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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2020/08/12 18:40:01 UTC

[GitHub] [couchdb] davisp opened a new pull request #3073: Prototype/fdb layer ebtree views

davisp opened a new pull request #3073:

   ## Overview
   Full support for reduce functions using ebtree for all map/reduce data.
   ## Testing recommendations
   `make check`
   ## Related Issues or Pull Requests
   This is an alternative approach to:
   ## Checklist
   - [x] Code is written and works correctly
   - [x] Changes are covered by tests
   - [x] Any new configurable parameters are documented in `rel/overlay/etc/default.ini`
   - [ ] A PR for documentation changes has been made in

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[GitHub] [couchdb] davisp closed pull request #3073: Prototype/fdb layer ebtree views

Posted by GitBox <>.
davisp closed pull request #3073:


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[GitHub] [couchdb] rnewson commented on a change in pull request #3073: Prototype/fdb layer ebtree views

Posted by GitBox <>.
rnewson commented on a change in pull request #3073:

File path: src/couch_views/src/couch_views_fdb.erl
@@ -244,200 +373,223 @@ clear_index(Db, Signature) ->
     end, Keys),
     % Clear index data
-    RangeTuple = {?DB_VIEWS, ?VIEW_DATA, Signature},
-    RangePrefix = erlfdb_tuple:pack(RangeTuple, DbPrefix),
-    erlfdb:clear_range_startswith(Tx, RangePrefix).
-% For each row in a map view we store the the key/value
-% in FoundationDB:
-%   `(EncodedSortKey, (EncodedKey, EncodedValue))`
-% The difference between `EncodedSortKey` and `EndcodedKey` is
-% the use of `couch_util:get_sort_key/1` which turns UTF-8
-% strings into binaries that are byte comparable. Given a sort
-% key binary we cannot recover the input so to return unmodified
-% user data we are forced to store the original.
-fold_fwd({RowKey, PackedKeyValue}, Acc) ->
-    #{
-        prefix := Prefix,
-        callback := UserCallback,
-        acc := UserAcc0
-    } = Acc,
-    {{_SortKey, DocId}, _DupeId} =
-            erlfdb_tuple:unpack(RowKey, Prefix),
+    DataTuple = {?DB_VIEWS, ?VIEW_DATA, Signature},
+    DataPrefix = erlfdb_tuple:pack(DataTuple, DbPrefix),
+    erlfdb:clear_range_startswith(Tx, DataPrefix),
-    {EncodedOriginalKey, EncodedValue} = erlfdb_tuple:unpack(PackedKeyValue),
-    Value = couch_views_encoding:decode(EncodedValue),
-    Key = couch_views_encoding:decode(EncodedOriginalKey),
+    % Clear tree data
+    TreeTuple = {?DB_VIEWS, ?VIEW_TREES, Signature},
+    TreePrefix = erlfdb_tuple:pack(TreeTuple, DbPrefix),
+    erlfdb:clear_range_startswith(Tx, TreePrefix).
-    UserAcc1 = UserCallback(DocId, Key, Value, UserAcc0),
-    Acc#{
-        acc := UserAcc1
-    }.
-clear_id_idx(TxDb, Sig, DocId) ->
+get_view_keys(TxDb, Mrst, DocId) ->
-        tx := Tx,
-        db_prefix := DbPrefix
-    } = TxDb,
-    {Start, End} = id_idx_range(DbPrefix, Sig, DocId),
-    ok = erlfdb:clear_range(Tx, Start, End).
-clear_map_idx(TxDb, Sig, ViewId, DocId, ViewKeys) ->
-    #{
-        tx := Tx,
-        db_prefix := DbPrefix
-    } = TxDb,
-    lists:foreach(fun(ViewKey) ->
-        {Start, End} = map_idx_range(DbPrefix, Sig, ViewId, ViewKey, DocId),
-        ok = erlfdb:clear_range(Tx, Start, End)
-    end, ViewKeys).
-update_id_idx(TxDb, Sig, ViewId, DocId, [], _KVSize) ->
-    #{
-        tx := Tx,
-        db_prefix := DbPrefix
-    } = TxDb,
-    Key = id_idx_key(DbPrefix, Sig, DocId, ViewId),
-    ok = erlfdb:clear(Tx, Key);
-update_id_idx(TxDb, Sig, ViewId, DocId, NewRows, KVSize) ->
-    #{
-        tx := Tx,
-        db_prefix := DbPrefix
-    } = TxDb,
-    Unique = lists:usort([K || {K, _V} <- NewRows]),
-    Key = id_idx_key(DbPrefix, Sig, DocId, ViewId),
-    Val = couch_views_encoding:encode([length(NewRows), KVSize, Unique]),
-    ok = erlfdb:set(Tx, Key, aegis:encrypt(TxDb, Key, Val)).
-update_map_idx(TxDb, Sig, ViewId, DocId, ExistingKeys, NewRows) ->
-    #{
-        tx := Tx,
-        db_prefix := DbPrefix
+        tx := Tx
     } = TxDb,
-    lists:foreach(fun(RemKey) ->
-        {Start, End} = map_idx_range(DbPrefix, Sig, ViewId, RemKey, DocId),
-        ok = erlfdb:clear_range(Tx, Start, End)
-    end, ExistingKeys),
-    KVsToAdd = process_rows(NewRows),
-    MapIdxPrefix = map_idx_prefix(DbPrefix, Sig, ViewId),
-    lists:foreach(fun({DupeId, Key1, Key2, EV}) ->
-        KK = map_idx_key(MapIdxPrefix, {Key1, DocId}, DupeId),
-        Val = erlfdb_tuple:pack({Key2, EV}),
-        ok = erlfdb:set(Tx, KK, aegis:encrypt(TxDb, KK, Val))
-    end, KVsToAdd).
+    #mrst{
+        id_btree = IdTree
+    } = Mrst,
+    case ebtree:lookup(Tx, IdTree, DocId) of
+        {DocId, ViewKeys} -> ViewKeys;
+        false -> []
+    end.
-get_view_keys(TxDb, Sig, DocId) ->
+open_id_tree(TxDb, Sig) ->
         tx := Tx,
         db_prefix := DbPrefix
     } = TxDb,
-    {Start, End} = id_idx_range(DbPrefix, Sig, DocId),
-    lists:map(fun({K, V}) ->
-        {?DB_VIEWS, ?VIEW_DATA, Sig, ?VIEW_ID_RANGE, DocId, ViewId} =
-                erlfdb_tuple:unpack(K, DbPrefix),
-        [TotalKeys, TotalSize, UniqueKeys] = couch_views_encoding:decode(V),
-        {ViewId, TotalKeys, TotalSize, UniqueKeys}
-    end, aegis:decrypt(TxDb, erlfdb:get_range(Tx, Start, End, []))).
+    Prefix = id_tree_prefix(DbPrefix, Sig),
+    TreeOpts = [
+        {persist_fun, fun persist_chunks/3}
+    ],
+    ebtree:open(Tx, Prefix, get_order(id_btree), TreeOpts).
-update_row_count(TxDb, Sig, ViewId, Increment) ->
+open_view_tree(TxDb, Sig, Lang, View) ->
         tx := Tx,
         db_prefix := DbPrefix
     } = TxDb,
-    Key = row_count_key(DbPrefix, Sig, ViewId),
-    erlfdb:add(Tx, Key, Increment).
+    #mrview{
+        id_num = ViewId
+    } = View,
+    Prefix = view_tree_prefix(DbPrefix, Sig, ViewId),
+    TreeOpts = [
+        {collate_fun, couch_views_util:collate_fun(View)},
+        {reduce_fun, make_reduce_fun(Lang, View)},
+        {persist_fun, fun persist_chunks/3}
+    ],
+    View#mrview{
+        btree = ebtree:open(Tx, Prefix, get_order(view_btree), TreeOpts)
+    }.
-update_kv_size(TxDb, Sig, ViewId, Increment) ->
-    #{
-        tx := Tx,
-        db_prefix := DbPrefix
-    } = TxDb,
+get_order(id_btree) ->
+    min_order(config:get_integer("couch_views", "id_btree_node_size", 100));
+get_order(view_btree) ->
+    min_order(config:get_integer("couch_views", "view_btree_node_size", 100)).
+min_order(V) when is_integer(V), V < 2 ->
+    2;
+min_order(V) when is_integer(V), V rem 2 == 0 ->
+    V;
+min_order(V) ->
+    V + 1.
+make_reduce_fun(Lang, #mrview{} = View) ->
+    RedFuns = [Src || {_, Src} <- View#mrview.reduce_funs],
+    fun
+        (KVs0, _ReReduce = false) ->
+            KVs1 = detuple_kvs(expand_dupes(KVs0)),
+            TotalSize = lists:foldl(fun([K, V], Acc) ->
+                KSize = couch_ejson_size:encoded_size(K),
+                VSize = couch_ejson_size:encoded_size(V),
+                KSize + VSize + Acc
+            end, 0, KVs1),
+            {ok, UserReds} = couch_query_servers:reduce(Lang, RedFuns, KVs1),
+            {length(KVs1), TotalSize, UserReds};
+        (Reductions, _ReReduce = true) ->
+            FoldFun = fun({Count, Size, UserReds}, {CAcc, SAcc, URedAcc}) ->
+                NewCAcc = Count + CAcc,
+                NewSAcc = Size + SAcc,
+                NewURedAcc = [UserReds | URedAcc],
+                {NewCAcc, NewSAcc, NewURedAcc}
+            end,
+            InitAcc = {0, 0, []},
+            FinalAcc = lists:foldl(FoldFun, InitAcc, Reductions),
+            {FinalCount, FinalSize, UReds} = FinalAcc,
+            {ok, Result} = couch_query_servers:rereduce(Lang, RedFuns, UReds),
+            {FinalCount, FinalSize, Result}
+    end.
-    % Track a view specific size for calls to
-    % GET /dbname/_design/doc/_info`
-    IdxKey = kv_size_key(DbPrefix, Sig, ViewId),
-    erlfdb:add(Tx, IdxKey, Increment),
-    % Track a database level rollup for calls to
-    % GET /dbname
-    DbKey = db_kv_size_key(DbPrefix),
-    erlfdb:add(Tx, DbKey, Increment).
+persist_chunks(Tx, set, [Key, Value]) ->
+    Chunks = fabric2_fdb:chunkify_binary(Value),
+    lists:foldl(fun(Chunk, Id) ->
+        ChunkKey = erlfdb_tuple:pack({Id}, Key),
+        erlfdb:set(Tx, ChunkKey, Chunk),

Review comment:
       aegis:encrypt here

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To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
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[GitHub] [couchdb] rnewson commented on a change in pull request #3073: Prototype/fdb layer ebtree views

Posted by GitBox <>.
rnewson commented on a change in pull request #3073:

File path: src/couch_views/src/couch_views_fdb.erl
@@ -244,200 +373,223 @@ clear_index(Db, Signature) ->
     end, Keys),
     % Clear index data
-    RangeTuple = {?DB_VIEWS, ?VIEW_DATA, Signature},
-    RangePrefix = erlfdb_tuple:pack(RangeTuple, DbPrefix),
-    erlfdb:clear_range_startswith(Tx, RangePrefix).
-% For each row in a map view we store the the key/value
-% in FoundationDB:
-%   `(EncodedSortKey, (EncodedKey, EncodedValue))`
-% The difference between `EncodedSortKey` and `EndcodedKey` is
-% the use of `couch_util:get_sort_key/1` which turns UTF-8
-% strings into binaries that are byte comparable. Given a sort
-% key binary we cannot recover the input so to return unmodified
-% user data we are forced to store the original.
-fold_fwd({RowKey, PackedKeyValue}, Acc) ->
-    #{
-        prefix := Prefix,
-        callback := UserCallback,
-        acc := UserAcc0
-    } = Acc,
-    {{_SortKey, DocId}, _DupeId} =
-            erlfdb_tuple:unpack(RowKey, Prefix),
+    DataTuple = {?DB_VIEWS, ?VIEW_DATA, Signature},
+    DataPrefix = erlfdb_tuple:pack(DataTuple, DbPrefix),
+    erlfdb:clear_range_startswith(Tx, DataPrefix),
-    {EncodedOriginalKey, EncodedValue} = erlfdb_tuple:unpack(PackedKeyValue),
-    Value = couch_views_encoding:decode(EncodedValue),
-    Key = couch_views_encoding:decode(EncodedOriginalKey),
+    % Clear tree data
+    TreeTuple = {?DB_VIEWS, ?VIEW_TREES, Signature},
+    TreePrefix = erlfdb_tuple:pack(TreeTuple, DbPrefix),
+    erlfdb:clear_range_startswith(Tx, TreePrefix).
-    UserAcc1 = UserCallback(DocId, Key, Value, UserAcc0),
-    Acc#{
-        acc := UserAcc1
-    }.
-clear_id_idx(TxDb, Sig, DocId) ->
+get_view_keys(TxDb, Mrst, DocId) ->
-        tx := Tx,
-        db_prefix := DbPrefix
-    } = TxDb,
-    {Start, End} = id_idx_range(DbPrefix, Sig, DocId),
-    ok = erlfdb:clear_range(Tx, Start, End).
-clear_map_idx(TxDb, Sig, ViewId, DocId, ViewKeys) ->
-    #{
-        tx := Tx,
-        db_prefix := DbPrefix
-    } = TxDb,
-    lists:foreach(fun(ViewKey) ->
-        {Start, End} = map_idx_range(DbPrefix, Sig, ViewId, ViewKey, DocId),
-        ok = erlfdb:clear_range(Tx, Start, End)
-    end, ViewKeys).
-update_id_idx(TxDb, Sig, ViewId, DocId, [], _KVSize) ->
-    #{
-        tx := Tx,
-        db_prefix := DbPrefix
-    } = TxDb,
-    Key = id_idx_key(DbPrefix, Sig, DocId, ViewId),
-    ok = erlfdb:clear(Tx, Key);
-update_id_idx(TxDb, Sig, ViewId, DocId, NewRows, KVSize) ->
-    #{
-        tx := Tx,
-        db_prefix := DbPrefix
-    } = TxDb,
-    Unique = lists:usort([K || {K, _V} <- NewRows]),
-    Key = id_idx_key(DbPrefix, Sig, DocId, ViewId),
-    Val = couch_views_encoding:encode([length(NewRows), KVSize, Unique]),
-    ok = erlfdb:set(Tx, Key, aegis:encrypt(TxDb, Key, Val)).
-update_map_idx(TxDb, Sig, ViewId, DocId, ExistingKeys, NewRows) ->
-    #{
-        tx := Tx,
-        db_prefix := DbPrefix
+        tx := Tx
     } = TxDb,
-    lists:foreach(fun(RemKey) ->
-        {Start, End} = map_idx_range(DbPrefix, Sig, ViewId, RemKey, DocId),
-        ok = erlfdb:clear_range(Tx, Start, End)
-    end, ExistingKeys),
-    KVsToAdd = process_rows(NewRows),
-    MapIdxPrefix = map_idx_prefix(DbPrefix, Sig, ViewId),
-    lists:foreach(fun({DupeId, Key1, Key2, EV}) ->
-        KK = map_idx_key(MapIdxPrefix, {Key1, DocId}, DupeId),
-        Val = erlfdb_tuple:pack({Key2, EV}),
-        ok = erlfdb:set(Tx, KK, aegis:encrypt(TxDb, KK, Val))
-    end, KVsToAdd).
+    #mrst{
+        id_btree = IdTree
+    } = Mrst,
+    case ebtree:lookup(Tx, IdTree, DocId) of
+        {DocId, ViewKeys} -> ViewKeys;
+        false -> []
+    end.
-get_view_keys(TxDb, Sig, DocId) ->
+open_id_tree(TxDb, Sig) ->
         tx := Tx,
         db_prefix := DbPrefix
     } = TxDb,
-    {Start, End} = id_idx_range(DbPrefix, Sig, DocId),
-    lists:map(fun({K, V}) ->
-        {?DB_VIEWS, ?VIEW_DATA, Sig, ?VIEW_ID_RANGE, DocId, ViewId} =
-                erlfdb_tuple:unpack(K, DbPrefix),
-        [TotalKeys, TotalSize, UniqueKeys] = couch_views_encoding:decode(V),
-        {ViewId, TotalKeys, TotalSize, UniqueKeys}
-    end, aegis:decrypt(TxDb, erlfdb:get_range(Tx, Start, End, []))).
+    Prefix = id_tree_prefix(DbPrefix, Sig),
+    TreeOpts = [
+        {persist_fun, fun persist_chunks/3}
+    ],
+    ebtree:open(Tx, Prefix, get_order(id_btree), TreeOpts).
-update_row_count(TxDb, Sig, ViewId, Increment) ->
+open_view_tree(TxDb, Sig, Lang, View) ->
         tx := Tx,
         db_prefix := DbPrefix
     } = TxDb,
-    Key = row_count_key(DbPrefix, Sig, ViewId),
-    erlfdb:add(Tx, Key, Increment).
+    #mrview{
+        id_num = ViewId
+    } = View,
+    Prefix = view_tree_prefix(DbPrefix, Sig, ViewId),
+    TreeOpts = [
+        {collate_fun, couch_views_util:collate_fun(View)},
+        {reduce_fun, make_reduce_fun(Lang, View)},
+        {persist_fun, fun persist_chunks/3}
+    ],
+    View#mrview{
+        btree = ebtree:open(Tx, Prefix, get_order(view_btree), TreeOpts)
+    }.
-update_kv_size(TxDb, Sig, ViewId, Increment) ->
-    #{
-        tx := Tx,
-        db_prefix := DbPrefix
-    } = TxDb,
+get_order(id_btree) ->
+    min_order(config:get_integer("couch_views", "id_btree_node_size", 100));
+get_order(view_btree) ->
+    min_order(config:get_integer("couch_views", "view_btree_node_size", 100)).
+min_order(V) when is_integer(V), V < 2 ->
+    2;
+min_order(V) when is_integer(V), V rem 2 == 0 ->
+    V;
+min_order(V) ->

Review comment:
       `when is_integer(V) ->`

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To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
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For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at:

[GitHub] [couchdb] davisp commented on pull request #3073: Prototype/fdb layer ebtree views

Posted by GitBox <>.
davisp commented on pull request #3073:

   Closing in favor of #3164 

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To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
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For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at:

[GitHub] [couchdb] garrensmith commented on a change in pull request #3073: Prototype/fdb layer ebtree views

Posted by GitBox <>.
garrensmith commented on a change in pull request #3073:

File path: src/mango/src/mango_idx_view.erl
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@

Review comment:
       I've only had a very quick look at this PR. But I'm not sure why the mango indexes are affected? From our discussion, we agreed that map only indexes wouldn't use ebtree?

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To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the
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For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at:

[GitHub] [couchdb] davisp commented on a change in pull request #3073: Prototype/fdb layer ebtree views

Posted by GitBox <>.
davisp commented on a change in pull request #3073:

File path: src/couch_views/src/couch_views_fdb.erl
@@ -244,200 +373,223 @@ clear_index(Db, Signature) ->
     end, Keys),
     % Clear index data
-    RangeTuple = {?DB_VIEWS, ?VIEW_DATA, Signature},
-    RangePrefix = erlfdb_tuple:pack(RangeTuple, DbPrefix),
-    erlfdb:clear_range_startswith(Tx, RangePrefix).
-% For each row in a map view we store the the key/value
-% in FoundationDB:
-%   `(EncodedSortKey, (EncodedKey, EncodedValue))`
-% The difference between `EncodedSortKey` and `EndcodedKey` is
-% the use of `couch_util:get_sort_key/1` which turns UTF-8
-% strings into binaries that are byte comparable. Given a sort
-% key binary we cannot recover the input so to return unmodified
-% user data we are forced to store the original.
-fold_fwd({RowKey, PackedKeyValue}, Acc) ->
-    #{
-        prefix := Prefix,
-        callback := UserCallback,
-        acc := UserAcc0
-    } = Acc,
-    {{_SortKey, DocId}, _DupeId} =
-            erlfdb_tuple:unpack(RowKey, Prefix),
+    DataTuple = {?DB_VIEWS, ?VIEW_DATA, Signature},
+    DataPrefix = erlfdb_tuple:pack(DataTuple, DbPrefix),
+    erlfdb:clear_range_startswith(Tx, DataPrefix),
-    {EncodedOriginalKey, EncodedValue} = erlfdb_tuple:unpack(PackedKeyValue),
-    Value = couch_views_encoding:decode(EncodedValue),
-    Key = couch_views_encoding:decode(EncodedOriginalKey),
+    % Clear tree data
+    TreeTuple = {?DB_VIEWS, ?VIEW_TREES, Signature},
+    TreePrefix = erlfdb_tuple:pack(TreeTuple, DbPrefix),
+    erlfdb:clear_range_startswith(Tx, TreePrefix).
-    UserAcc1 = UserCallback(DocId, Key, Value, UserAcc0),
-    Acc#{
-        acc := UserAcc1
-    }.
-clear_id_idx(TxDb, Sig, DocId) ->
+get_view_keys(TxDb, Mrst, DocId) ->
-        tx := Tx,
-        db_prefix := DbPrefix
-    } = TxDb,
-    {Start, End} = id_idx_range(DbPrefix, Sig, DocId),
-    ok = erlfdb:clear_range(Tx, Start, End).
-clear_map_idx(TxDb, Sig, ViewId, DocId, ViewKeys) ->
-    #{
-        tx := Tx,
-        db_prefix := DbPrefix
-    } = TxDb,
-    lists:foreach(fun(ViewKey) ->
-        {Start, End} = map_idx_range(DbPrefix, Sig, ViewId, ViewKey, DocId),
-        ok = erlfdb:clear_range(Tx, Start, End)
-    end, ViewKeys).
-update_id_idx(TxDb, Sig, ViewId, DocId, [], _KVSize) ->
-    #{
-        tx := Tx,
-        db_prefix := DbPrefix
-    } = TxDb,
-    Key = id_idx_key(DbPrefix, Sig, DocId, ViewId),
-    ok = erlfdb:clear(Tx, Key);
-update_id_idx(TxDb, Sig, ViewId, DocId, NewRows, KVSize) ->
-    #{
-        tx := Tx,
-        db_prefix := DbPrefix
-    } = TxDb,
-    Unique = lists:usort([K || {K, _V} <- NewRows]),
-    Key = id_idx_key(DbPrefix, Sig, DocId, ViewId),
-    Val = couch_views_encoding:encode([length(NewRows), KVSize, Unique]),
-    ok = erlfdb:set(Tx, Key, aegis:encrypt(TxDb, Key, Val)).
-update_map_idx(TxDb, Sig, ViewId, DocId, ExistingKeys, NewRows) ->
-    #{
-        tx := Tx,
-        db_prefix := DbPrefix
+        tx := Tx
     } = TxDb,
-    lists:foreach(fun(RemKey) ->
-        {Start, End} = map_idx_range(DbPrefix, Sig, ViewId, RemKey, DocId),
-        ok = erlfdb:clear_range(Tx, Start, End)
-    end, ExistingKeys),
-    KVsToAdd = process_rows(NewRows),
-    MapIdxPrefix = map_idx_prefix(DbPrefix, Sig, ViewId),
-    lists:foreach(fun({DupeId, Key1, Key2, EV}) ->
-        KK = map_idx_key(MapIdxPrefix, {Key1, DocId}, DupeId),
-        Val = erlfdb_tuple:pack({Key2, EV}),
-        ok = erlfdb:set(Tx, KK, aegis:encrypt(TxDb, KK, Val))
-    end, KVsToAdd).
+    #mrst{
+        id_btree = IdTree
+    } = Mrst,
+    case ebtree:lookup(Tx, IdTree, DocId) of
+        {DocId, ViewKeys} -> ViewKeys;
+        false -> []
+    end.
-get_view_keys(TxDb, Sig, DocId) ->
+open_id_tree(TxDb, Sig) ->
         tx := Tx,
         db_prefix := DbPrefix
     } = TxDb,
-    {Start, End} = id_idx_range(DbPrefix, Sig, DocId),
-    lists:map(fun({K, V}) ->
-        {?DB_VIEWS, ?VIEW_DATA, Sig, ?VIEW_ID_RANGE, DocId, ViewId} =
-                erlfdb_tuple:unpack(K, DbPrefix),
-        [TotalKeys, TotalSize, UniqueKeys] = couch_views_encoding:decode(V),
-        {ViewId, TotalKeys, TotalSize, UniqueKeys}
-    end, aegis:decrypt(TxDb, erlfdb:get_range(Tx, Start, End, []))).
+    Prefix = id_tree_prefix(DbPrefix, Sig),
+    TreeOpts = [
+        {persist_fun, fun persist_chunks/3}
+    ],
+    ebtree:open(Tx, Prefix, get_order(id_btree), TreeOpts).
-update_row_count(TxDb, Sig, ViewId, Increment) ->
+open_view_tree(TxDb, Sig, Lang, View) ->
         tx := Tx,
         db_prefix := DbPrefix
     } = TxDb,
-    Key = row_count_key(DbPrefix, Sig, ViewId),
-    erlfdb:add(Tx, Key, Increment).
+    #mrview{
+        id_num = ViewId
+    } = View,
+    Prefix = view_tree_prefix(DbPrefix, Sig, ViewId),
+    TreeOpts = [
+        {collate_fun, couch_views_util:collate_fun(View)},
+        {reduce_fun, make_reduce_fun(Lang, View)},
+        {persist_fun, fun persist_chunks/3}
+    ],
+    View#mrview{
+        btree = ebtree:open(Tx, Prefix, get_order(view_btree), TreeOpts)
+    }.
-update_kv_size(TxDb, Sig, ViewId, Increment) ->
-    #{
-        tx := Tx,
-        db_prefix := DbPrefix
-    } = TxDb,
+get_order(id_btree) ->
+    min_order(config:get_integer("couch_views", "id_btree_node_size", 100));
+get_order(view_btree) ->
+    min_order(config:get_integer("couch_views", "view_btree_node_size", 100)).
+min_order(V) when is_integer(V), V < 2 ->
+    2;
+min_order(V) when is_integer(V), V rem 2 == 0 ->
+    V;
+min_order(V) ->
+    V + 1.
+make_reduce_fun(Lang, #mrview{} = View) ->
+    RedFuns = [Src || {_, Src} <- View#mrview.reduce_funs],
+    fun
+        (KVs0, _ReReduce = false) ->
+            KVs1 = detuple_kvs(expand_dupes(KVs0)),
+            TotalSize = lists:foldl(fun([K, V], Acc) ->
+                KSize = couch_ejson_size:encoded_size(K),
+                VSize = couch_ejson_size:encoded_size(V),
+                KSize + VSize + Acc
+            end, 0, KVs1),
+            {ok, UserReds} = couch_query_servers:reduce(Lang, RedFuns, KVs1),
+            {length(KVs1), TotalSize, UserReds};
+        (Reductions, _ReReduce = true) ->
+            FoldFun = fun({Count, Size, UserReds}, {CAcc, SAcc, URedAcc}) ->
+                NewCAcc = Count + CAcc,
+                NewSAcc = Size + SAcc,
+                NewURedAcc = [UserReds | URedAcc],
+                {NewCAcc, NewSAcc, NewURedAcc}
+            end,
+            InitAcc = {0, 0, []},
+            FinalAcc = lists:foldl(FoldFun, InitAcc, Reductions),
+            {FinalCount, FinalSize, UReds} = FinalAcc,
+            {ok, Result} = couch_query_servers:rereduce(Lang, RedFuns, UReds),
+            {FinalCount, FinalSize, Result}
+    end.
-    % Track a view specific size for calls to
-    % GET /dbname/_design/doc/_info`
-    IdxKey = kv_size_key(DbPrefix, Sig, ViewId),
-    erlfdb:add(Tx, IdxKey, Increment),
-    % Track a database level rollup for calls to
-    % GET /dbname
-    DbKey = db_kv_size_key(DbPrefix),
-    erlfdb:add(Tx, DbKey, Increment).
+persist_chunks(Tx, set, [Key, Value]) ->
+    Chunks = fabric2_fdb:chunkify_binary(Value),
+    lists:foldl(fun(Chunk, Id) ->
+        ChunkKey = erlfdb_tuple:pack({Id}, Key),
+        erlfdb:set(Tx, ChunkKey, Chunk),

Review comment:
       That should be part of the encode function. Need to add that as well.

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[GitHub] [couchdb] garrensmith commented on a change in pull request #3073: Prototype/fdb layer ebtree views

Posted by GitBox <>.
garrensmith commented on a change in pull request #3073:

File path: src/couch_views/src/couch_views_fdb.erl
@@ -126,92 +129,218 @@ set_update_seq(TxDb, Sig, Seq) ->
     ok = erlfdb:set(Tx, seq_key(DbPrefix, Sig), Seq).
-get_row_count(TxDb, #mrst{sig = Sig}, ViewId) ->
+set_trees(TxDb, Mrst) ->
+    #mrst{
+        sig = Sig,
+        language = Lang,
+        views = Views
+    } = Mrst,
+    Mrst#mrst{
+        id_btree = open_id_tree(TxDb, Sig),

Review comment:
       Why do we need an id tree?

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