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svn commit: r1040352 [1/3] - in /trafficserver/traffic/branches/wccp/proxy: tsconfig/ wccp/

Author: amc
Date: Tue Nov 30 00:05:59 2010
New Revision: 1040352

Added copyrights, fixed some line termination issues.


Modified: trafficserver/traffic/branches/wccp/proxy/tsconfig/
--- trafficserver/traffic/branches/wccp/proxy/tsconfig/ (original)
+++ trafficserver/traffic/branches/wccp/proxy/tsconfig/ Tue Nov 30 00:05:59 2010
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
 /** @file
     Errata implementation.
- */
- * Copyright 2005-2010 Network Geographics, Inc.
- *
- * All rights reserved.
- * Licensed to Apache Software Foundation.
+    Copyright 2010 Network Geographics, Inc.
+    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+    limitations under the License.
 # include "Errata.h"

Modified: trafficserver/traffic/branches/wccp/proxy/tsconfig/Errata.h
--- trafficserver/traffic/branches/wccp/proxy/tsconfig/Errata.h (original)
+++ trafficserver/traffic/branches/wccp/proxy/tsconfig/Errata.h Tue Nov 30 00:05:59 2010
@@ -1,928 +1,941 @@
-# if !defined ATS_ERRATA_HEADER
-# include <memory>
-# include <string>
-# include <iosfwd>
-# include <deque>
-# include "NumericType.h"
-# include "IntrusivePtr.h"
-#   include <boost/function.hpp>
-#   include <boost/format/format_fwd.hpp>
-# endif
-namespace ts {
-/** @file
-    Stacking error message handling.
-    The problem addressed by this library is the ability to pass back
-    detailed error messages from failures. It is hard to get good
-    diagnostics because the specific failures and general context are
-    located in very different stack frames. This library allows local
-    functions to pass back local messages which can be easily
-    augmented as the error travels up the stack frame.
-    This could be done with exceptions but
-    - That is more effort to implemention
-    - Generally more expensive.
-    Each message on a stack contains text and a numeric identifier.
-    The identifier value zero is reserved for messages that are not
-    errors so that information can be passed back even in the success
-    case.
-    The implementation takes the position that success is fast and
-    failure is expensive. Therefore it is optimized for the success
-    path, imposing very little overhead. On the other hand, if an
-    error occurs and is handled, that is generally so expensive that
-    optimizations are pointless (although, of course, one should not
-    be gratuitiously expensive).
-    The library also provides the @c Rv ("return value") template to
-    make returning values and status easier. This template allows a
-    function to return a value and status pair with minimal changes.
-    The pair acts like the value type in most situations, while
-    providing access to the status.
-    Each instance of an erratum is a wrapper class that emulates value
-    semantics (copy on write). This means passing even large message
-    stacks is inexpensive, involving only a pointer copy and reference
-    counter increment and decrement. A success value is represented by
-    an internal @c NULL so it is even cheaper to copy.
-    To further ease use, the library has the ability to define @a
-    sinks.  A sink is a function that acts on an erratum when it
-    becomes unreferenced. The indended use is to send the messages to
-    an output log. This makes reporting errors to a log from even
-    deeply nested functions easy while preserving the ability of the
-    top level logic to control such logging.
- */
-/** Class to hold a stack of error messages (the "errata").
-    This is a smart handle class, which wraps the actual data
-    and can therefore be treated a value type with cheap copy
-    semantics. Default construction is very cheap.
- */
-class Errata {
-    /// Implementation class.
-    struct Data;
-    /// Handle for implementation class instance.
-    typedef IntrusivePtr<Data> ImpPtr;
-    typedef Errata self; /// Self reference type.
-    /// Message ID.
-    typedef NumericType<unsigned int, struct MsgIdTag> Id;
-    /* Tag / level / code severity.
-       This is intended for clients to use to provide additional
-       classification of a message. A severity code, as for syslog,
-       is a common use.
-    */
-    typedef NumericType<unsigned int, struct CodeTag> Code;
-    struct Message;
-    typedef std::deque<Message> Container; ///< Storage type for messages.
-    // We iterate backwards to look like a stack.
-//    typedef Container::reverse_iterator iterator; ///< Message iteration.
-    /// Message const iteration.
-//    typedef Container::const_reverse_iterator const_iterator;
-    /// Reverse message iteration.
-//    typedef Container::iterator reverse_iterator;
-    /// Reverse constant message iteration.
-//    typedef Container::const_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
-    /// Default constructor - empty errata, very fast.
-    Errata();
-    /// Copy constructor, very fast.
-    Errata (
-        self const& that ///< Object to copy
-    );
-    /// Construct from string.
-    /// Message Id and Code are default.
-    explicit Errata(
-        std::string const& text ///< Finalized message text.
-    );
-    /// Construct with @a id and @a text.
-    /// Code is default.
-    Errata(
-      Id id, ///< Message id.
-      std::string const& text ///< Message text.
-    );
-    /// Construct with @a id, @a code, and @a text.
-    Errata(
-      Id id, ///< Message text.
-      Code code, ///< Message code.
-      std::string const& text ///< Message text.
-    );
-    /** Construct from a message instance.
-        This is equivalent to default constructing an @c errata and then
-        invoking @c push with an argument of @a msg.
-    */
-    Errata(
-      Message const& msg ///< Message to push
-    );
-    /// destructor
-    ~Errata();
-    /// Self assignment.
-    /// @return A reference to this object.
-    self& operator = (
-      const self& that ///< Source instance.
-    );
-    /** Assign message.
-        All other messages are discarded.
-        @return A reference to this object.
-    */
-    self& operator = (
-      Message const& msg ///< Source message.
-    );
-    /** Push @a text as a message.
-        The message is constructed from just the @a text.
-        It becomes the top message.
-        @return A reference to this object.
-    */
-    self& push(std::string const& text);
-    /** Push @a text as a message with message @a id.
-        The message is constructed from @a text and @a id.
-        It becomes the top message.
-        @return A reference to this object.
-    */
-    self& push(Id id, std::string const& text);
-    /** Push @a text as a message with message @a id and @a code.
-        The message is constructed from @a text and @a id.
-        It becomes the top message.
-        @return A reference to this object.
-    */
-    self& push(Id id, Code code, std::string const& text);
-    /** Push a message.
-        @a msg becomes the top message.
-        @return A reference to this object.
-    */
-    self& push(Message const& msg);
-    /** Push a nested status.
-        @a err becomes the top item.
-        @return A reference to this object.
-    */
-    self& push(self const& err);
-    /** Access top message.
-        @return If the errata is empty, a default constructed message
-        otherwise the most recent message.
-     */
-    Message const& top() const;
-    /** Move messages from @a that to @c this errata.
-        Messages from @a that are put on the top of the
-        stack in @c this and removed from @a that.
-    */
-    self& pull(self& that);
-    /// Remove last message.
-    void pop();
-    /// Remove all messages.
-    void clear();
-    /** Inhibit logging.
-        @note This only affects @c this as a top level @c errata.
-        It has no effect on this @c this being logged as a nested
-        @c errata.
-    */
-    self& doNotLog();
-    friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, self const&);
-    /// Default glue value (a newline) for text rendering.
-    static std::string const DEFAULT_GLUE;
-    /** Test status.
-        Equivalent to @c success but more convenient for use in
-        control statements.
-        @return @c true if no messages or last message has a zero
-        message ID, @c false otherwise.
-     */
-    operator bool() const;
-    /** Test errata for no failure condition.
-        Equivalent to @c operator @c bool but easier to invoke.
-        @return @c true if no messages or last message has a zero
-        message ID, @c false otherwise.
-     */
-    bool isOK() const;
-    /// Number of messages in the errata.
-    size_t size() const;
-    /*  Forward declares.
-        We have to make our own iterators as the least bad option. The problem
-        is that we have recursive structures so declaration order is difficult.
-        We can't use the container iterators here because the element type is
-        not yet defined. If we define the element type here, it can't contain
-        an Errata and we have to do funky things to get around that. So we
-        have our own iterators, which are just shadowing sublclasses of the
-        container iterators.
-     */
-    class iterator;
-    class const_iterator;
-    /// Reference to top item on the stack.
-    iterator begin();
-    /// Reference to top item on the stack.
-    const_iterator begin() const;
-    //! Reference one past bottom item on the stack.
-    iterator end();
-    //! Reference one past bottom item on the stack.
-    const_iterator end() const;
-    // Logging support.
-    /** Base class for erratum sink.
-        When an errata is abandoned, this will be called on it to perform
-        any client specific logging. It is passed around by handle so that
-        it doesn't have to support copy semantics (and is not destructed
-        until application shutdown). Clients can subclass this class in order
-        to preserve arbitrary data for the sink or retain a handle to the
-        sink for runtime modifications.
-     */
-    class Sink : public IntrusivePtrCounter {
-    public:
-        typedef Sink self; ///< Self reference type.
-        typedef IntrusivePtr<self> Handle;  ///< Handle type.
-        /// Handle an abandoned errata.
-        virtual void operator() (Errata const&) const = 0;
-        /// Force virtual destructor.
-        virtual ~Sink() {}
-    };
-    //! Register a sink for discarded erratum.
-    static void registerSink(Sink::Handle const& s);
-    /// Register a function as a sink.
-    typedef void (*SinkHandlerFunction)(Errata const&);
-    // Wrapper class to support registering functions as sinks.
-    struct SinkFunctionWrapper : public Sink {
-        /// Constructor.
-        SinkFunctionWrapper(SinkHandlerFunction f) : m_f(f) { }
-        /// Operator to invoke the function.
-        virtual void operator() (Errata const& e) const { m_f(e); }
-        SinkHandlerFunction m_f; ///< Client supplied handler.
-    };
-    /// Register a sink function for abandonded erratum.
-    static void registerSink(SinkHandlerFunction f) {
-        registerSink(Sink::Handle(new SinkFunctionWrapper(f)));
-    }
-    /** Simple formatted output.
-        Each message is written to a line. All lines are indented with
-        whitespace @a offset characters. Lines are indented an
-        additional @a indent. This value is increased by @a shift for
-        each level of nesting of an @c Errata. if @a lead is not @c
-        NULL the indentation is overwritten by @a lead if @a indent is
-        non-zero. It acts as a "continuation" marker for nested
-        @c Errata.
-     */
-    std::ostream& write(
-      std::ostream& out, ///< Output stream.
-      int offset, ///< Lead white space for every line.
-      int indent, ///< Additional indention per line for messages.
-      int shift, ///< Additional @a indent for nested @c Errata.
-      char const* lead ///< Leading text for nested @c Errata.
-    ) const;
-    /// Simple formatted output to fixed sized buffer.
-    /// @return Number of characters written to @a buffer.
-    size_t write(
-      char* buffer, ///< Output buffer.
-      size_t n, ///< Buffer size.
-      int offset, ///< Lead white space for every line.
-      int indent, ///< Additional indention per line for messages.
-      int shift, ///< Additional @a indent for nested @c Errata.
-      char const* lead ///< Leading text for nested @c Errata.
-    ) const;
-    /// Functor type for sink.
-    typedef boost::function<void (Errata const&)> SinkFunctor;
-    // Wrapper class to support registering functions as sinks.
-    struct SinkFunctorWrapper : public Sink {
-        /// Constructor.
-        SinkFunctionWrapper(SinkHandlerFunctor f) : m_f(f) { }
-        /// Operator to invoke the function.
-        virtual void operator() (Errata const& e) const { m_f(e); }
-        SinkHandlerFunctor m_f; ///< Client supplied handler.
-    };
-    /// Register a sink function for abandonded erratum.
-    static void registerSink(SinkFunctor const& f) {
-        registerSink(Sink::Handle(new SinkFunctorWrapper(f)));
-    }
-    /// Generate formatted output.
-    /// For each message in the stack, invoke @c boost::format passing
-    /// @a fmt as the format string and the message ID and message text as
-    /// two values. It is not an error to elide either or both. @a glue is
-    /// sent to the stream @a s between every pair of messages.
-    /// @return The stream @a s.
-    std::ostream& format(
-        std::ostream& s,           ///< Output stream
-        boost::format const& fmt,  ///< Format string
-        std::string const& glue = DEFAULT_GLUE ///< Glue
-    ) const;
-    /// Generate formatted output.
-    /// A convenience overload so clients do not have to include the Boost.Format headers.
-    /// @return The formatted output.
-    /// @see std::ostream& format ( std::ostream& s, boost::format const& fmt, std::string const& glue ).
-    std::ostream& format(
-        std::ostream& s,           ///< Output stream
-        std::string const& fmt,    ///< Format string
-        std::string const& glue = DEFAULT_GLUE ///< Glue
-    ) const;
-    /// Generate formatted output.
-    /// For each message in the stack, invoke @c boost::format passing
-    /// @a fmt as the format string and the message ID and message text as
-    /// two values. It is not an error to elide either or both. @a glue is
-    /// added between every pair of messages.
-    /// @note This is identical to the stream variant except the output
-    /// is put in a string instead of a stream.
-    /// @return The formatted output.
-    /// @see std::ostream& format ( std::ostream& s, boost::format const& fmt, std::string const& glue ).
-    std::string format(
-        boost::format const& fmt,  ///< Format string
-        std::string const& glue = DEFAULT_GLUE ///< Glue
-    ) const;
-    /// Generate formatted output.
-    /// A convenience overload so clients do not have to include the Boost.Format headers.
-    /// @return The formatted output.
-    /// @see std::string format ( boost::format const& fmt, std::string const& glue ).
-    std::string format(
-        std::string const& fmt,  ///< Format string
-        std::string const& glue = DEFAULT_GLUE ///< Glue
-    ) const;
-# endif // USING_BOOST
-    /// Construct from implementation pointer.
-    /// Used internally by nested classes.
-    Errata(ImpPtr const& ptr);
-    /// Implementation instance.
-    ImpPtr m_data;
-    /// Return the implementation instance, allocating and unsharing as needed.
-    Data* pre_write();
-    /// Force and return an implementation instance.
-    /// Does not follow copy on write.
-    Data* instance();
-    /// Used for returns when no data is present.
-    static Message const NIL_MESSAGE;
-    friend struct Data;
-    friend class Item;
-extern std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, Errata const& stat);
-/// Storage for a single message.
-struct Errata::Message {
-  typedef Message self; ///< Self reference type.
-  /// Default constructor.
-  /// The message has Id = 0, default code,  and empty text.
-  Message();
-  /// Construct from text.
-  /// Id is zero and Code is default.
-  Message(
-    std::string const& text ///< Finalized message text.
-  );
-  /// Construct with @a id and @a text.
-  /// Code is default.
-  Message(
-    Id id, ///< ID of message in table.
-    std::string const& text ///< Final text for message.
-  );
-  /// Construct with @a id, @a code, and @a text.
-  Message(
-    Id id, ///< Message Id.
-    Code code, ///< Message Code.
-    std::string const& text ///< Final text for message.
-  );
-  /// Reset to the message to default state.
-  self& clear();
-  /// Set the message Id.
-  self& set(
-    Id id ///< New message Id.
-  );
-  /// Set the code.
-  self& set(
-    Code code ///< New code for message.
-  );
-  /// Set the text.
-  self& set(
-    std::string const& text ///< New message text.
-  );
-  /// Set the text.
-  self& set(
-    char const* text ///< New message text.
-  );
-  /// Set the errata.
-  self& set(
-    Errata const& err ///< Errata to store.
-  );
-  /// Get the text of the message.
-  std::string const& text() const;
-  /// Get the code.
-  Code getCode() const;
-  /// Get the nested status.
-  /// @return A status object, which is not @c NULL if there is a
-  /// nested status stored in this item.
-  Errata getErrata() const;
-  /** The default message code.
-      This value is used as the Code value for constructing and
-      clearing messages. It can be changed to control the value
-      used for empty messages.
-  */
-  static Code Default_Code;
-  /// Type for overriding success message test.
-  typedef bool (*SuccessTest)(Message const& m);
-  /** Success message test.
-      When a message is tested for being "successful", this
-      function is called. It may be overridden by a client.
-      The initial value is @c DEFAULT_SUCCESS_TEST.
-      @note This is only called when there are Messages in the
-      Errata. An empty Errata (@c NULL or empty stack) is always
-      a success. Only the @c top Message is checked.
-      @return @c true if the message indicates success,
-      @c false otherwise.
-  */
-  static SuccessTest Success_Test;
-  /// Indicate success if the message code is zero.
-  /// @note Used as the default success test.
-  static bool isCodeZero(Message const& m);
-  static SuccessTest const DEFAULT_SUCCESS_TEST;
-  Id m_id; ///< Message ID.
-  Code m_code; ///< Message code.
-  std::string m_text; ///< Final text.
-  Errata m_errata; ///< Nested errata.
-/** This is the implementation class for Errata.
-    It holds the actual messages and is treated as a passive data
-    object with nice constructors.
-    We implement reference counting semantics by hand for two
-    reasons. One is that we need to do some specialized things, but
-    mainly because the client can't see this class so we can't
-struct Errata::Data : public IntrusivePtrCounter {
-  typedef Data self; ///< Self reference type.
-  //! Default constructor.
-  Data();
-  /// Destructor, to do logging.
-  ~Data();
-  //! Number of messages.
-  size_t size() const;
-  /// Get the top message on the stack.
-  Message const& top() const;
-  /// Put a message on top of the stack.
-  void push(Message const& msg);
-  /// Log this when it is deleted.
-  bool m_log_on_delete;
-  //! The message stack.
-  Container m_items;
-/// Forward iterator for @c Messages in an @c Errata.
-class Errata::iterator : public Errata::Container::reverse_iterator {
-    typedef iterator self; ///< Self reference type.
-    typedef Errata::Container::reverse_iterator super; ///< Parent type.
-    iterator(); ///< Default constructor.
-    /// Copy constructor.
-    iterator(
-        self const& that ///< Source instance.
-    );
-    /// Construct from super class.
-    iterator(
-        super const& that ///< Source instance.
-    );
-    /// Assignment.
-    self& operator = (self const& that);
-    /// Assignment from super class.
-    self& operator = (super const& that);
-    /// Prefix increment.
-    self& operator ++ ();
-    /// Prefix decrement.
-    self& operator -- ();
-/// Forward constant iterator for @c Messages in an @c Errata.
-class Errata::const_iterator : public Errata::Container::const_reverse_iterator {
-    typedef const_iterator self; ///< Self reference type.
-    typedef Errata::Container::const_reverse_iterator super; ///< Parent type.
-    const_iterator(); ///< Default constructor.
-    /// Copy constructor.
-    const_iterator(
-        self const& that ///< Source instance.
-    );
-    const_iterator(
-        super const& that ///< Source instance.
-    );
-    /// Assignment.
-    self& operator = (self const& that);
-    /// Assignment from super class.
-    self& operator = (super const& that);
-    /// Prefix increment.
-    self& operator ++ ();
-    /// Prefix decrement.
-    self& operator -- ();
-/** Helper class for @c Rv.
-    This class enables us to move the implementation of non-templated methods
-    and members out of the header file for a cleaner API.
- */
-struct RvBase {
-  Errata _errata;    ///< The status from the function.
-  /** Default constructor. */
-  RvBase();
-  /** Construct with specific status.
-   */
-  RvBase (
-    Errata const& s ///< Status to copy
-  );
-  //! Test the return value for success.
-  bool isOK() const;
-  /** Clear any stacked errors.
-      This is useful during shutdown, to silence irrelevant errors caused
-      by the shutdown process.
-  */
-  void clear();
-  /// Inhibit logging of the errata.
-  void doNotLog();
-/** Return type for returning a value and status (errata).  In
-    general, a method wants to return both a result and a status so
-    that errors are logged properly. This structure is used to do that
-    in way that is more usable than just @c std::pair.  - Simpler and
-    shorter typography - Force use of @c errata rather than having to
-    remember it (and the order) each time - Enable assignment directly
-    to @a R for ease of use and compatibility so clients can upgrade
-    asynchronously.
- */
-template < typename R >
-struct Rv : public RvBase {
-  typedef Rv self;       ///< Standard self reference type.
-  typedef RvBase super; ///< Standard super class reference type.
-  typedef R Result; ///< Type of result value.
-  Result _result;             ///< The actual result of the function.
-  /** Default constructor.
-      The default constructor for @a R is used.
-      The status is initialized to SUCCESS.
-  */
-  Rv();
-  /** Standard (success) constructor.
-      This copies the result and sets the status to SUCCESS.
-      @note Not @c explicit so that clients can return just a result
-       and have it be marked as SUCCESS.
-   */
-  Rv(
-    Result const& r  ///< The function result
-  );
-  /** Construct from a result and a pre-existing status object.
-      @internal No constructor from just an Errata to avoid
-      potential ambiguity with constructing from result type.
-   */
-  Rv(
-    Result const& r,         ///< The function result
-    Errata const& s    ///< A pre-existing status object
-  );
-  /** User conversion to the result type.
-      This makes it easy to use the function normally or to pass the
-      result only to other functions without having to extract it by
-      hand.
-  */
-  operator Result const& () const;
-  /** Assignment from result type.
-      This allows the result to be assigned to a pre-declared return
-      value structure.  The return value is a reference to the
-      internal result so that this operator can be chained in other
-      assignments to instances of result type. This is most commonly
-      used when the result is computed in to a local variable to be
-      both returned and stored in a member.
-      @code
-      Rv<int> zret;
-      int value;
-      // ... complex computations, result in value
-      this->m_value = zret = value;
-      // ...
-      return zret;
-      @endcode
-      @return A reference to the copy of @a r stored in this object.
-  */
-  Result& operator = (
-    Result const& r  ///< Result to assign
-  ) {
-    _result = r;
-    return _result;
-  }
-  /** Add the status from another instance to this one.
-      @return A reference to @c this object.
-  */
-  template < typename U >
-  self& push(
-    Rv<U> const& that ///< Source of status messages
-  );
-  /** Set the result.
-      This differs from assignment of the function result in that the
-      return value is a reference to the @c Rv, not the internal
-      result. This makes it useful for assigning a result local
-      variable and then returning.
-      @code
-      Rv<int> zret;
-      int value;
-      // ... complex computation, result in value
-      return zret.set(value);
-      @endcode
-  */
-  self& set(
-    Result const& r  ///< Result to store
-  );
-  /** Return the result.
-      @return A reference to the result value in this object.
-  */
-  Result& result();
-  /** Return the result.
-      @return A reference to the result value in this object.
-  */
-  Result const& result() const;
-  /** Return the status.
-      @return A reference to the @c errata in this object.
-  */
-  Errata& errata();
-  /** Return the status.
-      @return A reference to the @c errata in this object.
-  */
-  Errata const& errata() const;
-  /// Directly set the errata
-  self& operator = (
-    Errata const& status ///< Errata to assign.
-  );
-  /// Push a message on to the status.
-  self& push(
-    Errata::Message const& msg
-  );
-/** Combine a function result and status in to an @c Rv.
-    This is useful for clients that want to declare the status object
-    and result independently.
- */
-template < typename R > Rv<R>
-  R const& r,          ///< The function result
-  Errata const& s      ///< The pre-existing status object
-) {
-    return Rv<R>(r, s);
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-// Inline methods.
-inline Errata::Message::Message()
-  : m_id(0), m_code(Default_Code) {
-inline Errata::Message::Message(std::string const& text)
-  : m_id(0), m_code(Default_Code), m_text(text) {
-inline Errata::Message::Message(Id id, std::string const& text)
-  : m_id(id), m_code(Default_Code), m_text(text) {
-inline Errata::Message::Message(Id id, Code code, std::string const& text)
-  : m_id(id), m_code(code), m_text(text) {
-inline Errata::Message& Errata::Message::clear() {
-  m_id = 0;
-  m_code = Default_Code;
-  m_text.erase();
-  m_errata.clear();
-  return *this;
-inline std::string const& Errata::Message::text() const { return m_text; }
-inline Errata::Code Errata::Message::getCode() const { return m_code; }
-inline Errata Errata::Message::getErrata() const { return m_errata; }
-inline Errata::Message& Errata::Message::set(Id id) {
-  m_id = id;
-  return *this;
-inline Errata::Message& Errata::Message::set(Code code) {
-  m_code = code;
-  return *this;
-inline Errata::Message& Errata::Message::set(std::string const& text) {
-  m_text = text;
-  return *this;
-inline Errata::Message& Errata::Message::set(char const* text) {
-  m_text = text;
-  return *this;
-inline Errata::Message& Errata::Message::set(Errata const& err) {
-  m_errata = err;
-  m_errata.doNotLog();
-  return *this;
-inline Errata::Errata(Id id, Code code, std::string const& text) {
-  this->push(Message(id, code, text));
-inline Errata::Errata(Message const& msg) {
-  this->push(msg);
-inline Errata::operator bool() const { return this->isOK(); }
-inline size_t Errata::size() const {
-  return m_data ? m_data->m_items.size() : 0;
-inline bool Errata::isOK() const {
-  return 0 == m_data
-    || 0 == m_data->size()
-    || Message::Success_Test(this->top())
-    ;
-inline Errata&
-Errata::push(std::string const& text) {
-  this->push(Message(text));
-  return *this;
-inline Errata&
-Errata::push(Id id, std::string const& text) {
-  this->push(Message(id, text));
-  return *this;
-inline Errata&
-Errata::push(Id id, Code code, std::string const& text) {
-  this->push(Message(id, code, text));
-  return *this;
-inline Errata::Message const&
-Errata::top() const {
-  return m_data ? m_data->top() : NIL_MESSAGE;
-inline Errata& Errata::doNotLog() {
-  this->instance()->m_log_on_delete = false;
-  return *this;
-inline Errata::Data::Data() : m_log_on_delete(true) {}
-inline size_t Errata::Data::size() const { return m_items.size(); }
-inline Errata::iterator::iterator() { }
-inline Errata::iterator::iterator(self const& that) : super(that) { }
-inline Errata::iterator::iterator(super const& that) : super(that) { }
-inline Errata::iterator& Errata::iterator::operator = (self const& that) { this->super::operator = (that); return *this; }
-inline Errata::iterator& Errata::iterator::operator = (super const& that) { this->super::operator = (that); return *this; }
-inline Errata::iterator& Errata::iterator::operator ++ () { this->super::operator ++ (); return *this; }
-inline Errata::iterator& Errata::iterator::operator -- () { this->super::operator -- (); return *this; }
-inline Errata::const_iterator::const_iterator() { }
-inline Errata::const_iterator::const_iterator(self const& that) : super(that) { }
-inline Errata::const_iterator::const_iterator(super const& that) : super(that) { }
-inline Errata::const_iterator& Errata::const_iterator::operator = (self const& that) { super::operator = (that); return *this; }
-inline Errata::const_iterator& Errata::const_iterator::operator = (super const& that) { super::operator = (that); return *this; }
-inline Errata::const_iterator& Errata::const_iterator::operator ++ () { this->super::operator ++ (); return *this; }
-inline Errata::const_iterator& Errata::const_iterator::operator -- () { this->super::operator -- (); return *this; }
-inline RvBase::RvBase() { }
-inline RvBase::RvBase(Errata const& errata) : _errata(errata) { }
-inline bool RvBase::isOK() const { return _errata; }
-inline void RvBase::clear() { _errata.clear(); }
-inline void RvBase::doNotLog() { _errata.doNotLog(); }
-template < typename T > Rv<T>::Rv() { }
-template < typename T > Rv<T>::Rv(Result const& r) : _result(r) { }
-template < typename T > Rv<T>::Rv(Result const& r, Errata const& errata)
-  : super(errata)
-  , _result(r) {
-template < typename T > Rv<T>::operator Result const&() const {
-  return _result;
-template < typename T > T const& Rv<T>::result() const { return _result; }
-template < typename T > T& Rv<T>::result() { return _result; }
-template < typename T > Errata const& Rv<T>::errata() const { return _errata; }
-template < typename T > Errata& Rv<T>::errata() { return _errata; }
-template < typename T > Rv<T>&
-Rv<T>::set(Result const& r) {
-  _result = r;
-  return *this;
-template < typename T > Rv<T>&
-Rv<T>::operator = (Errata const& errata) {
-  _errata = errata;
-  return *this;
-template < typename T > Rv<T>&
-Rv<T>::push(Errata::Message const& msg) {
-  _errata.push(msg);
-  return *this;
-template < typename T > template < typename U > Rv<T>&
-Rv<T>::push(Rv<U> const& that) {
-  _errata.push(that.errata());
-  return *this;
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-} // namespace ats
+# if !defined TS_ERRATA_HEADER
+/** @file
+    Stacking error message handling.
+    The problem addressed by this library is the ability to pass back
+    detailed error messages from failures. It is hard to get good
+    diagnostics because the specific failures and general context are
+    located in very different stack frames. This library allows local
+    functions to pass back local messages which can be easily
+    augmented as the error travels up the stack frame.
+    This could be done with exceptions but
+    - That is more effort to implemention
+    - Generally more expensive.
+    Each message on a stack contains text and a numeric identifier.
+    The identifier value zero is reserved for messages that are not
+    errors so that information can be passed back even in the success
+    case.
+    The implementation takes the position that success is fast and
+    failure is expensive. Therefore it is optimized for the success
+    path, imposing very little overhead. On the other hand, if an
+    error occurs and is handled, that is generally so expensive that
+    optimizations are pointless (although, of course, one should not
+    be gratuitiously expensive).
+    The library also provides the @c Rv ("return value") template to
+    make returning values and status easier. This template allows a
+    function to return a value and status pair with minimal changes.
+    The pair acts like the value type in most situations, while
+    providing access to the status.
+    Each instance of an erratum is a wrapper class that emulates value
+    semantics (copy on write). This means passing even large message
+    stacks is inexpensive, involving only a pointer copy and reference
+    counter increment and decrement. A success value is represented by
+    an internal @c NULL so it is even cheaper to copy.
+    To further ease use, the library has the ability to define @a
+    sinks.  A sink is a function that acts on an erratum when it
+    becomes unreferenced. The indended use is to send the messages to
+    an output log. This makes reporting errors to a log from even
+    deeply nested functions easy while preserving the ability of the
+    top level logic to control such logging.
+    Copyright 2010 Network Geographics, Inc.
+    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+    limitations under the License.
+ */
+# include <memory>
+# include <string>
+# include <iosfwd>
+# include <deque>
+# include "NumericType.h"
+# include "IntrusivePtr.h"
+#   include <boost/function.hpp>
+#   include <boost/format/format_fwd.hpp>
+# endif
+namespace ts {
+/** Class to hold a stack of error messages (the "errata").
+    This is a smart handle class, which wraps the actual data
+    and can therefore be treated a value type with cheap copy
+    semantics. Default construction is very cheap.
+ */
+class Errata {
+    /// Implementation class.
+    struct Data;
+    /// Handle for implementation class instance.
+    typedef IntrusivePtr<Data> ImpPtr;
+    typedef Errata self; /// Self reference type.
+    /// Message ID.
+    typedef NumericType<unsigned int, struct MsgIdTag> Id;
+    /* Tag / level / code severity.
+       This is intended for clients to use to provide additional
+       classification of a message. A severity code, as for syslog,
+       is a common use.
+    */
+    typedef NumericType<unsigned int, struct CodeTag> Code;
+    struct Message;
+    typedef std::deque<Message> Container; ///< Storage type for messages.
+    // We iterate backwards to look like a stack.
+//    typedef Container::reverse_iterator iterator; ///< Message iteration.
+    /// Message const iteration.
+//    typedef Container::const_reverse_iterator const_iterator;
+    /// Reverse message iteration.
+//    typedef Container::iterator reverse_iterator;
+    /// Reverse constant message iteration.
+//    typedef Container::const_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
+    /// Default constructor - empty errata, very fast.
+    Errata();
+    /// Copy constructor, very fast.
+    Errata (
+        self const& that ///< Object to copy
+    );
+    /// Construct from string.
+    /// Message Id and Code are default.
+    explicit Errata(
+        std::string const& text ///< Finalized message text.
+    );
+    /// Construct with @a id and @a text.
+    /// Code is default.
+    Errata(
+      Id id, ///< Message id.
+      std::string const& text ///< Message text.
+    );
+    /// Construct with @a id, @a code, and @a text.
+    Errata(
+      Id id, ///< Message text.
+      Code code, ///< Message code.
+      std::string const& text ///< Message text.
+    );
+    /** Construct from a message instance.
+        This is equivalent to default constructing an @c errata and then
+        invoking @c push with an argument of @a msg.
+    */
+    Errata(
+      Message const& msg ///< Message to push
+    );
+    /// destructor
+    ~Errata();
+    /// Self assignment.
+    /// @return A reference to this object.
+    self& operator = (
+      const self& that ///< Source instance.
+    );
+    /** Assign message.
+        All other messages are discarded.
+        @return A reference to this object.
+    */
+    self& operator = (
+      Message const& msg ///< Source message.
+    );
+    /** Push @a text as a message.
+        The message is constructed from just the @a text.
+        It becomes the top message.
+        @return A reference to this object.
+    */
+    self& push(std::string const& text);
+    /** Push @a text as a message with message @a id.
+        The message is constructed from @a text and @a id.
+        It becomes the top message.
+        @return A reference to this object.
+    */
+    self& push(Id id, std::string const& text);
+    /** Push @a text as a message with message @a id and @a code.
+        The message is constructed from @a text and @a id.
+        It becomes the top message.
+        @return A reference to this object.
+    */
+    self& push(Id id, Code code, std::string const& text);
+    /** Push a message.
+        @a msg becomes the top message.
+        @return A reference to this object.
+    */
+    self& push(Message const& msg);
+    /** Push a nested status.
+        @a err becomes the top item.
+        @return A reference to this object.
+    */
+    self& push(self const& err);
+    /** Access top message.
+        @return If the errata is empty, a default constructed message
+        otherwise the most recent message.
+     */
+    Message const& top() const;
+    /** Move messages from @a that to @c this errata.
+        Messages from @a that are put on the top of the
+        stack in @c this and removed from @a that.
+    */
+    self& pull(self& that);
+    /// Remove last message.
+    void pop();
+    /// Remove all messages.
+    void clear();
+    /** Inhibit logging.
+        @note This only affects @c this as a top level @c errata.
+        It has no effect on this @c this being logged as a nested
+        @c errata.
+    */
+    self& doNotLog();
+    friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, self const&);
+    /// Default glue value (a newline) for text rendering.
+    static std::string const DEFAULT_GLUE;
+    /** Test status.
+        Equivalent to @c success but more convenient for use in
+        control statements.
+        @return @c true if no messages or last message has a zero
+        message ID, @c false otherwise.
+     */
+    operator bool() const;
+    /** Test errata for no failure condition.
+        Equivalent to @c operator @c bool but easier to invoke.
+        @return @c true if no messages or last message has a zero
+        message ID, @c false otherwise.
+     */
+    bool isOK() const;
+    /// Number of messages in the errata.
+    size_t size() const;
+    /*  Forward declares.
+        We have to make our own iterators as the least bad option. The problem
+        is that we have recursive structures so declaration order is difficult.
+        We can't use the container iterators here because the element type is
+        not yet defined. If we define the element type here, it can't contain
+        an Errata and we have to do funky things to get around that. So we
+        have our own iterators, which are just shadowing sublclasses of the
+        container iterators.
+     */
+    class iterator;
+    class const_iterator;
+    /// Reference to top item on the stack.
+    iterator begin();
+    /// Reference to top item on the stack.
+    const_iterator begin() const;
+    //! Reference one past bottom item on the stack.
+    iterator end();
+    //! Reference one past bottom item on the stack.
+    const_iterator end() const;
+    // Logging support.
+    /** Base class for erratum sink.
+        When an errata is abandoned, this will be called on it to perform
+        any client specific logging. It is passed around by handle so that
+        it doesn't have to support copy semantics (and is not destructed
+        until application shutdown). Clients can subclass this class in order
+        to preserve arbitrary data for the sink or retain a handle to the
+        sink for runtime modifications.
+     */
+    class Sink : public IntrusivePtrCounter {
+    public:
+        typedef Sink self; ///< Self reference type.
+        typedef IntrusivePtr<self> Handle;  ///< Handle type.
+        /// Handle an abandoned errata.
+        virtual void operator() (Errata const&) const = 0;
+        /// Force virtual destructor.
+        virtual ~Sink() {}
+    };
+    //! Register a sink for discarded erratum.
+    static void registerSink(Sink::Handle const& s);
+    /// Register a function as a sink.
+    typedef void (*SinkHandlerFunction)(Errata const&);
+    // Wrapper class to support registering functions as sinks.
+    struct SinkFunctionWrapper : public Sink {
+        /// Constructor.
+        SinkFunctionWrapper(SinkHandlerFunction f) : m_f(f) { }
+        /// Operator to invoke the function.
+        virtual void operator() (Errata const& e) const { m_f(e); }
+        SinkHandlerFunction m_f; ///< Client supplied handler.
+    };
+    /// Register a sink function for abandonded erratum.
+    static void registerSink(SinkHandlerFunction f) {
+        registerSink(Sink::Handle(new SinkFunctionWrapper(f)));
+    }
+    /** Simple formatted output.
+        Each message is written to a line. All lines are indented with
+        whitespace @a offset characters. Lines are indented an
+        additional @a indent. This value is increased by @a shift for
+        each level of nesting of an @c Errata. if @a lead is not @c
+        NULL the indentation is overwritten by @a lead if @a indent is
+        non-zero. It acts as a "continuation" marker for nested
+        @c Errata.
+     */
+    std::ostream& write(
+      std::ostream& out, ///< Output stream.
+      int offset, ///< Lead white space for every line.
+      int indent, ///< Additional indention per line for messages.
+      int shift, ///< Additional @a indent for nested @c Errata.
+      char const* lead ///< Leading text for nested @c Errata.
+    ) const;
+    /// Simple formatted output to fixed sized buffer.
+    /// @return Number of characters written to @a buffer.
+    size_t write(
+      char* buffer, ///< Output buffer.
+      size_t n, ///< Buffer size.
+      int offset, ///< Lead white space for every line.
+      int indent, ///< Additional indention per line for messages.
+      int shift, ///< Additional @a indent for nested @c Errata.
+      char const* lead ///< Leading text for nested @c Errata.
+    ) const;
+    /// Functor type for sink.
+    typedef boost::function<void (Errata const&)> SinkFunctor;
+    // Wrapper class to support registering functions as sinks.
+    struct SinkFunctorWrapper : public Sink {
+        /// Constructor.
+        SinkFunctionWrapper(SinkHandlerFunctor f) : m_f(f) { }
+        /// Operator to invoke the function.
+        virtual void operator() (Errata const& e) const { m_f(e); }
+        SinkHandlerFunctor m_f; ///< Client supplied handler.
+    };
+    /// Register a sink function for abandonded erratum.
+    static void registerSink(SinkFunctor const& f) {
+        registerSink(Sink::Handle(new SinkFunctorWrapper(f)));
+    }
+    /// Generate formatted output.
+    /// For each message in the stack, invoke @c boost::format passing
+    /// @a fmt as the format string and the message ID and message text as
+    /// two values. It is not an error to elide either or both. @a glue is
+    /// sent to the stream @a s between every pair of messages.
+    /// @return The stream @a s.
+    std::ostream& format(
+        std::ostream& s,           ///< Output stream
+        boost::format const& fmt,  ///< Format string
+        std::string const& glue = DEFAULT_GLUE ///< Glue
+    ) const;
+    /// Generate formatted output.
+    /// A convenience overload so clients do not have to include the Boost.Format headers.
+    /// @return The formatted output.
+    /// @see std::ostream& format ( std::ostream& s, boost::format const& fmt, std::string const& glue ).
+    std::ostream& format(
+        std::ostream& s,           ///< Output stream
+        std::string const& fmt,    ///< Format string
+        std::string const& glue = DEFAULT_GLUE ///< Glue
+    ) const;
+    /// Generate formatted output.
+    /// For each message in the stack, invoke @c boost::format passing
+    /// @a fmt as the format string and the message ID and message text as
+    /// two values. It is not an error to elide either or both. @a glue is
+    /// added between every pair of messages.
+    /// @note This is identical to the stream variant except the output
+    /// is put in a string instead of a stream.
+    /// @return The formatted output.
+    /// @see std::ostream& format ( std::ostream& s, boost::format const& fmt, std::string const& glue ).
+    std::string format(
+        boost::format const& fmt,  ///< Format string
+        std::string const& glue = DEFAULT_GLUE ///< Glue
+    ) const;
+    /// Generate formatted output.
+    /// A convenience overload so clients do not have to include the Boost.Format headers.
+    /// @return The formatted output.
+    /// @see std::string format ( boost::format const& fmt, std::string const& glue ).
+    std::string format(
+        std::string const& fmt,  ///< Format string
+        std::string const& glue = DEFAULT_GLUE ///< Glue
+    ) const;
+# endif // USING_BOOST
+    /// Construct from implementation pointer.
+    /// Used internally by nested classes.
+    Errata(ImpPtr const& ptr);
+    /// Implementation instance.
+    ImpPtr m_data;
+    /// Return the implementation instance, allocating and unsharing as needed.
+    Data* pre_write();
+    /// Force and return an implementation instance.
+    /// Does not follow copy on write.
+    Data* instance();
+    /// Used for returns when no data is present.
+    static Message const NIL_MESSAGE;
+    friend struct Data;
+    friend class Item;
+extern std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, Errata const& stat);
+/// Storage for a single message.
+struct Errata::Message {
+  typedef Message self; ///< Self reference type.
+  /// Default constructor.
+  /// The message has Id = 0, default code,  and empty text.
+  Message();
+  /// Construct from text.
+  /// Id is zero and Code is default.
+  Message(
+    std::string const& text ///< Finalized message text.
+  );
+  /// Construct with @a id and @a text.
+  /// Code is default.
+  Message(
+    Id id, ///< ID of message in table.
+    std::string const& text ///< Final text for message.
+  );
+  /// Construct with @a id, @a code, and @a text.
+  Message(
+    Id id, ///< Message Id.
+    Code code, ///< Message Code.
+    std::string const& text ///< Final text for message.
+  );
+  /// Reset to the message to default state.
+  self& clear();
+  /// Set the message Id.
+  self& set(
+    Id id ///< New message Id.
+  );
+  /// Set the code.
+  self& set(
+    Code code ///< New code for message.
+  );
+  /// Set the text.
+  self& set(
+    std::string const& text ///< New message text.
+  );
+  /// Set the text.
+  self& set(
+    char const* text ///< New message text.
+  );
+  /// Set the errata.
+  self& set(
+    Errata const& err ///< Errata to store.
+  );
+  /// Get the text of the message.
+  std::string const& text() const;
+  /// Get the code.
+  Code getCode() const;
+  /// Get the nested status.
+  /// @return A status object, which is not @c NULL if there is a
+  /// nested status stored in this item.
+  Errata getErrata() const;
+  /** The default message code.
+      This value is used as the Code value for constructing and
+      clearing messages. It can be changed to control the value
+      used for empty messages.
+  */
+  static Code Default_Code;
+  /// Type for overriding success message test.
+  typedef bool (*SuccessTest)(Message const& m);
+  /** Success message test.
+      When a message is tested for being "successful", this
+      function is called. It may be overridden by a client.
+      The initial value is @c DEFAULT_SUCCESS_TEST.
+      @note This is only called when there are Messages in the
+      Errata. An empty Errata (@c NULL or empty stack) is always
+      a success. Only the @c top Message is checked.
+      @return @c true if the message indicates success,
+      @c false otherwise.
+  */
+  static SuccessTest Success_Test;
+  /// Indicate success if the message code is zero.
+  /// @note Used as the default success test.
+  static bool isCodeZero(Message const& m);
+  static SuccessTest const DEFAULT_SUCCESS_TEST;
+  Id m_id; ///< Message ID.
+  Code m_code; ///< Message code.
+  std::string m_text; ///< Final text.
+  Errata m_errata; ///< Nested errata.
+/** This is the implementation class for Errata.
+    It holds the actual messages and is treated as a passive data
+    object with nice constructors.
+    We implement reference counting semantics by hand for two
+    reasons. One is that we need to do some specialized things, but
+    mainly because the client can't see this class so we can't
+struct Errata::Data : public IntrusivePtrCounter {
+  typedef Data self; ///< Self reference type.
+  //! Default constructor.
+  Data();
+  /// Destructor, to do logging.
+  ~Data();
+  //! Number of messages.
+  size_t size() const;
+  /// Get the top message on the stack.
+  Message const& top() const;
+  /// Put a message on top of the stack.
+  void push(Message const& msg);
+  /// Log this when it is deleted.
+  bool m_log_on_delete;
+  //! The message stack.
+  Container m_items;
+/// Forward iterator for @c Messages in an @c Errata.
+class Errata::iterator : public Errata::Container::reverse_iterator {
+    typedef iterator self; ///< Self reference type.
+    typedef Errata::Container::reverse_iterator super; ///< Parent type.
+    iterator(); ///< Default constructor.
+    /// Copy constructor.
+    iterator(
+        self const& that ///< Source instance.
+    );
+    /// Construct from super class.
+    iterator(
+        super const& that ///< Source instance.
+    );
+    /// Assignment.
+    self& operator = (self const& that);
+    /// Assignment from super class.
+    self& operator = (super const& that);
+    /// Prefix increment.
+    self& operator ++ ();
+    /// Prefix decrement.
+    self& operator -- ();
+/// Forward constant iterator for @c Messages in an @c Errata.
+class Errata::const_iterator : public Errata::Container::const_reverse_iterator {
+    typedef const_iterator self; ///< Self reference type.
+    typedef Errata::Container::const_reverse_iterator super; ///< Parent type.
+    const_iterator(); ///< Default constructor.
+    /// Copy constructor.
+    const_iterator(
+        self const& that ///< Source instance.
+    );
+    const_iterator(
+        super const& that ///< Source instance.
+    );
+    /// Assignment.
+    self& operator = (self const& that);
+    /// Assignment from super class.
+    self& operator = (super const& that);
+    /// Prefix increment.
+    self& operator ++ ();
+    /// Prefix decrement.
+    self& operator -- ();
+/** Helper class for @c Rv.
+    This class enables us to move the implementation of non-templated methods
+    and members out of the header file for a cleaner API.
+ */
+struct RvBase {
+  Errata _errata;    ///< The status from the function.
+  /** Default constructor. */
+  RvBase();
+  /** Construct with specific status.
+   */
+  RvBase (
+    Errata const& s ///< Status to copy
+  );
+  //! Test the return value for success.
+  bool isOK() const;
+  /** Clear any stacked errors.
+      This is useful during shutdown, to silence irrelevant errors caused
+      by the shutdown process.
+  */
+  void clear();
+  /// Inhibit logging of the errata.
+  void doNotLog();
+/** Return type for returning a value and status (errata).  In
+    general, a method wants to return both a result and a status so
+    that errors are logged properly. This structure is used to do that
+    in way that is more usable than just @c std::pair.  - Simpler and
+    shorter typography - Force use of @c errata rather than having to
+    remember it (and the order) each time - Enable assignment directly
+    to @a R for ease of use and compatibility so clients can upgrade
+    asynchronously.
+ */
+template < typename R >
+struct Rv : public RvBase {
+  typedef Rv self;       ///< Standard self reference type.
+  typedef RvBase super; ///< Standard super class reference type.
+  typedef R Result; ///< Type of result value.
+  Result _result;             ///< The actual result of the function.
+  /** Default constructor.
+      The default constructor for @a R is used.
+      The status is initialized to SUCCESS.
+  */
+  Rv();
+  /** Standard (success) constructor.
+      This copies the result and sets the status to SUCCESS.
+      @note Not @c explicit so that clients can return just a result
+       and have it be marked as SUCCESS.
+   */
+  Rv(
+    Result const& r  ///< The function result
+  );
+  /** Construct from a result and a pre-existing status object.
+      @internal No constructor from just an Errata to avoid
+      potential ambiguity with constructing from result type.
+   */
+  Rv(
+    Result const& r,         ///< The function result
+    Errata const& s    ///< A pre-existing status object
+  );
+  /** User conversion to the result type.
+      This makes it easy to use the function normally or to pass the
+      result only to other functions without having to extract it by
+      hand.
+  */
+  operator Result const& () const;
+  /** Assignment from result type.
+      This allows the result to be assigned to a pre-declared return
+      value structure.  The return value is a reference to the
+      internal result so that this operator can be chained in other
+      assignments to instances of result type. This is most commonly
+      used when the result is computed in to a local variable to be
+      both returned and stored in a member.
+      @code
+      Rv<int> zret;
+      int value;
+      // ... complex computations, result in value
+      this->m_value = zret = value;
+      // ...
+      return zret;
+      @endcode
+      @return A reference to the copy of @a r stored in this object.
+  */
+  Result& operator = (
+    Result const& r  ///< Result to assign
+  ) {
+    _result = r;
+    return _result;
+  }
+  /** Add the status from another instance to this one.
+      @return A reference to @c this object.
+  */
+  template < typename U >
+  self& push(
+    Rv<U> const& that ///< Source of status messages
+  );
+  /** Set the result.
+      This differs from assignment of the function result in that the
+      return value is a reference to the @c Rv, not the internal
+      result. This makes it useful for assigning a result local
+      variable and then returning.
+      @code
+      Rv<int> zret;
+      int value;
+      // ... complex computation, result in value
+      return zret.set(value);
+      @endcode
+  */
+  self& set(
+    Result const& r  ///< Result to store
+  );
+  /** Return the result.
+      @return A reference to the result value in this object.
+  */
+  Result& result();
+  /** Return the result.
+      @return A reference to the result value in this object.
+  */
+  Result const& result() const;
+  /** Return the status.
+      @return A reference to the @c errata in this object.
+  */
+  Errata& errata();
+  /** Return the status.
+      @return A reference to the @c errata in this object.
+  */
+  Errata const& errata() const;
+  /// Directly set the errata
+  self& operator = (
+    Errata const& status ///< Errata to assign.
+  );
+  /// Push a message on to the status.
+  self& push(
+    Errata::Message const& msg
+  );
+/** Combine a function result and status in to an @c Rv.
+    This is useful for clients that want to declare the status object
+    and result independently.
+ */
+template < typename R > Rv<R>
+  R const& r,          ///< The function result
+  Errata const& s      ///< The pre-existing status object
+) {
+    return Rv<R>(r, s);
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// Inline methods.
+inline Errata::Message::Message()
+  : m_id(0), m_code(Default_Code) {
+inline Errata::Message::Message(std::string const& text)
+  : m_id(0), m_code(Default_Code), m_text(text) {
+inline Errata::Message::Message(Id id, std::string const& text)
+  : m_id(id), m_code(Default_Code), m_text(text) {
+inline Errata::Message::Message(Id id, Code code, std::string const& text)
+  : m_id(id), m_code(code), m_text(text) {
+inline Errata::Message& Errata::Message::clear() {
+  m_id = 0;
+  m_code = Default_Code;
+  m_text.erase();
+  m_errata.clear();
+  return *this;
+inline std::string const& Errata::Message::text() const { return m_text; }
+inline Errata::Code Errata::Message::getCode() const { return m_code; }
+inline Errata Errata::Message::getErrata() const { return m_errata; }
+inline Errata::Message& Errata::Message::set(Id id) {
+  m_id = id;
+  return *this;
+inline Errata::Message& Errata::Message::set(Code code) {
+  m_code = code;
+  return *this;
+inline Errata::Message& Errata::Message::set(std::string const& text) {
+  m_text = text;
+  return *this;
+inline Errata::Message& Errata::Message::set(char const* text) {
+  m_text = text;
+  return *this;
+inline Errata::Message& Errata::Message::set(Errata const& err) {
+  m_errata = err;
+  m_errata.doNotLog();
+  return *this;
+inline Errata::Errata(Id id, Code code, std::string const& text) {
+  this->push(Message(id, code, text));
+inline Errata::Errata(Message const& msg) {
+  this->push(msg);
+inline Errata::operator bool() const { return this->isOK(); }
+inline size_t Errata::size() const {
+  return m_data ? m_data->m_items.size() : 0;
+inline bool Errata::isOK() const {
+  return 0 == m_data
+    || 0 == m_data->size()
+    || Message::Success_Test(this->top())
+    ;
+inline Errata&
+Errata::push(std::string const& text) {
+  this->push(Message(text));
+  return *this;
+inline Errata&
+Errata::push(Id id, std::string const& text) {
+  this->push(Message(id, text));
+  return *this;
+inline Errata&
+Errata::push(Id id, Code code, std::string const& text) {
+  this->push(Message(id, code, text));
+  return *this;
+inline Errata::Message const&
+Errata::top() const {
+  return m_data ? m_data->top() : NIL_MESSAGE;
+inline Errata& Errata::doNotLog() {
+  this->instance()->m_log_on_delete = false;
+  return *this;
+inline Errata::Data::Data() : m_log_on_delete(true) {}
+inline size_t Errata::Data::size() const { return m_items.size(); }
+inline Errata::iterator::iterator() { }
+inline Errata::iterator::iterator(self const& that) : super(that) { }
+inline Errata::iterator::iterator(super const& that) : super(that) { }
+inline Errata::iterator& Errata::iterator::operator = (self const& that) { this->super::operator = (that); return *this; }
+inline Errata::iterator& Errata::iterator::operator = (super const& that) { this->super::operator = (that); return *this; }
+inline Errata::iterator& Errata::iterator::operator ++ () { this->super::operator ++ (); return *this; }
+inline Errata::iterator& Errata::iterator::operator -- () { this->super::operator -- (); return *this; }
+inline Errata::const_iterator::const_iterator() { }
+inline Errata::const_iterator::const_iterator(self const& that) : super(that) { }
+inline Errata::const_iterator::const_iterator(super const& that) : super(that) { }
+inline Errata::const_iterator& Errata::const_iterator::operator = (self const& that) { super::operator = (that); return *this; }
+inline Errata::const_iterator& Errata::const_iterator::operator = (super const& that) { super::operator = (that); return *this; }
+inline Errata::const_iterator& Errata::const_iterator::operator ++ () { this->super::operator ++ (); return *this; }
+inline Errata::const_iterator& Errata::const_iterator::operator -- () { this->super::operator -- (); return *this; }
+inline RvBase::RvBase() { }
+inline RvBase::RvBase(Errata const& errata) : _errata(errata) { }
+inline bool RvBase::isOK() const { return _errata; }
+inline void RvBase::clear() { _errata.clear(); }
+inline void RvBase::doNotLog() { _errata.doNotLog(); }
+template < typename T > Rv<T>::Rv() { }
+template < typename T > Rv<T>::Rv(Result const& r) : _result(r) { }
+template < typename T > Rv<T>::Rv(Result const& r, Errata const& errata)
+  : super(errata)
+  , _result(r) {
+template < typename T > Rv<T>::operator Result const&() const {
+  return _result;
+template < typename T > T const& Rv<T>::result() const { return _result; }
+template < typename T > T& Rv<T>::result() { return _result; }
+template < typename T > Errata const& Rv<T>::errata() const { return _errata; }
+template < typename T > Errata& Rv<T>::errata() { return _errata; }
+template < typename T > Rv<T>&
+Rv<T>::set(Result const& r) {
+  _result = r;
+  return *this;
+template < typename T > Rv<T>&
+Rv<T>::operator = (Errata const& errata) {
+  _errata = errata;
+  return *this;
+template < typename T > Rv<T>&
+Rv<T>::push(Errata::Message const& msg) {
+  _errata.push(msg);
+  return *this;
+template < typename T > template < typename U > Rv<T>&
+Rv<T>::push(Rv<U> const& that) {
+  _errata.push(that.errata());
+  return *this;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+} // namespace ts
+# endif // TS_ERRATA_HEADER