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Posted to by Lester Ward <> on 2003/04/08 17:22:11 UTC

RE: Beta 8 problems (solution)

> I just installed Beta 8 on a virgin machine. When running 
> Maven (against any goal), I'm getting an "unknown protocol" 
> exception. Here is a -X dump (in its entirety):
> D:\src\itag>maven -X java:jar
> unknown protocol: c
>         at<init>(

This is what happens when you point JAVA_HOME at the JRE instead of the SDK
(at least using 1.4.1). D'oh! The issue is that tools.jar is not in the
JRE's lib directory. It is in the SDK's lib directory.

As a previous poster mentioned, the unknown protocol message is really
Forehead.loadFileOrURL's clever way of saying "file not found" (the file, in
this case, being the tools.jar).

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