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Posted to by "betodealmeida (via GitHub)" <> on 2023/02/22 20:18:15 UTC

[GitHub] [superset] betodealmeida commented on a diff in pull request #22853: chore: Refactor ExploreMixin to power both Datasets (SqlaTable) and Query models

betodealmeida commented on code in PR #22853:

@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ export type ExploreQuery = QueryResponse & {
 export interface ISimpleColumn {
-  name?: string | null;
+  column_name?: string | null;

Review Comment:
   Any reason why we're changing this? `column.column_name` is redundant.

@@ -183,47 +184,33 @@ def sql_tables(self) -> List[Table]:
         return list(ParsedQuery(self.sql).tables)
-    def columns(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        bool_types = ("BOOL",)
-        num_types = (
-            "DOUBLE",
-            "FLOAT",
-            "INT",
-            "BIGINT",
-            "NUMBER",
-            "LONG",
-            "REAL",
-            "NUMERIC",
-            "DECIMAL",
-            "MONEY",
+    def columns(self) -> List["TableColumn"]:
+        from superset.connectors.sqla.models import (  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
+            TableColumn,
-        date_types = ("DATE", "TIME")
-        str_types = ("VARCHAR", "STRING", "CHAR")
         columns = []
-        col_type = ""
         for col in self.extra.get("columns", []):
-            computed_column = {**col}
-            col_type = col.get("type")
-            if col_type and any(map(lambda t: t in col_type.upper(), str_types)):
-                computed_column["type_generic"] = GenericDataType.STRING
-            if col_type and any(map(lambda t: t in col_type.upper(), bool_types)):
-                computed_column["type_generic"] = GenericDataType.BOOLEAN
-            if col_type and any(map(lambda t: t in col_type.upper(), num_types)):
-                computed_column["type_generic"] = GenericDataType.NUMERIC
-            if col_type and any(map(lambda t: t in col_type.upper(), date_types)):
-                computed_column["type_generic"] = GenericDataType.TEMPORAL
-            computed_column["column_name"] = col.get("name")
-            computed_column["groupby"] = True
-            columns.append(computed_column)
+            columns.append(
+                TableColumn(
+                    column_name=col["name"],
+                    type=col["type"],
+                    is_dttm=col["is_dttm"],
+                    groupby=True,
+                    filterable=True,
+                )
+            )
         return columns
+    @property
+    def db_extra(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]:
+        return None
     def data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
         order_by_choices = []
         for col in self.columns:
-            column_name = str(col.get("column_name") or "")
+            column_name = str(col.column_name or "")

Review Comment:
   We don't need `str()` here, do we?

@@ -682,7 +690,18 @@ class ExploreMixin:  # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
-    def query(self) -> str:
+    def fetch_value_predicate(self) -> str:
+        return "fix this!"

Review Comment:
           raise NotImplementedError()

@@ -1203,8 +1203,8 @@ def test_chart_cache_timeout_chart_not_found(
         (200, {"where": "1 = 1"}),
         (200, {"having": "count(*) > 0"}),
-        (400, {"where": "col1 in (select distinct col1 from physical_dataset)"}),
-        (400, {"having": "count(*) > (select count(*) from physical_dataset)"}),
+        (403, {"where": "col1 in (select distinct col1 from physical_dataset)"}),
+        (403, {"having": "count(*) > (select count(*) from physical_dataset)"}),

Review Comment:
   Why are we getting 403s now?

@@ -1465,14 +1552,20 @@ def get_sqla_query(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,too-ma
                     col = metrics_exprs_by_expr.get(str(col), col)
                     need_groupby = True
             elif col in columns_by_name:
-                gb_column_obj = columns_by_name[col]
-                if isinstance(gb_column_obj, dict):
-                    col = self.get_sqla_col(gb_column_obj)
-                else:
-                    col = gb_column_obj.get_sqla_col()
+                col = self.convert_tbl_column_to_sqla_col(
+                    columns_by_name[col], template_processor=template_processor
+                )
+                # col = columns_by_name[col].get_sqla_col(
+                #     template_processor=template_processor
+                # )

Review Comment:

@@ -304,6 +282,35 @@ def db_extra(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
     def type_generic(self) -> Optional[utils.GenericDataType]:
         if self.is_dttm:
             return GenericDataType.TEMPORAL
+        bool_types = ("BOOL",)
+        num_types = (
+            "DOUBLE",
+            "FLOAT",
+            "INT",
+            "BIGINT",
+            "NUMBER",
+            "LONG",
+            "REAL",
+            "NUMERIC",
+            "DECIMAL",
+            "MONEY",
+        )
+        date_types = ("DATE", "TIME")
+        str_types = ("VARCHAR", "STRING", "CHAR")
+        if self.table is None:
+            # Query.TableColumns don't have a reference to a table.db_engine_spec
+            # reference so this logic will manage rendering types
+            if self.type and any(map(lambda t: t in self.type.upper(), str_types)):

Review Comment:
   Nit: I think you moved this old code around, but today it would be better written without `map` nor `lambda`:
   if self.type and any(t in self.type.upper() for t in str_types):
   Same below.

@@ -1179,26 +1241,27 @@ def _get_series_orderby(
     def adhoc_column_to_sqla(
-        col: Type["AdhocColumn"],  # type: ignore
+        col: "AdhocColumn",  # type: ignore
         template_processor: Optional[BaseTemplateProcessor] = None,
     ) -> ColumnElement:
-        """
-        Turn an adhoc column into a sqlalchemy column.
-        :param col: Adhoc column definition
-        :param template_processor: template_processor instance
-        :returns: The metric defined as a sqlalchemy column
-        :rtype: sqlalchemy.sql.column
-        """
-        label = utils.get_column_name(col)  # type: ignore
-        expression = self._process_sql_expression(
-            expression=col["sqlExpression"],
-            database_id=self.database_id,
-            schema=self.schema,
-            template_processor=template_processor,
-        )
-        sqla_column = literal_column(expression)
-        return self.make_sqla_column_compatible(sqla_column, label)
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+        # """
+        # Turn an adhoc column into a sqlalchemy column.
+        # :param col: Adhoc column definition
+        # :param template_processor: template_processor instance
+        # :returns: The metric defined as a sqlalchemy column
+        # :rtype: sqlalchemy.sql.column
+        # """
+        # label = utils.get_column_name(col)  # type: ignore
+        # expression = self._process_sql_expression(
+        #     expression=col["sqlExpression"],
+        #     database_id=self.database_id,
+        #     schema=self.schema,
+        #     template_processor=template_processor,
+        # )
+        # sqla_column = literal_column(expression)
+        # return self.make_sqla_column_compatible(sqla_column, label)

Review Comment:
   If we're not using code it's better to remove it:

@@ -1498,33 +1591,27 @@ def get_sqla_query(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,too-ma
                     # if groupby field/expr equals granularity field/expr
                     if selected == granularity:
                         table_col = columns_by_name[selected]
-                        if isinstance(table_col, dict):
-                            outer = self.get_timestamp_expression(
-                                column=table_col,
-                                time_grain=time_grain,
-                                label=selected,
-                                template_processor=template_processor,
-                            )
-                        else:
-                            outer = table_col.get_timestamp_expression(
-                                time_grain=time_grain,
-                                label=selected,
-                                template_processor=template_processor,
-                            )
+                        outer = table_col.get_timestamp_expression(
+                            time_grain=time_grain,
+                            label=selected,
+                            template_processor=template_processor,
+                        )
                     # if groupby field equals a selected column
                     elif selected in columns_by_name:
-                        if isinstance(columns_by_name[selected], dict):
-                            outer = sa.column(f"{selected}")
-                            outer = self.make_sqla_column_compatible(outer, selected)
-                        else:
-                            outer = columns_by_name[selected].get_sqla_col()
+                        outer = self.convert_tbl_column_to_sqla_col(
+                            columns_by_name[selected],
+                            template_processor=template_processor,
+                        )
+                    # outer = columns_by_name[selected].get_sqla_col(
+                    #     template_processor=template_processor
+                    # )

Review Comment:

@@ -1643,67 +1725,57 @@ def get_sqla_query(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,too-ma
             sqla_col: Optional[Column] = None
             if flt_col == utils.DTTM_ALIAS and is_timeseries and dttm_col:
                 col_obj = dttm_col
-            elif utils.is_adhoc_column(flt_col):
-                sqla_col = self.adhoc_column_to_sqla(flt_col)  # type: ignore
+            elif is_adhoc_column(flt_col):
+                sqla_col = self.adhoc_column_to_sqla(
+                    col=flt_col, template_processor=template_processor
+                )
                 col_obj = columns_by_name.get(flt_col)
             filter_grain = flt.get("grain")
             if is_feature_enabled("ENABLE_TEMPLATE_REMOVE_FILTERS"):
-                if utils.get_column_name(flt_col) in removed_filters:
+                if get_column_name(flt_col) in removed_filters:
                     # Skip generating SQLA filter when the jinja template handles it.
             if col_obj or sqla_col is not None:
                 if sqla_col is not None:
                 elif col_obj and filter_grain:
-                    if isinstance(col_obj, dict):
-                        sqla_col = self.get_timestamp_expression(
-                            col_obj, time_grain, template_processor=template_processor
-                        )
-                    else:
-                        sqla_col = col_obj.get_timestamp_expression(
-                            time_grain=filter_grain,
-                            template_processor=template_processor,
-                        )
-                elif col_obj and isinstance(col_obj, dict):
-                    sqla_col = sa.column(col_obj.get("column_name"))
+                    sqla_col = col_obj.get_timestamp_expression(
+                        time_grain=filter_grain, template_processor=template_processor
+                    )
                 elif col_obj:
-                    sqla_col = col_obj.get_sqla_col()
-                if col_obj and isinstance(col_obj, dict):
-                    col_type = col_obj.get("type")
-                else:
-                    col_type = col_obj.type if col_obj else None
+                    sqla_col = self.convert_tbl_column_to_sqla_col(
+                        tbl_column=col_obj, template_processor=template_processor
+                    )
+                    # sqla_col = col_obj.get_sqla_col(
+                    #     template_processor=template_processor
+                    # )
+                col_type = col_obj.type if col_obj else None
                 col_spec = db_engine_spec.get_column_spec(
-                    db_extra=self.database.get_extra(),  # type: ignore
+                    #                    db_extra=self.database.get_extra(),

Review Comment:

@@ -1797,41 +1876,63 @@ def get_sqla_query(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,too-ma
+                                label=sqla_col.key,
+                                template_processor=template_processor,
+                            # col_obj.get_time_filter(
+                            #     start_dttm=_since,
+                            #     end_dttm=_until,
+                            #     label=sqla_col.key,
+                            #     template_processor=template_processor,
+                            # )

Review Comment:

@@ -1538,19 +1625,28 @@ def get_sqla_query(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,too-ma
         elif columns:
             for selected in columns:
-                selected = self.validate_adhoc_subquery(
-                    selected,
+                if is_adhoc_column(selected):
+                    _sql = selected["sqlExpression"]
+                    _column_label = selected["label"]

Review Comment:
   By convention variables with a leading underscore are "private"... can we give these a better name? Like `column_sql` or something?

@@ -1881,26 +1982,30 @@ def get_sqla_query(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,too-ma
                 inner_time_filter = []
                 if dttm_col and not db_engine_spec.time_groupby_inline:
-                    if isinstance(dttm_col, dict):
-                        inner_time_filter = [
-                            self.get_time_filter(
-                                dttm_col,
-                                inner_from_dttm or from_dttm,
-                                inner_to_dttm or to_dttm,
-                            )
-                        ]
-                    else:
-                        inner_time_filter = [
-                            dttm_col.get_time_filter(
-                                inner_from_dttm or from_dttm,
-                                inner_to_dttm or to_dttm,
-                            )
-                        ]
+                    inner_time_filter = [
+                        self.get_time_filter(
+                            time_col=dttm_col,
+                            start_dttm=inner_from_dttm or from_dttm,
+                            end_dttm=inner_to_dttm or to_dttm,
+                            template_processor=template_processor,
+                        )
+                        # dttm_col.get_time_filter(
+                        #     start_dttm=inner_from_dttm or from_dttm,
+                        #     end_dttm=inner_to_dttm or to_dttm,
+                        #     template_processor=template_processor,
+                        # )

Review Comment:

@@ -183,47 +184,33 @@ def sql_tables(self) -> List[Table]:
         return list(ParsedQuery(self.sql).tables)
-    def columns(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        bool_types = ("BOOL",)
-        num_types = (
-            "DOUBLE",
-            "FLOAT",
-            "INT",
-            "BIGINT",
-            "NUMBER",
-            "LONG",
-            "REAL",
-            "NUMERIC",
-            "DECIMAL",
-            "MONEY",
+    def columns(self) -> List["TableColumn"]:
+        from superset.connectors.sqla.models import (  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
+            TableColumn,
-        date_types = ("DATE", "TIME")
-        str_types = ("VARCHAR", "STRING", "CHAR")
         columns = []
-        col_type = ""
         for col in self.extra.get("columns", []):
-            computed_column = {**col}
-            col_type = col.get("type")
-            if col_type and any(map(lambda t: t in col_type.upper(), str_types)):
-                computed_column["type_generic"] = GenericDataType.STRING
-            if col_type and any(map(lambda t: t in col_type.upper(), bool_types)):
-                computed_column["type_generic"] = GenericDataType.BOOLEAN
-            if col_type and any(map(lambda t: t in col_type.upper(), num_types)):
-                computed_column["type_generic"] = GenericDataType.NUMERIC
-            if col_type and any(map(lambda t: t in col_type.upper(), date_types)):
-                computed_column["type_generic"] = GenericDataType.TEMPORAL
-            computed_column["column_name"] = col.get("name")
-            computed_column["groupby"] = True
-            columns.append(computed_column)
+            columns.append(
+                TableColumn(
+                    column_name=col["name"],
+                    type=col["type"],
+                    is_dttm=col["is_dttm"],
+                    groupby=True,
+                    filterable=True,

Review Comment:
   Are we setting `filterable` to true in both datasets and queries, or just queries? For datasets we want to respect the configuration, so that if a user has marked a column as not filterable it shouldn't be filterable. (For queries I understand we need all columns to be filterable and groupable.)

@@ -1643,67 +1725,57 @@ def get_sqla_query(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,too-ma
             sqla_col: Optional[Column] = None
             if flt_col == utils.DTTM_ALIAS and is_timeseries and dttm_col:
                 col_obj = dttm_col
-            elif utils.is_adhoc_column(flt_col):
-                sqla_col = self.adhoc_column_to_sqla(flt_col)  # type: ignore
+            elif is_adhoc_column(flt_col):
+                sqla_col = self.adhoc_column_to_sqla(
+                    col=flt_col, template_processor=template_processor
+                )
                 col_obj = columns_by_name.get(flt_col)
             filter_grain = flt.get("grain")
             if is_feature_enabled("ENABLE_TEMPLATE_REMOVE_FILTERS"):
-                if utils.get_column_name(flt_col) in removed_filters:
+                if get_column_name(flt_col) in removed_filters:
                     # Skip generating SQLA filter when the jinja template handles it.
             if col_obj or sqla_col is not None:
                 if sqla_col is not None:
                 elif col_obj and filter_grain:
-                    if isinstance(col_obj, dict):
-                        sqla_col = self.get_timestamp_expression(
-                            col_obj, time_grain, template_processor=template_processor
-                        )
-                    else:
-                        sqla_col = col_obj.get_timestamp_expression(
-                            time_grain=filter_grain,
-                            template_processor=template_processor,
-                        )
-                elif col_obj and isinstance(col_obj, dict):
-                    sqla_col = sa.column(col_obj.get("column_name"))
+                    sqla_col = col_obj.get_timestamp_expression(
+                        time_grain=filter_grain, template_processor=template_processor
+                    )
                 elif col_obj:
-                    sqla_col = col_obj.get_sqla_col()
-                if col_obj and isinstance(col_obj, dict):
-                    col_type = col_obj.get("type")
-                else:
-                    col_type = col_obj.type if col_obj else None
+                    sqla_col = self.convert_tbl_column_to_sqla_col(
+                        tbl_column=col_obj, template_processor=template_processor
+                    )
+                    # sqla_col = col_obj.get_sqla_col(
+                    #     template_processor=template_processor
+                    # )
+                col_type = col_obj.type if col_obj else None
                 col_spec = db_engine_spec.get_column_spec(
-                    db_extra=self.database.get_extra(),  # type: ignore
+                    #                    db_extra=self.database.get_extra(),
                 is_list_target = op in (
-                if col_obj and isinstance(col_obj, dict):
-                    col_advanced_data_type = ""
-                else:
-                    col_advanced_data_type = (
-                        col_obj.advanced_data_type if col_obj else ""
-                    )
+                col_advanced_data_type = col_obj.advanced_data_type if col_obj else ""
                 if col_spec and not col_advanced_data_type:
                     target_generic_type = col_spec.generic_type
-                    target_generic_type = utils.GenericDataType.STRING
+                    target_generic_type = GenericDataType.STRING
                 eq = self.filter_values_handler(
-                    db_extra=self.database.get_extra(),  # type: ignore
+                    #                     db_extra=self.database.get_extra(),

Review Comment:

@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class AdhocMetricOption extends React.PureComponent {
   onRemoveMetric(e) {
-    e.stopPropagation();
+    if (e !== undefined) e.stopPropagation();

Review Comment:
   `?.` works as a guard as well.

@@ -1643,67 +1725,57 @@ def get_sqla_query(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,too-ma
             sqla_col: Optional[Column] = None
             if flt_col == utils.DTTM_ALIAS and is_timeseries and dttm_col:
                 col_obj = dttm_col
-            elif utils.is_adhoc_column(flt_col):
-                sqla_col = self.adhoc_column_to_sqla(flt_col)  # type: ignore
+            elif is_adhoc_column(flt_col):
+                sqla_col = self.adhoc_column_to_sqla(
+                    col=flt_col, template_processor=template_processor
+                )
                 col_obj = columns_by_name.get(flt_col)
             filter_grain = flt.get("grain")
             if is_feature_enabled("ENABLE_TEMPLATE_REMOVE_FILTERS"):
-                if utils.get_column_name(flt_col) in removed_filters:
+                if get_column_name(flt_col) in removed_filters:
                     # Skip generating SQLA filter when the jinja template handles it.
             if col_obj or sqla_col is not None:
                 if sqla_col is not None:
                 elif col_obj and filter_grain:
-                    if isinstance(col_obj, dict):
-                        sqla_col = self.get_timestamp_expression(
-                            col_obj, time_grain, template_processor=template_processor
-                        )
-                    else:
-                        sqla_col = col_obj.get_timestamp_expression(
-                            time_grain=filter_grain,
-                            template_processor=template_processor,
-                        )
-                elif col_obj and isinstance(col_obj, dict):
-                    sqla_col = sa.column(col_obj.get("column_name"))
+                    sqla_col = col_obj.get_timestamp_expression(
+                        time_grain=filter_grain, template_processor=template_processor
+                    )
                 elif col_obj:
-                    sqla_col = col_obj.get_sqla_col()
-                if col_obj and isinstance(col_obj, dict):
-                    col_type = col_obj.get("type")
-                else:
-                    col_type = col_obj.type if col_obj else None
+                    sqla_col = self.convert_tbl_column_to_sqla_col(
+                        tbl_column=col_obj, template_processor=template_processor
+                    )
+                    # sqla_col = col_obj.get_sqla_col(
+                    #     template_processor=template_processor
+                    # )

Review Comment:

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