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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2018/10/15 03:57:02 UTC

[GitHub] b-slim commented on a change in pull request #6327: Druid based on OakIncrementalIndex

b-slim commented on a change in pull request #6327: Druid based on OakIncrementalIndex

 File path: benchmarks/src/main/java/org/apache/druid/benchmark/query/
 @@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.druid.benchmark.query;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
+import org.apache.druid.benchmark.datagen.BenchmarkDataGenerator;
+import org.apache.druid.benchmark.datagen.BenchmarkSchemaInfo;
+import org.apache.druid.benchmark.datagen.BenchmarkSchemas;
+import org.apache.druid.collections.StupidPool;
+import org.apache.druid.hll.HyperLogLogHash;
+import org.apache.druid.jackson.DefaultObjectMapper;
+import org.apache.druid.offheap.OffheapBufferGenerator;
+import org.apache.druid.query.FinalizeResultsQueryRunner;
+import org.apache.druid.query.Query;
+import org.apache.druid.query.QueryPlus;
+import org.apache.druid.query.QueryRunner;
+import org.apache.druid.query.QueryRunnerFactory;
+import org.apache.druid.query.QueryToolChest;
+import org.apache.druid.query.Result;
+import org.apache.druid.query.aggregation.AggregatorFactory;
+import org.apache.druid.query.aggregation.DoubleMinAggregatorFactory;
+import org.apache.druid.query.aggregation.DoubleSumAggregatorFactory;
+import org.apache.druid.query.aggregation.LongMaxAggregatorFactory;
+import org.apache.druid.query.aggregation.LongSumAggregatorFactory;
+import org.apache.druid.query.aggregation.hyperloglog.HyperUniquesAggregatorFactory;
+import org.apache.druid.query.aggregation.hyperloglog.HyperUniquesSerde;
+import org.apache.druid.query.ordering.StringComparators;
+import org.apache.druid.query.spec.MultipleIntervalSegmentSpec;
+import org.apache.druid.query.spec.QuerySegmentSpec;
+import org.apache.druid.query.topn.DimensionTopNMetricSpec;
+import org.apache.druid.query.topn.TopNQuery;
+import org.apache.druid.query.topn.TopNQueryBuilder;
+import org.apache.druid.query.topn.TopNQueryConfig;
+import org.apache.druid.query.topn.TopNQueryQueryToolChest;
+import org.apache.druid.query.topn.TopNQueryRunnerFactory;
+import org.apache.druid.query.topn.TopNResultValue;
+import org.apache.druid.segment.IncrementalIndexSegment;
+import org.apache.druid.segment.IndexIO;
+import org.apache.druid.segment.IndexMergerV9;
+import org.apache.druid.segment.IndexSpec;
+import org.apache.druid.segment.QueryableIndex;
+import org.apache.druid.segment.QueryableIndexSegment;
+import org.apache.druid.segment.column.ColumnConfig;
+import org.apache.druid.segment.incremental.IncrementalIndex;
+import org.apache.druid.segment.serde.ComplexMetrics;
+import org.apache.druid.segment.writeout.OffHeapMemorySegmentWriteOutMediumFactory;
+import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State;
+import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Fork;
+import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Scope;
+import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Warmup;
+import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Measurement;
+import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Param;
+import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.TearDown;
+import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Setup;
+import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;
+import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.BenchmarkMode;
+import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Mode;
+import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.OutputTimeUnit;
+import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Blackhole;
+import org.apache.druid.segment.incremental.IncrementalIndexSchema;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
+@Fork(value = 1)
+@Warmup(iterations = 10)
+@Measurement(iterations = 25)
+public class OakTopNBenchmark
+  @Param({"1"})
+  private int numSegments;
+  @Param({"750000"})
+  private int rowsPerSegment;
+  @Param({"true", "false"})
+  private boolean rollup;
+  @Param({"true", "false"})
+  private boolean onheap;
+  @Param({"basic.A", "basic.numericSort", "basic.alphanumericSort"})
+  private String schemaAndQuery;
+  @Param({"10"})
+  private int threshold;
+  private static final Logger log = new Logger(OakTopNBenchmark.class);
+  private static final int RNG_SEED = 9999;
+  private static final IndexMergerV9 INDEX_MERGER_V9;
+  private static final IndexIO INDEX_IO;
+  public static final ObjectMapper JSON_MAPPER;
+  private List<IncrementalIndex> incIndexes;
+  private List<QueryableIndex> qIndexes;
+  private QueryRunnerFactory factory;
+  private BenchmarkSchemaInfo schemaInfo;
+  private TopNQueryBuilder queryBuilder;
+  private TopNQuery query;
+  private File tmpDir;
+  private ExecutorService executorService;
+  static {
+    JSON_MAPPER = new DefaultObjectMapper();
+    INDEX_IO = new IndexIO(
+        JSON_MAPPER,
+        new ColumnConfig()
+        {
+          @Override
+          public int columnCacheSizeBytes()
+          {
+            return 0;
+          }
+        }
+    );
+    INDEX_MERGER_V9 = new IndexMergerV9(JSON_MAPPER, INDEX_IO, OffHeapMemorySegmentWriteOutMediumFactory.instance());
+  }
+  private static final Map<String, Map<String, TopNQueryBuilder>> SCHEMA_QUERY_MAP = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+  private void setupQueries()
+  {
+    // queries for the basic schema
+    Map<String, TopNQueryBuilder> basicQueries = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+    BenchmarkSchemaInfo basicSchema = BenchmarkSchemas.SCHEMA_MAP.get("basic");
+    { // basic.A
+      QuerySegmentSpec intervalSpec = new MultipleIntervalSegmentSpec(Collections.singletonList(basicSchema.getDataInterval()));
+      List<AggregatorFactory> queryAggs = new ArrayList<>();
+      queryAggs.add(new LongSumAggregatorFactory("sumLongSequential", "sumLongSequential"));
+      queryAggs.add(new LongMaxAggregatorFactory("maxLongUniform", "maxLongUniform"));
+      queryAggs.add(new DoubleSumAggregatorFactory("sumFloatNormal", "sumFloatNormal"));
+      queryAggs.add(new DoubleMinAggregatorFactory("minFloatZipf", "minFloatZipf"));
+      queryAggs.add(new HyperUniquesAggregatorFactory("hyperUniquesMet", "hyper"));
+      TopNQueryBuilder queryBuilderA = new TopNQueryBuilder()
+              .dataSource("blah")
+              .granularity(Granularities.ALL)
+              .dimension("dimSequential")
+              .metric("sumFloatNormal")
+              .intervals(intervalSpec)
+              .aggregators(queryAggs);
+      basicQueries.put("A", queryBuilderA);
+    }
+    { // basic.numericSort
+      QuerySegmentSpec intervalSpec = new MultipleIntervalSegmentSpec(Collections.singletonList(basicSchema.getDataInterval()));
+      List<AggregatorFactory> queryAggs = new ArrayList<>();
+      queryAggs.add(new LongSumAggregatorFactory("sumLongSequential", "sumLongSequential"));
+      TopNQueryBuilder queryBuilderA = new TopNQueryBuilder()
+              .dataSource("blah")
+              .granularity(Granularities.ALL)
+              .dimension("dimUniform")
+              .metric(new DimensionTopNMetricSpec(null, StringComparators.NUMERIC))
+              .intervals(intervalSpec)
+              .aggregators(queryAggs);
+      basicQueries.put("numericSort", queryBuilderA);
+    }
+    { // basic.alphanumericSort
+      QuerySegmentSpec intervalSpec = new MultipleIntervalSegmentSpec(Collections.singletonList(basicSchema.getDataInterval()));
+      List<AggregatorFactory> queryAggs = new ArrayList<>();
+      queryAggs.add(new LongSumAggregatorFactory("sumLongSequential", "sumLongSequential"));
+      TopNQueryBuilder queryBuilderA = new TopNQueryBuilder()
+              .dataSource("blah")
+              .granularity(Granularities.ALL)
+              .dimension("dimUniform")
+              .metric(new DimensionTopNMetricSpec(null, StringComparators.ALPHANUMERIC))
+              .intervals(intervalSpec)
+              .aggregators(queryAggs);
+      basicQueries.put("alphanumericSort", queryBuilderA);
+    }
+    SCHEMA_QUERY_MAP.put("basic", basicQueries);
+  }
+  @Setup
+  public void setup() throws IOException
+  {
+"SETUP CALLED AT " + System.currentTimeMillis());
+    if (ComplexMetrics.getSerdeForType("hyperUnique") == null) {
+      ComplexMetrics.registerSerde("hyperUnique", new HyperUniquesSerde(HyperLogLogHash.getDefault()));
+    }
+    executorService = Execs.multiThreaded(numSegments, "TopNThreadPool");
+    setupQueries();
+    String[] schemaQuery = schemaAndQuery.split("\\.");
+    String schemaName = schemaQuery[0];
+    String queryName = schemaQuery[1];
+    schemaInfo = BenchmarkSchemas.SCHEMA_MAP.get(schemaName);
+    queryBuilder = SCHEMA_QUERY_MAP.get(schemaName).get(queryName);
+    queryBuilder.threshold(threshold);
+    query =;
+    incIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
+    for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++) {
+"Generating rows for segment " + i);
+      BenchmarkDataGenerator gen = new BenchmarkDataGenerator(
+              schemaInfo.getColumnSchemas(),
+              RNG_SEED + i,
+              schemaInfo.getDataInterval(),
+              rowsPerSegment
+      );
+      IncrementalIndex incIndex = makeIncIndex();
+      for (int j = 0; j < rowsPerSegment; j++) {
+        InputRow row = gen.nextRow();
+        if (j % 10000 == 0) {
+ + " rows generated.");
+        }
+        incIndex.add(row);
+      }
+      incIndexes.add(incIndex);
+    }
+    tmpDir = Files.createTempDir();
+"Using temp dir: " + tmpDir.getAbsolutePath());
+    qIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
+    for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++) {
+      File indexFile = INDEX_MERGER_V9.persist(
+              incIndexes.get(i),
+              tmpDir,
+              new IndexSpec(),
+              null
+      );
+      QueryableIndex qIndex = INDEX_IO.loadIndex(indexFile);
+      qIndexes.add(qIndex);
+    }
+    factory = new TopNQueryRunnerFactory(
+            new StupidPool<>(
+                    "TopNBenchmark-compute-bufferPool",
+                    new OffheapBufferGenerator("compute", 250000000),
+                    0,
+                    Integer.MAX_VALUE
+            ),
+            new TopNQueryQueryToolChest(new TopNQueryConfig(), QueryBenchmarkUtil.NoopIntervalChunkingQueryRunnerDecorator()),
+            QueryBenchmarkUtil.NOOP_QUERYWATCHER
+    );
+  }
+  @TearDown
+  public void tearDown() throws IOException
+  {
+    FileUtils.deleteDirectory(tmpDir);
+  }
+  private IncrementalIndex makeIncIndex()
+  {
+    if (onheap) {
+      return new IncrementalIndex.Builder()
+              .setIndexSchema(
+                      new IncrementalIndexSchema.Builder()
+                              .withMetrics(schemaInfo.getAggsArray())
+                              .withRollup(rollup)
+                              .build()
+              )
+              .setReportParseExceptions(false)
+              .setMaxRowCount(rowsPerSegment * 16)
+              .buildOnheap();
+    } else {
+      return new IncrementalIndex.Builder()
+              .setIndexSchema(
+                      new IncrementalIndexSchema.Builder()
+                              .withMetrics(schemaInfo.getAggsArray())
+                              .withRollup(rollup)
+                              .build()
+              )
+              .setReportParseExceptions(false)
+              .setMaxRowCount(rowsPerSegment * 16)
+              .buildOffheapOak();
+    }
+  }
+  private static <T> List<T> runQuery(QueryRunnerFactory factory, QueryRunner runner, Query<T> query)
+  {
+    QueryToolChest toolChest = factory.getToolchest();
+    QueryRunner<T> theRunner = new FinalizeResultsQueryRunner<>(
+            toolChest.mergeResults(toolChest.preMergeQueryDecoration(runner)),
+            toolChest
+    );
+    Sequence<T> queryResult =, Maps.newHashMap());
+    return queryResult.toList();
+  }
+  @Benchmark
+  @BenchmarkMode(Mode.SingleShotTime)
+  @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.SECONDS)
+  public void querySingleIncrementalIndex(Blackhole blackhole)
+  {
+    long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
+    QueryRunner<Result<TopNResultValue>> runner = QueryBenchmarkUtil.makeQueryRunner(
+            factory,
+            "incIndex",
+            new IncrementalIndexSegment(incIndexes.get(0), "incIndex")
+    );
+    List<Result<TopNResultValue>> results = OakTopNBenchmark.runQuery(factory, runner, query);
+    for (Result<TopNResultValue> result : results) {
+      blackhole.consume(result);
+    }
+    long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
+    double throughput = rowsPerSegment / (double) duration;
+"Throughput: " + throughput + " ops/ms");
+  }
+  @Benchmark
+  @BenchmarkMode(Mode.SingleShotTime)
+  @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.SECONDS)
+  public void querySingleQueryableIndex(Blackhole blackhole)
+  {
+    long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
+    final QueryRunner<Result<TopNResultValue>> runner = QueryBenchmarkUtil.makeQueryRunner(
+            factory,
+            "qIndex",
+            new QueryableIndexSegment("qIndex", qIndexes.get(0))
+    );
+    List<Result<TopNResultValue>> results = OakTopNBenchmark.runQuery(factory, runner, query);
+    for (Result<TopNResultValue> result : results) {
+      blackhole.consume(result);
+    }
+    long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
+    double throughput = rowsPerSegment / (double) duration;
+"Throughput: " + throughput + " ops/ms");
+  }
+  @Benchmark
+  @BenchmarkMode(Mode.SingleShotTime)
+  @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS)
+  public void queryMultiQueryableIndex(Blackhole blackhole)
+  {
+    long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
+    List<QueryRunner<Result<TopNResultValue>>> singleSegmentRunners = Lists.newArrayList();
+    QueryToolChest toolChest = factory.getToolchest();
+    for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++) {
+      String segmentName = "qIndex" + i;
+      QueryRunner<Result<TopNResultValue>> runner = QueryBenchmarkUtil.makeQueryRunner(
+              factory,
+              segmentName,
+              new QueryableIndexSegment(segmentName, qIndexes.get(i))
+      );
+      singleSegmentRunners.add(toolChest.preMergeQueryDecoration(runner));
+    }
+    QueryRunner theRunner = toolChest.postMergeQueryDecoration(
+            new FinalizeResultsQueryRunner<>(
+                    toolChest.mergeResults(factory.mergeRunners(executorService, singleSegmentRunners)),
+                    toolChest
+            )
+    );
+    Sequence<Result<TopNResultValue>> queryResult =
+            QueryPlus.wrap(query),
+            Maps.newHashMap()
+    );
+    List<Result<TopNResultValue>> results = queryResult.toList();
+    for (Result<TopNResultValue> result : results) {
+      blackhole.consume(result);
+    }
+    long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - time;
+    double throughput = rowsPerSegment / (double) duration;
+"Throughput: " + throughput + " ops/ms");
+  }
 Review comment:
   Can you please attach the benchmark results before and after this PR? 

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