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Posted to by sudeep mishra <> on 2016/02/26 06:55:10 UTC

YARN REST API to submit a job


I am trying to submit a spark job to YARN 2.7.1.

The format of the request is as below.

Post Data

url - http://<YARN_HOST>:8088/ws/v1/cluster/apps


                Content-Type: application/json

request body :














           "value":"kjldjldjlj" ---changed it to base64 encode







        "command":"spark-submit --class com.hpe.wordcount.WordCount
--master yarn --deploy-mode cluster





But when the job fails as it is being submitted as a user dr.who.

[image: Inline image 1]

How can I pass correct user information to run the job?

Thanks & Regards,
