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Posted to by on 2010/07/18 13:23:54 UTC

Bug report for Tomcat 7 [2010/07/18]

| Bugzilla Bug ID                                                           |
|     +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New         ASS=Assigned                |
|     |         OPN=Reopened    VER=Verified    (Skipped Closed/Resolved)   |
|     |   +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   | Severity: BLK=Blocker CRI=Critical  REG=Regression  MAJ=Major   |
|     |   |           MIN=Minor   NOR=Normal    ENH=Enhancement TRV=Trivial |
|     |   |   +-------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   | Date Posted                                                 |
|     |   |   |          +--------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   |          | Description                                      |
|     |   |   |          |                                                  |
|48240|New|Nor|2009-11-19|Tomcat-Lite missing @Override markers             |
|48268|New|Nor|2009-11-23|Patch to fix generics in tomcat-lite              |
|48550|New|Enh|2010-01-14|Update examples and default server.xml to use UTF-|
|48648|New|Nor|2010-01-31|Blank page (dropped connection) when running TC7 w|
|48692|New|Enh|2010-02-07|Provide option to parse application/x-www-form-url|
|48817|New|Nor|2010-02-25|Skip validation query and use JDBC API for validat|
|48837|New|Enh|2010-03-01|Memory leaks protection does not cure leaks trigge|
|48861|New|Nor|2010-03-04|Files without AL headers                          |
|48870|New|Enh|2010-03-08|avoid parallel arrays of base types               |
|48892|New|Enh|2010-03-11|Use URIEncoding from server.xml for decoding post |
|49000|New|Enh|2010-03-26|Cookie parsing bug when an empty value has an equa|
|49100|New|Enh|2010-04-12|Mutable public constants: MemberImpl.TRIBES_MBR_BE|
|49101|New|Enh|2010-04-12|All constants in tribes.transport.Constants are mu|
|49102|New|Enh|2010-04-12|coyote.ajp.Constants - 3 "constant" arrays are mut|
|49125|New|Enh|2010-04-14|toString on byte[] array probably is not correct  |
|49126|New|Enh|2010-04-14|jasper.compiler.Generator.createJspId() can genera|
|49142|New|Enh|2010-04-16|Missing serialVersionUIDs                         |
|49159|New|Enh|2010-04-20|Improve ThreadLocal memory leak clean-up          |
|49165|New|Enh|2010-04-21|Enhancement - Allow %{TIME_FORMAT}t As Configurati|
|49180|New|Enh|2010-04-24|Add option to disable log rotation in FileHandler.|
|49234|New|Nor|2010-04-30|JMX Descriptor Modifications                      |
|49268|New|Enh|2010-05-10|Use checkstyle to enforce common code style       |
|49284|New|Enh|2010-05-12|Implement SSL renegotiation for the NIO connector |
|49290|New|Enh|2010-05-14|Using a JarScanner with scanAllDirectories=true ca|
|49295|New|Enh|2010-05-14|JMXAccessorTask.getProperties() - return Propertie|
|49297|New|Min|2010-05-15|Whitespace absence is allowed before attribute nam|
|49317|New|Enh|2010-05-20|org.apache.catalina.util.Base64 interface needs re|
|49318|New|Enh|2010-05-20|add a Negotiate (Kerberos/NTLM) authenticator / in|
|49395|New|Enh|2010-06-06|manager.findLeaks : display the date when the leak|
|49426|New|Nor|2010-06-11|Manager app wrongly localized                     |
|49543|New|Enh|2010-07-02|Request for a "shared" datasource configuration as|
|49567|New|Nor|2010-07-07|when starting a new thread from a startAsync Runna|
|49570|Opn|Enh|2010-07-08|The CompressionFilter example should support HTTP |
|49584|New|Nor|2010-07-12|Borrowers Getting Stuck                           |
|49589|New|Enh|2010-07-12|Tag handlers with constant attribute values are al|
|49591|New|Enh|2010-07-13|Custom error page always uses Transfer-Encoding: c|
|49600|New|Nor|2010-07-16|Bad exception thrown by ProxyDirContext.lookup    |
| Total   37 bugs                                                           |

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