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Posted to by Glyn Normington <> on 2002/05/30 15:01:11 UTC

Re: PlaceHolders for javax.xml.soap.* support


Thanks for adding some placeholders. The table looks mostly correct, except
for the interfaces related to faults (& details etc.), which I've started
working on (although this has been overtaken by high priority work for just
over a week).

The mapping for faults is nasty because the JAXM interfaces are IMHO rather
badly designed and I don't want to distort the Axis classes to simply
mirror the structure of the interfaces. On the other hand, I've got to
support detachNode on the various interfaces as I guess at least a
compliance test could use it, which means I have to pay more than lip
service to the JAXM interface structure. As you can see, most of the work
is a case of mulling over the possibilities to get the best design -
writing the code will be the easy part.


                      Davanum Srinivas                                                                                               
                      <>         To:                                                     
                      29/05/02 18:19           Subject:  PlaceHolders for javax.xml.soap.* support                                   
                      Please respond to                                                                                              

I checked in some changes for javax.xml.soap.* support. Here are the
mappings in a table format.
Please feel free to add/delete/update the code anyway you see fit.

We need to support this package fully because JAX-RPC's SOAPMessageContext
 is dependent on javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage and the whole thing cascades
from that point onwards.


Support for javax.xml.soap package:
| Interfaces            | Implemented by                                 |
| Detail                - org.apache.axis.message.Detail                 |
| DetailEntry           - org.apache.axis.message.DetailEntry            |
| Name                  - org.apache.axis.message.PrefixedQName          |
| Node                  - org.apache.axis.message.MessageElement         |
| SOAPBody              - org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBody               |
| SOAPBodyElement       - org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBodyElement        |
| SOAPConstants         - NO NEED TO DO ANYTHING                         |
| SOAPElement           - org.apache.axis.message.MessageElement         |
| SOAPEnvelope          - org.apache.axis.message.SOAPEnvelope           |
| SOAPFault             - org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFault              |
| SOAPFaultElement      - org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultElement       |
| SOAPHeader            - org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHeader             |
| SOAPHeaderElement     - org.apache.axis.message.SOAPHeaderElement      |
| Text                  - org.apache.axis.message.Text                   |
| Classes               | Implemented by                                 |
| AttachmentPart        - org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentPart     |
| MessageFactory        - org.apache.axis.soap.MessageFactoryImpl        |
| MimeHeader            - CONCRETE CLASS - NO NEED TO DO ANYTHING        |
| MimeHeaders           - CONCRETE CLASS - NO NEED TO DO ANYTHING        |
| SOAPConnection        - org.apache.axis.soap.SOAPConnectionImpl        |
| SOAPConnectionFactory - org.apache.axis.soap.SOAPConnectionFactoryImpl |
| SOAPElementFactory    - org.apache.axis.soap.SOAPElementFactoryImpl    |
| SOAPMessage           - org.apache.axis.Message                        |
| SOAPPart              - org.apache.axis.SOAPPart                       |
| Exception             | Implemented by                                 |
| SOAPException         - CONCRETE CLASS - NO NEED TO DO ANYTHING        |

Davanum Srinivas -

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