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Posted to by Tina Tsui <> on 2003/06/06 17:33:17 UTC

PB only vs ODMG

Hello, again.  I have another newbie question.

Please tell me more about design and coding benefits of using ODMG vs PB 
directly.  From the tutorials, you still have to get a broker, ask the 
broker to begin transaction, perform the operation (insert, update or 
delete) and commit or rollback the transaction in the UseCase classes.  

I know ODMG provides locking.  I'm using PostgreSQL with optimistic 
locking, so I would think PostgreSQL should handling concurrency 
conflicts and my commit would fail, then I would retry with a refreshed 
transaction.  Does ODMG offers automatic retry?  

I have used object databases with OQL capabilities before, and to me OQL 
not as robust as SQL in constructing complicated queries.  Also in the 
tutorials, QBE seems more elegant than OQL since we are passing objects 
in QBE and building strings in OQL.  Please enlighten me.  I may have 
developed a brain leak in my old age.
