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[50/51] [partial] incubator-griffin git commit: 20170627 update angular
diff --git a/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/package.json b/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/package.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e13a770..0000000
--- a/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/package.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "angularjs-toaster",
-  "version": "1.2.0",
-  "description": "AngularJS Toaster is a customized version of toastr non-blocking notification javascript library",
-  "author": "Jiri Kavulak",
-  "license": "MIT",
-  "repository": {
-    "type": "git",
-    "url": ""
-  },
-  "dependencies": {},
-  "devDependencies": {
-    "angular": ">1.2.6",
-    "angular-animate": "~1.2.8",
-    "angular-mocks": "^1.4.7",
-    "jasmine-core": "^2.3.4",
-    "karma": "^0.13.21",
-    "karma-chrome-launcher": "^0.2.2",
-    "karma-coverage": "^0.5.3",
-    "karma-jasmine": "^0.3.7",
-    "coveralls": "^2.11.6"
-  },
-  "jspm": {
-    "main": "toaster",
-    "dependencies": {
-      "css": "jspm:css@*"
-    },
-    "shim": {
-      "toaster": {
-        "deps": [
-          "./toaster.css!"
-        ]
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/test/directiveTemplateSpec.js b/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/test/directiveTemplateSpec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b638dca..0000000
--- a/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/test/directiveTemplateSpec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-/* global describe global it global beforeEach global angular global inject global expect */
-'use strict';
-describe('directiveTemplate', function () {
-	var toaster, scope, $compile;
-	beforeEach(function () {
-        createDirectives(); 
-		// load dependencies
-		module('testApp');
-		module('toaster');
-		// inject the toaster service
-        inject(function (_toaster_, _$rootScope_, _$compile_) {
-			toaster = _toaster_;
-			scope = _$rootScope_;
-			$compile = _$compile_;
-		});
-	});
-	it('should load and render the referenced directive template text', function () {
-		var container = compileContainer();
-		pop({ type: 'info', body: 'bind-template-only', bodyOutputType: 'directive' });
-		expect(container[0].innerText).toBe('here is some great new text! It was brought in via directive!');
-	});
-	it('should bind directiveData to the directive template', function () {
-		var container = compileContainer();
-		pop({ type: 'info', body: 'bind-template-with-data', bodyOutputType: 'directive', directiveData: { name: 'Bob' } });
-		expect(container[0].innerText).toBe('Hello Bob');
-	});
-	it('should parse type string directiveData to an object', function () {
-		var container = compileContainer();
-		pop({ type: 'info', body: 'bind-template-with-data', bodyOutputType: 'directive', directiveData: '{ "name": "Bob" }' });
-		expect(container[0].innerText).toBe('Hello Bob');
-	});
-	it('should render type number directiveData', function () {
-		var container = compileContainer();
-		pop({ type: 'info', body: 'bind-template-with-numeric-data', bodyOutputType: 'directive', directiveData: 2 });
-		expect(container[0].innerText).toBe('1 + 1 = 2');
-	});
-	it('should bind Attribute-restricted templates', function () {
-		var container = compileContainer();
-		pop({ type: 'info', body: 'bind-template-only', bodyOutputType: 'directive', directiveData: { name: 'Bob' } });
-		expect(container[0].innerText).toBe('here is some great new text! It was brought in via directive!');
-	});
-	it('should bind unrestricted templates', function () {
-		var container = compileContainer();
-		pop({ type: 'info', body: 'unrestricted-template', bodyOutputType: 'directive' });
-		expect(container[0].innerText).toBe('Unrestricted Template');
-	});
-	it('should not bind Element-only-restricted templates', function () {
-		var hasError = false;
-		var container = compileContainer();
-        try {
-		  pop({ type: 'info', body: 'element-template', bodyOutputType: 'directive' });
-        } catch(e) {
-            var message = 'Directives must be usable as attributes. ' + 
-                'Add "A" to the restrict option (or remove the option entirely). Occurred for directive element-template.';
-            expect(e.message).toBe(message);
-            hasError = true;
-        }
-        expect(hasError).toBe(true);
-	});
-	it('should not bind Class-only-restricted templates', function () {
-        var hasError = false;
-		var container = compileContainer();
-        try {
-		  pop({ type: 'info', body: 'class-template', bodyOutputType: 'directive' });
-        } catch(e) {
-            var message = 'Directives must be usable as attributes. ' + 
-                'Add "A" to the restrict option (or remove the option entirely). Occurred for directive class-template.';
-            expect(e.message).toBe(message);
-            hasError = true;
-        }
-        expect(hasError).toBe(true);
-	});
-	it('should throw an error if directiveName argument is not passed via body', function () {
-		var container = compileContainer();
-		var hasError = false;
-		expect(container[0].innerText).toBe('');
-		try {
-			pop({ type: 'info', bodyOutputType: 'directive' });
-		} catch (e) {
-			expect(e.message).toBe('A valid directive name must be provided via the toast body argument when using bodyOutputType: directive');
-			hasError = true;
-		}
-		expect(container[0].innerText).toBe('');
-		expect(hasError).toBe(true);
-	});
-	it('should throw an error if directiveName argument is an empty string', function () {
-		var container = compileContainer();
-		var hasError = false;
-		expect(container[0].innerText).toBe('');
-		try {
-			pop({ type: 'info', body: '', bodyOutputType: 'directive' });
-		} catch (e) {
-			expect(e.message).toBe('A valid directive name must be provided via the toast body argument when using bodyOutputType: directive');
-			hasError = true;
-		}
-		expect(container[0].innerText).toBe('');
-		expect(hasError).toBe(true);
-	});
-	it('should throw an error if the directive could not be found', function () {
-		var hasError = false;
-		compileContainer();
-		try {
-			pop({ type: 'info', body: 'non-existent-directive', bodyOutputType: 'directive' });
-		} catch (e) {
-            var message = 'non-existent-directive could not be found. ' + 
-                'The name should appear as it exists in the markup,' + 
-                ' not camelCased as it would appear in the directive declaration,' +
-                ' e.g. directive-name not directiveName.'
-			expect(e.message).toBe(message);
-			hasError = true;
-		}
-		expect(hasError).toBe(true);
-	});
-    it('should throw an error if the directive uses isolate scope', function () {
-        var hasError = false;
-		compileContainer();
-        try {
-            pop({ type: 'info', body: 'isolate-scope', bodyOutputType: 'directive' });
-        } catch (e) {
-            var message = 'Cannot use a directive with an isolated scope.' +
-                ' The scope must be either true or falsy (e.g. false/null/undefined). Occurred for directive isolate-scope.';
-            expect(e.message).toBe(message)
-            hasError = true;
-        }
-        expect(hasError).toBe(true);
-    })
-	function compileContainer() {
-		var element = angular.element('<toaster-container></toaster-container>');
-		$compile(element)(scope);
-		scope.$digest();
-		return element;
-	}
-	function pop(params) {
-		toaster.pop(params);
-		// force new toast to be rendered
-		scope.$digest();
-	}
-	function createDirectives() {
-		angular.module('testApp', [])
-			.directive('bindTemplateOnly', function () {
-				return {
-					restrict: 'A',
-					template: 'here is some great new text! <span style="color:orange">It was brought in via directive!</span>'
-				}
-			})
-			.directive('bindTemplateWithData', function () {
-				return { template: 'Hello {{}}' }
-			})
-			.directive('bindTemplateWithNumericData', function () {
-				return { template: '1 + 1 = {{directiveData}}' }
-			})
-			.directive('elementTemplate', function () {
-				return { restrict: 'E', template: 'Element Template' }
-			})
-			.directive('classTemplate', function () {
-				return { restrict: 'C', template: 'Class Template' }
-			})
-			.directive('unrestrictedTemplate', function () {
-				return { template: 'Unrestricted Template' }
-			})
-            .directive('isolateScope', function () {
-                return { template: 'isolate scope template', scope: {}}
-            }); 
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/test/toasterContainerControllerSpec.js b/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/test/toasterContainerControllerSpec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7054098..0000000
--- a/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/test/toasterContainerControllerSpec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
-/* global describe global it global beforeEach global angular global jasmine global inject global expect global spyOn */
-'use strict';
-var rootScope, toaster, $compile;
-describe('toasterContainer controller', function () {
-	beforeEach(function () {
-		module('toaster');
-		// inject the toaster service
-        inject(function (_toaster_, _$rootScope_, _$compile_) {
-			toaster = _toaster_;
-			rootScope = _$rootScope_;
-			$compile = _$compile_;
-		});
-	});
-	it('should stop timer if config.mouseoverTimer is true', function () {
-		var container = angular.element(
-			'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'mouseover-timer-stop\': true }"></toaster-container>');
-		$compile(container)(rootScope);
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		var scope = container.scope();
-		expect(scope.config.mouseoverTimer).toBe(true);
-		toaster.pop({ type: 'info' });
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		expect(scope.toasters[0].timeoutPromise).toBeDefined();
-		scope.stopTimer(scope.toasters[0]);
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		expect(scope.toasters[0].timeoutPromise).toBe(null);
-	});
-	it('should do nothing if config.mouseoverTimer is true and stopTimer is called again', function () {
-		var container = angular.element(
-			'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'mouseover-timer-stop\': true }"></toaster-container>');
-		$compile(container)(rootScope);
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		var scope = container.scope();
-		expect(scope.config.mouseoverTimer).toBe(true);
-		toaster.pop({ type: 'info' });
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		scope.stopTimer(scope.toasters[0]);
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		expect(scope.toasters[0].timeoutPromise).toBe(null);
-		scope.stopTimer(scope.toasters[0]);
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		expect(scope.toasters[0].timeoutPromise).toBe(null);
-	});
-	it('should not stop timer if config.mouseoverTimer is false', function () {
-		var container = angular.element(
-			'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'mouseover-timer-stop\': false }"></toaster-container>');
-		$compile(container)(rootScope);
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		var scope = container.scope();
-		expect(scope.config.mouseoverTimer).toBe(false);
-		toaster.pop({ type: 'info' });
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		expect(scope.toasters[0].timeoutPromise).toBeDefined();
-		scope.stopTimer(scope.toasters[0]);
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		expect(scope.toasters[0].timeoutPromise).toBeDefined();
-	});
-	it('should restart timer if config.mouseoverTimer is true and timeoutPromise is falsy', function () {
-		var container = angular.element(
-			'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'mouseover-timer-stop\': true }"></toaster-container>');
-		$compile(container)(rootScope);
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		var scope = container.scope();
-		toaster.pop({ type: 'info' });
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		expect(scope.toasters[0].timeoutPromise).toBeDefined();
-		scope.stopTimer(scope.toasters[0]);
-		expect(scope.toasters[0].timeoutPromise).toBe(null);
-		scope.restartTimer(scope.toasters[0]);
-		expect(scope.toasters[0].timeoutPromise).toBeDefined();
-	});
-	it('should not restart timer if config.mouseoverTimer is true and timeoutPromise is truthy', function () {
-		var container = angular.element(
-			'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'mouseover-timer-stop\': true }"></toaster-container>');
-		$compile(container)(rootScope);
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		var scope = container.scope();
-		toaster.pop({ type: 'info' });
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		expect(scope.toasters[0].timeoutPromise).toBeDefined();
-		spyOn(scope, 'configureTimer').and.callThrough();
-		scope.restartTimer(scope.toasters[0]);
-		expect(scope.toasters[0].timeoutPromise).toBeDefined();
-		expect(scope.configureTimer).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-	});
-	it('should not restart timer and should remove toast if config.mouseoverTimer is not true and timeoutPromise is null', function () {
-		var container = angular.element(
-			'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'mouseover-timer-stop\': 2 }"></toaster-container>');
-		$compile(container)(rootScope);
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		var scope = container.scope();
-		toaster.pop({ type: 'info' });
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		expect(scope.config.mouseoverTimer).toBe(2);
-		scope.toasters[0].timeoutPromise = null;
-		spyOn(scope, 'configureTimer').and.callThrough();
-		spyOn(scope, 'removeToast').and.callThrough();
-		scope.restartTimer(scope.toasters[0]);
-		expect(scope.configureTimer).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-		expect(scope.removeToast).toHaveBeenCalled();
-		expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(0)
-	});
-	it('should not restart timer or remove toast if config.mouseoverTimer is not true and timeoutPromise is not null', function () {
-		var container = angular.element(
-			'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'mouseover-timer-stop\': 2 }"></toaster-container>');
-		$compile(container)(rootScope);
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		var scope = container.scope();
-		toaster.pop({ type: 'info' });
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		expect(scope.config.mouseoverTimer).toBe(2);
-		spyOn(scope, 'configureTimer').and.callThrough();
-		spyOn(scope, 'removeToast').and.callThrough();
-		scope.restartTimer(scope.toasters[0]);
-		expect(scope.configureTimer).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-		expect(scope.removeToast).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-		expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(1)
-	});
-	describe('click', function () {
-		it('should do nothing if config.tap is not true and toast.showCloseButton is not true', function () {
-			var container = angular.element(
-			'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'tap-to-dismiss\': false, \'close-button\': false }"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var scope = container.scope();
-			spyOn(scope, 'removeToast').and.callThrough();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(1);
-			expect(scope.removeToast).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-		});
-		it('should do nothing if config.tap is not true and toast.showCloseButton is true', function () {
-			var container = angular.element(
-			'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'tap-to-dismiss\': false, \'close-button\': true }"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var scope = container.scope();
-			spyOn(scope, 'removeToast').and.callThrough();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(1);
-			expect(scope.removeToast).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-		});
-		it('should do nothing if config.tap is not true and isCloseButton is not true', function () {
-			var container = angular.element(
-			'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'tap-to-dismiss\': false, \'close-button\': true }"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var scope = container.scope();
-			spyOn(scope, 'removeToast').and.callThrough();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-[0], false);
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(1);
-			expect(scope.removeToast).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-		});
-		it('should remove toast if config.tap is true', function () {
-			var container = angular.element(
-			'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'tap-to-dismiss\': true, \'close-button\': true }"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var scope = container.scope();
-			spyOn(scope, 'removeToast').and.callThrough();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(0);
-			expect(scope.removeToast).toHaveBeenCalled();
-		});
-		it('should remove toast if config.tap is true and the click handler function returns true', function () {
-			var container = angular.element(
-			'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'tap-to-dismiss\': true, \'close-button\': true }"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var scope = container.scope();
-			spyOn(scope, 'removeToast').and.callThrough();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', clickHandler: function (toast, isCloseButton) { return true; } });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(0);
-			expect(scope.removeToast).toHaveBeenCalled();
-		});
-		it('should not remove toast if config.tap is true and the click handler function does not return true', function () {
-			var container = angular.element(
-			'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'tap-to-dismiss\': true, \'close-button\': true }"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var scope = container.scope();
-			spyOn(scope, 'removeToast').and.callThrough();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', clickHandler: function (toast, isCloseButton) { } });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(1);
-			expect(scope.removeToast).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-		});
-		it('should remove toast if config.tap is true and the click handler exists on the parent returning true', function () {
-			var container = angular.element(
-			'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'tap-to-dismiss\': true, \'close-button\': true }"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var scope = container.scope();
-			scope.$parent.clickHandler = function () { return true; };
-			spyOn(scope, 'removeToast').and.callThrough();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', clickHandler: 'clickHandler' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(0);
-			expect(scope.removeToast).toHaveBeenCalled();
-		});
-		it('should not remove toast if config.tap is true and the click handler exists on the parent not returning true', function () {
-			var container = angular.element(
-			'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'tap-to-dismiss\': true, \'close-button\': true }"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var scope = container.scope();
-			scope.$parent.clickHandler = function () { };
-			spyOn(scope, 'removeToast').and.callThrough();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', clickHandler: 'clickHandler' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(1);
-			expect(scope.removeToast).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-		});
-		it('should remove toast if config.tap is true and the click handler does not exist on the parent', function () {
-			// TODO: this functionality seems counter-intuitive.  
-			// Need to identify use cases to see if this is actually correct.
-			var container = angular.element(
-			'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'tap-to-dismiss\': true, \'close-button\': true }"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var scope = container.scope();
-			spyOn(scope, 'removeToast').and.callThrough();
-			console.log = jasmine.createSpy("log");
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', clickHandler: 'clickHandler' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(0);
-			expect(scope.removeToast).toHaveBeenCalled();
-    		expect(console.log).toHaveBeenCalledWith("TOAST-NOTE: Your click handler is not inside a parent scope of toaster-container.");
-		});
-	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/test/toasterContainerSpec.js b/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/test/toasterContainerSpec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 40353a5..0000000
--- a/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/test/toasterContainerSpec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,742 +0,0 @@
-/* global describe global it global beforeEach global angular global jasmine global inject global expect global spyOn */
-'use strict';
-var rootScope, toaster, $compile;
-describe('toasterContainer', function () {
-	beforeEach(function () {
-		module('toaster');
-		// inject the toaster service
-        inject(function (_toaster_, _$rootScope_, _$compile_) {
-			toaster = _toaster_;
-			rootScope = _$rootScope_;
-			$compile = _$compile_;
-		});
-	});
-	it('should pop a toast via individual parameters', function () {
-		var container = compileContainer();
-		var scope = container.scope();
-		toaster.pop('info', 'test', 'test');
-		expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(1);
-	});
-	it('should unsubscribe events on $destroy if handlers exist', function () {
-		var toasterEventRegistry;
-		inject(function (_toasterEventRegistry_) {
-			toasterEventRegistry = _toasterEventRegistry_;
-		});
-		var container = compileContainer();
-		var scope = container.scope();
-		spyOn(toasterEventRegistry, 'unsubscribeToNewToastEvent').and.callThrough();
-		spyOn(toasterEventRegistry, 'unsubscribeToClearToastsEvent').and.callThrough();
-		scope.$destroy();
-		expect(toasterEventRegistry.unsubscribeToNewToastEvent).toHaveBeenCalled();
-		expect(toasterEventRegistry.unsubscribeToClearToastsEvent).toHaveBeenCalled();
-	});
-	describe('addToast', function () {
-		it('should default to icon-class config value if toast.type not found in icon-classes', function () {
-			var toasterConfig;
-			inject(function (_toasterConfig_) {
-				toasterConfig = _toasterConfig_;
-			});
-			compileContainer();
-			expect(toasterConfig['icon-class']).toBe('toast-info'); 
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'invalid' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(toaster.toast.type).toBe('toast-info');
-		});
-		it('should allow subsequent duplicates if prevent-duplicates is not set', function () {
-			var container = compileContainer();
-			var scope = container.scope();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(0);
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', title: 'title', body: 'body' });
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', title: 'title', body: 'body' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(2);
-		});
-		it('should not allow subsequent duplicates if prevent-duplicates is true without toastId param', function () {
-			var container = angular.element(
-				'<toaster-container toaster-options="{\'prevent-duplicates\': true}"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var scope = container.scope();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(0);
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', title: 'title', body: 'body' });
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', title: 'title', body: 'body' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(1);
-		});
-		it('should allow subsequent duplicates if prevent-duplicates is true with unique toastId params', function () {
-			var container = angular.element(
-				'<toaster-container toaster-options="{\'prevent-duplicates\': true}"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var scope = container.scope();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(0);
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', title: 'title', body: 'body', toastId: 1 });
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', title: 'title', body: 'body', toastId: 2 });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(2);
-		});
-		it('should not allow subsequent duplicates if prevent-duplicates is true with identical toastId params', function () {
-			var container = angular.element(
-				'<toaster-container toaster-options="{\'prevent-duplicates\': true}"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var scope = container.scope();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(0);
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', title: 'title', body: 'body', toastId: 1 });
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', title: 'title', body: 'body', toastId: 1 });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(1);
-		});
-		it('should not render the close button if showCloseButton is false', function () {
-			var container = compileContainer();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'With a close button' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(container.find('button')[0]).toBeUndefined();
-		});
-		it('should use the default close html if toast.closeHtml is undefined', function () {
-			var container = compileContainer();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'With a close button', showCloseButton: true });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var buttons = container.find('button');
-			expect(buttons.length).toBe(1);
-			expect(buttons[0].outerHTML).toBe('<button class="toast-close-button" type="button">×</button>');
-		});
-		it('should use the toast.closeHtml argument if passed', function () {
-			var container = compileContainer();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'With a close button', showCloseButton: true,
-				closeHtml: '<button>Close</button>'
-			});
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var buttons = container.find('button');
-			expect(buttons.length).toBe(1);
-			expect(buttons[0].outerHTML).toBe('<button>Close</button>');
-		});
-		it('should render toast.closeHtml argument if not a button element', function () {
-			var container = compileContainer();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'With close text', showCloseButton: true,
-				closeHtml: '<span>Close</span>'
-			});
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var spans = container.find('span');
-			expect(spans.length).toBe(1);
-			expect(spans[0].outerHTML).toBe('<span>Close</span>');
-		});
-		it('should show the close button if mergedConfig close-button is an object set to true for toast-info', function () {
-			var container = angular.element(
-				'<toaster-container toaster-options="{\'close-button\': {\'toast-info\': true}}"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var buttons = container.find('button');
-			expect(buttons.length).toBe(1);
-			expect(buttons[0].outerHTML).toBe('<button class="toast-close-button" type="button">×</button>');
-		});
-		it('should not render the close button if mergedConfig close-button type cannot be found', function () {
-			var container = angular.element(
-				'<toaster-container toaster-options="{\'close-button\': {\'toast-invalid\': true}}"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var buttons = container.find('button');
-			expect(buttons.length).toBe(0);
-			expect(buttons[0]).toBeUndefined();
-		});
-		it('should not render the close button if mergedConfig close-button is not an object', function () {
-			var container = angular.element(
-				'<toaster-container toaster-options="{\'close-button\': 1 }"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var buttons = container.find('button');
-			expect(buttons.length).toBe(0);
-			expect(buttons[0]).toBeUndefined();
-		});
-		it('should render trustedHtml bodyOutputType', function () {
-			var container = compileContainer();
-			toaster.pop({ bodyOutputType: 'trustedHtml', body: '<section>Body</section>' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var body = container.find('section');
-			expect(body.length).toBe(1);
-			expect(body[0].outerHTML).toBe('<section>Body</section>');
-		});
-		it('should render template bodyOutputType when body is passed', function () {
-			inject(function($templateCache) {
-				$templateCache.put('/templatepath/template.html', '<section>Template</section>');
-			});
-			var container = compileContainer();
-			toaster.pop({ bodyOutputType: 'template', body: '/templatepath/template.html' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(toaster.toast.body).toBe('/templatepath/template.html');
-			var body = container.find('section');
-			expect(body.length).toBe(1);
-			expect(body[0].outerHTML).toBe('<section class="ng-scope">Template</section>');
-		});
-		it('should render default template bodyOutputType when body is not passed', function () {
-			inject(function($templateCache) {
-				$templateCache.put('toasterBodyTmpl.html', '<section>Template</section>');
-			});
-			var container = compileContainer();
-			toaster.pop({ bodyOutputType: 'template' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(toaster.toast.bodyTemplate).toBe('toasterBodyTmpl.html');
-			var body = container.find('section');
-			expect(body.length).toBe(1);
-			expect(body[0].outerHTML).toBe('<section class="ng-scope">Template</section>');
-		});
-		it('should render templateWithData bodyOutputType when body is passed', function () {
-			inject(function($templateCache) {
-				$templateCache.put('template.html', '<section>Template {{}}</section>');
-			});
-			var container = compileContainer();
-			toaster.pop({ bodyOutputType: 'templateWithData', body: "{template: 'template.html', data: 123 }" });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var body = container.find('section');
-			expect(body.length).toBe(1);
-			expect(body[0].outerHTML).toBe('<section class="ng-binding ng-scope">Template 123</section>');
-		});
-		it('should throw exception for default templateWithData bodyOutputType when body is not passed', function () {
-			// TODO:  If the default fallback template cannot be parsed to an object
-			// composed of template and data, an exception is thrown.  This seems to 
-			// be undesirable behavior.  A clearer exception should be thrown, or better
-			// handling should be handled, or the fallback option should be removed.
-			inject(function($templateCache) {
-				$templateCache.put('template.html', '<section>Template {{}}</section>');
-			});
-			compileContainer();
-			var hasException = false;
-			try {
-				toaster.pop({ bodyOutputType: 'templateWithData' });
-			} catch (e) {
-				expect(e.message).toBe("Cannot read property 'template' of undefined");
-				hasException = true;	
-			}
-			expect(hasException).toBe(true); 
-		});
-		it('should remove first in toast if limit is met and newest-on-top is true', function () {
-			var container = angular.element(
-				'<toaster-container toaster-options="{\'limit\': 2, \'newest-on-top\': true }"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var scope = container.scope();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'first' });
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'second' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(2);
-			expect(scope.toasters[0].body).toBe('second');
-			expect(scope.toasters[1].body).toBe('first');
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'third' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(2);
-			expect(scope.toasters[0].body).toBe('third');
-			expect(scope.toasters[1].body).toBe('second');
-		});
-		it('should remove last in toast if limit is met and newest-on-top is false', function () {
-			var container = angular.element(
-				'<toaster-container toaster-options="{\'limit\': 2, \'newest-on-top\': false }"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var scope = container.scope();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'first' });
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'second' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(2);
-			expect(scope.toasters[0].body).toBe('first');
-			expect(scope.toasters[1].body).toBe('second');
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'third' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(2);
-			expect(scope.toasters[0].body).toBe('second');
-			expect(scope.toasters[1].body).toBe('third');
-		});
-        it('should invoke onShowCallback if it exists when toast is added', function () {
-			compileContainer();
-			var mock = {
-				callback : function () { }
-			};
-			spyOn(mock, 'callback');
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'toast 1', onShowCallback: mock.callback });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(mock.callback).toHaveBeenCalled();
-		});
-        it('should not invoke onShowCallback if it does not exist when toast is added', function () {
-			compileContainer();
-			var mock = {
-				callback : function () { }
-			};
-			spyOn(mock, 'callback');
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'toast 1' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(mock.callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
-		});
-	});
-	describe('removeToast', function () {
-		it('should not remove toast if id does not match a toast id', function() {
-			var container = compileContainer();
-			var scope = container.scope();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'toast 1' });
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'toast 2' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(2);
-			expect(scope.toasters[0].id).toBe(2)
-			expect(scope.toasters[1].id).toBe(1)
-			scope.removeToast(3);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(2);
-		});
-		it('should invoke onHideCallback if it exists when toast is removed', function () {
-			var container = compileContainer();
-			var scope = container.scope();
-			var mock = {
-				callback : function () { }
-			};
-			spyOn(mock, 'callback');
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'toast 1', onHideCallback: mock.callback });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			scope.removeToast(1);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(mock.callback).toHaveBeenCalled();
-		});
-	});
-	describe('scope._onNewTest', function () {
-		it('should not add toast if toasterId is passed to scope._onNewToast but toasterId is not set via config', function () {
-			var container = compileContainer();
-			var scope = container.scope();
-			expect(scope.config.toasterId).toBeUndefined();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'toast 1', toasterId: 1 });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(0);
-		});
-		it('should add toast if toasterId is passed to scope._onNewToast and toasterId is set via config', function () {
-			var container = angular.element(
-				'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'toaster-id\': 1 }"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var scope = container.scope();
-			expect(scope.config.toasterId).toBe(1);
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'toast 1', toasterId: 1 });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(1);
-		});
-		it('should add toasts to their respective container based on toasterId', function () {
-			var container1 = angular.element(
-				'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'toaster-id\': 1 }"></toaster-container>');
-			var container2 = angular.element(
-				'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'toaster-id\': 2 }"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container1)(rootScope);
-			$compile(container2)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var scope1 = container1.scope();
-			var scope2 = container2.scope();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'toast 1', toasterId: 1 });
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'toast 2', toasterId: 2 });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope1.toasters.length).toBe(1);
-			expect(scope2.toasters.length).toBe(1);
-		});
-	});
-	describe('scope._onClearToasts', function (){
-		it('should remove all toasts from all containers if toasterId is *', function () {
-			var container1 = angular.element(
-				'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'toaster-id\': 1 }"></toaster-container>');
-			var container2 = angular.element(
-				'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'toaster-id\': 2 }"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container1)(rootScope);
-			$compile(container2)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var scope1 = container1.scope();
-			var scope2 = container2.scope();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'toast 1', toasterId: 1 });
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'toast 2', toasterId: 2 });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope1.toasters.length).toBe(1);
-			expect(scope2.toasters.length).toBe(1);
-			toaster.clear('*');
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope1.toasters.length).toBe(0);
-			expect(scope2.toasters.length).toBe(0); 
-		});
-		it('should remove all toasts from all containers if config.toasterId and toastId are undefined', function () {
-			var container1 = angular.element(
-				'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'close-button\': false }"></toaster-container>');
-			var container2 = angular.element(
-				'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'close-button\': true }" ></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container1)(rootScope);
-			$compile(container2)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var scope1 = container1.scope();
-			var scope2 = container2.scope();
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'toast 1' });
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'toast 2' });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			// since there are two separate instances of the container  
-			// without a toasterId, both receive the newToast event
-			expect(scope1.toasters.length).toBe(2);
-			expect(scope2.toasters.length).toBe(2);
-			toaster.clear();
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope1.toasters.length).toBe(0);
-			expect(scope2.toasters.length).toBe(0);
-		});
-		it('should not remove by toasterId / toastId from the correct container if toast.toasterId is defined and toast.toastId is undefined', function () {
-			var container1 = angular.element(
-				'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'toaster-id\': 1 }"></toaster-container>');
-			var container2 = angular.element(
-				'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'toaster-id\': 2 }"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container1)(rootScope);
-			$compile(container2)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var scope1 = container1.scope();
-			var scope2 = container2.scope();
-			// removeAllToasts explicitly looks for toast.uid, which is only set
-			// if toastId is passed as a parameter
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'toast 1', toasterId: 1 });
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'toast 2', toasterId: 2 });
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'toast 3', toasterId: 2 });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope1.toasters.length).toBe(1);
-			expect(scope2.toasters.length).toBe(2);
-			toaster.clear(2, 1);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope1.toasters.length).toBe(1);
-			expect(scope2.toasters.length).toBe(2);
-		});
-		it('should remove by toasterId / toastId from the correct container if toasterId is defined and toastId is defined', function () {
-			var container1 = angular.element(
-				'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'toaster-id\': 1 }"></toaster-container>');
-			var container2 = angular.element(
-				'<toaster-container toaster-options="{ \'toaster-id\': 2 }"></toaster-container>');
-			$compile(container1)(rootScope);
-			$compile(container2)(rootScope);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			var scope1 = container1.scope();
-			var scope2 = container2.scope();
-			// removeAllToasts explicitly looks for toast.uid, which is only set
-			// if toastId is passed as a parameter
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'toast 1', toasterId: 1, toastId: 1 });
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'toast 2', toasterId: 2, toastId: 1 });
-			toaster.pop({ type: 'info', body: 'toast 3', toasterId: 2, toastId: 2 });
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope1.toasters.length).toBe(1);
-			expect(scope2.toasters.length).toBe(2);
-			toaster.clear(2, 1);
-			rootScope.$digest();
-			expect(scope1.toasters.length).toBe(1);
-			expect(scope2.toasters.length).toBe(1);
-		});
-	});
-describe('toasterContainer', function () {
-	var $interval, $intervalSpy;
-	inject(function (_$interval_) {
-		$interval = _$interval_;
-	});
-	beforeEach(function () {
-		$intervalSpy = jasmine.createSpy('$interval', $interval);
-		module('toaster', function ($provide) {
-			$provide.value('$interval', $intervalSpy);
-		});
-		// inject the toaster service
-		inject(function (_toaster_, _$rootScope_, _$compile_) {
-			toaster = _toaster_;
-			rootScope = _$rootScope_;
-			$compile = _$compile_;
-		});
-	});
-	it('should use the toast.timeout argument if it is a valid number', function () {
-		var container = compileContainer();
-		var scope = container.scope();
-		spyOn(scope, 'configureTimer').and.callThrough();
-		toaster.pop({ timeout: 2 });
-		expect(scope.configureTimer).toHaveBeenCalled();
-		expect(scope.configureTimer.calls.allArgs()[0][0].timeout).toBe(2);
-		expect($intervalSpy.calls.first().args[1]).toBe(2)
-	});
-	it('should not use the toast.timeout argument if not a valid number', function () {
-		var container = compileContainer();
-		var scope = container.scope();
-		spyOn(scope, 'configureTimer').and.callThrough();
-		toaster.pop({ timeout: "2" });
-		expect(scope.configureTimer).toHaveBeenCalled();
-		expect(scope.configureTimer.calls.allArgs()[0][0].timeout).toBe("2");
-		expect($intervalSpy.calls.first().args[1]).toBe(5000);
-	});
-	it('should call scope.removeToast when toast.timeoutPromise expires', function () {
-		var container = compileContainer();
-		var scope = container.scope();
-		spyOn(scope, 'removeToast').and.callThrough();
-		toaster.pop({ timeout: 2 });
-		$intervalSpy.calls.first().args[0]();
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		expect(scope.removeToast).toHaveBeenCalled();
-	});
-	it('should retrieve timeout by toast type if mergedConfig toast-timeout is an object', function () {
-		var element = angular.element(
-			'<toaster-container toaster-options="{\'time-out\': {\'toast-info\': 5}}"></toaster-container>');
-		$compile(element)(rootScope);
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		toaster.pop({ type: 'info' });
-		expect($intervalSpy.calls.first().args[1]).toBe(5);
-	});
-	it('should not set a timeout if mergedConfig toast-timeout is an object and does not match toast type', function () {
-		// TODO: this seems to be a bug in the toast-timeout configuration option.
-		// It should fall back to a default value if the toast type configuration
-		// does not match the target toast type or throw an exception to warn of an
-		// invalid configuration.
-		var element = angular.element(
-			'<toaster-container toaster-options="{\'time-out\': {\'toast-info\': 5}}"></toaster-container>');
-		$compile(element)(rootScope);
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		toaster.pop({ type: 'warning' });
-		expect($intervalSpy.calls.all().length).toBe(0);
-	});
-function compileContainer() {
-	var element = angular.element('<toaster-container></toaster-container>');
-	$compile(element)(rootScope);
-	rootScope.$digest();
-	return element;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/test/toasterEventRegistrySpec.js b/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/test/toasterEventRegistrySpec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c8991f..0000000
--- a/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/test/toasterEventRegistrySpec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-/* global describe global it global beforeEach global angular global inject global expect */
-'use strict';
-describe('toasterEventRegistry', function () {
-	var toaster, toasterConfig, toasterEventRegistry, rootScope, $compile;
-	beforeEach(function () {
-		// load dependencies
-		module('testApp');
-		module('toaster')
-		// inject the toaster service
-        inject(function (_toaster_, _toasterConfig_, _toasterEventRegistry_, _$rootScope_, _$compile_) {
-			toaster = _toaster_;
-			toasterConfig = _toasterConfig_;	
-			toasterEventRegistry = _toasterEventRegistry_;
-			rootScope = _$rootScope_;
-			$compile = _$compile_;
-		});
-	});
-	it('unsubscribeToNewToastEvent will throw error if newToastEventSubscribers is empty and deregisterNewToast is not defined', function () {
-		var hasError = false;
-		try {
-			toasterEventRegistry.unsubscribeToNewToastEvent(function () {});	
-		} catch(e) {
-			expect(e.message.indexOf(' is not a function')).toBeGreaterThan(-1);
-			hasError = true;
-		}
-		expect(hasError).toBe(true);
-	});
-	it('unsubscribeToNewToastEvent will not splice if index not found and will not throw error', function () {
-		var hasError = false;
-		var fakeHandler = function (fakeHandlerId) {};
-		toasterEventRegistry.subscribeToNewToastEvent(fakeHandler);
-		try {
-			toasterEventRegistry.unsubscribeToNewToastEvent(function () {});	
-		} catch(e) {
-			hasError = true;
-		}
-		expect(hasError).toBe(false);
-	});
-	it('unsubscribeToClearToastsEvent will throw error if clearToastsEventSubscribers is empty and deregisterClearToasts is not defined', function () {
-		var hasError = false;
-		try {
-			toasterEventRegistry.unsubscribeToClearToastsEvent(function () {});	
-		} catch(e) {
-			expect(e.message.indexOf(' is not a function')).toBeGreaterThan(-1);
-			hasError = true;
-		}
-		expect(hasError).toBe(true);
-	});
-	it('unsubscribeToClearToastsEvent will not splice if index not found and will not throw error', function () {
-		var hasError = false;
-		var fakeHandler = function (fakeHandlerId) {};
-		toasterEventRegistry.subscribeToClearToastsEvent(fakeHandler);
-		try {
-			toasterEventRegistry.unsubscribeToClearToastsEvent(function () {});	
-		} catch(e) {
-			hasError = true;
-		}
-		expect(hasError).toBe(false);
-	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/test/toasterServiceSpec.js b/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/test/toasterServiceSpec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 77de3dd..0000000
--- a/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/test/toasterServiceSpec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-/* global describe global it global beforeEach global angular global inject global expect */
-'use strict';
-describe('toasterService', function () {
-	var toaster, toasterConfig, rootScope, $compile;
-	beforeEach(function () {
-		// load dependencies
-		module('testApp');
-		module('toaster')
-		// inject the toaster service
-        inject(function (_toaster_, _toasterConfig_, _$rootScope_, _$compile_) {
-			toaster = _toaster_;
-			toasterConfig = _toasterConfig_;	
-			rootScope = _$rootScope_;
-			$compile = _$compile_;
-		});
-	});
-	it('should create an error method from error icon class', function () {
-		var container = angular.element('<toaster-container></toaster-container>');
-		$compile(container)(rootScope);
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		var scope = container.scope();
-		expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(0)
-		expect(toasterConfig['icon-classes'].error).toBe('toast-error');
-		toaster.error('test', 'test');
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(1)
-		expect(scope.toasters[0].type).toBe('toast-error');
-	});
-	it('should create an error method from info icon class', function () {
-		var container = angular.element('<toaster-container></toaster-container>');
-		$compile(container)(rootScope);
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		var scope = container.scope();
-		expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(0)
-		expect(toasterConfig['icon-classes'].info).toBe('toast-info');
-'test', 'test');
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(1)
-		expect(scope.toasters[0].type).toBe('toast-info');
-	});
-	it('should create an error method from wait icon class', function () {
-		var container = angular.element('<toaster-container></toaster-container>');
-		$compile(container)(rootScope);
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		var scope = container.scope();
-		expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(0)
-		expect(toasterConfig['icon-classes'].wait).toBe('toast-wait');
-		toaster.wait('test', 'test');
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(1)
-		expect(scope.toasters[0].type).toBe('toast-wait');
-	});
-	it('should create an error method from success icon class', function () {
-		var container = angular.element('<toaster-container></toaster-container>');
-		$compile(container)(rootScope);
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		var scope = container.scope();
-		expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(0)
-		expect(toasterConfig['icon-classes'].success).toBe('toast-success');
-		toaster.success('test', 'test');
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(1)
-		expect(scope.toasters[0].type).toBe('toast-success');
-	});
-	it('should create an error method from warning icon class', function () {
-		var container = angular.element('<toaster-container></toaster-container>');
-		$compile(container)(rootScope);
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		var scope = container.scope();
-		expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(0)
-		expect(toasterConfig['icon-classes'].warning).toBe('toast-warning');
-		toaster.warning('test', 'test');
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(1)
-		expect(scope.toasters[0].type).toBe('toast-warning');
-	});
-	it('should create a  method from the icon class that takes an object', function () {
-		var container = angular.element('<toaster-container></toaster-container>');
-		$compile(container)(rootScope);
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		var scope = container.scope();
-		expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(0)
-		expect(toasterConfig['icon-classes'].error).toBe('toast-error');
-		toaster.error({ title: 'test', body: 'test'});
-		rootScope.$digest();
-		expect(scope.toasters.length).toBe(1)
-		expect(scope.toasters[0].type).toBe('toast-error');
-	});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/toaster.css b/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/toaster.css
deleted file mode 100644
index fa09eb0..0000000
--- a/ui/bower_components/AngularJS-Toaster/toaster.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
- * Toastr
- * Version 2.0.1
- * Copyright 2012 John Papa and Hans Fjallemark.  
- * All Rights Reserved.  
- * Use, reproduction, distribution, and modification of this code is subject to the terms and 
- * conditions of the MIT license, available at
- *
- * Author: John Papa and Hans Fjallemark
- * Project:
- */
-.toast-title {
-  font-weight: bold;
-.toast-message {
-  -ms-word-wrap: break-word;
-  word-wrap: break-word;
-.toast-message a,
-.toast-message label {
-  color: #ffffff;
-.toast-message a:hover {
-  color: #cccccc;
-  text-decoration: none;
-.toast-close-button {
-  position: relative;
-  right: -0.3em;
-  top: -0.3em;
-  float: right;
-  font-size: 20px;
-  font-weight: bold;
-  color: #ffffff;
-  -webkit-text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #ffffff;
-  text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #ffffff;
-  opacity: 0.8;
-  -ms-filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=80);
-  filter: alpha(opacity=80);
-.toast-close-button:focus {
-  color: #000000;
-  text-decoration: none;
-  cursor: pointer;
-  opacity: 0.4;
-  -ms-filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=40);
-  filter: alpha(opacity=40);
-/*Additional properties for button version
- iOS requires the button element instead of an anchor tag.
- If you want the anchor version, it requires `href="#"`.*/
-button.toast-close-button {
-  padding: 0;
-  cursor: pointer;
-  background: transparent;
-  border: 0;
-  -webkit-appearance: none;
-.toast-top-full-width {
-  top: 0;
-  right: 0;
-  width: 100%;
-.toast-bottom-full-width {
-  bottom: 0;
-  right: 0;
-  width: 100%;
-.toast-top-left {
-  top: 12px;
-  left: 12px;
-.toast-top-center {
-  top: 12px;
-.toast-top-right {
-  top: 12px;
-  right: 12px;
-.toast-bottom-right {
-  right: 12px;
-  bottom: 12px;
-.toast-bottom-center {
-  bottom: 12px;
-.toast-bottom-left {
-  bottom: 12px;
-  left: 12px;
-.toast-center {
-  top: 45%;
-#toast-container {
-  position: fixed;
-  z-index: 999999;
-  pointer-events: auto;
-  /*overrides*/
-  width: 100%;
-  pointer-events: none;
-#toast-container.toast-center > div,
-#toast-container.toast-top-center > div,
-#toast-container.toast-bottom-center > div{
-  margin: auto;
-  pointer-events: auto;
-#toast-container.toast-center > button,
-#toast-container.toast-top-center > button,
-#toast-container.toast-bottom-center > button{
-  pointer-events: auto;
-#toast-container * {
-  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-  box-sizing: border-box;
-#toast-container > div {
-  margin: 0 0 6px;
-  padding: 15px 15px 15px 50px;
-  width: 300px;
-  -moz-border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;
-  -webkit-border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;
-  border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;
-  background-position: 15px center;
-  background-repeat: no-repeat;
-  -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 12px #999999;
-  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 12px #999999;
-  box-shadow: 0 0 12px #999999;
-  color: #ffffff;
-  opacity: 0.8;
-  -ms-filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=80);
-  filter: alpha(opacity=80);
-#toast-container > :hover {
-  -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 12px #000000;
-  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 12px #000000;
-  box-shadow: 0 0 12px #000000;
-  opacity: 1;
-  -ms-filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=100);
-  filter: alpha(opacity=100);
-  cursor: pointer;
-#toast-container > .toast-info {
-  background-image: url("") !important;
-#toast-container > .toast-wait {
-#toast-container > .toast-error {
-  background-image: url("") !important;
-#toast-container > .toast-success {
-#toast-container > .toast-warning {
-  background-image: url("") !important;
-#toast-container.toast-top-full-width > div,
-#toast-container.toast-bottom-full-width > div {
-  width: 96%;
-  margin: auto;
-.toast {
-  background-color: #030303;
-.toast-success {
-  background-color: #51a351;
-.toast-error {
-  background-color: #bd362f;
-.toast-info {
-  background-color: #2f96b4;
-.toast-wait {
-  background-color: #2f96b4;
-.toast-warning {
-  background-color: #f89406;
-/*Responsive Design*/
-@media all and (max-width: 240px) {
-  #toast-container > div {
-    padding: 8px 8px 8px 50px;
-    width: 11em;
-  }
-  #toast-container .toast-close-button {
-    right: -0.2em;
-    top: -0.2em;
-  }
-@media all and (min-width: 241px) and (max-width: 480px) {
-  #toast-container  > div {
-    padding: 8px 8px 8px 50px;
-    width: 18em;
-  }
-  #toast-container .toast-close-button {
-    right: -0.2em;
-    top: -0.2em;
-@media all and (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 768px) {
-  #toast-container > div {
-    padding: 15px 15px 15px 50px;
-    width: 25em;
-  }
- /*
-  * AngularJS-Toaster
-  * Version 0.3
- */
-:not(.no-enter)#toast-container >,
-:not(.no-leave)#toast-container >
-    -webkit-transition: 1000ms cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.250, 0.750, 0.750) all;
-    -moz-transition: 1000ms cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.250, 0.750, 0.750) all;
-    -ms-transition: 1000ms cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.250, 0.750, 0.750) all;
-    -o-transition: 1000ms cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.250, 0.750, 0.750) all;
-    transition: 1000ms cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.250, 0.750, 0.750) all;
-:not(.no-enter)#toast-container >, 
-:not(.no-leave)#toast-container > {
-    opacity: 0.8;
-:not(.no-leave)#toast-container >,
-:not(.no-enter)#toast-container > {
-    opacity: 0;
\ No newline at end of file