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[38/42] jena git commit: Merge commit 'refs/pull/143/head' of
diff --cc jena-arq/Vocabularies/doap.ttl
index afd31d3,afd31d3..ee0a98e
--- a/jena-arq/Vocabularies/doap.ttl
+++ b/jena-arq/Vocabularies/doap.ttl
@@@ -1,403 -1,403 +1,403 @@@
--@prefix dc:      <> .
--@prefix rdfs:    <> .
--@prefix foaf:    <> .
--@prefix owl:     <> .
--@prefix rdf:     <> .
--@prefix vs:      <> .
--@prefix doap:    <> .
--    rdf:type    owl:Class , rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "D�p�t GNU Arch du code source."@fr , "GNU Arch source code repository."@en , "Repositorio GNU Arch del c�digo fuente."@es ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "GNU Arch repository"@en , "D�p�t GNU Arch"@fr , "Repositorio GNU Arch"@es ;
--    rdfs:subClassOf
--                doap:Repository .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Page web � partir de laquelle on peut t�l�charger le programme."@fr , "P�gina web de la cu�l se puede bajar el software."@es , "Web page from which the project software can be downloaded."@en ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Project ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "p�gina de descarga"@es , "page de t�l�chargement"@fr , "download page"@en .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Repository for anonymous access."@en , "Repositorio para acceso an�nimo."@es , "D�p�t pour acc�s anonyme."@fr ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Repository ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "ra�z an�nima"@es , "anonymous root"@en , "racine anonyme"@fr ;
--    rdfs:range  rdfs:Literal .
--    rdf:type    rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "A project."@en , "Un proyecto."@es , "Un projet."@fr ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "Proyecto"@es , "Project"@en , "Projet"@fr ;
--    rdfs:subClassOf
--                <> , foaf:Project .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Fecha en la que algo fue creado, en formato AAAA-MM-DD. e.g. 2004-04-05"@es , "Date � laquelle a �t� cr�� quelque chose, au format AAAA-MM-JJ (par ex. 2004-04-05)"@fr , "Date when something was created, in YYYY-MM-DD form. e.g. 2004-04-05"@en ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "cr��"@fr , "created"@en , "creado"@es ;
--    rdfs:range  rdfs:Literal .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Web browser interface to repository."@en , "Interface web del repositorio."@es , "Interface web au d�p�t."@fr ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Repository ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "navegar"@es , "browse"@en , "visualiser"@fr .
--    rdf:type    rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "D�p�t Subversion du code source."@fr , "Subversion source code repository."@en , "Repositorio Subversion del c�digo fuente."@es ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "D�p�t Subversion"@fr , "Subversion Repository"@en , "Repositorio Subversion"@es ;
--    rdfs:subClassOf
--                doap:Repository .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Page web avec des captures d'�cran du projet."@fr , "Web page with screenshots of project."@en , "P�gina web con capturas de pantalla del proyecto."@es ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Project ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "captures d'�cran"@fr , "capturas de pantalla"@es , "screenshots"@en .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Mailing list home page or email address."@en , "Page web de la liste de diffusion, ou adresse de courriel."@fr , "P�gina web de la lista de correo o direcci�n de correo."@es ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Project ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "mailing list"@en , "lista de correo"@es , "liste de diffusion"@fr .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Nom du module d'un d�p�t CVS, BitKeeper ou Arch."@fr , "Module name of a CVS, BitKeeper or Arch repository."@en , "Nombre del m�dulo de un repositorio CVS, BitKeeper o Arch."@es ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                [ rdf:type    owl:Class ;
--                  owl:unionOf
--                              (doap:CVSRepository doap:ArchRepository doap:BKRepository)
--                ] ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "m�dulo"@es , "module"@fr , "module"@en .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property , owl:InverseFunctionalProperty ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "El URL de la p�gina de un proyecto,\n		asociada con exactamente un proyecto."@es , "L'URL de la page web d'un projet,\n		associ�e avec un unique projet."@fr , "URL of a project's homepage,\n		associated with exactly one project."@en ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Project ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "p�gina web"@es , "homepage"@en , "page web"@fr ;
--    rdfs:subPropertyOf
--                foaf:homepage .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Un tester u otro proveedor de control de calidad."@es , "Un testeur ou un collaborateur au contr�le qualit�."@fr , "A tester or other quality control contributor."@en ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Project ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "tester"@es , "tester"@en , "testeur"@fr ;
--    rdfs:range  foaf:Person .
--    rdf:type    owl:Ontology ;
--    dc:creator  "Edd Dumbill" ;
--    dc:description
--                "Le vocabulaire Description Of A Project (DOAP, Description D'Un Projet),\n		d�crit en utilisant RDF Schema du W3C et OWL."@fr , "El vocabulario Description of a Project (DOAP, Descripci�n de un Proyecto), descrito usando RDF Schema de W3C\n		y Web Ontology Language."@es , "The Description of a Project (DOAP) vocabulary, described using W3C RDF Schema and the Web Ontology Language." ;
--    dc:format   "application/rdf+xml" ;
--    dc:rights   "Copyright � 2004 Edd Dumbill" ;
--    dc:title    "Description of a Project (DOAP) vocabulary" ;
--    owl:imports
--                <> ;
--    foaf:maker  [ rdf:type    foaf:Person ;
--                  foaf:mbox   <> ;
--                  foaf:name   "Edd Dumbill"
--                ] .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "El URI de una descripci�n RDF de la licencia bajo la cu�l se distribuye el software."@es , "The URI of an RDF description of the license the software is distributed under."@en , "L'URI d'une description RDF de la licence sous laquelle le programme est distribu�."@fr ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "license"@en , "licencia"@es , "licence"@fr .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Operating system that a project is limited to.  Omit this property if the project is not OS-specific."@en , "Sistema opertivo al cu�l est� limitado el proyecto.  Omita esta propiedad si el proyecto no es espec�fico\n		de un sistema opertaivo en particular."@es , "Syst�me d'exploitation auquel est limit� le projet. Omettez cette propri�t� si le\n		projet n'est pas limit� � un syst�me d'exploitation."@fr ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Project ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "operating system"@en , "syst�me d'exploitation"@fr , "sistema operativo"@es ;
--    rdfs:range  rdfs:Literal .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Descripci�n corta (8 o 9 palabras) en texto plano de un proyecto."@es , "Short (8 or 9 words) plain text description of a project."@en , "Texte descriptif concis (8 ou 9 mots) d'un projet."@fr ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "short description"@en , "descripci�n corta"@es , "description courte"@fr ;
--    rdfs:range  rdfs:Literal .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Suivi des bugs pour un projet."@fr , "Bug tracker para un proyecto."@es , "Bug tracker for a project."@en ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Project ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "bug database"@en , "base de datos de bugs"@es , "suivi des bugs"@fr .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "D�veloppeur principal d'un projet, un meneur du projet."@fr , "Maintainer of a project, a project leader."@en , "Desarrollador principal de un proyecto, un l�der de proyecto."@es ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Project ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "d�veloppeur principal"@fr , "desarrollador principal"@es , "maintainer"@en ;
--    rdfs:range  foaf:Person .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Indentificador de la versi�n de un release de software."@es , "Identifiant de r�vision d'une release du programme."@fr , "Revision identifier of a software release."@en ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Version ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "r�vision"@fr , "revision"@en , "versi�n"@es ;
--    rdfs:range  rdfs:Literal .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Miroir de la page de t�l�chargement du programme."@fr , "Mirror de la p�gina web de descarga."@es , "Mirror of software download web page."@en ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Project ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "download mirror"@en , "miroir pour le t�l�chargement"@fr , "mirror de descarga"@es .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Une release (r�vision) d'un projet."@fr , "A project release."@en , "Un release (versi�n) de un proyecto."@es ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Project ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "release"@es , "release"@fr , "release"@en ;
--    rdfs:range  doap:Version .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property , owl:InverseFunctionalProperty ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "El URL de la antigua p�gina de un proyecto,\n		asociada con exactamente un proyecto."@es , "URL of a project's past homepage,\n		associated with exactly one project."@en , "L'URL d'une ancienne page web d'un\n		projet, associ�e avec un unique projet."@fr ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Project ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "old homepage"@en , "ancienne page web"@fr , "p�gina web antigua"@es ;
--    rdfs:subPropertyOf
--                foaf:homepage .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Colaborador del proyecto."@es , "Project contributor."@en , "Collaborateur au projet."@fr ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Project ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "helper"@en , "collaborateur"@fr , "colaborador"@es ;
--    rdfs:range  foaf:Person .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Descripci�n en texto plano de un proyecto, de 2 a 4 enunciados de longitud."@es , "Texte descriptif d'un projet, long de 2 � 4 phrases."@fr , "Plain text description of a project, of 2-4 sentences in length."@en ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "descripci�n"@es , "description"@fr , "description"@en ;
--    rdfs:range  rdfs:Literal .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Developer of software for the project."@en , "D�veloppeur pour le projet."@fr , "Desarrollador de software para el proyecto."@es ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Project ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "desarrollador"@es , "developer"@en , "d�veloppeur"@fr ;
--    rdfs:range  foaf:Person .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "A name of something."@en , "El nombre de algo."@es , "Le nom de quelque chose."@fr ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "name"@en , "nombre"@es , "nom"@fr ;
--    rdfs:range  rdfs:Literal ;
--    rdfs:subPropertyOf
--                rdfs:label .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Emplacement d'un d�p�t."@fr , "Location of a repository."@en , "lugar de un repositorio."@es ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Repository ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "repository location"@en , "emplacement du d�p�t"@fr , "lugar del respositorio"@es .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Lenguaje de programaci�n en el que un proyecto es implementado o con el cu�l pretende usarse."@es , "Programming language a project is implemented in or intended for use with."@en , "Langage de programmation avec lequel un projet est impl�ment�,\n		ou avec lequel il est pr�vu de l'utiliser."@fr ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Project ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "langage de programmation"@fr , "programming language"@en , "lenguaje de programaci�n"@es ;
--    rdfs:range  rdfs:Literal .
--    rdf:type    rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "D�tails sur une version d'une realease d'un projet."@fr , "Informaci�n sobre la versi�n de un release del proyecto."@es , "Version information of a project release."@en ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "Versi�n"@es , "Version"@fr , "Version"@en .
--    rdf:type    owl:Class , rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "D�p�t BitKeeper du code source."@fr , "Repositorio BitKeeper del c�digo fuente."@es , "BitKeeper source code repository."@en ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "D�p�t BitKeeper"@fr , "Repositorio BitKeeper"@es , "BitKeeper Repository"@en ;
--    rdfs:subClassOf
--                doap:Repository .
--    rdf:type    owl:Class , rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "CVS source code repository."@en , "Repositorio CVS del c�digo fuente."@es , "D�p�t CVS du code source."@fr ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "D�p�t CVS"@fr , "Repositorio CVS"@es , "CVS Repository"@en ;
--    rdfs:subClassOf
--                doap:Repository .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Proveedor de documentaci�n para el proyecto."@es , "Contributor of documentation to the project."@en , "Collaborateur � la documentation du projet."@fr ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Project ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "r�dacteur de l'aide"@fr , "documenter"@en , "escritor de ayuda"@es ;
--    rdfs:range  foaf:Person .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "URI of download associated with this release."@en ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Version ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "file-release"@en .
--    rdf:type    rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "D�p�t du code source."@fr , "Source code repository."@en , "Repositorio del c�digo fuente."@es ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "D�p�t"@fr , "Repository"@en , "Repositorio"@es .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "D�p�t du code source."@fr , "Source code repository."@en , "Repositorio del c�digo fuente."@es ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Project ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "d�p�t"@fr , "repositorio"@es , "repository"@en ;
--    rdfs:range  doap:Repository .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "A category of project."@en , "Una categor�a de proyecto."@es , "Une cat�gorie de projet."@fr ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Project ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "categor�a"@es , "cat�gorie"@fr , "category"@en .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "URL of Wiki for collaborative discussion of project."@en , "L'URL du Wiki pour la discussion collaborative sur le projet."@fr , "URL del Wiki para discusi�n colaborativa del proyecto."@es ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Project ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "wiki"@es , "wiki"@fr , "wiki"@en .
--    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment
--                "Proveedor de traducciones al proyecto."@es , "Collaborateur � la traduction du projet."@fr , "Contributor of translations to the project."@en ;
--    rdfs:domain
--                doap:Project ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy
--                doap: ;
--    rdfs:label  "translator"@en , "traductor"@es , "traducteur"@fr ;
--    rdfs:range  foaf:Person .
++@prefix dc:      <> .
++@prefix rdfs:    <> .
++@prefix foaf:    <> .
++@prefix owl:     <> .
++@prefix rdf:     <> .
++@prefix vs:      <> .
++@prefix doap:    <> .
++    rdf:type    owl:Class , rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "D�p�t GNU Arch du code source."@fr , "GNU Arch source code repository."@en , "Repositorio GNU Arch del c�digo fuente."@es ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "GNU Arch repository"@en , "D�p�t GNU Arch"@fr , "Repositorio GNU Arch"@es ;
++    rdfs:subClassOf
++                doap:Repository .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Page web � partir de laquelle on peut t�l�charger le programme."@fr , "P�gina web de la cu�l se puede bajar el software."@es , "Web page from which the project software can be downloaded."@en ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Project ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "p�gina de descarga"@es , "page de t�l�chargement"@fr , "download page"@en .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Repository for anonymous access."@en , "Repositorio para acceso an�nimo."@es , "D�p�t pour acc�s anonyme."@fr ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Repository ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "ra�z an�nima"@es , "anonymous root"@en , "racine anonyme"@fr ;
++    rdfs:range  rdfs:Literal .
++    rdf:type    rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "A project."@en , "Un proyecto."@es , "Un projet."@fr ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "Proyecto"@es , "Project"@en , "Projet"@fr ;
++    rdfs:subClassOf
++                <> , foaf:Project .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Fecha en la que algo fue creado, en formato AAAA-MM-DD. e.g. 2004-04-05"@es , "Date � laquelle a �t� cr�� quelque chose, au format AAAA-MM-JJ (par ex. 2004-04-05)"@fr , "Date when something was created, in YYYY-MM-DD form. e.g. 2004-04-05"@en ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "cr��"@fr , "created"@en , "creado"@es ;
++    rdfs:range  rdfs:Literal .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Web browser interface to repository."@en , "Interface web del repositorio."@es , "Interface web au d�p�t."@fr ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Repository ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "navegar"@es , "browse"@en , "visualiser"@fr .
++    rdf:type    rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "D�p�t Subversion du code source."@fr , "Subversion source code repository."@en , "Repositorio Subversion del c�digo fuente."@es ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "D�p�t Subversion"@fr , "Subversion Repository"@en , "Repositorio Subversion"@es ;
++    rdfs:subClassOf
++                doap:Repository .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Page web avec des captures d'�cran du projet."@fr , "Web page with screenshots of project."@en , "P�gina web con capturas de pantalla del proyecto."@es ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Project ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "captures d'�cran"@fr , "capturas de pantalla"@es , "screenshots"@en .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Mailing list home page or email address."@en , "Page web de la liste de diffusion, ou adresse de courriel."@fr , "P�gina web de la lista de correo o direcci�n de correo."@es ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Project ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "mailing list"@en , "lista de correo"@es , "liste de diffusion"@fr .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Nom du module d'un d�p�t CVS, BitKeeper ou Arch."@fr , "Module name of a CVS, BitKeeper or Arch repository."@en , "Nombre del m�dulo de un repositorio CVS, BitKeeper o Arch."@es ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                [ rdf:type    owl:Class ;
++                  owl:unionOf
++                              (doap:CVSRepository doap:ArchRepository doap:BKRepository)
++                ] ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "m�dulo"@es , "module"@fr , "module"@en .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property , owl:InverseFunctionalProperty ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "El URL de la p�gina de un proyecto,\n		asociada con exactamente un proyecto."@es , "L'URL de la page web d'un projet,\n		associ�e avec un unique projet."@fr , "URL of a project's homepage,\n		associated with exactly one project."@en ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Project ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "p�gina web"@es , "homepage"@en , "page web"@fr ;
++    rdfs:subPropertyOf
++                foaf:homepage .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Un tester u otro proveedor de control de calidad."@es , "Un testeur ou un collaborateur au contr�le qualit�."@fr , "A tester or other quality control contributor."@en ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Project ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "tester"@es , "tester"@en , "testeur"@fr ;
++    rdfs:range  foaf:Person .
++    rdf:type    owl:Ontology ;
++    dc:creator  "Edd Dumbill" ;
++    dc:description
++                "Le vocabulaire Description Of A Project (DOAP, Description D'Un Projet),\n		d�crit en utilisant RDF Schema du W3C et OWL."@fr , "El vocabulario Description of a Project (DOAP, Descripci�n de un Proyecto), descrito usando RDF Schema de W3C\n		y Web Ontology Language."@es , "The Description of a Project (DOAP) vocabulary, described using W3C RDF Schema and the Web Ontology Language." ;
++    dc:format   "application/rdf+xml" ;
++    dc:rights   "Copyright � 2004 Edd Dumbill" ;
++    dc:title    "Description of a Project (DOAP) vocabulary" ;
++    owl:imports
++                <> ;
++    foaf:maker  [ rdf:type    foaf:Person ;
++                  foaf:mbox   <> ;
++                  foaf:name   "Edd Dumbill"
++                ] .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "El URI de una descripci�n RDF de la licencia bajo la cu�l se distribuye el software."@es , "The URI of an RDF description of the license the software is distributed under."@en , "L'URI d'une description RDF de la licence sous laquelle le programme est distribu�."@fr ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "license"@en , "licencia"@es , "licence"@fr .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Operating system that a project is limited to.  Omit this property if the project is not OS-specific."@en , "Sistema opertivo al cu�l est� limitado el proyecto.  Omita esta propiedad si el proyecto no es espec�fico\n		de un sistema opertaivo en particular."@es , "Syst�me d'exploitation auquel est limit� le projet. Omettez cette propri�t� si le\n		projet n'est pas limit� � un syst�me d'exploitation."@fr ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Project ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "operating system"@en , "syst�me d'exploitation"@fr , "sistema operativo"@es ;
++    rdfs:range  rdfs:Literal .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Descripci�n corta (8 o 9 palabras) en texto plano de un proyecto."@es , "Short (8 or 9 words) plain text description of a project."@en , "Texte descriptif concis (8 ou 9 mots) d'un projet."@fr ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "short description"@en , "descripci�n corta"@es , "description courte"@fr ;
++    rdfs:range  rdfs:Literal .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Suivi des bugs pour un projet."@fr , "Bug tracker para un proyecto."@es , "Bug tracker for a project."@en ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Project ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "bug database"@en , "base de datos de bugs"@es , "suivi des bugs"@fr .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "D�veloppeur principal d'un projet, un meneur du projet."@fr , "Maintainer of a project, a project leader."@en , "Desarrollador principal de un proyecto, un l�der de proyecto."@es ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Project ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "d�veloppeur principal"@fr , "desarrollador principal"@es , "maintainer"@en ;
++    rdfs:range  foaf:Person .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Indentificador de la versi�n de un release de software."@es , "Identifiant de r�vision d'une release du programme."@fr , "Revision identifier of a software release."@en ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Version ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "r�vision"@fr , "revision"@en , "versi�n"@es ;
++    rdfs:range  rdfs:Literal .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Miroir de la page de t�l�chargement du programme."@fr , "Mirror de la p�gina web de descarga."@es , "Mirror of software download web page."@en ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Project ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "download mirror"@en , "miroir pour le t�l�chargement"@fr , "mirror de descarga"@es .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Une release (r�vision) d'un projet."@fr , "A project release."@en , "Un release (versi�n) de un proyecto."@es ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Project ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "release"@es , "release"@fr , "release"@en ;
++    rdfs:range  doap:Version .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property , owl:InverseFunctionalProperty ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "El URL de la antigua p�gina de un proyecto,\n		asociada con exactamente un proyecto."@es , "URL of a project's past homepage,\n		associated with exactly one project."@en , "L'URL d'une ancienne page web d'un\n		projet, associ�e avec un unique projet."@fr ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Project ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "old homepage"@en , "ancienne page web"@fr , "p�gina web antigua"@es ;
++    rdfs:subPropertyOf
++                foaf:homepage .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Colaborador del proyecto."@es , "Project contributor."@en , "Collaborateur au projet."@fr ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Project ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "helper"@en , "collaborateur"@fr , "colaborador"@es ;
++    rdfs:range  foaf:Person .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Descripci�n en texto plano de un proyecto, de 2 a 4 enunciados de longitud."@es , "Texte descriptif d'un projet, long de 2 � 4 phrases."@fr , "Plain text description of a project, of 2-4 sentences in length."@en ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "descripci�n"@es , "description"@fr , "description"@en ;
++    rdfs:range  rdfs:Literal .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Developer of software for the project."@en , "D�veloppeur pour le projet."@fr , "Desarrollador de software para el proyecto."@es ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Project ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "desarrollador"@es , "developer"@en , "d�veloppeur"@fr ;
++    rdfs:range  foaf:Person .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "A name of something."@en , "El nombre de algo."@es , "Le nom de quelque chose."@fr ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "name"@en , "nombre"@es , "nom"@fr ;
++    rdfs:range  rdfs:Literal ;
++    rdfs:subPropertyOf
++                rdfs:label .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Emplacement d'un d�p�t."@fr , "Location of a repository."@en , "lugar de un repositorio."@es ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Repository ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "repository location"@en , "emplacement du d�p�t"@fr , "lugar del respositorio"@es .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Lenguaje de programaci�n en el que un proyecto es implementado o con el cu�l pretende usarse."@es , "Programming language a project is implemented in or intended for use with."@en , "Langage de programmation avec lequel un projet est impl�ment�,\n		ou avec lequel il est pr�vu de l'utiliser."@fr ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Project ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "langage de programmation"@fr , "programming language"@en , "lenguaje de programaci�n"@es ;
++    rdfs:range  rdfs:Literal .
++    rdf:type    rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "D�tails sur une version d'une realease d'un projet."@fr , "Informaci�n sobre la versi�n de un release del proyecto."@es , "Version information of a project release."@en ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "Versi�n"@es , "Version"@fr , "Version"@en .
++    rdf:type    owl:Class , rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "D�p�t BitKeeper du code source."@fr , "Repositorio BitKeeper del c�digo fuente."@es , "BitKeeper source code repository."@en ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "D�p�t BitKeeper"@fr , "Repositorio BitKeeper"@es , "BitKeeper Repository"@en ;
++    rdfs:subClassOf
++                doap:Repository .
++    rdf:type    owl:Class , rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "CVS source code repository."@en , "Repositorio CVS del c�digo fuente."@es , "D�p�t CVS du code source."@fr ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "D�p�t CVS"@fr , "Repositorio CVS"@es , "CVS Repository"@en ;
++    rdfs:subClassOf
++                doap:Repository .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Proveedor de documentaci�n para el proyecto."@es , "Contributor of documentation to the project."@en , "Collaborateur � la documentation du projet."@fr ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Project ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "r�dacteur de l'aide"@fr , "documenter"@en , "escritor de ayuda"@es ;
++    rdfs:range  foaf:Person .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "URI of download associated with this release."@en ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Version ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "file-release"@en .
++    rdf:type    rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "D�p�t du code source."@fr , "Source code repository."@en , "Repositorio del c�digo fuente."@es ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "D�p�t"@fr , "Repository"@en , "Repositorio"@es .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "D�p�t du code source."@fr , "Source code repository."@en , "Repositorio del c�digo fuente."@es ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Project ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "d�p�t"@fr , "repositorio"@es , "repository"@en ;
++    rdfs:range  doap:Repository .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "A category of project."@en , "Una categor�a de proyecto."@es , "Une cat�gorie de projet."@fr ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Project ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "categor�a"@es , "cat�gorie"@fr , "category"@en .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "URL of Wiki for collaborative discussion of project."@en , "L'URL du Wiki pour la discussion collaborative sur le projet."@fr , "URL del Wiki para discusi�n colaborativa del proyecto."@es ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Project ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "wiki"@es , "wiki"@fr , "wiki"@en .
++    rdf:type    rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment
++                "Proveedor de traducciones al proyecto."@es , "Collaborateur � la traduction du projet."@fr , "Contributor of translations to the project."@en ;
++    rdfs:domain
++                doap:Project ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy
++                doap: ;
++    rdfs:label  "translator"@en , "traductor"@es , "traducteur"@fr ;
++    rdfs:range  foaf:Person .
diff --cc jena-arq/Vocabularies/list-pfunction.ttl
index 2654ddb,2654ddb..ec8a9f6
--- a/jena-arq/Vocabularies/list-pfunction.ttl
+++ b/jena-arq/Vocabularies/list-pfunction.ttl
@@@ -1,43 -1,43 +1,43 @@@
--# Membership of a list
--@prefix rdf:        <> .
--@prefix rdfs:	    <> .
--@prefix owl:        <> .
--@prefix list:       <> .
--list:member rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:label              "RDF collection accessor (RDF List)" ;
--    rdfs:domain             rdf:List ;
--    rdfs:range              rdfs:Resource ;
--    rdfs:comment 
--        "Membership relationship of a list [subject] to a member [object] c.f. rdfs:member" .
--list:listMember rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:label              "Alternative name for list:member" ;
--    owl:sameAs              list:member .
--list:index  rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:label              "RDF collection index accessor(RDF List)" ;
--    rdfs:domain             rdf:List ;
--    rdfs:range              rdfs:Resource ;
--    rdfs:comment 
--        "Index relationship of a list [subject] to a query list (index member)" .
--list:listIndex rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:label              "Alternative name for list:index" ;
--    owl:sameAs              list:index .
--list:length  rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:label              "RDF collection length (RDF List)" ;
--    rdfs:domain             rdf:List ;
--    rdfs:range              rdfs:Resource ;
--    rdfs:comment 
--        "Length relationship of a list [subject] to a length [object]" .
--list:listLength rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:label              "Alternative name for list:length" ;
--    owl:sameAs              list:length .
++# Membership of a list
++@prefix rdf:        <> .
++@prefix rdfs:	    <> .
++@prefix owl:        <> .
++@prefix list:       <> .
++list:member rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:label              "RDF collection accessor (RDF List)" ;
++    rdfs:domain             rdf:List ;
++    rdfs:range              rdfs:Resource ;
++    rdfs:comment 
++        "Membership relationship of a list [subject] to a member [object] c.f. rdfs:member" .
++list:listMember rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:label              "Alternative name for list:member" ;
++    owl:sameAs              list:member .
++list:index  rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:label              "RDF collection index accessor(RDF List)" ;
++    rdfs:domain             rdf:List ;
++    rdfs:range              rdfs:Resource ;
++    rdfs:comment 
++        "Index relationship of a list [subject] to a query list (index member)" .
++list:listIndex rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:label              "Alternative name for list:index" ;
++    owl:sameAs              list:index .
++list:length  rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:label              "RDF collection length (RDF List)" ;
++    rdfs:domain             rdf:List ;
++    rdfs:range              rdfs:Resource ;
++    rdfs:comment 
++        "Length relationship of a list [subject] to a length [object]" .
++list:listLength rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:label              "Alternative name for list:length" ;
++    owl:sameAs              list:length .
diff --cc jena-arq/Vocabularies/result-set.ttl
index 0a2e31d,0a2e31d..aaa47a0
--- a/jena-arq/Vocabularies/result-set.ttl
+++ b/jena-arq/Vocabularies/result-set.ttl
@@@ -1,98 -1,98 +1,98 @@@
--@prefix rdfs:   <> .
--@prefix rdf:    <> .
--@prefix dc:     <> .
--@prefix :       <> .
--@prefix xsd:    <> .
--:  rdfs:comment     "Vocabulary for recording query result set" ;
--   dc:creator       "Andy Seaborne" ;
--   dc:subject       "" ;
--   dc:publisher     "W3C RDF Data Access Working Group" ;
--   dc:title         "Vocabulary for recording query result set" ;
--   dc:description   "Vocabulary for recording query result set" ;
--   dc:date          "2004-07-26" ;
--   dc:format        "RDF" ;
--   dc:identifier    : ;
--   .
--## ---- Class declarations ----
--:ResultSet rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:comment    "Class of things that represent the result set" ;
--    .
--:ResultSolution rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:comment    "Class of things that represent a row in the result table - one solution to the query" ;
--    .
--:ResultBinding rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:comment    "Class of things that represent a single (variable, value) pairing" ;
--    .
--## =======================================
--## Modelling style: uses multiple instances of a property
--## to represent multiple results.
--## e.g. :ResultTable has many :hasSolution properties, one per row
--## ---- Properties ----
--## - Table level
--:solution rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:domain     :ResultSet ;
--    rdfs:range      :ResultSolution ;
--    .
--## Useful information extracted
--:size rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment    "Number of rows in the result table" ;
--    rdfs:range      xsd:integer ;
--    .
--## Can be convenient to list the variables beforehand
--:resultVariable rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:domain     :ResultSet ;
--    rdfs:range      xsd:string ;
--    rdfs:comment    "Name of a variable used in the result set" ;
--    rdfs:comment    "Multivalued" ;
--    .
--## -- Row level
--:binding rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment    "Multi-occurrence property associating a result solution (row) resource to a single (variable, value) binding " ;
--    rdfs:domain     :ResultSolution ;
--    rdfs:range      :ResultBinding ;
--    .
--:index rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment "Index for ordered result sets" ;
--    rdfs:domain	 :ResultSolution ;
--    # rdfs:range   ?? ;
--    .	
--## -- Single binding level
--:variable rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment    "Variable name" ;
--    rdfs:domain     :ResultBinding ;
--    rdfs:range      rdfs:Literal ;
--    .
--:value rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    ##rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:value ;
--    rdfs:comment    "Variable name" ;
--    rdfs:domain     :ResultBinding ;
--    # Range is anything
--    .
--## ---- Boolean results
--:boolean rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment    "Boolean result" ;
--    rdfs:domain     :ResultBinding ;
--    rdfs:domain     xsd:boolean ;
++@prefix rdfs:   <> .
++@prefix rdf:    <> .
++@prefix dc:     <> .
++@prefix :       <> .
++@prefix xsd:    <> .
++:  rdfs:comment     "Vocabulary for recording query result set" ;
++   dc:creator       "Andy Seaborne" ;
++   dc:subject       "" ;
++   dc:publisher     "W3C RDF Data Access Working Group" ;
++   dc:title         "Vocabulary for recording query result set" ;
++   dc:description   "Vocabulary for recording query result set" ;
++   dc:date          "2004-07-26" ;
++   dc:format        "RDF" ;
++   dc:identifier    : ;
++   .
++## ---- Class declarations ----
++:ResultSet rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:comment    "Class of things that represent the result set" ;
++    .
++:ResultSolution rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:comment    "Class of things that represent a row in the result table - one solution to the query" ;
++    .
++:ResultBinding rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:comment    "Class of things that represent a single (variable, value) pairing" ;
++    .
++## =======================================
++## Modelling style: uses multiple instances of a property
++## to represent multiple results.
++## e.g. :ResultTable has many :hasSolution properties, one per row
++## ---- Properties ----
++## - Table level
++:solution rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:domain     :ResultSet ;
++    rdfs:range      :ResultSolution ;
++    .
++## Useful information extracted
++:size rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment    "Number of rows in the result table" ;
++    rdfs:range      xsd:integer ;
++    .
++## Can be convenient to list the variables beforehand
++:resultVariable rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:domain     :ResultSet ;
++    rdfs:range      xsd:string ;
++    rdfs:comment    "Name of a variable used in the result set" ;
++    rdfs:comment    "Multivalued" ;
++    .
++## -- Row level
++:binding rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment    "Multi-occurrence property associating a result solution (row) resource to a single (variable, value) binding " ;
++    rdfs:domain     :ResultSolution ;
++    rdfs:range      :ResultBinding ;
++    .
++:index rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment "Index for ordered result sets" ;
++    rdfs:domain	 :ResultSolution ;
++    # rdfs:range   ?? ;
++    .	
++## -- Single binding level
++:variable rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment    "Variable name" ;
++    rdfs:domain     :ResultBinding ;
++    rdfs:range      rdfs:Literal ;
++    .
++:value rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    ##rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:value ;
++    rdfs:comment    "Variable name" ;
++    rdfs:domain     :ResultBinding ;
++    # Range is anything
++    .
++## ---- Boolean results
++:boolean rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment    "Boolean result" ;
++    rdfs:domain     :ResultBinding ;
++    rdfs:domain     xsd:boolean ;
diff --cc jena-arq/Vocabularies/test-dawg.ttl
index 8afe84c,8afe84c..d35162d
--- a/jena-arq/Vocabularies/test-dawg.ttl
+++ b/jena-arq/Vocabularies/test-dawg.ttl
@@@ -1,138 -1,138 +1,138 @@@
--@prefix rdfs:   <> .
--@prefix rdf:    <> .
--@prefix dc:     <> .
--@prefix owl:    <> .
--@prefix dawgt:  <> .
--@prefix mf:     <> .
--# RDF Core tests
--@prefix rct:    <> .
--dawgt:   rdfs:comment     "Vocabulary for DAWG test cases" ;
--    dc:creator       "Andy Seaborne" ;
--    dc:subject       "" ;
--    dc:publisher     "W3C RDF Data Access Working Group" ;
--    dc:title         "Vocabulary for DAWG test cases" ;
--    dc:description   "Vocabulary for DAWG test cases" ;
--    dc:date          "2004-07" ;
--    dc:format        "RDF" ;
--    dc:identifier    dawgt: ;
--    .
--## ---- Classes ----
--dawgt:ResultForm    rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:comment    "Super class of all result forms" ;
--    .
--dawgt:QueryForm    rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:comment   "Super class of all query forms" ;
--    .
--dawgt:Status    rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:comment     "Super class of all test status classes" ;
--    .
--## ---- Properties ----
--# Could be a subPropertyOf rdf:type
--# or could just use rdf:type.
--dawgt:resultForm    rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:range          dawgt:ResultForm ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy    dawgt: ;
--    .
--# Could be a subPropertyOf rdf:type
--# or could just use rdf:type.
--dawgt:queryForm   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:range          dawgt:QueryForm ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy    dawgt: ;
--    .
--dawgt:status   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:range          dawgt:Status ;
--    rdfs:isDefinedBy    dawgt: ;
--    rdfs:label          "Status" ;
--    .
--dawgt:approval rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment        "Contains a reference to the minutes of the RDF Data Access Working Group where the test case status was last changed." ;
--    rdfs:label          "Approval" ;
--    owl:sameAs          rct:approval ;
--    .
--dawgt:description rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment        "A human-readable summary of the test case.";
--    rdfs:label          "Description" ;
--    owl:sameAs          rct:description ;
--    .
--dawgt:issue     rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment        "Contains a pointer to the associated issue on the RDF Data Access Working Group Tracking document.";
--    owl:sameAs          rct:issue ;
--    rdfs:label          "Issue" .
--dawgt:warning   rdf:type rdf:Property;
--    rdfs:comment        "Indicates that while the test should pass, it may generate a warning.";
--    owl:sameAs          rct:warning ;
--    rdfs:label          "Warning" .
--## ---- Defined terms ----
--## ---- Test statuses
--dawgt:NotClassified     rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:Status ;
--    rdfs:comment        "Class of tests that have not been classified" ;
--    rdfs:label          "NotClassified" .
--dawgt:Approved          rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:Status ;
--    rdfs:comment        "Class of tests that are Approved" ;
--    rdfs:label          "Approved" .
--dawgt:Rejected          rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:Status ;
--    rdfs:comment        "Class of tests that are Rejected" ;
--    rdfs:label          "Rejected" .
--dawgt:Obsoleted         rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:Status ;
--    rdfs:comment        "Class of tests that are Obsolete" ;
--    rdfs:label          "Obsoleted" .
--dawgt:Withdrawn         rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:Status ;
--    rdfs:comment        "Class of tests that have been Withdrawn" ;
--    rdfs:label          "Withdrawn" .
--## ---- Query forms 
--## The types of query there are
--dawgt:querySelect       rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:QueryForm ;
--    rdfs:comment        "Class of queries that are seeking variable bindings" ;
--    rdfs:label          "Variable Binding Query" .
--dawgt:queryConstruct    rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:QueryForm ;
--    rdfs:comment        "Class of queries that are seeking a constructed graph" ;
--    rdfs:label          "Defined Graph Query" .
--dawgt:queryDescribe     rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:QueryForm ;
--    rdfs:comment        "Class of queries that are seeking a descriptive graph" ;
--    rdfs:label          "Open Graph Query" .
--dawgt:queryAsk          rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:QueryForm ;
--    rdfs:comment        "Class of queries that are seeking a yes/no question" ;
--    rdfs:label          "Boolean Query" .
--## ---- Result forms
--## The result may still be encoded in RDF - classifying it helps
--## check for expected form.
--dawgt:resultResultSet   rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:ResultForm ;
--    rdfs:comment        "Class of result expected to be from a SELECT query" ;
--    rdfs:label          "Result Set" .
--dawgt:resultGraph       rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:ResultForm ;
--    rdfs:comment        "Class of result expected to be a graph" ;
--    rdfs:label          "Graph Result" .
--dawgt:booleanResult     rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:ResultForm ;
--    rdfs:comment        "Class of result expected to be a boolean" ;
--    rdfs:label          "Boolean Result" .
++@prefix rdfs:   <> .
++@prefix rdf:    <> .
++@prefix dc:     <> .
++@prefix owl:    <> .
++@prefix dawgt:  <> .
++@prefix mf:     <> .
++# RDF Core tests
++@prefix rct:    <> .
++dawgt:   rdfs:comment     "Vocabulary for DAWG test cases" ;
++    dc:creator       "Andy Seaborne" ;
++    dc:subject       "" ;
++    dc:publisher     "W3C RDF Data Access Working Group" ;
++    dc:title         "Vocabulary for DAWG test cases" ;
++    dc:description   "Vocabulary for DAWG test cases" ;
++    dc:date          "2004-07" ;
++    dc:format        "RDF" ;
++    dc:identifier    dawgt: ;
++    .
++## ---- Classes ----
++dawgt:ResultForm    rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:comment    "Super class of all result forms" ;
++    .
++dawgt:QueryForm    rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:comment   "Super class of all query forms" ;
++    .
++dawgt:Status    rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:comment     "Super class of all test status classes" ;
++    .
++## ---- Properties ----
++# Could be a subPropertyOf rdf:type
++# or could just use rdf:type.
++dawgt:resultForm    rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:range          dawgt:ResultForm ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy    dawgt: ;
++    .
++# Could be a subPropertyOf rdf:type
++# or could just use rdf:type.
++dawgt:queryForm   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:range          dawgt:QueryForm ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy    dawgt: ;
++    .
++dawgt:status   rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:range          dawgt:Status ;
++    rdfs:isDefinedBy    dawgt: ;
++    rdfs:label          "Status" ;
++    .
++dawgt:approval rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment        "Contains a reference to the minutes of the RDF Data Access Working Group where the test case status was last changed." ;
++    rdfs:label          "Approval" ;
++    owl:sameAs          rct:approval ;
++    .
++dawgt:description rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment        "A human-readable summary of the test case.";
++    rdfs:label          "Description" ;
++    owl:sameAs          rct:description ;
++    .
++dawgt:issue     rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment        "Contains a pointer to the associated issue on the RDF Data Access Working Group Tracking document.";
++    owl:sameAs          rct:issue ;
++    rdfs:label          "Issue" .
++dawgt:warning   rdf:type rdf:Property;
++    rdfs:comment        "Indicates that while the test should pass, it may generate a warning.";
++    owl:sameAs          rct:warning ;
++    rdfs:label          "Warning" .
++## ---- Defined terms ----
++## ---- Test statuses
++dawgt:NotClassified     rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:Status ;
++    rdfs:comment        "Class of tests that have not been classified" ;
++    rdfs:label          "NotClassified" .
++dawgt:Approved          rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:Status ;
++    rdfs:comment        "Class of tests that are Approved" ;
++    rdfs:label          "Approved" .
++dawgt:Rejected          rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:Status ;
++    rdfs:comment        "Class of tests that are Rejected" ;
++    rdfs:label          "Rejected" .
++dawgt:Obsoleted         rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:Status ;
++    rdfs:comment        "Class of tests that are Obsolete" ;
++    rdfs:label          "Obsoleted" .
++dawgt:Withdrawn         rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:Status ;
++    rdfs:comment        "Class of tests that have been Withdrawn" ;
++    rdfs:label          "Withdrawn" .
++## ---- Query forms 
++## The types of query there are
++dawgt:querySelect       rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:QueryForm ;
++    rdfs:comment        "Class of queries that are seeking variable bindings" ;
++    rdfs:label          "Variable Binding Query" .
++dawgt:queryConstruct    rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:QueryForm ;
++    rdfs:comment        "Class of queries that are seeking a constructed graph" ;
++    rdfs:label          "Defined Graph Query" .
++dawgt:queryDescribe     rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:QueryForm ;
++    rdfs:comment        "Class of queries that are seeking a descriptive graph" ;
++    rdfs:label          "Open Graph Query" .
++dawgt:queryAsk          rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:QueryForm ;
++    rdfs:comment        "Class of queries that are seeking a yes/no question" ;
++    rdfs:label          "Boolean Query" .
++## ---- Result forms
++## The result may still be encoded in RDF - classifying it helps
++## check for expected form.
++dawgt:resultResultSet   rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:ResultForm ;
++    rdfs:comment        "Class of result expected to be from a SELECT query" ;
++    rdfs:label          "Result Set" .
++dawgt:resultGraph       rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:ResultForm ;
++    rdfs:comment        "Class of result expected to be a graph" ;
++    rdfs:label          "Graph Result" .
++dawgt:booleanResult     rdfs:subClassOf dawgt:ResultForm ;
++    rdfs:comment        "Class of result expected to be a boolean" ;
++    rdfs:label          "Boolean Result" .
diff --cc jena-arq/Vocabularies/test-manifest-1_0.ttl
index 632eaa5,632eaa5..2b901d1
--- a/jena-arq/Vocabularies/test-manifest-1_0.ttl
+++ b/jena-arq/Vocabularies/test-manifest-1_0.ttl
@@@ -1,152 -1,152 +1,152 @@@
--@prefix rdfs:   <> .
--@prefix rdf:    <> .
--@prefix dc:     <> .
--@prefix :       <> .
--## A Manifest is typically a list (RDF Collection) of manifest entries.
--## The :entries property has an object of the list.
--## There may be more than one list per file.
--:   rdfs:comment     "Manifest vocabulary for test cases" ;
--    dc:creator       "Andy Seaborne" ;
--    dc:subject       "" ;
--    dc:publisher     "W3C RDF Data Access Working Group" ;
--    dc:title         "Test case manifest vocabulary" ;
--    dc:description   "Test case manifest vocabulary" ;
--    dc:date          "2004-07" ;
--    dc:format        "RDF" ;
--    dc:identifier    : ;
--    .
--## ---- Class declarations ----
--:Manifest rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:comment "The class of manifests" .
--:ManifestEntry rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:comment "One entry in rdf:type list of entries" .
--## ---- Property declarations for the manifest ----
--:include rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment "Connects the manifest resource to rdf:type list of manifests" ;
--    rdfs:domain	 :Manifest ;
--    rdfs:range   rdf:List ;
--    .
--:entries rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment "Connects the manifest resource to rdf:type list of entries" ;
--    rdfs:domain	 :Manifest ;
--    rdfs:range   rdf:List ;
--    .
--## ---- Property declarations for each test ----
--:name rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment "Optional name of this entry" ;
--    rdfs:domain	 :ManifestEntry ;
--    rdfs:range   rdfs:Literal ;
--    .	
--:action rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment "Action to perform" ;
--    rdfs:domain	 :ManifestEntry ;
--    # rdfs:range   ?? ;
--    .	
--:result rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment "The expected outcome" ;
--    rdfs:domain	 :ManifestEntry ;
--    # rdfs:range   ?? ;
--    .	
--:result rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment "The test status" ;
--    rdfs:domain	 :ManifestEntry ;
--    rdfs:range   :TestStatus ;
--    .
--:requires rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment "Required functionality for execution of this test" ;
--    rdfs:domain :ManifestEntry ;
--    rdfs:range	:Requirement .
--:notable rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment "Notable feature of this test (advisory)" ;
--    rdfs:domain :ManifestEntry .
--## ---- Test Case Type ---
--:PositiveSyntaxTest rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--      rdfs:label "Positive Syntax Test" ;
--      rdfs:comment "A type of test specifically for syntax testing. Syntax
--      tests are not required to have an associated result, only an
--      action." .
--:NegativeSyntaxTest rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--      rdfs:label "Negative Syntax Test" ;
--      rdfs:comment "A type of test specifically for syntax testing. Syntax
--      tests are not required to have an associated result, only an
--      action. Negative syntax tests are tests of which the result should
--      be a parser error." .
--:QueryEvaluationTest rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--      rdfs:label "Query Evaluation Test" ;
--      rdfs:comment "A type of test specifically for query evaluation
--      testing. Query evaluation tests are required to have an associated
--      input dataset, a query, and an expected output dataset." .
--:ReducedCardinalityTest  rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--      rdfs:label "Query Evaluation Test (REDUCDED)" ;
--      rdfs:comment
--"""The given mf:result for a mf:ReducedCardinalityTest is the results as 
--if the REDUCED keyword were omitted. To pass a 
--mf:ReducedCardinalityTest, an implementation must produce a result set 
--with each solution in the expected results appearing at least once and 
--no more than the number of times it appears in the expected results. Of 
--course, there must also be no results produced that are not in the 
--expected results.""" .
--## ---- Test Statuses ----
--:TestStatus rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:comment "Statuses a test can have" ;
--    .
--:proposed rdf:type :TestStatus ;
--    rdfs:label "proposed" ;
--    .
--:accepted rdf:type :TestStatus ;
--    rdfs:label "accepted" ;
--    .
--:rejected rdf:type :TestStatus ;
--    rdfs:label "rejected" ;
--    .
--## ---- Required functions ----
--:Requirement rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--     rdfs:comment "Requirements for a  particular test" .
--:Notable rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--     rdfs:comment "Requirements for a  particular test" .
--:XsdDateOperations	rdf:type :Requirement ;
--    rdfs:comment "Tests that require xsd:date operations" .
--:StringSimpleLiteralCmp	rdf:type :Requirement ;
--    rdfs:comment "Tests that require simple literal is the same value as an xsd:string of the same lexicial form" .
--:KnownTypesDefault2Neq	rdf:type :Requirement ;
--    rdfs:comment "Values in disjoint value spaces are not equal" .
--:LangTagAwareness	rdf:type :Requirement ;
--    rdfs:comment "Tests that require language tag handling in FILTERs" .
--## ---- Notable features ----
--:IllFormedLiterals	rdf:type :Notable ;
++@prefix rdfs:   <> .
++@prefix rdf:    <> .
++@prefix dc:     <> .
++@prefix :       <> .
++## A Manifest is typically a list (RDF Collection) of manifest entries.
++## The :entries property has an object of the list.
++## There may be more than one list per file.
++:   rdfs:comment     "Manifest vocabulary for test cases" ;
++    dc:creator       "Andy Seaborne" ;
++    dc:subject       "" ;
++    dc:publisher     "W3C RDF Data Access Working Group" ;
++    dc:title         "Test case manifest vocabulary" ;
++    dc:description   "Test case manifest vocabulary" ;
++    dc:date          "2004-07" ;
++    dc:format        "RDF" ;
++    dc:identifier    : ;
++    .
++## ---- Class declarations ----
++:Manifest rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:comment "The class of manifests" .
++:ManifestEntry rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:comment "One entry in rdf:type list of entries" .
++## ---- Property declarations for the manifest ----
++:include rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment "Connects the manifest resource to rdf:type list of manifests" ;
++    rdfs:domain	 :Manifest ;
++    rdfs:range   rdf:List ;
++    .
++:entries rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment "Connects the manifest resource to rdf:type list of entries" ;
++    rdfs:domain	 :Manifest ;
++    rdfs:range   rdf:List ;
++    .
++## ---- Property declarations for each test ----
++:name rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment "Optional name of this entry" ;
++    rdfs:domain	 :ManifestEntry ;
++    rdfs:range   rdfs:Literal ;
++    .	
++:action rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment "Action to perform" ;
++    rdfs:domain	 :ManifestEntry ;
++    # rdfs:range   ?? ;
++    .	
++:result rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment "The expected outcome" ;
++    rdfs:domain	 :ManifestEntry ;
++    # rdfs:range   ?? ;
++    .	
++:result rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment "The test status" ;
++    rdfs:domain	 :ManifestEntry ;
++    rdfs:range   :TestStatus ;
++    .
++:requires rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment "Required functionality for execution of this test" ;
++    rdfs:domain :ManifestEntry ;
++    rdfs:range	:Requirement .
++:notable rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment "Notable feature of this test (advisory)" ;
++    rdfs:domain :ManifestEntry .
++## ---- Test Case Type ---
++:PositiveSyntaxTest rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++      rdfs:label "Positive Syntax Test" ;
++      rdfs:comment "A type of test specifically for syntax testing. Syntax
++      tests are not required to have an associated result, only an
++      action." .
++:NegativeSyntaxTest rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++      rdfs:label "Negative Syntax Test" ;
++      rdfs:comment "A type of test specifically for syntax testing. Syntax
++      tests are not required to have an associated result, only an
++      action. Negative syntax tests are tests of which the result should
++      be a parser error." .
++:QueryEvaluationTest rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++      rdfs:label "Query Evaluation Test" ;
++      rdfs:comment "A type of test specifically for query evaluation
++      testing. Query evaluation tests are required to have an associated
++      input dataset, a query, and an expected output dataset." .
++:ReducedCardinalityTest  rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++      rdfs:label "Query Evaluation Test (REDUCDED)" ;
++      rdfs:comment
++"""The given mf:result for a mf:ReducedCardinalityTest is the results as 
++if the REDUCED keyword were omitted. To pass a 
++mf:ReducedCardinalityTest, an implementation must produce a result set 
++with each solution in the expected results appearing at least once and 
++no more than the number of times it appears in the expected results. Of 
++course, there must also be no results produced that are not in the 
++expected results.""" .
++## ---- Test Statuses ----
++:TestStatus rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:comment "Statuses a test can have" ;
++    .
++:proposed rdf:type :TestStatus ;
++    rdfs:label "proposed" ;
++    .
++:accepted rdf:type :TestStatus ;
++    rdfs:label "accepted" ;
++    .
++:rejected rdf:type :TestStatus ;
++    rdfs:label "rejected" ;
++    .
++## ---- Required functions ----
++:Requirement rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++     rdfs:comment "Requirements for a  particular test" .
++:Notable rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++     rdfs:comment "Requirements for a  particular test" .
++:XsdDateOperations	rdf:type :Requirement ;
++    rdfs:comment "Tests that require xsd:date operations" .
++:StringSimpleLiteralCmp	rdf:type :Requirement ;
++    rdfs:comment "Tests that require simple literal is the same value as an xsd:string of the same lexicial form" .
++:KnownTypesDefault2Neq	rdf:type :Requirement ;
++    rdfs:comment "Values in disjoint value spaces are not equal" .
++:LangTagAwareness	rdf:type :Requirement ;
++    rdfs:comment "Tests that require language tag handling in FILTERs" .
++## ---- Notable features ----
++:IllFormedLiterals	rdf:type :Notable ;
      rdfs:comment "Tests that involve lexical forms which are illegal for the datatype" .
diff --cc jena-arq/Vocabularies/test-manifest-1_1.ttl
index ee1b031,ee1b031..d171365
--- a/jena-arq/Vocabularies/test-manifest-1_1.ttl
+++ b/jena-arq/Vocabularies/test-manifest-1_1.ttl
@@@ -1,58 -1,58 +1,58 @@@
--@prefix rdfs:   <> .
--@prefix rdf:    <> .
--@prefix dc:     <> .
--@prefix :       <> .
--## Extensions for SPARQL 1.1
--## A Manifest is typically a list (RDF Collection) of manifest entries.
--## The :entries property has an object of the list.
--## There may be more than one list per file.
--:   rdfs:comment     "Manifest vocabulary for test cases (SPARQL 1.1)" ;
--    dc:creator       "Andy Seaborne" ;
--    dc:subject       "" ;
--    dc:publisher     "W3C SPARQL Working Group" ;
--    dc:title         "Test case manifest vocabulary" ;
--    dc:description   "Test case manifest vocabulary" ;
--    dc:date          "2010-05" ;
--    dc:format        "RDF" ;
--    dc:identifier    : ;
--    .
--## ---- Test Case Type ---
--:PositiveSyntaxTest11 rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:label "Positive Syntax Test (SPARQL 1.1 specific)" ;
--    rdfs:comment """A type of test specifically for syntax testing for SPARQL 1.1.""" ;
--    .
--:NegativeSyntaxTest11 rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:label "Negative Syntax Test (SPARQL 1.1 specific)" ;
--    rdfs:comment """A type of test specifically for syntax testing for SPARQL 1.1.""" ;
--    .
--:PositiveUpdateSyntaxTest11 rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--      rdfs:label "Positive Update Syntax Test" ;
--      rdfs:comment """A type of test specifically for syntax testing of SPARQL Update. Syntax
--      tests are not required to have an associated result, only an
--      action.""" .
--:NegativeUpdateSyntaxTest11 rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--      rdfs:label "Negative Update Syntax Test" ;
--      rdfs:comment """A type of test specifically for syntax testing of SPARQL Update. Syntax
--      tests are not required to have an associated result, only an
--      action. Negative syntax tests are tests of which the result should
--      be a parser error.""" .
--:UpdateEvaluationTest rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--      rdfs:label "Query Evaluation Test" ;
--      rdfs:comment """A type of test specifically for query evaluation
--      testing. Query evaluation tests are required to have an associated
--      input dataset, a query, and an expected output dataset.""" .
--:CSVResultFormatTest  rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--      rdfs:label "CSV Test" ;
--      rdfs:comment "CSV Test"
--      .
++@prefix rdfs:   <> .
++@prefix rdf:    <> .
++@prefix dc:     <> .
++@prefix :       <> .
++## Extensions for SPARQL 1.1
++## A Manifest is typically a list (RDF Collection) of manifest entries.
++## The :entries property has an object of the list.
++## There may be more than one list per file.
++:   rdfs:comment     "Manifest vocabulary for test cases (SPARQL 1.1)" ;
++    dc:creator       "Andy Seaborne" ;
++    dc:subject       "" ;
++    dc:publisher     "W3C SPARQL Working Group" ;
++    dc:title         "Test case manifest vocabulary" ;
++    dc:description   "Test case manifest vocabulary" ;
++    dc:date          "2010-05" ;
++    dc:format        "RDF" ;
++    dc:identifier    : ;
++    .
++## ---- Test Case Type ---
++:PositiveSyntaxTest11 rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:label "Positive Syntax Test (SPARQL 1.1 specific)" ;
++    rdfs:comment """A type of test specifically for syntax testing for SPARQL 1.1.""" ;
++    .
++:NegativeSyntaxTest11 rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:label "Negative Syntax Test (SPARQL 1.1 specific)" ;
++    rdfs:comment """A type of test specifically for syntax testing for SPARQL 1.1.""" ;
++    .
++:PositiveUpdateSyntaxTest11 rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++      rdfs:label "Positive Update Syntax Test" ;
++      rdfs:comment """A type of test specifically for syntax testing of SPARQL Update. Syntax
++      tests are not required to have an associated result, only an
++      action.""" .
++:NegativeUpdateSyntaxTest11 rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++      rdfs:label "Negative Update Syntax Test" ;
++      rdfs:comment """A type of test specifically for syntax testing of SPARQL Update. Syntax
++      tests are not required to have an associated result, only an
++      action. Negative syntax tests are tests of which the result should
++      be a parser error.""" .
++:UpdateEvaluationTest rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++      rdfs:label "Query Evaluation Test" ;
++      rdfs:comment """A type of test specifically for query evaluation
++      testing. Query evaluation tests are required to have an associated
++      input dataset, a query, and an expected output dataset.""" .
++:CSVResultFormatTest  rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++      rdfs:label "CSV Test" ;
++      rdfs:comment "CSV Test"
++      .
diff --cc jena-arq/Vocabularies/test-manifest-x.ttl
index dab85a6,dab85a6..b2162ae
--- a/jena-arq/Vocabularies/test-manifest-x.ttl
+++ b/jena-arq/Vocabularies/test-manifest-x.ttl
@@@ -1,67 -1,67 +1,67 @@@
--@prefix rdfs:   <> .
--@prefix rdf:    <> .
--@prefix dc:     <> .
--@prefix :       <> .
--@prefix mf:     <> .
--## Additional (non-DAWG) properties, classes and constants.
--:   rdfs:comment     "Manifest vocabulary for test cases (additions)" ;
--    dc:creator       "Andy Seaborne" ;
--    dc:subject       "" ;
--    dc:publisher     "Hewlett-Packard Laboratories" ;
--    dc:title         "Test case manifest vocabulary (extra)" ;
--    dc:description   "Test case manifest vocabulary (extra)" ;
--    dc:date          "2005-04" ;
--    dc:format        "RDF" ;
--    dc:identifier    : ;
--    .
--## ---- Class declarations ----
--:TestQuery rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:comment "The class of test that are Query tests (query, data, results)".
--:PositiveSyntaxTestARQ rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:comment "Syntax tests (query)" .
--:NegativeSyntaxTestARQ rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:subClassOf :TestSyntax ;
--    rdfs:comment "Syntax tests which expect a parse failure" .
--:TestSerialization rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:comment "Query serialization tests" .
--:TestSurpressed    rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
--    rdfs:comment "Query test not to be run" .
--## ---- Property declarations ----
--:querySyntax rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment "Syntax of the query" ;
--    .
--:dataSyntax rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment "Syntax of the query" ;
--    .
--:textIndex rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment "Whether to create a text index" ;
--    .
--:include rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment "Include another manifest file." ;
--    .
--:defaultTestType rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment "Default type of a test" ;
--    rdfs:domain mf:Manifest ;
--    # Default default is a query test
--    .
--:option rdf:type rdf:Property ;
--    rdfs:comment "Option for an action" .
--## ---- Constants ----
++@prefix rdfs:   <> .
++@prefix rdf:    <> .
++@prefix dc:     <> .
++@prefix :       <> .
++@prefix mf:     <> .
++## Additional (non-DAWG) properties, classes and constants.
++:   rdfs:comment     "Manifest vocabulary for test cases (additions)" ;
++    dc:creator       "Andy Seaborne" ;
++    dc:subject       "" ;
++    dc:publisher     "Hewlett-Packard Laboratories" ;
++    dc:title         "Test case manifest vocabulary (extra)" ;
++    dc:description   "Test case manifest vocabulary (extra)" ;
++    dc:date          "2005-04" ;
++    dc:format        "RDF" ;
++    dc:identifier    : ;
++    .
++## ---- Class declarations ----
++:TestQuery rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:comment "The class of test that are Query tests (query, data, results)".
++:PositiveSyntaxTestARQ rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:comment "Syntax tests (query)" .
++:NegativeSyntaxTestARQ rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:subClassOf :TestSyntax ;
++    rdfs:comment "Syntax tests which expect a parse failure" .
++:TestSerialization rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:comment "Query serialization tests" .
++:TestSurpressed    rdf:type rdfs:Class ;
++    rdfs:comment "Query test not to be run" .
++## ---- Property declarations ----
++:querySyntax rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment "Syntax of the query" ;
++    .
++:dataSyntax rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment "Syntax of the query" ;
++    .
++:textIndex rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment "Whether to create a text index" ;
++    .
++:include rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment "Include another manifest file." ;
++    .
++:defaultTestType rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment "Default type of a test" ;
++    rdfs:domain mf:Manifest ;
++    # Default default is a query test
++    .
++:option rdf:type rdf:Property ;
++    rdfs:comment "Option for an action" .
++## ---- Constants ----