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Posted to by Lorenzo Bigagli <> on 2008/02/04 12:52:21 UTC

bootstrapping repos

I put all the <repositories> in a parent pom,  but now of course all 
children poms look for their father in the central (and fail)...
Am I doomed to bootstrap the <repositories> info in the settings, too?

I remember a thread about something similar, but I haven't been able to 
dig it out from the list archives...
Could anyone point me rigth?

Dott. Lorenzo Bigagli
PIN - Polo Universitario di Prato
 dell'Università di Firenze

i: Piazza dell'Università
   I-59100 Prato (PO), Italia
t: +39 0574 602535
f: +39 0574 602524

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