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Posted to by George Kirkham <> on 2012/06/06 02:36:02 UTC

Warning messages during build



Are any of these warnings likely to affect the stability of OpenMeetings?  And/or do others not get these warnings when they compile OpenMeetings ?



     [java] Compiling: main.lzx to main.swf8.swf

     [java] Warning: Assignment to free variable curpixel in charts/styles/strokestyle.lzx (92)

     [java] charts/common/legend.lzx:84:62: an attribute or method named 'datapath' already is defined on element legenditem





    <class name="legend" extends="drawview" datapath="">




                    <handler name="onclones">

                        if (!this['doneDel']) {

                            this.doneDel = new LzDelegate(this, 'doborder')

                            this.doneDel.register(clones[clones.length - 1], 'oninit')



                    <method name="doborder">

                        if( parent.parent.legendborder ) 



                            parent.parent.setAttribute('bgcolor', parent.parent.fillColor);





     [java] base/components/omcharts/ompiechart.lzx:14:46: The child node <piechartplotarea name='plotarea'> conflicts with <attribute name='plotarea' type='expression'> of <class name='chart'>.  Either use a different name, or if you intend the child to be assigned to the attribute, declare the attribute type to be `node`.



    <class name="ompiechart" extends="chart">

        <!--- @keywords private -->

        <method name="init">

            plotarea = this.getNodeOfClass("piechartplotarea");

            _datalabelpool = this.createLabelViewspool();





./build/openlaszlo/lps/components/charts/piechart/piechartplotarea.lzx:15:        <class name="piechartplotarea"   extends="drawview">

./build/openlaszlo/lps/components/charts/common/chart.lzx:23:    <class name="chart" extends="basecomponent">


     [java] modules/conference/whiteboard/panels/maintoolspanel/subMenuIconToolsToUpload.lzx:348:56: found an unknown attribute named "inset" on element wrappinglayout, however there is an attribute named "xinset" on class attribute", did you mean to use that?


I wonder if this code is actually used, it does not seem to fit any particular pattern.


              <wrappinglayout axis="y" spacing="2" inset="2" />


./WebContent/lzx.xsd:7506:<xs:element name="wrappinglayout" type="lzx:wrappinglayout" >

./WebContent/lzx.xsd:7508:  <xs:complexType name="wrappinglayout" mixed="true">

  <xs:complexType name="pre" mixed="true">

  <xs:group ref="lzx:topLevelElements" />


<xs:element name="wrappinglayout" type="lzx:wrappinglayout" >


  <xs:complexType name="wrappinglayout" mixed="true">


  <xs:extension base="lzx:layout">

      <xs:attribute name="yspacing" type="xs:string" default="${this.spacing}" >


<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">

A pixel amount to use between the views controlled by the layout in

          the y axis. </xs:documentation>



      <xs:attribute name="yinset" type="xs:string" default="0" >


<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">

A pixel amount to offset the first view controlled by the layout in y

          axis </xs:documentation>



      <xs:attribute name="xspacing" type="xs:string" default="${this.spacing}" >


<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">

A pixel amount to use between the views controlled by the layout in

          the x axis. </xs:documentation>



      <xs:attribute name="xinset" type="xs:string" default="0" >


<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">

A pixel amount to offset the first view controlled by the layout in x

          axis </xs:documentation>







George Kirkham