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[34/42] incubator-mynewt-newt git commit: Move newt source into a "newt" subdirectory.
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 233e7e9..0000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,675 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2014 Yasuhiro Matsumoto <>.
-// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package sqlite3
-#cgo CFLAGS: -std=gnu99
-#include <sqlite3-binding.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#ifdef __CYGWIN__
-# include <errno.h>
-static int
-_sqlite3_open_v2(const char *filename, sqlite3 **ppDb, int flags, const char *zVfs) {
-  return sqlite3_open_v2(filename, ppDb, flags | SQLITE_OPEN_URI, zVfs);
-  return sqlite3_open_v2(filename, ppDb, flags, zVfs);
-static int
-_sqlite3_bind_text(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int n, char *p, int np) {
-  return sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, n, p, np, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
-static int
-_sqlite3_bind_blob(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, int n, void *p, int np) {
-  return sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, n, p, np, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-static int
-_sqlite3_exec(sqlite3* db, const char* pcmd, long* rowid, long* changes)
-  int rv = sqlite3_exec(db, pcmd, 0, 0, 0);
-  *rowid = (long) sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db);
-  *changes = (long) sqlite3_changes(db);
-  return rv;
-static int
-_sqlite3_step(sqlite3_stmt* stmt, long* rowid, long* changes)
-  int rv = sqlite3_step(stmt);
-  sqlite3* db = sqlite3_db_handle(stmt);
-  *rowid = (long) sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db);
-  *changes = (long) sqlite3_changes(db);
-  return rv;
-import "C"
-import (
-	"database/sql"
-	"database/sql/driver"
-	"errors"
-	"fmt"
-	"io"
-	"net/url"
-	"runtime"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	"time"
-	"unsafe"
-// Timestamp formats understood by both this module and SQLite.
-// The first format in the slice will be used when saving time values
-// into the database. When parsing a string from a timestamp or
-// datetime column, the formats are tried in order.
-var SQLiteTimestampFormats = []string{
-	"2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999",
-	"2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999",
-	"2006-01-02 15:04:05",
-	"2006-01-02T15:04:05",
-	"2006-01-02 15:04",
-	"2006-01-02T15:04",
-	"2006-01-02",
-	"2006-01-02 15:04:05-07:00",
-func init() {
-	sql.Register("sqlite3", &SQLiteDriver{})
-// Return SQLite library Version information.
-func Version() (libVersion string, libVersionNumber int, sourceId string) {
-	libVersion = C.GoString(C.sqlite3_libversion())
-	libVersionNumber = int(C.sqlite3_libversion_number())
-	sourceId = C.GoString(C.sqlite3_sourceid())
-	return libVersion, libVersionNumber, sourceId
-// Driver struct.
-type SQLiteDriver struct {
-	Extensions  []string
-	ConnectHook func(*SQLiteConn) error
-// Conn struct.
-type SQLiteConn struct {
-	db     *C.sqlite3
-	loc    *time.Location
-	txlock string
-// Tx struct.
-type SQLiteTx struct {
-	c *SQLiteConn
-// Stmt struct.
-type SQLiteStmt struct {
-	c      *SQLiteConn
-	s      *C.sqlite3_stmt
-	nv     int
-	nn     []string
-	t      string
-	closed bool
-	cls    bool
-// Result struct.
-type SQLiteResult struct {
-	id      int64
-	changes int64
-// Rows struct.
-type SQLiteRows struct {
-	s        *SQLiteStmt
-	nc       int
-	cols     []string
-	decltype []string
-	cls      bool
-// Commit transaction.
-func (tx *SQLiteTx) Commit() error {
-	_, err := tx.c.exec("COMMIT")
-	return err
-// Rollback transaction.
-func (tx *SQLiteTx) Rollback() error {
-	_, err := tx.c.exec("ROLLBACK")
-	return err
-// AutoCommit return which currently auto commit or not.
-func (c *SQLiteConn) AutoCommit() bool {
-	return int(C.sqlite3_get_autocommit(c.db)) != 0
-func (c *SQLiteConn) lastError() Error {
-	return Error{
-		Code:         ErrNo(C.sqlite3_errcode(c.db)),
-		ExtendedCode: ErrNoExtended(C.sqlite3_extended_errcode(c.db)),
-		err:          C.GoString(C.sqlite3_errmsg(c.db)),
-	}
-// Implements Execer
-func (c *SQLiteConn) Exec(query string, args []driver.Value) (driver.Result, error) {
-	if len(args) == 0 {
-		return c.exec(query)
-	}
-	for {
-		s, err := c.Prepare(query)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		var res driver.Result
-		if s.(*SQLiteStmt).s != nil {
-			na := s.NumInput()
-			if len(args) < na {
-				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Not enough args to execute query. Expected %d, got %d.", na, len(args))
-			}
-			res, err = s.Exec(args[:na])
-			if err != nil && err != driver.ErrSkip {
-				s.Close()
-				return nil, err
-			}
-			args = args[na:]
-		}
-		tail := s.(*SQLiteStmt).t
-		s.Close()
-		if tail == "" {
-			return res, nil
-		}
-		query = tail
-	}
-// Implements Queryer
-func (c *SQLiteConn) Query(query string, args []driver.Value) (driver.Rows, error) {
-	for {
-		s, err := c.Prepare(query)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		s.(*SQLiteStmt).cls = true
-		na := s.NumInput()
-		if len(args) < na {
-			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Not enough args to execute query. Expected %d, got %d.", na, len(args))
-		}
-		rows, err := s.Query(args[:na])
-		if err != nil && err != driver.ErrSkip {
-			s.Close()
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		args = args[na:]
-		tail := s.(*SQLiteStmt).t
-		if tail == "" {
-			return rows, nil
-		}
-		rows.Close()
-		s.Close()
-		query = tail
-	}
-func (c *SQLiteConn) exec(cmd string) (driver.Result, error) {
-	pcmd := C.CString(cmd)
-	defer
-	var rowid, changes C.long
-	rv := C._sqlite3_exec(c.db, pcmd, &rowid, &changes)
-	if rv != C.SQLITE_OK {
-		return nil, c.lastError()
-	}
-	return &SQLiteResult{int64(rowid), int64(changes)}, nil
-// Begin transaction.
-func (c *SQLiteConn) Begin() (driver.Tx, error) {
-	if _, err := c.exec(c.txlock); err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return &SQLiteTx{c}, nil
-func errorString(err Error) string {
-	return C.GoString(C.sqlite3_errstr(
-// Open database and return a new connection.
-// You can specify DSN string with URI filename.
-//   test.db
-//   file:test.db?cache=shared&mode=memory
-//   :memory:
-//   file::memory:
-// go-sqlite handle especially query parameters.
-//   _loc=XXX
-//     Specify location of time format. It's possible to specify "auto".
-//   _busy_timeout=XXX
-//     Specify value for sqlite3_busy_timeout.
-//   _txlock=XXX
-//     Specify locking behavior for transactions.  XXX can be "immediate",
-//     "deferred", "exclusive".
-func (d *SQLiteDriver) Open(dsn string) (driver.Conn, error) {
-	if C.sqlite3_threadsafe() == 0 {
-		return nil, errors.New("sqlite library was not compiled for thread-safe operation")
-	}
-	var loc *time.Location
-	txlock := "BEGIN"
-	busy_timeout := 5000
-	pos := strings.IndexRune(dsn, '?')
-	if pos >= 1 {
-		params, err := url.ParseQuery(dsn[pos+1:])
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		// _loc
-		if val := params.Get("_loc"); val != "" {
-			if val == "auto" {
-				loc = time.Local
-			} else {
-				loc, err = time.LoadLocation(val)
-				if err != nil {
-					return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid _loc: %v: %v", val, err)
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		// _busy_timeout
-		if val := params.Get("_busy_timeout"); val != "" {
-			iv, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64)
-			if err != nil {
-				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid _busy_timeout: %v: %v", val, err)
-			}
-			busy_timeout = int(iv)
-		}
-		// _txlock
-		if val := params.Get("_txlock"); val != "" {
-			switch val {
-			case "immediate":
-				txlock = "BEGIN IMMEDIATE"
-			case "exclusive":
-				txlock = "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE"
-			case "deferred":
-				txlock = "BEGIN"
-			default:
-				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid _txlock: %v", val)
-			}
-		}
-		if !strings.HasPrefix(dsn, "file:") {
-			dsn = dsn[:pos]
-		}
-	}
-	var db *C.sqlite3
-	name := C.CString(dsn)
-	defer
-	rv := C._sqlite3_open_v2(name, &db,
-		nil)
-	if rv != 0 {
-		return nil, Error{Code: ErrNo(rv)}
-	}
-	if db == nil {
-		return nil, errors.New("sqlite succeeded without returning a database")
-	}
-	rv = C.sqlite3_busy_timeout(db,
-	if rv != C.SQLITE_OK {
-		return nil, Error{Code: ErrNo(rv)}
-	}
-	conn := &SQLiteConn{db: db, loc: loc, txlock: txlock}
-	if len(d.Extensions) > 0 {
-		rv = C.sqlite3_enable_load_extension(db, 1)
-		if rv != C.SQLITE_OK {
-			return nil, errors.New(C.GoString(C.sqlite3_errmsg(db)))
-		}
-		for _, extension := range d.Extensions {
-			cext := C.CString(extension)
-			defer
-			rv = C.sqlite3_load_extension(db, cext, nil, nil)
-			if rv != C.SQLITE_OK {
-				return nil, errors.New(C.GoString(C.sqlite3_errmsg(db)))
-			}
-		}
-		rv = C.sqlite3_enable_load_extension(db, 0)
-		if rv != C.SQLITE_OK {
-			return nil, errors.New(C.GoString(C.sqlite3_errmsg(db)))
-		}
-	}
-	if d.ConnectHook != nil {
-		if err := d.ConnectHook(conn); err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-	}
-	runtime.SetFinalizer(conn, (*SQLiteConn).Close)
-	return conn, nil
-// Close the connection.
-func (c *SQLiteConn) Close() error {
-	rv := C.sqlite3_close_v2(c.db)
-	if rv != C.SQLITE_OK {
-		return c.lastError()
-	}
-	c.db = nil
-	runtime.SetFinalizer(c, nil)
-	return nil
-// Prepare query string. Return a new statement.
-func (c *SQLiteConn) Prepare(query string) (driver.Stmt, error) {
-	pquery := C.CString(query)
-	defer
-	var s *C.sqlite3_stmt
-	var tail *C.char
-	rv := C.sqlite3_prepare_v2(c.db, pquery, -1, &s, &tail)
-	if rv != C.SQLITE_OK {
-		return nil, c.lastError()
-	}
-	var t string
-	if tail != nil && *tail != '\000' {
-		t = strings.TrimSpace(C.GoString(tail))
-	}
-	nv := int(C.sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(s))
-	var nn []string
-	for i := 0; i < nv; i++ {
-		pn := C.GoString(C.sqlite3_bind_parameter_name(s,
-		if len(pn) > 1 && pn[0] == '$' && 48 <= pn[1] && pn[1] <= 57 {
-			nn = append(nn, C.GoString(C.sqlite3_bind_parameter_name(s,
-		}
-	}
-	ss := &SQLiteStmt{c: c, s: s, nv: nv, nn: nn, t: t}
-	runtime.SetFinalizer(ss, (*SQLiteStmt).Close)
-	return ss, nil
-// Close the statement.
-func (s *SQLiteStmt) Close() error {
-	if s.closed {
-		return nil
-	}
-	s.closed = true
-	if s.c == nil || s.c.db == nil {
-		return errors.New("sqlite statement with already closed database connection")
-	}
-	rv := C.sqlite3_finalize(s.s)
-	if rv != C.SQLITE_OK {
-		return s.c.lastError()
-	}
-	runtime.SetFinalizer(s, nil)
-	return nil
-// Return a number of parameters.
-func (s *SQLiteStmt) NumInput() int {
-	return s.nv
-type bindArg struct {
-	n int
-	v driver.Value
-func (s *SQLiteStmt) bind(args []driver.Value) error {
-	rv := C.sqlite3_reset(s.s)
-	if rv != C.SQLITE_ROW && rv != C.SQLITE_OK && rv != C.SQLITE_DONE {
-		return s.c.lastError()
-	}
-	var vargs []bindArg
-	narg := len(args)
-	vargs = make([]bindArg, narg)
-	if len(s.nn) > 0 {
-		for i, v := range s.nn {
-			if pi, err := strconv.Atoi(v[1:]); err == nil {
-				vargs[i] = bindArg{pi, args[i]}
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		for i, v := range args {
-			vargs[i] = bindArg{i + 1, v}
-		}
-	}
-	for _, varg := range vargs {
-		n :=
-		v := varg.v
-		switch v := v.(type) {
-		case nil:
-			rv = C.sqlite3_bind_null(s.s, n)
-		case string:
-			if len(v) == 0 {
-				b := []byte{0}
-				rv = C._sqlite3_bind_text(s.s, n, (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])),
-			} else {
-				b := []byte(v)
-				rv = C._sqlite3_bind_text(s.s, n, (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])),
-			}
-		case int64:
-			rv = C.sqlite3_bind_int64(s.s, n, C.sqlite3_int64(v))
-		case bool:
-			if bool(v) {
-				rv = C.sqlite3_bind_int(s.s, n, 1)
-			} else {
-				rv = C.sqlite3_bind_int(s.s, n, 0)
-			}
-		case float64:
-			rv = C.sqlite3_bind_double(s.s, n, C.double(v))
-		case []byte:
-			var p *byte
-			if len(v) > 0 {
-				p = &v[0]
-			}
-			rv = C._sqlite3_bind_blob(s.s, n, unsafe.Pointer(p),
-		case time.Time:
-			b := []byte(v.UTC().Format(SQLiteTimestampFormats[0]))
-			rv = C._sqlite3_bind_text(s.s, n, (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])),
-		}
-		if rv != C.SQLITE_OK {
-			return s.c.lastError()
-		}
-	}
-	return nil
-// Query the statement with arguments. Return records.
-func (s *SQLiteStmt) Query(args []driver.Value) (driver.Rows, error) {
-	if err := s.bind(args); err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return &SQLiteRows{s, int(C.sqlite3_column_count(s.s)), nil, nil, s.cls}, nil
-// Return last inserted ID.
-func (r *SQLiteResult) LastInsertId() (int64, error) {
-	return, nil
-// Return how many rows affected.
-func (r *SQLiteResult) RowsAffected() (int64, error) {
-	return r.changes, nil
-// Execute the statement with arguments. Return result object.
-func (s *SQLiteStmt) Exec(args []driver.Value) (driver.Result, error) {
-	if err := s.bind(args); err != nil {
-		C.sqlite3_reset(s.s)
-		C.sqlite3_clear_bindings(s.s)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	var rowid, changes C.long
-	rv := C._sqlite3_step(s.s, &rowid, &changes)
-	if rv != C.SQLITE_ROW && rv != C.SQLITE_OK && rv != C.SQLITE_DONE {
-		err := s.c.lastError()
-		C.sqlite3_reset(s.s)
-		C.sqlite3_clear_bindings(s.s)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return &SQLiteResult{int64(rowid), int64(changes)}, nil
-// Close the rows.
-func (rc *SQLiteRows) Close() error {
-	if rc.s.closed {
-		return nil
-	}
-	if rc.cls {
-		return rc.s.Close()
-	}
-	rv := C.sqlite3_reset(rc.s.s)
-	if rv != C.SQLITE_OK {
-		return rc.s.c.lastError()
-	}
-	return nil
-// Return column names.
-func (rc *SQLiteRows) Columns() []string {
-	if != len(rc.cols) {
-		rc.cols = make([]string,
-		for i := 0; i <; i++ {
-			rc.cols[i] = C.GoString(C.sqlite3_column_name(rc.s.s,
-		}
-	}
-	return rc.cols
-// Move cursor to next.
-func (rc *SQLiteRows) Next(dest []driver.Value) error {
-	rv := C.sqlite3_step(rc.s.s)
-	if rv == C.SQLITE_DONE {
-		return io.EOF
-	}
-	if rv != C.SQLITE_ROW {
-		rv = C.sqlite3_reset(rc.s.s)
-		if rv != C.SQLITE_OK {
-			return rc.s.c.lastError()
-		}
-		return nil
-	}
-	if rc.decltype == nil {
-		rc.decltype = make([]string,
-		for i := 0; i <; i++ {
-			rc.decltype[i] = strings.ToLower(C.GoString(C.sqlite3_column_decltype(rc.s.s,
-		}
-	}
-	for i := range dest {
-		switch C.sqlite3_column_type(rc.s.s, {
-			val := int64(C.sqlite3_column_int64(rc.s.s,
-			switch rc.decltype[i] {
-			case "timestamp", "datetime", "date":
-				unixTimestamp := strconv.FormatInt(val, 10)
-				var t time.Time
-				if len(unixTimestamp) == 13 {
-					duration, err := time.ParseDuration(unixTimestamp + "ms")
-					if err != nil {
-						return fmt.Errorf("error parsing %s value %d, %s", rc.decltype[i], val, err)
-					}
-					epoch := time.Date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
-					t = epoch.Add(duration)
-				} else {
-					t = time.Unix(val, 0)
-				}
-				if rc.s.c.loc != nil {
-					t = t.In(rc.s.c.loc)
-				}
-				dest[i] = t
-			case "boolean":
-				dest[i] = val > 0
-			default:
-				dest[i] = val
-			}
-			dest[i] = float64(C.sqlite3_column_double(rc.s.s,
-		case C.SQLITE_BLOB:
-			p := C.sqlite3_column_blob(rc.s.s,
-			if p == nil {
-				dest[i] = nil
-				continue
-			}
-			n := int(C.sqlite3_column_bytes(rc.s.s,
-			switch dest[i].(type) {
-			case sql.RawBytes:
-				dest[i] = (*[1 << 30]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(p))[0:n]
-			default:
-				slice := make([]byte, n)
-				copy(slice[:], (*[1 << 30]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(p))[0:n])
-				dest[i] = slice
-			}
-		case C.SQLITE_NULL:
-			dest[i] = nil
-		case C.SQLITE_TEXT:
-			var err error
-			var timeVal time.Time
-			n := int(C.sqlite3_column_bytes(rc.s.s,
-			s := C.GoStringN((*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(C.sqlite3_column_text(rc.s.s,,
-			switch rc.decltype[i] {
-			case "timestamp", "datetime", "date":
-				var t time.Time
-				s = strings.TrimSuffix(s, "Z")
-				for _, format := range SQLiteTimestampFormats {
-					if timeVal, err = time.ParseInLocation(format, s, time.UTC); err == nil {
-						t = timeVal
-						break
-					}
-				}
-				if err != nil {
-					// The column is a time value, so return the zero time on parse failure.
-					t = time.Time{}
-				}
-				if rc.s.c.loc != nil {
-					t = t.In(rc.s.c.loc)
-				}
-				dest[i] = t
-			default:
-				dest[i] = []byte(s)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return nil
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index a1cd217..0000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2015 Yasuhiro Matsumoto <>.
-// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package sqlite3
-import (
-	"database/sql"
-	"os"
-	"testing"
-func TestFTS3(t *testing.T) {
-	tempFilename := TempFilename()
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	defer os.Remove(tempFilename)
-	defer db.Close()
-	_, err = db.Exec("DROP TABLE foo")
-	_, err = db.Exec("CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE foo USING fts3(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT)")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to create table:", err)
-	}
-	_, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO foo(id, value) VALUES(?, ?)", 1, `今日の 晩御飯は 天麩羅よ`)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to insert value:", err)
-	}
-	_, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO foo(id, value) VALUES(?, ?)", 2, `今日は いい 天気だ`)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to insert value:", err)
-	}
-	rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, value FROM foo WHERE value MATCH '今日* 天*'")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Unable to query foo table:", err)
-	}
-	defer rows.Close()
-	for rows.Next() {
-		var id int
-		var value string
-		if err := rows.Scan(&id, &value); err != nil {
-			t.Error("Unable to scan results:", err)
-			continue
-		}
-		if id == 1 && value != `今日の 晩御飯は 天麩羅よ` {
-			t.Error("Value for id 1 should be `今日の 晩御飯は 天麩羅よ`, but:", value)
-		} else if id == 2 && value != `今日は いい 天気だ` {
-			t.Error("Value for id 2 should be `今日は いい 天気だ`, but:", value)
-		}
-	}
-	rows, err = db.Query("SELECT value FROM foo WHERE value MATCH '今日* 天麩羅*'")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Unable to query foo table:", err)
-	}
-	defer rows.Close()
-	var value string
-	if !rows.Next() {
-		t.Fatal("Result should be only one")
-	}
-	if err := rows.Scan(&value); err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Unable to scan results:", err)
-	}
-	if value != `今日の 晩御飯は 天麩羅よ` {
-		t.Fatal("Value should be `今日の 晩御飯は 天麩羅よ`, but:", value)
-	}
-	if rows.Next() {
-		t.Fatal("Result should be only one")
-	}
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index a20d02c..0000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2014 Yasuhiro Matsumoto <>.
-// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// +build !windows
-package sqlite3
-#cgo CFLAGS: -I.
-#cgo linux LDFLAGS: -ldl
-import "C"
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 423f30e..0000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1058 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2014 Yasuhiro Matsumoto <>.
-// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package sqlite3
-import (
-	"crypto/rand"
-	"database/sql"
-	"database/sql/driver"
-	"encoding/hex"
-	"errors"
-	"fmt"
-	"net/url"
-	"os"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"strings"
-	"testing"
-	"time"
-	""
-func TempFilename() string {
-	randBytes := make([]byte, 16)
-	rand.Read(randBytes)
-	return filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "foo"+hex.EncodeToString(randBytes)+".db")
-func doTestOpen(t *testing.T, option string) (string, error) {
-	var url string
-	tempFilename := TempFilename()
-	if option != "" {
-		url = tempFilename + option
-	} else {
-		url = tempFilename
-	}
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", url)
-	if err != nil {
-		return "Failed to open database:", err
-	}
-	defer os.Remove(tempFilename)
-	defer db.Close()
-	_, err = db.Exec("drop table foo")
-	_, err = db.Exec("create table foo (id integer)")
-	if err != nil {
-		return "Failed to create table:", err
-	}
-	if stat, err := os.Stat(tempFilename); err != nil || stat.IsDir() {
-		return "Failed to create ./foo.db", nil
-	}
-	return "", nil
-func TestOpen(t *testing.T) {
-	cases := map[string]bool{
-		"":                   true,
-		"?_txlock=immediate": true,
-		"?_txlock=deferred":  true,
-		"?_txlock=exclusive": true,
-		"?_txlock=bogus":     false,
-	}
-	for option, expectedPass := range cases {
-		result, err := doTestOpen(t, option)
-		if result == "" {
-			if !expectedPass {
-				errmsg := fmt.Sprintf("_txlock error not caught at dbOpen with option: %s", option)
-				t.Fatal(errmsg)
-			}
-		} else if expectedPass {
-			if err == nil {
-				t.Fatal(result)
-			} else {
-				t.Fatal(result, err)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-func TestClose(t *testing.T) {
-	tempFilename := TempFilename()
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	defer os.Remove(tempFilename)
-	_, err = db.Exec("drop table foo")
-	_, err = db.Exec("create table foo (id integer)")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to create table:", err)
-	}
-	stmt, err := db.Prepare("select id from foo where id = ?")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to select records:", err)
-	}
-	db.Close()
-	_, err = stmt.Exec(1)
-	if err == nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to operate closed statement")
-	}
-func TestInsert(t *testing.T) {
-	tempFilename := TempFilename()
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	defer os.Remove(tempFilename)
-	defer db.Close()
-	_, err = db.Exec("drop table foo")
-	_, err = db.Exec("create table foo (id integer)")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to create table:", err)
-	}
-	res, err := db.Exec("insert into foo(id) values(123)")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to insert record:", err)
-	}
-	affected, _ := res.RowsAffected()
-	if affected != 1 {
-		t.Fatalf("Expected %d for affected rows, but %d:", 1, affected)
-	}
-	rows, err := db.Query("select id from foo")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to select records:", err)
-	}
-	defer rows.Close()
-	rows.Next()
-	var result int
-	rows.Scan(&result)
-	if result != 123 {
-		t.Errorf("Fetched %q; expected %q", 123, result)
-	}
-func TestUpdate(t *testing.T) {
-	tempFilename := TempFilename()
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	defer os.Remove(tempFilename)
-	defer db.Close()
-	_, err = db.Exec("drop table foo")
-	_, err = db.Exec("create table foo (id integer)")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to create table:", err)
-	}
-	res, err := db.Exec("insert into foo(id) values(123)")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to insert record:", err)
-	}
-	expected, err := res.LastInsertId()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to get LastInsertId:", err)
-	}
-	affected, _ := res.RowsAffected()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to get RowsAffected:", err)
-	}
-	if affected != 1 {
-		t.Fatalf("Expected %d for affected rows, but %d:", 1, affected)
-	}
-	res, err = db.Exec("update foo set id = 234")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to update record:", err)
-	}
-	lastId, err := res.LastInsertId()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to get LastInsertId:", err)
-	}
-	if expected != lastId {
-		t.Errorf("Expected %q for last Id, but %q:", expected, lastId)
-	}
-	affected, _ = res.RowsAffected()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to get RowsAffected:", err)
-	}
-	if affected != 1 {
-		t.Fatalf("Expected %d for affected rows, but %d:", 1, affected)
-	}
-	rows, err := db.Query("select id from foo")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to select records:", err)
-	}
-	defer rows.Close()
-	rows.Next()
-	var result int
-	rows.Scan(&result)
-	if result != 234 {
-		t.Errorf("Fetched %q; expected %q", 234, result)
-	}
-func TestDelete(t *testing.T) {
-	tempFilename := TempFilename()
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	defer os.Remove(tempFilename)
-	defer db.Close()
-	_, err = db.Exec("drop table foo")
-	_, err = db.Exec("create table foo (id integer)")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to create table:", err)
-	}
-	res, err := db.Exec("insert into foo(id) values(123)")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to insert record:", err)
-	}
-	expected, err := res.LastInsertId()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to get LastInsertId:", err)
-	}
-	affected, err := res.RowsAffected()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to get RowsAffected:", err)
-	}
-	if affected != 1 {
-		t.Errorf("Expected %d for cout of affected rows, but %q:", 1, affected)
-	}
-	res, err = db.Exec("delete from foo where id = 123")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to delete record:", err)
-	}
-	lastId, err := res.LastInsertId()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to get LastInsertId:", err)
-	}
-	if expected != lastId {
-		t.Errorf("Expected %q for last Id, but %q:", expected, lastId)
-	}
-	affected, err = res.RowsAffected()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to get RowsAffected:", err)
-	}
-	if affected != 1 {
-		t.Errorf("Expected %d for cout of affected rows, but %q:", 1, affected)
-	}
-	rows, err := db.Query("select id from foo")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to select records:", err)
-	}
-	defer rows.Close()
-	if rows.Next() {
-		t.Error("Fetched row but expected not rows")
-	}
-func TestBooleanRoundtrip(t *testing.T) {
-	tempFilename := TempFilename()
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	defer os.Remove(tempFilename)
-	defer db.Close()
-	_, err = db.Exec("DROP TABLE foo")
-	_, err = db.Exec("CREATE TABLE foo(id INTEGER, value BOOL)")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to create table:", err)
-	}
-	_, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO foo(id, value) VALUES(1, ?)", true)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to insert true value:", err)
-	}
-	_, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO foo(id, value) VALUES(2, ?)", false)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to insert false value:", err)
-	}
-	rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, value FROM foo")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Unable to query foo table:", err)
-	}
-	defer rows.Close()
-	for rows.Next() {
-		var id int
-		var value bool
-		if err := rows.Scan(&id, &value); err != nil {
-			t.Error("Unable to scan results:", err)
-			continue
-		}
-		if id == 1 && !value {
-			t.Error("Value for id 1 should be true, not false")
-		} else if id == 2 && value {
-			t.Error("Value for id 2 should be false, not true")
-		}
-	}
-func TestTimestamp(t *testing.T) {
-	tempFilename := TempFilename()
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	defer os.Remove(tempFilename)
-	defer db.Close()
-	_, err = db.Exec("DROP TABLE foo")
-	_, err = db.Exec("CREATE TABLE foo(id INTEGER, ts timeSTAMP, dt DATETIME)")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to create table:", err)
-	}
-	timestamp1 := time.Date(2012, time.April, 6, 22, 50, 0, 0, time.UTC)
-	timestamp2 := time.Date(2006, time.January, 2, 15, 4, 5, 123456789, time.UTC)
-	timestamp3 := time.Date(2012, time.November, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
-	tests := []struct {
-		value    interface{}
-		expected time.Time
-	}{
-		{"nonsense", time.Time{}},
-		{"0000-00-00 00:00:00", time.Time{}},
-		{timestamp1, timestamp1},
-		{timestamp1.Unix(), timestamp1},
-		{timestamp1.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond), timestamp1},
-		{timestamp1.In(time.FixedZone("TEST", -7*3600)), timestamp1},
-		{timestamp1.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000"), timestamp1},
-		{timestamp1.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000"), timestamp1},
-		{timestamp1.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), timestamp1},
-		{timestamp1.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05"), timestamp1},
-		{timestamp2, timestamp2},
-		{"2006-01-02 15:04:05.123456789", timestamp2},
-		{"2006-01-02T15:04:05.123456789", timestamp2},
-		{"2012-11-04", timestamp3},
-		{"2012-11-04 00:00", timestamp3},
-		{"2012-11-04 00:00:00", timestamp3},
-		{"2012-11-04 00:00:00.000", timestamp3},
-		{"2012-11-04T00:00", timestamp3},
-		{"2012-11-04T00:00:00", timestamp3},
-		{"2012-11-04T00:00:00.000", timestamp3},
-	}
-	for i := range tests {
-		_, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO foo(id, ts, dt) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", i, tests[i].value, tests[i].value)
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal("Failed to insert timestamp:", err)
-		}
-	}
-	rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, ts, dt FROM foo ORDER BY id ASC")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Unable to query foo table:", err)
-	}
-	defer rows.Close()
-	seen := 0
-	for rows.Next() {
-		var id int
-		var ts, dt time.Time
-		if err := rows.Scan(&id, &ts, &dt); err != nil {
-			t.Error("Unable to scan results:", err)
-			continue
-		}
-		if id < 0 || id >= len(tests) {
-			t.Error("Bad row id: ", id)
-			continue
-		}
-		seen++
-		if !tests[id].expected.Equal(ts) {
-			t.Errorf("Timestamp value for id %v (%v) should be %v, not %v", id, tests[id].value, tests[id].expected, dt)
-		}
-		if !tests[id].expected.Equal(dt) {
-			t.Errorf("Datetime value for id %v (%v) should be %v, not %v", id, tests[id].value, tests[id].expected, dt)
-		}
-	}
-	if seen != len(tests) {
-		t.Errorf("Expected to see %d rows", len(tests))
-	}
-func TestBoolean(t *testing.T) {
-	tempFilename := TempFilename()
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	defer os.Remove(tempFilename)
-	defer db.Close()
-	_, err = db.Exec("CREATE TABLE foo(id INTEGER, fbool BOOLEAN)")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to create table:", err)
-	}
-	bool1 := true
-	_, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO foo(id, fbool) VALUES(1, ?)", bool1)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to insert boolean:", err)
-	}
-	bool2 := false
-	_, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO foo(id, fbool) VALUES(2, ?)", bool2)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to insert boolean:", err)
-	}
-	bool3 := "nonsense"
-	_, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO foo(id, fbool) VALUES(3, ?)", bool3)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to insert nonsense:", err)
-	}
-	rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, fbool FROM foo where fbool = ?", bool1)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Unable to query foo table:", err)
-	}
-	counter := 0
-	var id int
-	var fbool bool
-	for rows.Next() {
-		if err := rows.Scan(&id, &fbool); err != nil {
-			t.Fatal("Unable to scan results:", err)
-		}
-		counter++
-	}
-	if counter != 1 {
-		t.Fatalf("Expected 1 row but %v", counter)
-	}
-	if id != 1 && fbool != true {
-		t.Fatalf("Value for id 1 should be %v, not %v", bool1, fbool)
-	}
-	rows, err = db.Query("SELECT id, fbool FROM foo where fbool = ?", bool2)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Unable to query foo table:", err)
-	}
-	counter = 0
-	for rows.Next() {
-		if err := rows.Scan(&id, &fbool); err != nil {
-			t.Fatal("Unable to scan results:", err)
-		}
-		counter++
-	}
-	if counter != 1 {
-		t.Fatalf("Expected 1 row but %v", counter)
-	}
-	if id != 2 && fbool != false {
-		t.Fatalf("Value for id 2 should be %v, not %v", bool2, fbool)
-	}
-	// make sure "nonsense" triggered an error
-	rows, err = db.Query("SELECT id, fbool FROM foo where id=?;", 3)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Unable to query foo table:", err)
-	}
-	rows.Next()
-	err = rows.Scan(&id, &fbool)
-	if err == nil {
-		t.Error("Expected error from \"nonsense\" bool")
-	}
-func TestFloat32(t *testing.T) {
-	tempFilename := TempFilename()
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	defer os.Remove(tempFilename)
-	defer db.Close()
-	_, err = db.Exec("CREATE TABLE foo(id INTEGER)")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to create table:", err)
-	}
-	_, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO foo(id) VALUES(null)")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to insert null:", err)
-	}
-	rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id FROM foo")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Unable to query foo table:", err)
-	}
-	if !rows.Next() {
-		t.Fatal("Unable to query results:", err)
-	}
-	var id interface{}
-	if err := rows.Scan(&id); err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Unable to scan results:", err)
-	}
-	if id != nil {
-		t.Error("Expected nil but not")
-	}
-func TestNull(t *testing.T) {
-	tempFilename := TempFilename()
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	defer os.Remove(tempFilename)
-	defer db.Close()
-	rows, err := db.Query("SELECT 3.141592")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Unable to query foo table:", err)
-	}
-	if !rows.Next() {
-		t.Fatal("Unable to query results:", err)
-	}
-	var v interface{}
-	if err := rows.Scan(&v); err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Unable to scan results:", err)
-	}
-	f, ok := v.(float64)
-	if !ok {
-		t.Error("Expected float but not")
-	}
-	if f != 3.141592 {
-		t.Error("Expected 3.141592 but not")
-	}
-func TestTransaction(t *testing.T) {
-	tempFilename := TempFilename()
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	defer os.Remove(tempFilename)
-	defer db.Close()
-	_, err = db.Exec("CREATE TABLE foo(id INTEGER)")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to create table:", err)
-	}
-	tx, err := db.Begin()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to begin transaction:", err)
-	}
-	_, err = tx.Exec("INSERT INTO foo(id) VALUES(1)")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to insert null:", err)
-	}
-	rows, err := tx.Query("SELECT id from foo")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Unable to query foo table:", err)
-	}
-	err = tx.Rollback()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to rollback transaction:", err)
-	}
-	if rows.Next() {
-		t.Fatal("Unable to query results:", err)
-	}
-	tx, err = db.Begin()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to begin transaction:", err)
-	}
-	_, err = tx.Exec("INSERT INTO foo(id) VALUES(1)")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to insert null:", err)
-	}
-	err = tx.Commit()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to commit transaction:", err)
-	}
-	rows, err = tx.Query("SELECT id from foo")
-	if err == nil {
-		t.Fatal("Expected failure to query")
-	}
-func TestWAL(t *testing.T) {
-	tempFilename := TempFilename()
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	defer os.Remove(tempFilename)
-	defer db.Close()
-	if _, err = db.Exec("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;"); err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to Exec PRAGMA journal_mode:", err)
-	}
-	if _, err = db.Exec("PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE;"); err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to Exec PRAGMA locking_mode:", err)
-	}
-	if _, err = db.Exec("CREATE TABLE test (id SERIAL, user TEXT NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL);"); err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to Exec CREATE TABLE:", err)
-	}
-	if _, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO test (user, name) VALUES ('user','name');"); err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to Exec INSERT:", err)
-	}
-	trans, err := db.Begin()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to Begin:", err)
-	}
-	s, err := trans.Prepare("INSERT INTO test (user, name) VALUES (?, ?);")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to Prepare:", err)
-	}
-	var count int
-	if err = trans.QueryRow("SELECT count(user) FROM test;").Scan(&count); err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to QueryRow:", err)
-	}
-	if _, err = s.Exec("bbbb", "aaaa"); err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to Exec prepared statement:", err)
-	}
-	if err = s.Close(); err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to Close prepared statement:", err)
-	}
-	if err = trans.Commit(); err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to Commit:", err)
-	}
-func TestTimezoneConversion(t *testing.T) {
-	zones := []string{"UTC", "US/Central", "US/Pacific", "Local"}
-	for _, tz := range zones {
-		tempFilename := TempFilename()
-		db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename+"?_loc="+url.QueryEscape(tz))
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-		}
-		defer os.Remove(tempFilename)
-		defer db.Close()
-		_, err = db.Exec("DROP TABLE foo")
-		_, err = db.Exec("CREATE TABLE foo(id INTEGER, ts TIMESTAMP, dt DATETIME)")
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal("Failed to create table:", err)
-		}
-		loc, err := time.LoadLocation(tz)
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal("Failed to load location:", err)
-		}
-		timestamp1 := time.Date(2012, time.April, 6, 22, 50, 0, 0, time.UTC)
-		timestamp2 := time.Date(2006, time.January, 2, 15, 4, 5, 123456789, time.UTC)
-		timestamp3 := time.Date(2012, time.November, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
-		tests := []struct {
-			value    interface{}
-			expected time.Time
-		}{
-			{"nonsense", time.Time{}.In(loc)},
-			{"0000-00-00 00:00:00", time.Time{}.In(loc)},
-			{timestamp1, timestamp1.In(loc)},
-			{timestamp1.Unix(), timestamp1.In(loc)},
-			{timestamp1.In(time.FixedZone("TEST", -7*3600)), timestamp1.In(loc)},
-			{timestamp1.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05.000"), timestamp1.In(loc)},
-			{timestamp1.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000"), timestamp1.In(loc)},
-			{timestamp1.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"), timestamp1.In(loc)},
-			{timestamp1.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05"), timestamp1.In(loc)},
-			{timestamp2, timestamp2.In(loc)},
-			{"2006-01-02 15:04:05.123456789", timestamp2.In(loc)},
-			{"2006-01-02T15:04:05.123456789", timestamp2.In(loc)},
-			{"2012-11-04", timestamp3.In(loc)},
-			{"2012-11-04 00:00", timestamp3.In(loc)},
-			{"2012-11-04 00:00:00", timestamp3.In(loc)},
-			{"2012-11-04 00:00:00.000", timestamp3.In(loc)},
-			{"2012-11-04T00:00", timestamp3.In(loc)},
-			{"2012-11-04T00:00:00", timestamp3.In(loc)},
-			{"2012-11-04T00:00:00.000", timestamp3.In(loc)},
-		}
-		for i := range tests {
-			_, err = db.Exec("INSERT INTO foo(id, ts, dt) VALUES(?, ?, ?)", i, tests[i].value, tests[i].value)
-			if err != nil {
-				t.Fatal("Failed to insert timestamp:", err)
-			}
-		}
-		rows, err := db.Query("SELECT id, ts, dt FROM foo ORDER BY id ASC")
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal("Unable to query foo table:", err)
-		}
-		defer rows.Close()
-		seen := 0
-		for rows.Next() {
-			var id int
-			var ts, dt time.Time
-			if err := rows.Scan(&id, &ts, &dt); err != nil {
-				t.Error("Unable to scan results:", err)
-				continue
-			}
-			if id < 0 || id >= len(tests) {
-				t.Error("Bad row id: ", id)
-				continue
-			}
-			seen++
-			if !tests[id].expected.Equal(ts) {
-				t.Errorf("Timestamp value for id %v (%v) should be %v, not %v", id, tests[id].value, tests[id].expected, ts)
-			}
-			if !tests[id].expected.Equal(dt) {
-				t.Errorf("Datetime value for id %v (%v) should be %v, not %v", id, tests[id].value, tests[id].expected, dt)
-			}
-			if tests[id].expected.Location().String() != ts.Location().String() {
-				t.Errorf("Location for id %v (%v) should be %v, not %v", id, tests[id].value, tests[id].expected.Location().String(), ts.Location().String())
-			}
-			if tests[id].expected.Location().String() != dt.Location().String() {
-				t.Errorf("Location for id %v (%v) should be %v, not %v", id, tests[id].value, tests[id].expected.Location().String(), dt.Location().String())
-			}
-		}
-		if seen != len(tests) {
-			t.Errorf("Expected to see %d rows", len(tests))
-		}
-	}
-func TestSuite(t *testing.T) {
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", ":memory:")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	defer db.Close()
-	sqlite3_test.RunTests(t, db, sqlite3_test.SQLITE)
-// TODO: Execer & Queryer currently disabled
-func TestExecer(t *testing.T) {
-	tempFilename := TempFilename()
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	defer os.Remove(tempFilename)
-	defer db.Close()
-	_, err = db.Exec(`
-       create table foo (id integer); -- one comment
-       insert into foo(id) values(?);
-       insert into foo(id) values(?);
-       insert into foo(id) values(?); -- another comment
-       `, 1, 2, 3)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Error("Failed to call db.Exec:", err)
-	}
-func TestQueryer(t *testing.T) {
-	tempFilename := TempFilename()
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	defer os.Remove(tempFilename)
-	defer db.Close()
-	_, err = db.Exec(`
-	create table foo (id integer);
-	`)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Error("Failed to call db.Query:", err)
-	}
-	rows, err := db.Query(`
-	insert into foo(id) values(?);
-	insert into foo(id) values(?);
-	insert into foo(id) values(?);
-	select id from foo order by id;
-	`, 3, 2, 1)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Error("Failed to call db.Query:", err)
-	}
-	defer rows.Close()
-	n := 1
-	if rows != nil {
-		for rows.Next() {
-			var id int
-			err = rows.Scan(&id)
-			if err != nil {
-				t.Error("Failed to db.Query:", err)
-			}
-			if id != n {
-				t.Error("Failed to db.Query: not matched results")
-			}
-		}
-	}
-func TestStress(t *testing.T) {
-	tempFilename := TempFilename()
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	db.Exec("CREATE TABLE foo (id int);")
-	db.Exec("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1);")
-	db.Exec("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(2);")
-	db.Close()
-	for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
-		db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename)
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-		}
-		for j := 0; j < 3; j++ {
-			rows, err := db.Query("select * from foo where id=1;")
-			if err != nil {
-				t.Error("Failed to call db.Query:", err)
-			}
-			for rows.Next() {
-				var i int
-				if err := rows.Scan(&i); err != nil {
-					t.Errorf("Scan failed: %v\n", err)
-				}
-			}
-			if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
-				t.Errorf("Post-scan failed: %v\n", err)
-			}
-			rows.Close()
-		}
-		db.Close()
-	}
-func TestDateTimeLocal(t *testing.T) {
-	zone := "Asia/Tokyo"
-	tempFilename := TempFilename()
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename+"?_loc="+zone)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	db.Exec("CREATE TABLE foo (dt datetime);")
-	db.Exec("INSERT INTO foo VALUES('2015-03-05 15:16:17');")
-	row := db.QueryRow("select * from foo")
-	var d time.Time
-	err = row.Scan(&d)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to scan datetime:", err)
-	}
-	if d.Hour() == 15 || !strings.Contains(d.String(), "JST") {
-		t.Fatal("Result should have timezone", d)
-	}
-	db.Close()
-	db, err = sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	row = db.QueryRow("select * from foo")
-	err = row.Scan(&d)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to scan datetime:", err)
-	}
-	if d.UTC().Hour() != 15 || !strings.Contains(d.String(), "UTC") {
-		t.Fatalf("Result should not have timezone %v %v", zone, d.String())
-	}
-	_, err = db.Exec("DELETE FROM foo")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to delete table:", err)
-	}
-	dt, err := time.Parse("2006/1/2 15/4/5 -0700 MST", "2015/3/5 15/16/17 +0900 JST")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to parse datetime:", err)
-	}
-	db.Exec("INSERT INTO foo VALUES(?);", dt)
-	db.Close()
-	db, err = sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename+"?_loc="+zone)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	row = db.QueryRow("select * from foo")
-	err = row.Scan(&d)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to scan datetime:", err)
-	}
-	if d.Hour() != 15 || !strings.Contains(d.String(), "JST") {
-		t.Fatalf("Result should have timezone %v %v", zone, d.String())
-	}
-func TestVersion(t *testing.T) {
-	s, n, id := Version()
-	if s == "" || n == 0 || id == "" {
-		t.Errorf("Version failed %q, %d, %q\n", s, n, id)
-	}
-func TestNumberNamedParams(t *testing.T) {
-	tempFilename := TempFilename()
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	defer os.Remove(tempFilename)
-	defer db.Close()
-	_, err = db.Exec(`
-	create table foo (id integer, name text, extra text);
-	`)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Error("Failed to call db.Query:", err)
-	}
-	_, err = db.Exec(`insert into foo(id, name, extra) values($1, $2, $2)`, 1, "foo")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Error("Failed to call db.Exec:", err)
-	}
-	row := db.QueryRow(`select id, extra from foo where id = $1 and extra = $2`, 1, "foo")
-	if row == nil {
-		t.Error("Failed to call db.QueryRow")
-	}
-	var id int
-	var extra string
-	err = row.Scan(&id, &extra)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Error("Failed to db.Scan:", err)
-	}
-	if id != 1 || extra != "foo" {
-		t.Error("Failed to db.QueryRow: not matched results")
-	}
-func TestStringContainingZero(t *testing.T) {
-	tempFilename := TempFilename()
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	defer os.Remove(tempFilename)
-	defer db.Close()
-	_, err = db.Exec(`
-	create table foo (id integer, name, extra text);
-	`)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Error("Failed to call db.Query:", err)
-	}
-	const text = "foo\x00bar"
-	_, err = db.Exec(`insert into foo(id, name, extra) values($1, $2, $2)`, 1, text)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Error("Failed to call db.Exec:", err)
-	}
-	row := db.QueryRow(`select id, extra from foo where id = $1 and extra = $2`, 1, text)
-	if row == nil {
-		t.Error("Failed to call db.QueryRow")
-	}
-	var id int
-	var extra string
-	err = row.Scan(&id, &extra)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Error("Failed to db.Scan:", err)
-	}
-	if id != 1 || extra != text {
-		t.Error("Failed to db.QueryRow: not matched results")
-	}
-const CurrentTimeStamp = "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
-type TimeStamp struct{ *time.Time }
-func (t TimeStamp) Scan(value interface{}) error {
-	var err error
-	switch v := value.(type) {
-	case string:
-		*t.Time, err = time.Parse(CurrentTimeStamp, v)
-	case []byte:
-		*t.Time, err = time.Parse(CurrentTimeStamp, string(v))
-	default:
-		err = errors.New("invalid type for current_timestamp")
-	}
-	return err
-func (t TimeStamp) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
-	return t.Time.Format(CurrentTimeStamp), nil
-func TestDateTimeNow(t *testing.T) {
-	tempFilename := TempFilename()
-	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", tempFilename)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to open database:", err)
-	}
-	defer db.Close()
-	var d time.Time
-	err = db.QueryRow("SELECT datetime('now')").Scan(TimeStamp{&d})
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal("Failed to scan datetime:", err)
-	}
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index fc82782..0000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,412 +0,0 @@
-package sqlite3_test
-import (
-	"database/sql"
-	"fmt"
-	"math/rand"
-	"regexp"
-	"strconv"
-	"sync"
-	"testing"
-	"time"
-type Dialect int
-const (
-	SQLITE Dialect = iota
-type DB struct {
-	*testing.T
-	*sql.DB
-	dialect Dialect
-	once    sync.Once
-var db *DB
-// the following tables will be created and dropped during the test
-var testTables = []string{"foo", "bar", "t", "bench"}
-var tests = []testing.InternalTest{
-	{"TestBlobs", TestBlobs},
-	{"TestManyQueryRow", TestManyQueryRow},
-	{"TestTxQuery", TestTxQuery},
-	{"TestPreparedStmt", TestPreparedStmt},
-var benchmarks = []testing.InternalBenchmark{
-	{"BenchmarkExec", BenchmarkExec},
-	{"BenchmarkQuery", BenchmarkQuery},
-	{"BenchmarkParams", BenchmarkParams},
-	{"BenchmarkStmt", BenchmarkStmt},
-	{"BenchmarkRows", BenchmarkRows},
-	{"BenchmarkStmtRows", BenchmarkStmtRows},
-// RunTests runs the SQL test suite
-func RunTests(t *testing.T, d *sql.DB, dialect Dialect) {
-	db = &DB{t, d, dialect, sync.Once{}}
-	testing.RunTests(func(string, string) (bool, error) { return true, nil }, tests)
-	if !testing.Short() {
-		for _, b := range benchmarks {
-			fmt.Printf("%-20s", b.Name)
-			r := testing.Benchmark(b.F)
-			fmt.Printf("%10d %10.0f req/s\n", r.N, float64(r.N)/r.T.Seconds())
-		}
-	}
-	db.tearDown()
-func (db *DB) mustExec(sql string, args ...interface{}) sql.Result {
-	res, err := db.Exec(sql, args...)
-	if err != nil {
-		db.Fatalf("Error running %q: %v", sql, err)
-	}
-	return res
-func (db *DB) tearDown() {
-	for _, tbl := range testTables {
-		switch db.dialect {
-		case SQLITE:
-			db.mustExec("drop table if exists " + tbl)
-			db.mustExec("drop table if exists " + tbl)
-		default:
-			db.Fatal("unkown dialect")
-		}
-	}
-// q replaces ? parameters if needed
-func (db *DB) q(sql string) string {
-	switch db.dialect {
-	case POSTGRESQL: // repace with $1, $2, ..
-		qrx := regexp.MustCompile(`\?`)
-		n := 0
-		return qrx.ReplaceAllStringFunc(sql, func(string) string {
-			n++
-			return "$" + strconv.Itoa(n)
-		})
-	}
-	return sql
-func (db *DB) blobType(size int) string {
-	switch db.dialect {
-	case SQLITE:
-		return fmt.Sprintf("blob[%d]", size)
-		return "bytea"
-	case MYSQL:
-		return fmt.Sprintf("VARBINARY(%d)", size)
-	}
-	panic("unkown dialect")
-func (db *DB) serialPK() string {
-	switch db.dialect {
-	case SQLITE:
-		return "integer primary key autoincrement"
-		return "serial primary key"
-	case MYSQL:
-		return "integer primary key auto_increment"
-	}
-	panic("unkown dialect")
-func (db *DB) now() string {
-	switch db.dialect {
-	case SQLITE:
-		return "datetime('now')"
-		return "now()"
-	case MYSQL:
-		return "now()"
-	}
-	panic("unkown dialect")
-func makeBench() {
-	if _, err := db.Exec("create table bench (n varchar(32), i integer, d double, s varchar(32), t datetime)"); err != nil {
-		panic(err)
-	}
-	st, err := db.Prepare("insert into bench values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
-	if err != nil {
-		panic(err)
-	}
-	defer st.Close()
-	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
-		if _, err = st.Exec(nil, i, float64(i), fmt.Sprintf("%d", i), time.Now()); err != nil {
-			panic(err)
-		}
-	}
-func TestResult(t *testing.T) {
-	db.tearDown()
-	db.mustExec("create temporary table test (id " + db.serialPK() + ", name varchar(10))")
-	for i := 1; i < 3; i++ {
-		r := db.mustExec(db.q("insert into test (name) values (?)"), fmt.Sprintf("row %d", i))
-		n, err := r.RowsAffected()
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		if n != 1 {
-			t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", n, 1)
-		}
-		n, err = r.LastInsertId()
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		if n != int64(i) {
-			t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", n, i)
-		}
-	}
-	if _, err := db.Exec("error!"); err == nil {
-		t.Fatalf("expected error")
-	}
-func TestBlobs(t *testing.T) {
-	db.tearDown()
-	var blob = []byte{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}
-	db.mustExec("create table foo (id integer primary key, bar " + db.blobType(16) + ")")
-	db.mustExec(db.q("insert into foo (id, bar) values(?,?)"), 0, blob)
-	want := fmt.Sprintf("%x", blob)
-	b := make([]byte, 16)
-	err := db.QueryRow(db.q("select bar from foo where id = ?"), 0).Scan(&b)
-	got := fmt.Sprintf("%x", b)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Errorf("[]byte scan: %v", err)
-	} else if got != want {
-		t.Errorf("for []byte, got %q; want %q", got, want)
-	}
-	err = db.QueryRow(db.q("select bar from foo where id = ?"), 0).Scan(&got)
-	want = string(blob)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Errorf("string scan: %v", err)
-	} else if got != want {
-		t.Errorf("for string, got %q; want %q", got, want)
-	}
-func TestManyQueryRow(t *testing.T) {
-	if testing.Short() {
-		t.Log("skipping in short mode")
-		return
-	}
-	db.tearDown()
-	db.mustExec("create table foo (id integer primary key, name varchar(50))")
-	db.mustExec(db.q("insert into foo (id, name) values(?,?)"), 1, "bob")
-	var name string
-	for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
-		err := db.QueryRow(db.q("select name from foo where id = ?"), 1).Scan(&name)
-		if err != nil || name != "bob" {
-			t.Fatalf("on query %d: err=%v, name=%q", i, err, name)
-		}
-	}
-func TestTxQuery(t *testing.T) {
-	db.tearDown()
-	tx, err := db.Begin()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	defer tx.Rollback()
-	_, err = tx.Exec("create table foo (id integer primary key, name varchar(50))")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	_, err = tx.Exec(db.q("insert into foo (id, name) values(?,?)"), 1, "bob")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	r, err := tx.Query(db.q("select name from foo where id = ?"), 1)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	defer r.Close()
-	if !r.Next() {
-		if r.Err() != nil {
-			t.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		t.Fatal("expected one rows")
-	}
-	var name string
-	err = r.Scan(&name)
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatal(err)
-	}
-func TestPreparedStmt(t *testing.T) {
-	db.tearDown()
-	db.mustExec("CREATE TABLE t (count INT)")
-	sel, err := db.Prepare("SELECT count FROM t ORDER BY count DESC")
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("prepare 1: %v", err)
-	}
-	ins, err := db.Prepare(db.q("INSERT INTO t (count) VALUES (?)"))
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("prepare 2: %v", err)
-	}
-	for n := 1; n <= 3; n++ {
-		if _, err := ins.Exec(n); err != nil {
-			t.Fatalf("insert(%d) = %v", n, err)
-		}
-	}
-	const nRuns = 10
-	ch := make(chan bool)
-	for i := 0; i < nRuns; i++ {
-		go func() {
-			defer func() {
-				ch <- true
-			}()
-			for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
-				count := 0
-				if err := sel.QueryRow().Scan(&count); err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
-					t.Errorf("Query: %v", err)
-					return
-				}
-				if _, err := ins.Exec(rand.Intn(100)); err != nil {
-					t.Errorf("Insert: %v", err)
-					return
-				}
-			}
-		}()
-	}
-	for i := 0; i < nRuns; i++ {
-		<-ch
-	}
-// Benchmarks need to use panic() since b.Error errors are lost when
-// running via testing.Benchmark() I would like to run these via go
-// test -bench but calling Benchmark() from a benchmark test
-// currently hangs go.
-func BenchmarkExec(b *testing.B) {
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		if _, err := db.Exec("select 1"); err != nil {
-			panic(err)
-		}
-	}
-func BenchmarkQuery(b *testing.B) {
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		var n sql.NullString
-		var i int
-		var f float64
-		var s string
-//		var t time.Time
-		if err := db.QueryRow("select null, 1, 1.1, 'foo'").Scan(&n, &i, &f, &s); err != nil {
-			panic(err)
-		}
-	}
-func BenchmarkParams(b *testing.B) {
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		var n sql.NullString
-		var i int
-		var f float64
-		var s string
-//		var t time.Time
-		if err := db.QueryRow("select ?, ?, ?, ?", nil, 1, 1.1, "foo").Scan(&n, &i, &f, &s); err != nil {
-			panic(err)
-		}
-	}
-func BenchmarkStmt(b *testing.B) {
-	st, err := db.Prepare("select ?, ?, ?, ?")
-	if err != nil {
-		panic(err)
-	}
-	defer st.Close()
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		var n sql.NullString
-		var i int
-		var f float64
-		var s string
-//		var t time.Time
-		if err := st.QueryRow(nil, 1, 1.1, "foo").Scan(&n, &i, &f, &s); err != nil {
-			panic(err)
-		}
-	}
-func BenchmarkRows(b *testing.B) {
-	db.once.Do(makeBench)
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		var n sql.NullString
-		var i int
-		var f float64
-		var s string
-		var t time.Time
-		r, err := db.Query("select * from bench")
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(err)
-		}
-		for r.Next() {
-			if err = r.Scan(&n, &i, &f, &s, &t); err != nil {
-				panic(err)
-			}
-		}
-		if err = r.Err(); err != nil {
-			panic(err)
-		}
-	}
-func BenchmarkStmtRows(b *testing.B) {
-	db.once.Do(makeBench)
-	st, err := db.Prepare("select * from bench")
-	if err != nil {
-		panic(err)
-	}
-	defer st.Close()
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		var n sql.NullString
-		var i int
-		var f float64
-		var s string
-		var t time.Time
-		r, err := st.Query()
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(err)
-		}
-		for r.Next() {
-			if err = r.Scan(&n, &i, &f, &s, &t); err != nil {
-				panic(err)
-			}
-		}
-		if err = r.Err(); err != nil {
-			panic(err)
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index abc8384..0000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2014 Yasuhiro Matsumoto <>.
-// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// +build windows
-package sqlite3
-#cgo CFLAGS: -I. -fno-stack-check -fno-stack-protector -mno-stack-arg-probe
-#cgo windows,386 CFLAGS: -D_localtime32=localtime
-#cgo LDFLAGS: -lmingwex -lmingw32
-import "C"
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cc58b6..0000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,487 +0,0 @@
-** 2006 June 7
-** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
-** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
-**    May you do good and not evil.
-**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
-**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-** This header file defines the SQLite interface for use by
-** shared libraries that want to be imported as extensions into
-** an SQLite instance.  Shared libraries that intend to be loaded
-** as extensions by SQLite should #include this file instead of 
-** sqlite3.h.
-#ifndef _SQLITE3EXT_H_
-#define _SQLITE3EXT_H_
-#include "sqlite3-binding.h"
-typedef struct sqlite3_api_routines sqlite3_api_routines;
-** The following structure holds pointers to all of the SQLite API
-** routines.
-** WARNING:  In order to maintain backwards compatibility, add new
-** interfaces to the end of this structure only.  If you insert new
-** interfaces in the middle of this structure, then older different
-** versions of SQLite will not be able to load each others' shared
-** libraries!
-struct sqlite3_api_routines {
-  void * (*aggregate_context)(sqlite3_context*,int nBytes);
-  int  (*aggregate_count)(sqlite3_context*);
-  int  (*bind_blob)(sqlite3_stmt*,int,const void*,int n,void(*)(void*));
-  int  (*bind_double)(sqlite3_stmt*,int,double);
-  int  (*bind_int)(sqlite3_stmt*,int,int);
-  int  (*bind_int64)(sqlite3_stmt*,int,sqlite_int64);
-  int  (*bind_null)(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
-  int  (*bind_parameter_count)(sqlite3_stmt*);
-  int  (*bind_parameter_index)(sqlite3_stmt*,const char*zName);
-  const char * (*bind_parameter_name)(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
-  int  (*bind_text)(sqlite3_stmt*,int,const char*,int n,void(*)(void*));
-  int  (*bind_text16)(sqlite3_stmt*,int,const void*,int,void(*)(void*));
-  int  (*bind_value)(sqlite3_stmt*,int,const sqlite3_value*);
-  int  (*busy_handler)(sqlite3*,int(*)(void*,int),void*);
-  int  (*busy_timeout)(sqlite3*,int ms);
-  int  (*changes)(sqlite3*);
-  int  (*close)(sqlite3*);
-  int  (*collation_needed)(sqlite3*,void*,void(*)(void*,sqlite3*,
-                           int eTextRep,const char*));
-  int  (*collation_needed16)(sqlite3*,void*,void(*)(void*,sqlite3*,
-                             int eTextRep,const void*));
-  const void * (*column_blob)(sqlite3_stmt*,int iCol);
-  int  (*column_bytes)(sqlite3_stmt*,int iCol);
-  int  (*column_bytes16)(sqlite3_stmt*,int iCol);
-  int  (*column_count)(sqlite3_stmt*pStmt);
-  const char * (*column_database_name)(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
-  const void * (*column_database_name16)(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
-  const char * (*column_decltype)(sqlite3_stmt*,int i);
-  const void * (*column_decltype16)(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
-  double  (*column_double)(sqlite3_stmt*,int iCol);
-  int  (*column_int)(sqlite3_stmt*,int iCol);
-  sqlite_int64  (*column_int64)(sqlite3_stmt*,int iCol);
-  const char * (*column_name)(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
-  const void * (*column_name16)(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
-  const char * (*column_origin_name)(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
-  const void * (*column_origin_name16)(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
-  const char * (*column_table_name)(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
-  const void * (*column_table_name16)(sqlite3_stmt*,int);
-  const unsigned char * (*column_text)(sqlite3_stmt*,int iCol);
-  const void * (*column_text16)(sqlite3_stmt*,int iCol);
-  int  (*column_type)(sqlite3_stmt*,int iCol);
-  sqlite3_value* (*column_value)(sqlite3_stmt*,int iCol);
-  void * (*commit_hook)(sqlite3*,int(*)(void*),void*);
-  int  (*complete)(const char*sql);
-  int  (*complete16)(const void*sql);
-  int  (*create_collation)(sqlite3*,const char*,int,void*,
-                           int(*)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*));
-  int  (*create_collation16)(sqlite3*,const void*,int,void*,
-                             int(*)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*));
-  int  (*create_function)(sqlite3*,const char*,int,int,void*,
-                          void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**),
-                          void (*xStep)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**),
-                          void (*xFinal)(sqlite3_context*));
-  int  (*create_function16)(sqlite3*,const void*,int,int,void*,
-                            void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**),
-                            void (*xStep)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**),
-                            void (*xFinal)(sqlite3_context*));
-  int (*create_module)(sqlite3*,const char*,const sqlite3_module*,void*);
-  int  (*data_count)(sqlite3_stmt*pStmt);
-  sqlite3 * (*db_handle)(sqlite3_stmt*);
-  int (*declare_vtab)(sqlite3*,const char*);
-  int  (*enable_shared_cache)(int);
-  int  (*errcode)(sqlite3*db);
-  const char * (*errmsg)(sqlite3*);
-  const void * (*errmsg16)(sqlite3*);
-  int  (*exec)(sqlite3*,const char*,sqlite3_callback,void*,char**);
-  int  (*expired)(sqlite3_stmt*);
-  int  (*finalize)(sqlite3_stmt*pStmt);
-  void  (*free)(void*);
-  void  (*free_table)(char**result);
-  int  (*get_autocommit)(sqlite3*);
-  void * (*get_auxdata)(sqlite3_context*,int);
-  int  (*get_table)(sqlite3*,const char*,char***,int*,int*,char**);
-  int  (*global_recover)(void);
-  void  (*interruptx)(sqlite3*);
-  sqlite_int64  (*last_insert_rowid)(sqlite3*);
-  const char * (*libversion)(void);
-  int  (*libversion_number)(void);
-  void *(*malloc)(int);
-  char * (*mprintf)(const char*,...);
-  int  (*open)(const char*,sqlite3**);
-  int  (*open16)(const void*,sqlite3**);
-  int  (*prepare)(sqlite3*,const char*,int,sqlite3_stmt**,const char**);
-  int  (*prepare16)(sqlite3*,const void*,int,sqlite3_stmt**,const void**);
-  void * (*profile)(sqlite3*,void(*)(void*,const char*,sqlite_uint64),void*);
-  void  (*progress_handler)(sqlite3*,int,int(*)(void*),void*);
-  void *(*realloc)(void*,int);
-  int  (*reset)(sqlite3_stmt*pStmt);
-  void  (*result_blob)(sqlite3_context*,const void*,int,void(*)(void*));
-  void  (*result_double)(sqlite3_context*,double);
-  void  (*result_error)(sqlite3_context*,const char*,int);
-  void  (*result_error16)(sqlite3_context*,const void*,int);
-  void  (*result_int)(sqlite3_context*,int);
-  void  (*result_int64)(sqlite3_context*,sqlite_int64);
-  void  (*result_null)(sqlite3_context*);
-  void  (*result_text)(sqlite3_context*,const char*,int,void(*)(void*));
-  void  (*result_text16)(sqlite3_context*,const void*,int,void(*)(void*));
-  void  (*result_text16be)(sqlite3_context*,const void*,int,void(*)(void*));
-  void  (*result_text16le)(sqlite3_context*,const void*,int,void(*)(void*));
-  void  (*result_value)(sqlite3_context*,sqlite3_value*);
-  void * (*rollback_hook)(sqlite3*,void(*)(void*),void*);
-  int  (*set_authorizer)(sqlite3*,int(*)(void*,int,const char*,const char*,
-                         const char*,const char*),void*);
-  void  (*set_auxdata)(sqlite3_context*,int,void*,void (*)(void*));
-  char * (*snprintf)(int,char*,const char*,...);
-  int  (*step)(sqlite3_stmt*);
-  int  (*table_column_metadata)(sqlite3*,const char*,const char*,const char*,
-                                char const**,char const**,int*,int*,int*);
-  void  (*thread_cleanup)(void);
-  int  (*total_changes)(sqlite3*);
-  void * (*trace)(sqlite3*,void(*xTrace)(void*,const char*),void*);
-  int  (*transfer_bindings)(sqlite3_stmt*,sqlite3_stmt*);
-  void * (*update_hook)(sqlite3*,void(*)(void*,int ,char const*,char const*,
-                                         sqlite_int64),void*);
-  void * (*user_data)(sqlite3_context*);
-  const void * (*value_blob)(sqlite3_value*);
-  int  (*value_bytes)(sqlite3_value*);
-  int  (*value_bytes16)(sqlite3_value*);
-  double  (*value_double)(sqlite3_value*);
-  int  (*value_int)(sqlite3_value*);
-  sqlite_int64  (*value_int64)(sqlite3_value*);
-  int  (*value_numeric_type)(sqlite3_value*);
-  const unsigned char * (*value_text)(sqlite3_value*);
-  const void * (*value_text16)(sqlite3_value*);
-  const void * (*value_text16be)(sqlite3_value*);
-  const void * (*value_text16le)(sqlite3_value*);
-  int  (*value_type)(sqlite3_value*);
-  char *(*vmprintf)(const char*,va_list);
-  /* Added ??? */
-  int (*overload_function)(sqlite3*, const char *zFuncName, int nArg);
-  /* Added by 3.3.13 */
-  int (*prepare_v2)(sqlite3*,const char*,int,sqlite3_stmt**,const char**);
-  int (*prepare16_v2)(sqlite3*,const void*,int,sqlite3_stmt**,const void**);
-  int (*clear_bindings)(sqlite3_stmt*);
-  /* Added by 3.4.1 */
-  int (*create_module_v2)(sqlite3*,const char*,const sqlite3_module*,void*,
-                          void (*xDestroy)(void *));
-  /* Added by 3.5.0 */
-  int (*bind_zeroblob)(sqlite3_stmt*,int,int);
-  int (*blob_bytes)(sqlite3_blob*);
-  int (*blob_close)(sqlite3_blob*);
-  int (*blob_open)(sqlite3*,const char*,const char*,const char*,sqlite3_int64,
-                   int,sqlite3_blob**);
-  int (*blob_read)(sqlite3_blob*,void*,int,int);
-  int (*blob_write)(sqlite3_blob*,const void*,int,int);
-  int (*create_collation_v2)(sqlite3*,const char*,int,void*,
-                             int(*)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*),
-                             void(*)(void*));
-  int (*file_control)(sqlite3*,const char*,int,void*);
-  sqlite3_int64 (*memory_highwater)(int);
-  sqlite3_int64 (*memory_used)(void);
-  sqlite3_mutex *(*mutex_alloc)(int);
-  void (*mutex_enter)(sqlite3_mutex*);
-  void (*mutex_free)(sqlite3_mutex*);
-  void (*mutex_leave)(sqlite3_mutex*);
-  int (*mutex_try)(sqlite3_mutex*);
-  int (*open_v2)(const char*,sqlite3**,int,const char*);
-  int (*release_memory)(int);
-  void (*result_error_nomem)(sqlite3_context*);
-  void (*result_error_toobig)(sqlite3_context*);
-  int (*sleep)(int);
-  void (*soft_heap_limit)(int);
-  sqlite3_vfs *(*vfs_find)(const char*);
-  int (*vfs_register)(sqlite3_vfs*,int);
-  int (*vfs_unregister)(sqlite3_vfs*);
-  int (*xthreadsafe)(void);
-  void (*result_zeroblob)(sqlite3_context*,int);
-  void (*result_error_code)(sqlite3_context*,int);
-  int (*test_control)(int, ...);
-  void (*randomness)(int,void*);
-  sqlite3 *(*context_db_handle)(sqlite3_context*);
-  int (*extended_result_codes)(sqlite3*,int);
-  int (*limit)(sqlite3*,int,int);
-  sqlite3_stmt *(*next_stmt)(sqlite3*,sqlite3_stmt*);
-  const char *(*sql)(sqlite3_stmt*);
-  int (*status)(int,int*,int*,int);
-  int (*backup_finish)(sqlite3_backup*);
-  sqlite3_backup *(*backup_init)(sqlite3*,const char*,sqlite3*,const char*);
-  int (*backup_pagecount)(sqlite3_backup*);
-  int (*backup_remaining)(sqlite3_backup*);
-  int (*backup_step)(sqlite3_backup*,int);
-  const char *(*compileoption_get)(int);
-  int (*compileoption_used)(const char*);
-  int (*create_function_v2)(sqlite3*,const char*,int,int,void*,
-                            void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**),
-                            void (*xStep)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**),
-                            void (*xFinal)(sqlite3_context*),
-                            void(*xDestroy)(void*));
-  int (*db_config)(sqlite3*,int,...);
-  sqlite3_mutex *(*db_mutex)(sqlite3*);
-  int (*db_status)(sqlite3*,int,int*,int*,int);
-  int (*extended_errcode)(sqlite3*);
-  void (*log)(int,const char*,...);
-  sqlite3_int64 (*soft_heap_limit64)(sqlite3_int64);
-  const char *(*sourceid)(void);
-  int (*stmt_status)(sqlite3_stmt*,int,int);
-  int (*strnicmp)(const char*,const char*,int);
-  int (*unlock_notify)(sqlite3*,void(*)(void**,int),void*);
-  int (*wal_autocheckpoint)(sqlite3*,int);
-  int (*wal_checkpoint)(sqlite3*,const char*);
-  void *(*wal_hook)(sqlite3*,int(*)(void*,sqlite3*,const char*,int),void*);
-  int (*blob_reopen)(sqlite3_blob*,sqlite3_int64);
-  int (*vtab_config)(sqlite3*,int op,...);
-  int (*vtab_on_conflict)(sqlite3*);
-  /* Version 3.7.16 and later */
-  int (*close_v2)(sqlite3*);
-  const char *(*db_filename)(sqlite3*,const char*);
-  int (*db_readonly)(sqlite3*,const char*);
-  int (*db_release_memory)(sqlite3*);
-  const char *(*errstr)(int);
-  int (*stmt_busy)(sqlite3_stmt*);
-  int (*stmt_readonly)(sqlite3_stmt*);
-  int (*stricmp)(const char*,const char*);
-  int (*uri_boolean)(const char*,const char*,int);
-  sqlite3_int64 (*uri_int64)(const char*,const char*,sqlite3_int64);
-  const char *(*uri_parameter)(const char*,const char*);
-  char *(*vsnprintf)(int,char*,const char*,va_list);
-  int (*wal_checkpoint_v2)(sqlite3*,const char*,int,int*,int*);
-** The following macros redefine the API routines so that they are
-** redirected throught the global sqlite3_api structure.
-** This header file is also used by the loadext.c source file
-** (part of the main SQLite library - not an extension) so that
-** it can get access to the sqlite3_api_routines structure
-** definition.  But the main library does not want to redefine
-** the API.  So the redefinition macros are only valid if the
-** SQLITE_CORE macros is undefined.
-#ifndef SQLITE_CORE
-#define sqlite3_aggregate_context      sqlite3_api->aggregate_context
-#define sqlite3_aggregate_count        sqlite3_api->aggregate_count
-#define sqlite3_bind_blob              sqlite3_api->bind_blob
-#define sqlite3_bind_double            sqlite3_api->bind_double
-#define sqlite3_bind_int               sqlite3_api->bind_int
-#define sqlite3_bind_int64             sqlite3_api->bind_int64
-#define sqlite3_bind_null              sqlite3_api->bind_null
-#define sqlite3_bind_parameter_count   sqlite3_api->bind_parameter_count
-#define sqlite3_bind_parameter_index   sqlite3_api->bind_parameter_index
-#define sqlite3_bind_parameter_name    sqlite3_api->bind_parameter_name
-#define sqlite3_bind_text              sqlite3_api->bind_text
-#define sqlite3_bind_text16            sqlite3_api->bind_text16
-#define sqlite3_bind_value             sqlite3_api->bind_value
-#define sqlite3_busy_handler           sqlite3_api->busy_handler
-#define sqlite3_busy_timeout           sqlite3_api->busy_timeout
-#define sqlite3_changes                sqlite3_api->changes
-#define sqlite3_close                  sqlite3_api->close
-#define sqlite3_collation_needed       sqlite3_api->collation_needed
-#define sqlite3_collation_needed16     sqlite3_api->collation_needed16
-#define sqlite3_column_blob            sqlite3_api->column_blob
-#define sqlite3_column_bytes           sqlite3_api->column_bytes
-#define sqlite3_column_bytes16         sqlite3_api->column_bytes16
-#define sqlite3_column_count           sqlite3_api->column_count
-#define sqlite3_column_database_name   sqlite3_api->column_database_name
-#define sqlite3_column_database_name16 sqlite3_api->column_database_name16
-#define sqlite3_column_decltype        sqlite3_api->column_decltype
-#define sqlite3_column_decltype16      sqlite3_api->column_decltype16
-#define sqlite3_column_double          sqlite3_api->column_double
-#define sqlite3_column_int             sqlite3_api->column_int
-#define sqlite3_column_int64           sqlite3_api->column_int64
-#define sqlite3_column_name            sqlite3_api->column_name
-#define sqlite3_column_name16          sqlite3_api->column_name16
-#define sqlite3_column_origin_name     sqlite3_api->column_origin_name
-#define sqlite3_column_origin_name16   sqlite3_api->column_origin_name16
-#define sqlite3_column_table_name      sqlite3_api->column_table_name
-#define sqlite3_column_table_name16    sqlite3_api->column_table_name16
-#define sqlite3_column_text            sqlite3_api->column_text
-#define sqlite3_column_text16          sqlite3_api->column_text16
-#define sqlite3_column_type            sqlite3_api->column_type
-#define sqlite3_column_value           sqlite3_api->column_value
-#define sqlite3_commit_hook            sqlite3_api->commit_hook
-#define sqlite3_complete               sqlite3_api->complete
-#define sqlite3_complete16             sqlite3_api->complete16
-#define sqlite3_create_collation       sqlite3_api->create_collation
-#define sqlite3_create_collation16     sqlite3_api->create_collation16
-#define sqlite3_create_function        sqlite3_api->create_function
-#define sqlite3_create_function16      sqlite3_api->create_function16
-#define sqlite3_create_module          sqlite3_api->create_module
-#define sqlite3_create_module_v2       sqlite3_api->create_module_v2
-#define sqlite3_data_count             sqlite3_api->data_count
-#define sqlite3_db_handle              sqlite3_api->db_handle
-#define sqlite3_declare_vtab           sqlite3_api->declare_vtab
-#define sqlite3_enable_shared_cache    sqlite3_api->enable_shared_cache
-#define sqlite3_errcode                sqlite3_api->errcode
-#define sqlite3_errmsg                 sqlite3_api->errmsg
-#define sqlite3_errmsg16               sqlite3_api->errmsg16
-#define sqlite3_exec                   sqlite3_api->exec
-#define sqlite3_expired                sqlite3_api->expired
-#define sqlite3_finalize               sqlite3_api->finalize
-#define sqlite3_free                   sqlite3_api->free
-#define sqlite3_free_table             sqlite3_api->free_table
-#define sqlite3_get_autocommit         sqlite3_api->get_autocommit
-#define sqlite3_get_auxdata            sqlite3_api->get_auxdata
-#define sqlite3_get_table              sqlite3_api->get_table
-#define sqlite3_global_recover         sqlite3_api->global_recover
-#define sqlite3_interrupt              sqlite3_api->interruptx
-#define sqlite3_last_insert_rowid      sqlite3_api->last_insert_rowid
-#define sqlite3_libversion             sqlite3_api->libversion
-#define sqlite3_libversion_number      sqlite3_api->libversion_number
-#define sqlite3_malloc                 sqlite3_api->malloc
-#define sqlite3_mprintf                sqlite3_api->mprintf
-#define sqlite3_open                   sqlite3_api->open
-#define sqlite3_open16                 sqlite3_api->open16
-#define sqlite3_prepare                sqlite3_api->prepare
-#define sqlite3_prepare16              sqlite3_api->prepare16
-#define sqlite3_prepare_v2             sqlite3_api->prepare_v2
-#define sqlite3_prepare16_v2           sqlite3_api->prepare16_v2
-#define sqlite3_profile                sqlite3_api->profile
-#define sqlite3_progress_handler       sqlite3_api->progress_handler
-#define sqlite3_realloc                sqlite3_api->realloc
-#define sqlite3_reset                  sqlite3_api->reset
-#define sqlite3_result_blob            sqlite3_api->result_blob
-#define sqlite3_result_double          sqlite3_api->result_double
-#define sqlite3_result_error           sqlite3_api->result_error
-#define sqlite3_result_error16         sqlite3_api->result_error16
-#define sqlite3_result_int             sqlite3_api->result_int
-#define sqlite3_result_int64           sqlite3_api->result_int64
-#define sqlite3_result_null            sqlite3_api->result_null
-#define sqlite3_result_text            sqlite3_api->result_text
-#define sqlite3_result_text16          sqlite3_api->result_text16
-#define sqlite3_result_text16be        sqlite3_api->result_text16be
-#define sqlite3_result_text16le        sqlite3_api->result_text16le
-#define sqlite3_result_value           sqlite3_api->result_value
-#define sqlite3_rollback_hook          sqlite3_api->rollback_hook
-#define sqlite3_set_authorizer         sqlite3_api->set_authorizer
-#define sqlite3_set_auxdata            sqlite3_api->set_auxdata
-#define sqlite3_snprintf               sqlite3_api->snprintf
-#define sqlite3_step                   sqlite3_api->step
-#define sqlite3_table_column_metadata  sqlite3_api->table_column_metadata
-#define sqlite3_thread_cleanup         sqlite3_api->thread_cleanup
-#define sqlite3_total_changes          sqlite3_api->total_changes
-#define sqlite3_trace                  sqlite3_api->trace
-#define sqlite3_transfer_bindings      sqlite3_api->transfer_bindings
-#define sqlite3_update_hook            sqlite3_api->update_hook
-#define sqlite3_user_data              sqlite3_api->user_data
-#define sqlite3_value_blob             sqlite3_api->value_blob
-#define sqlite3_value_bytes            sqlite3_api->value_bytes
-#define sqlite3_value_bytes16          sqlite3_api->value_bytes16
-#define sqlite3_value_double           sqlite3_api->value_double
-#define sqlite3_value_int              sqlite3_api->value_int
-#define sqlite3_value_int64            sqlite3_api->value_int64
-#define sqlite3_value_numeric_type     sqlite3_api->value_numeric_type
-#define sqlite3_value_text             sqlite3_api->value_text
-#define sqlite3_value_text16           sqlite3_api->value_text16
-#define sqlite3_value_text16be         sqlite3_api->value_text16be
-#define sqlite3_value_text16le         sqlite3_api->value_text16le
-#define sqlite3_value_type             sqlite3_api->value_type
-#define sqlite3_vmprintf               sqlite3_api->vmprintf
-#define sqlite3_overload_function      sqlite3_api->overload_function
-#define sqlite3_prepare_v2             sqlite3_api->prepare_v2
-#define sqlite3_prepare16_v2           sqlite3_api->prepare16_v2
-#define sqlite3_clear_bindings         sqlite3_api->clear_bindings
-#define sqlite3_bind_zeroblob          sqlite3_api->bind_zeroblob
-#define sqlite3_blob_bytes             sqlite3_api->blob_bytes
-#define sqlite3_blob_close             sqlite3_api->blob_close
-#define sqlite3_blob_open              sqlite3_api->blob_open
-#define sqlite3_blob_read              sqlite3_api->blob_read
-#define sqlite3_blob_write             sqlite3_api->blob_write
-#define sqlite3_create_collation_v2    sqlite3_api->create_collation_v2
-#define sqlite3_file_control           sqlite3_api->file_control
-#define sqlite3_memory_highwater       sqlite3_api->memory_highwater
-#define sqlite3_memory_used            sqlite3_api->memory_used
-#define sqlite3_mutex_alloc            sqlite3_api->mutex_alloc
-#define sqlite3_mutex_enter            sqlite3_api->mutex_enter
-#define sqlite3_mutex_free             sqlite3_api->mutex_free
-#define sqlite3_mutex_leave            sqlite3_api->mutex_leave
-#define sqlite3_mutex_try              sqlite3_api->mutex_try
-#define sqlite3_open_v2                sqlite3_api->open_v2
-#define sqlite3_release_memory         sqlite3_api->release_memory
-#define sqlite3_result_error_nomem     sqlite3_api->result_error_nomem
-#define sqlite3_result_error_toobig    sqlite3_api->result_error_toobig
-#define sqlite3_sleep                  sqlite3_api->sleep
-#define sqlite3_soft_heap_limit        sqlite3_api->soft_heap_limit
-#define sqlite3_vfs_find               sqlite3_api->vfs_find
-#define sqlite3_vfs_register           sqlite3_api->vfs_register
-#define sqlite3_vfs_unregister         sqlite3_api->vfs_unregister
-#define sqlite3_threadsafe             sqlite3_api->xthreadsafe
-#define sqlite3_result_zeroblob        sqlite3_api->result_zeroblob
-#define sqlite3_result_error_code      sqlite3_api->result_error_code
-#define sqlite3_test_control           sqlite3_api->test_control
-#define sqlite3_randomness             sqlite3_api->randomness
-#define sqlite3_context_db_handle      sqlite3_api->context_db_handle
-#define sqlite3_extended_result_codes  sqlite3_api->extended_result_codes
-#define sqlite3_limit                  sqlite3_api->limit
-#define sqlite3_next_stmt              sqlite3_api->next_stmt
-#define sqlite3_sql                    sqlite3_api->sql
-#define sqlite3_status                 sqlite3_api->status
-#define sqlite3_backup_finish          sqlite3_api->backup_finish
-#define sqlite3_backup_init            sqlite3_api->backup_init
-#define sqlite3_backup_pagecount       sqlite3_api->backup_pagecount
-#define sqlite3_backup_remaining       sqlite3_api->backup_remaining
-#define sqlite3_backup_step            sqlite3_api->backup_step
-#define sqlite3_compileoption_get      sqlite3_api->compileoption_get
-#define sqlite3_compileoption_used     sqlite3_api->compileoption_used
-#define sqlite3_create_function_v2     sqlite3_api->create_function_v2
-#define sqlite3_db_config              sqlite3_api->db_config
-#define sqlite3_db_mutex               sqlite3_api->db_mutex
-#define sqlite3_db_status              sqlite3_api->db_status
-#define sqlite3_extended_errcode       sqlite3_api->extended_errcode
-#define sqlite3_log                    sqlite3_api->log
-#define sqlite3_soft_heap_limit64      sqlite3_api->soft_heap_limit64
-#define sqlite3_sourceid               sqlite3_api->sourceid
-#define sqlite3_stmt_status            sqlite3_api->stmt_status
-#define sqlite3_strnicmp               sqlite3_api->strnicmp
-#define sqlite3_unlock_notify          sqlite3_api->unlock_notify
-#define sqlite3_wal_autocheckpoint     sqlite3_api->wal_autocheckpoint
-#define sqlite3_wal_checkpoint         sqlite3_api->wal_checkpoint
-#define sqlite3_wal_hook               sqlite3_api->wal_hook
-#define sqlite3_blob_reopen            sqlite3_api->blob_reopen
-#define sqlite3_vtab_config            sqlite3_api->vtab_config
-#define sqlite3_vtab_on_conflict       sqlite3_api->vtab_on_conflict
-/* Version 3.7.16 and later */
-#define sqlite3_close_v2               sqlite3_api->close_v2
-#define sqlite3_db_filename            sqlite3_api->db_filename
-#define sqlite3_db_readonly            sqlite3_api->db_readonly
-#define sqlite3_db_release_memory      sqlite3_api->db_release_memory
-#define sqlite3_errstr                 sqlite3_api->errstr
-#define sqlite3_stmt_busy              sqlite3_api->stmt_busy
-#define sqlite3_stmt_readonly          sqlite3_api->stmt_readonly
-#define sqlite3_stricmp                sqlite3_api->stricmp
-#define sqlite3_uri_boolean            sqlite3_api->uri_boolean
-#define sqlite3_uri_int64              sqlite3_api->uri_int64
-#define sqlite3_uri_parameter          sqlite3_api->uri_parameter
-#define sqlite3_uri_vsnprintf          sqlite3_api->vsnprintf
-#define sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2      sqlite3_api->wal_checkpoint_v2
-#endif /* SQLITE_CORE */
-#ifndef SQLITE_CORE
-  /* This case when the file really is being compiled as a loadable 
-  ** extension */
-# define SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT1     const sqlite3_api_routines *sqlite3_api=0;
-# define SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT2(v)  sqlite3_api=v;
-# define SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT3     \
-    extern const sqlite3_api_routines *sqlite3_api;
-  /* This case when the file is being statically linked into the 
-  ** application */
-# define SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT1     /*no-op*/
-# define SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT2(v)  (void)v; /* unused parameter */
-# define SQLITE_EXTENSION_INIT3     /*no-op*/
-#endif /* _SQLITE3EXT_H_ */
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-language: go 
-  - 1.4
-  - go test
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-The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright (c) 2013 Mitchell Hashimoto
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.