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Posted to by Peter Donald <> on 2000/08/18 04:47:01 UTC

RE: Ant dependency evaluation (NT platform): class files are alwa ys out of date?

At 12:35  17/8/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Call me dense but I'm still a tad confused. Perhaps you can claify.

>For this to work, do I have to place my ANT build file instrumentation
>files one level above my source tree? For example, should my build.xml
>files be in, say a base (C:/Stuff/build.xml for example) and my sources in

yep this is what you do.

>When I tried the changes you suggested to javac. No files are ever out of
>date, which means nothing gets compiled ever.

hmmmm. Thats odd. delete your destination directory or .class files
wherever they are and try again. It should do it ???? try using "ant
-verbose" and analysing that. If you still can't figure it out - send
relevent portion of output to list



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| to test a man's character, give him power."          |
|       -Abraham Lincoln                               |