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Posted to by Apache Pulsar Slack <> on 2019/11/09 09:11:02 UTC

Slack digest for #dev - 2019-11-09

2019-11-08 14:19:17 UTC - Shishir Pandey: @Sijie Guo /@Matteo Merli I've been rereading PIP-31 but can't understand if it would cover multi-topic transactions or only multi-partition transactions on a single topic?
2019-11-08 15:43:03 UTC - Sijie Guo: multi topic trransactions
2019-11-08 19:48:23 UTC - Shishir Pandey: Thank you!
2019-11-08 23:14:46 UTC - Addison Higham: woot! @Sijie Guo this should be good to go again, @Jerry Peng not sure if you want to add your 2 cents: <>
2019-11-08 23:56:48 UTC - Jerry Peng: @Addison Higham let me take a look
2019-11-09 00:00:12 UTC - Addison Higham: :thumbsup: happy for any feedback, we have been using it backported to 2.4 in our env and are pretty happy with it. Also, not directly related to that, we were just start to mess around with implementing our own K8SFunctionAuthProvider (we want to generate long lived tokens, by default, our admin tokens are short lived), and we realized that we still need a tenant admin token to download the jar file/package for the source, because the download call requires it. It would be nice to be able to reduce the permissions so the token could just be produce/consume
2019-11-09 00:05:58 UTC - Jerry Peng: &gt;  we realized that we still need a tenant admin token to download the jar file/package for the source, because the download call requires it. It would be nice to be able to reduce the permissions so the token could just be produce/consume

You don't need to to be a tenant admin, the user just need to have the "functions" permissions for that namespace
2019-11-09 00:17:56 UTC - Addison Higham: is that permissions just not listed in the `grant-permissions` call or is that new with 2.5? either way, good to know!
2019-11-09 00:42:06 UTC - Addison Higham: responded to those comments @Jerry Peng if you have some other ideas on how to achieve it so that the `KubernetesFunctionAuthProvider` can cleanly operate on multiple namespaces, I am open to alternatives, but I don't see a really clean way to do that. Seems like just having it be scoped per function gives the most flexibility
2019-11-09 03:20:00 UTC - hangc: Could anyone tell me the code directory of getting and exposing broker metrics info of pulsar, i find some bugs in pulsar metrics, and plan to fix it, thanks a lot!
2019-11-09 09:09:18 UTC - hangc: i find it:slightly_smiling_face: