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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2021/01/14 19:47:35 UTC

[GitHub] [airflow] SulimanLab opened a new issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

SulimanLab opened a new issue #13680:

   **Apache Airflow version**: 2.0.0
   **Kubernetes version (if you are using kubernetes)** (use `kubectl version`): v1.19.4
   **What happened**:
   I get this error when try to execute tasks using kubernetes
   [2021-01-14 19:39:17,628] {} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /opt/airflow/dags/repo/
   Traceback (most recent call last):
     File "/home/airflow/.local/bin/airflow", line 8, in <module>
     File "/home/airflow/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/airflow/", line 40, in main
     File "/home/airflow/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/airflow/cli/", line 48, in command
       return func(*args, **kwargs)
     File "/home/airflow/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/airflow/utils/", line 89, in wrapper
       return f(*args, **kwargs)
     File "/home/airflow/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/airflow/cli/commands/", line 216, in task_run
       dag = get_dag(args.subdir, args.dag_id)
     File "/home/airflow/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/airflow/utils/", line 189, in get_dag
   airflow.exceptions.AirflowException: dag_id could not be found: bash. Either the dag did not exist or it failed to parse.
   **What you expected to happen**: 
   get executed and terminate
   **How to reproduce it**:
   deploy airflow helm chart using this values.yaml:
   # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
   # or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
   # distributed with this work for additional information
   # regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
   # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
   # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
   # with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
   # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
   # software distributed under the License is distributed on an
   # KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
   # specific language governing permissions and limitations
   # under the License.
   # Default values for airflow.
   # This is a YAML-formatted file.
   # Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
   # User and group of airflow user
   uid: 50000
   gid: 50000
   # Airflow home directory
   # Used for mount paths
   airflowHome: "/opt/airflow"
   # Default airflow repository -- overrides all the specific images below
   defaultAirflowRepository: apache/airflow
   # Default airflow tag to deploy
   defaultAirflowTag: 2.0.0
   # Select certain nodes for airflow pods.
   nodeSelector: { }
   affinity: { }
   tolerations: [ ]
   # Add common labels to all objects and pods defined in this chart.
   labels: { }
   # Ingress configuration
     # Enable ingress resource
     enabled: false
     # Configs for the Ingress of the web Service
       # Annotations for the web Ingress
       annotations: { }
       # The path for the web Ingress
       path: ""
       # The hostname for the web Ingress
       host: ""
       # configs for web Ingress TLS
         # Enable TLS termination for the web Ingress
         enabled: false
         # the name of a pre-created Secret containing a TLS private key and certificate
         secretName: ""
       # HTTP paths to add to the web Ingress before the default path
       precedingPaths: [ ]
       # Http paths to add to the web Ingress after the default path
       succeedingPaths: [ ]
     # Configs for the Ingress of the flower Service
       # Annotations for the flower Ingress
       annotations: { }
       # The path for the flower Ingress
       path: ""
       # The hostname for the flower Ingress
       host: ""
       # configs for web Ingress TLS
         # Enable TLS termination for the flower Ingress
         enabled: false
         # the name of a pre-created Secret containing a TLS private key and certificate
         secretName: ""
       # HTTP paths to add to the flower Ingress before the default path
       precedingPaths: [ ]
       # Http paths to add to the flower Ingress after the default path
       succeedingPaths: [ ]
   # Network policy configuration
     # Enabled network policies
     enabled: false
   # Extra annotations to apply to all
   # Airflow pods
   airflowPodAnnotations: { }
   # Enable RBAC (default on most clusters these days)
   rbacEnabled: true
   # Airflow executor
   # Options: SequentialExecutor, LocalExecutor, CeleryExecutor, KubernetesExecutor
   executor: "KubernetesExecutor"
   # If this is true and using LocalExecutor/SequentialExecutor/KubernetesExecutor, the scheduler's
   # service account will have access to communicate with the api-server and launch pods.
   # If this is true and using the CeleryExecutor, the workers will be able to launch pods.
   allowPodLaunching: true
   # Images
       repository: ~
       tag: ~
       pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
       repository: ~
       tag: ~
       pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
       repository: ~
       tag: ~
       pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
       repository: apache/airflow
       tag: airflow-statsd-exporter-2020.09.05-v0.17.0
       pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
       repository: redis
       tag: 6-buster
       pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
       repository: apache/airflow
       tag: airflow-pgbouncer-2020.09.05-1.14.0
       pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
       repository: apache/airflow
       tag: airflow-pgbouncer-exporter-2020.09.25-0.5.0
       pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
       tag: v3.1.6
       pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
   # Environment variables for all airflow containers
       value: "65533"
   # Secrets for all airflow containers
   secret: [ ]
   # - envName: ""
   #   secretName: ""
   #   secretKey: ""
   # Extra secrets that will be managed by the chart
   # (You can use them with extraEnv or extraEnvFrom or some of the extraVolumes values).
   # The format is "key/value" where
   #    * key (can be templated) is the the name the secret that will be created
   #    * value: an object with the standard 'data' or 'stringData' key (or both).
   #          The value associated with those keys must be a string (can be templated)
   extraSecrets: { }
   # eg:
   # extraSecrets:
   #   {{ .Release.Name }}-airflow-connections:
   #     data: |
   #       AIRFLOW_CONN_GCP: 'base64_encoded_gcp_conn_string'
   #       AIRFLOW_CONN_AWS: 'base64_encoded_aws_conn_string'
   #     stringData: |
   #       AIRFLOW_CONN_OTHER: 'other_conn'
   #   {{ .Release.Name }}-other-secret-name-suffix: |
   #     data: |
   #        ...
   # Extra ConfigMaps that will be managed by the chart
   # (You can use them with extraEnv or extraEnvFrom or some of the extraVolumes values).
   # The format is "key/value" where
   #    * key (can be templated) is the the name the configmap that will be created
   #    * value: an object with the standard 'data' key.
   #          The value associated with this keys must be a string (can be templated)
   extraConfigMaps: { }
   # eg:
   # extraConfigMaps:
   #   {{ .Release.Name }}-airflow-variables:
   #     data: |
   #       AIRFLOW_VAR_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE: "{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
   # Extra env 'items' that will be added to the definition of airflow containers
   # a string is expected (can be templated).
   extraEnv: ~
   # eg:
   # extraEnv: |
   #   - name: PLATFORM
   #     value: FR
   # Extra envFrom 'items' that will be added to the definition of airflow containers
   # A string is expected (can be templated).
   extraEnvFrom: ~
   # eg:
   # extraEnvFrom: |
   #   - secretRef:
   #       name: '{{ .Release.Name }}-airflow-connections'
   #   - configMapRef:
   #       name: '{{ .Release.Name }}-airflow-variables'
   # Airflow database config
     # If secret names are provided, use those secrets
     metadataSecretName: ~
     resultBackendSecretName: ~
     # Otherwise pass connection values in
       user: postgres
       pass: postgres
       host: ~
       port: 5432
       db: postgres
       sslmode: disable
       user: postgres
       pass: postgres
       host: ~
       port: 5432
       db: postgres
       sslmode: disable
   # Fernet key settings
   fernetKey: ~
   fernetKeySecretName: ~
   # In order to use kerberos you need to create secret containing the keytab file
   # The secret name should follow naming convention of the application where resources are
   # name {{ .Release-name }}-<POSTFIX>. In case of the keytab file, the postfix is "kerberos-keytab"
   # So if your release is named "my-release" the name of the secret should be "my-release-kerberos-keytab"
   # The Keytab content should be available in the "kerberos.keytab" key of the secret.
   #  apiVersion: v1
   #  kind: Secret
   #  data:
   #    kerberos.keytab: <base64_encoded keytab file content>
   #  type: Opaque
   #  If you have such keytab file you can do it with similar
   #  kubectl create secret generic {{ }}-kerberos-keytab --from-file=kerberos.keytab
     enabled: false
     ccacheMountPath: '/var/kerberos-ccache'
     ccacheFileName: 'cache'
     configPath: '/etc/krb5.conf'
     keytabPath: '/etc/airflow.keytab'
     principal: 'airflow@FOO.COM'
     reinitFrequency: 3600
     config: |
       # This is an example config showing how you can use templating and how "example" config
       # might look like. It works with the test kerberos server that we are using during integration
       # testing at Apache Airflow (see `scripts/ci/docker-compose/integration-kerberos.yml` but in
       # order to make it production-ready you must replace it with your own configuration that
       # Matches your kerberos deployment. Administrators of your Kerberos instance should
       # provide the right configuration.
       default = "FILE:{{ template "airflow_logs_no_quote" . }}/kerberos_libs.log"
       kdc = "FILE:{{ template "airflow_logs_no_quote" . }}/kerberos_kdc.log"
       admin_server = "FILE:{{ template "airflow_logs_no_quote" . }}/kadmind.log"
       default_realm = FOO.COM
       ticket_lifetime = 10h
       renew_lifetime = 7d
       forwardable = true
       FOO.COM = {
         kdc =
         admin_server =
   # Airflow Worker Config
     # Number of airflow celery workers in StatefulSet
     replicas: 1
     # Allow KEDA autoscaling.
     # Persistence.enabled must be set to false to use KEDA.
       enabled: false
       namespaceLabels: { }
       # How often KEDA polls the airflow DB to report new scale requests to the HPA
       pollingInterval: 5
       # How many seconds KEDA will wait before scaling to zero.
       # Note that HPA has a separate cooldown period for scale-downs
       cooldownPeriod: 30
       # Maximum number of workers created by keda
       maxReplicaCount: 10
       # Enable persistent volumes
       enabled: true
       # Volume size for worker StatefulSet
       size: 100Gi
       # If using a custom storageClass, pass name ref to all statefulSets here
       # Execute init container to chown log directory.
       # This is currently only needed in KinD, due to usage
       # of local-path provisioner.
       fixPermissions: false
       # Enable kerberos sidecar
       enabled: false
     resources: { }
     #  limits:
     #   cpu: 100m
     #   memory: 128Mi
     #  requests:
     #   cpu: 100m
     #   memory: 128Mi
     # Grace period for tasks to finish after SIGTERM is sent from kubernetes
     terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 600
     # This setting tells kubernetes that its ok to evict
     # when it wants to scale a node down.
     safeToEvict: true
     # Annotations to add to worker kubernetes service account.
     serviceAccountAnnotations: { }
     # Mount additional volumes into worker.
     extraVolumes: [ ]
     extraVolumeMounts: [ ]
   # Airflow scheduler settings
     # Airflow 2.0 allows users to run multiple schedulers,
     # However this feature is only recommended for MySQL 8+ and Postgres
     replicas: 1
     # Scheduler pod disruption budget
       enabled: false
       # PDB configuration
         maxUnavailable: 1
     resources: { }
     #  limits:
     #   cpu: 100m
     #   memory: 128Mi
     #  requests:
     #   cpu: 100m
     #   memory: 128Mi
     # This setting can overwrite
     # podMutation settings.
     airflowLocalSettings: ~
     # This setting tells kubernetes that its ok to evict
     # when it wants to scale a node down.
     safeToEvict: true
     # Annotations to add to scheduler kubernetes service account.
     serviceAccountAnnotations: { }
     # Mount additional volumes into scheduler.
     extraVolumes: [ ]
     extraVolumeMounts: [ ]
   # Airflow webserver settings
     allowPodLogReading: true
       initialDelaySeconds: 15
       timeoutSeconds: 30
       failureThreshold: 20
       periodSeconds: 5
       initialDelaySeconds: 15
       timeoutSeconds: 30
       failureThreshold: 20
       periodSeconds: 5
     # Number of webservers
     replicas: 1
     # Additional network policies as needed
     extraNetworkPolicies: [ ]
     resources: { }
     #   limits:
     #     cpu: 100m
     #     memory: 128Mi
     #   requests:
     #     cpu: 100m
     #     memory: 128Mi
     # Create initial user.
       enabled: true
       role: Admin
       username: admin
       firstName: admin
       lastName: user
       password: admin
     # Mount additional volumes into webserver.
     extraVolumes: [ ]
     #    - name: airflow-ui
     #      emptyDir: { }
     extraVolumeMounts: [ ]
     #    - name: airflow-ui
     #      mountPath: /opt/airflow
     # This will be mounted into the Airflow Webserver as a custom
     # You can bake a in to your image
     # instead
     webserverConfig: ~
     # webserverConfig: |
     #   from airflow import configuration as conf
     #   # The SQLAlchemy connection string.
     #   SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = conf.get('core', 'SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN')
     #   # Flask-WTF flag for CSRF
     #   CSRF_ENABLED = True
       type: NodePort
       ## service annotations
       annotations: { }
     # Annotations to add to webserver kubernetes service account.
     serviceAccountAnnotations: { }
   # Flower settings
     # Additional network policies as needed
     extraNetworkPolicies: [ ]
     resources: { }
     #   limits:
     #     cpu: 100m
     #     memory: 128Mi
     #   requests:
     #     cpu: 100m
     #     memory: 128Mi
     # A secret containing the connection
     secretName: ~
     # Else, if username and password are set, create secret from username and password
     username: ~
     password: ~
       type: ClusterIP
   # Statsd settings
     enabled: true
     # Additional network policies as needed
     extraNetworkPolicies: [ ]
     resources: { }
     #   limits:
     #     cpu: 100m
     #     memory: 128Mi
     #   requests:
     #     cpu: 100m
     #     memory: 128Mi
       extraAnnotations: { }
   # Pgbouncer settings
     # Enable pgbouncer
     enabled: false
     # Additional network policies as needed
     extraNetworkPolicies: [ ]
     # Pool sizes
     metadataPoolSize: 10
     resultBackendPoolSize: 5
     # Maximum clients that can connect to pgbouncer (higher = more file descriptors)
     maxClientConn: 100
     # Pgbouner pod disruption budget
       enabled: false
       # PDB configuration
         maxUnavailable: 1
     # Limit the resources to pgbouncerExported.
     # When you specify the resource request the scheduler uses this information to decide which node to place
     # the Pod on. When you specify a resource limit for a Container, the kubelet enforces those limits so
     # that the running container is not allowed to use more of that resource than the limit you set.
     # See:
     # Example:
     # resource:
     #   limits:
     #     cpu: 100m
     #     memory: 128Mi
     #   requests:
     #     cpu: 100m
     #     memory: 128Mi
     resources: { }
       extraAnnotations: { }
     verbose: 0
     logDisconnections: 0
     logConnections: 0
     sslmode: "prefer"
     ciphers: "normal"
       ca: ~
       cert: ~
       key: ~
     terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 600
       # Enable persistent volumes
       enabled: true
       # Volume size for worker StatefulSet
       size: 1Gi
       # If using a custom storageClass, pass name ref to all statefulSets here
     resources: { }
     #  limits:
     #   cpu: 100m
     #   memory: 128Mi
     #  requests:
     #   cpu: 100m
     #   memory: 128Mi
     # If set use as redis secret
     passwordSecretName: ~
     brokerURLSecretName: ~
     # Else, if password is set, create secret with it,
     # else generate a new one on install
     password: ~
     # This setting tells kubernetes that its ok to evict
     # when it wants to scale a node down.
     safeToEvict: true
   # Auth secret for a private registry
   # This is used if pulling airflow images from a private registry
     secretName: ~
     # Example:
     # connection:
     #   user: ~
     #   pass: ~
     #   host: ~
     #   email: ~
     connection: { }
   # Elasticsearch logging configuration
     # Enable elasticsearch task logging
     enabled: true
     # A secret containing the connection
     #  secretName: ~
     # Or an object representing the connection
     # Example:
       #     user:
       #     pass:
       host: elasticsearch-master-headless.elk.svc.cluster.local
       port: 9200
   #  connection: {}
   # All ports used by chart
     flowerUI: 5555
     airflowUI: 8080
     workerLogs: 8793
     redisDB: 6379
     statsdIngest: 9125
     statsdScrape: 9102
     pgbouncer: 6543
     pgbouncerScrape: 9127
   # Define any ResourceQuotas for namespace
   quotas: { }
   # Define default/max/min values for pods and containers in namespace
   limits: [ ]
   # This runs as a CronJob to cleanup old pods.
     enabled: false
     # Run every 15 minutes
     schedule: "*/15 * * * *"
   # Configuration for postgresql subchart
   # Not recommended for production
     enabled: true
     postgresqlPassword: postgres
     postgresqlUsername: postgres
   # Config settings to go into the mounted airflow.cfg
   # Please note that these values are passed through the `tpl` function, so are
   # all subject to being rendered as go templates. If you need to include a
   # literal `{{` in a value, it must be expressed like this:
   #    a: '{{ "{{ not a template }}" }}'
   # yamllint disable rule:line-length
       dags_folder: '{{ include "airflow_dags" . }}'
       load_examples: 'False'
       executor: '{{ .Values.executor }}'
       # For Airflow 1.10, backward compatibility
       colored_console_log: 'True'
       remote_logging: '{{- ternary "True" "False" .Values.elasticsearch.enabled }}'
     # Authentication backend used for the experimental API
       auth_backend: airflow.api.auth.backend.deny_all
       remote_logging: '{{- ternary "True" "False" .Values.elasticsearch.enabled }}'
       colored_console_log: 'True'
       logging_level: INFO
       statsd_on: '{{ ternary "True" "False" .Values.statsd.enabled }}'
       statsd_port: 9125
       statsd_prefix: airflow
       statsd_host: '{{ printf "%s-statsd" .Release.Name }}'
       enable_proxy_fix: 'True'
       expose_config: 'True'
       rbac: 'True'
       default_queue: celery
       scheduler_heartbeat_sec: 5
       # For Airflow 1.10, backward compatibility
       statsd_on: '{{ ternary "True" "False" .Values.statsd.enabled }}'
       statsd_port: 9125
       statsd_prefix: airflow
       statsd_host: '{{ printf "%s-statsd" .Release.Name }}'
       # Restart Scheduler every 41460 seconds (11 hours 31 minutes)
       # The odd time is chosen so it is not always restarting on the same "hour" boundary
       run_duration: 41460
       json_format: 'True'
       log_id_template: "{dag_id}_{task_id}_{execution_date}_{try_number}"
       max_retries: 3
       timeout: 30
       retry_timeout: 'True'
       keytab: '{{ .Values.kerberos.keytabPath }}'
       reinit_frequency: '{{ .Values.kerberos.reinitFrequency }}'
       principal: '{{ .Values.kerberos.principal }}'
       ccache: '{{ .Values.kerberos.ccacheMountPath }}/{{ .Values.kerberos.ccacheFileName }}'
       namespace: '{{ .Release.Namespace }}'
       airflow_configmap: '{{ include "airflow_config" . }}'
       airflow_local_settings_configmap: '{{ include "airflow_config" . }}'
       pod_template_file: '{{ include "airflow_pod_template_file" . }}/pod_template_file.yaml'
       worker_container_repository: '{{ .Values.images.airflow.repository | default .Values.defaultAirflowRepository }}'
       worker_container_tag: '{{ .Values.images.airflow.tag | default .Values.defaultAirflowTag }}'
       delete_worker_pods: 'False'
       multi_namespace_mode: '{{ if .Values.multiNamespaceMode }}True{{ else }}False{{ end }}'
   # yamllint enable rule:line-length
   multiNamespaceMode: false
   # Git sync
       # Enable persistent volume for storing dags
       enabled: false
       # Volume size for dags
       size: 1Gi
       # If using a custom storageClass, pass name here
       storageClassName: gp2
       # access mode of the persistent volume
       accessMode: ReadWriteMany
       ## the name of an existing PVC to use
       existingClaim: "airflow-dags"
       enabled: true
       branch: main
       rev: HEAD
       root: "/git"
       dest: "repo"
       depth: 1
       maxFailures: 0
       subPath: ""
       sshKeySecret: airflow-ssh-secret
       wait: 60
       containerName: git-sync
       uid: 65533
   **and this is the dag with its tasks**
   from datetime import timedelta
   import requests
   from airflow import DAG
   from airflow.operators.bash_operator import BashOperator
   from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago
   default_args = {
       'owner': 'airflow',
       'depends_on_past': False,
       'email': [''],
       'email_on_failure': False,
       'email_on_retry': False,
       'retries': 1,
       'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=5),
   def get_active_customers():
   dag = DAG(
       description='A simple test DAG',
       schedule_interval='*/2 * * * *',
   t1 = BashOperator(
       bash_command='mkdir ./itsMe',

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[GitHub] [airflow] SulimanLab commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
SulimanLab commented on issue #13680:

   This commit is promising actually

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[GitHub] [airflow] dimberman closed issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
dimberman closed issue #13680:


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[GitHub] [airflow] loustler commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
loustler commented on issue #13680:

   I had the same problem.
   In my case, given gitSync.subPath as the empty string.
   I fixed that problem after the correct value.
        subPath: path/to/dags
   hope it helps

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[GitHub] [airflow] TomatoEgg commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
TomatoEgg commented on issue #13680:

   In your init container, you have
           - mountPath: /git
             name: dags
   In your main container:
   - mountPath: /opt/airflow/dags
             name: dags
   In airflow.cfg
   dags_folder = /opt/airflow/dags/repo/
   So you airflow scheduler is expecting the dags to be placed under /opt/airflow/dags/repo/, however is that how you populate it in your init container? E.g do you have the "repo" directory ?

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[GitHub] [airflow] dimberman closed issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
dimberman closed issue #13680:


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[GitHub] [airflow] gillbuchanan commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
gillbuchanan commented on issue #13680:

   It turns out that as of 2.0.0, users are required to provide a `pod_template_file` This template replaces the functionality lost by the removal of the config values I mentioned above. I haven't tested that this solves my issue yet, but I suppose it should, as I can manually add the proper volume mounts to the template

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[GitHub] [airflow] gillbuchanan commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
gillbuchanan commented on issue #13680:

   I'm having this issue too. After upgrading to 2.0.0, while running with `KubernetesExecutor` in an Azure k8s cluster, the worker pods have been failing with the same error message
   ```[2021-01-20 14:42:35,290] {} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /opt/airflow/dags/
   Traceback (most recent call last):
     File "/home/airflow/.local/bin/airflow", line 8, in <module>
     File "/home/airflow/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/airflow/", line 40, in main
     File "/home/airflow/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/airflow/cli/", line 48, in command
       return func(*args, **kwargs)
     File "/home/airflow/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/airflow/utils/", line 89, in wrapper
       return f(*args, **kwargs)
     File "/home/airflow/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/airflow/cli/commands/", line 216, in task_run
       dag = get_dag(args.subdir, args.dag_id)
     File "/home/airflow/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/airflow/utils/", line 189, in get_dag
   airflow.exceptions.AirflowException: dag_id could not be found: test. Either the dag did not exist or it failed to parse.
   I access my DAGs via an Azure file store mounted as a volume using a pvc, and have found that the worker pods are not being created with the same mounted volume. It seems that the previously available `airflow.cfg` values
   dags_volume_claim = 
   dags_volume_subpath = 
   no longer exist in version 2.0.0, and the worker pods therefore cannot be created with the the proper volume mounts, leading to the above error.
   Any way around this?

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[GitHub] [airflow] ismaello commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
ismaello commented on issue #13680:

   > changing this line to 444 fixed the issue
   Really? I am using user and pass and webserver works but pods aren't. 
   Anybody with a idea? I tried @varunvora  solution but sscheduler doesn't work.

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[GitHub] [airflow] varunvora commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
varunvora commented on issue #13680:

   > > > > changing this line to 444 fixed the issue
   > > > >
   > > > 
   > > > 
   > > > Really? I am using user and pass and webserver works but pods aren't.
   > > > Anybody with a idea? I tried @varunvora solution but sscheduler doesn't work.
   > > 
   > > 
   > > I have the same problem. I've been testing all the comments here as well with no results.
   > At last, it works.
   > Resumen:
   > Edit pod-template
   > In line 64, I modified the lines to change mountPath:
   > `{{- if or .Values.dags.gitSync.enabled .Values.dags.persistence.enabled }} - mountPath: {{ include "airflow_dags" . }} name: dags readOnly: true {{- if .Values.dags.gitSync.enabled }} subPath: {{.Values.dags.gitSync.dest }}/{{ .Values.dags.gitSync.subPath }} {{- end }} {{- end }}`
   @ismaello This does the same as what I suggested right?
   If you are using gitSync and KubernetesExecutor, DAGs persistence in the worker pod is meaningless. I hope #13826 is merged. 

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[GitHub] [airflow] ismaello commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

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ismaello commented on issue #13680:

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[GitHub] [airflow] SulimanLab edited a comment on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
SulimanLab edited a comment on issue #13680:

   > In your init container, you have
   > volumeMounts:
   > - mountPath: /git
   > name: dags
   > In your main container:
   > * mountPath: /opt/airflow/dags
   >   name: dags
   > In airflow.cfg
   > dags_folder = /opt/airflow/dags/repo/
   > So you airflow scheduler is expecting the dags to be placed under /opt/airflow/dags/repo/, however is that how you populate it in your init container? E.g do you have the "repo" directory ?
   yeah I have a repo contains all the dags files,
   when task pod is instantiated it tries to git aync files , the issue is that it's not able to get the the secrets from volumes for gitsync.
   this is what i think

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[GitHub] [airflow] SulimanLab commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
SulimanLab commented on issue #13680:

   changing this line to 444 fixed the issue 

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[GitHub] [airflow] varunvora commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
varunvora commented on issue #13680:

   @SulimanLab did you find a workaround?

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[GitHub] [airflow] ismaello commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
ismaello commented on issue #13680:

   > > > changing this line to 444 fixed the issue
   > > >
   > > 
   > > 
   > > Really? I am using user and pass and webserver works but pods aren't.
   > > Anybody with a idea? I tried @varunvora solution but sscheduler doesn't work.
   > I have the same problem. I've been testing all the comments here as well with no results.
   At last, it works. 
   Edit pod-template
   In line 64, I modified the lines to change mountPath: 
   `{{- if or .Values.dags.gitSync.enabled .Values.dags.persistence.enabled }}
           - mountPath: {{ include "airflow_dags" . }}
             name: dags
             readOnly: true
   {{- if .Values.dags.gitSync.enabled }}
             subPath: {{.Values.dags.gitSync.dest }}/{{ .Values.dags.gitSync.subPath }}
   {{- end }}
   {{- end }}`

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[GitHub] [airflow] SulimanLab commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
SulimanLab commented on issue #13680:

   anybody ??

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[GitHub] [airflow] SulimanLab commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
SulimanLab commented on issue #13680:

   > @SulimanLab I got it to work with by replacing
   > ```yaml
   >         - mountPath: {{ include "airflow_dags_mount_path" . }}
   > ```
   > with
   > ```yaml
   >         - mountPath: {{ include "airflow_dags" . }}
   > ```
   > in
   > I'm not sure if it's the right way of fixing it though
   wow, I will test that. 

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[GitHub] [airflow] boring-cyborg[bot] commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
boring-cyborg[bot] commented on issue #13680:

   Thanks for opening your first issue here! Be sure to follow the issue template!

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[GitHub] [airflow] loustler edited a comment on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
loustler edited a comment on issue #13680:

   I had the same problem.
   In my case, given gitSync.subPath as the empty string.
   I fixed that problem after give the correct value.
        subPath: path/to/dags
   hope it helps

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[GitHub] [airflow] SulimanLab commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
SulimanLab commented on issue #13680:

   > In your init container, you have
   > volumeMounts:
   > - mountPath: /git
   > name: dags
   > In your main container:
   > * mountPath: /opt/airflow/dags
   >   name: dags
   > In airflow.cfg
   > dags_folder = /opt/airflow/dags/repo/
   > So you airflow scheduler is expecting the dags to be placed under /opt/airflow/dags/repo/, however is that how you populate it in your init container? E.g do you have the "repo" directory ?
   yeah I have a repo contains all the dags files,
   when task pod is instantiated it tries to git aync files , the issue is it's not able to get the the git details from the volumes.
   this is what i think

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[GitHub] [airflow] gillbuchanan commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
gillbuchanan commented on issue #13680:

   It turns out that as of 2.0.0, users are required to provide a `pod_template_file` This template replaces the functionality lost by the removal of the config values I mentioned above. I haven't tested that this solves my issue yet, but I suppose it should, as I can manually add the proper volume mounts to the template

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[GitHub] [airflow] SulimanLab commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
SulimanLab commented on issue #13680:

   > > changing this line to 444 fixed the issue
   > >
   > Really? I am using user and pass and webserver works but pods aren't.
   > Anybody with a idea? I tried @varunvora solution but sscheduler doesn't work.
   Try ssh login, and change as mentioned above, pretty sure it will work.

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[GitHub] [airflow] SulimanLab edited a comment on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
SulimanLab edited a comment on issue #13680:

   changing this line to 444 fixed the issue 

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[GitHub] [airflow] varunvora commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

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varunvora commented on issue #13680:

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[GitHub] [airflow] TomatoEgg commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

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TomatoEgg commented on issue #13680:

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[GitHub] [airflow] SulimanLab commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
SulimanLab commented on issue #13680:

   > > changing this line to 444 fixed the issue
   > >
   > Really? I am using user and pass and webserver works but pods aren't.
   > Anybody with a idea? I tried @varunvora solution but sscheduler doesn't work.
   Try ssh login, and change as mentioned above, pretty sure it will work.

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[GitHub] [airflow] kurkop commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
kurkop commented on issue #13680:

   > > changing this line to 444 fixed the issue
   > >
   > Really? I am using user and pass and webserver works but pods aren't.
   > Anybody with a idea? I tried @varunvora solution but sscheduler doesn't work.
   I have the same problem. I've been testing all the comments here as well with no results.

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[GitHub] [airflow] kurkop commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
kurkop commented on issue #13680:

   > > changing this line to 444 fixed the issue
   > >
   > Really? I am using user and pass and webserver works but pods aren't.
   > Anybody with a idea? I tried @varunvora solution but sscheduler doesn't work.
   I have the same problem. I've been testing all the comments here as well with no results.

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[GitHub] [airflow] armandleopold commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
armandleopold commented on issue #13680:

   I had to create a pod template file : 
   apiVersion: v1
   kind: Pod
     name: dummy-name
     - env:
         value: /opt/bitnami/airflow/dags/git-airflow-dags/repo/
       - name: AIRFLOW__CORE__EXECUTOR
         value: LocalExecutor
         value: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
       - name: AIRFLOW__CORE__FERNET_KEY
         value: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
       image: bitnami/airflow-worker:2.0.0-debian-10-r5
       name: base
       - mountPath: /opt/bitnami/airflow/dags/git-airflow-dags
         name: airflow-dags
         readOnly: true
         subPath: ./repo/
     - env:
       - name: GIT_SYNC_REPO
         value: https://gitlab..........................
       - name: GIT_SYNC_BRANCH
         value: dev
       - name: GIT_SYNC_ROOT
         value: /dags-airflow-dags
       - name: GIT_SYNC_DEST
         value: repo
       - name: GIT_SYNC_DEPTH
         value: "1"
       - name: GIT_SYNC_ONE_TIME
         value: "true"
       - name: GIT_SYNC_REV
       - name: GIT_SYNC_USERNAME
         value: aleopold
       - name: GIT_SYNC_PASSWORD
         value: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
       - name: GIT_KNOWN_HOSTS
         value: "false"
       imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
       name: git-sync-clone
         runAsUser: 65533
       - mountPath: /dags-airflow-dags
         name: airflow-dags
       fsGroup: 50000
       runAsUser: 50000
     serviceAccount: airflow-deployement
     serviceAccountName: airflow-deployement
     - name: airflow-dags
   And in the helm-chart's `values.yaml`
       - name: AIRFLOW_EXECUTOR
         value: "KubernetesExecutor"
         value: "/opt/bitnami/airflow/dags/git-airflow-dags/dev-airflow-worker.yaml"
         value: "50000"
   hope it helps

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[GitHub] [airflow] SulimanLab commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
SulimanLab commented on issue #13680:

   > @SulimanLab did you find a workaround?
   no , still trying.
   i changed the executor to celery executor

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[GitHub] [airflow] TomatoEgg commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
TomatoEgg commented on issue #13680:

   > > In your init container, you have
   > > volumeMounts:
   > > 
   > > * mountPath: /git
   > >   name: dags
   > > 
   > > In your main container:
   > > 
   > > * mountPath: /opt/airflow/dags
   > >   name: dags
   > > 
   > > In airflow.cfg
   > > dags_folder = /opt/airflow/dags/repo/
   > > So you airflow scheduler is expecting the dags to be placed under /opt/airflow/dags/repo/, however is that how you populate it in your init container? E.g do you have the "repo" directory ?
   > yeah I have a repo contains all the dags files,
   > when task pod is instantiated it tries to git aync files , the issue is it's not able to get the the git details from the volumes.
   > this is what i think
   What I meant is your scheduler is expecting /opt/airflow/dags/repo/, but it could be that your is in a different path such as 
   make sure your file is located at the right place, it is very easy to inspect

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[GitHub] [airflow] SulimanLab edited a comment on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
SulimanLab edited a comment on issue #13680:

   > In your init container, you have
   > volumeMounts:
   > - mountPath: /git
   > name: dags
   > In your main container:
   > * mountPath: /opt/airflow/dags
   >   name: dags
   > In airflow.cfg
   > dags_folder = /opt/airflow/dags/repo/
   > So you airflow scheduler is expecting the dags to be placed under /opt/airflow/dags/repo/, however is that how you populate it in your init container? E.g do you have the "repo" directory ?
   yeah I have a repo contains all the dags files,
   when task pod is instantiated it tries to git aync files , the issue is that it's not able to get the the secrets from volumes for gitsync.
   this is what i think

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[GitHub] [airflow] loustler commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
loustler commented on issue #13680:

   I had the same problem.
   In my case, given gitSync.subPath as the empty string.
   I fixed that problem after the correct value.
        subPath: path/to/dags
   hope it helps

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[GitHub] [airflow] varunvora commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
varunvora commented on issue #13680:

   > This commit is promising actually
   > [8af5a33](
   @SulimanLab it's a fix but it doesn't solve our issue

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[GitHub] [airflow] kurkop commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
kurkop commented on issue #13680:

   @SulimanLab I'm testing with that commit and it hasn't worked.

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[GitHub] [airflow] varunvora commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
varunvora commented on issue #13680:

   @SulimanLab I got it to work with by replacing
           - mountPath: {{ include "airflow_dags_mount_path" . }}
            - mountPath: {{ include "airflow_dags" . }}
     I'm not sure if it's the right way of fixing it though

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[GitHub] [airflow] kurkop commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
kurkop commented on issue #13680:

   @SulimanLab I'm testing with that commit and it hasn't worked.

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[GitHub] [airflow] SulimanLab commented on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
SulimanLab commented on issue #13680:

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[GitHub] [airflow] loustler edited a comment on issue #13680: "dag_id could not be found" when running airflow on KubernetesExecutor

Posted by GitBox <>.
loustler edited a comment on issue #13680:

   I had the same problem.
   In my case, given gitSync.subPath as the empty string.
   I fixed that problem after give the correct value.
        subPath: path/to/dags
   hope it helps

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