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Posted to by lewis john mcgibbney <> on 2022/01/18 22:29:11 UTC

Using the Helm Chart to pull images from Artifactory

Hi users@,

We are migrating from Quay [0] to JFrog Artifactory [1] and having some
issues using the 'registry' block of the Helm Chart values.yaml

When using Quay, we created an Opaque Kuberenetes secret which was defined
as follows

# Auth secret for a private registry
# This is used if pulling airflow images from a private registry
   secretName: mycompany-quay-secretname

Now when we attempt to pull the images from Artifactory using a different
Opaque secret

   secretName: mycompany-artifactory-secretname

We get the following

  Type     Reason          Age                From               Message
  ----     ------          ----               ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled       26s                default-scheduler
 Successfully assigned airflow-test/airflow-run-airflow-migrations-cgfx7 to
  Normal   Pulling         12s (x2 over 23s)  kubelet            pulling
image "image_name/airflow-test:"
  Warning  Failed          12s (x2 over 23s)  kubelet            Failed to
pull image "image_name/airflow-test:": rpc error: code = Unknown
desc = Error response from daemon: unauthorized: The client does not have
permission for manifest
  Warning  Failed          12s (x2 over 23s)  kubelet            Error:
  Normal   BackOff         3s (x3 over 17s)   kubelet            Back-off
pulling image "image_name/airflow-test:"
  Warning  Failed          3s (x3 over 17s)   kubelet            Error:
  Normal   SandboxChanged  1s (x5 over 21s)   kubelet            Pod
sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.

I'll also note that the host machine running Helm is also authenticated
with Artifactory by performing the docker login.

Has anyone experienced this before? Thanks for any assistance.

