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Posted to by Jun Kamada <> on 2004/07/27 10:29:33 UTC

generating source code from ejb-jar_2_1.xsd


I have a problem with generating source code from ejb-jar_2_1.xsd
using Ant task. This schema file is Deployment Descriptor of EJB 2.1.

  Buildfile: C:\Eclipse\Workspace\jaxme\build.xml

           [xjc] BUILD FAILED: file:C:/Eclipse/Workspace/jaxme/build.xml:17:  
  java.lang.IllegalStateException: This particle doesn't have the element type.
  Total time: 6 seconds

Here is my build.xml file. 

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="EUC-JP"?>
  <project name="taskdef" default="generate">
       <!-- property setting -->
       <property name="jaxme.home" location="C:/Apache/WebServices/JaxMe/0.3"/>
       <property name="jaxme.lib" location="${jaxme.home}/lib"/>
       <!-- classpath setting -->
       <path id="generate.class.path">
           <pathelement location="${jaxme.lib}/jaxme2.jar"/>
           <pathelement location="${jaxme.lib}/jaxmejs.jar"/>
           <pathelement location="${jaxme.lib}/jaxmexs.jar"/>
           <pathelement location="${jaxme.lib}/jaxmeapi.jar"/>
       <!-- task setting -->
       <taskdef name="xjc" classname="" classpathref="generate.class.path"/>
       <!-- generate source code -->
       <target name="generate">
           <xjc schema="xsd/ejb-jar_2_1.xsd" target="src">
               <!-- specify package -->
               <produces includes="jp/nssol/sysrdc/ejbgen/parser/xml2ebd/*.java"/>


Am I missing something? Is ejb-jar_2_1.xsd invalid?

Jun Kamada

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