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svn commit: r1032935 [1/3] - in /websites/production/tapestry/content: ./ cache/

Author: buildbot
Date: Mon Jul 23 11:20:42 2018
New Revision: 1032935

Production update by buildbot for tapestry


Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/ajax-components-faq.html
--- websites/production/tapestry/content/ajax-components-faq.html (original)
+++ websites/production/tapestry/content/ajax-components-faq.html Mon Jul 23 11:20:42 2018
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       <div id="content">
                 <div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 id="AjaxComponentsFAQ-AjaxComponents">Ajax Components</h1><p>Main article: <a  href="ajax-and-zones.html">Ajax and Zones</a></p><h2 id="AjaxComponentsFAQ-Contents">Contents</h2><p><style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a  href="#AjaxComponentsFAQ-DoIhavetospecifybothidandt:idforZonecomponents?">Do I have to specify both id and t:id for Zone components?</a></li><li><a  href="#AjaxComponentsFAQ-HowdoIupdatethecontentofaZonefromaneventhandlermethod?">How do I update the content of a Zone from an event handler method?</a></li><li><a  href="#AjaxComponentsFAQ-HowtoIupdatemultiplezonesinasingleeventhandler?">How to I update multiple zones in a single event handler?</a></li><li><a  href="#AjaxComponentsFAQ-What'sthatweirdnumberinthemiddleoftheclientidsafteraZoneisupdated?">What's that weird number in the middle of the client ids after a Zone is updated?</a></li><li><a  href="#AjaxComponentsFAQ-WhydoIsometimesgettheexception&quot;Therenderedcontentdidnotincludeanyelementsthatallowforthepositioningofthehiddenformfield'selement.&quot;whenrenderinganemptyZone?">Why do I sometimes get the exception "The rendered content did not include any elements that allow for the positioni
 ng of the hidden form field's element." when rendering an empty Zone?</a></li></ul>
 </div><h2 id="AjaxComponentsFAQ-DoIhavetospecifybothidandt:idforZonecomponents?">Do I have to specify both <code>id</code> and <code>t:id</code> for Zone components?</h2><p>The examples for the Zone component (in the Component Reference) consistently specify both <code>id</code> and <code>t:id</code> and this is probably a good idea.</p><p>Generally speaking, if you don't specify the client-side id (the <code>id</code> attribute), it will be the same as the Tapestry component id (<code>t:id</code>).</p><p>However, there are any number of exceptions to this rule. The Zone may be rendering inside a Loop (in which case, each rendering will have a unique client side id). The Zone may be rendering as part of a partial page render, in which case, a random unique id is inserted into the id. There are other examples where Tapestry component ids in nested components may also clash.</p><p>The point is, to be sure, specify the exact client id. This will be the value for the <code>zone</code> p
 arameter of the triggering component (such as a Form, PageLink, ActionLink, etc.).</p><h2 id="AjaxComponentsFAQ-HowdoIupdatethecontentofaZonefromaneventhandlermethod?">How do I update the content of a Zone from an event handler method?</h2><p>When a client-side link or form triggers an update, the return value from the event handler method is used to construct a partial page response; this partial page response includes markup content that is used to update the Zone's client-side <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> element.</p><p>Where does that content come from? You inject it into your page.</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre class="syntaxhighlighter-pre" data-syntaxhighlighter-params="brush: xml; gutter: false; theme: Default" data-theme="Default">&lt;t:zone id="search" t:id="searchZone"&gt;

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/beaneditform-faq.html
--- websites/production/tapestry/content/beaneditform-faq.html (original)
+++ websites/production/tapestry/content/beaneditform-faq.html Mon Jul 23 11:20:42 2018
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       <div id="content">
                 <div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 id="BeanEditFormFAQ-BeanEditForm">BeanEditForm</h1><p>Main Article: <a  href="beaneditform-guide.html">BeanEditForm Guide</a></p><h2 id="BeanEditFormFAQ-Contents">Contents</h2><p><style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a  href="#BeanEditFormFAQ-WhydoIgetexceptionsaboutinstantiatingabeanwhenusingBeanEditForm?">Why do I get exceptions about instantiating a bean when using BeanEditForm?</a></li><li><a  href="#BeanEditFormFAQ-What'sthedifferencebetweenBeanEditorandBeanEditForm?">What's the difference between BeanEditor and BeanEditForm?</a></li><li><a  href="#BeanEditFormFAQ-HowdoIcustomizethelayoutoftheBeanEditForm?">How do I customize the layout of the BeanEditForm?</a></li></ul>
 </div><h2 id="BeanEditFormFAQ-WhydoIgetexceptionsaboutinstantiatingabeanwhenusingBeanEditForm?">Why do I get exceptions about instantiating a bean when using BeanEditForm?</h2><p>When you render a BeanEditForm, or when the rendered form is submitted, Tapestry must instantiate an instance of the object to be edited. This occurs when the BeanEditForm's <code>object</code> parameter is bound to null: Tapestry instantiates an instance of the property type so that the BeanEditForm has an object to read default values from, or to push submitted values into.</p><p>By default, this uses the standard <a  href="injection-in-detail.html">injection mechanism</a>, which means that Tapestry will identify the public constructor with the most parameters, and attempt to find objects and other objects for each constructor parameter.</p><p>There's two ways to fine tune this so you don't get errors:</p><ul><li>Place an @<a  class="external-link" href="
 he/tapestry5/ioc/annotations/Inject.html">Inject</a> annotation on the correct constructor to use (often, the constructor with no parameters).</li></ul><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre class="syntaxhighlighter-pre" data-syntaxhighlighter-params="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" data-theme="Default">public class MyBean {

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/cache/main.pageCache
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/component-events-faq.html
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+++ websites/production/tapestry/content/component-events-faq.html Mon Jul 23 11:20:42 2018
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       <div id="content">
                 <div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 id="ComponentEventsFAQ-ComponentEvents">Component Events</h1><p>Main Article: <a  href="component-events.html">Component Events</a></p><h2 id="ComponentEventsFAQ-Contents">Contents</h2><p><style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a  href="#ComponentEventsFAQ-WhydoesTapestrysendaredirectafteraformissubmitted?">Why does Tapestry send a redirect after a form is submitted?</a></li><li><a  href="#ComponentEventsFAQ-IspecifiedazoneinmyActionLink/EventLink,sowhydoesn'tmyeventfireviaajax(request.isXHR()isfalse)?">I specified a zone in my ActionLink/EventLink, so why doesn't my event fire via ajax (request.isXHR() is false)?</a></li></ul>
 </div><h2 id="ComponentEventsFAQ-WhydoesTapestrysendaredirectafteraformissubmitted?">Why does Tapestry send a redirect after a form is submitted?</h2><p>This is an extension of the <a  class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow">Post/Redirect/Get</a> approach. It ensures that after an operation that updates server-side state, such as a form submission, if the user resubmits the resulting page, the operation is <strong>not</strong> performed a second time; instead just the results of the operation, reflecting the changed server-side state, is re-rendered.</p><p>This has the unwanted requirement that any data needed to render the response must persist between the event request (the form submission) and the render request; this often means that fields must be annotated with @<a  class="external-link" href="">Persist</a>.

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/component-parameters.html
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+++ websites/production/tapestry/content/component-parameters.html Mon Jul 23 11:20:42 2018
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 </div></div><p>A component may have any number of parameters. Each parameter has a specific name, a specific Java type (which may be a primitive value), and may be <em>optional</em> or <em>required</em>.</p><p>Within a component class, parameters are declared by using the @<a  class="external-link" href="">Parameter</a> annotation on a private field, as we'll see below.</p><p><span class="confluence-anchor-link" id="ComponentParameters-bindingparameters"></span></p><h1 id="ComponentParameters-ParameterBindings">Parameter Bindings</h1><p>In Tapestry, a parameter is not a slot into which data is pushed: it is a <em>connection</em> between a field of the component (marked with the @Parameter annotation) and a property or resource of the component's container. (Components can be nested, so the container can be either the page or another component.)</p><div class="navmenu" style="float:right; backgr
 ound:white; margin:3px; padding:3px">
 <div class="panel" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="panelHeader" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;"><b>Contents</b></div><div class="panelContent">
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a  href="#ComponentParameters-ParameterBindings">Parameter Bindings</a></li><li><a  href="#ComponentParameters-BindingExpressions">Binding Expressions</a></li><li><a  href="#ComponentParameters-@Parameterannotation">@Parameter annotation</a></li><li><a  href="#ComponentParameters-Don'tusethe${...}syntax!">Don't use the ${...} syntax!</a></li><li><a  href="#ComponentParameters-InformalParameters">Informal Parameters</a></li><li><a  href="#ComponentParameters-ParametersAreBi-Directional">Parameters Are Bi-Directional</a></li><li><a  href="#ComponentParameters-InheritedParameterBindings">Inherited Parameter Bindings</a></li><li><a  href="#ComponentParameters-ComputedParameterBindingDefaults">Computed Parameter Binding Defaults</a></li><li><a  href="#ComponentParameters-UnboundParameters">Unbound Parameters</a></li><li><a  href="#ComponentParameters-ParameterTypeCoercion">Parameter Type Coercion</a></li><li><a  href="#ComponentParameters-ParameterNames">
 Parameter Names</a></li><li><a  href="#ComponentParameters-DeterminingifBound">Determining if Bound</a></li><li><a  href="#ComponentParameters-PublishingParameters">Publishing Parameters</a></li></ul>
 </div></div></div>&#160;<p>The connection between a component and a property (or resource) of its container is called a <em>binding</em>. The binding is two-way: the component can read the bound property by reading its parameter field. Likewise, a component that updates its parameter field will update the bound property.</p><p>This is important in a lot of cases; for example a TextField component can read <em>and update</em> the property bound to its value parameter. It reads the value when rendering, but updates the value when the form is submitted.</p><p>The component listed below is a looping component; it renders its body a number of times, defined by its <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> parameters (which set the boundaries of the loop). The component can update a <code>result</code> parameter bound to a property of its container; it will automatically count up or down depending on whether <code>start</code> or <code>end</code> is larger.</p><div class="code panel pdl" st
 yle="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/configuration.html
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                 <span class="icon aui-icon content-type-page" title="Page">Page:</span>        </div>
         <div class="details">
-                        <a  href="configuration.html">Configuration</a>
+                        <a  href="response-compression.html">Response Compression</a>
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                 <span class="icon aui-icon content-type-page" title="Page">Page:</span>        </div>
         <div class="details">
-                        <a  href="response-compression.html">Response Compression</a>
+                        <a  href="symbols.html">Symbols</a>
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                 <span class="icon aui-icon content-type-page" title="Page">Page:</span>        </div>
         <div class="details">
-                        <a  href="symbols.html">Symbols</a>
+                        <a  href="application-module-class-cheat-sheet.html">Application Module Class Cheat Sheet</a>
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                 <span class="icon aui-icon content-type-page" title="Page">Page:</span>        </div>
         <div class="details">
-                        <a  href="application-module-class-cheat-sheet.html">Application Module Class Cheat Sheet</a>
+                        <a  href="tapestry-ioc-configuration.html">Tapestry IoC Configuration</a>
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                 <span class="icon aui-icon content-type-page" title="Page">Page:</span>        </div>
         <div class="details">
-                        <a  href="tapestry-ioc-configuration.html">Tapestry IoC Configuration</a>
+                        <a  href="configuration.html">Configuration</a>
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 <h1 id="Configuration-ConfiguringTapestry">Configuring Tapestry</h1><p>This page discusses all the ways in which Tapestry can be configured. Tapestry applications are configured almost entirely using Java, with very little XML at all.</p><p><strong>Contents</strong></p><p><style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a  href="#Configuration-XMLconfiguration(web.xml)">XML configuration (web.xml)</a></li><li><a  href="#Configuration-YourApplication'sModuleClass">Your Application's Module Class</a></li><li><a  href="#Configuration-ConfigurationSymbolNames">Configuration Symbol Names</a></li><li><a  href="#Configuration-SettingComponentParameterDefaults">Setting Component Parameter Defaults</a></li><li><a  href="#Configuration-ConfiguringIgnoredPaths">Configuring Ignored Paths</a></li><li><a  href="#Configuration-ConfiguringContentTypeMapping">Configuring Content Type Mapping</a></li><li><a  href="#Configuration-SettingExecutionModes">Setting Execution Modes</a></li><li><a  href="#Configuration-SegregatingApplicationsIntoFolders">Segregating Applications Into Folders</a></li></ul>
 </div><h2 id="Configuration-XMLconfiguration(web.xml)">XML configuration (web.xml)</h2><p>Tapestry runs on top of the standard Java Servlet API. To the servlet container, such as Tomcat, Tapestry appears as a <em>servlet filter</em>. This gives Tapestry great flexibility in matching URLs without requiring lots of XML configuration.</p><p>Although most configuration is done with Java, a small but necessary amount of configuration occurs inside the servlet deployment descriptor, WEB-INF/web.xml. Most of the configuration is boilerplate, nearly the same for all applications.</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeHeader panelHeader pdl" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;"><b>web.xml (partial)</b></div><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre class="syntaxhighlighter-pre" data-syntaxhighlighter-params="brush: xml; gutter: false; theme: Default" data-theme="Default">&lt;!DOCTYPE web-app
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ div.rbtoc1532002780695 li {margin-left:
 <p>The Tapestry filter matches all the requests that apply to Tapestry, and passes the rest off to the servlet container. In situations where there would be a naming conflict, actual files inside the web application take precedence over Tapestry pages.</p>
-<p>Tapestry recognizes the <em>root URL</em>, where the servlet path is simply "/", and renders the application page "Index", if it exists.</p></div>The application-specific part, the <code></code> context parameter, provides your application's root package name. Tapestry uses this to locate your page and component classes. It expects page classes in the <code>pages</code> sub-package and components in the <code>components</code> sub-package. In the example above, page classes will be stored in the <code>org.example.myapp.pages</code> package (or in sub-packages below). Likewise, component classes will be stored in the <code>org.example.myapp.components</code> package.<p><br clear="none"></p><p>By convention, the filter name (<code>filter-name</code>) is almost always "app", but you can use any name you want. Tapestry uses this to determine what <em>module class</em> name to look for (see below).</p><h2 id="Configuration-YourApplication'sModuleClass">Your Applica
 tion's Module Class</h2><p>Main Article: <a  href="tapestry-ioc-configuration.html">Tapestry IoC Configuration</a></p><p>Most other configuration occurs inside your application's module class. The application module class will often define new services, provide overrides of services, or make contributions to service configurations.</p><p>Tapestry looks for your application module class in the services package (under the root package) of your application. It capitalizes the &lt;filter-name&gt; and appends "Module". In the previous example, because the filter name was "app" and the application's root package name is "org.example.myapp", the module class would be</p><p>If such a class exists, it is added to the IoC Registry. It is not an error for your application to not have a module class, though any non-trivial application will have one.</p><p>Your application module class (usually will typically override some of Tapestry's defau
 lt, or "factory", symbols, by contributing overrides to the ApplicationDefaults service configuration. For example:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeHeader panelHeader pdl" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;"><b></b></div><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
+<p>Tapestry recognizes the <em>root URL</em>, where the servlet path is simply "/", and renders the application page "Index", if it exists.</p></div><p>The application-specific part, the <code></code> context parameter, provides your application's root package name. Tapestry uses this to locate your page and component classes. It expects page classes in the <code>pages</code> sub-package and components in the <code>components</code> sub-package. In the example above, page classes will be stored in the <code>org.example.myapp.pages</code> package (or in sub-packages below). Likewise, component classes will be stored in the <code>org.example.myapp.components</code> package.</p><p><br clear="none"></p><p>By convention, the filter name (<code>filter-name</code>) is almost always "app", but you can use any name you want. Tapestry uses this to determine what <em>module class</em> name to look for (see below).</p><h2 id="Configuration-YourApplication'sModuleClass">Your 
 Application's Module Class</h2><p>Main Article: <a  href="tapestry-ioc-configuration.html">Tapestry IoC Configuration</a></p><p>Most other configuration occurs inside your application's module class. The application module class will often define new services, provide overrides of services, or make contributions to service configurations.</p><p>Tapestry looks for your application module class in the services package (under the root package) of your application. It capitalizes the &lt;filter-name&gt; and appends "Module". In the previous example, because the filter name was "app" and the application's root package name is "org.example.myapp", the module class would be</p><p>If such a class exists, it is added to the IoC Registry. It is not an error for your application to not have a module class, though any non-trivial application will have one.</p><p>Your application module class (usually will typically override some of Tapestry'
 s default, or "factory", symbols, by contributing overrides to the ApplicationDefaults service configuration. For example:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeHeader panelHeader pdl" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;"><b></b></div><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre class="syntaxhighlighter-pre" data-syntaxhighlighter-params="brush: java; gutter: false; theme: Default" data-theme="Default">public class AppModule
   public static void contributeApplicationDefaults(MappedConfiguration&lt;String,String&gt; configuration)

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/forms-and-form-components-faq.html
--- websites/production/tapestry/content/forms-and-form-components-faq.html (original)
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       <div id="content">
                 <div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 id="FormsandFormComponentsFAQ-FormsandFormComponents">Forms and Form Components</h1><p>Main article: <a  href="forms-and-validation.html">Forms and Validation</a></p><h2 id="FormsandFormComponentsFAQ-Contents">Contents</h2><p><style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a  href="#FormsandFormComponentsFAQ-Whatisthet:formdatahiddenfieldfor?">What is the t:formdata hidden field for?</a></li><li><a  href="#FormsandFormComponentsFAQ-HowdoIchangethelabelforafieldonthefly?">How do I change the label for a field on the fly?</a></li><li><a  href="#FormsandFormComponentsFAQ-Tapestryfocusesonthewrongfieldinmyform,howdoIfixthat?">Tapestry focuses on the wrong field in my form, how do I fix that?</a></li></ul>
 </div><h2 id="FormsandFormComponentsFAQ-Whatisthet:formdatahiddenfieldfor?">What is the <code>t:formdata</code> hidden field for?</h2><p>In Tapestry, rendering a form can be a complicated process; inside the body of the Form component are many of field components: TextField, Select, TextArea, and so forth. Each of these must pull data out of your data model and convert it to the string form used inside the client web browser. In addition, JavaScript to support client-side validation must be generated. This can be further complicated by the use of Loop and If components, or made really complicated by the use of Block (to render portions of other pages: this is what the BeanEditForm component does).</p><p>Along the way, the Form is generating unique form control names for each field component, as it renders.</p><p>When the client-side Form is submitted, an event is triggered on the server-side Form component. It now needs to locate each component, in turn, inform the component of its 
 control name, and allow the component to read the corresponding query parameter. The component then converts the client-side string back into a server-side value and performs validations before updating the data model.</p><p>That's where <code>t:formdata</code> comes in. While components are rendering, they are using the FormSupport environmental object to record callbacks:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeHeader panelHeader pdl" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;"><b> (partial)</b></div><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre class="syntaxhighlighter-pre" data-syntaxhighlighter-params="brush: java; gutter: true; theme: Default" data-theme="Default">public interface FormSupport extends ClientElement

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/forms-and-validation.html
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 <p>&#160;</p><p>Tapestry provides support for creating and rendering forms, populating their fields, and validating user input. For simple cases, input validation is declarative, meaning you simply tell Tapestry what validations to apply to a given field, and it takes care of it on the server and (optionally) on the client as well. In addition, you can provide event handler methods&#160;in your page or component classes to handle more complex validation scenarios.</p><p>Finally, Tapestry not only makes it easy to present errors messages to the user, but it can also automatically highlight form fields when validation fails.</p><p><strong>Contents</strong></p><p><style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li>Related Articles</li></ul>
 <ul><li><a  href="#FormsandValidation-TheFormComponent">The Form Component</a>
 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a  href="#FormsandValidation-FormEvents">Form Events</a></li><li><a  href="#FormsandValidation-HandlingEvents">Handling Events</a></li><li><a  href="#FormsandValidation-TrackingValidationErrors">Tracking Validation Errors</a></li><li><a  href="#FormsandValidation-StoringDataBetweenRequests">Storing Data Between Requests</a></li><li><a  href="#FormsandValidation-ConfiguringFieldsandLabels">Configuring Fields and Labels</a></li></ul>

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                 <div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 id="GeneralQuestions-GeneralQuestions">General Questions</h1><h2 id="GeneralQuestions-Contents">Contents</h2><p><style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a  href="#GeneralQuestions-HowdoIgetstartedwithTapestry?">How do I get started with Tapestry?</a></li><li><a  href="#GeneralQuestions-WhydoesTapestryusePrototype(inversionsbefore5.4)?WhynotinsertfavoriteJavaScriptlibraryhere?">Why does Tapestry use Prototype (in versions before 5.4)? Why not insert favorite JavaScript library here?</a></li><li><a  href="#GeneralQuestions-WhydoesTapestryhaveitsownInversionofControlContainer?WhynotSpringorGuice?">Why does Tapestry have its own Inversion of Control Container? Why not Spring or Guice?</a></li><li><a  href="#GeneralQuestions-HowdoIupgradefromTapestry4toTapestry5?">How do I upgrade from Tapestry 4 to Tapestry 5?</a></li><li><a  href="#GeneralQuestions-HowdoIupgradefromoneversionofTapestry5toanother?">How do I upgrade from one version of Tapestry 5 to another?</a></li><li><a  href="#GeneralQuestions-WhyaretherebothRequestandHttpServletRequest?">Why are there both Request and HttpServletRequest?</a></li></ul
 </div><h2 id="GeneralQuestions-HowdoIgetstartedwithTapestry?">How do I get started with Tapestry?</h2><p class="confluence-link">The easiest way to get started is to use <a  class="external-link" href="">Apache Maven</a> to create your initial project; Maven can use an <em>archetype</em> (a kind of project template) to create a bare-bones Tapestry application for you. See the&#160;<a  href="getting-started.html">Getting Started</a> page for more details.</p><p>Even without Maven, Tapestry is quite easy to set up. You just need to <a  href="general-questions.html">download</a> the binaries and setup your build to place them inside your WAR's WEB-INF/lib folder. The rest is just some one-time <a  href="configuration.html">configuration of the web.xml deployment descriptor</a>.</p><h2 id="GeneralQuestions-WhydoesTapestryusePrototype(inversionsbefore5.4)?WhynotinsertfavoriteJavaScriptlibraryhere?">Why does Tapestry use Prototype (in versions before 5.4)? Why not <
 em>insert favorite JavaScript library here</em>?</h2><p>An important goal for Tapestry is seamless DHTML and Ajax integration. To serve that goal, it was important that the built in components be capable of Ajax operations, such as dynamically re-rendering parts of the page. Because of that, it made sense to bundle a well-known JavaScript library as part of Tapestry.</p><p>At the time (this would be 2006-ish), Prototype and Scriptaculous were well known and well documented, whereas jQuery was just getting started.</p><p>The intent has always been to make this aspect of Tapestry pluggable. Tapestry 5.4 includes the option of either Prototype or jQuery, and future versions of Tapestry will likely remove Prototype as an option..</p><h2 id="GeneralQuestions-WhydoesTapestryhaveitsownInversionofControlContainer?WhynotSpringorGuice?">Why does Tapestry have its own Inversion of Control Container? Why not Spring or Guice?</h2><p>An Inversion of Control Container is <em>the</em> key piece of 
 Tapestry's infrastructure. It is absolutely necessary to create software as robust, performant and extensible as Tapestry.</p><p>Tapestry IoC includes a number of features that distinguish itself from other containers:</p><ul><li>Configured in code, not XML</li><li>Built-in extension mechanism for services: configurations and contributions</li><li>Built-in aspect oriented programming model (service decorations and advice)</li><li>Easy modularization</li><li>Best-of-breed exception reporting</li></ul><p>Because Tapestry is implemented on top of its IoC container, and because the container makes it easy to extend or replace any service inside the container, it is possible to make the small changes to Tapestry needed to customize it to any project's needs.</p><p>In addition &#8211; and this is critical&#160;&#8211; Tapestry allows 3rd party libraries to be built that fully participate in the configurability of Tapestry itself. This means that such libraries can be configured the same w
 ay Tapestry itself is configured, and such libraries can also configure Tapestry itself. This <em>distributed configuration</em> requires an IOC container that fully supports such configurability.</p><h2 id="GeneralQuestions-HowdoIupgradefromTapestry4toTapestry5?">How do I upgrade from Tapestry 4 to Tapestry 5?</h2><p>There is no existing tool that supports upgrading from Tapestry 4 to Tapestry 5; Tapestry 5 is a complete rewrite.</p><p>Many of the basic concepts in Tapestry 4 are still present in Tapestry 5, but refactored, improved, streamlined, and simplified. The basic concept of pages, templates and components are largely the same. Other aspects, such as server-side event handling, is markedly different.</p><p>Tapestry 5 is designed so that it can live side-by-side in the same servlet as a Tapestry 4 app, without package namespace conflicts, sharing session data and common resources such as images and CSS. This means that you can gradually migrate a Tapestry 4 app to Tapestry 5
  one page (or one portion of the app) at a time.</p><h2 id="GeneralQuestions-HowdoIupgradefromoneversionofTapestry5toanother?">How do I upgrade from one version of Tapestry 5 to another?</h2><p>Main Article: <a  href="how-to-upgrade.html">How to Upgrade</a>.</p><p>A lot of effort goes into making an upgrade from one Tapestry 5 release to another go smoothly. In the general case, it is just a matter of updating the version number in your Maven <code>build.xml</code> or Gradle <code>build.gradle</code> file and executing the appropriate commands (e.g., <code>gradle idea</code> or <code>mvn eclipse:eclipse</code>) to bring your local workspace up to date with the latest binaries.</p><p>After changing dependencies, you should always perform a clean recompile of your application.</p><p>We make every effort to ensure backwards-compatibility. Tapestry is mostly coded in terms of interfaces; those interfaces are stable to a point: interfaces your code is expected to implement are usually co
 mpletely frozen; interfaces your code is expected to invoke, such as the interfaces to IoC services, are stable, but may have new methods added in a release; existing methods are not changed.</p><p>In <em>rare</em> cases a choice is necessary between fixing bugs (or adding essential functionality) and maintaining complete backwards compatibility; in those cases, an incompatible change may be introduced. These are always discussed in detail in the&#160;<a  href="release-notes.html">Release Notes</a> for the specific release. You should always read the release notes before attempting an upgrade, and always (really, <em>always</em>) be prepared to retest your application afterwards.</p><p>Note that you should be careful any time you make use of <strong>internal</strong> APIs (you can tell an API is internal by the package name, <code>org.apache.tapestry5.internal). </code>Internal APIs may change <em>at any time</em>; there's no guarantee of backwards compatibility. Please always check
  on the documentation, or consult the user mailing list, to see if there's a stable, public alternative. If you do make use of internal APIs, be sure to get a discussion going so that your needs can be met in the future by a stable, public API.</p><h2 id="GeneralQuestions-WhyaretherebothRequestandHttpServletRequest?"><span style="color: rgb(83,145,38);">Why are there both Request and HttpServletRequest?</span></h2><p>Tapestry's Request interface is <em>very</em> close to the standard HttpServletRequest interface. It differs in a few ways, omitting some unneeded methods, and adding a couple of new methods (such as <code>isXHR()</code>), as well as changing how some existing methods operate. For example, <code>getParameterNames()</code> returns a sorted List of Strings; HttpServletRequest returns an Enumeration, which is a very dated approach.</p><p>However, the stronger reason for Request (and the related interfaces Response and Session) is to enable the support for Portlets at some 
 point in the future. By writing code in terms of Tapestry's Request, and not HttpServletRequest, you can be assured that the same code will operate in both Servlet Tapestry and Portlet Tapestry.</p></div>

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/hibernate-support-faq.html
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                 <div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 id="HibernateSupportFAQ-HibernateSupport">Hibernate Support</h1><p>Main article: <a  href="hibernate.html">Hibernate</a></p><h2 id="HibernateSupportFAQ-Contents">Contents</h2><p><style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a  href="#HibernateSupportFAQ-HowdoIgetHibernatetostartupupwhentheapplicationstartsup,ratherthanlazilywiththefirstrequestfortheapplication?">How do I get Hibernate to startup up when the application starts up, rather than lazily with the first request for the application?</a></li></ul>
 </div><h2 id="HibernateSupportFAQ-HowdoIgetHibernatetostartupupwhentheapplicationstartsup,ratherthanlazilywiththefirstrequestfortheapplication?">How do I get Hibernate to startup up when the application starts up, rather than lazily with the first request for the application?</h2><p>This was a minor problem in 5.0; by 5.1 it is just a matter of overriding the configuration system <code>tapestry.hibernate-early-startup</code> to "true".</p></div>

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/injection-faq.html
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                 <div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 id="InjectionFAQ-Injection">Injection</h1><p>Main article:&#160; <a  href="injection.html">Injection</a></p><h2 id="InjectionFAQ-Contents">Contents</h2><p><style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a  href="#InjectionFAQ-What'sthedifferencebetweenthe@Componentand@InjectComponentannotations?">What's the difference between the @Component and @InjectComponent annotations?</a></li><li><a  href="#InjectionFAQ-What'sthedifferencebetweenthe@InjectPageand@InjectContainerannotations?">What's the difference between the @InjectPage and @InjectContainer annotations?</a></li><li><a  href="#InjectionFAQ-IgetanexceptionbecauseIhavetwoserviceswiththesameinterface,howdoIhandlethis?">I get an exception because I have two services with the same interface, how do I handle this?</a></li><li><a  href="#InjectionFAQ-What'sthedifferencebetween@Injectand@Environmental?">What's the difference between @Inject and @Environmental?</a></li><li><a  href="#InjectionFAQ-Butwait...IseeIusedthe@Injectannotationanditstillworked.Whatgives?">But wait ... I see I used the @Inject annotation and it still worked. What gives?</a></li><li><a  href="#InjectionFAQ-Ok,butRequestisasingleto
 nservice,notanenvironmental,andIcaninjectthat.IsTapestryreallythreadsafe?">Ok, but Request is a singleton service, not an environmental, and I can inject that. Is Tapestry really thread safe?</a></li><li><a  href="#InjectionFAQ-Iuse@Injectonafieldtoinjectaservice,butthefieldisstillnull,whathappened?">I use @Inject on a field to inject a service, but the field is still null, what happened?</a></li></ul>
 </div><h2 id="InjectionFAQ-What'sthedifferencebetweenthe@Componentand@InjectComponentannotations?">What's the difference between the <code>@Component</code> and <code>@InjectComponent</code> annotations?</h2><p>The <code>@Component</code> annotation is used to define the <em>type</em> of component, and its parameter bindings. When using <code>@Component</code>, the template must not define the type, and any parameter bindings are merged in:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre class="syntaxhighlighter-pre" data-syntaxhighlighter-params="brush: java; gutter: true; theme: Default" data-theme="Default">  &lt;a t:id="home" class="nav"&gt;Back to home&lt;/a&gt;

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       <div id="content">
                 <div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 id="Integrationwithexistingapplications-Integrationwithexistingapplications">Integration with existing applications</h1><h2 id="Integrationwithexistingapplications-Contents">Contents</h2><p><style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a  href="#Integrationwithexistingapplications-HowdoImakeaformonaJSPsubmitintoTapestry?">How do I make a form on a JSP submit into Tapestry?</a></li><li><a  href="#Integrationwithexistingapplications-HowdoIshareinformationbetweenaJSPapplicationandtheTapestryapplication?">How do I share information between a JSP application and the Tapestry application?</a></li><li><a  href="#Integrationwithexistingapplications-HowdoIputtheTapestryapplicationinsideafolder,toavoidconflicts?">How do I put the Tapestry application inside a folder, to avoid conflicts?</a></li></ul>
 </div><p>You may have an existing JSP (or Struts, Spring MVC, etc.) application that you want to migrate to Tapestry. It's quite common to do this in stages, moving some functionality into Tapestry and leaving other parts, initially, in the other system. <a  href="request-processing-faq.html">You may need to prevent Tapestry from handling certain requests</a>.</p><h2 id="Integrationwithexistingapplications-HowdoImakeaformonaJSPsubmitintoTapestry?">How do I make a form on a JSP submit into Tapestry?</h2><p>Tapestry's Form component does a lot of work while an HTML form is rendering to store all the information needed to handle the form submission in a later request; this is all very specific to Tapestry and the particular construction of your pages and forms; it can't be reproduced from a JSP.</p><p>Fortunately, that isn't necessary: you can have a standard HTML Form submit to a Tapestry page, you just don't get to use all of Tapestry's built in conversion and validation logic.</p><p
 >All you need to know is how Tapestry converts page class names to page names (that appear in the URL). It's basically a matter of stripping off the <em>root-package</em>.<code>pages</code> prefix from the fully qualified class name. So, for example, if you are building a login screen as a JSP, you might want to have a Tapestry page to receive the user name and password. Let's assume the Tapestry page class is <code>com.example.myapp.pages.LoginForm</code>; the page name will be <code>loginform (although, since&#160;</code><span>Tapestry is case insensitive, LoginForm would work just as well)</span><span>, and the URL will be </span><code>/loginform</code><span>.</span></p><p>&#160;</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeHeader panelHeader pdl" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;"><b>LoginForm.tml</b></div><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre class="syntaxhighlighter-pre" data-syntaxhighlighter-params="brush: xml; gutter: false; theme: Default" data-theme="Default">&lt;form method="post" action="/loginform"&gt;

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/ioc-cookbook.html
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                 <span class="icon aui-icon content-type-page" title="Page">Page:</span>        </div>
         <div class="details">
-                        <a  href="ioc-cookbook.html">IoC cookbook</a>
+                        <a  href="tapestry-inversion-of-control-faq.html">Tapestry Inversion of Control FAQ</a>
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-                        <a  href="tapestry-inversion-of-control-faq.html">Tapestry Inversion of Control FAQ</a>
+                        <a  href="ioc-cookbook.html">IoC cookbook</a>

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       <div id="content">
                 <div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 id="JavaScriptFAQ-JavaScript">JavaScript</h1><p>Main articles: <a  href="client-side-javascript.html">Client-Side JavaScript</a>, <a  href="legacy-javascript.html">Legacy JavaScript</a></p><h2 id="JavaScriptFAQ-Contents">Contents</h2><p><style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a  href="#JavaScriptFAQ-WhydoIgeta&quot;Tapestryisundefined&quot;erroronformsubmit?(5.3andearlier)">Why do I get a "Tapestry is undefined" error on form submit? (5.3 and earlier)</a></li><li><a  href="#JavaScriptFAQ-What'sthedifferencebetweentheT5objectandtheTapestryobjectinthebrowser?(5.3andearlier)">What's the difference between the T5 object and the Tapestry object in the browser? (5.3 and earlier)</a></li></ul>
 </div><h2 id="JavaScriptFAQ-WhydoIgeta&quot;Tapestryisundefined&quot;erroronformsubmit?(5.3andearlier)">Why do I get a "Tapestry is undefined" error on form submit? (5.3 and earlier)</h2><p>This client-side error is clear but can be awkward to solve. It means your browser has not been able to load the tapestry.js file properly. The question is, why? It can be due to multiple reasons, some of them below:</p><ul><li>First, check if 'tapestry.js' is present in the head part of your resulting HTML page.</li><li><p>If you have set the <a  href="configuration.html">tapestry.combine-scripts</a> configuration symbol to true, Tapestry generates one single URL to retrieve all the JS files. Sometimes, this can produce long URLs that browsers are unable to retrieve. Try setting the symbol to false.</p><div class="confluence-information-macro confluence-information-macro-note"><span class="aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-warning confluence-information-macro-icon"></span><div class="confluen
 ce-information-macro-body"><p>This only applies to Tapestry 5.1.</p></div></div></li><li>If you have included jQuery in conjunction with Tapestry's prototype, that will cause a conflict with the '$' selector used by both. In this case, you should put jQuery on top of the stack and turn on the <a  class="external-link" href="" rel="nofollow">jQuery.noConflict</a> mode.</li><li>Also, if you have included a custom or third-party JS library on top of the stack that causes the JavaScript parsing to fail, then check the JavaScript syntax in that library.</li><li>If you have used a tool to minimize your JavaScript libraries, this can lead to JavaScript syntax errors, so check if it works with all the JavaScript files unpacked.</li></ul><h2 id="JavaScriptFAQ-What'sthedifferencebetweentheT5objectandtheTapestryobjectinthebrowser?(5.3andearlier)">What's the difference between the <code>T5</code> object and the <code>Tapestry</code> object in the browser?
  (5.3 and earlier)</h2><p>Both of these objects are <em>namespaces</em>: containers of functions, constants, and nested namespaces.</p><p>The <code>T5</code> object is a replacement for the <code>Tapestry</code> object, starting in release 5.3. Increasingly, functions defined by the <code>Tapestry</code> object are being replaced with similar or equivalent functions in the <code>T5</code> object.</p><p>This is part of an overall goal, spanning at least two releases of Tapestry, to make Tapestry JavaScript framework agnostic; which is to say, not depend specifically on Prototype or jQuery. Much of the code in the <code>Tapestry</code> object is specifically linked to Prototype and Scriptaculous.</p><p>The <code>T5</code> object represents a stable, documented, set of APIs that are preferred when building components for maximum portability between underlying JavaScript frameworks. In other words, when building component libraries, coding to the <code>T5</code> object ensures that your
  component will be useful regardless of whether the final application is built using Prototype, jQuery or something else.</p></div>

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/limitations.html
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                 <div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 id="Limitations-Limitations">Limitations</h1><h2 id="Limitations-Contents">Contents</h2><p><style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a  href="#Limitations-HowdoIaddnewcomponentstoanexistingpagedynamically?">How do I add new components to an existing page dynamically?</a></li><li><a  href="#Limitations-Whydoesn'tmyserviceimplementationreloadwhenIchangeit?">Why doesn't my service implementation reload when I change it?</a></li><li><a  href="#Limitations-HowdoIrunmultipleTapestryapplicationsinthesamewebapplication?">How do I run multiple Tapestry applications in the same web application?</a></li></ul>
 </div><h2 id="Limitations-HowdoIaddnewcomponentstoanexistingpagedynamically?">How do I add new components to an existing page dynamically?</h2><p>The short answer here is: <strong>you don't</strong>. The long answer here is <strong>you don't have to, to get the behavior you desire</strong>.</p><p>One of Tapestry basic values is high scalability: this is expressed in a number of ways, reflecting scalability concerns within a single server, and within a cluster of servers.</p><p>Although you code Tapestry pages and components as if they were ordinary POJOs (<span>Plain Old Java Objects -- Tapestry does not require you to extend any base classes or implement any special interfaces)</span><span>, as deployed by Tapestry they are closer to a traditional servlet: a single instance of each page services requests from multiple threads. Behind the scenes, Tapestry transforms you code, rewriting it on the fly.</span></p><p>What this means is that <em>any</em> incoming request must be handled 
 by a <em>single page instance</em>. Therefore, Tapestry enforces the concept of <strong>static structure, dynamic behavior</strong>.</p><p>Tapestry provides quite a number of ways to vary what content is rendered, well beyond simple conditionals and loops. It is possible to "drag in" components from other pages when rendering a page (other FAQs will expand on this concept). The point is, that although a Tapestry page's structure is very rigid, the order in which the components of the page render does not have to be top to bottom.</p><h2 id="Limitations-Whydoesn'tmyserviceimplementationreloadwhenIchangeit?">Why doesn't my service implementation reload when I change it?</h2><p>Main article: <a  href="service-implementation-reloading.html">Service Implementation Reloading</a></p><p>Live service reloading has some limitations:</p><ul><li>The service must define a service interface.</li><li>The service implementation must be on the file system (not inside a JAR).</li><li>The implementati
 on must be instantiated by Tapestry, not inside code (even code inside a module class).</li><li>The service must use the default <a  href="limitations.html">scope</a> (reloading of perthread scopes is not supported).</li></ul><p>Consider the following example module:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre class="syntaxhighlighter-pre" data-syntaxhighlighter-params="brush: java; gutter: true; theme: Default" data-theme="Default">public static void bind(ServiceBinder binder)

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/link-components-faq.html
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       <div id="content">
                 <div id="ConfluenceContent"><p>&#160;</p><p>&#160;</p><h1 id="LinkComponentsFAQ-LinkComponents">Link Components</h1><p>Main Articles: <a  href="page-navigation.html">Page Navigation</a>, <a  href="component-parameters.html">Component Parameters</a></p><h2 id="LinkComponentsFAQ-Contents">Contents</h2><p><style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a  href="#LinkComponentsFAQ-HowdoIaddqueryparameterstoaPageLinkorActionLink?">How do I add query parameters to a PageLink or ActionLink?</a></li><li><a  href="#LinkComponentsFAQ-HowdoIcreateaLinkbacktothecurrentpagefromacomponent?">How do I create a Link back to the current page from a component?</a></li></ul>
 </div><h2 id="LinkComponentsFAQ-HowdoIaddqueryparameterstoaPageLinkorActionLink?">How do I add query parameters to a PageLink or ActionLink?</h2><p>These components do not have parameters to allow you to specify query parameters for the link; they both allow you to specify a <em>context</em> (one or more values to encode into the request path).</p><p>However, you can accomplish the same thing with a little code and markup. For example, to create a link to another page and pass a query parameter, you can replace your PageLink component with a standard <code>&lt;a&gt;</code> tag:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre class="syntaxhighlighter-pre" data-syntaxhighlighter-params="brush: xml; gutter: false; theme: Default" data-theme="Default">&lt;a href="${profilePageLink}"&gt;Display Profile (w/ full details)&lt;/a&gt;

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/maven-support-faq.html
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       <div id="content">
                 <div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 id="MavenSupportFAQ-MavenSupport">Maven Support</h1><h2 id="MavenSupportFAQ-Contents">Contents</h2><p><style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a  href="#MavenSupportFAQ-WhydoMavenprojectnamesandotherdetailsshowupinmypages?">Why do Maven project names and other details show up in my pages?</a></li></ul>
 </div><h2 id="MavenSupportFAQ-WhydoMavenprojectnamesandotherdetailsshowupinmypages?">Why do Maven project names and other details show up in my pages?</h2><p>Tapestry and maven both use the same syntax for dynamic portions of files: the <code>${...</code>} syntax. When Maven is copying resources from <code>src/main/resources</code>, and when filtering is <em>enabled</em> (which is not the default), then any expansions in <em>Tapestry templates</em> that match against Maven project properties are substituted. If you look at the deployed application you'll see that <code>${name</code>} is gone, replaced with your project's name!</p><p>The solution is to update your <code>pom.xml</code> and ignore any .tml files when copying and filtering:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeHeader panelHeader pdl" style="border-bottom-width: 1px;"><b>pom.xml (partial)</b></div><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre class="syntaxhighlighter-pre" data-syntaxhighlighter-params="brush: xml; gutter: false; theme: Default" data-theme="Default">  &lt;resource&gt;

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/page-and-component-classes-faq.html
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       <div id="content">
                 <div id="ConfluenceContent"><h1 id="PageAndComponentClassesFAQ-PageAndComponentClasses">Page And Component Classes</h1><p>Main article: <a  href="component-classes.html">Component Classes</a></p><h2 id="PageAndComponentClassesFAQ-Contents">Contents</h2><p><style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a  href="#PageAndComponentClassesFAQ-What'sthedifferencebetweenapageandacomponent?">What's the difference between a page and a component?</a></li><li><a  href="#PageAndComponentClassesFAQ-HowdoIstoremypageclassesinadifferentpackage?">How do I store my page classes in a different package?</a></li><li><a  href="#PageAndComponentClassesFAQ-Whydomyinstancevariableshavetobeprivate?">Why do my instance variables have to be private?</a></li><li><a  href="#PageAndComponentClassesFAQ-Whydon'tmyinformalparametersshowupintherenderedmarkup?">Why don't my informal parameters show up in the rendered markup?</a></li><li><a  href="#PageAndComponentClassesFAQ-WhydoIgetjava.lang.LinkageErrorwhenIinvokepublicmethodsofmypageclasses?">Why do I get java.lang.LinkageError when I invoke public methods of my page classes?</a></li><li><a  href="#PageAndComponentClassesFAQ-Whichisbetter,usingmagicmethodnames(i.e.,beginRender())orannotations(i.e.BeginRender)?">Which is better, 
 using magic method names (i.e., beginRender()) or annotations (i.e. BeginRender)?</a></li><li><a  href="#PageAndComponentClassesFAQ-WhydoIhavetoinjectapage?Whycan'tIjustcreateoneusingnew?">Why do I have to inject a page? Why can't I just create one using new?</a></li></ul>
 </div><h2 id="PageAndComponentClassesFAQ-What'sthedifferencebetweenapageandacomponent?">What's the difference between a page and a component?</h2><p>There's very little difference between the two. Pages classes must be in the <em>root-package</em>.<code>pages</code> package; components must be in the <em>root-package</em>.<code>components</code>. Pages may provide event handlers for certain page-specific events (such as activate and passivate). Components may have parameters.</p><p>Other than that, they are more equal than they are different. They may have templates or may render themselves in code (pages usually have a template, components are more likely to render only in code).</p><p>The major difference is that Tapestry page templates may be stored in the web context directory, as if they were static files (they can't be accessed from the client however; a specific rule prevents access to files with the <code>.tml</code> extension).</p><div class="confluence-information-macro co
 nfluence-information-macro-warning"><span class="aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-error confluence-information-macro-icon"></span><div class="confluence-information-macro-body"><p>It is possible that this feature may be removed in a later release. It is preferred that page templates be stored on the classpath, like component templates.</p></div></div><h2 id="PageAndComponentClassesFAQ-HowdoIstoremypageclassesinadifferentpackage?">How do I store my page classes in a different package?</h2><p>Tapestry is very rigid here; you can't. Page classes must go in <em>root-package</em>.<code>pages</code>, component classes in <em>root-package</em>.<code>components</code>, etc.</p><p>You are allowed to create sub-packages, to help organize your code better and more logically. For example, you might have <em>root-package</em>.<code>pages.account.ViewAccount</code>, which would have the page name "account/viewaccount". (<span>Tapestry would also create an alias "account/view", by stripping of
 f the redundant "account" suffix. Either name is equally valid in your code, and Tapestry will use the shorter name, "account/view" in URLs.)</span></p><p>In addition, it is possible to define additional root packages for the application:</p><div class="code panel pdl" style="border-width: 1px;"><div class="codeContent panelContent pdl">
 <pre class="syntaxhighlighter-pre" data-syntaxhighlighter-params="brush: java; gutter: true; theme: Default" data-theme="Default">public static void contributeComponentClassResolver(Configuration&lt;LibraryMapping&gt; configuration) {
@@ -117,13 +117,13 @@ public class DBImage
-<span class="gliffy-container" id="gliffy-container-23527573-4792" data-fullwidth="750" data-ceoid="23335008" data-edit="${diagramEditLink.getLinkUrl()}" data-full="${diagramZoomLink.getLinkUrl()}" data-filename="Class Loaders">
+<span class="gliffy-container" id="gliffy-container-23527573-526" data-fullwidth="750" data-ceoid="23335008" data-edit="${diagramEditLink.getLinkUrl()}" data-full="${diagramZoomLink.getLinkUrl()}" data-filename="Class Loaders">
-    <map id="gliffy-map-23527573-4441" name="gliffy-map-23527573-4441"></map>
+    <map id="gliffy-map-23527573-8663" name="gliffy-map-23527573-8663"></map>
-    <img class="gliffy-image" id="gliffy-image-23527573-4792" width="750" height="425" data-full-width="750" data-full-height="425" src=";modificationDate=1283534469000&amp;api=v2" alt="Class Loaders" usemap="#gliffy-map-23527573-4441">
+    <img class="gliffy-image" id="gliffy-image-23527573-526" width="750" height="425" data-full-width="750" data-full-height="425" src=";modificationDate=1283534469000&amp;api=v2" alt="Class Loaders" usemap="#gliffy-map-23527573-8663">
-    <map class="gliffy-dynamic" id="gliffy-dynamic-map-23527573-4792" name="gliffy-dynamic-map-23527573-4792"></map>
+    <map class="gliffy-dynamic" id="gliffy-dynamic-map-23527573-526" name="gliffy-dynamic-map-23527573-526"></map>

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/page-navigation.html
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 <p>In essence, a Tapestry application is a number of related pages, working together. To some degree, each page is like an application unto itself.</p><p>Any individual request will be targeted at a single page. Requests come in two forms:&#160;</p><ul><li><em>component event</em> requests target a specific component on a specific page, triggering an event within that component</li><li><em>render</em> requests target a specific page, and stream the HTML markup for that page back to the client</li></ul><p>This dichotomy between component event requests and render requests alleviates a number of problems in traditional web applications related to the browser back button, or to the user hitting the refresh button in their browser.</p><h3 id="PageNavigation-Contents">Contents</h3><h2 id="PageNavigation-Contents|RelatedArticlesLogicalPageNameShortening"><style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a  href="#PageNavigation-Contents|RelatedArticlesLogicalPageNameShortening">Logical Page Name Shortening</a></li><li><a  href="#PageNavigation-ComponentEventRequests&amp;Responses">Component Event Requests &amp; Responses</a>
 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a  href="#PageNavigation-1.Nullresponse">1. Null response</a></li><li><a  href="#PageNavigation-2.Stringresponse">2. String response</a></li><li><a  href="#PageNavigation-3.Classresponse">3. Class response</a></li><li><a  href="#PageNavigation-4.Pageresponse">4. Page response</a></li><li><a  href="#PageNavigation-5.HttpError">5. HttpError</a></li><li><a  href="#PageNavigation-6.Linkresponse">6. Link response</a></li><li><a  href="#PageNavigation-7.Streamresponse">7. Stream response</a></li><li><a  href="#PageNavigation-8.URLresponse">8. URL response</a></li><li><a  href="#PageNavigation-9.Objectresponse">9. Object response</a></li></ul>
 </li><li><a  href="#PageNavigation-PageRenderRequests">Page Render Requests</a></li><li><a  href="#PageNavigation-PageActivation">Page Activation</a></li><li><a  href="#PageNavigation-PageNavigationPatterns">Page Navigation Patterns</a>

Modified: websites/production/tapestry/content/release-notes-50.html
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       <div id="content">
                 <div id="ConfluenceContent"><p>This is the consolidated list of changes between Tapestry versions 5.0.3 and 5.0.19. Before upgrading, be sure to review the&#160;<a  href="how-to-upgrade.html">How to Upgrade</a> instructions.</p><p><strong>Contents</strong></p><p><style type="text/css">/*<![CDATA[*/
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 <ul class="toc-indentation"><li><a  href="#ReleaseNotes5.0-TapestryVersion5.0.19">Tapestry Version 5.0.19</a></li><li><a  href="#ReleaseNotes5.0-TapestryVersion5.0.18">Tapestry Version 5.0.18</a></li><li><a  href="#ReleaseNotes5.0-TapestryVersion5.0.17">Tapestry Version 5.0.17</a></li><li><a  href="#ReleaseNotes5.0-TapestryVersion5.0.16">Tapestry Version 5.0.16</a></li><li><a  href="#ReleaseNotes5.0-TapestryVersion5.0.15">Tapestry Version 5.0.15</a></li><li><a  href="#ReleaseNotes5.0-TapestryVersion5.0.14">Tapestry Version 5.0.14</a></li><li><a  href="#ReleaseNotes5.0-TapestryVersion5.0.13">Tapestry Version 5.0.13</a></li><li><a  href="#ReleaseNotes5.0-TapestryVersion5.0.12">Tapestry Version 5.0.12</a></li><li><a  href="#ReleaseNotes5.0-TapestryVersion5.0.11">Tapestry Version 5.0.11</a></li><li><a  href="#ReleaseNotes5.0-TapestryVersion5.0.10">Tapestry Version 5.0.10</a></li><li><a  href="#ReleaseNotes5.0-TapestryVersion5.0.9">Tapestry Version 5.0.9</a></li><li><a  href="#ReleaseNot
 es5.0-TapestryVersion5.0.8">Tapestry Version 5.0.8</a></li><li><a  href="#ReleaseNotes5.0-TapestryVersion5.0.7">Tapestry Version 5.0.7</a></li><li><a  href="#ReleaseNotes5.0-TapestryVersion5.0.6">Tapestry Version 5.0.6</a></li><li><a  href="#ReleaseNotes5.0-TapestryVersion5.0.5">Tapestry Version 5.0.5</a></li><li><a  href="#ReleaseNotes5.0-TapestryVersion5.0.4">Tapestry Version 5.0.4</a></li><li><a  href="#ReleaseNotes5.0-TapestryVersion5.0.3">Tapestry Version 5.0.3</a></li></ul>

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