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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2009/07/28 13:40:29 UTC

[Couchdb Wiki] Update of "Authentication and Authorization" by Eric Casteleijn

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The following page has been changed by Eric Casteleijn:

The comment on the change is:
Added example of OAuth authentication.

  couch_http to accept a list of authentication handlers instead of a single
  authentication handler.
+ Steps to get OAuth authentication working (with the patch installed):
+  1. in default.d create a file oauth.ini, with contents:
+   {{{ 
+ [oauth_consumer_secrets]
+ = sekr1t
+ [oauth_token_secrets]
+ user1 = tokensekr1t
+ [oauth_token_users]
+ user1 = admin_user
+ }}}
+  1. In Couchdb, create a user document in _users with username = "admin_user", and add the "_admin" role to its "roles" list.
+  1. In default.ini, change the authentication_handlers line to:
+   {{{
+ authentication_handlers = {couch_httpd_oauth, oauth_authentication_handler}
+ }}}
+  1. Install Leah Culver's version of the python oauth library:
+  1. Run the following command from the command line (should be one long line):
+   {{{
+ python -c "URL='';KEY='';TOKEN='user1';SECRET='tokensekr1t';import oauth,httplib;consumer=oauth.OAuthConsumer(KEY,'sekr1t');token=oauth.OAuthToken(TOKEN,SECRET);rq=oauth.OAuthRequest.from_consumer_and_token(consumer,token=token,http_method='GET',http_url=URL,parameters={});rq.sign_request(oauth.OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1(),consumer,token); con=httplib.HTTPConnection('localhost:5984'); con.request('GET',URL,headers=rq.to_header()); print con.getresponse().read()"
+ }}}
+ If all is well, you should see this response:
+  {{{
+ {"ok":true,"name":"admin_user","roles":["_admin"]}
+ }}}
  == Authorization use cases ==