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Posted to by Stian Soiland-Reyes <> on 2016/04/28 02:55:17 UTC

release preps: Cmd Line / Engine updates

In preparing taverna-command-line I have:

Added ASF headers where missing (e.g. in

Fixed the executeworkflow.bat so it works with any version number of

Removed nightly timestamp from folder name so it works with Taverna Server

Execute Taverna Plugin explicitly (so lib/ is populated)

Removed MaxPermSize (ignored by Java 8++)

Changed taverna-commandline to use felix instead of equinox (better
error messages, starts faster)

Harmonized licenses so the OSGi bundles load (e.g. newer JSONLD-Java
needed newer HTTPCore)

Moved myExperiment-sourced workflows in taverna-commandline-tests to a
branch with the same name.

Added RAT ignores (e.g. for help.txt)

TODO: Encryption section in README - depending on LEGAL-250 this is
massive or small.

And in taverna-engine:

Checked//fixed missing ASF headers in taverna-engine

Removed third-party ontologies (e.g. DC Terms) from taverna-prov-owl-bindings

Added RAT excludes where appropriate (e.g. *.txt in example workflow bundles)

Added LICENSE to *.wfbundle and * examples (I might have
forgotten some)

Updated NOTICE for BSD-licensed

Removed bundled SSL certificates from credential-manager-impl -

Moved outdated/broken
taverna-platform-integration-tests/taverna-integration-tests to
separate branches with same names

Updated to a newer Derby OSGi bundle from org.apache.servicemix.bundles

Updated to newer Bouncy Castle

Added Export info to

TODO: taverna-common-activities  review

NOTE: TAVERNA-963 means we have to check if the
.uni_luebeck.inb.knowarc.usecases code was covered by CLAs to

Stian Soiland-Reyes
Apache Taverna (incubating), Apache Commons RDF (incubating)