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Posted to by Tod Thomas <> on 2002/05/02 04:13:33 UTC

Sax2 Driver Class.....

I'm using the tomcat 4.03 binaries on linux with JDK 1.4.

I've checked out the xml_cocoon2 cvs branch, followed the installation instructions removing the four jar files from the tomcat directory, copying them from the cocoon directory, changing the web.xml file, doing the build webapp, removing them from the .war file, and finally copying the .war file and firing up tomcat.  I've done this twice.

While most everything works when I try visiting the search or any of the xsp examples I get "SAX2 driver class org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser does not implement XMLReader".  Is there anything I could have missed?

I also noticed when copying the batik jar file the installation instructions mentioned it should be in cocoon/lib/core and should be called batik-libs-XXX.jar.  It was actually in cocoon/lib/optional and called batik-all-1.5b1.jar.  Is this significant?

Thanks for your suggestions and patience.

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