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cvs commit: xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref

jkesselm    02/03/19 12:44:27

  Modified:    java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref
  Replace old version, which was specific to particular implentations of
  DTM, with one which is specific only to DTMManagerDefault and which
  can be generalized more easily to conduct other tests.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.3       +136 -97   xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-xalan/java/src/org/apache/xml/dtm/ref/,v
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
  ---	12 Jun 2001 19:15:49 -0000	1.2
  +++	19 Mar 2002 20:44:27 -0000	1.3
  @@ -1,116 +1,155 @@
   package org.apache.xml.dtm.ref;
  -import org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMDocumentImpl;
  +import javax.xml.transform.Source;
  +import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
  +import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource;
  +import org.apache.xml.dtm.DTM;
  +import org.apache.xml.dtm.DTMManager;
   import org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.TestDTMNodes;
  -import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl;
  - * Tests the DTM by creating
  + * Unit test for DTMManager/DTM
  - * REWRITTEN to use SAX2 ContentHandler APIs -- original draft used
  - * an incomplete/incorrect version of SAX1 DocumentHandler, which is
  - * being phased out as quickly as we can possibly manage it.
  + * Loads an XML document from a file (or, if no filename is supplied,
  + * an internal string), then dumps its contents. Replaces the old
  + * version, which was specific to the ultra-compressed implementation.
  + * (Which, by the way, we probably ought to revisit as part of our ongoing
  + * speed/size performance evaluation.)
  - * %TBD% I _think_ the SAX convention is that "no namespace" is expressed
  - * as "" rather than as null (which is the DOM's convention). What should 
  - * DTM expect? What should it do with the other?
  - */
  + * %REVIEW% Extend to test DOM2DTM, incremental, DOM view of the DTM, 
  + * whitespace-filtered, indexed/nonindexed, ...
  + * */
   public class TestDTM {
  -  public static void main(String argv[]) {
  -    String text;
  -    /*  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  -     *  <top>
  -     *   <A>
  -     *    <B hat="new" car="Honda" dog="Boxer">Life is good</B>
  -     *   </A>
  -     *   <C>My Anaconda<D/>Words</C>
  -     *  </top> */
  -    DTMDocumentImpl doc = new DTMDocumentImpl(null, 0, null, 
  -                    org.apache.xpath.objects.XMLStringFactoryImpl.getFactory());
  +  public static void main(String argv[])
  +  {
  +    {
  +      // Pick our input source
  +      Source source;
  +      if(argv.length<1)
  -        doc.startDocument();
  -        doc.startElement("", "top", "top", null);
  -        doc.startElement("", "A", "A", null);
  -        AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl();
  -        atts.addAttribute("", "", "hat", "CDATA", "new");
  -        atts.addAttribute("", "", "car", "CDATA", "Honda");
  -        atts.addAttribute("", "", "dog", "CDATA", "Boxer");
  -        doc.startElement("","B","B", atts);
  -        text="Life is good";
  -        doc.characters(text.toCharArray(),0,text.length());
  -        doc.endElement("","B","B");
  -        doc.endElement("","A","A");
  -        doc.startElement("","C","C", null);
  -        text="My Anaconda";
  -        doc.characters(text.toCharArray(),0,text.length());
  -        doc.startElement("","D","D",null);
  -        doc.endElement("","D","D");
  -        text="Words";
  -        doc.characters(text.toCharArray(),0,text.length());
  -        doc.endElement("", "C", "C");
  -        boolean BUILDPURCHASEORDER=false;
  -          {
  -            int root, h, c1, c2, c3, c4, c1_text, c2_text, c3_text, c4_text;
  -            doc.startElement(null,"PurchaseOrderList","PurchaseOrderList", null);
  -            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  -              doc.startElement("","PurchaseOrder","PurchaseOrder", null);
  -              doc.startElement("","Item","Item", null);
  -              text="Basketball" + " - " + i;
  -              doc.characters(text.toCharArray(),0,text.length());
  -              doc.endElement("", "Item", "Item");
  -              doc.startElement("","Description","Description", null);
  -              // c2.createAttribute();
  -              text="Professional Leather Michael Jordan Signatured Basketball";
  -              doc.characters(text.toCharArray(),0,text.length());
  -              doc.endElement("", "Description", "Description");
  -              doc.startElement("","UnitPrice","UnitPrice", null);
  -              text="$12.99";
  -              doc.characters(text.toCharArray(),0,text.length());
  -              doc.endElement("", "UnitPrice", "UnitPrice");
  -              doc.startElement("","Quantity","Quantity", null);
  -              text="50";
  -              doc.characters(text.toCharArray(),0,text.length());
  -              doc.endElement("", "Quantity", "Quantity");
  -              doc.endElement("", "PurchaseOrder", "PurchaseOrder");
  -            }
  +	String defaultSource=
  +	  "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"+
  +	  "  <dummyDocument>\n"+
  +	  "   <A>\n"+
  +	  "    <B hat=\"new\" car=\"Honda\" dog=\"Boxer\">Life is good</B>\n"+
  +	  "   </A>\n"+
  +	  "   <C>My Anaconda<D/>Words</C>\n"+
  +	  "  To test with a more interesting docuent, provide the URI on the command line!\n"+
  +	  "  </dummyDocument>\n";
  +	source=new StreamSource(new;
  +      }
  +      else
  +      {
  +	// Read from a URI
  +	source=new StreamSource(argv[0]);
  +      }
  -            doc.endElement("", "PurchaseOrderList", "PurchaseOrderList");
  -          } // if(BUILDPURCHASEORDER)
  +      // Get a DTM manager, and ask it to load the DTM "uniquely",
  +      // with no whitespace filtering, nonincremental, but _with_
  +      // indexing (a fairly common case, and avoids the special
  +      // mode used for RTF DTMs).
  +      DTMManager manager=
  +	new org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.DTMManagerDefault().newInstance
  +	  (new org.apache.xpath.objects.XMLStringFactoryImpl());
  +      DTM dtm=manager.getDTM(source, true, null, false, true);
  +      // Get the root node. NOTE THE ASSUMPTION that this is a single-document
  +      // DTM -- which will always be true for a node obtained this way, but
  +      // won't be true for "shared" DTMs used to hold XSLT variables
  +      int rootNode=dtm.getDocument();
  +      // Simple test: Recursively dump the DTM's content.
  +      // We'll want to replace this with more serious examples
  +      recursiveDumpNode(dtm,rootNode);
  +    }
  +    catch(Exception e)
  +      {
  +        e.printStackTrace();
  +      }
  +  }
  -        doc.endElement("", "top", "top");
  -        doc.endDocument();
  +  static final String[] TYPENAME={
  +    "NULL",
  +    "ELEMENT",
  +    "ATTRIBUTE",
  +    "TEXT",
  +    "ENTITY",
  +    "COMMENT",
  +    "DOCUMENT",
  +    "NOTATION",
  +    "NAMESPACE"
  +  };
  +  static void recursiveDumpNode(DTM dtm,int nodeHandle)
  +  {
  +    // ITERATE over siblings
  +    for(;
  +	nodeHandle!=DTM.NULL;
  +	nodeHandle=dtm.getNextSibling(nodeHandle))
  +    {
  +      printNode(dtm,nodeHandle,"");
  +      // List the namespaces, if any.
  +      // Include only node's local namespaces, not inherited
  +      // %ISSUE% Consider inherited?
  +      int kid=dtm.getFirstNamespaceNode(nodeHandle,false);
  +      if(kid!=DTM.NULL)
  +      {
  +	System.out.println("\tNAMESPACES:");
  +	for(;
  +	    kid!=DTM.NULL;
  +	    kid=dtm.getNextNamespaceNode(nodeHandle,kid,false))
  +	{
  +	  printNode(dtm,kid,"\t");
  +	}
  -    catch(org.xml.sax.SAXException e)
  +      // List the attributes, if any
  +      kid=dtm.getFirstAttribute(nodeHandle);
  +      if(kid!=DTM.NULL)
  -        e.printStackTrace();
  +	System.out.println("\tATTRIBUTES:");
  +	for(;
  +	    kid!=DTM.NULL;
  +	    kid=dtm.getNextSibling(kid))
  +	{
  +	  printNode(dtm,kid,"\t");
  +	}
  +      // Recurse into the children, if any
  +      recursiveDumpNode(dtm,dtm.getFirstChild(nodeHandle));
  +      }
  +    }
  +  static void printNode(DTM dtm,int nodeHandle,String indent)
  +  {
  +    // Briefly display this node
  +    // Don't bother displaying namespaces or attrs; we do that at the
  +    // next level up.
  +    System.out.println(indent+
  +		       "Node "+nodeHandle+": \""+dtm.getNodeName(nodeHandle)+
  +		       "\" expandedType="+dtm.getExpandedTypeID(nodeHandle)+
  +		       " ("+TYPENAME[dtm.getNodeType(nodeHandle)]+")\n"+
  +		       indent+
  +		       "\tParent=" + dtm.getParent(nodeHandle) +
  +		       " FirstChild=" + dtm.getFirstChild(nodeHandle) +
  +		       " NextSib=" + dtm.getNextSibling(nodeHandle)+"\n"+
  +		       indent+
  +		       "\tValue=\"" + dtm.getNodeValue(nodeHandle)+"\""
  +		       ); 
  -    TestDTMNodes.printNodeTable(doc);

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