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Posted to by Lawrence Mandel <> on 2007/01/16 18:12:54 UTC

Minutes of the Woden Status Telecon, 2007-01-16

Attendees: Lawrence Mandel, John Kaputin, Jeremy Hughes, Graham Turrell
Regrets: Arthur Ryman


1. Open Action Items - Lawrence Mandel

2007-01-09 - John did post new date of Jan 29 to mailing list, but not the
release defining criteria. Will post criteria to the list and update
milestone plan web page with new date and criteria this week.
John: I posted to the list and I've just updated the web page. It will be 
available shortly.

2007-01-09 - John to coordinate this change with Axis2 / WSO2
John: This is the WSDL-120 change, which can't be made by deprecation. I 
posted to the list
today and copies devs from Axis2. I proposed this Thursday to make the 
Jeremy: Axis2 has a woden snapshot from Dec. 12.
John: I've asked them to confirm they're using the snapshot and not 
building from head.

2007-01-09 - John to open JIRA to handle WSDL imports correctly (eg: 
imports with no location attribute) and to check if a testcase exists in
the WSDL 2.0 test suite for this (assume not, as if there was one Woden
would show a failure).
John: I haven't opened the Jira yet.

2007-01-09 - agreed, John will reply to his mailing list post to confirm 
understanding and close the issue.
John: This is about the scope of element and type definitions in the 
component model. The conversation is ongoing. For now Woden passes the 
test case even though the spec is still ambiguous in this case.

2. Milestone (M7) Status - John Kaputin

John: Looking at the resolved Jira view we can see that there are a number 
of test failures that have been resolved this past week. Woden-102 has 
been resolved. The dashboard needs to be updated. There are two test cases 
left on the M7 list. Woden-101 Test SparqlQuery-1G and Woden-10 fragids 
are still open. These both have to do with imports and need to be 
completed for M7.
Graham: I'm rattling through the unit tests. There are 3 Jiras left.
John: I'm going to fix Woden-119 today and Woden-120 requires speaking 
with Axis2 as discussed above. Looks like Graham will be freed up soon and 
can help with other problems.
Graham: Correct.

John: There's a lot of work left to do this week. We may need to rescope 
M7 if we don't get through enough this week.

3.Development Discussion - All

Jeremy: A continuum server was set up on WS zones and I asked him to stick 
Woden on that. This should help us move over to Maven2. This will help us 
keep the Maven POM up to date and keep our dependencies up to date as the 
dependencies are handled automatically by the continuum server. The tests 
aren't run because JUnit is not on the classpath of the build server. The 
server handles dependencies so when Axiom changes Woden will be rebuilt.
Lawrence: Is this set up?
Jeremy: Yes, it's just running the buildall from Woden's build.
Lawrence: What's the link to the server?
Go to working copy, build to get the latest build.
Lawrence: You opened a Jira about moving the Woden build to Maven. Does 
this solve that Jira?
Jeremy: It should.

John: I tried the resolver working disconnected and it worked well.

John: We had a discussion today whether relative URL resolved location or 
originating location. We may need to add a flag to the catalog file to 
handle both cases.
Lawrence: We've had this same problem in WTP and haven't solved it yet. 
WTP resolves against the resolved location.
John: I think we can solve this.
Lawrence: Graham, have you looked at the OASIS XML catalog spec? I wonder 
if they've looked into this problem?
[action] Graham will investigate whether the XML catalog spec contains a 
solution for the resolved location or originating location resolution 

4. Other Business - All

No other business was raised.


Lawrence Mandel

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