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Posted to by on 2010/03/29 00:48:51 UTC

svn commit: r928506 [36/36] - /myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/inputHtml/resource/i18n/

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/inputHtml/resource/i18n/kupupox-uk.po
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/inputHtml/resource/i18n/kupupox-uk.po (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/inputHtml/resource/i18n/kupupox-uk.po Sun Mar 28 22:48:49 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-08 09:15+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-05-06 14:05+0300\n"
+"Last-Translator: Olha <>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
+"Language-Code: uk\n"
+"Language-Name: Ukranian\n"
+"Preferred-Encodings: utf-8 latin1\n"
+"Domain: kupupox\n"
+#. Default: "Add column"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:135
+msgid "Add column"
+msgstr "Додати стовпчик"
+#. Default: "Add row"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:119
+msgid "Add row"
+msgstr "Додати рядок"
+#. Default: "Add table"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:111
+msgid "Add table"
+msgstr "Додати таблицю"
+#. Default: "Browser not supported!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:303
+msgid "Browser not supported!"
+msgstr "Не підтримується переглядачем!"
+#. Default: "Can only preview web urls"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:231
+msgid "Can only preview web urls"
+msgstr "Можливо лиши переглядати urls"
+#. Default: "Cleaning up HTML..."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:447
+msgid "Cleaning up HTML..."
+msgstr "Очищення HTML..."
+#. Default: "Cleanup done, sending document to server"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:271
+msgid "Cleanup done, sending document to server"
+msgstr "Очистку завершено,  документ надсилається до сервера"
+#. Default: "Color chosen"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:55
+msgid "Color chosen"
+msgstr "Колір вибрано"
+#. Default: "Copy"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:39
+msgid "Copy"
+msgstr "Копіювати"
+#. Default: "Copying from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:15
+msgid "Copying from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+msgstr "Копіювати з JavaScript заборонено Вашим переглядачем Mozilla з міркувань безпеки. Більше інформації про це Ви знайдете на"
+#. Default: "Could not set status bar message, check your browser\'s security settings."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:191
+msgid "Could not set status bar message, check your browser\'s security settings."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Couldn\'t set design mode. Kupu will not work on this browser."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:335
+msgid "Couldn\'t set design mode. Kupu will not work on this browser."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Create image"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:103
+msgid "Create image"
+msgstr "Створити зображення"
+#. Default: "Create link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:95
+msgid "Create link"
+msgstr "Створити посилання"
+#. Default: "Cut"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:31
+msgid "Cut"
+msgstr "Вирізати"
+#. Default: "Cutting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:7
+msgid "Cutting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+msgstr "Вставку з JavaScript вимкнено на Вашому переглядачі Mozilla з міркувань безпеки. Більше інформації тут:"
+#. Default: "Delete Table"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:151
+msgid "Delete Table"
+msgstr "Знищити таблицю"
+#. Default: "Delete column"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:143
+msgid "Delete column"
+msgstr "Знищити стовпчик"
+#. Default: "Delete link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:87
+msgid "Delete link"
+msgstr "Знищити посилання"
+#. Default: "Delete row"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:127
+msgid "Delete row"
+msgstr "Знищити рядок"
+#. Default: "Discard changes? If you click OK, any changes you have made will be lost."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:215
+msgid "Discard changes? If you click OK, any changes you have made will be lost."
+msgstr "Не зберігати зміни? Якщо натиснете Добре, усі зроблені Вами зміни буде втрачено."
+#. Default: "Document saved"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:327
+msgid "Document saved"
+msgstr "Документ збережено"
+#. Default: "Editor initialized"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:423
+msgid "Editor initialized"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Editor not initialized yet!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:295
+msgid "Editor not initialized yet!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "End node offset detected in a node without children!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:383
+msgid "End node offset detected in a node without children!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "End offset out of range!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:399
+msgid "End offset out of range!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Error loading data, status ${status}"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:463
+msgid "Error loading data, status ${status}"
+msgstr "Помилка при завантажені даних, стан ${status}"
+#. Default: "Error loading translation (status ${status} ), falling back to english"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:479
+msgid "Error loading translation (status ${status} ), falling back to english"
+msgstr "Помилка при загрузці перекладу (стан ${status} ), відбувається перехід до англійського"
+#. Default: "Error saving document"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:319
+msgid "Error saving document"
+msgstr "Помилка при збереженні документа"
+#. Default: "Error saving your data.\nResponse status: ${status}.\nCheck your server log for more information."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:311
+msgid "Error saving your data.\nResponse status: ${status}.\nCheck your server log for more information."
+msgstr ""
+"Виникла помилка під час збереження Ваших даний. Статус:  ${status}.\n"
+"Для детальнішої інформації перевірте реєстр помилок Вашого сервера."
+#. Default: "Invalid table size"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:159
+msgid "Invalid table size"
+msgstr "Неправильний розмір таблиці"
+#. Default: "No destination URL available!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:247
+msgid "No destination URL available!"
+msgstr "Не вказано цільової URL"
+#. Default: "No element found in the config island!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:359
+msgid "No element found in the config island!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "No head in document!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:63
+msgid "No head in document!"
+msgstr "Документ не містить заголовка!"
+#. Default: "No parentcolumn found!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:175
+msgid "No parentcolumn found!"
+msgstr "Не знайдено батьківської колонки!"
+#. Default: "No row to delete"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:167
+msgid "No row to delete"
+msgstr "Не вибрано рядка для видалення"
+#. Default: "Not inside a definition list element!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:207
+msgid "Not inside a definition list element!"
+msgstr "Не всередині елемента зі списку визначень!"
+#. Default: "Not inside a row!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:223
+msgid "Not inside a row!"
+msgstr "Не в рядку!"
+#. Default: "Not inside a table!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:183
+msgid "Not inside a table!"
+msgstr "Не в таблиці!"
+#. Default: "Not inside link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:79
+msgid "Not inside link"
+msgstr "Не всередині посилання"
+#. Default: "Offset out of document range"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:407
+msgid "Offset out of document range"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Paste"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:47
+msgid "Paste"
+msgstr "Вставити"
+#. Default: "Pasting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:23
+msgid "Pasting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+msgstr "Вставку з JavaScript вимкнено на Вашому переглядачі Mozilla з міркувань безпеки. Більше інформації тут:"
+#. Default: "Please wait while saving document..."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:255
+msgid "Please wait while saving document..."
+msgstr "Будь-ласка, зачекайте доки документ буде збережено..."
+#. Default: "Properties modified"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:71
+msgid "Properties modified"
+msgstr "Властивості змінено"
+#. Default: "Request sent to server"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:279
+msgid "Request sent to server"
+msgstr "Запит до сервера надіслано"
+#. Default: "Right click to copy link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:239
+msgid "Right click to copy link"
+msgstr "Клацніть правою кнопкою, щоб копіювати посилання"
+#. Default: "Selection not inside the node!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:367
+msgid "Selection not inside the node!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Sending request to server"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:287
+msgid "Sending request to server"
+msgstr "Надсилається запит до сервера"
+#. Default: "Source edit tool initialized"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:439
+msgid "Source edit tool initialized"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Start node offset detected in a node without children!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:375
+msgid "Start node offset detected in a node without children!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Start offset out of range!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:391
+msgid "Start offset out of range!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Starting HTML cleanup"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:263
+msgid "Starting HTML cleanup"
+msgstr "Починається очищення HTML"
+#. Default: "There was a problem initializing the drawers. Most likely the XSLT or XML files aren\'t available. If this is not the Kupu demo version, check your files or the service that provide them (error: ${error})."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:415
+msgid "There was a problem initializing the drawers. Most likely the XSLT or XML files aren\'t available. If this is not the Kupu demo version, check your files or the service that provide them (error: ${error})."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "There were no errors."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:455
+msgid "There were no errors."
+msgstr "Жодних помилок."
+#. Default: "This feature requires pop-ups to be enabled on your browser!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:471
+msgid "This feature requires pop-ups to be enabled on your browser!"
+msgstr "Ця властивість потребує, щоб переглядач мав увімкнену опцію виринаючих вікон. "
+#. Default: "Unsupported browser!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:343
+msgid "Unsupported browser!"
+msgstr "Не підтримується переглядачем!"
+#. Default: "View source"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:199
+msgid "View source"
+msgstr "Переглянути код"
+#. Default: "You are leaving the editor. Do you want to save your changes?"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:431
+msgid "You are leaving the editor. Do you want to save your changes?"
+msgstr "Зберегти зміни перед виходом з редактора?"
+#. Default: "click to fold"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:495
+msgid "click to fold"
+msgstr "клацніть щоб згорнути"
+#. Default: "click to unfold"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:487
+msgid "click to unfold"
+msgstr "клацніть щоб розгорнути"
+#. Default: "exception ${message} while registering an event handler for element ${element}, event ${event}, method ${method}"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:351
+msgid "exception ${message} while registering an event handler for element ${element}, event ${event}, method ${method}"
+msgstr ""

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/inputHtml/resource/i18n/kupupox-vi.po
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/inputHtml/resource/i18n/kupupox-vi.po (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/inputHtml/resource/i18n/kupupox-vi.po Sun Mar 28 22:48:49 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+# Translation of kupu.pot to Vietnamese
+# Thanh Hai, Ha <>, 2005
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Kupu 1.3.1\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-08 09:15+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-12-12 00:47+0700\n"
+"Last-Translator: Thanh Hai <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Vietnamese Translation Team <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
+"Language-Code: vi\n"
+"Language-Name: Vietnamese\n"
+"Preferred-Encodings: utf-8\n"
+"Domain: kupu\n"
+#. Default: "Add column"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:135
+msgid "Add column"
+msgstr "Thêm cột"
+#. Default: "Add row"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:119
+msgid "Add row"
+msgstr "Thêm dòng"
+#. Default: "Add table"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:111
+msgid "Add table"
+msgstr "Thêm bảng"
+#. Default: "Browser not supported!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:303
+msgid "Browser not supported!"
+msgstr "Trình duyệt không được hỗ trợ"
+#. Default: "Can only preview web urls"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:231
+msgid "Can only preview web urls"
+msgstr "Chỉ có thể xem trước địa chỉ web"
+#. Default: "Cleaning up HTML..."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:447
+msgid "Cleaning up HTML..."
+msgstr "Đang dọn mã HTML..."
+#. Default: "Cleanup done, sending document to server"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:271
+msgid "Cleanup done, sending document to server"
+msgstr "Đã dọn mã HTML xong, đang gửi tài liệu đến máy chủ"
+#. Default: "Color chosen"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:55
+msgid "Color chosen"
+msgstr "Màu đã được chọn"
+#. Default: "Copy"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:39
+msgid "Copy"
+msgstr "Sao chép"
+#. Default: "Copying from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:15
+msgid "Copying from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+msgstr "Thao tác sao chép từ JavaScript đã bị vô hiệu hóa ở trình duyệt Mozilla vì các thiết lập liên quan đến bảo mật. Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy xem thêm tại:"
+#. Default: "Could not set status bar message, check your browser\'s security settings."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:191
+msgid "Could not set status bar message, check your browser\'s security settings."
+msgstr "Không thể thiết lập thông điệp trên thanh trạng thái, vui lòng kiểm tra thiết lập bảo mật của trình duyệt."
+#. Default: "Couldn\'t set design mode. Kupu will not work on this browser."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:335
+msgid "Couldn\'t set design mode. Kupu will not work on this browser."
+msgstr "Không thể thiết lập chế độ thiết kế. Kupu sẽ không hoạt động ở trình duyệt này."
+#. Default: "Create image"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:103
+msgid "Create image"
+msgstr "Tạo hình ảnh"
+#. Default: "Create link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:95
+msgid "Create link"
+msgstr "Tạo liên kết"
+#. Default: "Cut"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:31
+msgid "Cut"
+msgstr "Cắt"
+#. Default: "Cutting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:7
+msgid "Cutting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+msgstr "Thao tác cắt từ JavaScript đã bị vô hiệu hóa ở trình duyệt Mozilla vì các thiết lập liên quan đến bảo mật. Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy xem thêm tại:"
+#. Default: "Delete Table"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:151
+msgid "Delete Table"
+msgstr "Xóa bảng"
+#. Default: "Delete column"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:143
+msgid "Delete column"
+msgstr "Xóa cột"
+#. Default: "Delete link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:87
+msgid "Delete link"
+msgstr "Xóa liên kết"
+#. Default: "Delete row"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:127
+msgid "Delete row"
+msgstr "Xóa dòng"
+#. Default: "Discard changes? If you click OK, any changes you have made will be lost."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:215
+msgid "Discard changes? If you click OK, any changes you have made will be lost."
+msgstr "Hủy bỏ các thay đổi? Nếu bạn bấm OK, mọi thay đổi mà bạn thực hiện sẽ bị mất."
+#. Default: "Document saved"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:327
+msgid "Document saved"
+msgstr "Tài liệu đã được lưu lại"
+#. Default: "Editor initialized"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:423
+msgid "Editor initialized"
+msgstr "Trình biên tập đã được khởi tạo"
+#. Default: "Editor not initialized yet!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:295
+msgid "Editor not initialized yet!"
+msgstr "Trình biên tập chưa được khởi tạo"
+#. Default: "End node offset detected in a node without children!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:383
+msgid "End node offset detected in a node without children!"
+msgstr "End node offset được phát hiện trong một node không có node con!"
+#. Default: "End offset out of range!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:399
+msgid "End offset out of range!"
+msgstr "End offset vượt quá giới hạn!"
+#. Default: "Error loading data, status ${status}"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:463
+msgid "Error loading data, status ${status}"
+msgstr "Lỗi khi tải dữ liệu, trạng thái ${status}"
+#. Default: "Error loading translation (status ${status} ), falling back to english"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:479
+msgid "Error loading translation (status ${status} ), falling back to english"
+msgstr "Lỗi khi tải bản dịch (${status} ), sử dụng bản dịch tiếng Anh"
+#. Default: "Error saving document"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:319
+msgid "Error saving document"
+msgstr "Lỗi xảy ra khi lưu tài liệu"
+#. Default: "Error saving your data.\nResponse status: ${status}.\nCheck your server log for more information."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:311
+msgid "Error saving your data.\nResponse status: ${status}.\nCheck your server log for more information."
+msgstr ""
+"Lỗi khi lưu dữ liệu.\n"
+"Trạng thái trả về: ${status}.\n"
+"Hãy kiểm tra bản ghi trên máy chủ để có thêm thông tin."
+#. Default: "Invalid table size"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:159
+msgid "Invalid table size"
+msgstr "Kích thước của bảng không đúng"
+#. Default: "No destination URL available!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:247
+msgid "No destination URL available!"
+msgstr "Không có URL đích!"
+#. Default: "No element found in the config island!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:359
+msgid "No element found in the config island!"
+msgstr "Không tìm thấy yếu tố cần thiết trong cấu hình"
+#. Default: "No head in document!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:63
+msgid "No head in document!"
+msgstr "Văn bản không có phần đầu đề"
+#. Default: "No parentcolumn found!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:175
+msgid "No parentcolumn found!"
+msgstr "Không tìm thấy cột ở cấp cao hơn"
+#. Default: "No row to delete"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:167
+msgid "No row to delete"
+msgstr "Không có hàng nào để xóa."
+#. Default: "Not inside a definition list element!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:207
+msgid "Not inside a definition list element!"
+msgstr "Không ở bên trong đề mục của danh sách xác định!"
+#. Default: "Not inside a row!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:223
+msgid "Not inside a row!"
+msgstr "Không ở bên trong dòng"
+#. Default: "Not inside a table!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:183
+msgid "Not inside a table!"
+msgstr "Không ở bên trong bảng"
+#. Default: "Not inside link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:79
+msgid "Not inside link"
+msgstr "Không ở trong liên kết"
+#. Default: "Offset out of document range"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:407
+msgid "Offset out of document range"
+msgstr "Offset nằm ngoài giới hạn của tài liệu"
+#. Default: "Paste"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:47
+msgid "Paste"
+msgstr "Dán"
+#. Default: "Pasting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:23
+msgid "Pasting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+msgstr "Thao tác dán từ JavaScript đã bị vô hiệu hóa ở trình duyệt Mozilla vì các thiết lập liên quan đến bảo mật. Để biết thêm thông tin, hãy xem thêm tại:"
+#. Default: "Please wait while saving document..."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:255
+msgid "Please wait while saving document..."
+msgstr "Tài liệu đang được lưu lại. Vui lòng đợi trong giây lát..."
+#. Default: "Properties modified"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:71
+msgid "Properties modified"
+msgstr "Thuộc tính đã được thay đổi"
+#. Default: "Request sent to server"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:279
+msgid "Request sent to server"
+msgstr "Yêu cầu đã được gửi đến máy chủ"
+#. Default: "Right click to copy link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:239
+msgid "Right click to copy link"
+msgstr "Bấm phím phải chuột để sao chép liên kết"
+#. Default: "Selection not inside the node!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:367
+msgid "Selection not inside the node!"
+msgstr "Phần được chọn không ở bên trong node"
+#. Default: "Sending request to server"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:287
+msgid "Sending request to server"
+msgstr "Đang gửi yêu cầu đến máy chủ"
+#. Default: "Source edit tool initialized"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:439
+msgid "Source edit tool initialized"
+msgstr "Công cụ biên tập mã đã được khởi tạo"
+#. Default: "Start node offset detected in a node without children!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:375
+msgid "Start node offset detected in a node without children!"
+msgstr "Start node offset được tìm thấy trong một node không có node con!"
+#. Default: "Start offset out of range!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:391
+msgid "Start offset out of range!"
+msgstr "Start offset vượt quá giới hạn"
+#. Default: "Starting HTML cleanup"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:263
+msgid "Starting HTML cleanup"
+msgstr "Bắt đầu dọn mã HTML."
+#. Default: "There was a problem initializing the drawers. Most likely the XSLT or XML files aren\'t available. If this is not the Kupu demo version, check your files or the service that provide them (error: ${error})."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:415
+msgid "There was a problem initializing the drawers. Most likely the XSLT or XML files aren\'t available. If this is not the Kupu demo version, check your files or the service that provide them (error: ${error})."
+msgstr "Có lỗi xảy ra trong khi đang khởi tạo drawer. Có khả năng các tập tin XSLT hoặc XML không có sẵn. Nếu đây không phải là Kupu phiên bản demo, hãy kiểm tra tập tin của bạn hoặc dịch vụ cung cấp chúng (error: ${error})."
+#. Default: "There were no errors."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:455
+msgid "There were no errors."
+msgstr "Không có lỗi nào."
+#. Default: "This feature requires pop-ups to be enabled on your browser!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:471
+msgid "This feature requires pop-ups to be enabled on your browser!"
+msgstr "Chức năng này yêu cầu trình duyệt phải cho phép mở cửa sổ pop-up"
+#. Default: "Unsupported browser!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:343
+msgid "Unsupported browser!"
+msgstr "Trình duyệt không được hỗ trợ!"
+#. Default: "View source"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:199
+msgid "View source"
+msgstr "Xem mã"
+#. Default: "You are leaving the editor. Do you want to save your changes?"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:431
+msgid "You are leaving the editor. Do you want to save your changes?"
+msgstr "Bạn đang chuyển sang trang khác. Bạn có muốn lưu lại các thay đổi cùa mình?"
+#. Default: "click to fold"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:495
+msgid "click to fold"
+msgstr "bấm để gấp lại"
+#. Default: "click to unfold"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:487
+msgid "click to unfold"
+msgstr "bấm để mở ra"
+#. Default: "exception ${message} while registering an event handler for element ${element}, event ${event}, method ${method}"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:351
+msgid "exception ${message} while registering an event handler for element ${element}, event ${event}, method ${method}"
+msgstr "lỗi ${message} trong quá trình đăng ký ${element} với bộ quản lý sự kiện, sự kiện ${event}, phương thức ${method}"

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/inputHtml/resource/i18n/kupupox-zh-cn.po
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/inputHtml/resource/i18n/kupupox-zh-cn.po (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/inputHtml/resource/i18n/kupupox-zh-cn.po Sun Mar 28 22:48:49 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-08 09:15+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: panjunyong <>\n"
+"Language-Team: CZUG i18n team <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
+"Language-Code: zh-cn\n"
+"Language-Name: Chinese\n"
+"Preferred-Encodings: utf-8 latin1\n"
+"Domain: kupu\n"
+"Generated-By: zope/app/translation_files/\n"
+#. Default: "Add column"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:135
+msgid "Add column"
+msgstr "添加列"
+#. Default: "Add row"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:119
+msgid "Add row"
+msgstr "添加行"
+#. Default: "Add table"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:111
+msgid "Add table"
+msgstr "添加表单"
+#. Default: "Browser not supported!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:303
+msgid "Browser not supported!"
+msgstr "浏览器不支持!"
+#. Default: "Can only preview web urls"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:231
+msgid "Can only preview web urls"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Cleaning up HTML..."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:447
+msgid "Cleaning up HTML..."
+msgstr "正在清理HTML..."
+#. Default: "Cleanup done, sending document to server"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:271
+msgid "Cleanup done, sending document to server"
+msgstr "清理完成,发送文档到服务器"
+#. Default: "Color chosen"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:55
+msgid "Color chosen"
+msgstr "颜色已选择"
+#. Default: "Copy"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:39
+msgid "Copy"
+msgstr "复制"
+#. Default: "Copying from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:15
+msgid "Copying from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Could not set status bar message, check your browser\'s security settings."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:191
+msgid "Could not set status bar message, check your browser\'s security settings."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Couldn\'t set design mode. Kupu will not work on this browser."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:335
+msgid "Couldn\'t set design mode. Kupu will not work on this browser."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Create image"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:103
+msgid "Create image"
+msgstr "创建图片"
+#. Default: "Create link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:95
+msgid "Create link"
+msgstr "创建链接"
+#. Default: "Cut"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:31
+msgid "Cut"
+msgstr "剪切"
+#. Default: "Cutting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:7
+msgid "Cutting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Delete Table"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:151
+msgid "Delete Table"
+msgstr "删除表格"
+#. Default: "Delete column"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:143
+msgid "Delete column"
+msgstr "删除列"
+#. Default: "Delete link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:87
+msgid "Delete link"
+msgstr "删除链接"
+#. Default: "Delete row"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:127
+msgid "Delete row"
+msgstr "删除行"
+#. Default: "Discard changes? If you click OK, any changes you have made will be lost."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:215
+msgid "Discard changes? If you click OK, any changes you have made will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Document saved"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:327
+msgid "Document saved"
+msgstr "文档已经保存"
+#. Default: "Editor initialized"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:423
+msgid "Editor initialized"
+msgstr "编辑器已经初始化"
+#. Default: "Editor not initialized yet!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:295
+msgid "Editor not initialized yet!"
+msgstr "编辑器还没有初始化!"
+#. Default: "End node offset detected in a node without children!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:383
+msgid "End node offset detected in a node without children!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "End offset out of range!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:399
+msgid "End offset out of range!"
+msgstr "结束偏移超出范围!"
+#. Default: "Error loading data, status ${status}"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:463
+msgid "Error loading data, status ${status}"
+msgstr "加载数据错,状态 ${status}"
+#. Default: "Error loading translation (status ${status} ), falling back to english"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:479
+msgid "Error loading translation (status ${status} ), falling back to english"
+msgstr "翻译加载错误(状态${status}),回退到英语"
+#. Default: "Error saving document"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:319
+msgid "Error saving document"
+msgstr "保存文档出错"
+#. Default: "Error saving your data.\nResponse status: ${status}.\nCheck your server log for more information."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:311
+msgid "Error saving your data.\nResponse status: ${status}.\nCheck your server log for more information."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Invalid table size"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:159
+msgid "Invalid table size"
+msgstr "无效的表格大小"
+#. Default: "No destination URL available!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:247
+msgid "No destination URL available!"
+msgstr "没有目的URL!"
+#. Default: "No element found in the config island!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:359
+msgid "No element found in the config island!"
+msgstr "在配置岛中没有发现元素!"
+#. Default: "No head in document!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:63
+msgid "No head in document!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "No parentcolumn found!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:175
+msgid "No parentcolumn found!"
+msgstr "没有发现父列"
+#. Default: "No row to delete"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:167
+msgid "No row to delete"
+msgstr "没有要删除的行"
+#. Default: "Not inside a definition list element!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:207
+msgid "Not inside a definition list element!"
+msgstr "不在一个定义列表元素中!"
+#. Default: "Not inside a row!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:223
+msgid "Not inside a row!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Not inside a table!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:183
+msgid "Not inside a table!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Not inside link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:79
+msgid "Not inside link"
+msgstr "不是内部链接"
+#. Default: "Offset out of document range"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:407
+msgid "Offset out of document range"
+msgstr "偏移超出了文档范围"
+#. Default: "Paste"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:47
+msgid "Paste"
+msgstr "粘贴"
+#. Default: "Pasting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:23
+msgid "Pasting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+msgstr "由于安全性设置,JavaScript粘贴功能在您的Mozilla中被禁止了。更多信息,请阅读read"
+#. Default: "Please wait while saving document..."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:255
+msgid "Please wait while saving document..."
+msgstr "正在保存文档,请等待..."
+#. Default: "Properties modified"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:71
+msgid "Properties modified"
+msgstr "属性已经修改"
+#. Default: "Request sent to server"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:279
+msgid "Request sent to server"
+msgstr "请求已经发送到服务器"
+#. Default: "Right click to copy link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:239
+msgid "Right click to copy link"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Selection not inside the node!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:367
+msgid "Selection not inside the node!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Sending request to server"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:287
+msgid "Sending request to server"
+msgstr "发送请求到服务器"
+#. Default: "Source edit tool initialized"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:439
+msgid "Source edit tool initialized"
+msgstr "源代码编辑工具已经初始化"
+#. Default: "Start node offset detected in a node without children!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:375
+msgid "Start node offset detected in a node without children!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Start offset out of range!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:391
+msgid "Start offset out of range!"
+msgstr "开始偏移超出范围!"
+#. Default: "Starting HTML cleanup"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:263
+msgid "Starting HTML cleanup"
+msgstr "开始HTML清理"
+#. Default: "There was a problem initializing the drawers. Most likely the XSLT or XML files aren\'t available. If this is not the Kupu demo version, check your files or the service that provide them (error: ${error})."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:415
+msgid "There was a problem initializing the drawers. Most likely the XSLT or XML files aren\'t available. If this is not the Kupu demo version, check your files or the service that provide them (error: ${error})."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "There were no errors."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:455
+msgid "There were no errors."
+msgstr "没有错误。"
+#. Default: "This feature requires pop-ups to be enabled on your browser!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:471
+msgid "This feature requires pop-ups to be enabled on your browser!"
+msgstr "这个功能要求您的浏览器打款弹出窗口功能!"
+#. Default: "Unsupported browser!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:343
+msgid "Unsupported browser!"
+msgstr "不支持的浏览器!"
+#. Default: "View source"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:199
+msgid "View source"
+msgstr "查看源代码"
+#. Default: "You are leaving the editor. Do you want to save your changes?"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:431
+msgid "You are leaving the editor. Do you want to save your changes?"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "click to fold"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:495
+msgid "click to fold"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "click to unfold"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:487
+msgid "click to unfold"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "exception ${message} while registering an event handler for element ${element}, event ${event}, method ${method}"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:351
+msgid "exception ${message} while registering an event handler for element ${element}, event ${event}, method ${method}"
+msgstr "当为元素 ${element}、事件${event}、方法${method} 注册一个事件处理器时,发生异常 ${message} "

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/inputHtml/resource/i18n/kupupox-zh-tw.po
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/inputHtml/resource/i18n/kupupox-zh-tw.po (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/inputHtml/resource/i18n/kupupox-zh-tw.po Sun Mar 28 22:48:49 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+# Translation of kupupox.pot to Chinese (Traditional)
+# T.C. Chou <>, 2007-2009
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Kupu\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-08 09:15+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-07-17 23:48+0800\n"
+"Last-Translator: TsungWei Hu <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Plone i18n <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
+"Language-Code: zh-tw\n"
+"Language-Name: 正體中文\n"
+"Preferred-Encodings: utf-8\n"
+"Domain: kupupox\n"
+"X-Is-Fallback-For: zh\n"
+#. Default: "Add column"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:135
+msgid "Add column"
+msgstr "新增欄"
+#. Default: "Add row"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:119
+msgid "Add row"
+msgstr "新增列"
+#. Default: "Add table"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:111
+msgid "Add table"
+msgstr "新增表格"
+#. Default: "Browser not supported!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:303
+msgid "Browser not supported!"
+msgstr "瀏覽器不支援!"
+#. Default: "Can only preview web urls"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:231
+msgid "Can only preview web urls"
+msgstr "只能預覽網址"
+#. Default: "Cleaning up HTML..."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:447
+msgid "Cleaning up HTML..."
+msgstr "清理 HTML…"
+#. Default: "Cleanup done, sending document to server"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:271
+msgid "Cleanup done, sending document to server"
+msgstr "清理完成,送文件到伺服器"
+#. Default: "Color chosen"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:55
+msgid "Color chosen"
+msgstr "顏色選擇"
+#. Default: "Copy"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:39
+msgid "Copy"
+msgstr "拷貝"
+#. Default: "Copying from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:15
+msgid "Copying from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+msgstr "由於 Mozilla 的安全設定,從 JavaScript 拷貝的功能被取消。想要瞭解更多相關資訊,請參考"
+#. Default: "Could not set status bar message, check your browser\'s security settings."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:191
+msgid "Could not set status bar message, check your browser\'s security settings."
+msgstr "無法設定狀態列訊息,檢查你瀏覽器的安全設定。"
+#. Default: "Couldn\'t set design mode. Kupu will not work on this browser."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:335
+msgid "Couldn\'t set design mode. Kupu will not work on this browser."
+msgstr "無法設定設計模式。Kupu 將無法在這個瀏覽器作業。"
+#. Default: "Create image"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:103
+msgid "Create image"
+msgstr "建立圖檔"
+#. Default: "Create link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:95
+msgid "Create link"
+msgstr "建立連結"
+#. Default: "Cut"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:31
+msgid "Cut"
+msgstr "剪下"
+#. Default: "Cutting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:7
+msgid "Cutting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+msgstr "由於 Mozilla 安全設定,從 JavaScript 剪下是無效的。瞭解更多相關資訊,請閱覽"
+#. Default: "Delete Table"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:151
+msgid "Delete Table"
+msgstr "刪除表格"
+#. Default: "Delete column"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:143
+msgid "Delete column"
+msgstr "刪除欄"
+#. Default: "Delete link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:87
+msgid "Delete link"
+msgstr "刪除連結"
+#. Default: "Delete row"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:127
+msgid "Delete row"
+msgstr "刪除列"
+#. Default: "Discard changes? If you click OK, any changes you have made will be lost."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:215
+msgid "Discard changes? If you click OK, any changes you have made will be lost."
+msgstr "放棄變更?如果選擇確定(OK),所有之前的改變都會遺失。"
+#. Default: "Document saved"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:327
+msgid "Document saved"
+msgstr "文件已存檔"
+#. Default: "Editor initialized"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:423
+msgid "Editor initialized"
+msgstr "編輯器完成初始化"
+#. Default: "Editor not initialized yet!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:295
+msgid "Editor not initialized yet!"
+msgstr "編輯器尚未初始化"
+#. Default: "End node offset detected in a node without children!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:383
+msgid "End node offset detected in a node without children!"
+msgstr "結尾節點的偏移值是在一個沒有子項目的節點裡!"
+#. Default: "End offset out of range!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:399
+msgid "End offset out of range!"
+msgstr "終端偏移值超過範圍!"
+#. Default: "Error loading data, status ${status}"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:463
+msgid "Error loading data, status ${status}"
+msgstr "載入資料錯誤,狀態 ${status}"
+#. Default: "Error loading translation (status ${status} ), falling back to english"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:479
+msgid "Error loading translation (status ${status} ), falling back to english"
+msgstr "載入翻譯錯誤(狀態 ${status}),改用英文訊息。"
+#. Default: "Error saving document"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:319
+msgid "Error saving document"
+msgstr "儲存文件失敗"
+#. Default: "Error saving your data.\nResponse status: ${status}.\nCheck your server log for more information."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:311
+msgid "Error saving your data.\nResponse status: ${status}.\nCheck your server log for more information."
+msgstr ""
+"回應訊息: ${status}。\n"
+#. Default: "Invalid table size"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:159
+msgid "Invalid table size"
+msgstr "表格大小無效"
+#. Default: "No destination URL available!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:247
+msgid "No destination URL available!"
+msgstr "無目標網址可用!"
+#. Default: "No element found in the config island!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:359
+msgid "No element found in the config island!"
+msgstr "在設定區域找不到項目!"
+#. Default: "No head in document!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:63
+msgid "No head in document!"
+msgstr "在文件中沒有標頭!"
+#. Default: "No parentcolumn found!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:175
+msgid "No parentcolumn found!"
+msgstr "找不到父層欄!"
+#. Default: "No row to delete"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:167
+msgid "No row to delete"
+msgstr "沒資料列可刪"
+#. Default: "Not inside a definition list element!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:207
+msgid "Not inside a definition list element!"
+msgstr "無法在內部加入條列項目!"
+#. Default: "Not inside a row!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:223
+msgid "Not inside a row!"
+msgstr "無法在內部加入資料列!"
+#. Default: "Not inside a table!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:183
+msgid "Not inside a table!"
+msgstr "無法在內部加入表格!"
+#. Default: "Not inside link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:79
+msgid "Not inside link"
+msgstr "無法在內部加入連結"
+#. Default: "Offset out of document range"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:407
+msgid "Offset out of document range"
+msgstr "偏移值超出文件範圍"
+#. Default: "Paste"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:47
+msgid "Paste"
+msgstr "貼上"
+#. Default: "Pasting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:23
+msgid "Pasting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+msgstr "由於 Mozilla 安全設定,從 JavaScript 貼上是無效的。瞭解更多相關資訊,請閱覽"
+#. Default: "Please wait while saving document..."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:255
+msgid "Please wait while saving document..."
+msgstr "請等待完成文件儲存…"
+#. Default: "Properties modified"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:71
+msgid "Properties modified"
+msgstr "特性修改"
+#. Default: "Request sent to server"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:279
+msgid "Request sent to server"
+msgstr "要求送到伺服器"
+#. Default: "Right click to copy link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:239
+msgid "Right click to copy link"
+msgstr "點選右鍵以拷貝連結"
+#. Default: "Selection not inside the node!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:367
+msgid "Selection not inside the node!"
+msgstr "選擇區域不在節點裡!"
+#. Default: "Sending request to server"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:287
+msgid "Sending request to server"
+msgstr "要求伺服器傳送中…"
+#. Default: "Source edit tool initialized"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:439
+msgid "Source edit tool initialized"
+msgstr "源碼修改工具初始化"
+#. Default: "Start node offset detected in a node without children!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:375
+msgid "Start node offset detected in a node without children!"
+msgstr "起始節點偏移值是在一個沒有子項目的節點裡!"
+#. Default: "Start offset out of range!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:391
+msgid "Start offset out of range!"
+msgstr "起始偏移超過範圍!"
+#. Default: "Starting HTML cleanup"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:263
+msgid "Starting HTML cleanup"
+msgstr "開始 HTML 清理"
+#. Default: "There was a problem initializing the drawers. Most likely the XSLT or XML files aren\'t available. If this is not the Kupu demo version, check your files or the service that provide them (error: ${error})."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:415
+msgid "There was a problem initializing the drawers. Most likely the XSLT or XML files aren\'t available. If this is not the Kupu demo version, check your files or the service that provide them (error: ${error})."
+msgstr "初始工具抽屜時,發生了一個問題。很可能是 XSLT 或 XML 不能用。如果不是 Kupu 展示版,檢查檔案或服務後補上 (錯誤: ${error})。"
+#. Default: "There were no errors."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:455
+msgid "There were no errors."
+msgstr "這裡沒有任何錯誤發生。"
+#. Default: "This feature requires pop-ups to be enabled on your browser!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:471
+msgid "This feature requires pop-ups to be enabled on your browser!"
+msgstr "這個功能需要開啟新視窗,請開啟瀏覽器相關功能!"
+#. Default: "Unsupported browser!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:343
+msgid "Unsupported browser!"
+msgstr "不支援的瀏覽器!"
+#. Default: "View source"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:199
+msgid "View source"
+msgstr "檢視源碼"
+#. Default: "You are leaving the editor. Do you want to save your changes?"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:431
+msgid "You are leaving the editor. Do you want to save your changes?"
+msgstr "正要離開編輯器。想儲存變更的部分嗎? "
+#. Default: "click to fold"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:495
+msgid "click to fold"
+msgstr "點選以折疊"
+#. Default: "click to unfold"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:487
+msgid "click to unfold"
+msgstr "點選以展開"
+#. Default: "exception ${message} while registering an event handler for element ${element}, event ${event}, method ${method}"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:351
+msgid "exception ${message} while registering an event handler for element ${element}, event ${event}, method ${method}"
+msgstr "例外 ${message} 發生在項目 ${element} 註冊的事件處理器,事件 ${event},方法 ${method}"

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/inputHtml/resource/i18n/kupupox-zh.po
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/inputHtml/resource/i18n/kupupox-zh.po (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/inputHtml/resource/i18n/kupupox-zh.po Sun Mar 28 22:48:49 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-08 09:15+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: panjunyong <>\n"
+"Language-Team: CZUG i18n team <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
+"Language-Code: zh\n"
+"Language-Name: Chinese\n"
+"Preferred-Encodings: utf-8 latin1\n"
+"Domain: kupu\n"
+"Generated-By: zope/app/translation_files/\n"
+"X-Is-Fallback-For: zh-cn zh-hk zh-mo zh-sg\n"
+#. Default: "Add column"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:135
+msgid "Add column"
+msgstr "添加列"
+#. Default: "Add row"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:119
+msgid "Add row"
+msgstr "添加行"
+#. Default: "Add table"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:111
+msgid "Add table"
+msgstr "添加表单"
+#. Default: "Browser not supported!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:303
+msgid "Browser not supported!"
+msgstr "浏览器不支持!"
+#. Default: "Can only preview web urls"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:231
+msgid "Can only preview web urls"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Cleaning up HTML..."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:447
+msgid "Cleaning up HTML..."
+msgstr "正在清理HTML..."
+#. Default: "Cleanup done, sending document to server"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:271
+msgid "Cleanup done, sending document to server"
+msgstr "清理完成,发送文档到服务器"
+#. Default: "Color chosen"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:55
+msgid "Color chosen"
+msgstr "颜色已选择"
+#. Default: "Copy"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:39
+msgid "Copy"
+msgstr "复制"
+#. Default: "Copying from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:15
+msgid "Copying from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Could not set status bar message, check your browser\'s security settings."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:191
+msgid "Could not set status bar message, check your browser\'s security settings."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Couldn\'t set design mode. Kupu will not work on this browser."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:335
+msgid "Couldn\'t set design mode. Kupu will not work on this browser."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Create image"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:103
+msgid "Create image"
+msgstr "创建图片"
+#. Default: "Create link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:95
+msgid "Create link"
+msgstr "创建链接"
+#. Default: "Cut"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:31
+msgid "Cut"
+msgstr "剪切"
+#. Default: "Cutting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:7
+msgid "Cutting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Delete Table"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:151
+msgid "Delete Table"
+msgstr "删除表格"
+#. Default: "Delete column"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:143
+msgid "Delete column"
+msgstr "删除列"
+#. Default: "Delete link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:87
+msgid "Delete link"
+msgstr "删除链接"
+#. Default: "Delete row"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:127
+msgid "Delete row"
+msgstr "删除行"
+#. Default: "Discard changes? If you click OK, any changes you have made will be lost."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:215
+msgid "Discard changes? If you click OK, any changes you have made will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Document saved"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:327
+msgid "Document saved"
+msgstr "文档已经保存"
+#. Default: "Editor initialized"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:423
+msgid "Editor initialized"
+msgstr "编辑器已经初始化"
+#. Default: "Editor not initialized yet!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:295
+msgid "Editor not initialized yet!"
+msgstr "编辑器还没有初始化!"
+#. Default: "End node offset detected in a node without children!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:383
+msgid "End node offset detected in a node without children!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "End offset out of range!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:399
+msgid "End offset out of range!"
+msgstr "结束偏移超出范围!"
+#. Default: "Error loading data, status ${status}"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:463
+msgid "Error loading data, status ${status}"
+msgstr "加载数据错,状态 ${status}"
+#. Default: "Error loading translation (status ${status} ), falling back to english"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:479
+msgid "Error loading translation (status ${status} ), falling back to english"
+msgstr "翻译加载错误(状态${status}),回退到英语"
+#. Default: "Error saving document"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:319
+msgid "Error saving document"
+msgstr "保存文档出错"
+#. Default: "Error saving your data.\nResponse status: ${status}.\nCheck your server log for more information."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:311
+msgid "Error saving your data.\nResponse status: ${status}.\nCheck your server log for more information."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Invalid table size"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:159
+msgid "Invalid table size"
+msgstr "无效的表格大小"
+#. Default: "No destination URL available!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:247
+msgid "No destination URL available!"
+msgstr "没有目的URL!"
+#. Default: "No element found in the config island!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:359
+msgid "No element found in the config island!"
+msgstr "在配置岛中没有发现元素!"
+#. Default: "No head in document!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:63
+msgid "No head in document!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "No parentcolumn found!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:175
+msgid "No parentcolumn found!"
+msgstr "没有发现父列"
+#. Default: "No row to delete"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:167
+msgid "No row to delete"
+msgstr "没有要删除的行"
+#. Default: "Not inside a definition list element!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:207
+msgid "Not inside a definition list element!"
+msgstr "不在一个定义列表元素中!"
+#. Default: "Not inside a row!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:223
+msgid "Not inside a row!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Not inside a table!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:183
+msgid "Not inside a table!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Not inside link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:79
+msgid "Not inside link"
+msgstr "不是内部链接"
+#. Default: "Offset out of document range"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:407
+msgid "Offset out of document range"
+msgstr "偏移超出了文档范围"
+#. Default: "Paste"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:47
+msgid "Paste"
+msgstr "粘贴"
+#. Default: "Pasting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:23
+msgid "Pasting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+msgstr "由于安全性设置,JavaScript粘贴功能在您的Mozilla中被禁止了。更多信息,请阅读read"
+#. Default: "Please wait while saving document..."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:255
+msgid "Please wait while saving document..."
+msgstr "正在保存文档,请等待..."
+#. Default: "Properties modified"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:71
+msgid "Properties modified"
+msgstr "属性已经修改"
+#. Default: "Request sent to server"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:279
+msgid "Request sent to server"
+msgstr "请求已经发送到服务器"
+#. Default: "Right click to copy link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:239
+msgid "Right click to copy link"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Selection not inside the node!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:367
+msgid "Selection not inside the node!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Sending request to server"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:287
+msgid "Sending request to server"
+msgstr "发送请求到服务器"
+#. Default: "Source edit tool initialized"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:439
+msgid "Source edit tool initialized"
+msgstr "源代码编辑工具已经初始化"
+#. Default: "Start node offset detected in a node without children!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:375
+msgid "Start node offset detected in a node without children!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Start offset out of range!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:391
+msgid "Start offset out of range!"
+msgstr "开始偏移超出范围!"
+#. Default: "Starting HTML cleanup"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:263
+msgid "Starting HTML cleanup"
+msgstr "开始HTML清理"
+#. Default: "There was a problem initializing the drawers. Most likely the XSLT or XML files aren\'t available. If this is not the Kupu demo version, check your files or the service that provide them (error: ${error})."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:415
+msgid "There was a problem initializing the drawers. Most likely the XSLT or XML files aren\'t available. If this is not the Kupu demo version, check your files or the service that provide them (error: ${error})."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "There were no errors."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:455
+msgid "There were no errors."
+msgstr "没有错误。"
+#. Default: "This feature requires pop-ups to be enabled on your browser!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:471
+msgid "This feature requires pop-ups to be enabled on your browser!"
+msgstr "这个功能要求您的浏览器打款弹出窗口功能!"
+#. Default: "Unsupported browser!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:343
+msgid "Unsupported browser!"
+msgstr "不支持的浏览器!"
+#. Default: "View source"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:199
+msgid "View source"
+msgstr "查看源代码"
+#. Default: "You are leaving the editor. Do you want to save your changes?"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:431
+msgid "You are leaving the editor. Do you want to save your changes?"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "click to fold"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:495
+msgid "click to fold"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "click to unfold"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:487
+msgid "click to unfold"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "exception ${message} while registering an event handler for element ${element}, event ${event}, method ${method}"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:351
+msgid "exception ${message} while registering an event handler for element ${element}, event ${event}, method ${method}"
+msgstr "当为元素 ${element}、事件${event}、方法${method} 注册一个事件处理器时,发生异常 ${message} "

Added: myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/inputHtml/resource/i18n/kupupox.pot
--- myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/inputHtml/resource/i18n/kupupox.pot (added)
+++ myfaces/tomahawk/trunk/core/src/main/resources/org/apache/myfaces/custom/inputHtml/resource/i18n/kupupox.pot Sun Mar 28 22:48:49 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+# Gettext Message File for Kupu
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: Kupu\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-08 09:15+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI +ZONE\n"
+"Last-Translator: Plone i18n <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Plone i18n <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n"
+"Language-Code: en\n"
+"Language-Name: English\n"
+"Preferred-Encodings: utf-8 latin1\n"
+"Domain: kupupox\n"
+#. Default: "Add column"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:135
+msgid "Add column"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Add row"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:119
+msgid "Add row"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Add table"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:111
+msgid "Add table"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Browser not supported!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:303
+msgid "Browser not supported!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Can only preview web urls"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:231
+msgid "Can only preview web urls"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Cleaning up HTML..."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:447
+msgid "Cleaning up HTML..."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Cleanup done, sending document to server"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:271
+msgid "Cleanup done, sending document to server"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Color chosen"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:55
+msgid "Color chosen"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Copy"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:39
+msgid "Copy"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Copying from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:15
+msgid "Copying from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Could not set status bar message, check your browser\'s security settings."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:191
+msgid "Could not set status bar message, check your browser\'s security settings."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Couldn\'t set design mode. Kupu will not work on this browser."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:335
+msgid "Couldn\'t set design mode. Kupu will not work on this browser."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Create image"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:103
+msgid "Create image"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Create link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:95
+msgid "Create link"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Cut"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:31
+msgid "Cut"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Cutting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:7
+msgid "Cutting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Delete Table"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:151
+msgid "Delete Table"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Delete column"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:143
+msgid "Delete column"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Delete link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:87
+msgid "Delete link"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Delete row"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:127
+msgid "Delete row"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Discard changes? If you click OK, any changes you have made will be lost."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:215
+msgid "Discard changes? If you click OK, any changes you have made will be lost."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Document saved"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:327
+msgid "Document saved"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Editor initialized"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:423
+msgid "Editor initialized"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Editor not initialized yet!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:295
+msgid "Editor not initialized yet!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "End node offset detected in a node without children!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:383
+msgid "End node offset detected in a node without children!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "End offset out of range!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:399
+msgid "End offset out of range!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Error loading data, status ${status}"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:463
+msgid "Error loading data, status ${status}"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Error loading translation (status ${status} ), falling back to english"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:479
+msgid "Error loading translation (status ${status} ), falling back to english"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Error saving document"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:319
+msgid "Error saving document"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Error saving your data.\nResponse status: ${status}.\nCheck your server log for more information."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:311
+msgid "Error saving your data.\nResponse status: ${status}.\nCheck your server log for more information."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Invalid table size"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:159
+msgid "Invalid table size"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "No destination URL available!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:247
+msgid "No destination URL available!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "No element found in the config island!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:359
+msgid "No element found in the config island!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "No head in document!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:63
+msgid "No head in document!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "No parentcolumn found!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:175
+msgid "No parentcolumn found!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "No row to delete"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:167
+msgid "No row to delete"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Not inside a definition list element!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:207
+msgid "Not inside a definition list element!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Not inside a row!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:223
+msgid "Not inside a row!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Not inside a table!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:183
+msgid "Not inside a table!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Not inside link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:79
+msgid "Not inside link"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Offset out of document range"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:407
+msgid "Offset out of document range"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Paste"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:47
+msgid "Paste"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Pasting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:23
+msgid "Pasting from JavaScript is disabled on your Mozilla due to security settings. For more information, read"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please wait while saving document..."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:255
+msgid "Please wait while saving document..."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Properties modified"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:71
+msgid "Properties modified"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Request sent to server"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:279
+msgid "Request sent to server"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Right click to copy link"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:239
+msgid "Right click to copy link"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Selection not inside the node!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:367
+msgid "Selection not inside the node!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Sending request to server"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:287
+msgid "Sending request to server"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Source edit tool initialized"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:439
+msgid "Source edit tool initialized"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Start node offset detected in a node without children!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:375
+msgid "Start node offset detected in a node without children!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Start offset out of range!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:391
+msgid "Start offset out of range!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Starting HTML cleanup"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:263
+msgid "Starting HTML cleanup"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "There was a problem initializing the drawers. Most likely the XSLT or XML files aren\'t available. If this is not the Kupu demo version, check your files or the service that provide them (error: ${error})."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:415
+msgid "There was a problem initializing the drawers. Most likely the XSLT or XML files aren\'t available. If this is not the Kupu demo version, check your files or the service that provide them (error: ${error})."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "There were no errors."
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:455
+msgid "There were no errors."
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "This feature requires pop-ups to be enabled on your browser!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:471
+msgid "This feature requires pop-ups to be enabled on your browser!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Unsupported browser!"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:343
+msgid "Unsupported browser!"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "View source"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:199
+msgid "View source"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "You are leaving the editor. Do you want to save your changes?"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:431
+msgid "You are leaving the editor. Do you want to save your changes?"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "click to fold"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:495
+msgid "click to fold"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "click to unfold"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:487
+msgid "click to unfold"
+msgstr ""
+#. Default: "exception ${message} while registering an event handler for element ${element}, event ${event}, method ${method}"
+#: kupu/common/kupu.pox:351
+msgid "exception ${message} while registering an event handler for element ${element}, event ${event}, method ${method}"
+msgstr ""