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Posted to by Colin Paul Adams <> on 2004/06/24 16:58:09 UTC

Trying to use mount table

>>>>> "Colin" == Colin Paul Adams <> writes:

    Colin> I find that what I actually want is a file called
    Colin> mount-table.xml.  But that doesn't exist either (why isn't
    Colin> there a default one with sample entries commented out?).

    Colin> So I finally find my way to some java source, and find the
    Colin> format of the file in java comments (made so much more
    Colin> harder to read by &lt;s).

    Colin> Phew.  Well, now I'll go and create one, and hope the java
    Colin> comments are correct.

Well, I don't know - it seemed so easy:

1) I created a mount-table.xml in the cocoon distribution directory.
It looks like this:

<!-- copy this file to the cocoon distribution directory -->
 <mount uri-prefix="onevoice" src="file:///home/colin/onevoice/"/>

2) In /home/colin/onevoice, I created a sitemap.xmap file. It looks
   like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!-- -*- mode: nxml; -*- -->
<map:sitemap xmlns:map="">

    <map:generators   default="file"/>
    <map:transformers default="xslt-saxon"/>
    <map:readers      default="resource"/>
    <map:serializers  default="xhtml11"/>
    <map:matchers default="wildcard"/>

      <!-- xml files -->
      <map:match pattern="members/calendar.html">
        <map:generate src="members/calendar.xml"/>
        <map:transform src="members/calendar.xsl"/>
        <map:serialize />

Then I do a build clean, build, and cocoon servlet.

I try typing in the URL:


I expected my pipeline to execute, but I got:

Resource not found.

org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException: Resource not found.: 
file:/home/colin/cocoon-2.1.5/build/webapp/cocoon/sitemap.xmap doesn't exist.

Which is certainly a lie (if I ignore the file:/ rather than
file:///)! But then, I seem to remember that this is almost
a catchall message in cocoon for sitemap problems.

How can I find the real error?
Colin Paul Adams
Preston Lancashire

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