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Posted to by on 2017/09/05 19:37:23 UTC

[07/51] [partial] ambari git commit: AMBARI-21870. Integrate LogSearch new UI with the server and get rid of the old one (oleewere)
diff --git a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-web/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/dialog/TimeZoneChangeView.js b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-web/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/dialog/TimeZoneChangeView.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 900c232..0000000
--- a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-web/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/dialog/TimeZoneChangeView.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-    'backbone',
-    'utils/Utils',
-    'hbs!tmpl/dialog/TimeZoneChangeView_tmpl'
-],function(require,Backbone,Utils,TimeZoneChangeViewTmpl) {
-    'use strict';
-    return Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend(
-        /** @lends TimeZoneChangeView */
-        {
-            _viewName: 'TimeZoneChangeView',
-            template: TimeZoneChangeViewTmpl,
-            /** ui selector cache */
-            ui: {
-                map: "#timezone-picker"
-            },
-            /** ui events hash */
-            events: function() {
-                var events = {};
-                return events;
-            },
-            /**
-             * intialize a new TimeZoneChangeView Layout
-             * @constructs
-             */
-            initialize: function(options) {
-                _.extend(this, _.pick(options, 'currentTime'));
-                this.dateUtil = Utils.dateUtil;
-                this.changedTimeZone = false;
-                var storeTimezone = '';
-                if(!_.isUndefined(this.currentTime)){
-                    storeTimezone = this.currentTime;
-                }
-                if (storeTimezone && storeTimezone != "undefined") {
-                    this.selectedtimeZone = storeTimezone.value
-                }
-            },
-            bindEvents: function() {
-                var that = this;
-      'map:clicked', function(e) {
-                    var valueArray = $(this).data('WorldMapGenerator').getValue();
-                    if (valueArray.length) {
-                        if (that.selectedtimeZone != valueArray[0].zonename) {
-                            that.selectedtimeZone = valueArray[0].timezone + "," + valueArray[0].zonename + "," + valueArray.length
-                            that.changedTimeZone = true;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    that.enabledButton()
-                })
-      'map:loaded', function(e) {
-                    var selectedtimeZone = that.selectedtimeZone.split(',');
-                    if (selectedtimeZone.length <= 1) {
-                        $(this).data('WorldMapGenerator').setValue(that.selectedtimeZone.split(',')[0], 'timezone');
-                    } else {
-                        if (selectedtimeZone[2] && parseInt(selectedtimeZone[2]) <= 1 ) {
-                            $(this).data('WorldMapGenerator').setValue(that.selectedtimeZone.split(',')[0], 'timezone');
-                        } else {
-                            $(this).data('WorldMapGenerator').setValue(that.selectedtimeZone.split(',')[1], 'zonename');
-                        }
-                    }
-                    that.trigger('toggle:btn', false, 'reloadBtn');
-                    that.trigger('toggle:btn', false, 'reloadNewBtn');
-                })
-            },
-            onRender: function() {
-                this.bindEvents();
-            },
-            enabledButton: function() {
-                this.trigger('toggle:btn', true, 'reloadBtn');
-                this.trigger('toggle:btn', true, 'reloadNewBtn');
-            }
-        });
diff --git a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-web/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/filter/CreateLogfeederFilterView.js b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-web/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/filter/CreateLogfeederFilterView.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bcab975..0000000
--- a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-web/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/filter/CreateLogfeederFilterView.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-    'backbone',
-    'utils/Utils',
-    'hbs!tmpl/filter/CreateLogfeederFilter_tmpl',
-    'models/VUserFilter',
-    'utils/Globals',
-    'collections/VGroupList',
-    'moment',
-    'select2',
-], function(require, Backbone, Utils, CreateLogfeederFilter_tmpl, VUserFilter, Globals, VGroupList, moment) {
-    'use strict';
-    return Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend(
-        /** @lends TimeZoneChangeView */
-        {
-            _viewName: 'FilterView',
-            template: CreateLogfeederFilter_tmpl,
-            /** ui selector cache */
-            ui: {
-                'componentSelect2': "#components",
-                'hostSelect2': "#hosts",
-                // 'levelSelect2': "#levels",
-                'filterInput': '#filter[input]',
-                'loader'     : "[data-id='loader']",
-                'filterContent' : '#filterContent',
-            },
-            /** ui events hash */
-            events: function() {
-                var events = {};
-                events["click [data-override]"] = 'onDataOverrideClick';
-                events["click [data-value]"] = 'onLogLevelHeaderClick';
-                events["click #filterContent input[type='checkbox']"] = 'onAnyCheckboxClick';
-                events["click .overrideRow a"] = 'onEditHost';
-                return events;
-            },
-            /**
-             * intialize a new Filter Layout
-             * @constructs
-             */
-            initialize: function(options) {
-                _.extend(this, _.pick(options, ''));
-                this.componentsList = new VGroupList([], {
-                    state: {
-                        firstPage: 0,
-                        pageSize: 99999
-                    }
-                });
-                this.hostList = new VGroupList([], {
-                    state: {
-                        firstPage: 0,
-                        pageSize: 99999
-                    }
-                });
-                this.componentsList.url = Globals.baseURL + "service/logs/components";
-                this.hostList.url = Globals.baseURL + "service/logs/hosts";
-                this.model = new VUserFilter();
-                this.levelCollection = new Backbone.Collection();
-                var levelArr = ["FATAL", "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO", "DEBUG", "TRACE", "UNKNOWN"];
-                for (var i in levelArr) {
-                    this.levelCollection.add(new Backbone.Model({ type: levelArr[i] }));
-                }
-                this.bindEvents();
-            },
-            bindEvents: function() {
-                // this.listenTo(this.componentsList, "reset", function(col, abc) {
-                //      this.setupSelect2Fields(col, "type", 'type', 'componentSelect2', 'Select Component');
-                // }, this);
-                this.listenTo(this.hostList, "reset", function(col, abc) {
-                    //this.setupSelect2Fields(col, "host", 'host', 'hostSelect2', 'Select Host', 'hostBoolean');
-                }, this);
-            },
-            onRender: function() {
-                var that = this;
-                // this.setupSelect2Fields(this.levelCollection, "type", "type", "levelSelect2", 'Select Level');
-                $.when(this.hostList.fetch({ reset: true }), this.componentsList.fetch({ reset: true }), this.model.fetch({})).then(function(c1, c2, m1) {
-                    // if (!_.isUndefined(that.model.get('components'))) {
-                    //     that.ui.componentSelect2.select2('val', that.model.get('components'));
-                    // }
-                    //if (!_.isUndefined(that.model.get('hosts'))) {
-                    //    that.ui.hostSelect2.select2('val', that.model.get('hosts'));
-                    //}
-                    // if (!_.isUndefined(that.model.get('levels'))) {
-                    //     that.ui.levelSelect2.select2('val', that.model.get('levels'));
-                    // }
-                    that.hideLoading();
-                    that.trigger("toggle:okBtn",true);
-                    //that.dataLevels = [];
-                    //that.dataLevels = _.pluck(that.levelCollection.models, 'attributes');
-                    //that.dataList = [];
-                    //that.dataList = _.pluck(that.componentsList.models, 'attributes');
-                    that.renderComponents();
-                    that.populateValues();
-                },function(error){
-                	that.hideLoading();
-                	Utils.notifyError({
-                        content: "There is some issues on server, Please try again later."
-                    });
-                	that.trigger("closeDialog");
-                });
-            },
-            hideLoading : function(){
-            	this.ui.loader.hide();
-            },
-            renderComponents : function(){
-              var that = this;
-              var set = new Set();
-              _.each(that.componentsList.models, function(model){
-                that.createRow(model.get("type"), that);
-                set.add(model.get("type"));
-              });
-              if (set.size > 0) {
-                that.ui.filterContent.append('<tr class="overrideSpacer"></tr><tr class="overrideSpacer"></tr><tr class="overrideSpacer"></tr>');
-              }
-              var components = this.model.get("filter");
-              _.each(components,function(value,key){
-                if (!set.has(key)) {
-                  that.createRow(key, that);
-                }
-              });
-            },
-            createRow : function(type, that) {
-              var levels = '<td align="left">'+type+'</td>';
-              var override = '<td class="text-left"><span class="pull-left"><!--small><i>Override</i></small--> <input data-override type="checkbox" data-name='+type+'></span></td>';
-              levels +=  override + that.getLevelForComponent(type,false);
-              var html = '<tr class="overrideSpacer"></tr><tr class="componentRow borderShow" data-component="'+type+'">'+levels+'</tr><tr></tr>';
-              that.ui.filterContent.append(html);
-            },
-            populateValues : function(){
-            	var that =this;
-            	if(this.model.get("filter")){
-            		var components = this.model.get("filter");
-            		_.each(components,function(value,key){
-            			var obj = components[key];
-            			if((_.isArray(obj.overrideLevels) && obj.overrideLevels.length) ||
-            					(_.isArray(obj.hosts) && obj.hosts.length) || obj.expiryTime){
-            				var $el = that.$("input[data-name='"+key+"']").filter("[data-override]");
-        					$;
-            			}
-            			//setting override data
-            			if(_.isArray(obj.overrideLevels)){
-            				if(obj.overrideLevels.length){
-            					var $override = that.$("tr.overrideRow."+key);
-            					if($override.length){
-            						for(var z=0; z<obj.overrideLevels.length; z++){
-            							var $checkbox = $override.find("input[data-id='"+obj.overrideLevels[z]+"']");
-            							if(! $":checked")){
-            								$checkbox.prop("checked",true);
-            								// that.showHostSelect2(key);
-            							}
-            						}
-            					}
-            				}
-            			}
-            			//setting expiry
-            			if(obj.expiryTime && that.$("[data-date='"+key+"']").data('daterangepicker')){
-            				var dateObj = Utils.dateUtil.getMomentObject(obj.expiryTime);
-            				that.$("[data-date='"+key+"']").data('daterangepicker').setStartDate(dateObj);
-            				that.$("[data-date='"+key+"']").val(dateObj.format("MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm"));
-            				that.showExpiry(key)
-            			}
-            			//setting hosts
-            			if(_.isArray(obj.hosts)){
-            				if(obj.hosts.length){
-            					that.$("[data-host='"+key+"']").select2("val",obj.hosts);
-                                that.showHostSelect2(key);
-            				}
-            			}
-            			//setting default values
-            			if(obj.defaultLevels && _.isArray(obj.defaultLevels) && obj.defaultLevels.length){
-            				var $default = that.$("tr[data-component='"+key+"']");
-        					if($default.length){
-        						for(var z=0; z<obj.defaultLevels.length; z++){
-        							var $checkbox = $default.find("input[data-id='"+obj.defaultLevels[z]+"']");
-        							if(! $":checked")){
-        								$checkbox.prop("checked",true);
-        							}
-        						}
-        					}
-            			}
-            		});
-            	}
-            	//set check all value
-            	_.each(this.levelCollection.models,function(model){
-            		that.setCheckAllValue(model.get("type"));
-            	});
-            },
-            onAnyCheckboxClick : function(e){
-            	var $el = $(e.currentTarget);
-            	this.setCheckAllValue($"id"));
-            },
-            onEditHost : function(e){
-            	var $el = $(e.currentTarget);
-            	$el.hide();
-            	if($"type") == "host"){
-            		this.showHostSelect2($"component"));
-                }else{
-            		this.showExpiry($"component"));
-                }
-            },
-            hideHostSelect2 : function(forComponent){
-            	this.ui[forComponent].siblings(".select2-container").hide();
-            	this.$("a[data-component='"+forComponent+"'][data-type='host']").show();
-                this.$('i.hostDown[data-component="'+forComponent+'"]').show();
-            },
-            showHostSelect2 : function(forComponent){
-            	this.ui[forComponent].siblings(".select2-container").show();
-            	this.$("a[data-component='"+forComponent+"'][data-type='host']").hide();
-                this.$('i.hostDown[data-component="'+forComponent+'"]').hide();
-            },
-            showExpiry : function(forComponent){
-            	this.$("[data-date='"+forComponent+"']").show();
-            	this.$("a[data-component='"+forComponent+"'][data-type='expiry']").hide();
-            },
-            hideExpiry : function(forComponent){
-            	this.$("[data-date='"+forComponent+"']").hide();
-            	this.$("a[data-component='"+forComponent+"'][data-type='expiry']").show();
-            },
-            setCheckAllValue : function(type){
-            	var that = this;
-            	if(! type)
-            		return
-            	if(that.$("[data-id='"+type+"']:checked").length == that.$("[data-id='"+type+"']").length){
-        			that.$("[data-value='"+type+"']").prop("checked",true);
-        		}else{
-        			that.$("[data-value='"+type+"']").prop("checked",false);
-        		}
-            },
-            getLevelForComponent : function(type,checked){
-            	var html="";
-            	for(var z=0;z<this.levelCollection.length;z++){
-            		html += '<td><input '+((checked) ? "checked":"") +' type="checkbox" data-id='+this.levelCollection.models[z].get("type")+' data-name='+type+'></td>';
-                }
-            	return html;
-            },
-            onDataOverrideClick : function(e){
-            	var $el = $(e.currentTarget);
-            	if(e.currentTarget.checked){
-            		this.addOverrideRow($"name"));
-                    this.$('tr[data-component="'+$"name")+'"]').removeClass('borderShow ');
-                    this.$('tr[data-component="'+$"name")+'"]').addClass('bgHighlight ');
-            	}else{
-            		this.removeOverrideRow($"name"));
-                    this.$('tr[data-component="'+$"name")+'"]').addClass('bgHighlight borderShow ');
-                    this.$('tr[data-component="'+$"name")+'"]').removeClass('bgHighlight ');
-            	}
-            },
-            onLogLevelHeaderClick : function(e){
-            	var $el = $(e.currentTarget);
-            	if(e.currentTarget.checked){
-            		this.$("[data-id='"+$"value")+"']").prop("checked",true);
-            	}else{
-            		this.$("[data-id='"+$"value")+"']").prop("checked",false);
-            	}
-            },
-            addOverrideRow : function(forComponent){
-            	var $el = this.ui.filterContent.find("tr[data-component='"+forComponent+"']"),textForHost = "Click here to apply on specific host",
-            	textForExpiry="Select Expiry Date";
-            	if($el.length){
-            		var html = "<tr class='overrideRow bgHighlight "+forComponent+"'><td class='text-left'><i data-component='"+forComponent+"' class='fa fa-level-down hostDown' aria-hidden='true'></i><a href='javascript:void(0);' data-type='host' data-component='"+forComponent+"'>"+textForHost+"</a><input data-host='"+forComponent+"' type='hidden' /></td>" +
-            				"<td  class='text-left'><a href='javascript:void(0);' data-type='expiry' data-component='"+forComponent+"'>"+textForExpiry+"</a>" +
-            				"<input class='datepickerFilter' data-date='"+forComponent+"'></td>"+this.getLevelForComponent($"component"),false)+"</tr>";
-            		//html += "<tr class='overrideRow "+forComponent+"'><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td colspan='3'><input class='datepickerFilter' data-date='"+forComponent+"'></td>" +
-            			//	"<td colspan='3'><div ><input data-host='"+forComponent+"' type='hidden' /></div></td></tr>"
-            		$el.after(html);
-            		this.ui[forComponent] = this.$("[data-host='"+forComponent+"']");
-            		this.setupSelect2Fields(this.hostList, "host", 'host', forComponent, 'Select Host', 'hostBoolean');
-            		this.hideHostSelect2(forComponent);
-            		this.$("[data-date='"+forComponent+"']").daterangepicker({
-            	        singleDatePicker: true,
-            	        showDropdowns: true,
-            	        parentEl : this.$el,
-                       'startDate':moment().add(1,'hours').format('MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm'),
-            	        //timeZone: 0,
-            	        locale: {
-            	            format: 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm'
-            	        },
-            	        //timePickerSeconds: true,
-            	        "timePicker": true,
-                        "timePicker24Hour": true,
-            	    });
-                    this.$("[data-date='"+forComponent+"']").val(moment().add(1,'hours').format("MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm"));
-            		this.hideExpiry(forComponent);
-            	}
-            },
-            removeOverrideRow : function(foComponent){
-            	this.ui.filterContent.find("tr.overrideRow."+foComponent).remove();
-            },
-            setupSelect2Fields: function(col, idKey, textKey, selectTagId, placeHolder) {
-                var that = this,
-                    data = [];
-                data = _.pluck(col.models, 'attributes');
-                for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
-                    data[i].id = data[i][idKey];
-                }
-                this.ui[selectTagId].select2({
-                    dropdownParent: that.$el,
-                    placeholder: (placeHolder) ? placeHolder : 'Select',
-                    tags: true,
-                    allowClear: true,
-                    width: '100%',
-                    data: { results: data, text: textKey },
-                    formatSelection: function(item) {
-                        return item[textKey];
-                    },
-                    formatResult: function(item) {
-                        return item[textKey];
-                    }
-                });
-            },
-            setValues : function(){
-              var obj = {filter: {}},that = this;
-              var components = this.model.get("filter");
-              _.each(components,function(value,key){
-                var date = that.$("[data-date='"+key+"']").data("daterangepicker");
-                var host = (that.$("[data-host='"+key+"']").length) ? that.$("[data-host='"+key+"']").select2('val') : [];
-                obj.filter[key] = {
-                    label : key,
-                    hosts: host,
-                    defaultLevels : that.getDefaultValues(key),
-                    overrideLevels : that.getOverideValues(key),
-                    expiryTime : (date && date.startDate) ? date.startDate.toJSON() : ""
-                };
-              });
-              return (obj);
-            },
-            getOverideValues : function(ofComponent){
-              var $els = this.$("tr.overrideRow."+ofComponent).find("input:checked"),values=[];
-              for(var i=0; i<$els.length; i++){
-                values.push($($els[i]).data("id"));
-              }
-              return values;
-            },
-            getDefaultValues : function(ofComponent){
-              var $els = this.$("tr[data-component='"+ofComponent+"']").find("input:checked"),values=[];
-              for(var i=0; i<$els.length; i++){
-                if($($els[i]).data("id"))
-                  values.push($($els[i]).data("id"));
-              }
-              return values;
-            }
-        });
diff --git a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-web/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/graphs/GraphLayoutView.js b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-web/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/graphs/GraphLayoutView.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 728d721..0000000
--- a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-web/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/graphs/GraphLayoutView.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-    'backbone',
-    'moment',
-    'd3.tip',
-    'utils/Globals',
-    'utils/Utils',
-    'collections/VLogList',
-    'hbs!tmpl/graphs/GraphLayoutView_tmpl',
-    'bootstrap-daterangepicker',
-    'nv'
-], function(require, backbone, moment, tip, Globals, Utils, VLogList, GraphLayoutViewTmpl, daterangepicker, nv) {
-    'use strict';
-    return Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend(
-        /** @lends GraphLayoutViewTmpl */
-        {
-            _viewName: 'GraphLayoutView',
-            template: GraphLayoutViewTmpl,
-            /** ui selector cache */
-            ui: {
-                histoGraph: "div[data-id='rHistogramGraph']",
-                dateRange: "#dateRange",
-                selectDateRange: ".selectDateRange",
-                dateRangeTitle: "span[data-id='dateRangeTitle']",
-                graphHeader: "div[data-id='graphHeader']",
-                showUnit : "span[data-id='showUnit']"
-            },
-            /** ui events hash */
-            events: function() {
-                var events = {};
-                events['change ' + this.ui.viewType] = 'onViewTypeChange';
-                events['click [data-id="refresh-tab-graph"]'] = 'onTabRefresh';
-                return events;
-            },
-            /**
-             * intialize a new GraphLayoutView Layout
-             * @constructs
-             */
-            initialize: function(options) {
-                _.extend(this, _.pick(options, 'vent', 'globalVent', 'params', 'viewType', 'showDatePicker', 'showUnit','futureDate'));
-                /* if (this.showDatePicker) {
-                     this.graphVent = new Backbone.Wreqr.EventAggregator();
-                 }*/
-                this.boxOpen = true;
-                this.collection = new VLogList([], {
-                    state: {
-                        firstPage: 0,
-                        pageSize: 999999999,
-                    }
-                });
-                this.dateUtil = Utils.dateUtil;
-                this.dateRangeLabel = new String();
-                this.bindEvents();
-                this.graphParams = {};
-                this.unit = this.params.unit ? this.params.unit : "+1HOUR";
-                this.firstRender = true;
-                if (!this.viewType || this.viewType == Globals.graphType.HISTOGRAM.value) {
-                    this.histogramView = true;
-                    this.collection.url = Globals.baseURL + "service/logs/histogram";
-                    this.collection.modelAttrName = "graphData";
-                } else {
-                    this.collection.url = Globals.baseURL + "audit/logs/bargraph";
-                    this.collection.modelAttrName = "graphData";
-                    this.lineView = true;
-                }
-            },
-            bindEvents: function() {
-                this.listenTo(this.collection, "reset", function(collection) {
-                    this.createDataForGraph();
-                    this.$(".loader").hide();
-                    this.$("#loaderGraph").hide();
-                    if(this.showUnit && this.collection.length > 0){
-                        this.showUnitCheck();
-                    }else{
-                        this.ui.showUnit.hide();
-                    }
-                }, this);
-                this.listenTo(this.collection, 'request', function() {
-                    this.$(".loader").show();
-                    this.$("#loaderGraph").show();
-                }, this);
-                this.listenTo(this.collection, 'sync error', function() {
-                    this.$(".loader").hide();
-                    this.$("#loaderGraph").hide();
-                }, this);
-                /*          if (this.showDatePicker) {
-                    this.listenTo(this.graphVent, "logtime:filter ", function(value) {
-                        this.vent.trigger("logtime:filter", value);
-                        this.fetchGraphData(value);
-                    }, this);
-                    this.listenTo(this.vent, "main:search tree:search type:mustNot type:mustBe level:filter search:include:exclude logtime:filter " +
-                        Globals.eventName.serviceLogsIncludeColumns + " " + Globals.eventName.serviceLogsExcludeColumns,
-                        function(value) {
-                            if (value.unit) {
-                                this.unit = value.unit;
-                            }
-                            this.fetchGraphData(value);
-                        }, this);
-                } else {
-                    this.listenTo(this.vent, "main:search tree:search type:mustNot type:mustBe level:filter search:include:exclude logtime:filter " +
-                        Globals.eventName.serviceLogsIncludeColumns + " " + Globals.eventName.serviceLogsExcludeColumns,
-                        function(value) {
-                            if (value.unit) {
-                                this.unit = value.unit;
-                            }
-                            this.fetchGraphData(value);
-                        }, this);
-                }*/
-                this.listenTo(this.vent, "main:search tree:search type:mustNot type:mustBe level:filter search:include:exclude logtime:filter " +
-                    Globals.eventName.serviceLogsIncludeColumns + " " + Globals.eventName.serviceLogsExcludeColumns,
-                    function(value) {
-                        if (value.unit) {
-                            this.unit = value.unit;
-                        }
-                        this.fetchGraphData(value);
-                    }, this);
-                this.listenTo(this.vent, "reinitialize:filter:logtime", function(value) {
-                    if (value.unit) {
-                        this.unit = value.unit;
-                    }
-                    this.reinitializeFilter(value);
-                }, this);
-                this.listenTo(this.globalVent, "globalExclusion:component:message", function(value) {
-                    this.fetchGraphData(value);
-                }, this);
-                this.listenTo(this.vent, "tab:refresh", function(params) {
-                    this.reRenderView(params);
-                }, this);
-                /*
-                 * Audit events
-                 */
-                this.listenTo(this.vent, "search:audit:query auditComponents:include auditComponents:exclude search:audit:include search:audit:exclude", function(value) {
-                    this.fetchGraphData(value);
-                }, this);
-            },
-            onRender: function() {
-                var that = this;
-                if (this.showDatePicker) {
-                    var region = {};
-                    var regionName = "R_DatePicker";
-                    region[regionName] = '#DatePicker';
-                    $('<div/>', {
-                        'id': 'DatePicker',
-                        'class': "col-md-12",
-                    }).appendTo(that.$('.addDatePicker'));
-                    that.addRegions(region);
-                    this.renderDatePicker(regionName);
-                }
-                if (this.histogramView) {
-                    this.ui.graphHeader.html('<i class="fa fa-signal"></i><span >Histogram</span>');
-                } else {
-                    this.ui.graphHeader.html('<i class="fa fa-line-chart"></i><span >Line</span>');
-                }
-                if (this.lineView) {
-                    this.ui.histoGraph.addClass('myLineChart');
-                }
-                if (this.params) {
-                    this.fetchGraphData(this.params);
-                }
-                this.$("svg").on("mouseover", function() {
-                    if ($(this).find(".nv-noData").length) {
-                        that.$(".nvtooltip.xy-tooltip").hide();
-                    } else
-                        that.$(".nvtooltip.xy-tooltip").show();
-                })
-            },
-            showUnitCheck : function(){
-      ;
-            },
-            renderDatePicker: function(regionName) {
-                var that = this;
-                require(['views/common/DatePickerLayout'], function(DatePickerLayout) {
-                    var region = that.getRegion(regionName);
-           DatePickerLayout({
-                        vent: /*(that.showDatePicker) ? (that.vent) : */ (that.vent),
-                        globalVent: that.globalVent,
-                        params: that.params,
-                        parentEl: that.$el,
-                        fetch: true,
-                        rangeLabel: true,
-                        datePickerPosition : "left",
-                        width: '65%'
-                    }));
-                });
-            },
-            fetchGraphData: function(params) {
-                var that = this;
-                that.$("#loaderGraph").show();
-                that.$(".loader").show();
-                _.extend(this.collection.queryParams, params);
-                this.collection.fetch({
-                    reset: true
-                });
-            },
-            createDataForGraph: function() {
-                var data = [],
-                    that = this,
-                    dataL = [],
-                    color = d3.scale.category20().range();
-                _.each(this.collection.models, function(model, i) {
-                    var Obj = {
-                        key: model.get('name'),
-                        values: model.get('dataCount').map(function(object) {
-                            return {
-                                x: that.dateUtil.getMomentObject(, //(new Date(,
-                                y: parseFloat(object.value)
-                            }
-                        })
-                    };
-                    if(!that.futureDate){
-                        var date = moment().add(1,"hours").format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSSZ");
-                        var newObj =[];
-                        for(var k = 0 ;k < Obj.values.length ;k++){
-                                if(moment(date).isAfter(that.dateUtil.getMomentObject(Obj.values[k].x))){
-                                    newObj[k] = {
-                                                     x : that.dateUtil.getMomentObject(Obj.values[k].x),
-                                                     y : Obj.values[k].y
-                                                 }
-                                }
-                        }
-                        Obj.values = newObj;
-                    }
-                    if (that.histogramView) {
-                        Obj['color'] = ((model.get('name') === 'ERROR') ? ("#E81D1D") :
-                            (model.get('name') === 'INFO') ? ("#2577B5") :
-                            (model.get('name') === 'WARN') ? ("#FF8916") :
-                            (model.get('name') === 'FATAL') ? ("#830A0A") :
-                            (model.get('name') === 'DEBUG') ? ("#65E8FF") :
-                            (model.get('name') === 'TRACE') ? ("#888888") : 
-                            (model.get('name') === 'UNKNOWN') ? ("#bdbdbd") : ("white"));
-                    } else {
-                        Obj['color'] = color[i];
-                    }
-                    data.push(Obj);
-                });
-                if (that.histogramView) {
-                    for (var i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-                        dataL.push(data[i])
-                    }
-                }
-                this.$('svg').find('g.nv-x  g.tick').hide();
-                (!this.firstRender) ? this.updateGraph(data, dataL): this.renderGraph(data, dataL);
-            },
-            //Using NVD3
-            renderGraph: function(data, dataL) {
-                var that = this,
-                    formatValue = d3.format(".2s");
-                // that.ui.histoGraph.find('svg').empty();
-                nv.addGraph({
-                    generate: function() {
-                        /* var parentWidth = (that.ui.histoGraph.find('svg').parent().width()),
-                             parentHeight = (that.ui.histoGraph.find('svg').parent().height())
-                             width = ((parentWidth === 0) ? (891) : (parentWidth)), // -15 because  parent has 15 padding
-                              height = ((parentHeight === 0) ? (640) : (parentHeight)) // -15 because  parent has 15 padding */
-                        if (that.histogramView) {
-                            that.chart = nv.models.multiBarChart()
-                                /* .width(width)
-                                 .height(height)*/
-                                .stacked(true)
-                                .showControls(false);
-                            that.chart.groupSpacing(0.6) // for bar width and aspace
-                        } else {
-                            that.chart = nv.models.lineChart().options({
-                                transitionDuration: 300,
-                                useInteractiveGuideline: true
-                            });
-                            //We want nice looking tooltips and a guideline!
-                            that.chart.showLegend(true); //Show the legend, allowing users to turn on/off line series.
-                            that.chart.showYAxis(true); //Show the y-axis
-                            that.chart.showXAxis(true);
-                        }
-                        that.ExtentValue = that.chart.xAxis
-                            .tickFormat(function(d) {
-                                var date = that.dateUtil.getTimeZoneFromMomentObject(((that.histogramView) ? (d) : (that.dateUtil.getMomentObject(d))));
-                                return ((('HOUR') + 1) || ('MINUTE') + 1)) ?
-                                    (d3.time.format('%H:%M - %m/%d/%y')(date)) :
-                                    ((('MILLI') + 1)) ? (d3.time.format('%H:%M:%S.%L - %m/%d/%y')(date)) :
-                                        ((('MONTH') + 1)) ? ((d3.time.format('%b %d')(date))) :
-                                            ((('SECOND') + 1)) ? (d3.time.format('%H:%M:%S - %m/%d/%y')(date)) : (d3.time.format('%m/%d/%y')(date))))))
-                            });
-                        that.chart.yAxis
-                            .tickFormat(function(d) {
-                                return formatValue(d).replace('G', 'B');
-                            });
-                        // For legend and control margin
-                        that.chart.legend.margin({
-                            top: 5,
-                            right: 50,
-                            left: 90,
-                            bottom: 10
-                        });
-                        that.chart.margin({
-                            right: 30,
-                            left: 30,
-                        });
-                        that.chart.dispatch.on('renderEnd', function() {
-                            if (that.firstRender) {
-                                that.firstRender = false
-                                var svgElem = that.$('svg');
-                                if (that.histogramView) {
-                                    var elem = svgElem.find('g.nv-barsWrap.nvd3-svg .nv-groups');
-                                } else {
-                                    var elem = svgElem.find('g.nv-linesWrap.nvd3-svg .nv-groups');
-                                }
-                            }
-                            that.graphXAxisBreak();
-                            if (that.boxOpen) {
-                                that.createBrush(); // if box is open then only it will plot brush
-                            }
-                        });
-                        that.chart.tooltip.contentGenerator(
-                            function(data) {
-                                if ( <= 0)
-                                    return "<div></div>";
-                                var tootTipTemplate = '<div>' +
-                                    '<table>' +
-                                    '<thead>' +
-                                    '<tr>' +
-                                    '<td colspan="3"><strong class="x-value">' + data[((that.histogramView) ? ('data') : ('point'))].x.format('MM/DD/YYYY') + '</strong></td>' +
-                                    '</tr>' +
-                                    '<tr>' +
-                                    '<td colspan="3"><strong class="x-value">' + data[((that.histogramView) ? ('data') : ('point'))].x.format('H:mm:ss,SSS') + '</strong></td>' +
-                                    '</tr>' +
-                                    '</thead>' +
-                                    '<tbody>' +
-                                    '<tr>' +
-                                    '<td class="legend-color-guide">' +
-                                    '<div style="background-color: ' + ((that.histogramView) ? (data.color) : (data.series[0].color)) + '"></div>' +
-                                    '</td>' +
-                                    '<td class="key">' + ((that.histogramView) ? ( : (data.series[0].key)) + '</td>' +
-                                    '<td class="value">' + ((that.histogramView) ? ( : (data.series[0].value)) + '</td>' +
-                                    '</tr>' +
-                                    '</tbody>' +
-                                    '</table>' +
-                                    '</div>'
-                                return tootTipTemplate
-                            });
-                        that.chart.legend.dispatch.legendClick = function(d, i) {
-                            that.$('svg').find('g.nv-x  g.tick').hide();
-                        };
-                        var elem = that.$('svg');
-                        that.svg =[0]).datum(data);
-                        that.svg.transition().duration(0).call(that.chart);
-                        if (dataL.length > 0) {
-                            that.svg.datum(dataL).call(that.chart.legend);
-                            var legendObject = (that.$('svg').children()[0]);
-                            if (that.$(legendObject).is('g[class="nvd3 nv-legend"]')) {
-                                that.$(legendObject).remove();
-                            } else if (that.$(legendObject).is('text[class="nvd3 nv-noData"]')) {
-                                that.$(that.$('svg').children()[1]).remove();
-                            }
-                        }
-                        return that.chart;
-                    },
-                    callback: function(graph) {
-                        that.$(".box").resize(function() {
-                            if ($(this).find('.collapse-link i').hasClass('fa-chevron-up')) {
-                                that.boxOpen = true;
-                                var elem = that.$('[data-id=rHistogramGraph] svg');
-                      [0])
-                                    .transition().duration(0)
-                                    .call(graph);
-                            } else {
-                                that.boxOpen = false;
-                            }
-                        });
-                    }
-                });
-            },
-            updateGraph: function(data, dataL) {
-                // Update the SVG with the new data and call chart
-                this.svg.datum(data).transition().duration(0).call(this.chart);
-                if (dataL.length > 0) {
-                    this.svg.datum(dataL).transition().duration(0).call(this.chart.legend);
-                    if ($('svg').children().first()[0]).classed('nvd3 nv-legend')) {
-              $('svg').children().first()[0]).remove();
-                    }
-                    var legendObject = (this.$('svg').children()[0]);
-                    if (this.$(legendObject).is('g[class="nvd3 nv-legend"]')) {
-                        this.$(legendObject).remove();
-                    } else if (this.$(legendObject).is('text[class="nvd3 nv-noData"]')) {
-                        this.$(this.$('svg').children()[1]).remove();
-                    }
-                }
-            },
-            createBrush: function() {
-                var that = this,
-                    svgElem = this.$('svg'),
-                    //var elem = svgElem.find('g.nv-barsWrap.nvd3-svg .nv-groups');
-                    elem = svgElem.find('g.nv-axis.nvd3-svg .nv-axis');
-                if (elem.length == 0 || elem.length == undefined) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                var height = (elem.get(0).getBBox().height === 0) ? that.svgHeight : elem.get(0).getBBox().height + 2,
-                    width = (elem.get(0).getBBox().width === 0) ? that.svgWidth : elem.get(0).getBBox().width
-                /*var x = d3.time.scale().range([0, width]).domain(d3.extent(that.ExtentValue.domain().map(function(d) {
-                    return that.dateUtil.getMomentObject(d);
-                })));*/
-                var x = d3.time.scale().range([0, width]).domain([new Date(this.params.from), new Date(])
-                var brush = d3.svg.brush()
-                    .x(x)
-                    .on("brush", brushed)
-                    .on('brushend', brushend);
-                if (that.histogramView) {
-                    var brushElem = svgElem.find('g.nv-barsWrap.nvd3-svg .nv-groups');
-                } else {
-                    var brushElem = svgElem.find('g.nv-linesWrap.nvd3-svg .nv-groups');
-                }
-                brushElem.find('.x-brush').parent().remove();
-                var svg =[0])
-                    .insert("g", ":first-child")
-                    .attr("transform", "translate(" + elem.get(0).getBBox().x + ",-9)");
-                svg.append("g")
-                    .attr("class", "x-brush brush")
-                    .call(brush)
-                    .selectAll("rect")
-                    .attr("y", 6)
-                    .attr("height", height);
-                function brushed() {
-                    that.brushValue = brush.extent();
-                    /*   if (that.showDatePicker) {
-                           that.graphVent.trigger("date:setDate", {
-                               'from': that.dateUtil.getMomentObject(that.brushValue[0]),
-                               'to': that.dateUtil.getMomentObject(that.brushValue[1])
-                           });
-                       } else {*/
-                    if (!moment(that.brushValue[0]).isSame(that.brushValue[1])){
-                        that.vent.trigger("date:setDate", {
-                                'from': that.dateUtil.getMomentObject(that.brushValue[0]),
-                                'to': that.dateUtil.getMomentObject(that.brushValue[1])
-                          });
-                     }
-                    /*}*/
-                }
-                function brushend() {
-                    if (moment(brush.extent()[0]).isSame(brush.extent()[1])) {
-                        that.createBrush();
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    $('.nvtooltip').css('opacity', '0');
-                    that.$('g.x-brush').parent().remove();
-                    /* if (that.showDatePicker) {
-                         that.graphVent.trigger("date:click", {
-                             dateRangeLabel: "Custom Range",
-                         });
-                     } else {*/
-                    that.vent.trigger("date:click", {
-                        dateRangeLabel: "Custom Range",
-                    });
-                    /* }*/
-                }
-            },
-            graphXAxisBreak: function() {
-                var insertLinebreaks = function() {
-                    var el =;
-                    var words = $(this).text().split('-');
-                    $(this).text('');
-                    for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
-                        var tspan = el.append('tspan').text(words[i]);
-                        if (i > 0)
-                            tspan.attr('x', 0).attr('dy', '19');
-                    }
-                };
-                if (this.$('svg').find('g.nv-x  g.tick text').first().text().split('-').length > 1) {
-                    this.$('svg').find('g.nv-x  g.tick text').each(insertLinebreaks);
-                    this.$('svg').find('g.nv-x  g.nv-axisMaxMin text').each(insertLinebreaks);
-                    this.$('svg').find('g.nv-x  g.tick').show();
-                } else {
-                    this.$('svg').find('g.nv-x  g.tick').show();
-                }
-            },
-            reinitializeFilter: function(value) {
-                this.fetchGraphData(value);
-                /*   if (this.showDatePicker) {
-                       this.graphVent.trigger("date:setDate", value);
-                   } else {*/
-                this.vent.trigger("date:setDate", value);
-                /* }*/
-            },
-            onTabRefresh: function(e) {
-                this.fetchGraphData({});
-            },
-            reRenderView: function(params) {
-                this.fetchGraphData(params);
-                /*     if (this.showDatePicker) {
-                         this.graphVent.trigger("date:setDate", _.extend(this.params, params));
-                     } else {*/
-                this.vent.trigger("date:setDate", _.extend(this.params, params));
-                /*}*/
-            }
-        });
diff --git a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-web/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/graphs/GridGraphLayoutView.js b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-web/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/graphs/GridGraphLayoutView.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ae76ba8..0000000
--- a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-web/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/graphs/GridGraphLayoutView.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,594 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-    'backbone',
-    'moment',
-    'd3.tip',
-    'utils/Globals',
-    'utils/Utils',
-    'collections/VLogList',
-    'hbs!tmpl/graphs/GridGraphLayoutView_tmpl',
-    'bootstrap-daterangepicker',
-    'nv'
-], function(require, Backbone, moment, tip, Globals, Utils, VLogList, GridGraphLayoutViewTmpl, daterangepicker, nv) {
-    'use strict';
-    return Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend(
-        /** @lends GridGraphLayoutView */
-        {
-            _viewName: 'GridGraphLayoutView',
-            template: GridGraphLayoutViewTmpl,
-            /** ui selector cache */
-            ui: {
-                histoGraph: "div[data-id='rHistogramGraph']",
-                dateRange: "#dateRange",
-                selectDateRange: ".selectDateRange",
-                dateRangeTitle: "span[data-id='dateRangeTitle']",
-                gridSettingPopup: "[data-id='gridSettingPopup']",
-                gridHeader: ".gridHeader"
-            },
-            /** ui events hash */
-            events: function() {
-                var events = {};
-                events['change ' + this.ui.viewType] = 'onViewTypeChange';
-                events['click [data-id="refresh-tab-graph"]'] = 'onTabRefresh';
-                events['click ' + this.ui.gridSettingPopup] = 'onGridSettingPopupClick';
-                return events;
-            },
-            /**
-             * intialize a new GridGraphLayoutView Layout
-             * @constructs
-             */
-            initialize: function(options) {
-                _.extend(this, _.pick(options, 'globalVent', 'params', 'viewType', 'dashboard', 'model', 'gridHelp', 'collection', 'showHeader'));
-                this.vent = new Backbone.Wreqr.EventAggregator();
-                if(! this.collection){
-                	this.collection = new VLogList([], {
-                        state: {
-                            firstPage: 0,
-                            pageSize: 999999999,
-                        }
-                    });
-                	this.collection.url = Globals.baseURL + "audit/logs/anygraph";
-                    this.collection.modelAttrName = "graphData";
-                }
-                this.dateUtil = Utils.dateUtil;
-                this.dateRangeLabel = new String();
-                this.bindEvents();
-                this.graphParams = {};
-                this.unit = "+1HOUR";
-                var modalParams = this.model.get('params');
-                if (modalParams && modalParams.unit) {
-                    this.unit = modalParams.unit
-                }
-                this.firstRender = true;
-                if (!this.viewType || this.viewType == Globals.graphType.HISTOGRAM.value) {
-                    this.histogramView = true;
-                } else if (this.viewType == Globals.graphType.MULTILINE.value) {
-                    this.lineView = true;
-                } else if (this.viewType == Globals.graphType.PIE.value) {
-                    this.pieView = true;
-                }
-            },
-            bindEvents: function() {
-                this.listenTo(this.collection, "reset", function(collection) {
-                    this.$(".loader").hide();
-                    this.$("#loaderGraph").hide();
-                }, this);
-                this.listenTo(this.collection, 'request', function() {
-                    this.$(".loader").show();
-                    this.$("#loaderGraph").show();
-                }, this);
-                this.listenTo(this.collection, 'sync error', function() {
-                    this.$(".loader").hide();
-                    this.$("#loaderGraph").hide();
-                }, this);
-                this.listenTo(this.vent, "graph:update", function(options) {
-                    options['params'] = this.params
-                    if (this.model) {
-                        options['id'] = this.model.get('id')
-                        this.model.clear().set(options)
-                    }
-                    this.configureChart(options);
-                }, this);
-                this.listenTo(this.vent, "graph:data:update", function(params, options) {
-                    this.params = params
-                    options['params'] = this.params
-                    if (this.model) {
-                        options['id'] = this.model.get('id')
-                        this.model.clear().set(options)
-                    }
-                    this.fetchGraphData(params, options);
-                }, this);
-                this.listenTo(this.vent, "graph:grid:update", function(options) {
-                    options['params'] = this.params
-                    if (this.model) {
-                        options['id'] = this.model.get('id')
-                        this.model.clear().set(options)
-                    }
-                    this.updateGrid(options)
-                }, this);
-            },
-            onRender: function() {
-                var that = this;
-                if (this.model) {
-                    var mObject = this.model.toJSON();
-                    if (mObject.params) {
-                        this.params = mObject.params;
-                        this.fetchGraphData(mObject.params, mObject);
-                    }
-                    this.updateGrid(mObject);
-                }
-                if (this.gridHelp) {
-                    setTimeout(function() {
-                        this.$('.gridSettinghand').hide();
-                    }, 3000);
-                } else {
-                    this.$('.gridSettinghand').hide();
-                }
-                if(! _.isUndefined(this.showHeader)){
-                	if(! this.showHeader)
-                		this.$(".gridHeader").hide();
-                }	
-            },
-            fetchGraphData: function(params, options) {
-                var that = this;
-                that.$("#loaderGraph").show();
-                that.$(".loader").show();
-                _.extend(this.collection.queryParams, params);
-                this.collection.fetch({
-                    reset: true,
-                    success: function() {
-                        that.createDataForGraph(options)
-                    }
-                });
-            },
-            updateGrid: function(options) {
-                if (options.title) {
-                    this.ui.gridHeader.find('.gridTitle').text(options.title);
-                }
-                /*if (options.gridSizeX && options.gridSizeY) {
-                    this.dashboard.resize_widget(this.$el.parents('li'), parseInt(options.gridSizeX), parseInt(options.gridSizeY))
-                }*/
-            },
-            createDataForGraph: function(options) {
-                var that = this,
-                    color = d3.scale.category20().range();
-       = [];
-                this.dataL = [];
-                if (this.lineView || this.histogramView) {
-                    _.each(this.collection.models, function(model, i) {
-                        var Obj = {
-                            key: model.get('name'),
-                            values: model.get('dataCount').map(function(object) {
-                                return {
-                                    x: (options && options.xAxis == "evtTime") ? (that.dateUtil.getMomentObject( : (, //(new Date(,
-                                    y: parseFloat(object.value)
-                                }
-                            })
-                        };
-                        if (that.histogramView) {
-                               Obj['color'] = (((""+model.get('name')).toUpperCase() === 'ERROR') ? ("#E81D1D") :
-                                   ( (""+model.get('name')).toUpperCase() === 'INFO') ? ("#2577B5") :
-                                   ( (""+model.get('name')).toUpperCase() === 'WARN') ? ("#FF8916") :
-                                   ( (""+model.get('name')).toUpperCase() === 'FATAL') ? ("#830A0A") :
-                                   ( (""+model.get('name')).toUpperCase() === 'DEBUG') ? ("#65E8FF") :
-                                   ( (""+model.get('name')).toUpperCase() === 'TRACE') ? ("#888888") :
-                                   ( (""+model.get('name')).toUpperCase() === 'UNKNOWN') ? ("#bdbdbd") : color[i]);
-                           } else {
-                               Obj['color'] = color[i];
-                           }
-              ;
-                    });
-                }
-                if (this.pieView) {
-                    _.each(this.collection.models, function(model, i) {
-               = model.get('dataCount').map(function(object) {
-                            return {
-                                x: (,
-                                y: parseFloat(object.value)
-                            }
-                        });
-                    });
-                }
-                if (that.histogramView) {
-                    for (var i = - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-                        this.dataL.push([i])
-                    }
-                }
-                this.configureChart(options)
-                    //(!this.firstRender) ? this.updateGraph(, this.dataL): this.renderGraph(, this.dataL);
-            },
-            //Using NVD3
-            configureChart: function(options) {
-                var that = this,
-                    formatValue = d3.format(".2s");
-                if (this.firstRender) {
-                    if (that.histogramView) {
-                        that.chart = nv.models.multiBarChart()
-                            .showControls(false)
-                            .showXAxis(true)
-                            .showLegend(true);
-                        that.chart.groupSpacing(0.6) // for bar width and aspace 
-                        this.showLegend = true
-                    } else if (this.lineView) {
-                        that.chart = nv.models.lineChart().options({
-                            transitionDuration: 300,
-                            useInteractiveGuideline: true
-                        });
-                        //We want nice looking tooltips and a guideline!
-                        that.chart.showLegend(true); //Show the legend, allowing users to turn on/off line series.
-                        that.chart.showYAxis(true); //Show the y-axis
-                        that.chart.showXAxis(true);
-                    } else if (this.pieView) {
-                        var height = this.$el.find('.gridGraph').height() || 260;
-                        var width = this.$el.find('.gridGraph').width() - 20 || 420;
-                        that.chart = nv.models.pieChart()
-                            .x(function(d) {
-                                return d.x
-                            })
-                            .y(function(d) {
-                                return d.y
-                            })
-                            .width(width)
-                            .height(height);
-                    }
-                    that.chart.legend.margin({
-                        top: 5,
-                        right: 50,
-                        left: 90,
-                        bottom: 10
-                    });
-                    that.chart.margin({
-                        right: 30,
-                        left: 30
-                    });
-                    that.chart.dispatch.on('renderEnd', function() {
-                        if (that.firstRender) {
-                            that.firstRender = false
-                            var svgElem = that.$('svg');
-                            if (that.histogramView) {
-                                var elem = svgElem.find('g.nv-barsWrap.nvd3-svg .nv-groups');
-                            } else {
-                                var elem = svgElem.find('g.nv-linesWrap.nvd3-svg .nv-groups');
-                            }
-                            if (elem.get(0)) {
-                                that.svgHeight = elem.get(0).getBBox().height;
-                                that.svgWidth = elem.get(0).getBBox().width;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        that.graphXAxisBreak();
-                    });
-                    /*          that.chart.xAxis
-                                  .tickFormat(function(d) {
-                                      var date = that.dateUtil.getTimeZoneFromMomentObject(((that.histogramView) ? (d) : (that.dateUtil.getMomentObject(d))));
-                                      return (d3.time.format('%H:%M:%S - %m/%d/%y')(date))
-                                  });
-                              that.chart.yAxis
-                                  .tickFormat(function(d) {
-                                      return formatValue(d).replace('G', 'B');
-                                  });*/
-                    /*             that.chart.tooltip.contentGenerator(
-                                     function(data) {
-                                         var tootTipTemplate = '<div>' +
-                                             '<table>' +
-                                             '<thead>' +
-                                             '<tr>' +
-                                             '<td colspan="3"><strong class="x-value">' + data[((that.histogramView) ? ('data') : ('point'))].x.format('MM/DD/YYYY') + '</strong></td>' +
-                                             '</tr>' +
-                                             '<tr>' +
-                                             '<td colspan="3"><strong class="x-value">' + data[((that.histogramView) ? ('data') : ('point'))].x.format('H:mm:ss') + '</strong></td>' +
-                                             '</tr>' +
-                                             '</thead>' +
-                                             '<tbody>' +
-                                             '<tr>' +
-                                             '<td class="legend-color-guide">' +
-                                             '<div style="background-color: ' + ((that.histogramView) ? (data.color) : (data.series[0].color)) + '"></div>' +
-                                             '</td>' +
-                                             '<td class="key">' + ((that.histogramView) ? ( : (data.series[0].key)) + '</td>' +
-                                             '<td class="value">' + ((that.histogramView) ? ( : (data.series[0].value)) + '</td>' +
-                                             '</tr>' +
-                                             '</tbody>' +
-                                             '</table>' +
-                                             '</div>'
-                                         return tootTipTemplate
-                                     });*/
-                    that.chart.legend.dispatch.legendClick = function(d, i) {
-                        that.$('svg').find('g.nv-x  g.tick').hide();
-                    };
-                    that.$el.parents('.gs-w').resize(function() {
-                        if (that.svg) {
-                            if (that.pieView) {
-                                that.chart.height(that.$el.find('.gridGraph').height());
-                                that.chart.width(that.$el.find('.gridGraph').width() - 20);
-                            }
-                            that.svg.transition().duration(0).call(that.chart);
-                        } else {
-                            var elem = that.$('[data-id=rHistogramGraph] svg');
-                  [0])
-                                .attr('width', that.$el.parents('.brick').width())
-                                .attr('height', that.$el.parents('.brick').height())
-                                .transition().duration(0)
-                                .call(that.chart);
-                        }
-                    });
-                }
-                // For legend and control margin
-                if (options) {
-                	if(options.rotateXaxis){
-                		this.chart.xAxis.rotateLabels(options.rotateXaxis);
-                	}
-                    if (this.histogramView) {
-                        if (options.stackOrGroup && options.stackOrGroup == "Group") {
-                            this.chart.stacked(false);
-                        } else {
-                            this.chart.stacked(true);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (this.histogramView || this.lineView) {
-                        if (options.showX) {
-                            that.chart.showXAxis(true);
-                            if (options.xAxis) {
-                                if (options.xAxis == "evtTime") {
-                                    var xTimeFormat = ""
-                                    if (options.xTimeFormat) {
-                                        xTimeFormat = options.xTimeFormat;
-                                    } else {
-                                        xTimeFormat = "%H:%M:%S.%L - %m/%d/%y"
-                                    }
-                                    this.chart.x(function(d) {
-                                        return d.x
-                                    });
-                                    this.chart.xAxis
-                                        .tickFormat(function(d) {
-                                            var xAxisFormat = xTimeFormat;
-                                            var date = that.dateUtil.getTimeZoneFromMomentObject(((that.histogramView) ? (d) : (that.dateUtil.getMomentObject(d))));
-                                            return (d3.time.format(xAxisFormat)(date))
-                                        });
-                                    if (options.startDate && options.endDate) {}
-                                    if (options.unit) {}
-                                } else {
-                                    if (!this.histogramView) {
-                                        this.chart.xAxis
-                                            .tickFormat(function(d) {
-                                                return[0].values[d].x // x will be same for stack and group only y is different so we take name of x from first value array
-                                            });
-                                        this.chart.x(function(d, i) {
-                                            return i
-                                        });
-                                         this.chart.interpolate('basis')
-                                    } else {
-                                        this.chart.xAxis
-                                            .tickFormat(function(d) {
-                                                return d
-                                            });
-                                        this.chart.x(function(d) {
-                                            return d.x
-                                        });
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            }
-                        } else {
-                            this.chart.showXAxis(false);
-                        }
-                        // Y axis Setting
-                        if (options.showY) {
-                            that.chart.showYAxis(true);
-                            var yFormat = ""
-                            if (options.yAxisFormat && options.yAxisFormat.length) {
-                                yFormat = options.yAxisFormat;
-                            } else {
-                                yFormat = ".2s"
-                            }
-                            var yformatValue = d3.format(yFormat);
-                            this.chart.y(function(d) {
-                                return parseInt(d.y)
-                            })
-                            this.chart.yAxis
-                                .tickFormat(function(d) {
-                                    return yformatValue(d) //.replace('G', 'B');
-                                });
-                        } else {
-                            this.chart.showYAxis(false);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (this.pieView) {
-                        if (options.pieOrDonut == "donut") {
-                            that.chart.donut(true);
-                            that.chart.donutRatio(0.35);
-                        } else {
-                            that.chart.donut(false);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    // Legend  Setting
-                    if (options.showLegend) {
-                        this.chart.showLegend(true);
-                        this.showLegend = true;
-                    } else {
-                        this.chart.showLegend(false);
-                        this.showLegend = false;
-                    }
-                    // refreshInterval 
-                    if (options.refreshInterval && options.refreshInterval.length) {
-                        this.setRefereshInterval(options);
-                    } else {
-                        if (this.refereshInterval) {
-                            this.clearRefereshInterval();
-                        }
-                    }
-                    this.updateGraph(options)
-                } else {
-                    this.updateGraph()
-                }
-            },
-            setRefereshInterval: function(options) {
-                var that = this;
-                clearInterval(this.refereshInterval);
-                this.refereshInterval = setInterval(function() {
-                    that.fetchGraphData({}, options);
-                }, options.refreshInterval);
-            },
-            clearRefereshInterval: function() {
-                clearInterval(this.refereshInterval);
-            },
-            updateGraph: function(options) {
-                if (options) {
-                    var elem = this.$('svg').empty();
-                } else {
-                    var elem = this.$('svg');
-                }
-                // Update the SVG with the new and call chart
-                if ( {
-                    this.svg =[0]).datum(;
-                    if (this.pieView) {
-                        this.chart.height(this.$el.find('.gridGraph').height());
-                        this.chart.width(this.$el.find('.gridGraph').width() - 20);
-                    }
-                    this.svg.transition().duration(0).call(this.chart);
-                    //this.svg.datum(;
-                    if (this.dataL.length > 0 && this.showLegend) {
-                        this.svg.datum(this.dataL).transition().duration(0).call(this.chart.legend);
-                        if ($('svg').children().first()[0]).classed('nvd3 nv-legend')) {
-                  $('svg').children().first()[0]).remove();
-                        }
-                        var legendObject = (this.$('svg').children()[0]);
-                        if (this.$(legendObject).is('g[class="nvd3 nv-legend"]')) {
-                            this.$(legendObject).remove();
-                        } else if (this.$(legendObject).is('text[class="nvd3 nv-nodata"]')) {
-                            this.$(this.$('svg').children()[1]).remove();
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            },
-            graphXAxisBreak: function() {
-                var insertLinebreaks = function() {
-                    var el =;
-                    var words = $(this).text().split('-');
-                    $(this).text('');
-                    for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
-                        var tspan = el.append('tspan').text(words[i]);
-                        if (i > 0)
-                            tspan.attr('x', 0).attr('dy', '19');
-                    }
-                };
-                if (this.$('svg').find('g.nv-x  g.tick text').first().text().split('-').length > 1) {
-                    this.$('svg').find('g.nv-x  g.tick text').each(insertLinebreaks);
-                    this.$('svg').find('g.nv-x  g.nv-axisMaxMin text').each(insertLinebreaks);
-                    this.$('svg').find('g.nv-x  g.tick').show();
-                } else {
-                    this.$('svg').find('g.nv-x  g.tick').show();
-                }
-            },
-            setupDialog: function(options) {
-                var that = this;
-                require(['views/common/JBDialog'], function(JBDialog) {
-                    var opts = _.extend({
-                        appendTo: that.$el,
-                        modal: true,
-                        resizable: false,
-                        beforeClose: function(event, ui) {
-                            that.onDialogClosed();
-                        }
-                    }, options);
-                    var dialog = that.dialog = new JBDialog(opts).render().open();
-                })
-            },
-            onGridSettingPopupClick: function() {
-                this.$('.gridSettinghand').hide();
-                this.dashboard.disable();
-                var that = this;
-                var overlay = document.createElement('div');
-                overlay.setAttribute('class', 'overlayDashboard');
-                this.$el.append(overlay);
-                require(['views/dialog/GridGraphSettingView'], function(GridGraphSettingView) {
-                    var view = new GridGraphSettingView({
-                        vent: that.vent,
-                        params: (that.model) ? (that.params) : ({}),
-                        model: that.model,
-                        viewType: that.viewType
-                    });
-                    that.setupDialog({
-                        title: "Setting",
-                        content: view,
-                        viewType: 'Save',
-                        width: 560,
-                        height: 500,
-                        buttons: [{
-                            id: "cancelBtn",
-                            text: "Close",
-                            "class": "btn btn-default",
-                            click: function() {
-                                that.onDialogClosed();
-                            }
-                        }]
-                    });
-                });
-            },
-            onDialogClosed: function() {
-                this.$el.find('.overlayDashboard').remove();
-                this.dashboard.enable();
-                if (this.dialog) {
-                    this.dialog.close && this.dialog.close();
-                    this.dialog.remove && this.dialog.remove();
-                    this.dialog = null;
-                }
-            }
-        });
diff --git a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-web/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/tabs/ComparisonLayoutView.js b/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-web/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/tabs/ComparisonLayoutView.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 73cca56..0000000
--- a/ambari-logsearch/ambari-logsearch-web/src/main/webapp/scripts/views/tabs/ComparisonLayoutView.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-    'backbone',
-    'utils/Utils',
-    'hbs!tmpl/tabs/ComparisonLayoutView_tmpl'
-],function(require,Backbone,Utils,ComparisonLayoutViewTmpl) {
-    'use strict';
-    return Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend(
-        /** @lends ComparisonLayoutView */
-        {
-            _viewName: 'ComparisonLayoutView',
-            template: ComparisonLayoutViewTmpl,
-            /** ui selector cache */
-            ui: {
-                comparisonTab: '.comparisonTab'
-            },
-            /** ui events hash */
-            events: function() {
-                var events = {};
-                return events;
-            },
-            regions: { },
-            /**
-             * intialize a new ComparisonLayoutView Layout
-             * @constructs
-             */
-            initialize: function(options) {
-                _.extend(this, _.pick(options, 'globalVent', 'params', 'componetList'));
-            },
-            bindEvents: function() {},
-            onRender: function() {
-                this.createRegion()
-            },
-            createRegion: function() {
-                var that = this;
-                require(['views/tabs/ComparisonView'],function(ComparisonView){
-                    if (that.componetList) {
-                        var $parent = that.ui.comparisonTab;
-                        _.each(that.componetList, function(object,i) {
-                            var id = (object.host_name + '_' + object.component_name).replace(/\./g, "_");
-                            if(i % 2 == 0 && i > 0){
-                                var $div = $("<div class='row comparisonTab'></div>");
-                                that.ui.comparisonTab.parent().append($div);
-                                $parent = $div;
-                            }
-                            $parent.append('<div id="' + id + '" style="position: relative;"></div>');
-                            var region = {};
-                            region[id] = '#' + id;
-                            that.addRegions(region);
-                            var region = that.getRegion(id);
-                   ComparisonView({
-                                globalVent: that.globalVent,
-                                params: _.extend({},that.params, {
-                                    'host_name': object.host_name,
-                                    'component_name': object.component_name
-                                }),
-                                datePickerPosition:(((i+1) % 2 == 0)?("left"):("right"))
-                            }));
-                        })
-                    }
-                })
-            }
-        });