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Posted to by Scott Eade <> on 2004/03/08 00:32:52 UTC

Documentation contributions [was: Re: Problem w/PostgreSQL Insert]

Sean Laurent wrote:

>Meanwhile, I've been keeping an eye on the Torque-User mailing list as well.  
>I have noticed that everyone has a little difficulty getting started with 
>Torque, but we all think it's great once it's running.  There is a fair 
>amount of documentation available, but it seems to be a little daunting for 
>most newbies (myself included).  Could I offer any assistance with the 
>documentation effort?
Contributions from everyone are most welcome.  You can easily contribute 
to the Torque wiki at:

Corrections or additions to the online documentation are also welcomed, 
preferably as unidiffs to the existing documents (see, but straight text 
updates are a better contribution than nothing at all (you could post 
these on the wiki or to the turbine-dev mailing list).

The only way the documentation for Torque is going to get better is if 
people make an effort to contribute towards improving it.

BTW: Cross-posting is generally discouraged - in this instance the 
message is relevant to both lists.


Scott Eade
Backstage Technologies Pty. Ltd.

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