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Posted to by on 2016/11/01 21:45:12 UTC

[48/51] [partial] incubator-trafficcontrol-website git commit: updates website files except for downloads dir
diff --git a/docs/1.7.0/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/asn.txt b/docs/1.7.0/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/asn.txt
index 4cdbd61..fb45a07 100644
--- a/docs/1.7.0/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/asn.txt
+++ b/docs/1.7.0/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/asn.txt
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ ASN
-**GET /api/1.2/asns.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/asns**
   Authentication Required: Yes
@@ -36,13 +36,15 @@ ASN
   |    Parameter     |  Type  |                               Description                               |
-  | ``lastUpdated`` | string | The Time / Date this server entry was last updated                       |
+  | ``lastUpdated``  | string | The Time / Date this server entry was last updated                      |
-  | ``id``          | string | Local unique identifier for the ASN                                      |
+  | ``id``           | string | Local unique identifier for the ASN                                     |
-  | ``asn``         | string | Autonomous System Numbers per APNIC for identifying a service provider.  |
+  | ``asn``          | string | Autonomous System Numbers per APNIC for identifying a service provider. |
-  | ``cachegroup``  | string | Related cachegroup name                                                  |
+  | ``cachegroup``   | string | Related cachegroup name                                                 |
+  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``cachegroupId`` | string | Related cachegroup id                                                   |
   **Response Example** ::
@@ -53,15 +55,139 @@ ASN
           "lastUpdated": "2012-09-17 21:41:22",
           "id": "27",
           "asn": "7015",
-          "cachegroup": "us-ma-woburn"
+          "cachegroup": "us-ma-woburn",
+          "cachegroupId": "27",
           "lastUpdated": "2012-09-17 21:41:22",
           "id": "28",
           "asn": "7016",
-          "cachegroup": "us-pa-pittsburgh"
+          "cachegroup": "us-pa-pittsburgh",
+          "cachegroupId": "13"
+        }
+      ]
+    }
+**GET /api/1.2/asns/:id**
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  +-----------+----------+---------------------------------------------+
+  |   Name    | Required |                Description                  |
+  +===========+==========+=============================================+
+  |   ``id``  |   yes    | ASN id.                                     |
+  +-----------+----------+---------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Properties**
+  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  |    Parameter     |  Type  |                               Description                               |
+  +==================+========+=========================================================================+
+  | ``lastUpdated``  | string | The Time / Date this server entry was last updated                      |
+  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``id``           | string | Local unique identifier for the ASN                                     |
+  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``asn``          | string | Autonomous System Numbers per APNIC for identifying a service provider. |
+  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``cachegroup``   | string | Related cachegroup name                                                 |
+  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``cachegroupId`` | string | Related cachegroup id                                                   |
+  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "response": [
+        {
+          "lastUpdated": "2012-09-17 21:41:22",
+          "id": "28",
+          "asn": "7016",
+          "cachegroup": "us-pa-pittsburgh",
+          "cachegroupId": "13"
+**PUT /api/1.2/asns/{:id}**
+  Allows user to edit an ASN.
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required:  admin or oper
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  +-------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------+
+  | Name              |   Type   |                 Description                    |
+  +===================+==========+================================================+
+  | ``id``            | int      | ASN id.                                        |
+  +-------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------+
+  **Request Properties**
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                   Description                   |
+  +===================+========+=================================================+
+  | ``asn``           | string | ASN                                             |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``cachegroupId``  | string | The cachegroup the ASN belongs to               |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  **Request Example** ::
+    {
+        "asn": "99",
+        "cachegroupId": "177"
+    }
+  **Response Properties**
+  +--------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  |    Parameter       |  Type  |                   Description                   |
+  +====================+========+=================================================+
+  | ``response``       |  hash  | The details of the update, if success.          |
+  +--------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``>name``          | string | CDN name.                                       |
+  +--------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``>id``            |  int   | CDN id.                                         |
+  +--------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``>dnssecEnabled`` | string | Whether dnssec is enabled.                      |
+  +--------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``alerts``         | array  | A collection of alert messages.                 |
+  +--------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``>level``         | string | Success, info, warning or error.                |
+  +--------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``>text``          | string | Alert message.                                  |
+  +--------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+        "response":{
+          "lastUpdated": "2012-09-17 21:41:22",
+          "id": "28",
+          "asn": "99",
+          "cachegroup": "us-pa-pittsburgh",
+          "cachegroupId": "177"
+        },
+        "alerts":[
+            {
+                "level": "success",
+                "text": "cdn was updated."
+            }
+        ]
+    }
diff --git a/docs/1.7.0/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/cachegroup.txt b/docs/1.7.0/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/cachegroup.txt
index 08935d6..5e6dc06 100644
--- a/docs/1.7.0/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/cachegroup.txt
+++ b/docs/1.7.0/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/cachegroup.txt
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Cache Group
-**GET /api/1.2/cachegroups.json**
+**GET /api/1.1/cachegroups**
   Authentication Required: Yes
@@ -32,67 +32,77 @@ Cache Group
   **Response Properties**
-  +------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | Parameter              | Type   | Description                                                              |
-  +========================+========+==========================================================================+
-  | ``longitude``          | string | Longitude for the Cache Group                                            |
-  +------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``parentCachegroupId`` | string | Identifier that refers to the 'id' field of different Cache Group entry. |
-  +------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``lastUpdated``        | string | The Time / Date this entry was last updated                              |
-  +------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``typeName``           | string | The type name of Cache Group entry                                       |
-  +------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``name``               | string | The name of the Cache Group entry                                        |
-  +------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``typeId``             | string | Unique identifier for the 'Type' of Cache Group entry                    |
-  +------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``latitude``           | string | Latitude for the Cache Group                                             |
-  +------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``id``                 | string | Local unique identifier for the Cache Group                              |
-  +------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``shortName``          | string | Abbreviation of the Cache Group Name                                     |
-  +------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Parameter                         | Type   | Description                                                              |
+  +===================================+========+==========================================================================+
+  | ``id``                            | string | Local unique identifier for the Cache Group                              |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``lastUpdated``                   | string | The Time / Date this entry was last updated                              |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``latitude``                      | string | Latitude for the Cache Group                                             |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``longitude``                     | string | Longitude for the Cache Group                                            |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``name``                          | string | The name of the Cache Group entry                                        |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``parentCachegroupId``            | string | Parent cachegroup ID.                                                    |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``parentCachegroupName``          | string | Parent cachegroup name.                                                  |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``secondaryParentCachegroupId``   | string | Secondary parent cachegroup ID.                                          |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``secondaryParentCachegroupName`` | string | Secondary parent cachegroup name.                                        |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``shortName``                     | string | Abbreviation of the Cache Group Name                                     |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``typeId``                        | string | Unique identifier for the 'Type' of Cache Group entry                    |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``typeName``                      | string | The name of the type of Cache Group entry                                |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
   **Response Example** ::
      "response": [
-           "longitude": "0",
-           "parentCachegroupId": null,
+           "id": "21",
            "lastUpdated": "2012-09-25 20:27:28",
-           "typeName": "MID_LOC",
+           "latitude": "0",
+           "longitude": "0",
            "name": "dc-chicago",
+           "parentCachegroupId": null,
            "parentCachegroupName": null,
-           "typeId": "4",
-           "latitude": "0",
-           "id": "21",
-           "shortName": "dcchi"
+           "secondaryParentCachegroupId": null,
+           "secondaryParentCachegroupName": null,
+           "shortName": "dcchi",
+           "typeName": "MID_LOC",
+           "typeId": "4"
+           "id": "22",
+           "lastUpdated": "2012-09-25 20:27:28",
+           "latitude": "0",
            "longitude": "0",
+           "name": "dc-chicago-1",
            "parentCachegroupId": null,
-           "lastUpdated": "2012-09-25 20:32:03",
-           "typeName": "MID_LOC",
-           "name": "dc-cmc",
            "parentCachegroupName": null,
-           "typeId": "4",
-           "latitude": "0",
-           "id": "22",
-           "shortName": "dccmc"
+           "secondaryParentCachegroupId": null,
+           "secondaryParentCachegroupName": null,
+           "shortName": "dcchi",
+           "typeName": "MID_LOC",
+           "typeId": "4"
-**GET /api/1.2/cachegroups/trimmed.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/cachegroups/trimmed**
   Authentication Required: Yes
-  Role(s) Required Required: None
+  Role(s) Required: None
   **Response Properties**
@@ -116,7 +126,67 @@ Cache Group
-**GET /api/1.2/cachegroup/:parameter_id/parameter.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/cachegroups/:id**
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Response Properties**
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | Parameter                         | Type   | Description                                                              |
+  +===================================+========+==========================================================================+
+  | ``id``                            | string | Local unique identifier for the Cache Group                              |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``lastUpdated``                   | string | The Time / Date this entry was last updated                              |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``latitude``                      | string | Latitude for the Cache Group                                             |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``longitude``                     | string | Longitude for the Cache Group                                            |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``name``                          | string | The name of the Cache Group entry                                        |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``parentCachegroupId``            | string | Parent cachegroup ID.                                                    |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``parentCachegroupName``          | string | Parent cachegroup name.                                                  |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``secondaryParentCachegroupId``   | string | Secondary parent cachegroup ID.                                          |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``secondaryParentCachegroupName`` | string | Secondary parent cachegroup name.                                        |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``shortName``                     | string | Abbreviation of the Cache Group Name                                     |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``typeId``                        | string | Unique identifier for the 'Type' of Cache Group entry                    |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``typeName``                      | string | The name of the type of Cache Group entry                                |
+  +-----------------------------------+--------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "response": [
+        {
+           "id": "21",
+           "lastUpdated": "2012-09-25 20:27:28",
+           "latitude": "0",
+           "longitude": "0",
+           "name": "dc-chicago",
+           "parentCachegroupId": null,
+           "parentCachegroupName": null,
+           "secondaryParentCachegroupId": null,
+           "secondaryParentCachegroupName": null,
+           "shortName": "dcchi",
+           "typeName": "MID_LOC",
+           "typeId": "4"
+        }
+     ],
+    }
+**GET /api/1.2/cachegroup/:parameter_id/parameter**
   Authentication Required: Yes
@@ -161,7 +231,7 @@ Cache Group
-**GET /api/1.2/cachegroupparameters.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/cachegroupparameters**
   Authentication Required: Yes
@@ -207,7 +277,7 @@ Cache Group
-**GET /api/1.2/cachegroups/:parameter_id/parameter/available.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/cachegroups/:parameter_id/parameter/available**
   Authentication Required: Yes
diff --git a/docs/1.7.0/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/cdn.txt b/docs/1.7.0/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/cdn.txt
index 855d2d2..9a4daac 100644
--- a/docs/1.7.0/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/cdn.txt
+++ b/docs/1.7.0/_sources/development/traffic_ops_api/v12/cdn.txt
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ CDN
-**GET /api/1.2/cdns.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/cdns**
   Authentication Required: Yes
@@ -32,50 +32,119 @@ CDN
   **Response Properties**
-  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  |    Parameter     |  Type  |                   Description                   |
-  +==================+========+=================================================+
-  | ``name``         | string | CDN name.                                       |
-  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``id``           |  int   | CDN id.                                         |
-  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                   Description                   |
+  +===================+========+=================================================+
+  | ``id``            | string | CDN id.                                         |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``name``          | string | CDN name.                                       |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``dnssecEnabled`` |  bool  | DNSSEC enabled.                                 |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``lastUpdated``   | string |                                                 |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
   **Response Example** ::
      "response": [
+              "id": "1"
               "name": "over-the-top",
-              "id": 1
+              "dnssecEnabled": false,
+              "lastUpdated": "2014-10-02 08:22:43"
+           },
+           {
+              "id": "2"
+              "name": "cdn2",
+              "dnssecEnabled": true,
+              "lastUpdated": "2014-10-02 08:22:43"
-**GET /api/1.2/cdns/name/:name.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/cdns/:id**
   Authentication Required: Yes
   Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  +-----------+----------+---------------------------------------------+
+  |   Name    | Required |                Description                  |
+  +===========+==========+=============================================+
+  |   ``id``  |   yes    | CDN id.                                     |
+  +-----------+----------+---------------------------------------------+
   **Response Properties**
-  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  |    Parameter     |  Type  |                   Description                   |
-  +==================+========+=================================================+
-  | ``name``         | string | CDN name.                                       |
-  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
-  | ``id``           |  int   | CDN id.                                         |
-  +------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                   Description                   |
+  +===================+========+=================================================+
+  | ``id``            | string | CDN id.                                         |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``name``          | string | CDN name.                                       |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``dnssecEnabled`` |  bool  | DNSSEC enabled.                                 |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``lastUpdated``   | string |                                                 |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
   **Response Example** ::
      "response": [
-              "name": "over-the-top",
-              "id": 1
+              "id": "2"
+              "name": "cdn2",
+              "dnssecEnabled": false,
+              "lastUpdated": "2014-10-02 08:22:43"
+           }
+        ]
+    }
+**GET /api/1.2/cdns/name/:name**
+  Authentication Required: Yes
+  Role(s) Required: None
+  **Request Route Parameters**
+  +-----------+----------+---------------------------------------------+
+  |   Name    | Required |                Description                  |
+  +===========+==========+=============================================+
+  |  ``name`` |   yes    | CDN name.                                   |
+  +-----------+----------+---------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Properties**
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  |    Parameter      |  Type  |                   Description                   |
+  +===================+========+=================================================+
+  | ``id``            | string | CDN id.                                         |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``name``          | string | CDN name.                                       |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``dnssecEnabled`` |  bool  | DNSSEC enabled.                                 |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  | ``lastUpdated``   | string |                                                 |
+  +-------------------+--------+-------------------------------------------------+
+  **Response Example** ::
+    {
+     "response": [
+           {
+              "id": "2"
+              "name": "cdn2",
+              "dnssecEnabled": false,
+              "lastUpdated": "2014-10-02 08:22:43"
@@ -268,7 +337,7 @@ Health
 .. _to-api-v12-cdn-health-route:
-**GET /api/1.2/cdns/health.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/cdns/health**
   Retrieves the health of all locations (cache groups) for all CDNs.
@@ -318,7 +387,7 @@ Health
-**GET /api/1.2/cdns/:name/health.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/cdns/:name/health**
   Retrieves the health of all locations (cache groups) for a given CDN.
@@ -378,7 +447,7 @@ Health
-**GET /api/1.2/cdns/usage/overview.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/cdns/usage/overview**
   Retrieves the high-level CDN usage metrics.
@@ -410,7 +479,7 @@ Health
-**GET /api/1.2/cdns/capacity.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/cdns/capacity**
   Retrieves the aggregate capacity percentages of all locations (cache groups) for a given CDN.
@@ -450,7 +519,7 @@ Health
-**GET /api/1.2/cdns/routing.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/cdns/routing**
   Retrieves the aggregate routing percentages of all locations (cache groups) for a given CDN.
@@ -496,7 +565,7 @@ Routing
-**GET /api/1.2/cdns/metric_types/:metric/start_date/:start/end_date/:end.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/cdns/metric_types/:metric/start_date/:start/end_date/:end**
   Retrieves edge metrics of one or all locations (cache groups).
@@ -585,7 +654,7 @@ Metrics
-**GET /api/1.2/cdns/domains.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/cdns/domains**
   Authentication Required: Yes
@@ -635,7 +704,7 @@ Domains
-**GET /api/1.2/cdns/:cdn_name/configs.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/cdns/:cdn_name/configs**
   Retrieves CDN config information.
@@ -669,7 +738,7 @@ Topology
-**GET /api/1.2/cdns/:name/configs/monitoring.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/cdns/:name/configs/monitoring**
   Retrieves CDN monitoring information.
@@ -807,7 +876,7 @@ Topology
-**GET /api/1.2/cdns/:name/configs/routing.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/cdns/:name/configs/routing**
   Retrieves CDN routing information.
@@ -1025,7 +1094,7 @@ Topology
-**GET /api/1.2/cdns/name/:name/dnsseckeys.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/cdns/name/:name/dnsseckeys**
   Gets a list of dnsseckeys for a CDN and all associated Delivery Services.
@@ -1122,7 +1191,7 @@ DNSSEC Keys
-**GET /api/1.2/cdns/name/:name/dnsseckeys/delete.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/cdns/name/:name/dnsseckeys/delete**
   Delete dnssec keys for a cdn and all associated delivery services.
@@ -1211,7 +1280,7 @@ DNSSEC Keys
 SSL Keys
-**GET /api/1.2/cdns/name/:name/sslkeys.json**
+**GET /api/1.2/cdns/name/:name/sslkeys**
   Returns ssl certificates for all Delivery Services that are a part of the CDN.