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Posted to by Jose Luis Marin Perez <> on 2009/09/18 20:51:54 UTC

Problems with high spam

Dear Sirs, 

 I have the problem that many SPAM emails being filtered to the mail box users, who might that be? 

 These are the statistics from yesterday: 

Total messages:                Ham:       Spam:      % Spam:   
10896                          4954       5942       54.53%

 Although filters 54% of users are reporting much SPAM 

 This is the configuration of the server:

Server ML110
Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz
512 MB Ram
300GB HD

SpamAssassin 3.2.5 -

ok_locales all
skip_rbl_checks 1

#Con esto evalua cada  mensaje, se requiere un 5.0 para marcarlo como spam
required_hits 3
#Que realice reporte de mensaje
report_safe 0
#Sobreescriba el subjetc
rewrite_header Subject ***SPAM***

# Puede ser cuenta o dominio como whitelist
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *wmarmanillo*
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *@*
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *
whitelist_from *

blacklist_from *

#Usas yzor si lo tienes, pero lo bajas desde cpan
use_pyzor 1
use_razor2 1
dcc_path /usr/local/bin/dccproc
dcc_home /var/dcc
dcc_body_max 999999
dcc_timeout 10
dcc_fuz1_max 999999
dcc_fuz2_max 999999

#Inicias las funcionalidades del spamassassin
use_auto_whitelist 1

use_bayes 1
use_bayes_rules 1
bayes_auto_learn 1
bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam 0.1
bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam 12


user_scores_dsn                 DBI:mysql:spamassassin:localhost
user_scores_sql_username        spamuser
user_scores_sql_password        spampass
user_scores_sql_custom_query    SELECT preference, value FROM _TABLE_ WHERE  username = '$GLOBAL' OR username = CONCAT('%',_DOMAIN_) OR userna
me = _USERNAME_ ORDER BY username ASC

auto_whitelist_factory Mail::SpamAssassin::SQLBasedAddrList
user_awl_dsn                    DBI:mysql:spamassassin:localhost
user_awl_sql_username           user
user_awl_sql_password           pass
user_awl_sql_table              awl

bayes_store_module              Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore::MySQL
bayes_sql_dsn                   DBI:mysql:spamassassin:localhost
bayes_sql_username              user
bayes_sql_password              pass


# Modified default scores
score BAYES_99 5.5                      # 5.4
score RAZOR2_CHECK 2.5                  # 0.899
score RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_51_100 4.5        # 1.552
score RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_11_50 1.5         # 0.559
score DCC_CHECK 3.0                     # 1.806
score PYZOR_CHECK 3.0                   # 0.322


header GAY    Subject =~ /MARCO ANTONIO ASESINADO/i
describe GAY  Publicidad sobre muerte Marco Antonio
score GAY     10.0

describe LLAMADAS  Publicidad llamadas gratuitas
score LLAMADAS     10.0

header TRADUCCIONES     Subject =~ /\:\:Servicio de traducciones\:\:/i
describe TRADUCCIONES   Publicidad traducciones
score TRADUCCIONES      10.0

score CATALOGO      200.0

header PUBLICIDAD1     Subject =~ /\(publicidad\)/i
describe PUBLICIDAD1   Publicidad1
score PUBLICIDAD1      100.0

header PUBLICIDAD2     Subject =~ / \- publicidad/i
describe PUBLICIDAD2   Publicidad2
score PUBLICIDAD2      100.0

header PUBLICIDAD3     Subject =~ /publicidad_/i
describe PUBLICIDAD3   Publicidad3
score PUBLICIDAD3     100.0

header PUBLICIDAD4     Subject =~ /\[ publicidad \]/i
describe PUBLICIDAD4   Publicidad4
score PUBLICIDAD4     100.0

header PUBLICIDAD5     Subject =~ /\-publicidad/i
describe PUBLICIDAD5   Publicidad5
score PUBLICIDAD5     100.0

header PUBLICIDAD6     Subject =~ /\. publicidad \./i
describe PUBLICIDAD6   Publicidad6
score PUBLICIDAD6     100.0

header PUBLICIDAD7     Subject =~ /\[\.publicidad\.\]/i
describe PUBLICIDAD7   Publicidad7
score PUBLICIDAD7     100.0

header PUBLICIDAD8     Subject =~ /  publicidad/i
describe PUBLICIDAD8   Publicidad8
score PUBLICIDAD8     100.0

header PUBLICIDAD9     Subject =~ /\. publicidad\./i
describe PUBLICIDAD9   Publicidad9
score PUBLICIDAD9     100.0

header PUBLICIDAD10     Subject =~ / \- publlcldad/i
describe PUBLICIDAD10   Publicidad10
score PUBLICIDAD10      100.0

header PUBLICIDAD11     Subject =~ /\. publicidad/i
describe PUBLICIDAD11   Publicidad11
score PUBLICIDAD11      100.0

header PUBLICIDAD12     Subject =~ /publicidad \|/i
describe PUBLICIDAD12   Publicidad12
score PUBLICIDAD12      100.0

header PUBLICIDAD13     Subject =~ /publicidad\:/i
describe PUBLICIDAD13   Publicidad13
score PUBLICIDAD13      100.0

header SYSTEMERROR     Subject =~ /system error/i
describe SYSTEMERROR   System Error
score SYSTEMERROR      100.0

header PEDIGREE     Subject =~ /Pedigree a precios increible/i
describe PEDIGREE   Pedigree
score PEDIGREE      100.0

header ORGASMO     Subject =~ /reforzamiento del orgasmo/i
describe ORGASMO   Orgasmo
score ORGASMO      100.0

header LENOVO     Subject =~ /Netbook Lenovo S10 con/i
describe LENOVO   Lenovo
score LENOVO      100.0

header OFFON     Subject =~ /FF on Pfizer/i
describe OFFON   offon
score OFFON      100.0

header MEMBERS     Subject =~ /group members on LinkedIn/i
describe MEMBERS   members
score MEMBERS      100.0

header _LOCAL_I_HATE_VIAGRA Subject =~ /V.?[i1].?[a\@].?g.?[\@a]?.?r.?[\@a]/i
describe _LOCAL_I_HATE_VIAGRA viagra
score _LOCAL_I_HATE_VIAGRA 100.0

header BARZA_TO        To =~  /\
header BARZA_FROM      From =~ /\
meta BARZA             BARZA_TO && BARZA_FROM
describe BARZA         BARZA
score BARZA            100.0

describe ISSO Publicidad
score ISSO 10.0

header PUBLICIDAD_PROMOCION       Subject =~ /Promocin/i
describe PUBLICIDAD_PROMOCION     Subject: spam publicidad

header SPAM_QNET3       Subject =~ /bacterial sinusitis with Augmentin/i
describe SPAM_QNET3     Subject: spam conocido 1
score SPAM_QNET3        5.0

header PUBLICIDAD_VILLAGE       Subject =~ /Publicidad.vnmel/i
describe PUBLICIDAD_VILLAGE     Subject: spam conocido 2
score PUBLICIDAD_VILLAGE        5.0

header PUBLICIDAD_CAMARA        Subject =~ /SPY Cmara/i
describe PUBLICIDAD_CAMARA      Subject: spam publicidad 3
score PUBLICIDAD_CAMARA         5.0

header PUBLICIDAD_VIAGRA        Subject =~ /today and become a super star tomorrow!/i
describe PUBLICIDAD_VIAGRA      Subject: spam publicidad 4
score PUBLICIDAD_VIAGRA         5.0

header PUBLICIDAD_VIAGRA2       Subject =~ /UK Pharmacy Discount/i
describe PUBLICIDAD_VIAGRA2     Subject: spam publicidad 5
score PUBLICIDAD_VIAGRA2        5.0

header SPAM_MASTER_CUISINE      Subject =~ /Publicidad.cdaumc/i
describe  SPAM_MASTER_CUISINE   Subject: spam publicidad 6
score SPAM_MASTER_CUISINE       5.0

body lNCA /lNCA HOME/
describe lNCA Publicidad
score lNCA 10.0

header CONGRESO_GLOBAL          Subject =~ /Publicidad.bhni/i
describe CONGRESO_GLOBAL        Subject: spam publicidad 7
score CONGRESO_GLOBAL           5.0

header MASCONSULTORES          Subject =~ /Evaluacin Publicidad.rucn/i
describe MASCONSULTORES        Subject: spam publicidad 8
score MASCONSULTORES           5.0

header holaxu3lt                Subject =~ /xu3lt/i
describe holaxu3lt              Subject: spam publicidad 8
score holaxu3lt                 10.0

header SPAM_SEXY                 Subject =~ /How to be Irresistible to Women - Sexually/i
describe SPAM_SEXY               Subject: spam publicidad 9
score  SPAM_SEXY                 10.0

header HOTEL_PALMERAS           Subject =~ /Publicidad.xxax/i
describe HOTEL_PALMERAS         Subject: spam publicidad 10
score  HOTEL_PALMERAS           10.0

header SPAM_MASTER_CUISINE        Subject =~ /.urgfph/i
describe  SPAM_MASTER_CUISINE     Subject: spam publicidad 11
score SPAM_MASTER_CUISINE         10.0

body assistance /experience with assistance/
describe assistance Publicidad
score assistance 10.0

body ELLE /is this ELLE/
describe is this ELLE Publicidad
score ELLE 10.0


Jose Luis
Invite your mail contacts to join your friends list with Windows Live Spaces. It's easy!

Re: Problems with high spam

Posted by Karsten Bräckelmann <>.
On Fri, 2009-09-18 at 16:38 -0400, Dan Schaefer wrote:
> Karsten Bräckelmann wrote: 
> > However, I'm pretty sure he merely describes a rule named "is", which is
> > non-fatal.
> I added that line to my config and ran spamassassin --lint and
> received the following error:

So did I, to back up my claim before posting -- though I used a
different rule name. ;)

> You are correct, though, in saying that it is non-fatal.

char *t="\10pse\0r\0dtu\0.@ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4";
main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8? c<<=1:
(c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}

Re: Problems with high spam

Posted by Dan Schaefer <>.
Karsten Bräckelmann wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-09-18 at 16:06 -0400, Dan Schaefer wrote:
>> Jose Luis Marin Perez wrote: 
>>> body ELLE /is this ELLE/
>>> describe is this ELLE Publicidad
>>> score ELLE 10.0
>> It appears that you are missing ELLE after describe. If you have
>> spelling/format issues in your configuration, SA may not work at all.
>> Run "spamassassin --lint" to see if you have any warnings. I'm pretty
>> sure this is your solution...
> Nice catch. And the advice of lint checking always is a good one.
> However, I'm pretty sure he merely describes a rule named "is", which is
> non-fatal.
I added that line to my config and ran spamassassin --lint and received 
the following error:
[3530] warn: config: warning: description exists for non-existent rule is
[3530] warn: lint: 1 issues detected, please rerun with debug enabled 
for more information

You are correct, though, in saying that it is non-fatal.

Dan Schaefer
Web Developer/Systems Analyst
Performance Administration Corp.

Re: Problems with high spam

Posted by Karsten Bräckelmann <>.
On Fri, 2009-09-18 at 16:06 -0400, Dan Schaefer wrote:
> Jose Luis Marin Perez wrote: 
> > 
> > body ELLE /is this ELLE/
> > describe is this ELLE Publicidad
> > score ELLE 10.0
> It appears that you are missing ELLE after describe. If you have
> spelling/format issues in your configuration, SA may not work at all.
> Run "spamassassin --lint" to see if you have any warnings. I'm pretty
> sure this is your solution...

Nice catch. And the advice of lint checking always is a good one.

However, I'm pretty sure he merely describes a rule named "is", which is

char *t="\10pse\0r\0dtu\0.@ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4";
main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8? c<<=1:
(c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}

Re: Problems with high spam

Posted by Dan Schaefer <>.
  Jose Luis Marin Perez wrote:
> *
> **body ELLE /is this ELLE/
> describe is this ELLE Publicidad
> score ELLE 10.0*
It appears that you are missing ELLE after describe. If you have 
spelling/format issues in your configuration, SA may not work at all. 
Run "spamassassin --lint" to see if you have any warnings. I'm pretty 
sure this is your solution...

Dan Schaefer
Web Developer/Systems Analyst
Performance Administration Corp.

Re: Problems with high spam

Posted by Karsten Bräckelmann <>.
> > skip_rbl_checks 1
> You *disabled* DNS BL checks. Enabling them should drastically improve
> results. You'd likely want a local, caching nameserver.

More details. What DNS server do you use? Your ISPs one?

You should check the test-points for URIBL and SpamHaus (the latter
after enabling RBL checks). If they fail, your ISPs DNS is blocked as an
abuser, and you *want* a local, caching nameserver. No forwarder.

char *t="\10pse\0r\0dtu\0.@ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4";
main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8? c<<=1:
(c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}

Re: Problems with high spam

Posted by Karsten Bräckelmann <>.
On Fri, 2009-09-18 at 13:51 -0500, Jose Luis Marin Perez wrote:
> I have the problem that many SPAM emails being filtered to the mail
> box users, who might that be? 
> These are the statistics from yesterday: 

> Although filters 54% of users are reporting much SPAM 

About half of the mail in-stream is spam? Yeah, generally that sounds
like your users will complain. ;)  The spam/overall ratio usually is
*much* higher.

> Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz
> 512 MB Ram
> 300GB HD

Ouch -- that server could go with some RAM, don't you think? No hard
numbers, but given your 10k+ messages a day, I guess that's about the
bare minimum.

Oh, you mentioned yesterday running ClamAV, too. Yes, that is low. Hope
you don't hit swap yet.

> SpamAssassin 3.2.5 -
> ok_locales all
> skip_rbl_checks 1

You *disabled* DNS BL checks. Enabling them should drastically improve
results. You'd likely want a local, caching nameserver.

> required_hits 3

Not a safe thing to do. That's severely lower than the default. Do
expect FPs. If you find yourself in the need to lower the threshold that
drastically, something else is wrong.

Also, that option is deprecated (inherited from some ancient conf, I
assume) and now listens to the name required_score.

> whitelist_from *
> whitelist_from *
> whitelist_from *

*Lots* more snipped. If you need that much whitelisting, it indicates
there is a problem -- in this case, my guess can be seen above. Your
required_score threshold is too low, and thus you need to whitelist more
and more legit senders...

Even worse, you are using the un-constrained variant. Do NOT do that,
unless as a last resort. If you need whitelisting at all, do use at
least the *_rcvd variant, if not the auth'ed ones.

In particular: DO NOT whitelist_from your own domain! If you do, a *lot*
of spam will sail right through. Spammers love to pretend sending from
your domain.

> header _LOCAL_I_HATE_VIAGRA Subject =~ /V.?[i1].?[a\@].?g.?[\@a]?.?r.?[\@a]/i
> describe _LOCAL_I_HATE_VIAGRA viagra
> score _LOCAL_I_HATE_VIAGRA 100.0

Funny. Can't even recall when the last spam like that got through. Do
you really need such rules?

Maybe your Bayes is severely mis-trained? Or maybe you need that to
counter the whitelist_from for pills spam pretending to be sent from
your own domain. The score sure hints at that...

char *t="\10pse\0r\0dtu\0.@ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4";
main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8? c<<=1:
(c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}