the
-# commit.  The hook is allowed to edit the commit message file.
-# To enable this hook, rename this file to "commit-msg".
-# Uncomment the below to add a Signed-off-by line to the message.
-# Doing this in a hook is a bad idea in general, but the prepare-commit-msg
-# hook is more suited to it.
-# SOB=$(git var GIT_AUTHOR_IDENT | sed -n 's/^\(.*>\).*$/Signed-off-by: \1/p')
-# grep -qs "^$SOB" "$1" || echo "$SOB" >> "$1"
-# This example catches duplicate Signed-off-by lines.
-test "" = "$(grep '^Signed-off-by: ' "$1" |
-	 sort | uniq -c | sed -e '/^[ 	]*1[ 	]/d')" || {
-	echo >&2 Duplicate Signed-off-by lines.
-	exit 1
diff --git a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/post-commit.sample b/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/post-commit.sample
deleted file mode 100755
index 2266821..0000000
--- a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/post-commit.sample
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# An example hook script that is called after a successful
-# commit is made.
-# To enable this hook, rename this file to "post-commit".
-: Nothing
diff --git a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/post-receive b/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/post-receive
deleted file mode 100755
index 0f7a148..0000000
--- a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/post-receive
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/post-receive.sample b/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/post-receive.sample
deleted file mode 100755
index 7a83e17..0000000
--- a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/post-receive.sample
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# An example hook script for the "post-receive" event.
-# The "post-receive" script is run after receive-pack has accepted a pack
-# and the repository has been updated.  It is passed arguments in through
-# stdin in the form
-#  <oldrev> <newrev> <refname>
-# For example:
-#  aa453216d1b3e49e7f6f98441fa56946ddcd6a20 68f7abf4e6f922807889f52bc043ecd31b79f814 refs/heads/master
-# see contrib/hooks/ for a sample, or uncomment the next line and
-# rename the file to "post-receive".
-#. /usr/share/doc/git-core/contrib/hooks/post-receive-email
diff --git a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/post-update.sample b/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/post-update.sample
deleted file mode 100755
index 5323b56..0000000
--- a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/post-update.sample
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# An example hook script to prepare a packed repository for use over
-# dumb transports.
-# To enable this hook, rename this file to "post-update".
-exec git-update-server-info
diff --git a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/pre-applypatch.sample b/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/pre-applypatch.sample
deleted file mode 100755
index b1f187c..0000000
--- a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/pre-applypatch.sample
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# An example hook script to verify what is about to be committed
-# by applypatch from an e-mail message.
-# The hook should exit with non-zero status after issuing an
-# appropriate message if it wants to stop the commit.
-# To enable this hook, rename this file to "pre-applypatch".
-. git-sh-setup
-test -x "$GIT_DIR/hooks/pre-commit" &&
-	exec "$GIT_DIR/hooks/pre-commit" ${1+"$@"}
diff --git a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/pre-commit.sample b/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/pre-commit.sample
deleted file mode 100755
index 439eefd..0000000
--- a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/pre-commit.sample
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# An example hook script to verify what is about to be committed.
-# Called by git-commit with no arguments.  The hook should
-# exit with non-zero status after issuing an appropriate message if
-# it wants to stop the commit.
-# To enable this hook, rename this file to "pre-commit".
-if git-rev-parse --verify HEAD >/dev/null 2>&1
-	against=HEAD
-	# Initial commit: diff against an empty tree object
-	against=4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904
-# If you want to allow non-ascii filenames set this variable to true.
-allownonascii=$(git config hooks.allownonascii)
-# Cross platform projects tend to avoid non-ascii filenames; prevent
-# them from being added to the repository. We exploit the fact that the
-# printable range starts at the space character and ends with tilde.
-if [ "$allownonascii" != "true" ] &&
-	# Note that the use of brackets around a tr range is ok here, (it's
-	# even required, for portability to Solaris 10's /usr/bin/tr), since
-	# the square bracket bytes happen to fall in the designated range.
-	test "$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=A -z $against |
-	  LC_ALL=C tr -d '[ -~]\0')"
-	echo "Error: Attempt to add a non-ascii file name."
-	echo
-	echo "This can cause problems if you want to work"
-	echo "with people on other platforms."
-	echo
-	echo "To be portable it is advisable to rename the file ..."
-	echo
-	echo "If you know what you are doing you can disable this"
-	echo "check using:"
-	echo
-	echo "  git config hooks.allownonascii true"
-	echo
-	exit 1
-exec git diff-index --check --cached $against --
diff --git a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/pre-rebase.sample b/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/pre-rebase.sample
deleted file mode 100755
index be1b06e..0000000
--- a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/pre-rebase.sample
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2006, 2008 Junio C Hamano
-# The "pre-rebase" hook is run just before "git-rebase" starts doing
-# its job, and can prevent the command from running by exiting with
-# non-zero status.
-# The hook is called with the following parameters:
-# $1 -- the upstream the series was forked from.
-# $2 -- the branch being rebased (or empty when rebasing the current branch).
-# This sample shows how to prevent topic branches that are already
-# merged to 'next' branch from getting rebased, because allowing it
-# would result in rebasing already published history.
-if test "$#" = 2
-	topic="refs/heads/$2"
-	topic=`git symbolic-ref HEAD` ||
-	exit 0 ;# we do not interrupt rebasing detached HEAD
-case "$topic" in
-	;;
-	exit 0 ;# we do not interrupt others.
-	;;
-# Now we are dealing with a topic branch being rebased
-# on top of master.  Is it OK to rebase it?
-# Does the topic really exist?
-git show-ref -q "$topic" || {
-	echo >&2 "No such branch $topic"
-	exit 1
-# Is topic fully merged to master?
-not_in_master=`git-rev-list --pretty=oneline ^master "$topic"`
-if test -z "$not_in_master"
-	echo >&2 "$topic is fully merged to master; better remove it."
-	exit 1 ;# we could allow it, but there is no point.
-# Is topic ever merged to next?  If so you should not be rebasing it.
-only_next_1=`git-rev-list ^master "^$topic" ${publish} | sort`
-only_next_2=`git-rev-list ^master           ${publish} | sort`
-if test "$only_next_1" = "$only_next_2"
-	not_in_topic=`git-rev-list "^$topic" master`
-	if test -z "$not_in_topic"
-	then
-		echo >&2 "$topic is already up-to-date with master"
-		exit 1 ;# we could allow it, but there is no point.
-	else
-		exit 0
-	fi
-	not_in_next=`git-rev-list --pretty=oneline ^${publish} "$topic"`
-	perl -e '
-		my $topic = $ARGV[0];
-		my $msg = "* $topic has commits already merged to public branch:\n";
-		my (%not_in_next) = map {
-			/^([0-9a-f]+) /;
-			($1 => 1);
-		} split(/\n/, $ARGV[1]);
-		for my $elem (map {
-				/^([0-9a-f]+) (.*)$/;
-				[$1 => $2];
-			} split(/\n/, $ARGV[2])) {
-			if (!exists $not_in_next{$elem->[0]}) {
-				if ($msg) {
-					print STDERR $msg;
-					undef $msg;
-				}
-				print STDERR " $elem->[1]\n";
-			}
-		}
-	' "$topic" "$not_in_next" "$not_in_master"
-	exit 1
-exit 0
-This sample hook safeguards topic branches that have been
-published from being rewound.
-The workflow assumed here is:
- * Once a topic branch forks from "master", "master" is never
-   merged into it again (either directly or indirectly).
- * Once a topic branch is fully cooked and merged into "master",
-   it is deleted.  If you need to build on top of it to correct
-   earlier mistakes, a new topic branch is created by forking at
-   the tip of the "master".  This is not strictly necessary, but
-   it makes it easier to keep your history simple.
- * Whenever you need to test or publish your changes to topic
-   branches, merge them into "next" branch.
-The script, being an example, hardcodes the publish branch name
-to be "next", but it is trivial to make it configurable via
-$GIT_DIR/config mechanism.
-With this workflow, you would want to know:
-(1) ... if a topic branch has ever been merged to "next".  Young
-    topic branches can have stupid mistakes you would rather
-    clean up before publishing, and things that have not been
-    merged into other branches can be easily rebased without
-    affecting other people.  But once it is published, you would
-    not want to rewind it.
-(2) ... if a topic branch has been fully merged to "master".
-    Then you can delete it.  More importantly, you should not
-    build on top of it -- other people may already want to
-    change things related to the topic as patches against your
-    "master", so if you need further changes, it is better to
-    fork the topic (perhaps with the same name) afresh from the
-    tip of "master".
-Let's look at this example:
-		   o---o---o---o---o---o---o---o---o---o "next"
-		  /       /           /           /
-		 /   a---a---b A     /           /
-		/   /               /           /
-	       /   /   c---c---c---c B         /
-	      /   /   /             \         /
-	     /   /   /   b---b C     \       /
-	    /   /   /   /             \     /
-    ---o---o---o---o---o---o---o---o---o---o---o "master"
-A, B and C are topic branches.
- * A has one fix since it was merged up to "next".
- * B has finished.  It has been fully merged up to "master" and "next",
-   and is ready to be deleted.
- * C has not merged to "next" at all.
-We would want to allow C to be rebased, refuse A, and encourage
-B to be deleted.
-To compute (1):
-	git-rev-list ^master ^topic next
-	git-rev-list ^master        next
-	if these match, topic has not merged in next at all.
-To compute (2):
-	git-rev-list master..topic
-	if this is empty, it is fully merged to "master".
diff --git a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg.sample b/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg.sample
deleted file mode 100755
index 3652424..0000000
--- a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg.sample
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# An example hook script to prepare the commit log message.
-# Called by git-commit with the name of the file that has the
-# commit message, followed by the description of the commit
-# message's source.  The hook's purpose is to edit the commit
-# message file.  If the hook fails with a non-zero status,
-# the commit is aborted.
-# To enable this hook, rename this file to "prepare-commit-msg".
-# This hook includes three examples.  The first comments out the
-# "Conflicts:" part of a merge commit.
-# The second includes the output of "git diff --name-status -r"
-# into the message, just before the "git status" output.  It is
-# commented because it doesn't cope with --amend or with squashed
-# commits.
-# The third example adds a Signed-off-by line to the message, that can
-# still be edited.  This is rarely a good idea.
-case "$2,$3" in
-  merge,)
-    perl -i.bak -ne 's/^/# /, s/^# #/#/ if /^Conflicts/ .. /#/; print' "$1" ;;
-# ,|template,)
-#   perl -i.bak -pe '
-#      print "\n" . `git diff --cached --name-status -r`
-#	 if /^#/ && $first++ == 0' "$1" ;;
-  *) ;;
-# SOB=$(git var GIT_AUTHOR_IDENT | sed -n 's/^\(.*>\).*$/Signed-off-by: \1/p')
-# grep -qs "^$SOB" "$1" || echo "$SOB" >> "$1"
diff --git a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/update b/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/update
deleted file mode 100755
index 4ea5e4d..0000000
--- a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/update
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/update.sample b/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/update.sample
deleted file mode 100755
index fd63b2d..0000000
--- a/ForgeUserStats/forgeuserstats/tests/data/testgit.git/hooks/update.sample
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-# An example hook script to blocks unannotated tags from entering.
-# Called by git-receive-pack with arguments: refname sha1-old sha1-new
-# To enable this hook, rename this file to "update".
-# Config
-# ------
-# hooks.allowunannotated
-#   This boolean sets whether unannotated tags will be allowed into the
-#   repository.  By default they won't be.
-# hooks.allowdeletetag
-#   This boolean sets whether deleting tags will be allowed in the
-#   repository.  By default they won't be.
-# hooks.allowmodifytag
-#   This boolean sets whether a tag may be modified after creation. By default
-#   it won't be.
-# hooks.allowdeletebranch
-#   This boolean sets whether deleting branches will be allowed in the
-#   repository.  By default they won't be.
-# hooks.denycreatebranch
-#   This boolean sets whether remotely creating branches will be denied
-#   in the repository.  By default this is allowed.
-# --- Command line
-# --- Safety check
-if [ -z "$GIT_DIR" ]; then
-	echo "Don't run this script from the command line." >&2
-	echo " (if you want, you could supply GIT_DIR then run" >&2
-	echo "  $0 <ref> <oldrev> <newrev>)" >&2
-	exit 1
-if [ -z "$refname" -o -z "$oldrev" -o -z "$newrev" ]; then
-	echo "Usage: $0 <ref> <oldrev> <newrev>" >&2
-	exit 1
-# --- Config
-allowunannotated=$(git config --bool hooks.allowunannotated)
-allowdeletebranch=$(git config --bool hooks.allowdeletebranch)
-denycreatebranch=$(git config --bool hooks.denycreatebranch)
-allowdeletetag=$(git config --bool hooks.allowdeletetag)
-allowmodifytag=$(git config --bool hooks.allowmodifytag)
-# check for no description
-projectdesc=$(sed -e '1q' "$GIT_DIR/description")
-case "$projectdesc" in
-"Unnamed repository"* | "")
-	echo "*** Project description file hasn't been set" >&2
-	exit 1
-	;;
-# --- Check types
-# if $newrev is 0000...0000, it's a commit to delete a ref.
-if [ "$newrev" = "$zero" ]; then
-	newrev_type=delete
-	newrev_type=$(git-cat-file -t $newrev)
-case "$refname","$newrev_type" in
-	refs/tags/*,commit)
-		# un-annotated tag
-		short_refname=${refname##refs/tags/}
-		if [ "$allowunannotated" != "true" ]; then
-			echo "*** The un-annotated tag, $short_refname, is not allowed in this repository" >&2
-			echo "*** Use 'git tag [ -a | -s ]' for tags you want to propagate." >&2
-			exit 1
-		fi
-		;;
-	refs/tags/*,delete)
-		# delete tag
-		if [ "$allowdeletetag" != "true" ]; then
-			echo "*** Deleting a tag is not allowed in this repository" >&2
-			exit 1
-		fi
-		;;
-	refs/tags/*,tag)
-		# annotated tag
-		if [ "$allowmodifytag" != "true" ] && git rev-parse $refname > /dev/null 2>&1
-		then
-			echo "*** Tag '$refname' already exists." >&2
-			echo "*** Modifying a tag is not allowed in this repository." >&2
-			exit 1
-		fi
-		;;
-	refs/heads/*,commit)
-		# branch
-		if [ "$oldrev" = "$zero" -a "$denycreatebranch" = "true" ]; then
-			echo "*** Creating a branch is not allowed in this repository" >&2
-			exit 1
-		fi
-		;;
-	refs/heads/*,delete)
-		# delete branch
-		if [ "$allowdeletebranch" != "true" ]; then
-			echo "*** Deleting a branch is not allowed in this repository" >&2
-			exit 1
-		fi
-		;;
-	refs/remotes/*,commit)
-		# tracking branch
-		;;
-	refs/remotes/*,delete)
-		# delete tracking branch
-		if [ "$allowdeletebranch" != "true" ]; then
-			echo "*** Deleting a tracking branch is not allowed in this repository" >&2
-			exit 1
-		fi
-		;;
-	*)
-		# Anything else (is there anything else?)
-		echo "*** Update hook: unknown type of update to ref $refname of type $newrev_type" >&2
-		exit 1
-		;;
-# --- Finished
-exit 0