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[GitHub] anirudh2290 closed pull request #12427: Improved test for BilinearSampler

anirudh2290 closed pull request #12427: Improved test for BilinearSampler

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
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As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

diff --git a/src/operator/bilinear_sampler-inl.h b/src/operator/bilinear_sampler-inl.h
index 657aebafdb7..e0b4db7b367 100644
--- a/src/operator/bilinear_sampler-inl.h
+++ b/src/operator/bilinear_sampler-inl.h
@@ -44,7 +44,10 @@ enum BilinearSamplerOpOutputs {kOut, kTmp};
 struct BilinearSamplerParam : public dmlc::Parameter<BilinearSamplerParam> {
+  dmlc::optional<bool> cudnn_off;
   DMLC_DECLARE_PARAMETER(BilinearSamplerParam) {
+    DMLC_DECLARE_FIELD(cudnn_off).set_default(dmlc::optional<bool>())
+        .describe("whether to turn cudnn off");
diff --git a/src/operator/ b/src/operator/
index 0ab628da700..e1f205258a2 100644
--- a/src/operator/
+++ b/src/operator/
@@ -212,7 +212,11 @@ Operator* CreateOp<gpu>(BilinearSamplerParam param, int dtype) {
   Operator *op = NULL;
-    op = new CuDNNBilinearSamplerOp<DType>(param);
+    if (param.cudnn_off.has_value() && param.cudnn_off.value()) {
+      op = new BilinearSamplerOp<gpu, DType>(param);
+    } else {
+      op = new CuDNNBilinearSamplerOp<DType>(param);
+    }
diff --git a/tests/python/gpu/ b/tests/python/gpu/
index 0ff33e1e409..7b75275e0c9 100644
--- a/tests/python/gpu/
+++ b/tests/python/gpu/
@@ -1918,6 +1918,65 @@ def test_softmax_activation():
         assert_almost_equal(cpu_a.grad.asnumpy(), gpu_a.grad.asnumpy(),
                 atol = 1e-3, rtol = 1e-3)
+def test_bilinear_sampler_versions():
+    data = mx.sym.Variable('data')
+    grid = mx.sym.Variable('grid')
+    sym1 = mx.sym.BilinearSampler(data=data, grid=grid)
+    sym2 = mx.sym.BilinearSampler(data=data, grid=grid, cudnn_off=True)
+    sym3 = mx.sym.BilinearSampler(data=data, grid=grid)
+    test_cases = [[(1,3,15,16),(1,2,10,10)],
+                 [(1,6,7,16),(1,2,10,4)],
+                 [(1,7,3,16),(1,2,8,11)],
+                 [(1,9,50,50),(1,2,50,50)]]
+    for item in test_cases:
+        data_shape, grid_shape = item
+        # kWriteTo
+        exe_cpu = sym1.simple_bind(data=data_shape, grid=grid_shape, ctx=mx.cpu(), grad_req='write')
+        exe_gpu = sym2.simple_bind(data=data_shape, grid=grid_shape, ctx=default_context(), grad_req='write')
+        exe_cudnn = sym3.simple_bind(data=data_shape, grid=grid_shape, ctx=default_context(), grad_req='write')
+        exe_list = [exe_cpu, exe_gpu, exe_cudnn]
+        ref_idx = 0
+        test_data = np.random.uniform(low=-0.1, high=0.1,size=data_shape).astype(np.float32)
+        test_grid = np.random.uniform(low=-2, high=2, size=grid_shape).astype(np.float32)
+        for exe in exe_list:
+            exe.arg_dict['data'][:] = test_data
+            exe.arg_dict['grid'][:] = test_grid
+            exe.forward(is_train=True)
+            assert_almost_equal(exe_list[0].outputs[0].asnumpy(), exe.outputs[0].asnumpy(), rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5)
+        out_grad = np.random.uniform(low=-0.01, high=0.01,size=data_shape[:2] + grid_shape[2:]).astype(np.float32)
+        for exe in exe_list:
+            exe.backward(mx.nd.array(out_grad))
+            assert_almost_equal(exe.grad_dict['data'].asnumpy(), exe_list[ref_idx].grad_dict['data'].asnumpy(), rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5)
+            assert_almost_equal(exe.grad_dict['grid'].asnumpy(), exe_list[ref_idx].grad_dict['grid'].asnumpy(), rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5)
+        data_grad = exe_list[ref_idx].grad_dict['data'].asnumpy()
+        grid_grad = exe_list[ref_idx].grad_dict['grid'].asnumpy()
+        # kAddTo
+        exe_cpu_addto = sym1.simple_bind(data=data_shape, grid=grid_shape, ctx=mx.cpu(), grad_req='add')
+        exe_gpu_addto = sym2.simple_bind(data=data_shape, grid=grid_shape, ctx=default_context(), grad_req='add')
+        exe_cudnn_addto = sym3.simple_bind(data=data_shape, grid=grid_shape, ctx=default_context(), grad_req='add')
+        exe_list = [exe_cpu_addto, exe_gpu_addto, exe_cudnn_addto]
+        data_initial_grad = np.random.normal(size=exe_list[ref_idx].grad_dict['data'].shape).astype(np.float32)
+        grid_initial_grad = np.random.normal(size=exe_list[ref_idx].grad_dict['grid'].shape).astype(np.float32)
+        for exe in exe_list:
+            exe.arg_dict['data'][:] = test_data
+            exe.arg_dict['grid'][:] = test_grid
+            exe.grad_dict['data'][:] = data_initial_grad
+            exe.grad_dict['grid'][:] = grid_initial_grad
+            exe.forward(is_train=True)
+            exe.backward(mx.nd.array(out_grad))
+            assert_almost_equal(exe.grad_dict['data'].asnumpy(), exe_list[ref_idx].grad_dict['data'].asnumpy(), rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5)
+            assert_almost_equal(exe.grad_dict['grid'].asnumpy(), exe_list[ref_idx].grad_dict['grid'].asnumpy(), rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5)
+        assert_almost_equal(exe_list[ref_idx].grad_dict['data'].asnumpy(), data_grad + data_initial_grad, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5)
+        assert_almost_equal(exe_list[ref_idx].grad_dict['grid'].asnumpy(), grid_grad + grid_initial_grad, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5)
 def test_context_num_gpus():
     # Test that num_gpus reports at least one GPU, as the test is run on a GPU host.
     assert mx.context.num_gpus() > 0
diff --git a/tests/python/unittest/ b/tests/python/unittest/
index 5bd88dd5869..2e43c8b9c44 100644
--- a/tests/python/unittest/
+++ b/tests/python/unittest/
@@ -3948,166 +3948,6 @@ def test_grid_generator():
         assert_almost_equal(exe_add.grad_dict['flow'].asnumpy(), grad_est + flow_grad_npy, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5)
-@unittest.skip("Flaky test")
-def test_bilinear_sampler():
-    from math import floor
-    def between(x, lowerbound, upperbound):
-        return x>=lowerbound and x<=upperbound
-    def bilinear_forward_numpy(data, grid):
-        batchsize = data.shape[0]
-        input_height = data.shape[2]
-        input_width = data.shape[3]
-        num_channel = data.shape[1]
-        output_height = grid.shape[2]
-        output_width = grid.shape[3]
-        out = np.zeros(data.shape[:2] + grid.shape[2:], dtype=np.float32)
-        for i in range(batchsize):
-            for yout in range(output_height):
-                for xout in range(output_width):
-                    xcoord = np.float32((grid[i, 0, yout, xout] + 1) * (input_width-1) / 2.0)
-                    ycoord = np.float32((grid[i, 1, yout, xout] + 1) * (input_height-1) / 2.0)
-                    xInTopLeft = int(floor(xcoord))
-                    xWeightTopLeft = np.float32(1-(xcoord - xInTopLeft))
-                    yInTopLeft = int(floor(ycoord))
-                    yWeightTopLeft = np.float32(1-(ycoord - yInTopLeft))
-                    # interpolation
-                    for channel in range(num_channel):
-                        inTopLeft = data[i,channel,yInTopLeft, xInTopLeft] \
-                            if between(xInTopLeft,0,input_width-1) and between(yInTopLeft,0,input_height-1) else 0.0
-                        inTopRight = data[i,channel,yInTopLeft, xInTopLeft+1] \
-                            if between(xInTopLeft+1,0,input_width-1) and between(yInTopLeft,0,input_height-1) else 0.0
-                        inBottomLeft = data[i,channel,yInTopLeft+1, xInTopLeft] \
-                            if between(xInTopLeft,0,input_width-1) and between(yInTopLeft+1,0,input_height-1) else 0.0
-                        inBottomRight = data[i,channel,yInTopLeft+1, xInTopLeft+1] \
-                            if between(xInTopLeft+1,0,input_width-1) and between(yInTopLeft+1,0,input_height-1) else 0.0
-                        out[i,channel,yout,xout] = xWeightTopLeft * yWeightTopLeft * inTopLeft\
-                                +  (1-xWeightTopLeft)*yWeightTopLeft * inTopRight\
-                                +  xWeightTopLeft * (1-yWeightTopLeft) * inBottomLeft\
-                            +(1-xWeightTopLeft) * (1-yWeightTopLeft) * inBottomRight
-        return out
-    def bilinear_backward_numpy(out_grad, data, grid):
-        data_grad = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=np.float32)
-        grid_grad = np.zeros(grid.shape, dtype=np.float32)
-        batchsize = data.shape[0]
-        input_height = data.shape[2]
-        input_width = data.shape[3]
-        num_channel = data.shape[1]
-        output_height = grid.shape[2]
-        output_width = grid.shape[3]
-        for i in range(batchsize):
-            for yout in range(output_height):
-                for xout in range(output_width):
-                    top_left_y_gw = np.float32(0.0);
-                    top_left_x_gw = np.float32(0.0);
-                    xcoord = np.float32((grid[i, 0, yout, xout] + 1) * (input_width-1) / 2.0)
-                    ycoord = np.float32((grid[i, 1, yout, xout] + 1) * (input_height-1) / 2.0)
-                    xInTopLeft = int(floor(xcoord))
-                    xWeightTopLeft = np.float32(1-(xcoord - xInTopLeft))
-                    yInTopLeft = int(floor(ycoord))
-                    yWeightTopLeft = np.float32(1-(ycoord - yInTopLeft))
-                    topLeftDotProduct = np.float32(0)
-                    topRightDotProduct = np.float32(0)
-                    bottomLeftDotProduct = np.float32(0)
-                    bottomRightDotProduct = np.float32(0)
-                    for channel in range(num_channel):
-                        # left top
-                        if between(xInTopLeft,0,input_width-1) and between(yInTopLeft,0,input_height-1):
-                            topLeftDotProduct += data[i,channel,yInTopLeft, xInTopLeft] * \
-                                out_grad[i,channel,yout,xout]
-                            data_grad[i, channel, yInTopLeft, xInTopLeft] += xWeightTopLeft * \
-                                yWeightTopLeft * out_grad[i,channel,yout,xout]
-                        # right top
-                        if between(xInTopLeft+1,0,input_width-1) and between(yInTopLeft,0,input_height-1):
-                            topRightDotProduct += data[i, channel, yInTopLeft,xInTopLeft+1] * \
-                                out_grad[i, channel, yout,xout]
-                            data_grad[i, channel,yInTopLeft, xInTopLeft+1] += (1-xWeightTopLeft) * \
-                                yWeightTopLeft * out_grad[i,channel,yout,xout]
-                        # left bottom
-                        if between(xInTopLeft,0,input_width-1) and between(yInTopLeft+1,0,input_height-1):
-                            bottomLeftDotProduct += data[i, channel,yInTopLeft+1, xInTopLeft] * \
-                                out_grad[i,channel,yout,xout]
-                            data_grad[i,channel,yInTopLeft+1,xInTopLeft]+=xWeightTopLeft * \
-                                (1-yWeightTopLeft)* out_grad[i,channel,yout,xout]
-                        # right bottom
-                        if between(xInTopLeft+1,0,input_width-1) and between(yInTopLeft+1,0,input_height-1):
-                            bottomRightDotProduct += data[i,channel,yInTopLeft+1, xInTopLeft+1] * \
-                                out_grad[i,channel,yout,xout]
-                            data_grad[i,channel,yInTopLeft+1,xInTopLeft+1]+= (1-xWeightTopLeft) * \
-                                (1-yWeightTopLeft)*out_grad[i,channel,yout,xout]
-                    yf = np.float32(-xWeightTopLeft * topLeftDotProduct + xWeightTopLeft*bottomLeftDotProduct - \
-                        (1-xWeightTopLeft)* topRightDotProduct + (1-xWeightTopLeft)*bottomRightDotProduct)
-                    xf = np.float32(-yWeightTopLeft * topLeftDotProduct + yWeightTopLeft*topRightDotProduct - \
-                        (1-yWeightTopLeft)*bottomLeftDotProduct + (1-yWeightTopLeft)*bottomRightDotProduct)
-                    grid_grad[i,0,yout,xout] = xf * (input_width-1) / 2.0
-                    grid_grad[i,1,yout,xout] = yf * (input_height-1) / 2.0
-        return data_grad, grid_grad
-    data = mx.sym.Variable('data')
-    grid = mx.sym.Variable('grid')
-    net = mx.sym.BilinearSampler(data=data,grid=grid)
-    test_case = [[(1,3,15,16),(1,2,10,10)],
-                 [(1,6,7,16),(1,2,10,4)],
-                 [(1,7,3,16),(1,2,8,11)],
-                 [(1,9,50,50),(1,2,50,50)]]
-    for ctx in [default_context()]:
-        for item in test_case:
-            data_shape, grid_shape = item
-            exe = net.simple_bind(data=data_shape,grid=grid_shape,ctx=ctx,grad_req='write')
-            # check forward
-            exe.arg_dict['data'][:] = np.random.uniform(low=-0.1, high=0.1,size=data_shape).astype(np.float32)
-            exe.arg_dict['grid'][:] = np.random.uniform(low=-2, high=2, size=grid_shape).astype(np.float32)
-            exe.forward(is_train=True)
-            out = bilinear_forward_numpy(exe.arg_dict['data'].asnumpy(), exe.arg_dict['grid'].asnumpy())
-            assert_almost_equal(exe.outputs[0].asnumpy(), out, rtol=1e-3,atol=1e-5)
-            # check backward
-            out_grad = np.random.uniform(low=-0.01, high=0.01,size=data_shape[:2] + grid_shape[2:]).astype(np.float32)
-            exe.backward(mx.nd.array(out_grad))
-            data_grad, grid_grad = bilinear_backward_numpy(out_grad,exe.arg_dict['data'].asnumpy(),
-                                                       exe.arg_dict['grid'].asnumpy())
-            assert_almost_equal(exe.grad_dict['data'].asnumpy(), data_grad, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5)
-            assert_almost_equal(exe.grad_dict['grid'].asnumpy(), grid_grad, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-5)
-            # check kAddTo
-            exe_addto = net.simple_bind(data=data_shape, grid=grid_shape, ctx=ctx, grad_req='add')
-            data_initial_grid = np.random.normal(size=exe_addto.grad_dict['data'].shape).astype(np.float32)
-            grid_initial_grid = np.random.normal(size=exe_addto.grad_dict['grid'].shape).astype(np.float32)
-            exe_addto.arg_dict['data'][:] = exe.arg_dict['data'][:]
-            exe_addto.arg_dict['grid'][:] = exe.arg_dict['grid'][:]
-            exe_addto.grad_dict['data'][:] = data_initial_grid
-            exe_addto.grad_dict['grid'][:] = grid_initial_grid
-            exe_addto.forward(is_train=True)
-            exe_addto.backward(mx.nd.array(out_grad))
-            assert_almost_equal(exe_addto.grad_dict['data'].asnumpy(), data_grad + data_initial_grid, rtol=1e-3,atol=1e-5)
-            assert_almost_equal(exe_addto.grad_dict['grid'].asnumpy(), grid_grad + grid_initial_grid, rtol=1e-3,atol=1e-5)
 def test_index2d():
     for _ in range(30):


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