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svn commit: r385904 [1/3] - /xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/

Author: jycli
Date: Tue Mar 14 13:55:30 2006
New Revision: 385904

Update the translated message files for globalization support. Checkin for feature XALANJ-2281

    xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/   (with props)
    xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/   (with props)
    xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/   (with props)

Modified: xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/
--- xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/ (original)
+++ xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/ Tue Mar 14 13:55:30 2006
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
+ * Copyright 1999-2006 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -20,107 +20,185 @@
 package org.apache.xml.serializer.utils;
 import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.MissingResourceException;
+import java.util.ResourceBundle;
+ * An instance of this class is a ListResourceBundle that
+ * has the required getContents() method that returns
+ * an array of message-key/message associations.
+ * <p>
+ * The message keys are defined in {@link MsgKey}. The
+ * messages that those keys map to are defined here.
+ * <p>
+ * The messages in the English version are intended to be
+ * translated.
+ *
+ * This class is not a public API, it is only public because it is
+ * used in org.apache.xml.serializer.
+ *
+ * @xsl.usage internal
+ */
 public class SerializerMessages_ca extends ListResourceBundle {
-  public Object[][] getContents() {
-    Object[][] contents =  new Object[][] {
-      { MsgKey.BAD_MSGKEY,
-        "The message key ''{0}'' is not in the message class ''{1}''"},
-      { MsgKey.BAD_MSGFORMAT,
-        "The format of message ''{0}'' in message class ''{1}'' failed."},
-        "The serializer class ''{0}'' does not implement org.xml.sax.ContentHandler."},
-        "The resource [ {0} ] could not be found.\n {1}"},
-        "The resource [ {0} ] could not load: {1} \n {2} \n {3}"},
-        "Buffer size <=0"},
-        "Invalid UTF-16 surrogate detected: {0} ?"},
-      { MsgKey.ER_OIERROR,
-        "IO error"},
-        "Cannot add attribute {0} after child nodes or before an element is produced.  Attribute will be ignored."},
-        "Namespace for prefix ''{0}'' has not been declared."},
-        "Attribute ''{0}'' outside of element."},
-        "Namespace declaration ''{0}''=''{1}'' outside of element."},
-        "Could not load ''{0}'' (check CLASSPATH), now using just the defaults"},
-        "Attempt to output character of integral value {0} that is not represented in specified output encoding of {1}."},
-        "Could not load the propery file ''{0}'' for output method ''{1}'' (check CLASSPATH)"},
-      { MsgKey.ER_INVALID_PORT,
-        "Invalid port number"},
-        "Port cannot be set when host is null"},
-        "Host is not a well formed address"},
-        "The scheme is not conformant."},
-        "Cannot set scheme from null string"},
-        "Path contains invalid escape sequence"},
-        "Path contains invalid character: {0}"},
-        "Fragment contains invalid character"},
-        "Fragment cannot be set when path is null"},
-        "Fragment can only be set for a generic URI"},
-      { MsgKey.ER_NO_SCHEME_IN_URI,
-        "No scheme found in URI"},
-        "Cannot initialize URI with empty parameters"},
-        "Fragment cannot be specified in both the path and fragment"},
-        "Query string cannot be specified in path and query string"},
+    /*
+     * This file contains error and warning messages related to
+     * Serializer Error Handling.
+     *
+     *  General notes to translators:
+     *  1) A stylesheet is a description of how to transform an input XML document
+     *     into a resultant XML document (or HTML document or text).  The
+     *     stylesheet itself is described in the form of an XML document.
+     *
+     *  2) An element is a mark-up tag in an XML document; an attribute is a
+     *     modifier on the tag.  For example, in <elem attr='val' attr2='val2'>
+     *     "elem" is an element name, "attr" and "attr2" are attribute names with
+     *     the values "val" and "val2", respectively.
+     *
+     *  3) A namespace declaration is a special attribute that is used to associate
+     *     a prefix with a URI (the namespace).  The meanings of element names and
+     *     attribute names that use that prefix are defined with respect to that
+     *     namespace.
+     *
+     *
+     */
+    /** The lookup table for error messages.   */
+    public Object[][] getContents() {
+        Object[][] contents = new Object[][] {
+            {   MsgKey.BAD_MSGKEY,
+                "La clau del missatge ''{0}'' no est\u00e0 a la classe del missatge ''{1}''" },
+            {   MsgKey.BAD_MSGFORMAT,
+                "El format del missatge ''{0}'' a la classe del missatge ''{1}'' ha fallat." },
+                "La classe de serialitzador ''{0}'' no implementa org.xml.sax.ContentHandler." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_FIND,
+                    "No s''ha trobat el recurs [ {0} ].\n {1}" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_LOAD,
+                    "No s''ha pogut carregar el recurs [ {0} ]: {1} \n {2} \t {3}" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_BUFFER_SIZE_LESSTHAN_ZERO,
+                    "Grand\u00e0ria del buffer <=0" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_INVALID_UTF16_SURROGATE,
+                    "S''ha detectat un suplent UTF-16 no v\u00e0lid: {0} ?" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_OIERROR,
+                "Error d'E/S" },
+                "No es pot afegir l''atribut {0} despr\u00e9s dels nodes subordinats o abans que es produeixi un element. Es passar\u00e0 per alt l''atribut." },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  The stylesheet contained a reference to a
+             * namespace prefix that was undefined.  The value of the substitution
+             * text is the name of the prefix.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NAMESPACE_PREFIX,
+                "No s''ha declarat l''espai de noms pel prefix ''{0}''." },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  This message is reported if the stylesheet
+             * being processed attempted to construct an XML document with an
+             * attribute in a place other than on an element.  The substitution text
+             * specifies the name of the attribute.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_STRAY_ATTRIBUTE,
+                "L''atribut ''{0}'' es troba fora de l''element." },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  As with the preceding message, a namespace
+             * declaration has the form of an attribute and is only permitted to
+             * appear on an element.  The substitution text {0} is the namespace
+             * prefix and {1} is the URI that was being used in the erroneous
+             * namespace declaration.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_STRAY_NAMESPACE,
+                "La declaraci\u00f3 de l''espai de noms ''{0}''=''{1}'' es troba fora de l''element." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_COULD_NOT_LOAD_RESOURCE,
+                "No s''ha pogut carregar ''{0}'' (comproveu CLASSPATH), ara s''est\u00e0 fent servir els valors per defecte." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER,
+                "S''ha intentat un car\u00e0cter de sortida del valor integral {0} que no est\u00e0 representat a una codificaci\u00f3 de sortida especificada de {1}." },
+                "No s''ha pogut carregar el fitxer de propietats ''{0}'' del m\u00e8tode de sortida ''{1}'' (comproveu CLASSPATH)" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_INVALID_PORT,
+                "N\u00famero de port no v\u00e0lid" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_PORT_WHEN_HOST_NULL,
+                "El port no es pot establir quan el sistema principal \u00e9s nul" },
+                "El format de l'adre\u00e7a del sistema principal no \u00e9s el correcte" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_NOT_CONFORMANT,
+                "L'esquema no t\u00e9 conformitat." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_FROM_NULL_STRING,
+                "No es pot establir un esquema des d'una cadena nul\u00b7la" },
+                "La via d'acc\u00e9s cont\u00e9 una seq\u00fc\u00e8ncia d'escapament no v\u00e0lida" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_PATH_INVALID_CHAR,
+                "La via d''acc\u00e9s cont\u00e9 un car\u00e0cter no v\u00e0lid {0}" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_INVALID_CHAR,
+                "El fragment cont\u00e9 un car\u00e0cter no v\u00e0lid" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_WHEN_PATH_NULL,
+                "El fragment no es pot establir si la via d'acc\u00e9s \u00e9s nul\u00b7la" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_FOR_GENERIC_URI,
+                "El fragment nom\u00e9s es pot establir per a un URI gen\u00e8ric" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_SCHEME_IN_URI,
+                "No s'ha trobat cap esquema a l'URI" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_CANNOT_INIT_URI_EMPTY_PARMS,
+                "No es pot inicialitzar l'URI amb par\u00e0metres buits" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_FRAGMENT_STRING_IN_PATH,
+                "No es pot especificar un fragment tant en la via d'acc\u00e9s com en el fragment" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_QUERY_STRING_IN_PATH,
+                "No es pot especificar una cadena de consulta en la via d'acc\u00e9s i la cadena de consulta" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_PORT_IF_NO_HOST,
+                "No es pot especificar el port si no s'especifica el sistema principal" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_USERINFO_IF_NO_HOST,
+                "No es pot especificar informaci\u00f3 de l'usuari si no s'especifica el sistema principal" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_XML_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+                "Av\u00eds: la versi\u00f3 del document de sortida s''ha sol\u00b7licitat que sigui ''{0}''. Aquesta versi\u00f3 de XML no est\u00e0 suportada. La versi\u00f3 del document de sortida ser\u00e0 ''1.0''." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_REQUIRED,
+                "Es necessita l'esquema" },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  The words 'Properties' and
+             * 'SerializerFactory' in this message are Java class names
+             * and should not be translated.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FACTORY_PROPERTY_MISSING,
+                "L''objecte de propietats passat a SerializerFactory no t\u00e9 cap propietat ''{0}''." },
-      { MsgKey.ER_NO_PORT_IF_NO_HOST,
-        "Port may not be specified if host is not specified"},
+            {   MsgKey.ER_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+                "Av\u00eds: el temps d''execuci\u00f3 de Java no d\u00f3na suport a la codificaci\u00f3 ''{0}''." },
-        "Userinfo may not be specified if host is not specified"},
-        "Scheme is required!"}
+        };
-    };
-    return contents;
-  }
+        return contents;
+    }

Modified: xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/
--- xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/ (original)
+++ xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/ Tue Mar 14 13:55:30 2006
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
+ * Copyright 1999-2006 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -20,99 +20,185 @@
 package org.apache.xml.serializer.utils;
 import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.MissingResourceException;
+import java.util.ResourceBundle;
+ * An instance of this class is a ListResourceBundle that
+ * has the required getContents() method that returns
+ * an array of message-key/message associations.
+ * <p>
+ * The message keys are defined in {@link MsgKey}. The
+ * messages that those keys map to are defined here.
+ * <p>
+ * The messages in the English version are intended to be
+ * translated.
+ *
+ * This class is not a public API, it is only public because it is
+ * used in org.apache.xml.serializer.
+ *
+ * @xsl.usage internal
+ */
 public class SerializerMessages_cs extends ListResourceBundle {
-  public Object[][] getContents() {
-    Object[][] contents =  new Object[][] {
-        // BAD_MSGKEY needs translation
-        // BAD_MSGFORMAT needs translation
-        "T\u0159\u00edda serializace ''{0}'' neimplementuje org.xml.sax.ContentHandler."},
-        "Nelze naj\u00edt zdroj [ {0} ].\n {1}"},
-        "Nelze zav\u00e9st zdroj [ {0} ]: {1} \n {2} \n {3}"},
-        "Velikost vyrovn\u00e1vac\u00ed pam\u011bti <=0"},
-        "Byla zji\u0161t\u011bna neplatn\u00e1 n\u00e1hrada UTF-16: {0} ?"},
-      { MsgKey.ER_OIERROR,
-        "Chyba vstupu/v\u00fdstupu"},
-        "Nelze p\u0159idat atribut {0} po uzlech potomk\u016f ani p\u0159ed t\u00edm, ne\u017e je vytvo\u0159en prvek. Atribut bude ignorov\u00e1n."},
-        "Obor n\u00e1zv\u016f pro p\u0159edponu ''{0}'' nebyl deklarov\u00e1n."},
-        // ER_STRAY_ATTRIBUTE needs translation
-        "Deklarace oboru n\u00e1zv\u016f ''{0}''=''{1}'' je vn\u011b prvku."},
-        "Nelze zav\u00e9st ''{0}'' (zkontrolujte prom\u011bnnou CLASSPATH), proto se pou\u017e\u00edvaj\u00ed pouze v\u00fdchoz\u00ed hodnoty"},
-        // ER_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER needs translation
-        "Nelze na\u010d\u00edst soubor vlastnost\u00ed ''{0}'' pro v\u00fdstupn\u00ed metodu ''{1}'' (zkontrolujte prom\u011bnnou CLASSPATH)."},
-      { MsgKey.ER_INVALID_PORT,
-        "Neplatn\u00e9 \u010d\u00edslo portu."},
-        "M\u00e1-li hostitel hodnotu null, nelze nastavit port."},
-        "Adresa hostitele m\u00e1 nespr\u00e1vn\u00fd form\u00e1t."},
-        "Sch\u00e9ma nevyhovuje."},
-        "Nelze nastavit sch\u00e9ma \u0159et\u011bzce s hodnotou null."},
-        "Cesta obsahuje neplatnou escape sekvenci"},
-        "Cesta obsahuje neplatn\u00fd znak: {0}"},
-        "Fragment obsahuje neplatn\u00fd znak."},
-        "M\u00e1-li cesta hodnotu null, nelze nastavit fragment."},
-        "Fragment lze nastavit jen u generick\u00e9ho URI."},
-      { MsgKey.ER_NO_SCHEME_IN_URI,
-        "V URI nebylo nalezeno \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma: {0}"},
-        "URI nelze inicializovat s pr\u00e1zdn\u00fdmi parametry."},
-        "Fragment nelze ur\u010dit z\u00e1rove\u0148 v cest\u011b i ve fragmentu."},
-        "V \u0159et\u011bzci cesty a dotazu nelze zadat \u0159et\u011bzec dotazu."},
+    /*
+     * This file contains error and warning messages related to
+     * Serializer Error Handling.
+     *
+     *  General notes to translators:
+     *  1) A stylesheet is a description of how to transform an input XML document
+     *     into a resultant XML document (or HTML document or text).  The
+     *     stylesheet itself is described in the form of an XML document.
+     *
+     *  2) An element is a mark-up tag in an XML document; an attribute is a
+     *     modifier on the tag.  For example, in <elem attr='val' attr2='val2'>
+     *     "elem" is an element name, "attr" and "attr2" are attribute names with
+     *     the values "val" and "val2", respectively.
+     *
+     *  3) A namespace declaration is a special attribute that is used to associate
+     *     a prefix with a URI (the namespace).  The meanings of element names and
+     *     attribute names that use that prefix are defined with respect to that
+     *     namespace.
+     *
+     *
+     */
+    /** The lookup table for error messages.   */
+    public Object[][] getContents() {
+        Object[][] contents = new Object[][] {
+            {   MsgKey.BAD_MSGKEY,
+                "Kl\u00ed\u010d zpr\u00e1vy ''{0}'' nen\u00ed obsa\u017een ve t\u0159\u00edd\u011b zpr\u00e1v ''{1}''" },
+            {   MsgKey.BAD_MSGFORMAT,
+                "Form\u00e1t zpr\u00e1vy ''{0}'' ve t\u0159\u00edd\u011b zpr\u00e1v ''{1}'' selhal. " },
+                "T\u0159\u00edda serializace ''{0}'' neimplementuje obslu\u017en\u00fd program org.xml.sax.ContentHandler." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_FIND,
+                    "Nelze naj\u00edt zdroj [ {0} ].\n {1}" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_LOAD,
+                    "Nelze zav\u00e9st zdroj [ {0} ]: {1} \n {2} \t {3}" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_BUFFER_SIZE_LESSTHAN_ZERO,
+                    "Velikost vyrovn\u00e1vac\u00ed pam\u011bti <=0" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_INVALID_UTF16_SURROGATE,
+                    "Byla zji\u0161t\u011bna neplatn\u00e1 n\u00e1hrada UTF-16: {0} ?" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_OIERROR,
+                "Chyba vstupu/v\u00fdstupu" },
+                "Nelze p\u0159idat atribut {0} po uzlech potomk\u016f ani p\u0159ed t\u00edm, ne\u017e je vytvo\u0159en prvek. Atribut bude ignorov\u00e1n." },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  The stylesheet contained a reference to a
+             * namespace prefix that was undefined.  The value of the substitution
+             * text is the name of the prefix.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NAMESPACE_PREFIX,
+                "Obor n\u00e1zv\u016f pro p\u0159edponu ''{0}'' nebyl deklarov\u00e1n." },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  This message is reported if the stylesheet
+             * being processed attempted to construct an XML document with an
+             * attribute in a place other than on an element.  The substitution text
+             * specifies the name of the attribute.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_STRAY_ATTRIBUTE,
+                "Atribut ''{0}'' se nach\u00e1z\u00ed vn\u011b prvku." },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  As with the preceding message, a namespace
+             * declaration has the form of an attribute and is only permitted to
+             * appear on an element.  The substitution text {0} is the namespace
+             * prefix and {1} is the URI that was being used in the erroneous
+             * namespace declaration.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_STRAY_NAMESPACE,
+                "Deklarace oboru n\u00e1zv\u016f ''{0}''=''{1}'' se nach\u00e1z\u00ed vn\u011b prvku." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_COULD_NOT_LOAD_RESOURCE,
+                "Nelze zav\u00e9st prost\u0159edek ''{0}'' (zkontrolujte prom\u011bnnou CLASSPATH) - budou pou\u017eity pouze v\u00fdchoz\u00ed prost\u0159edky" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER,
+                "Byl proveden pokus o v\u00fdstup znaku s celo\u010d\u00edselnou hodnotou {0}, kter\u00e1 nen\u00ed reprezentov\u00e1na v ur\u010den\u00e9m v\u00fdstupn\u00edm k\u00f3dov\u00e1n\u00ed {1}." },
+                "Nelze na\u010d\u00edst soubor vlastnost\u00ed ''{0}'' pro v\u00fdstupn\u00ed metodu ''{1}'' (zkontrolujte prom\u011bnnou CLASSPATH)." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_INVALID_PORT,
+                "Neplatn\u00e9 \u010d\u00edslo portu." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_PORT_WHEN_HOST_NULL,
+                "M\u00e1-li hostitel hodnotu null, nelze nastavit port." },
+                "Adresa hostitele m\u00e1 nespr\u00e1vn\u00fd form\u00e1t." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_NOT_CONFORMANT,
+                "Sch\u00e9ma nevyhovuje." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_FROM_NULL_STRING,
+                "Nelze nastavit sch\u00e9ma \u0159et\u011bzce s hodnotou null." },
+                "Cesta obsahuje neplatnou escape sekvenci" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_PATH_INVALID_CHAR,
+                "Cesta obsahuje neplatn\u00fd znak: {0}" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_INVALID_CHAR,
+                "Fragment obsahuje neplatn\u00fd znak." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_WHEN_PATH_NULL,
+                "M\u00e1-li cesta hodnotu null, nelze nastavit fragment." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_FOR_GENERIC_URI,
+                "Fragment lze nastavit jen u generick\u00e9ho URI." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_SCHEME_IN_URI,
+                "V URI nebylo nalezeno \u017e\u00e1dn\u00e9 sch\u00e9ma" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_CANNOT_INIT_URI_EMPTY_PARMS,
+                "URI nelze inicializovat s pr\u00e1zdn\u00fdmi parametry." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_FRAGMENT_STRING_IN_PATH,
+                "Fragment nelze ur\u010dit z\u00e1rove\u0148 v cest\u011b i ve fragmentu." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_QUERY_STRING_IN_PATH,
+                "V \u0159et\u011bzci cesty a dotazu nelze zadat \u0159et\u011bzec dotazu." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_PORT_IF_NO_HOST,
+                "Nen\u00ed-li ur\u010den hostitel, nelze zadat port." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_USERINFO_IF_NO_HOST,
+                "Nen\u00ed-li ur\u010den hostitel, nelze zadat \u00fadaje o u\u017eivateli." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_XML_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+                "Varov\u00e1n\u00ed: Je po\u017eadov\u00e1na verze ''{0}'' v\u00fdstupn\u00edho dokumentu. Tato verze form\u00e1tu XML nen\u00ed podporov\u00e1na. Bude pou\u017eita verze ''1.0'' v\u00fdstupn\u00edho dokumentu. " },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_REQUIRED,
+                "Je vy\u017eadov\u00e1no sch\u00e9ma!" },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  The words 'Properties' and
+             * 'SerializerFactory' in this message are Java class names
+             * and should not be translated.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FACTORY_PROPERTY_MISSING,
+                "Objekt vlastnost\u00ed p\u0159edan\u00fd faktorii SerializerFactory neobsahuje vlastnost ''{0}''. " },
-      { MsgKey.ER_NO_PORT_IF_NO_HOST,
-        "Nen\u00ed-li ur\u010den hostitel, nelze zadat port."},
+            {   MsgKey.ER_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+                "Varov\u00e1n\u00ed: K\u00f3dov\u00e1n\u00ed ''{0}'' nen\u00ed v b\u011bhov\u00e9m prost\u0159ed\u00ed Java podporov\u00e1no." },
-        "Nen\u00ed-li ur\u010den hostitel, nelze zadat \u00fadaje o u\u017eivateli."},
-        "Je vy\u017eadov\u00e1no sch\u00e9ma!"}
+        };
-    };
-    return contents;
-  }
+        return contents;
+    }

Modified: xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/
--- xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/ (original)
+++ xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/ Tue Mar 14 13:55:30 2006
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
+ * Copyright 1999-2006 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -20,99 +20,185 @@
 package org.apache.xml.serializer.utils;
 import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.MissingResourceException;
+import java.util.ResourceBundle;
+ * An instance of this class is a ListResourceBundle that
+ * has the required getContents() method that returns
+ * an array of message-key/message associations.
+ * <p>
+ * The message keys are defined in {@link MsgKey}. The
+ * messages that those keys map to are defined here.
+ * <p>
+ * The messages in the English version are intended to be
+ * translated.
+ *
+ * This class is not a public API, it is only public because it is
+ * used in org.apache.xml.serializer.
+ *
+ * @xsl.usage internal
+ */
 public class SerializerMessages_de extends ListResourceBundle {
-  public Object[][] getContents() {
-    Object[][] contents =  new Object[][] {
-        // BAD_MSGKEY needs translation
-        // BAD_MSGFORMAT needs translation
-        "Die Parallel-Seriell-Umsetzerklasse ''{0}'' implementiert org.xml.sax.ContentHandler nicht."},
-        "Die Ressource [ {0} ] konnte nicht gefunden werden.\n {1}"},
-        "Die Ressource [ {0} ] konnte nicht geladen werden: {1} \n {2} \n {3}"},
-        "Puffergr\u00f6\u00dfe <=0"},
-        "Ung\u00fcltige UTF-16-Ersetzung festgestellt: {0} ?"},
-      { MsgKey.ER_OIERROR,
-        "E/A-Fehler"},
-        "Attribut {0} kann nicht nach Kindknoten oder vor dem Erstellen eines Elements hinzugef\u00fcgt werden.  Das Attribut wird ignoriert."},
-        "Der Namensbereich f\u00fcr Pr\u00e4fix ''{0}'' wurde nicht deklariert."},
-        // ER_STRAY_ATTRIBUTE needs translation
-        "Namensbereichsdeklaration ''{0}''=''{1}'' befindet sich nicht in einem Element."},
-        "''{0}'' konnte nicht geladen werden (CLASSPATH pr\u00fcfen); es werden die Standardwerte verwendet"},
-        // ER_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER needs translation
-        "Merkmaldatei ''{0}'' konnte f\u00fcr Ausgabemethode ''{1}'' nicht geladen werden (CLASSPATH pr\u00fcfen)"},
-      { MsgKey.ER_INVALID_PORT,
-        "Ung\u00fcltige Portnummer"},
-        "Der Port kann nicht festgelegt werden, wenn der Host gleich Null ist."},
-        "Der Host ist keine syntaktisch korrekte Adresse."},
-        "Das Schema ist nicht angepasst."},
-        "Schema kann nicht von Nullzeichenfolge festgelegt werden."},
-        "Der Pfad enth\u00e4lt eine ung\u00fcltige Escapezeichenfolge."},
-        "Pfad enth\u00e4lt ung\u00fcltiges Zeichen: {0}."},
-        "Fragment enth\u00e4lt ein ung\u00fcltiges Zeichen."},
-        "Fragment kann nicht festgelegt werden, wenn der Pfad gleich Null ist."},
-        "Fragment kann nur f\u00fcr eine generische URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) festgelegt werden."},
-      { MsgKey.ER_NO_SCHEME_IN_URI,
-        "Kein Schema gefunden in URI: {0}."},
-        "URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) kann nicht mit leeren Parametern initialisiert werden."},
-        "Fragment kann nicht im Pfad und im Fragment angegeben werden."},
-        "Abfragezeichenfolge kann nicht im Pfad und in der Abfragezeichenfolge angegeben werden."},
+    /*
+     * This file contains error and warning messages related to
+     * Serializer Error Handling.
+     *
+     *  General notes to translators:
+     *  1) A stylesheet is a description of how to transform an input XML document
+     *     into a resultant XML document (or HTML document or text).  The
+     *     stylesheet itself is described in the form of an XML document.
+     *
+     *  2) An element is a mark-up tag in an XML document; an attribute is a
+     *     modifier on the tag.  For example, in <elem attr='val' attr2='val2'>
+     *     "elem" is an element name, "attr" and "attr2" are attribute names with
+     *     the values "val" and "val2", respectively.
+     *
+     *  3) A namespace declaration is a special attribute that is used to associate
+     *     a prefix with a URI (the namespace).  The meanings of element names and
+     *     attribute names that use that prefix are defined with respect to that
+     *     namespace.
+     *
+     *
+     */
+    /** The lookup table for error messages.   */
+    public Object[][] getContents() {
+        Object[][] contents = new Object[][] {
+            {   MsgKey.BAD_MSGKEY,
+                "Der Nachrichtenschl\u00fcssel ''{0}'' ist nicht in der Nachrichtenklasse ''{1}'' enthalten." },
+            {   MsgKey.BAD_MSGFORMAT,
+                "Das Format der Nachricht ''{0}'' in der Nachrichtenklasse ''{1}'' ist fehlgeschlagen." },
+                "Die Parallel-Seriell-Umsetzerklasse ''{0}'' implementiert org.xml.sax.ContentHandler nicht." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_FIND,
+                    "Die Ressource [ {0} ] konnte nicht gefunden werden.\n {1}" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_LOAD,
+                    "Die Ressource [ {0} ] konnte nicht geladen werden: {1} \n {2} \t {3}" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_BUFFER_SIZE_LESSTHAN_ZERO,
+                    "Puffergr\u00f6\u00dfe <=0" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_INVALID_UTF16_SURROGATE,
+                    "Ung\u00fcltige UTF-16-Ersetzung festgestellt: {0} ?" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_OIERROR,
+                "E/A-Fehler" },
+                "Attribut {0} kann nicht nach Kindknoten oder vor dem Erstellen eines Elements hinzugef\u00fcgt werden.  Das Attribut wird ignoriert." },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  The stylesheet contained a reference to a
+             * namespace prefix that was undefined.  The value of the substitution
+             * text is the name of the prefix.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NAMESPACE_PREFIX,
+                "Der Namensbereich f\u00fcr Pr\u00e4fix ''{0}'' wurde nicht deklariert." },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  This message is reported if the stylesheet
+             * being processed attempted to construct an XML document with an
+             * attribute in a place other than on an element.  The substitution text
+             * specifies the name of the attribute.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_STRAY_ATTRIBUTE,
+                "Attribut ''{0}'' befindet sich nicht in einem Element." },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  As with the preceding message, a namespace
+             * declaration has the form of an attribute and is only permitted to
+             * appear on an element.  The substitution text {0} is the namespace
+             * prefix and {1} is the URI that was being used in the erroneous
+             * namespace declaration.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_STRAY_NAMESPACE,
+                "Namensbereichdeklaration ''{0}''=''{1}'' befindet sich nicht in einem Element." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_COULD_NOT_LOAD_RESOURCE,
+                "''{0}'' konnte nicht geladen werden (CLASSPATH pr\u00fcfen). Es werden die Standardwerte verwendet." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER,
+                "Es wurde versucht, ein Zeichen des Integralwerts {0} auszugeben, der nicht in der angegebenen Ausgabeverschl\u00fcsselung von {1} dargestellt ist." },
+                "Die Merkmaldatei ''{0}'' konnte f\u00fcr die Ausgabemethode ''{1}'' nicht geladen werden (CLASSPATH pr\u00fcfen)" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_INVALID_PORT,
+                "Ung\u00fcltige Portnummer" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_PORT_WHEN_HOST_NULL,
+                "Der Port kann nicht festgelegt werden, wenn der Host gleich Null ist." },
+                "Der Host ist keine syntaktisch korrekte Adresse." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_NOT_CONFORMANT,
+                "Das Schema ist nicht angepasst." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_FROM_NULL_STRING,
+                "Schema kann nicht von Nullzeichenfolge festgelegt werden." },
+                "Der Pfad enth\u00e4lt eine ung\u00fcltige Escapezeichenfolge." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_PATH_INVALID_CHAR,
+                "Pfad enth\u00e4lt ung\u00fcltiges Zeichen: {0}." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_INVALID_CHAR,
+                "Fragment enth\u00e4lt ein ung\u00fcltiges Zeichen." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_WHEN_PATH_NULL,
+                "Fragment kann nicht festgelegt werden, wenn der Pfad gleich Null ist." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_FOR_GENERIC_URI,
+                "Fragment kann nur f\u00fcr eine generische URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) festgelegt werden." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_SCHEME_IN_URI,
+                "Kein Schema gefunden in URI" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_CANNOT_INIT_URI_EMPTY_PARMS,
+                "URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) kann nicht mit leeren Parametern initialisiert werden." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_FRAGMENT_STRING_IN_PATH,
+                "Fragment kann nicht im Pfad und im Fragment angegeben werden." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_QUERY_STRING_IN_PATH,
+                "Abfragezeichenfolge kann nicht im Pfad und in der Abfragezeichenfolge angegeben werden." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_PORT_IF_NO_HOST,
+                "Der Port kann nicht angegeben werden, wenn der Host nicht angegeben wurde." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_USERINFO_IF_NO_HOST,
+                "Benutzerinformationen k\u00f6nnen nicht angegeben werden, wenn der Host nicht angegeben wurde." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_XML_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+                "Warnung: Die Version des Ausgabedokuments muss ''{0}'' lauten.  Diese XML-Version wird nicht unterst\u00fctzt.  Die Version des Ausgabedokuments ist ''1.0''." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_REQUIRED,
+                "Schema ist erforderlich!" },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  The words 'Properties' and
+             * 'SerializerFactory' in this message are Java class names
+             * and should not be translated.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FACTORY_PROPERTY_MISSING,
+                "Das an SerializerFactory \u00fcbermittelte Merkmalobjekt weist kein Merkmal ''{0}'' auf." },
-      { MsgKey.ER_NO_PORT_IF_NO_HOST,
-        "Der Port kann nicht angegeben werden, wenn der Host nicht angegeben wurde."},
+            {   MsgKey.ER_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+                "Warnung:  Die Codierung ''{0}'' wird von Java Runtime nicht unterst\u00fctzt." },
-        "Benutzerinformationen k\u00f6nnen nicht angegeben werden, wenn der Host nicht angegeben wurde."},
-        "Schema ist erforderlich!"}
+        };
-    };
-    return contents;
-  }
+        return contents;
+    }

Modified: xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/
--- xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/ (original)
+++ xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/ Tue Mar 14 13:55:30 2006
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
+ * Copyright 1999-2006 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -20,99 +20,185 @@
 package org.apache.xml.serializer.utils;
 import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.MissingResourceException;
+import java.util.ResourceBundle;
+ * An instance of this class is a ListResourceBundle that
+ * has the required getContents() method that returns
+ * an array of message-key/message associations.
+ * <p>
+ * The message keys are defined in {@link MsgKey}. The
+ * messages that those keys map to are defined here.
+ * <p>
+ * The messages in the English version are intended to be
+ * translated.
+ *
+ * This class is not a public API, it is only public because it is
+ * used in org.apache.xml.serializer.
+ *
+ * @xsl.usage internal
+ */
 public class SerializerMessages_es extends ListResourceBundle {
-  public Object[][] getContents() {
-    Object[][] contents =  new Object[][] {
-        // BAD_MSGKEY needs translation
-        // BAD_MSGFORMAT needs translation
-        "La clase serializer ''{0}'' no implementa org.xml.sax.ContentHandler."},
-        "No se ha podido cargar el recurso [ {0} ].\n{1}"},
-        "No se ha podido cargar el recurso [ {0} ]: {1} \n {2} \n {3}"},
-        "Tama\u00f1o de almacenamiento intermedio <=0"},
-        "\u00bfSe ha detectado un sustituto UTF-16 no v\u00e1lido: {0}?"},
-      { MsgKey.ER_OIERROR,
-        "Error de ES"},
-        "No se puede a\u00f1adir el atributo {0} despu\u00e9s de nodos hijo o antes de que se produzca un elemento. Se ignorar\u00e1 el atributo."},
-        "No se ha declarado el espacio de nombres para el prefijo ''{0}''."},
-        // ER_STRAY_ATTRIBUTE needs translation
-        "Declaraci\u00f3n del espacio de nombres ''{0}''=''{1}'' fuera del elemento."},
-        "No se ha podido cargar ''{0}'' (compruebe la CLASSPATH), ahora s\u00f3lo se est\u00e1n utilizando los valores por omisi\u00f3n"},
-        // ER_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER needs translation
-        "No se ha podido cargar el archivo de propiedades ''{0}'' para el m\u00e9todo de salida ''{1}'' (compruebe la CLASSPATH)"},
-      { MsgKey.ER_INVALID_PORT,
-        "N\u00famero de puerto no v\u00e1lido"},
-        "No se puede establecer el puerto si el sistema principal es nulo"},
-        "El sistema principal no es una direcci\u00f3n bien formada"},
-        "El esquema no es compatible."},
-        "No se puede establecer un esquema de una serie nula"},
-        "La v\u00eda de acceso contiene una secuencia de escape no v\u00e1lida"},
-        "La v\u00eda de acceso contiene un car\u00e1cter no v\u00e1lido: {0}"},
-        "El fragmento contiene un car\u00e1cter no v\u00e1lido"},
-        "No se puede establecer el fragmento si la v\u00eda de acceso es nula"},
-        "S\u00f3lo se puede establecer el fragmento para un URI gen\u00e9rico"},
-      { MsgKey.ER_NO_SCHEME_IN_URI,
-        "No se ha encontrado un esquema en el URI: {0}"},
-        "No se puede inicializar el URI con par\u00e1metros vac\u00edos"},
-        "No se puede especificar el fragmento en la v\u00eda de acceso y en el fragmento"},
-        "No se puede especificar la serie de consulta en la v\u00eda de acceso y en la serie de consulta"},
+    /*
+     * This file contains error and warning messages related to
+     * Serializer Error Handling.
+     *
+     *  General notes to translators:
+     *  1) A stylesheet is a description of how to transform an input XML document
+     *     into a resultant XML document (or HTML document or text).  The
+     *     stylesheet itself is described in the form of an XML document.
+     *
+     *  2) An element is a mark-up tag in an XML document; an attribute is a
+     *     modifier on the tag.  For example, in <elem attr='val' attr2='val2'>
+     *     "elem" is an element name, "attr" and "attr2" are attribute names with
+     *     the values "val" and "val2", respectively.
+     *
+     *  3) A namespace declaration is a special attribute that is used to associate
+     *     a prefix with a URI (the namespace).  The meanings of element names and
+     *     attribute names that use that prefix are defined with respect to that
+     *     namespace.
+     *
+     *
+     */
+    /** The lookup table for error messages.   */
+    public Object[][] getContents() {
+        Object[][] contents = new Object[][] {
+            {   MsgKey.BAD_MSGKEY,
+                "La clave de mensaje ''{0}'' no est\u00e1 en la clase de mensaje ''{1}''" },
+            {   MsgKey.BAD_MSGFORMAT,
+                "Se ha producido un error en el formato de mensaje ''{0}'' de la clase de mensaje ''{1}''." },
+                "La clase serializer ''{0}'' no implementa org.xml.sax.ContentHandler." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_FIND,
+                    "No se ha podido encontrar el recurso [ {0} ].\n {1}" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_LOAD,
+                    "No se ha podido cargar el recurso [ {0} ]: {1} \n {2} \t {3}" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_BUFFER_SIZE_LESSTHAN_ZERO,
+                    "Tama\u00f1o de almacenamiento intermedio <=0" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_INVALID_UTF16_SURROGATE,
+                    "\u00bfSe ha detectado un sustituto UTF-16 no v\u00e1lido: {0}?" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_OIERROR,
+                "Error de ES" },
+                "No se puede a\u00f1adir el atributo {0} despu\u00e9s de nodos hijo o antes de que se produzca un elemento.  Se ignorar\u00e1 el atributo." },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  The stylesheet contained a reference to a
+             * namespace prefix that was undefined.  The value of the substitution
+             * text is the name of the prefix.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NAMESPACE_PREFIX,
+                "No se ha declarado el espacio de nombres para el prefijo ''{0}''." },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  This message is reported if the stylesheet
+             * being processed attempted to construct an XML document with an
+             * attribute in a place other than on an element.  The substitution text
+             * specifies the name of the attribute.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_STRAY_ATTRIBUTE,
+                "Atributo ''{0}'' fuera del elemento." },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  As with the preceding message, a namespace
+             * declaration has the form of an attribute and is only permitted to
+             * appear on an element.  The substitution text {0} is the namespace
+             * prefix and {1} is the URI that was being used in the erroneous
+             * namespace declaration.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_STRAY_NAMESPACE,
+                "Declaraci\u00f3n del espacio de nombres ''{0}''=''{1}'' fuera del elemento." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_COULD_NOT_LOAD_RESOURCE,
+                "No se ha podido cargar ''{0}'' (compruebe la CLASSPATH), ahora s\u00f3lo se est\u00e1n utilizando los valores predeterminados" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER,
+                "Se ha intentado dar salida a un car\u00e1cter del valor integral {0} que no est\u00e1 representado en la codificaci\u00f3n de salida especificada de {1}." },
+                "No se ha podido cargar el archivo de propiedades ''{0}'' para el m\u00e9todo de salida ''{1}'' (compruebe la CLASSPATH)" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_INVALID_PORT,
+                "N\u00famero de puerto no v\u00e1lido" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_PORT_WHEN_HOST_NULL,
+                "No se puede establecer el puerto si el sistema principal es nulo" },
+                "El sistema principal no es una direcci\u00f3n bien formada" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_NOT_CONFORMANT,
+                "El esquema no es compatible." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_FROM_NULL_STRING,
+                "No se puede establecer un esquema de una serie nula" },
+                "La v\u00eda de acceso contiene una secuencia de escape no v\u00e1lida" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_PATH_INVALID_CHAR,
+                "La v\u00eda de acceso contiene un car\u00e1cter no v\u00e1lido: {0}" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_INVALID_CHAR,
+                "El fragmento contiene un car\u00e1cter no v\u00e1lido" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_WHEN_PATH_NULL,
+                "No se puede establecer el fragmento si la v\u00eda de acceso es nula" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_FOR_GENERIC_URI,
+                "S\u00f3lo se puede establecer el fragmento para un URI gen\u00e9rico" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_SCHEME_IN_URI,
+                "No se ha encontrado un esquema en el URI" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_CANNOT_INIT_URI_EMPTY_PARMS,
+                "No se puede inicializar el URI con par\u00e1metros vac\u00edos" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_FRAGMENT_STRING_IN_PATH,
+                "No se puede especificar el fragmento en la v\u00eda de acceso y en el fragmento" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_QUERY_STRING_IN_PATH,
+                "No se puede especificar la serie de consulta en la v\u00eda de acceso y en la serie de consulta" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_PORT_IF_NO_HOST,
+                "No se puede especificar el puerto si no se ha especificado el sistema principal" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_USERINFO_IF_NO_HOST,
+                "No se puede especificar la informaci\u00f3n de usuario si no se ha especificado el sistema principal" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_XML_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+                "Aviso: la versi\u00f3n del documento de salida tiene que ser ''{0}''.  No se admite esta versi\u00f3n de XML.  La versi\u00f3n del documento de salida ser\u00e1 ''1.0''." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_REQUIRED,
+                "\u00a1Se necesita un esquema!" },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  The words 'Properties' and
+             * 'SerializerFactory' in this message are Java class names
+             * and should not be translated.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FACTORY_PROPERTY_MISSING,
+                "El objeto Properties pasado a SerializerFactory no tiene una propiedad ''{0}''." },
-      { MsgKey.ER_NO_PORT_IF_NO_HOST,
-        "No se puede especificar el puerto si no se ha especificado el sistema principal"},
+            {   MsgKey.ER_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+                "Aviso: La codificaci\u00f3n ''{0}'' no est\u00e1 soportada por Java Runtime." },
-        "No se puede especificar la informaci\u00f3n de usuario si no se ha especificado el sistema principal"},
-        "\u00a1Se necesita un esquema!"}
+        };
-    };
-    return contents;
-  }
+        return contents;
+    }

Modified: xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/
--- xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/ (original)
+++ xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/ Tue Mar 14 13:55:30 2006
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
+ * Copyright 1999-2006 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -20,99 +20,185 @@
 package org.apache.xml.serializer.utils;
 import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.MissingResourceException;
+import java.util.ResourceBundle;
+ * An instance of this class is a ListResourceBundle that
+ * has the required getContents() method that returns
+ * an array of message-key/message associations.
+ * <p>
+ * The message keys are defined in {@link MsgKey}. The
+ * messages that those keys map to are defined here.
+ * <p>
+ * The messages in the English version are intended to be
+ * translated.
+ *
+ * This class is not a public API, it is only public because it is
+ * used in org.apache.xml.serializer.
+ *
+ * @xsl.usage internal
+ */
 public class SerializerMessages_fr extends ListResourceBundle {
-  public Object[][] getContents() {
-    Object[][] contents =  new Object[][] {
-        // BAD_MSGKEY needs translation
-        // BAD_MSGFORMAT needs translation
-        "La classe de la m\u00e9thode de s\u00e9rialisation ''{0}'' n''impl\u00e9mente pas org.xml.sax.ContentHandler."},
-        "La ressource [ {0} ] est introuvable.\n {1}"},
-        "La ressource [ {0} ] n''a pas pu charger : {1} \n {2} \n {3}"},
-        "Taille du tampon <=0"},
-        "Substitut UTF-16 non valide d\u00e9tect\u00e9 : {0} ?"},
-      { MsgKey.ER_OIERROR,
-        "Erreur d''E-S"},
-        "Ajout impossible de l''attribut {0} apr\u00e8s des noeuds enfants ou avant la production d''un \u00e9l\u00e9ment.  L''attribut est ignor\u00e9."},
-        "L''espace de noms du pr\u00e9fixe ''{0}'' n''a pas \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9clar\u00e9."},
-        // ER_STRAY_ATTRIBUTE needs translation
-        "La d\u00e9claration d''espace de noms ''{0}''=''{1}'' est \u00e0 l''ext\u00e9rieur de l''\u00e9l\u00e9ment."},
-        "Impossible de charger ''{0}'' (v\u00e9rifier CLASSPATH), les valeurs par d\u00e9faut sont donc employ\u00e9es "},
-        // ER_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER needs translation
-        "Impossible de charger le fichier de propri\u00e9t\u00e9s ''{0}'' pour la m\u00e9thode de sortie ''{1}'' (v\u00e9rifier CLASSPATH)"},
-      { MsgKey.ER_INVALID_PORT,
-        "Num\u00e9ro de port non valide"},
-        "Le port ne peut \u00eatre d\u00e9fini quand l'h\u00f4te est vide"},
-        "L'h\u00f4te n'est pas une adresse bien form\u00e9e"},
-        "Le processus n'est pas conforme."},
-        "Impossible de d\u00e9finir le processus \u00e0 partir de la cha\u00eene vide"},
-        "Le chemin d'acc\u00e8s contient une s\u00e9quence d'\u00e9chappement non valide"},
-        "Le chemin contient un caract\u00e8re non valide : {0}"},
-        "Le fragment contient un caract\u00e8re non valide"},
-        "Le fragment ne peut \u00eatre d\u00e9fini quand le chemin d'acc\u00e8s est vide"},
-        "Le fragment ne peut \u00eatre d\u00e9fini que pour un URI g\u00e9n\u00e9rique"},
-      { MsgKey.ER_NO_SCHEME_IN_URI,
-        "Processus introuvable dans l''URI : {0}"},
-        "Impossible d'initialiser l'URI avec des param\u00e8tres vides"},
-        "Le fragment ne doit pas \u00eatre indiqu\u00e9 \u00e0 la fois dans le chemin et dans le fragment"},
-        "La cha\u00eene de requ\u00eate ne doit pas figurer dans un chemin et une cha\u00eene de requ\u00eate"},
+    /*
+     * This file contains error and warning messages related to
+     * Serializer Error Handling.
+     *
+     *  General notes to translators:
+     *  1) A stylesheet is a description of how to transform an input XML document
+     *     into a resultant XML document (or HTML document or text).  The
+     *     stylesheet itself is described in the form of an XML document.
+     *
+     *  2) An element is a mark-up tag in an XML document; an attribute is a
+     *     modifier on the tag.  For example, in <elem attr='val' attr2='val2'>
+     *     "elem" is an element name, "attr" and "attr2" are attribute names with
+     *     the values "val" and "val2", respectively.
+     *
+     *  3) A namespace declaration is a special attribute that is used to associate
+     *     a prefix with a URI (the namespace).  The meanings of element names and
+     *     attribute names that use that prefix are defined with respect to that
+     *     namespace.
+     *
+     *
+     */
+    /** The lookup table for error messages.   */
+    public Object[][] getContents() {
+        Object[][] contents = new Object[][] {
+            {   MsgKey.BAD_MSGKEY,
+                "La cl\u00e9 du message ''{0}'' ne se trouve pas dans la classe du message ''{1}''" },
+            {   MsgKey.BAD_MSGFORMAT,
+                "Le format du message ''{0}'' de la classe du message ''{1}'' est incorrect." },
+                "La classe de la m\u00e9thode de s\u00e9rialisation ''{0}'' n''impl\u00e9mente pas org.xml.sax.ContentHandler." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_FIND,
+                    "La ressource [ {0} ] est introuvable.\n {1}" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_LOAD,
+                    "La ressource [ {0} ] n''a pas pu charger : {1} \n {2} \t {3}" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_BUFFER_SIZE_LESSTHAN_ZERO,
+                    "Taille du tampon <=0" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_INVALID_UTF16_SURROGATE,
+                    "Substitut UTF-16 non valide d\u00e9tect\u00e9 : {0} ?" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_OIERROR,
+                "Erreur d'E-S" },
+                "Ajout impossible de l''attribut {0} apr\u00e8s des noeuds enfants ou avant la production d''un \u00e9l\u00e9ment.  L''attribut est ignor\u00e9." },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  The stylesheet contained a reference to a
+             * namespace prefix that was undefined.  The value of the substitution
+             * text is the name of the prefix.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NAMESPACE_PREFIX,
+                "L''espace de noms du pr\u00e9fixe ''{0}'' n''a pas \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9clar\u00e9." },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  This message is reported if the stylesheet
+             * being processed attempted to construct an XML document with an
+             * attribute in a place other than on an element.  The substitution text
+             * specifies the name of the attribute.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_STRAY_ATTRIBUTE,
+                "L''attribut ''{0}'' est \u00e0 l''ext\u00e9rieur de l''\u00e9l\u00e9ment." },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  As with the preceding message, a namespace
+             * declaration has the form of an attribute and is only permitted to
+             * appear on an element.  The substitution text {0} is the namespace
+             * prefix and {1} is the URI that was being used in the erroneous
+             * namespace declaration.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_STRAY_NAMESPACE,
+                "La d\u00e9claration d''espace de noms ''{0}''=''{1}'' est \u00e0 l''ext\u00e9rieur de l''\u00e9l\u00e9ment." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_COULD_NOT_LOAD_RESOURCE,
+                "Impossible de charger ''{0}'' (v\u00e9rifier CLASSPATH), les valeurs par d\u00e9faut sont donc employ\u00e9es" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER,
+                "Tentative de sortie d''un caract\u00e8re de la valeur enti\u00e8re {0} non repr\u00e9sent\u00e9e dans l''encodage de sortie de {1}." },
+                "Impossible de charger le fichier de propri\u00e9t\u00e9s ''{0}'' pour la m\u00e9thode de sortie ''{1}'' (v\u00e9rifier CLASSPATH)" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_INVALID_PORT,
+                "Num\u00e9ro de port non valide" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_PORT_WHEN_HOST_NULL,
+                "Le port ne peut \u00eatre d\u00e9fini quand l'h\u00f4te est vide" },
+                "L'h\u00f4te n'est pas une adresse bien form\u00e9e" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_NOT_CONFORMANT,
+                "Le processus n'est pas conforme." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_FROM_NULL_STRING,
+                "Impossible de d\u00e9finir le processus \u00e0 partir de la cha\u00eene vide" },
+                "Le chemin d'acc\u00e8s contient une s\u00e9quence d'\u00e9chappement non valide" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_PATH_INVALID_CHAR,
+                "Le chemin contient un caract\u00e8re non valide : {0}" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_INVALID_CHAR,
+                "Le fragment contient un caract\u00e8re non valide" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_WHEN_PATH_NULL,
+                "Le fragment ne peut \u00eatre d\u00e9fini quand le chemin d'acc\u00e8s est vide" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_FOR_GENERIC_URI,
+                "Le fragment ne peut \u00eatre d\u00e9fini que pour un URI g\u00e9n\u00e9rique" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_SCHEME_IN_URI,
+                "Processus introuvable dans l'URI" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_CANNOT_INIT_URI_EMPTY_PARMS,
+                "Impossible d'initialiser l'URI avec des param\u00e8tres vides" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_FRAGMENT_STRING_IN_PATH,
+                "Le fragment ne doit pas \u00eatre indiqu\u00e9 \u00e0 la fois dans le chemin et dans le fragment" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_QUERY_STRING_IN_PATH,
+                "La cha\u00eene de requ\u00eate ne doit pas figurer dans un chemin et une cha\u00eene de requ\u00eate" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_PORT_IF_NO_HOST,
+                "Le port peut ne pas \u00eatre sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9 si l'h\u00f4te n'est pas sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_USERINFO_IF_NO_HOST,
+                "Userinfo ne peut \u00eatre sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9 si l'h\u00f4te ne l'est pas" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_XML_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+                "Avertissement : La version du document de sortie doit \u00eatre ''{0}''.  Cette version XML n''est pas prise en charge.  La version du document de sortie sera ''1.0''." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_REQUIRED,
+                "Processus requis !" },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  The words 'Properties' and
+             * 'SerializerFactory' in this message are Java class names
+             * and should not be translated.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FACTORY_PROPERTY_MISSING,
+                "L''objet Properties transmis \u00e0 SerializerFactory ne dispose pas de propri\u00e9t\u00e9 ''{0}''." },
-      { MsgKey.ER_NO_PORT_IF_NO_HOST,
-        "Le port peut ne pas \u00eatre sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9 si l'h\u00f4te n'est pas sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9"},
+            {   MsgKey.ER_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+                "Avertissement : Le codage ''{0}'' n''est pas pris en charge par l''environnement d''ex\u00e9cution Java." },
-        "Userinfo ne peut \u00eatre sp\u00e9cifi\u00e9 si l'h\u00f4te ne l'est pas"},
-        "Processus requis !"}
+        };
-    };
-    return contents;
-  }
+        return contents;
+    }

Modified: xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/
--- xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/ (original)
+++ xalan/java/trunk/src/org/apache/xml/serializer/utils/ Tue Mar 14 13:55:30 2006
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
+ * Copyright 1999-2006 The Apache Software Foundation.
  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -20,99 +20,185 @@
 package org.apache.xml.serializer.utils;
 import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.MissingResourceException;
+import java.util.ResourceBundle;
+ * An instance of this class is a ListResourceBundle that
+ * has the required getContents() method that returns
+ * an array of message-key/message associations.
+ * <p>
+ * The message keys are defined in {@link MsgKey}. The
+ * messages that those keys map to are defined here.
+ * <p>
+ * The messages in the English version are intended to be
+ * translated.
+ *
+ * This class is not a public API, it is only public because it is
+ * used in org.apache.xml.serializer.
+ *
+ * @xsl.usage internal
+ */
 public class SerializerMessages_hu extends ListResourceBundle {
-  public Object[][] getContents() {
-    Object[][] contents =  new Object[][] {
-        // BAD_MSGKEY needs translation
-        // BAD_MSGFORMAT needs translation
-        "A(z) ''{0}'' serializer oszt\u00e1ly nem val\u00f3s\u00edtja meg az org.xml.sax.ContentHandler funkci\u00f3t."},
-        "A(z) [ {0} ] er\u0151forr\u00e1s nem tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3.\n {1}"},
-        "Az er\u0151forr\u00e1st [ {0} ] nem lehet bet\u00f6lteni: {1} \n {2} \n {3}"},
-        "Pufferm\u00e9ret <= 0"},
-        "\u00c9rv\u00e9nytelen UTF-16 helyettes\u00edt\u00e9s: {0} ?"},
-      { MsgKey.ER_OIERROR,
-        "IO hiba"},
-        "Nem lehet {0} attrib\u00fatumat felvenni a gyermek node-ok ut\u00e1n vagy miel\u0151tt egy elem l\u00e9trej\u00f6nne.  Az attrib\u00fatum figyelmen k\u00edv\u00fcl marad."},
-        "A(z) ''{0}'' el\u0151tag n\u00e9vtere nem defini\u00e1lt."},
-        // ER_STRAY_ATTRIBUTE needs translation
-        "A(z) ''{0}''=''{1}'' n\u00e9vt\u00e9r-deklar\u00e1ci\u00f3 k\u00edv\u00fcl esik az elemen."},
-        "Nem lehet bet\u00f6lteni ''{0}''-t (ellen\u0151rizze a CLASSPATH be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1st), az alap\u00e9rtelmez\u00e9seket haszn\u00e1lom"},
-        // ER_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER needs translation
-        "Nem lehet bet\u00f6lteni a(z) ''{0}'' tulajdons\u00e1g-f\u00e1jlt a(z) ''{1}''  (ellen\u0151rizze a CLASSPATH be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1st)"},
-      { MsgKey.ER_INVALID_PORT,
-        "\u00c9rv\u00e9nytelen portsz\u00e1m"},
-        "A port-t nem \u00e1ll\u00edthatja be, ha a host null"},
-        "A host nem j\u00f3l form\u00e1zott c\u00edm"},
-        "A s\u00e9ma nem megfelel\u0151."},
-        "Nem lehet be\u00e1ll\u00edtani a s\u00e9m\u00e1t null karakterl\u00e1ncb\u00f3l"},
-        "Az el\u00e9r\u00e9i \u00fat \u00e9rv\u00e9nytelen eszk\u00e9pszekvenci\u00e1t tartalmaz"},
-        "Az el\u00e9r\u00e9si \u00fat \u00e9rv\u00e9nytelen karaktert tartalmaz: {0}"},
-        "A darab \u00e9rv\u00e9nytelen karaktert tartalmaz"},
-        "A darabot csak nem \u00e1ll\u00edthatja be, h\u00ed az el\u00e9r\u00e9si \u00fat null"},
-        "Darabot csak egy \u00e1ltal\u00e1nos URI-hoz \u00e1ll\u00edthat be"},
-      { MsgKey.ER_NO_SCHEME_IN_URI,
-        "Nem tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3 s\u00e9ma az URI-ban: {0}"},
-        "Nem inicializ\u00e1lhatja az URI-t \u00fcres param\u00e9terekkel"},
-        "Darabot nem adhat meg sem az el\u00e9r\u00e9si \u00fatban sem a darabban"},
-        "Lek\u00e9rdez\u00e9si karakterl\u00e1ncot nem adhat meg el\u00e9r\u00e9si \u00fatban \u00e9s lek\u00e9rdez\u00e9si karakterl\u00e1ncban"},
+    /*
+     * This file contains error and warning messages related to
+     * Serializer Error Handling.
+     *
+     *  General notes to translators:
+     *  1) A stylesheet is a description of how to transform an input XML document
+     *     into a resultant XML document (or HTML document or text).  The
+     *     stylesheet itself is described in the form of an XML document.
+     *
+     *  2) An element is a mark-up tag in an XML document; an attribute is a
+     *     modifier on the tag.  For example, in <elem attr='val' attr2='val2'>
+     *     "elem" is an element name, "attr" and "attr2" are attribute names with
+     *     the values "val" and "val2", respectively.
+     *
+     *  3) A namespace declaration is a special attribute that is used to associate
+     *     a prefix with a URI (the namespace).  The meanings of element names and
+     *     attribute names that use that prefix are defined with respect to that
+     *     namespace.
+     *
+     *
+     */
+    /** The lookup table for error messages.   */
+    public Object[][] getContents() {
+        Object[][] contents = new Object[][] {
+            {   MsgKey.BAD_MSGKEY,
+                "A(z) ''{0}'' \u00fczenetkulcs nem tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3 a(z) ''{1}'' \u00fczenetoszt\u00e1lyban." },
+            {   MsgKey.BAD_MSGFORMAT,
+                "A(z) ''{1}'' \u00fczenetoszt\u00e1ly ''{0}'' \u00fczenet\u00e9nek form\u00e1tuma hib\u00e1s." },
+                "A(z) ''{0}'' p\u00e9ld\u00e1nyos\u00edt\u00f3 oszt\u00e1ly nem val\u00f3s\u00edtja meg az org.xml.sax.ContentHandler f\u00fcggv\u00e9nyt." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_FIND,
+                    "A(z) [ {0} ] er\u0151forr\u00e1s nem tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3.\n {1}" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_RESOURCE_COULD_NOT_LOAD,
+                    "A(z) [ {0} ] er\u0151forr\u00e1st nem lehet bet\u00f6lteni: {1} \n {2} \t {3}" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_BUFFER_SIZE_LESSTHAN_ZERO,
+                    "Pufferm\u00e9ret <= 0" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_INVALID_UTF16_SURROGATE,
+                    "\u00c9rv\u00e9nytelen UTF-16 helyettes\u00edt\u00e9s: {0} ?" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_OIERROR,
+                "IO hiba" },
+                "Nem lehet {0} attrib\u00fatumot hozz\u00e1adni ut\u00f3d csom\u00f3pontok ut\u00e1n vagy egy elem el\u0151\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1sa el\u0151tt.  Az attrib\u00fatum figyelmen k\u00edv\u00fcl marad." },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  The stylesheet contained a reference to a
+             * namespace prefix that was undefined.  The value of the substitution
+             * text is the name of the prefix.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NAMESPACE_PREFIX,
+                "A(z) ''{0}'' el\u0151tag n\u00e9vtere nincs deklar\u00e1lva." },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  This message is reported if the stylesheet
+             * being processed attempted to construct an XML document with an
+             * attribute in a place other than on an element.  The substitution text
+             * specifies the name of the attribute.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_STRAY_ATTRIBUTE,
+                "A(z) ''{0}'' attrib\u00fatum k\u00edv\u00fcl esik az elemen." },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  As with the preceding message, a namespace
+             * declaration has the form of an attribute and is only permitted to
+             * appear on an element.  The substitution text {0} is the namespace
+             * prefix and {1} is the URI that was being used in the erroneous
+             * namespace declaration.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_STRAY_NAMESPACE,
+                "A(z) ''{0}''=''{1}'' n\u00e9vt\u00e9rdeklar\u00e1ci\u00f3 k\u00edv\u00fcl esik az elemen." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_COULD_NOT_LOAD_RESOURCE,
+                "Nem lehet bet\u00f6lteni ''{0}'' er\u0151forr\u00e1st (ellen\u0151rizze a CLASSPATH be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1st), a rendszer az alap\u00e9rtelmez\u00e9seket haszn\u00e1lja." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER,
+                "K\u00eds\u00e9rletet tett {0} \u00e9rt\u00e9k\u00e9nek karakteres ki\u00edr\u00e1s\u00e1ra, de nem jelen\u00edthet\u0151 meg a megadott {1} kimeneti k\u00f3dol\u00e1ssal." },
+                "Nem lehet bet\u00f6lteni a(z) ''{0}'' tulajdons\u00e1gf\u00e1jlt a(z) ''{1}'' met\u00f3dushoz (ellen\u0151rizze a CLASSPATH be\u00e1ll\u00edt\u00e1st)" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_INVALID_PORT,
+                "\u00c9rv\u00e9nytelen portsz\u00e1m" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_PORT_WHEN_HOST_NULL,
+                "A portot nem \u00e1ll\u00edthatja be, ha a hoszt null" },
+                "A hoszt nem j\u00f3l form\u00e1zott c\u00edm" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_NOT_CONFORMANT,
+                "A s\u00e9ma nem megfelel\u0151." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_FROM_NULL_STRING,
+                "Nem lehet be\u00e1ll\u00edtani a s\u00e9m\u00e1t null karaktersorozatb\u00f3l" },
+                "Az el\u00e9r\u00e9si \u00fat \u00e9rv\u00e9nytelen vez\u00e9rl\u0151 jelsorozatot tartalmaz" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_PATH_INVALID_CHAR,
+                "Az el\u00e9r\u00e9si \u00fat \u00e9rv\u00e9nytelen karaktert tartalmaz: {0}" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_INVALID_CHAR,
+                "A t\u00f6red\u00e9k \u00e9rv\u00e9nytelen karaktert tartalmaz" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_WHEN_PATH_NULL,
+                "A t\u00f6red\u00e9ket nem \u00e1ll\u00edthatja be, ha az el\u00e9r\u00e9si \u00fat null" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FRAG_FOR_GENERIC_URI,
+                "Csak \u00e1ltal\u00e1nos URI-hoz \u00e1ll\u00edthat be t\u00f6red\u00e9ket" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_SCHEME_IN_URI,
+                "Nem tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3 s\u00e9ma az URI-ban" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_CANNOT_INIT_URI_EMPTY_PARMS,
+                "Az URI nem inicializ\u00e1lhat\u00f3 \u00fcres param\u00e9terekkel" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_FRAGMENT_STRING_IN_PATH,
+                "Nem adhat meg t\u00f6red\u00e9ket az el\u00e9r\u00e9si \u00fatban \u00e9s a t\u00f6red\u00e9kben is" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_QUERY_STRING_IN_PATH,
+                "Nem adhat meg lek\u00e9rdez\u00e9si karaktersorozatot az el\u00e9r\u00e9si \u00fatban \u00e9s a lek\u00e9rdez\u00e9si karaktersorozatban" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_PORT_IF_NO_HOST,
+                "Nem adhatja meg a portot, ha nincs megadva hoszt" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_NO_USERINFO_IF_NO_HOST,
+                "Nem adhatja meg a felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3i inform\u00e1ci\u00f3kat, ha nincs megadva hoszt" },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_XML_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+                "Figyelmeztet\u00e9s: A kimeneti dokumentum k\u00e9rt verzi\u00f3ja ''{0}''.  Az XML ezen verzi\u00f3ja nem t\u00e1mogatott.  A kimeneti dokumentum verzi\u00f3ja ''1.0'' lesz." },
+            {   MsgKey.ER_SCHEME_REQUIRED,
+                "S\u00e9m\u00e1ra van sz\u00fcks\u00e9g!" },
+            /*
+             * Note to translators:  The words 'Properties' and
+             * 'SerializerFactory' in this message are Java class names
+             * and should not be translated.
+             */
+            {   MsgKey.ER_FACTORY_PROPERTY_MISSING,
+                "A SerializerFactory oszt\u00e1lynak \u00e1tadott Properties objektumnak nincs ''{0}'' tulajdons\u00e1ga." },
-      { MsgKey.ER_NO_PORT_IF_NO_HOST,
-        "Nem adhat meg port-ot, ha nem adott meg host-ot"},
+            {   MsgKey.ER_ENCODING_NOT_SUPPORTED,
+                "Figyelmeztet\u00e9s: A(z) ''{0}'' k\u00f3dol\u00e1st nem t\u00e1mogatja a Java fut\u00e1si k\u00f6rnyezet." },
-        "Nem adhat meg userinfo-t, ha nem adott meg host-ot"},
-        "S\u00e9m\u00e1ra sz\u00fcks\u00e9g van!"}
+        };
-    };
-    return contents;
-  }
+        return contents;
+    }

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