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cvs commit: jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/participating logos.xml

vmassol     2003/01/28 07:48:19

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  Index: howto_ant_cactus.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document id="howto_ant_cactus">
      <title>Running Cactus tests from Ant</title>
        <author name="Vincent Massol" email=""/>
      <section title="Introduction">
          <strong>You need to have a good understanding of Ant before
          reading this tutorial. If you don't, I suggest you read the
          <link href="">Ant
          User Manual</link> first</strong>.
          This tutorial explains how start Cactus tests from your Ant build
          script (i.e. <code>build.xml</code>).
          The Ant tasks involved for running a Cactus test are the following:
            <em>Step 0</em>: (optional) Deploy configuration files for your
            <em>Step 1</em>: Package your Cactus tests as a WAR file and
            deploy it to your servlet engine webapps directory,
            <em>Step 2</em>: Start your servlet engine if it is not already
             <em>Step 3</em>: Run the tests using JUnit,
             <em>Step 4</em>: Stop the servlet engine (if need be)
           Cactus provides a custom Ant task (called the
           <code>runservertests</code> task) that helps perform all these tasks.
           The rest of this tutorial will explain how to write an Ant build
           file (<code>build.xml</code>) that performs these tasks and use
           the Cactus custom Ant task.
            During the remainder of this tutorial we will show examples for
            Tomcat 4.0. However, the principle can be applied to any other
            container. Ant Scripts for other containers can be found in the
            <code>/sample/build</code> directory where you have unpacked the
            Cactus distribution.
       <section title="The 'runservertests' task">
            This task will perform several actions, in the following order:
              Check if a server is already started by constantly trying to
              call the test URL defined by the <code>testURL</code>
              attribute (see the example below),
              If a server is not started, call the Ant target defined by the
              <code>startTarget</code> attribute (see the example below). This
              target is
              supposed to start your container. The <code>runservertests</code>
              task will then constantly poll the server by calling the test URL
              until the server answers back,
              It will then call the Ant target defined by the
              <code>testTarget</code> attribute (see the example below). This
              target is
              supposed to start the unit tests. This is usually implemented
              by using the Ant <code>junit</code> task,
              Once the tests are finished (i.e. when the
              <code>testTarget</code> has finished executing), it will then
              call the Ant target defined by the <code>stopTarget</code>
              attribute (see the example below). This target is supposed to stop
              the container. The <code>runservertests</code>
              task will then constantly poll the server by calling the test URL
              until the server stops answering, at which point it will consider
              the server to be stopped. Note that the <code>stopTarget</code>
              will only get called if the server was not already started when
              the <code>runservertests</code> task began executing. This is to
              allow keeping running servers for intensive debugging phases.
            The <code>runservertests</code> task is generic in the sense that
            you are free to implement the <code>startTarget</code>,
            <code>testTarget</code> and <code>stopTarget</code> as you wish and
            they will get called at the right time.
       Run Tomcat 4.0 tests
  <target name="test.tomcat.40" depends="prepare.test.tomcat.40"
      if="tomcat.home.40" description="Run tests on Tomcat 4.0">
      <!-- Start the servlet engine, wait for it to be started, run the
           unit tests, stop the servlet engine, wait for it to be stopped.
           The servlet engine is stopped if the tests fail for any reason -->
           Before you can execute the <code>runservertests</code> task, you
           need to define it for Ant as it is not a standard Ant task. A
           good place to do this is in an <code>init</code> target.
       Initialize the build. Must be called by all targets
  <target name="init">
      <taskdef name="runservertests" classname="org.apache.cactus.ant.RunServerTestsTask">
              <pathelement location="${cactus.ant.jar}"/>
           where <code>${cactus.ant.jar}</code> is an Ant property that points
           to the <code>cactus-ant.jar</code> file found in the
           <code>lib/</code> directory where you unpacked the Cactus
           The <code>prepare.test.tomcat.40</code> target is described in
           Step 0 below.
           The <code>tomcat.home.40</code> is simply an Ant property that
           points to the directory where Tomcat 4.0 has been installed. If this
           property is not defined we don't run the tests.
       <section title="Step 0: Deploy container configuration files">
           There are 2 possibilities for configuring your application server:
             You install it somewhere on your computer (or on another machine)
             and you deploy your test WAR (see Step 1 below) by copying it
             to the right subdirectory within it. Your WAR will then be placed
             alongside with others and your webapp will use the configuration
             files common to all webapps,
             Or, you can create your own set of container configuration files,
             hosted within your project, that you copy to your own deployment
             subdirectory (i.e. not shared).
           In the provided Cactus Ant scripts, we have decided to follow
           approach 2 for the following reasons:
             We keep the control of our project files as they are deployed
             within the directory of our project and thus it is easy to
             perform a clean of all generated files,
             We do not "pollute" the installed container by dropping files
             within it and we do not need to modify global configuration
             files that may prevent other applications we are developing
             from not running someday (because we would have made an
             incompatible change),
             We completely control our needed container configuration.
             We can guarantee to the user who wants to try the Cactus sample
             application that it will not deploy anything outside the scope of
             the Sample directory. Unlike windows applications that you install
             and that copies tens of DLL to shared directory, overwrite existing
             files, ... :(
           However, this may not be the best approach for all cases, as:
             It is more difficult to set up as you need to understand how your
             container is configured (However, we have already done the job for
             you for most of the existing containers),
             You have only a single application to run and test and have
             dedicated your application server installation for it so you don't
             care about putting files in there and modifying global
             You want to be able to deploy in production several webapps that
             share the same server and thus must coexist and share common
             configuration files.
           If you choose solution 1, then you can simply skip this step. The
           only actions to perform will be, for some containers, to edit their
           configuration files to tell them about your webapp (some will
           automatically pick you test WAR if you drop it in the correct
       Prepare directories and variables for running the tests
  <target name="prepare.test.tomcat.40"
      depends="check.test.tomcat.40,testwar" if="tomcat.home.40">
      <echo message="tomcat.home.40 = ${tomcat.home.40}"/>
      <property name="target.tomcat40.dir"
      <property name="conf.tomcat40.dir" value="${conf.test.dir}/tomcat40"/>
      <!-- Create work and conf directories and copy configuration files -->
      <mkdir dir="${target.tomcat40.dir}/conf"/>
      <mkdir dir="${target.tomcat40.dir}/work"/>
      <mkdir dir="${target.tomcat40.dir}/webapps"/>
      <!-- Delete some config file so that they will be copied every time -->
      <delete file="${target.tomcat40.dir}/conf/server.xml"/>
      <!-- Remove the auto deployed webapp so that it is redeployed every
           time -->
      <delete dir="${target.tomcat40.dir}/webapps/test"/>
      <copy todir="${target.tomcat40.dir}/conf" filtering="on">
          <fileset dir="${conf.tomcat40.dir}"/>
      <!-- Copy the Tomcat web.xml -->
      <copy file="${tomcat.home.40}/conf/web.xml"
      <!-- Copy the war file -->
      <copy file="${target.test.dir}/test.war"
           The <code>${target.test.dir}</code> Ant property needs to be
           defined prior to calling this target and needs to be set to the
           location where the tests will be deployed. It should be set to any
           subdirectory of your output directory. This property will also be
           used later on in step 1 to copy the test WAR file.
           The <code>${conf.test.dir}</code> Ant property also needs to be
           defined prior to calling this target and represent the location of
           server configuration files (in the current example of Tomcat 4.0,
           these are the global <code>web.xml</code> and
       <section title="Step 1: create and deploy test WAR file">
            Creating a WAR file is the preferred way of deploying Cactus tests
            to your servlet engine. Check the
            <link href="site:getting_started">Getting Started</link> guide and
            the example below for details on what files to include in the WAR.
       Create a Cactus test war file for the sample application.
  <target name="testwar" depends="compile">
      <!-- Create the war file -->
      <war warfile="${target.test.dir}/test.war"
          <classes dir="${target.classes.sample.dir}"/>
          <classes dir="${target.classes.unit.dir}"/>
          <!-- need to be in the server classpath -->
          <classes dir="${conf.test.dir}">
              <include name=""/>
              <include name=""/>
          <lib dir="${target.lib.dir}"/>
          <fileset dir="${web.dir}"/>
             <code>${conf.test.dir}</code>: directory containing configuration
             files for the test,
             <code>${target.classes.*.dir}</code>: directory where the java
             classes have been compiled. These are the classes under test + the
             test classes,
             <code>${target.lib.dir}</code>: directory containing the needed jars
             (<code>junit.jar</code>, <code>cactus.jar</code>, ...).
             <code>${web.dir}</code>: directory containing the web files to
             include in the test webapp (JSPs, HTML, ...).
           The <code>compile</code> target is used to compile all java classes
           into the <code>${target.classes.*.dir}</code> directory.
       <section title="Step 2: Start the container">
       Start Tomcat 4.0
  <target name="start.tomcat.40">
      <java classname="org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap" fork="yes">
          <jvmarg value="-Dcatalina.home=${tomcat.home.40}"/>
          <jvmarg value="-Dcatalina.base=${target.tomcat40.dir}"/>
          <arg value="start"/>
              <pathelement path="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar"/>
              <fileset dir="${tomcat.home.40}">
                  <include name="bin/bootstrap.jar"/>
       <section title="Step 3: Run the unit tests">
           We start the unit test by calling a JUnit test runner (we use the
           text runner in this example). Example:
       Run the client JUnit test cases.
  <target name="test">
      <junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes" haltonerror="yes"
              <!-- Cactus.propertie and need to be in
                   the classpath -->
              <pathelement location="${target.conf.dir}"/>
              <pathelement location="${target.classes.sample.dir}"/>
              <pathelement location="${target.classes.unit.dir}"/>
              <path refid="project.class.path"/>
          <formatter type="plain" usefile="false"/>
          <test name="org.apache.cactus.unit.TestAll"/>
          <test name="org.apache.cactus.sample.TestAll"/>
           The list of jars to include in your classpath is explained and
           detailed in the <link href="site:howto_classpath">Classpath
           Howto</link> guide.
       <section title="Step 4: Stop the container">
       Stop Tomcat 4.0
  <target name="stop.tomcat.40">
      <java classname="org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap" fork="yes">
          <jvmarg value="-Dcatalina.home=${tomcat.home.40}"/>
          <jvmarg value="-Dcatalina.base=${target.tomcat40.dir}"/>
          <arg value="stop"/>
            <fileset dir="${tomcat.home.40}">
                <include name="bin/bootstrap.jar"/>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/petals/ant/howto_ant_install.xml
  Index: howto_ant_install.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document id="howto_ant_install">
      <title>Installing Ant</title>
        <author name="Vincent Massol" email=""/>
      <section title="Forewords">
          <strong>You need to have a good understanding of Ant before
          reading this tutorial. If you don't, I suggest you read the
          <link href="">Ant
          User Manual</link> first</strong>.
          This tutorial explains how to install Ant properly to be able to
          run the Sample application provided with the Cactus distribution and
          also build the Cactus distribution from the sources.
      <section title="Ant tasks needed by Cactus">
          Cactus uses the following optional tasks of Ant:
            The <strong><code>junit</code></strong> task: it is used to run
            the unit tests of Cactus itself and the Cactus unit tests of the
            Sample application. This task is
            normally found in the <code>optional.jar</code> Ant jar.
            The Cactus Sample application uses some Ant custom tasks provided
            by Cactus in the <code>cactus-ant.jar</code> jar file (
            found in the <code>lib/</code> directory where you unpacked the
            Cactus distribution).
            The <strong><code>checkstyle</code></strong> task: it is used only
            to buidl Cactus from the sources (i.e. not needed for building the
            Cactus sample application). The version of
            <link href="">Checkstyle</link> used is 2.2+.
          In order to simplify the installation of Ant and the gathering of
          the required Ant tasks as described above, we provide a
          prepackaged zip containing everything needed. This is available from
          the <link href="site:downloads">downloads</link> section.
      <section title="Installing Ant on Windows systems">
          Follow the steps below to install Ant:
            Download Jakarta Ant
            (<code>jakarta-ant-&lt;version&gt;</code>) from
            <link href="">here</link>. I
            recommend version 1.4.1 or above. Alternatively you can download the
            prepackaged Ant version, as mentioned above.
            Unzip it in a directory. Let's call this directory
            Create an environment variable named <code>ANT_HOME</code> that
            points to the <code>antroot</code> directory,
            Modify the <code>PATH</code> environment variable to include the
            <code>%ANT_HOME%\bin</code> directory (so that you'll be able to type
            <code>ant</code> in a DOS shell, in whatever directory and it will
            call the <code>%ANT_HOME%\bin\ant.bat</code> script,
            Download the Ant optional task jar
            (<code>jakarta-ant-&lt;version&gt;-optional.jar</code>) from
            <link href="">here</link>
            and put it in <code>%ANT_HOME%\lib</code>. <em>Note that this step
            is needed only if you haven't downloaded the prepackaged zip</em>,
            If you haven't downloaded the prepackaged Ant zip, you'll need to
            download the Stylebook 1.0b3 for Xalan 2 jar, the latest
            <link href="">Xalan</link>, the latest
            <link href="">Xerces</link>, the
            latest <link href="ext:junit">JUnit</link> and the latest
            <link href="ext:checkstyle">Checkstyle</link> jars. You'll
            also need to ensure that you use a JAXP 1.1 parser. You can download
            one (crimson) from
            <link href="">here</link>. Put
            all these jars in <code>%ANT_HOME%\lib</code>.
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/petals/ant/howto_ant.xml
  Index: howto_ant.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document id="howto_ant">
      <title>Ant Howto</title>
        <author name="Vincent Massol" email=""/>
    <section title="Ant integration">
        This tutorial has several trails:
          <link href="site:howto_ant_cactus">Using Cactus with Ant</link>:
          Explain how to integrate Cactus tests in your own Ant build process,
          <link href="site:howto_ant_install">Ant installation</link>:
          Explains how to install Ant to run the samples provided in the Cactus
          distribution or to build Cactus from the sources,
          <link href="site:howto_ant_primer">Ant Primer</link>:
          Provides an Ant primer that explains how to best organize a project
          around an Ant build process (directory structure, Ant targets, ...).
          At the same time it described the principles that have been followed
          for Cactus's own build process (it is no longer in sync with current
          Cactus build).
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/petals/ant/howto_ant_primer.xml
  Index: howto_ant_primer.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document id="howto_ant_primer">
      <title>Ant Integration</title>
        <author name="Vincent Massol" email=""/>
      <section title="Continuous integration">
          <strong>This tutorial was written when I wrote Cactus 1.2. Since then
          I have improved my command of Ant. However this tutorial has not yet
          been updated. I believe it still provides some very good
          methodology on how to use Ant, although not the latest. If you wish to
          keep track of the latest change, have a look at the Cactus build files,
          found in the source distribution.</strong>
          A strong principle of eXtreme Programming (XP) is the continuous
          integration aspect (see the
          <link href="">
          Continuous Integration</link> article by Martin Fowler). The traditional
          approach has been
          to developing the code first, then test it and then integrate
          it with other appications. The continuous integration principle is to
          develop code, tests and integrate at the same time, i.e. at any point
          in time, you have a functioning code along with tests and integrated.
          In order to be able to do continuous integration, you need to be able
          to automatically run the build for your application, including passing
          the unit tests (based on JUnit, Cactus, HttpUnit or others). Ant is
          the perfect tool for this task.
      <section title="Ant benefits">
          The benefits of using Ant for running unit tests are as follows:
              Ant is written in Java and thus the same scripts can be used on
              several systems (Windows and Unix for example). Is is therefore very
              well suited for building java applications.
              Ant provides enough built-in and optional tasks to be able to
              achieve almost any needed build task without needing to use
              system dependent scripts.
              By being able to very quickly rerun unit test you can verify that
              your tests still pass when you modify some part of your code (
              regression testing)
              As it is automated, it fits well in the continuous integration
              principle and your tests can thus be ran automatically and
      <section title="Writing an Ant build script tutorial">
          The sample Ant build file described below is taken from the
          <link href="site:downloads">Cactus Sample for Servlet API 2.2
          </link> project.
          This section is both a tutorial for automating builds and unit testing
          with Ant and Cactus and also a best practice and methodology guide
          for using Ant in general (independent of Cactus). This is an Ant
          configuration that has been working for me on several project. Of course,
          you are free to adapt/modify it to suit your needs.
        <section title="Project directory structure">
            Create the following directories:
                Directory name
                Content of the directory
                The Ant build file and some other ancillary files (properties file, ...)
                Configuration files for the project. These are the configuration
                files that will <em>not</em> be put into the runtime jar. They
                are configuration file that need to be visible and modifyable
                by a user of the project. If they were bundled in the jar they
                would be hard to modify. On the other hand, we don't want a
                proliferation of configuration files, so all <em>technical</em>
                configuration files (messages to display for errors, ...)
                should be put in the <code>src</code> directory in correct java
                Configuration files needed for testing the project only.
                Project documentation.
                Documentation skin for Stylebook (if using Stylebook).
                Documentation files (XML files) for Stylebook (if using Stylebook).
                The project sources: java files + java test files +
                properties files + test properties files + other files for
                runtime or test (XML files, ...). Note that all test files
                should begin by 'Test' or 'test' in order to easily separate them
                from other files so that in an Ant target we'll be able to include
                only the runtime files.
                The project web files: HTML, JSP, ... (if any)
            An <code>out</code> directory will be created by the Ant build. All
            build-generated files will be put in that directory (compiled classes,
            generated javadoc documentation, test configuration files for running
            an application server, ...).
            We don't have any <code>lib</code> directory because it is always
            better not to include dependent jars in your project whenever
            possible for the following reasons: better continuous integration
            with other libraries (meaning they also evolve and you should test
            as much as possible with the latest version to discover potential
            problems early, more lightweight downloads, less jar proliferation
            (you'll end up with tens of the same jars otherwise), more version
            control and integration checks (if your project uses 2 external
            libraries that need another third library but not in the same version
            you are in trouble !), ...
        <section title="Ant Target List">
            Define the following targets in your <code>build.xml</code>.
            The <em>Type</em> column specify whether the target is an external
            target that can be called by the user of the build file or if it is
            an internal target, intended to be called internally by another
            target inside the build script.
                Target name
                <jump anchor="init"><code>init</code></jump>
                Defines token filters, timestamp, display some information on
                screen, ...
                <jump anchor="usage"><code>usage</code></jump>
                Display usage information about the targets.
                <jump anchor="prepare"><code>prepare</code></jump>
                Set up the output directory where build generated files will be
                put and copy the java sources to this output directory,
                replacing tokens with the values defined in the <code>init</code>
                <jump anchor="compile"><code>compile</code></jump>
                Compile the java sources and put the result in the output
                directory. All copies non java source files such as
                <code>.properties</code> files, XML configuration files, ...
                <jump anchor="source"><code>source</code></jump>
                Generate a zipped file containing the full sources of the project
                (i.e. the whole directory structure, excluding any build
                generated files).
                <jump anchor="javadoc"><code>javadoc</code></jump>
                Generates the javadoc of the project. This javadoc will be part
                of the project documentation, as generated by the <code>doc</code>
                <jump anchor="doc"><code>doc</code></jump>
                Generates the full project documentation: javadoc + README files
                + documentation web site (using Stylebook for example).
                <jump anchor="clean"><code>clean</code></jump>
                Remove any build generated files. In particular, delete the
                output directory.
                <jump anchor="jar"><code>jar</code></jump>,
                <jump anchor="war"><code>war</code></jump>,
                <code>ear</code>, ...
                Generate the project runtime. If the project is a framework, it
                is usually a jar. If the project is a web application, it is
                usually a war file. If the project is an EJB application, it is
                usually either one or several jars or an ear file. Etc ...
                <jump anchor="tests"><code>tests_XXX</code></jump> where XXX is
                the name of the servlet engine on which the tests run.
                Run the Cactus unit tests.
        <anchor id="basedir"/>
        <section title="Step 1: The Ant project basedir">
            You <code>build.xml</code> file being in located in
            <code>build/</code> you should set the <code>project</code> tag
            attribute to '<code>..</code>' so that all other paths are relative
            to your project root directory. Indeed, the batch file (shell script)
            that was used to bootstrap Ant is located in
            <code>&lt;root&gt;/build</code>, so '<code>..</code>' is the root
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <project name="Cactus Sample" default="war" basedir="..">
        <section title="Step 2: initialization of project properties">
            You should define as properties all values that can be factorized
            and which are used often in your build file such as source locations,
            output locations, external jar locations and names, ... You can also
            define useful file patterns there (see the sample below).
            A good principle is to defined any properties that depend on your
            environment (such as external jar locations) in a file (let's call
            it <code></code> located either where
            <code>build.xml</code> is located or in your home directory. The
            properties defined in this file will be loaded by
            <code>build.xml</code> using the following code:
      <!-- Give user a chance to override without editing this file
           (and without typing -D each time it compiles it) -->
      <property file="build/" />
      <property file="${user.home}/" />
            Here are our properties initializations:
  <project name="Cactus Sample" default="war" basedir="..">
      <!-- Give user a chance to override without editing this file
           (and without typing -D each time it compiles it) -->
      <property file="build/" />
      <property file="${user.home}/" />
      <!-- Generic project properties -->
      <property name="project.fullname" value="Cactus Sample"/>
      <property name="project.version" value="@version@"/>
      <property name="" value="cactus-sample"/>
      <!-- Miscellaneous settings -->
      <property name="year" value="@year@"/>
      <property name="debug" value="on"/>
      <property name="optimize" value="off"/>
      <property name="deprecation" value="off"/>
           Set the properties related to the source tree
      <!-- Source locations for the build -->
      <property name="src.dir" value="src"/>
      <property name="" value="${src.dir}/share"/>
      <property name="" value="${src.dir}/servlet@servlet.api@"/>
      <property name="build.dir" value="build"/>
      <property name="etc.dir" value="${build.dir}/etc"/>
      <property name="lib.dir" value="lib"/>
      <property name="conf.dir" value="conf"/>
      <property name="conf.test.dir" value="conf/test"/>
      <property name="web.dir" value="web"/>
           Set the properties related to the build area
      <!-- Destination locations for the build (relative to the basedir as -->
      <!-- specified in the basedir attribute of the project tag)          -->
      <property name="out.dir" value="out"/>
      <property name="out.dist.dir" value="${out.dir}/dist"/>
      <property name="out.lib.dir" value="${out.dir}/lib"/>
      <property name="out.test.dir" value="${out.dir}/test"/>
      <property name="out.src.dir" value="${out.dir}/src"/>
      <property name="out.classes.dir" value="${out.dir}/classes"/>
      <property name="out.doc.dir" value="${out.dir}/doc"/>
      <property name="out.javadoc.dir" value="${out.doc.dir}/javadoc"/>
      <property name="out.conf.dir" value="${out.dir}/conf"/>
      <!-- Names of deliverables -->
      <!-- The Cactus Sample war file. This is the file that should be
           used at runtime by end users (it excludes the test classes) -->
      <property name="" value="${out.dir}/${}-@servlet.api@.war"/>
      <!-- The full sources of Cactus Sample in a zip file -->
      <property name="" value="${out.dir}/${}"/>
      <!-- The Cactus sample documentation in a zip file -->
      <property name="" value="${out.dir}/${}"/>
           Useful file patterns for targets
      <!-- All source files of the projet. These source files will be copied
           to the destination source directory in the prepare task -->
      <patternset id="all.src.files">
          <!-- All java files -->
          <include name="**/*.java"/>
          <!-- All doc files -->
          <include name="**/package.html"/>
          <include name="**/overview.html"/>
          <!-- All conf files (including test files) -->
          <include name="**/*.txt"/>
          <include name="**/*.xml"/>
          <include name="**/*.properties"/>
      <!-- All non java files in the src directory -->
      <patternset id="all.nonjava.files">
          <!-- All conf files (including test files) -->
          <include name="**/*.txt"/>
          <include name="**/*.xml"/>
          <include name="**/*.properties"/>
        <anchor id="init"/>
        <section title="Step 3: 'init' target">
            Useful for initializing a timestamp (DSTAMP, TODAY, TSTAMP), defining
            token filters, printing some information messages, registering
            custom Ant tasks, ...
           Initialize the build. Must be called by all targets
      <target name="init">
          <!-- So that we can use the ${TSTAMP}, ${DSTAMP}, ... time stamps
               in targets, if need be -->
          <echo message="--------- ${project.fullname} ${project.version} ---------"/>
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message="java.class.path = ${java.class.path}"/>
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message="java.home = ${java.home}"/>
          <echo message="user.home = ${user.home}"/>
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message="basedir = ${basedir}"/>
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message="servlet.jar = ${servlet.jar}"/>
          <echo message="cactus.jar = ${cactus.jar}"/>
          <echo message="junit.jar = ${junit.jar}"/>
          <echo message="cactus.ant.jar = ${cactus.ant.jar}"/>
          <!-- Filters -->
          <filter token="version" value="${project.version}"/>
          <filter token="year" value="${year}"/>
          <!-- Initialize custom Ant task needed for running the server tests -->
          <taskdef name="runservertests" classname="org.apache.cactus.ant.RunServerTestsTask">
                  <pathelement location="${cactus.ant.jar}"/>
                  <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
        <anchor id="usage"/>
        <section title="Step 4: 'usage' targets">
            Display a usage message.
           Help on usage. List available targets
      <target name="usage" depends="init">
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message="${project.fullname} build file"/>
          <echo message="------------------------------------------------------"/>
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message=" Available targets are:"/>
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message=" war    --> generates the war file (default)"/>
          <echo message=" clean  --> cleans up the build directory"/>
          <echo message=" source --> generates source zip of the project"/>
          <echo message=" doc    --> generates the docs (javadoc, ...)"/>
          <echo message=" all    --> do it all at once"/>
          <echo message="            (clean, war, source, doc)"/>
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message=" Targets for running the tests for Servlet API 2.2:"/>
          <echo message=""/>
          <echo message=" tests_resin_12    --> run tests for Resin 1.2"/>
          <echo message=" tests_tomcat_32   --> run tests for Tomcat 3.2"/>
          <echo message=" tests_weblogic_51 --> run tests for WebLogic 5.1"/>
          <echo message=" tests_orion_14    --> run tests for Orion 1.4"/>
          <echo message=""/>
        <anchor id="prepare"/>
        <section title="Step 5: 'prepare' target">
            This target is needed for both compiling and generating the javadoc.
            It copies all the source files from their <code>src/</code> directory
            to the <code>out</code> directory, replacing tokens in the source
            code (replacing the <code>@version@</code> by the version number
            for example).
           Prepare the output directory by copying the source files into it
      <target name="prepare" depends="init">
          <mkdir dir="${out.src.dir}"/>
          <!-- Copy all source files to destination dir. Apply the filters in
               order to replace the tokens for the copyright year and the
               version -->
          <copy todir="${out.src.dir}" filtering="on">
              <fileset dir="${}">
                  <patternset refid="all.src.files"/>
              <fileset dir="${}">
                  <patternset refid="all.src.files"/>
        <anchor id="compile"/>
        <section title="Step 6: 'compile' target">
            The <code>compile</code> target simply compiles the java files into
            <code>.class</code> files and also copies the support files that are
            in <code>src/</code> to the directory where the class file have been
           Compiles the source directory
      <!-- Preparation target for the compile target -->
      <target name="prepare-compile" depends="prepare">
          <mkdir dir="${out.classes.dir}"/>
      <!-- Run the java compilation -->
      <target name="compile" depends="prepare-compile">
          <javac srcdir="${out.src.dir}"
              <!-- Exclude all files that are not .java source files -->
              <!-- All doc files -->
              <exclude name="**/package.html"/>
              <exclude name="**/overview.html"/>
              <!-- All conf files (including test files) -->
              <exclude name="**/*.txt"/>
              <exclude name="**/*.xml"/>
              <exclude name="**/*.properties"/>
                  <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
                  <pathelement location="${servlet.jar}"/>
                  <pathelement location="${cactus.jar}"/>
          <!-- Copies non java files that need to be in the classes directory -->
          <copy todir="${out.classes.dir}">
              <fileset dir="${}">
                  <patternset refid="all.nonjava.files"/>
              <fileset dir="${conf.test.dir}">
                  <include name=""/>
        <anchor id="source"/>
        <section title="Step 7: 'source' target">
            Zip up the sources for distribution.
           Generates source zip of the project
      <target name="source" depends="prepare">
          <zip zipfile="${}" basedir=".">
              <exclude name="${out.dir}/**"/>
              <exclude name="**/*.log"/>
              <exclude name="**/*.bak"/>
              <exclude name="**/*.class"/>
              <exclude name="${build.dir}/"/>
        <anchor id="javadoc"/>
        <section title="Step 8: 'javadoc' target">
            Generate the project's javadoc.
           Generate the javadoc
      <!-- Preparation target for the javadoc target -->
      <target name="prepare-javadoc" depends="prepare">
          <mkdir dir="${out.javadoc.dir}"/>
      <!-- Generate the javadoc for the current Servlet API -->
      <target name="javadoc" depends="prepare-javadoc">
              windowtitle="${project.fullname} ${project.version} for Servlet @servlet.api@ API"
              doctitle="${project.fullname} ${project.version} for Servlet @servlet.api@ API"
              bottom="Copyright &amp;copy; ${year} Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.">
                  <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
                  <pathelement location="${servlet.jar}"/>
                  <pathelement location="${cactus.jar}"/>
        <anchor id="doc"/>
        <section title="Step 9: 'doc' target">
            Generate the project's documentation. It includes the javadoc,
            additional README files (if any) and the documentation web site
           Generate the full documentation
      <!-- Preparation target for the doc target -->
      <target name="prepare-doc" depends="javadoc">
          <mkdir dir="${out.doc.dir}"/>
      <!-- Generate the documentation -->
      <target name="doc" depends="prepare-doc">
          <!-- Create the zipped documentation -->
          <zip zipfile="${}" basedir="${out.doc.dir}"/>
        <anchor id="clean"/>
        <section title="Step 10: 'clean' target">
            Removes all build generated files.
           Remove all build generated files
      <target name="clean" depends="init">
          <!-- Deletes all files ending with '~' -->
              <fileset dir="." includes="**/*~" defaultexcludes="no"/>
          <!-- Remove the out directory -->
          <delete dir="${out.dir}"/>
          <!-- Delete log files -->
              <fileset dir=".">
                  <include name="**/*.log"/>
        <section title="Step 11: 'jar', 'war' targets">
          <anchor id="jar"/>
          <section title="'jar' target">
              This target is useful if your project is a framework for example and
              you need to deliver a jar file. We also include a manifest file
              in the jar, with version information. We copy the manifest to the
              output directory in order to replace the <code>@version@</code>
              token with it's value.
              Example (from the Cactus build file):
           Create the runtime jar file
      <!-- Preparation target for the jar target -->
      <target name="prepare-jar" depends="compile">
          <mkdir dir="${out.conf.dir}"/>
          <mkdir dir="${out.lib.dir}"/>
          <!-- Copy the manifest in order to replace the version token filter -->
          <copy todir="${out.conf.dir}" filtering="on">
              <fileset dir="${conf.dir}" >
                  <include name="manifest"/>
      <!-- Generate the jar file -->
      <target name="jar" depends="prepare-jar">
          <jar jarfile="${}" basedir="${out.classes.dir}"
              <!-- Do not include test files in the runtime jar -->
              <exclude name="**/Test*.*"/>
              <exclude name="**/test*.*"/>
          <anchor id="war"/>
          <section title="'war' target">
              This target is useful if you're building a web application.
              We also include a manifest file in the war, with version
              information. We copy the manifest to the output directory in order
              to replace the <code>@version@</code> token with it's value.
              Example (from the Cactus sample):
           Create the runtime war file
      <!-- Preparation target for the war target -->
      <target name="prepare-war" depends="compile">
          <mkdir dir="${out.conf.dir}"/>
          <!-- Copy the manifest in order to replace the version token filter  -->
          <copy todir="${out.conf.dir}" filtering="on">
              <fileset dir="${conf.dir}" >
                  <include name="manifest"/>
      <!-- Generate the war file -->
      <target name="war" depends="prepare-war">
          <war warfile="${}"
              <classes dir="${out.classes.dir}">
                  <!-- Do not include test files in the runtime jar -->
                  <exclude name="**/Test*.*"/>
                  <exclude name="**/test*.*"/>
                  <!-- Also exclude the test file -->
                  <exclude name=""/>
              <fileset dir="${web.dir}">
                  <exclude name="test/**"/>
        <anchor id="tests"/>
        <section title="Step 12: 'tests_XXX' target">
            The <code>tests_XXX</code> target is in charge of running the
            Cactus unit tests. It must prepare the test environment for a
            given servlet engine and package the tests, start that servlet
            engine, run the tests by starting the JUnit runner and stop the
            servlet engine.
            See the <link href="site:howto_ant_cactus">Using Cactus with
            Ant</link> tutorial for details on to do this.
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/petals/ant/navigation.xml
  Index: navigation.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE navigation
    PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Cactus Navigation V1.0//EN"
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/petals/manual/howto_ide_vajava_wte.xml
  Index: howto_ide_vajava_wte.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document id="howto_ide_vajava_wte">
      <title>VAJava and WebSphere Test Environment</title>
        <author name="Vincent Massol" email=""/>
      <section title="Forewords and Requirements">
          <strong>This tutorial is written for Cactus 1.2 only. It will need
          to adapted if you're using Cactus 1.3</strong>
          This tutorial explains how to run Cactus tests within VisualAge for
          Java WebSphere Test Environment.
          We have received reports that the following tutorial works with
          VAJava 3.5.2 and 3.5.3. Please tell us if you find that it works with
          other versions.
      <section title="Step 1: Import the correct packages in VAJava">
          Let's assume the following conventions:
          <strong><code>{Cactus dir}</code></strong> is the directory where you
          have unzipped the Cactus distribution or sources and
          <strong><code>{VAJava dir}</code></strong> is the directory where
          VAJava is installed. Let's also define <strong><code>{WTE dir}</code>
          </strong> to be the WebSphere Test Environment directories, i.e.
          <code>{VAJava dir}/ide/project_resources/IBM WebSphere Test
          You need to create 4 projects: one for JUnit, one for Cactus (
          let's call it "Cactus"), one for HttpClient and
          optionally one for Log4j. Note that the Log4j one is useful only if
          wish to get some Cactus runtime logs. If you don't import the Log4j
          classes, some Cactus classes will appear with a red cross in VAJava
          but you can safely ignore them as they won't be executed.
          You can either import the source files or the compiled classes as you
          wish. If you import the source file, you should import the following
          directories: <code>{Cactus dir}/src/framework/servlet22</code> and
          <code>{Cactus dir}/src/framework/share</code>. You also need to
          copy the following files into
          <code>{VAJava dir}/ide/project_resources/Cactus</code>:
          <code></code> and
          <code></code> which are located in
          <code>{Cactus dir}/sample/conf/test</code>. If you have imported from
          the Cactus jar file, and you have selected to import resources files
          then they have been automatically imported for you.
      <section title="Step 2: Set up the file">
          Copy your <code></code> file (see the
          <link href="site:howto_config">Configuration Howto</link>
          tutorial for details on <code></code>) to
          <code>{VAJava dir}/ide/project_resources/Cactus</code>.
          As WebSphere does not support the <code>jsp-file</code> tag in
          <code>web.xml</code>, we cannot map the redirector JSP to a name, so
          instead of writing
          "<code>cactus.jspRedirectorURL =
          http://localhost:8080/test/JspRedirector</code>" in
          <code></code>, you should simply
          put the JSP file name, as in
          "<code>cactus.jspRedirectorURL =
          http://localhost:8080/test/jspRedirector.jsp</code>". This is only needed
          if you have test cases that extend <code>JspTestCase</code>.
      <section title="Step 3: Modify WebSphere Test Environment">
        <section title="Edit default.servlet_engine">
            Edit <code>{WTE dir}/properties/default.servlet_engine</code> and
            add the following under the <code>default_app</code> webgroup:
      <websphere-webgroup name="test">
         <description>Cactus Testing Web Application</description>
         <auto-reload enabled="true" polling-interval="3000"/>
            The <code>init-parameter</code> is only needed if you wish to run
            sample application provided in the Cactus distribution. Also, in
            order to run this sample application you'll need to copy the
            <code>{Cactus dir}/sample/web/test/test.jsp</code> file to
            <code>{WTE dir}/hosts/default_host/test/web/test</code> as it is
            used by a test case.
        <section title="Create a test directory">
            Create a directory called <code>test</code> under
            <code>{WTE dir}/hosts/default_host</code>. Under <code>test</code>
            create another 2 subdirectories: <code>servlets</code> and
        <section title="Create a test.webapp file">
            Create a test.webapp file in
            <code>{WTE dir}/hosts/default_host/test/servlets</code> and put the
            following content:
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
     <description>Cactus testing web application</description>
        <description>Cactus Testing ServletRedirector</description>
          <value>value1 used for testing</value>
     <!-- Note: We don't provide a mapping for the JSP Redirector because
          WebSphere does not support the jsp-file tag of the Servlet 2.2
          specification -->
        <description>Default error reporter servlet</description>
        <description>JSP support servlet</description>
          If you use the JSP 1.0 compiler, use the following
          If you use the JSP 1.1 compiler (VAJava 3.5.3 only), use the following
        <description>File serving servlet</description>
        <section title="Copy the Cactus JSP Redirector file">
            Copy the <code>{Cactus dir}/sample/web/test/jspRedirector.jsp</code>
            file to <code>{WTE dir}/hosts/default_host/test/web</code>.
      <section title="Step 4: Edit VAJava workspace classpath">
          Add the following to the VAJava workspace classpath (select menu
          "Window... | Resources" under VAJava):
  {VAJava dir}\ide\project_resources\JUnit\;
  {VAJava dir}\ide\project_resources\Cactus\;
  {VAJava dir}\ide\project_resources\HttpClient\;
  {VAJava dir}\ide\project_resources\Log4j\;
  {VAJava dir}\ide\project_resources\Servlet API Classes\;
      <section title="Step 5: Edit VAJava workspace classpath">
          In the WebSphere Test Environment under Servlet Engine, add Cactus,
          JUnit, HttpClient, Log4j, and the project that contained the tests to
          the classpath.
      <section title="Final note">
          With this configuration, you'll find <code>cactus_client.log</code>
          under <code>{VAJava dir}/ide/project_resources/{project being
          tested}</code> and <code>cactus_server.log</code> under
          <code>{VAJava dir}/ide/tools/com-ibm-ivj-ui-webcontrolcenter</code>
          when you run your tests.
          If you get a "Failed to invoke suite():
          java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError" error message, you msy get around that
          problem by explicitly adding the test cases to the TestSuite that's
          returned in suite(), for your test case.
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/petals/manual/howto_ide_jbuilder5.xml
  Index: howto_ide_jbuilder5.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document id="howto_ide_jbuilder5">
      <title>JBuilder 5 Integration</title>
        <author name="Sean Zhang" email=""/>
        <author name="Vincent Massol" email=""/>
      <section title="Forewords and Requirements">
          This document describes steps to setup Cactus to unit test Server side
          code (i.e. EJBs, Servlets, etc) deployed to Weblogic 6.1 within
          JBuilder5 IDE.
          The steps described below apply to current release (Cactus 1.3 as of
          this writing) and assume that Cactus has been installed correctly
          (which means that you can run sample successfully).
      <section title="Step 1: Create file">
          Create file: Add entry to identify the URL of the
          redirector (see the <link href="site:howto_config">Configuration
          Howto</link> for details).
      <section title="Step 2: Configure Cactus to work with JBuilder5">
          Follow these steps:
            Click Menu item Tools/Configure Libraries to open Configure Libraries
            On the lefthand side of Configure Libraries wizard, click on New
            button to open New Library Wizard.
            Enter value <code>"cactus"</code> in the Name field.  Choose
            <code>"user home"</code> from the Location drop down menu.
            Click on Add button to open the dialog to choose files.
            Navigate to <code>[cactus home]/lib/</code> directory, select
            <code>cactus.jar</code> and click OK button.
            Click on Add button again to open the dialog to choose files.
            Navigate to the directory where the <code></code>
            file is saved.
            Click OK button.
            Click "Add as Class Path" button if "No Paths Found" dialog box pops
            Follow steps 2 - 6 to add <code>junit.jar</code>,
            <code>httpclient.jar</code> and <code>aspectjrt.jar</code> which are
            all in <code>[cactus home]/lib</code> directory
            Optionally, add <code>log4j.jar</code> in
            <code>[cactus home]/lib</code> directory to enable cactus logging
            Click Menu item Project/Project Properties to open Project
            Properties dialog box
            Click Path tab and then Required Libraries tab
            Click Add button and add the libraries created above to your project.
      <section title="Step 3: Configure Cactus for Weblogic6.1">
            Open <code>web.xml</code> in <code>WEB-INF</code> directory of the
            web application deployed on Weblogic
            Add the mapping for the redirector under the
            <code>&lt;web-app&gt;</code> element.
            Copy <code>cactus.jar</code>, <code>junit.jar</code>,
            <code>aspectjrt.jar</code> and
            <code>log4j.jar</code>(optional) to <code>WEB-INF/lib</code>
            directory of the web application
            Copy your classes files to <code>WEB-INF/classes</code> directory of
            the web application
      <section title="Step 4: Run the test">
            In JBuilder, click Menu item Project/Project Properties
            Click Run tab and then Application tab
            Open "Select Main Class for Project" dialog box and choose the test
            case class which has a main method in it.
            Run your project
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/petals/manual/howto_ide_vajava_tomcat.xml
  Index: howto_ide_vajava_tomcat.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document id="howto_ide_vajava_tomcat">
      <title>VAJava and Tomcat Test Environment</title>
        <author name="Vincent Massol" email=""/>
      <section title="Forewords and Requirements">
          <strong>This tutorial is written for Cactus 1.2 only. It will need
          to adapted if you're using Cactus 1.3</strong>
          This tutorial explains how to run Cactus tests within VisualAge for
          Java Tomcat Test Environment.
          The following tutorial has been tested with VisualAge 3.5.3 and Apache
          Tomcat Test Environment 3.1. Please tell us if you find that it works
          with other versions.
      <section title="Steps">
          Let's call <strong><code>{VAJava dir}</code></strong> the directory
          where VAJava is installed. Let's also suppose that the context of our
          webapp is called <strong><code>myApp</code></strong>.
            Import Cactus and JUnit into VisualAge as projects,
            Add the Cactus redirector mappings to your web.xml file (see the
            <link href="site:howto_config">Configuration Howto</link>), which is
            located at
            <code>{VAJava dir}\ide\project_resources\Apache_Tomcat_Test_Environment\webapps\myApp\WEB-INF\</code>,
            Make sure the <code></code> file has the correct
            URL for the redirectors (see the
            <link href="site:howto_config">Configuration Howto</link>). Put the
            file in
            <code>{VAJava dir}\ide\project_resources\Apache_Tomcat_Test_Environment\webapps\myApp\WEB-INF\</code>,
            Add the following directories to JUnit's TestRunner project classpath
            (project's properties dialog box):
  {VAJava dir}\ide\project_resources\Apache_Tomcat_Test_Environment\webapps\myApp\WEB-INF\;
  {VAJava dir}\ide\project_resources\Apache_Tomcat_Test_Environment\webapps\myApp\WEB-INF\classes\;
            Add the Cactus project to both JUnit's TestRunner and Apache's
            TomcatRunner project classpath (project properties dialog boxes).
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/petals/manual/navigation.xml
  Index: navigation.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE navigation
    PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Cactus Navigation V1.0//EN"
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/petals/manual/howto_classpath.xml
  Index: howto_classpath.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document id="howto_classpath">
      <title>Setting the Cactus CLASSPATH</title>
        <author name="Vincent Massol" email=""/>
      <section title="Setting up Cactus Classpaths">
          You must understand that your Cactus tests are started by a JUnit
          Test Runner (in the client JVM) and that the Cactus TestCase that you
          have extended will connect to the Cactus Redirector (in the server
          JVM), where your <code>testXXX()</code> methods will be executed. See
          <link href="site:how_it_works">How it works</link> to understand the
          Please also check the <link href="site:howto_runner">TestRunner
          Howto</link> tutorial which explains all the different ways to
          start a JUnit Test Runner.
          <strong>It is very important that you understand what files you need
          to put in the client and server classpaths, as 99% of Cactus
          errors come from an incorrect classpath !</strong>
        <figure src="images/classpath.jpg" alt="Classpaths"/>
        <section title="Client side classpath">
            The Cactus tests are started by running a JUnit Test Runner (For
            explanations on how JUnit works see the
            <link href="">JUnit web site</link>).
            As pictured in figure 1, you need to have the following jars and
            classes in your client side classpath:
              <strong><code>junit.jar</code></strong>: obviously this is needed
              for the JUnit Test Runner and because the Cactus
              <code>XXXTestCase</code> classes extend the JUnit
              <code>org.junit.framework.TestCase</code> class.
              <strong><code>cactus.jar</code></strong>: well, this is the
              Cactus jar containing all Cactus classes,
              <strong>your test classes</strong>: these are
              your test classes that extend the Cactus <code>XXXTestCase</code>
              <strong><code>servlet.jar or j2ee.jar</code></strong>: these are
              the Servlet API / J2EE API interfaces. This
              is needed on the client side classpath because your test cases
              extend one or several of <code>XXXTestCase</code> which use class
              variables that are Servlet / J2EE objects
              (<code>HttpSevletRequest</code>, <code>PageContext</code>, ...).
              You can get this jar either from your servlet engine or from the
              <link href="">Sun Web Site</link> (
              <link href="">
              Servlet download page</link> or
              <link href="">J2EE download
              <strong><code>httpclient.jar</code></strong>: needed for
              Cactus Cookie handling.
              <strong><code>commons-logging.jar</code></strong>: Cactus uses
              the Jakarta Commons Logging facade framework to provide seamless
              Cactus logging using any existing Logging framework (Log4j,
              LogKit, JDK 1.4 Logging, etc). It is also needed for Commons
              <strong><code>logging framework jar</code>(optional)</strong>: The
              logging framework to use (Log4j jar, LogKit jar, etc). It is
              optional as it is only needed for internal Cactus logging and in
              addition, the Commons Logging framework provides a simple logger
              that logs on the console.
              <strong><code>httpunit.jar</code></strong>, <strong>
              <code>Tidy.jar</code></strong> and <strong>
              <code>xerces.jar</code> (optional)</strong>: only needed if you
              wish to use
              <link href="">HttpUnit</link>
              in your <code>endXXX()</code> methods (see the
              <link href="site:howto_httpunit">HttpUnit Howto</link> tutorial).
              The 3 jars mentioned above are part of the HttpUnit distribution.
              <link href="ext:aspectj">AspectJ</link> runtime jar.
            If you have the habit of using class variables for the classes
            to test (as opposed to declaring them within the
            <code>testXXX()</code> method), you'll also need to put your classes
            under test in the client side classpath.
            In addition to the above mentioned jars and classes, you may have
            to put the <strong><code></code></strong>
            configuration file in your classpath (Only if you are using it to
            configure Cactus of course). Details are described in the
            <link href="site:howto_config">Config Howto</link> tutorial).
            If you are using Log4J as the logging framework, you will also
            need to put a <code></code> Log4j configuration
            file in your client side classpath (See the
            <link href="site:howto_config">Config Howto</link> tutorial).
        <section title="Server side classpath">
            The server side part is a webapp. It can be packaged as a .war file
            or as expanded war. It should have the following structure, which
            will ensure that the classpath is correct:
              <strong><code>WEB-INF/lib/cactus.jar</code></strong>: the
              Cactus main jar,
              <strong><code>WEB-INF/lib/junit.jar</code></strong>: this is
              needed because the Cactus <code>XXXTestCase</code> extends
              the JUnit <code>org.junit.framework.TestCase</code> class.
              <strong><code>WEB-INF/classes/&lt;your test classes&gt;</code>
              </strong>: obviously as their <code>testXXX()</code> methods will
              get executed in the container.
              <strong><code>WEB-INF/classes/&lt;your classes under test&gt;</code>
              </strong>: will be called by your test classes.
              <link href="ext:aspectj">AspectJ</link> runtime jar.
              Cactus uses the Jakarta Commons Logging facade framework to provide
              seamless Cactus logging using any existing Logging framework (Log4j,
              LogKit, JDK 1.4 Logging, etc). It is also needed for Commons
              <strong><code>WEB-INF/lib/logging framework jar</code>
              (optional)</strong>: The logging framework to use (Log4j jar,
              LogKit jar, etc). It is optional as it is only needed for internal
              Cactus logging and in addition, the Commons Logging framework
              provides a simple logger that logs on the console.
            If you have several webapps that use cactus you can put all Cactus
            jars in a place loaded by your container System classloader (provided
            your container correctly sets the Context classloader). The location
            is container-dependent; for example for Tomcat 4.x, you can put the
            jars in <code>TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib</code>.
            If you are using Log4J as the logging framework, you will also
            need to put a <code></code> Log4j configuration
            file in your server side classpath (usually in
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/petals/manual/howto_config.xml
  Index: howto_config.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document id="howto_config">
      <title>Configuration Howto</title>
        <author name="Vincent Massol" email=""/>
      <section title="Cactus Configuration">
          You should read the <link href="site:getting_started">Getting
          Started</link> guide first.
          Here are the configuration files used by Cactus:
        <figure src="images/config.jpg" alt="Configuration files"/>
          There are 3 kinds of configuration:
            <jump anchor="clientside">Client side configuration</jump>
            <jump anchor="serverside">Server side configuration</jump>
            <jump anchor="logging">Cactus Logging configuration</jump>
          Cactus configuration works by setting Java System properties. You can
          set the Cactus configuration properties:
              On the command line (using <code>-Dxxx=yyy</code>).
              In a configuration file (recommended). By default Cactus will look
              for a <code></code> file located in your
              classpath. You can override the name and location of the
              configuration file by setting the <code>cactus.config</code> System
              property. For example you can pass the following when starting the
              JVM: <code>-Dcactus.config=c:/cactus.txt</code>.
              In your tests (using <code>System.setProperty()</code>). This
              option is not recommended as it is better to share a single
              configuration across all tests.
          Please note that the different options for configuring Cactus works
          both for Cactus client side (i.e. from where you start the JUnit Test
          Runner) and for the Cactus server side (i.e. from where you start your
          application server).
        <anchor id="clientside"/>
        <section title="Client side configuration">
            The following table lists the properties that can be defined on
            Cactus client side:
                <strong>Property Name</strong>
                Webapp Context under which the application to test runs.
                <code>cactus.contextURL = http://localhost:8080/test</code>
                <strong>Property Name</strong>
                No. Defaults to "<code>ServletRedirector</code>".
                Name of the Cactus Servlet Redirector as it is mapped on the
                server side in <code>web.xml</code> (see below). This property
                is needed only if your test classes are extending
                <code>ServletTestCase</code> (see the
                <link href="site:howto_testcase">TestCase Howto</link>
                <code>cactus.servletRedirectorName = ServletRedirector</code>
                <strong>Property Name</strong>
                No. Defaults to "<code>JspRedirector</code>".
                Name of the Cactus JSP Redirector as it is mapped on the
                server side in <code>web.xml</code> (see below). This property
                is needed only if your test classes are extending
                <code>JspTestCase</code> (see the
                <link href="site:howto_testcase">TestCase Howto</link>
                <code>cactus.jspRedirectorName = JspRedirector</code>
                <strong>Property Name</strong>
                <code>cactus.filterRedirectorName</code> (For J2EE API 1.3 only)
                No. Defaults to "<code>FilterRedirector</code>".
                Name of the Cactus Filter Redirector as it is mapped on the
                server side in <code>web.xml</code> (see below). This property
                is needed only if your test classes are extending
                <code>FilterTestCase</code> (see the
                <link href="site:howto_testcase">TestCase Howto</link>
                <code>cactus.filterRedirectorName = FilterRedirector</code>
        <anchor id="serverside"/>
        <section title="Server side configuration">
            On Cactus server side, you only need to properly configure your
            application <code>web.xml</code> file to include definitions for
            Cactus Redirectors (see <link href="site:how_it_works">How it
            works</link> if you don't know what a Cactus Redirector is).
            You need to register the Cactus Redirectors that you use, and you
            need to map them to the <code>cactus.servletRedirectorName</code>,
            <code>cactus.jspRedirectorName</code> and
            <code>cactus.filterRedirectorName</code> that you have configured
            on the client side (or simply make sure that you use the default
            names, i.e. <code>ServletRedirector</code>,
            <code>JspRedirector</code> and <code>FilterRedirector</code>
            Here is a sample <code>web.xml</code> that defines the 3 Cactus
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!DOCTYPE web-app
      PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
            If you are using the JSP Redirector (i.e. you have test classes
            that extend <code>JspTestCase</code>), you <strong>must</strong>
            copy the <code>jspRedirector.jsp</code> file (found in the
            <code>sample/web</code> directory where you unpacked your
            Cactus distribution) in a directory in your webapp and you need to
            put it's relative path in the mapping defined above (here we
            have put it in the webapp root.
            If you want to provide some initialisation parameters that will
            be available to the <code>config</code> implicit object available
            in your test case, simply use the standard <code>
            &lt;init-param&gt;</code> tags.
            For example, for the Servlet Redirector (same principle applies
            to all other redirectors):
            <param-value>value1 used for testing</param-value>
            Within your <code>testXXX()</code> code, you can also call the
            <code>config.setInitParameter()</code> method (<code>config</code>
            being the implicit object of type <code>ServletConfig</code>) to
            simulate initialisation parameters as if they had been defined in
            your <code>web.xml</code>.
            Last, if you need to unit test code that uses the Servlet
            Security API, please check the
            <link href="site:howto_security">Security Howto</link>.
        <anchor id="logging"/>
        <section title="Cactus logging configuration">
            Since Cactus 1.4, we have switched to using the
            <link href="">Jakarta
            Commons Logging</link> framework for Cactus internal logs (and any
            log you may wish to output as part of your test).
            This allow Cactus to use any underlying logging framework such as:
            <link href="">Log4J</link>,
            <link href="">LogKit</link>,
            JDK 1.4 Logging or even a Simple Logger provided as part of Commons
            Logging (it outputs to the console).
            Cactus is completely agnostic with regards to the logging framework
            configuration, so you will have to learn how to configure your
            favorite logging yourself. However, here are some tips on how to
            easily configure Log4j.
          <section title="Log4J configuration">
              Create a <code></code> file and drop it in both
              your client side and server side classpaths. Log4j automatically
              looks for such a file in the classpath so it should find it easily.
              Now you need to add the categories that you want to log to that
              file. If you wish to see Cactus logs, you will need to add the
              "<code>org.apache.cactus.*</code>" category and set the logging
              level to <code>DEBUG</code> as Cactus only outputs logs in that
              Here is a sample <code></code> file for Cactus
              client side. You can use the same one for the Server side but we
              recommend to change the name of the output file in order not to
              mix the logs.
  # Properties for configuring Log4j
  # This is the configuring for logging on the JUnit side (i.e. the client side)
  log4j.appender.cactus = org.apache.log4j.FileAppender
  log4j.appender.cactus.File = cactus_client.log
  log4j.appender.cactus.Append = false
  log4j.appender.cactus.layout = org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
  log4j.appender.cactus.layout.ConversionPattern = %d{ABSOLUTE} [%t] %-5p %-30.30c{2} %x - %m %n
  # Any application log which uses Log4J will be logged to the Cactus log file
  log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, cactus
  # By default we don't log at the DEBUG level for Cactus log, in order not to generate too
  # many logs. However, should a problem arise and logs need to be sent to the Cactus dev team,
  # then we will ask you to change this to DEBUG. = WARN, cactus
  # Don't show debug logs for HttpClient = WARN, cactus
  log4j.category.httpclient = WARN, cactus
              JUnit uses a different classloader to load each test of a TestCase
              class. Thus, Log4j will reinitialise for each test, thus
              overwriting the <code>cactus_client.log</code> file each time (this
              is because we have set <code>log4j.appender.cactus.Append</code> to
              <code>false</code>. You can set it to <code>true</code> if you
              wish to keep all the logs but the file size will grow quickly. In
              addition logs are really only useful when there is a failure and
              thus not appending is usually a good choice.
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/petals/manual/howto_ide_jbuilder4.xml
  Index: howto_ide_jbuilder4.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document id="howto_ide_jbuilder4">
      <title>JBuilder 4 Integration</title>
        <author name="Cedric Chabanois" email=""/>
        <author name="Kunal Vaishnav" email=""/>
        <author name="Vincent Massol" email=""/>
      <section title="Forewords and Requirements">
          First of all, you need to download the
          <link href="site:downloads">Cactus distribution</link>
      <section title="Step 1: Create JBuilder libraries">
          Let's assume the following conventions:
          <strong><code>{Cactus dir}</code></strong> is the directory where you
          have unzipped the Cactus distribution or sources.
          Let's also assume <strong><code>{Tomcat dir}</code></strong> to be the Tomcat directory.
        <figure src="images/jb_libraries.gif" alt="jbuilder libraries" />
        <section title="Create the JUnit library">
            Create a JUnit library and include <code>junit.jar</code>.
        <section title="Create the Cactus library">
            Create a Cactus library containing <code>cactus.jar</code> and
            <code>aspectjrt.jar</code> (you can actually create a separate
            library for AspectJ if you wish).
            You can also add the source file directories in the source tab.
            This way, you will be able to debug inside cactus sources.
        <section title="Create the tomcat library">
            Create another library named <code>tomcat</code>
            and add all the jar files from <code>{Tomcat dir}/lib</code>.
            If you use JBuilder 4 Enterprise or JBuilder 4 Professionnal, you don't need to create
            this library because Tomcat 3.1 is provided with those versions.
      <section title="Step 2: Set up the file">
          Edit a new file named <code></code>
          (see the <link href="site:howto_config">Configuration Howto</link>
          tutorial for more details on <code></code>).
          Copy your <code></code> file to a directory present
          in your classpath. You can copy it to a directory and add this
          directory in the class tab of the cactus library.
      <section title="Step 3: Configure Tomcat Environment">
        <section title="Create a cactus webapp">
            Create and edit the file
            <code>{Tomcat dir}/webapps/cactus/WEB-INF/web.xml</code>. Here is an
            example for Servlet API 2.2:
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!DOCTYPE web-app
      PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"
          You can edit <code>{Tomcat dir}/conf/web.xml</code> instead if you
          prefer. <br/>
          You can also edit the <code>web.xml</code> file of the webapp where is
          located the servlet(s) you want to test. <br/>
          Don't forget to modify <code></code> file accordingly.
      <section title="Step 4: Configure your project">
            Put <code>-classic -Dtomcat.home="{Tomcat dir}"</code> as the VM
            parameters for your project and
            <code>org.apache.tomcat.startup.Tomcat</code> as the main class.
            Add the following libraries in the <code>Required Libraries</code>
            tab in the project properties:
            <figure src="images/jb_paths.gif" alt="jbuilder libraries" />
      <section title="Step 5: Test and debug your servlet">
        <section title="Test your servlet">
              Start Tomcat using the <code>Run/Run Project</code> menu.
              Run your unit tests: right click on the file containing your test
              case and click on <code>run</code>
        <section title="Debug your servlet and your tests">
            You can easily print the results of the methods on the server-side
            You can also start Tomcat in debug mode (<code>Run/debug
            project</code>). This way, you can stop at breakpoints on methods
            that are executed on the server side (<code>void testXXX()</code> for
            If you right click on the file containing your test case and click
            on <code>debug</code>, you can stop at breakpoints on methods that
            are executed on the client side like
            <code>void endXXX(WebResponse)</code> or
            <code>void beginXXX(WebRequest)</code>
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/petals/manual/howto_ide.xml
  Index: howto_ide.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document id="howto_ide">
      <title>IDE Howto</title>
        <author name="Vincent Massol" email=""/>
      <section title="IDE integration">
          In order to simplify Cactus integration within your IDE (i.e. running
          the Cactus tests from your IDE), we have
          provided several tutorial detailing the involved steps for several
            <link href="site:howto_ide_jbuilder4">JBuilder Integration
            Tutorial</link> (more focused on JBuilder 4),
            Another <link href="site:howto_ide_jbuilder5">JBuilder Integration
            Tutorial</link> (more focused on JBuilder 5),
            VisualAge for Java Integration:
                <link href="site:howto_ide_vajava_wte">VAJava and integrated WebSphere Test
                Environment (WTE)</link>
                <link href="site:howto_ide_vajava_tomcat">VAJava and Tomcat Test Environment</link>
          If your favorite IDE is not listed there, don't despair ! It is
          actually very simple to integrate Cactus within your
          environment. You simply need to know how to start your servlet engine
          from your IDE (possibly in debug mode if you wish to debug your
          test case) and set up correctly the class path (see the
          <link href="site:howto_classpath">Classpath Howto</link> tutorial
          for understanding the classpath). Look at the tutorials for other IDEs
          and do the same for yours.
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/petals/navigation.xml
  Index: navigation.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE navigation
    PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Cactus Navigation V1.0//EN"
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/petals/howto_runner.xml
  Index: howto_runner.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document id="howto_runner">
      <title>TestRunner Howto</title>
        <author name="Vincent Massol" email=""/>
      <section title="Starting Cactus tests">
          The Cactus tests are started using a JUnit Test Runner. There are
          several configurations for executing these test runners:
            <jump anchor="from_ant">From Ant</jump>, by using the
            <code>&lt;junit&gt;</code> task
            <jump anchor="from_command_line">From the java command line</jump>,
            calling the <code>main()</code> method of a Test Runner.
            <jump anchor="from_ide">From an IDE</jump> or any tool providing a
            JUnit integration plugin.
            <jump anchor="from_browser">From a browser</jump>, by using the
            Cactus Servlet Test Runner, which is a special JUnit Test Runner.
      <anchor id="from_ant"/>
      <section title="Running Cactus tests from Ant">
          Refer to the <link href="site:howto_ant">Ant Howto</link>.
      <anchor id="from_command_line"/>
      <section title="Running Cactus tests from the command line">
          You need to set up your classpath in the same way as when you run
          Cactus tests from Ant. However, you start the test with the following
          command line (this is an example using the Swing UI TestRunner found
          in the junit jar):
          <code>junit.swingui.TestRunner.main [test case class]</code>
      <anchor id="from_ide"/>
      <section title="Running Cactus tests from an IDE">
          Refer to the <link href="site:howto_ide">IDE Howto</link>.
      <anchor id="from_browser"/>
      <section title="Running Cactus tests from a browser">
          This section only applies for Cactus 1.4 and greater.
        <section title="Step 1: Setting up the classpath">
            In order to run Cactus tests from a browser you need to have a webapp
            containing your classes to test and your test classes. In addition,
            both Cactus client side and server side jar classes must be able to be
            loaded from your webapp (i.e located in your <code>WEB-INF/lib</code>
            directory or in a location available through your container Context
            class loader (refer to your container documentation).
            Refer to the <link href="site:howto_classpath">Classpath Howto</link>
            guide for the exact list of jars.
        <section title="Step 2: Mapping the Cactus Servlet Test Runner">
            Then, in addition to the Cactus redirectors that you have mapped in
            your <code>web.xml</code> (see the
            <link href="site:howto_config">Configuration howto</link>), you also
            need to map the Cactus Servlet Test Runner, as follows:
        <section title="Step 3: Executing the tests">
            Open a browser and type <code>http://server:port/mywebapp/ServletTestRunner?suite=mytestcase</code>
              <code>server:port</code> is the name of your server machine and
              port on which your container is running
              <code>mywebapp</code> is the name of your webapp (usually the name
              of your war file)
              <code>mytestcase</code> is the fully qualified name (i.e. with
              packages) of your <code>TestCase</code> class containing a
              <code>suite()</code> method listing all the tests, in standard
              JUnit fashion.
            Here is an example of what you will get:
          <figure src="images/servlettestrunner_xml.jpg" alt="XML output of ServletTestRunner"/>
            If you see a blank page, click on the View source option of your 
            browser. It means your browser doesn't know how to display XML data.
            Ok, that's nice ... But what if I want HTML instead of XML? Don't
            worry there is a solution. Grab the following
            <link href="site:code_junit_noframes">stylesheet</link>
            used to format JUnitReport Ant task results and drop it in your
            webapp and name it <code>junit-noframes.xsl</code> (in the root
            directory for example). Then, open a browser and type
            You should see the following:
          <figure src="images/servlettestrunner_html.jpg" alt="HTML output of ServletTestRunner"/>
            This will work with Internet Explorer as the XSL transformation is
            performed on the client side (i.e by the browser). I'm not sure
            about other browsers.
        <section title="Enabling Server-Side XSLT Transformations">
            In the previous section, the XSLT transformation was performed on the 
            client. This requires a browser capable of doing XSLT transformations 
            in a standards-compliant manner, and requires adding the location of 
            the stylesheet as a request parameter.
            Since Cactus 1.5, the ServletTestRunner can also perform the 
            transformation on the server-side. To enable that feature, make sure
            that a JAXP compliant XSLT processor (such as 
            <link href="ext:xalanj">Xalan</link>) is available to the 
            In addition, the location of the XSLT stylesheet needs to specified as
            initialization parameter of the ServletTestRunner. For example:
            The specified path is relative to the root of the web-application. Of 
            course, the stylesheet needs to exist at that location. In contrast to
            client-side transformations, the stylesheet may be placed somewhere
            inside the <code>WEB-INF</code> directory, because clients do not need
            to access it directly.
            If all of the above is correctly set up, you can enable the actual
            transformation by including a <code>transform</code> parameter with
            the request (the value of the parameter does not matter). For example
            The stylesheet specified as initialization parameter is loaded when 
            the ServletTestRunner gets initialized. Changes to the stylesheet will
            not get picked up until the web-application is reloaded.
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/petals/browser/howto_tomcat.xml
  Index: howto_tomcat.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document id="howto_tomcat">
      <title>Tomcat Quickstart</title>
        <author name="Vincent Massol" email=""/>
      <section title="Tomcat Quickstart forewords">
          This tutorial applies to Cactus 1.4 or greater and Tomcat 4.0 or
          This document is a step by step tutorial that explains how to set up
          Cactus and run Cactus tests in Tomcat in less than 10 minutes !
          (discounting download time of course :-)).
          There are 2 ways of packaging Cactus so that you can execute Cactus
          tests on your application:
            By putting all Cactus jars in your <code>WEB-INF/lib</code> directory,
            as described in the <link href="site:howto_classpath">Classpath
            By putting the Cactus jars in your container classpath so that Cactus
            will load them using the container Context class loader. This
            tutorial will describe this strategy as it is the less intrusive one
            and provides reuse of Cactus jars across several webapps.
          In addition to this, there are several ways to trigger the execution of
          the Cactus tests (see the <link href="site:howto_runner">TestRunner
          Howto</link> tutorial). We will describe the easiest one to set up in
          this tutorial, which is by using a browser.
          Step 1 to step 3 are a one time install steps that you need to perform
          only once to be able to run Cactus tests within Tomcat.
      <section title="Step 1: Install Tomcat">
          Download <link href="">Tomcat</link>
          4.0 or greater and unzip it in any directory. Let's call this directory
          <code>[tomcat root]</code>.
      <section title="Step 2 : Copy the Cactus jars">
          Download the Cactus jars from the <link href="site:downloads">Cactus
          download page</link>. They are located in the <code>lib/</code>
          directory in the zip.
          Copy the following jars to <code>[tomcat root]/common/lib</code>:
          This is the minium set of jars needed. If later on you wish to use the
          Cactus <link href="site:howto_httpunit">HttpUnit integration</link>
          you'll also need to copy <code>httpunit.jar</code>.
      <section title="Step 3: Modify Tomcat web.xml">
          Edit <code>[tomcat root]/conf/web.xml</code> and add the following at
          the beginning of the file, after the <code>&lt;webapp&gt;</code> tag:
        <param-value>value1 used for testing</param-value>
          Then, after the last <code>&lt;servlet&gt;</code> definition (there
          are a few provided by Tomcat in addition to our 2 above), add:
      <section title="Step 4: Creating a sample applicaton to test">
          We're now going to create a very very simple application to server
          so that we can unit test it.
          First, create the following directory structure:
  [tomcat root]/webapps
    |_ test
      |_ WEB-INF
        |_ classes
          Then, create the following <code></code> java source
          file, compile it and copy the resulting .class file in
          <code>[tomcat root]/webapps/test/WEB-INF/classes</code>. Note that
          you can download the pre-compiled class file
          <link href="site:code_sample_servlet">here</link>.
  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
  public class SampleServlet extends HttpServlet
      public void saveToSession(HttpServletRequest request)
      	String testparam = request.getParameter("testparam");
      	request.getSession().setAttribute("testAttribute", testparam);
          You'll notice that this isn't even a finished servlet ! However, this
          shows that you can start testing your code with Cactus even before
          you have finished writing it completely. Extreme Programmers should
          like this :-)
          We're now read to create our first Cactus test case. Create the
          following <code></code> java source file, compile
          it and copy the resulting .class file in
          <code>[tomcat root]/webapps/test/WEB-INF/classes</code>. Note that
          you can download the pre-compiled class file
          <link href="site:code_test_sample_servlet">here</link>.
  import junit.framework.Test;
  import junit.framework.TestSuite;
  import org.apache.cactus.ServletTestCase;
  import org.apache.cactus.WebRequest;
  public class TestSampleServlet extends ServletTestCase
      public TestSampleServlet(String theName)
      public static Test suite()
          return new TestSuite(TestSampleServlet.class);
      public void beginSaveToSessionOK(WebRequest webRequest)
          webRequest.addParameter("testparam", "it works!");
      public void testSaveToSessionOK()
          SampleServlet servlet = new SampleServlet();
          assertEquals("it works!", session.getAttribute("testAttribute"));
      <section title="Step 5: Run the test">
          Time to enjoy our hard work ! Start Tomcat by running
          <code>[tomcat root]/bin/startup.bat</code> (for windows) or
          <code>[tomcat root]/bin/</code> (for unix).
          Open a browser and point it at <code>http://localhost:8080/test/ServletTestRunner?suite=TestSampleServlet</code>
          You should see:
        <figure src="images/tomcat_xml.jpg" alt="XML output of ServletTestRunner"/>
      <section title="Step 6: Even more fun !">
          Ok, that's nice ... But what if I want HTML instead of XML? Don't
          worry there is a solution. Grab the following
          <link href="site:code_junit_noframes">junit-noframes.xsl</link>
          stylesheet used to format JUnitReport Ant task results and drop it in
          <code>[tomcat root]/webapps/test</code>. Then, open a browser and type
          You should now see the following:
        <figure src="images/tomcat_html.jpg" alt="HTML output of ServletTestRunner"/>
          This will work with Internet Explorer as the XSL transformation is
          performed on the client side (i.e by the browser). I'm not sure
          about other browsers.
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/petals/browser/howto_junitee.xml
  Index: howto_junitee.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document id="howto_junitee">
      <title>JUnitEE Howto</title>
        <author name="Kaarle Kaila" email=""/>
        <author name="Vincent Massol" email=""/>
      <section title="JUnitEE, a TestRunner inside the Container">
          Since Version 1.4 Cactus contains a new Servlet Test Runner that
          enables the same features than the JUnitEE was providing, but in an
          even easier way. Please check the
          <link href="site:howto_runner">TestRunner Howto</link> tutorial.
          You can use the
          <link href="">JUnitEE</link> user
          interface to run your all your tests inside the Container. JUnitEE is
          a JUnit TestRunner that has been written as a servlet with the user
          interface in HTML format.
          You cannot achieve all features of Cactus using JUnitEE as
          part of them depend on being executed on the client side.
          Executing JUnitEE from ANT commands will probably not be possible.
          Some benefits however of JUnitEE are:
            <strong>All class files are in one place</strong>:  Install all your
            TestCase class-files only in your container classpath. Both
            TestCases derived from
            <code>junit.framework.TestCase</code> and from
            will be located in the same place and only once.
            <strong>Run all TestCases in the container</strong>: You can mix
            both types of TestCases mentioned above in your test. All tests are
            executed inside the Container. You can use testcases derived from
            <code>junit.framework.TestCase</code> to test methods that do not
            require the http objects such as the
            <code>HttpServletRequest</code> or
            <code>HttpServletResponse</code> objects.
          Using JUnitEE is (relatively) simple. Assuming you have a container
          such as Weblogic, Tomcat or Orion functioning and you know how to
          configure Servlets and adding libraries to the Containers classpath and
          you are familiar with the basics of Cactus then the rest is easy.
            One good reason to use JUnitEE would be when you want to try Cactus
            quickly and are not concerned with automatic unit testing.
            Usage of standard JUnit testrunner (textui,swingui, ...) will not be
            possible if cactus is configured this way and thus the ant junit task
            cannot be used to automate the test.
      <section title="How to install JUnitEE">
          Download the
          <link href="">JUnitEE</link>
          zip-file. Add a reference to junitee.jar to your Container classpath.
          Add also references to
          <code>cactus.jar</code> and
          <code>aspectjrt.jar</code> if you have not
          already done that.
          <code>junitee.jar</code> in the same way as cactus.jar is added.
          Configure TestServlet in your Container. You may use the example servlet
          <code>org.infohazard.servlet.TestServlet</code> that
          comes with JUnitEE. Check JUnitEE documentation. TestServlet extends
          <code>junit.htmlui.TestServletBase</code> that executes
          i.e. the JUnitEE interface.
      <section title="Executing the tests with JUnitEE">
          You request the tests from an html-page in your container. You can
          write the name of your testclasses according to the examples with
          JUnitEE as:
            a commandstring parameter such as "
            as input using
            <code>&lt;input type="text" name="suite" size=60 /&gt;</code> in
            a form element that requests TestServlet
            as one or more option elements in a select element in the
      <section title="Tell JUnitEE to use Cactus redirector">
          <code></code> file must be located so that your
          container can find it e.g. in your containers classpath.
  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/petals/browser/navigation.xml
  Index: navigation.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <!DOCTYPE navigation
    PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Cactus Navigation V1.0//EN"
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  @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
             routines, and provides many convenient shortcut methods to test
             tag handlers. For detailled documentation, check out the
  -          <link href="api/framework-13/org/apache/cactus/extension/jsp/JspTagLifecycle.html">API documentation</link>.
  +          <link href="site:javadoc_framework_jsptaglifecycle">API documentation</link>.
             Currently, <code>JspTagLifecycle</code> is only available for
             JSP 1.2.
  1.6       +2 -2      jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/javadoc_13.xml
  Index: javadoc_13.xml
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  @@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
  -            <link href="site:javadoc_anttasks_api">Javadoc for Cactus custom Ant
  +            <link href="site:javadoc_anttasks">Javadoc for Cactus custom Ant
  -            <link href="site:javadoc_framework_13_api">Javadoc for Cactus for
  +            <link href="site:javadoc_framework_13">Javadoc for Cactus for
               J2EE 1.3</link>
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  +  <resource id="howto_ant_install" target="petals/ant/howto_ant_install.html"/>
  +  <resource id="howto_ant_primer" target="petals/ant/howto_ant_primer.html"/>
     <resource id="howto_httpunit" target="writing/howto_httpunit.html"/>
     <resource id="howto_sample" target="howto_sample.html"/>
     <resource id="howto_ejb" target="writing/howto_ejb.html"/>
     <resource id="howto_ejb_j2eeri" target="writing/howto_ejb_j2eeri.html"/>
  -  <resource id="howto_ide" target="spines/manual/howto_ide.html"/>
  -  <resource id="howto_ide_vajava_wte" target="spines/manual/howto_ide_vajava_wte.html"/>
  -  <resource id="howto_ide_vajava_tomcat" target="spines/manual/howto_ide_vajava_tomcat.html"/>
  -  <resource id="howto_ide_jbuilder4" target="spines/manual/howto_ide_jbuilder4.html"/>
  -  <resource id="howto_ide_jbuilder5" target="spines/manual/howto_ide_jbuilder5.html"/>
  -  <resource id="howto_tomcat" target="spines/browser/howto_tomcat.html"/>
  -  <resource id="howto_junitee" target="spines/browser/howto_junitee.html"/>
  +  <resource id="howto_ide" target="petals/manual/howto_ide.html"/>
  +  <resource id="howto_ide_vajava_wte" target="petals/manual/howto_ide_vajava_wte.html"/>
  +  <resource id="howto_ide_vajava_tomcat" target="petals/manual/howto_ide_vajava_tomcat.html"/>
  +  <resource id="howto_ide_jbuilder4" target="petals/manual/howto_ide_jbuilder4.html"/>
  +  <resource id="howto_ide_jbuilder5" target="petals/manual/howto_ide_jbuilder5.html"/>
  +  <resource id="howto_tomcat" target="petals/browser/howto_tomcat.html"/>
  +  <resource id="howto_junitee" target="petals/browser/howto_junitee.html"/>
     <resource id="mailinglist" target="mailinglist.html"/>
     <resource id="cactusname" target="cactusname.html"/>
     <resource id="logos" target="participating/logos.html"/>
  +  <resource id="logos_img_vgritsenko" target="images/logos/vgritsenko.jpg"/>
  +  <resource id="logos_img_vgritsenko2" target="images/logos/vgritsenko2.jpg"/>
     <resource id="resources" target="resources.html"/>
     <resource id="coverage" target="participating/coverage.html"/>
     <resource id="coverage_12" target="participating/coverage_12.html"/>
  @@ -87,9 +89,14 @@
     <resource id="release_checklist" target="participating/release_checklist.html"/>
     <resource id="howto_build" target="participating/howto_build.html"/>
  -  <resource id="javadoc_anttasks_api" check="false" target="api/anttasks/index.html"/>
  -  <resource id="javadoc_framework_12_api" check="false" target="api/framework-12/index.html"/>
  -  <resource id="javadoc_framework_13_api" check="false" target="api/framework-13/index.html"/>
  +  <resource id="code_sample_servlet" target="misc/SampleServlet.class"/>
  +  <resource id="code_test_sample_servlet" target="misc/TestSampleServlet.class"/>
  +  <resource id="code_junit_noframes" target="misc/junit-noframes.xsl"/>
  +  <resource id="javadoc_anttasks" check="false" target="api/anttasks/index.html"/>
  +  <resource id="javadoc_framework_12" check="false" target="api/framework-12/index.html"/>
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  +  <resource id="javadoc_framework_jsptaglifecycle" check="false" target="api/framework-13/org/apache/cactus/extension/jsp/JspTagLifecycle.html"/>
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  -            <link href="site:javadoc_anttasks_api">Javadoc for Cactus custom Ant
  +            <link href="site:javadoc_anttasks">Javadoc for Cactus custom Ant
  -            <link href="site:javadoc_framework_12_api">Javadoc for Cactus for
  +            <link href="site:javadoc_framework_12">Javadoc for Cactus for
               J2EE 1.2</link>
  -            <link href="site:javadoc_framework_13_api">Javadoc for Cactus for
  +            <link href="site:javadoc_framework_13">Javadoc for Cactus for
               J2EE 1.3</link>
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  -            <link href="site:javadoc_anttasks_api">Javadoc for Cactus custom Ant
  +            <link href="site:javadoc_anttasks">Javadoc for Cactus custom Ant
  -            <link href="site:javadoc_framework_12_api">Javadoc for Cactus for
  +            <link href="site:javadoc_framework_12">Javadoc for Cactus for
               J2EE 1.2</link>
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  Index: navigation.xml
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  1.1                  jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/petals/eclipse/eclipse_plugin.xml
  Index: eclipse_plugin.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <document id="eclipse_plugin">
      <title>Architecture of the Eclipse Plugin for Cactus</title>
        <author name="Julien Ruaux" email="" />
      <section title="Overview">
          Cactus uses and extends JUnit. It might then seem natural
          that the Cactus plugin for Eclipse extends in a certain manner
          the existing JUnit plugin. For example
          <code>JUnitLaunchShortcut</code> is overloaded to be able to:
          <li>prepare tests: setup of the container (deployment) and startup</li>
          <li>execute tests using the JUnit plugin methods</li>
          <li>tear down tests: stop the container and clean the deployment.</li>
          In its actual state the plugin uses Ant scripts for these
          container setup and teardown.
      <section title="How it works">
        <section title="Extension points">
              registers cactusLaunchConfiguration
              registers a shortcut which appears in the run
              and debug cascade menus to launch the current workbench
              selection in the Java perspective
              adds the Cactus preference page to the preferences.
        <section title="GUI: preference page">
            A preference page is contributed to the Eclipse
            preferences. It shows the following entries:
            <li>Cactus properties (contextURL)</li>
              directory of all the jars needed for Cactus
              tests (client side and server side)
            <li>setting of the container homes</li>
        <section title="IContainerProvider">
            To enable different ways to setup, start, and stop
            containers the idea of container providers has been
            introduced in the plugin.
            A container provider is responsible for deploying a web
            application to the container, starting and stopping it, and
            undeploying the web app. This concept is concretized in the
            . See its javadoc for more information.
            A container provider is implemented in the current version
            of the plugin, which uses Ant scripts to carry out these
            actions. It is called
            and may be used to execute tests on Tomcat 4.0 and Weblogic 7.0.
        <section title="What happens when a test is launched">
            <code>launch(IType theType, String theMode)</code>
            method of the
            class is called, which sets up the container, launches
            the tests by delegating these to the JUnit plugin, and then
            tears down the container setup.
              Tests preparation
              <p>This includes:</p>
                  creating the war file for the cactus
                  tests: this is done by the
                  class, and relies on an Ant script for that.
                  setting up the container: prepares the
                  configuration for the selected container
                <li>starting the container.</li>
                In the case of
                <li>setting up is done by an Ant script</li>
                  starting the container is delegated to the
                  class, which initiates a thread starting
                  the container and then pings it constantly to
                  see if it has been effectively launched.
              Tests launch
                This behaviour is inherited from the JUnit plugin since
                <code>JUnitLaunchShortcut</code> .
              Tests end
                To know when tests have ended we register our
                TestListener to the JUnit plugin.
                For that the JUnit plugin had to be modified, a
                patch is avaible at the root of the Cactus CVS.
                class is launched which looks for the
                JUnitView, so that we can eventually register our
              Tests environment cleaning
                After the tests have completed, work has to be
                done to stop the container and delete all
                configuration files and the war file we created
      <section title="What has been done so far">
          In its actual state the plugin is a proof of concept. It is
          able to run the distribution sample tests.
      <section title="Features">
          <li>a minimalistic launch configuration</li>
          <li>a minimalistic launch shortcut</li>
          <li>a minimalistic launch configuration tab group</li>
            Validates calling Ant script before and after running
            the tests to package and deploy the application to the
            container and start it.
            Executes the Cactus Ant script for Tomcat before
            starting the JUnit Test Runner (and after). This Ant script
            needs to be part of the Cactus plugin and does the
            following: creates a WAR from the application sources and
            start Tomcat. After the test is finished a second script is
            run to stop Tomcat.
          <li>Cactus preference page (see below for content)</li>
          <li>Support for several containers</li>
            On preference page and on Cactus TabGroup page: ability to
            choose the port on which the container is started.
            On preference page, ability to specify the working
            directory where the Cactus plugin will create all its files
            (packaged war, app server config files, etc)
          <li>Minimal plugin documentation</li>
      <section title="What is next">
          In order to have a production-quality tool the following
          points must be done:
          <li>integrate the plugin to the Cactus build process</li>
          <li>automate tests on the plugin</li>
          <li>ability to leave the container running between redeployments</li>
            the user must be able to provide its own web.xml file.
            Otherwise the plugin will use the one provided by default.
  1.4       +8 -5      jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/participating/logos.xml
  Index: logos.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-cactus/documentation/docs/xdocs/participating/logos.xml,v
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  -        alt="Proposition 2: Tomahawk"/></link>
  +        <link href="site:logos_img_vgritsenko">
  +          <figure src="images/logos/vgritsenko.jpg" height="185" width="119"
  +            alt="Proposition 2: Tomahawk"/>
  +        </link>
  @@ -77,9 +79,10 @@
  -        <link href="images/logos/vgritsenko2.jpg">
  -        <figure src="images/logos/vgritsenko2.jpg" alt="Proposition 3: Severe testing"
  -        height="64" width="311"/></link>
  +        <link href="site:logos_img_vgritsenko2">
  +          <figure src="images/logos/vgritsenko2.jpg" alt="Proposition 3: Severe testing"
  +            height="64" width="311"/>
  +        </link>

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