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Posted to by on 2002/07/27 18:37:20 UTC

cvs commit: tcl-site/websh websh.conf websh.interpclass websh.interpclass.initializer

ronnie      2002/07/27 09:37:20

  Added:       websh    websh.conf websh.interpclass
  - moved webshconf.tcl from tcl-core here and streamlined configuration
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  tcl-site/websh/websh.conf
  Index: websh.conf
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # main websh configuration file (referenced by Apache WebshConfig directive)
  # $Id: websh.conf,v 1.1 2002/07/27 16:37:20 ronnie Exp $
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # where is all the stuff
  set document_root /home/tclwww/install/tcl-site
  # map of requests to interpreter classes
  proc web::interpmap {file} {
      # what needs to be passed to websh.interpclass
      if {[string match $::document_root/websh/* $file]} {
          return $::document_root/websh/websh.interpclass
      # default (all other files use their own class)
      return $file
  # allow 1000 requests per interpreter before cleaning it up
  web::interpclasscfg $::document_root/websh/websh.interpclass maxrequests 1000
  1.1                  tcl-site/websh/websh.interpclass
  Index: websh.interpclass
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # main application dispatcher
  # $Id: websh.interpclass,v 1.1 2002/07/27 16:37:20 ronnie Exp $
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # only get the code on the first request
  web::initializer {
      web::include [web::config interpclass].initializer
  # process the actual web page
  web::include [web::config script]
  1.1                  tcl-site/websh/websh.interpclass.initializer
  Index: websh.interpclass.initializer
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # common code for the interpreter class websh.interpclass
  # $Id: websh.interpclass.initializer,v 1.1 2002/07/27 16:37:20 ronnie Exp $
  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  proc getDocFileName {filename} {
      return [file join [web::config document_root] websh $filename]
  proc pageLink {url args} {
      set showName $url
      foreach {arg value} $args {
  	switch -- $arg \
  	    -show { set showName $value} \
  	    -pre { set url "http://$url" }
      web::put "<a href=\"$url\">$showName</a>"
  proc emailLink {email {showName ""}} {
      if { [string compare $showName ""] == 0 } {set showName $email }
      pageLink mailto:$email -show $showName
  proc headRow {type mainTitle {rightTitle ""}} {
      if {$type == 1} {
      web::putx {
          <tr height="30">
          <td width="10" valign="top"></td>
          <td width="150" height="30"></td>
              if {$type == 2} {
                  web::putx {
                      <td width="300" height="30">
  		    {if {[string length $mainTitle] > 0 } {
  			web::putx {<h1>{web::put $mainTitle}</h1>}
  		    } else {
  			web::putx {&nbsp;}
                      <td width="10" height="30"><br>
                      <td width="300" height="30">
  		    {if {[string length $rightTitle] > 0 } {
  			web::putx {<h1>{web::put $rightTitle}</h1>}
  		    } else {
  			web::putx {&nbsp;}
              if {$type == 3} {
                  web::putx {
                      <td width="610" height="30">
  		    {if {[string length $mainTitle] > 0 } {
  			web::putx {<h1>{web::put $mainTitle}</h1>}
  		    } else {
  			web::putx {&nbsp;}
              if {$type == 4} {
                  web::putx {
                      <td width="455" height="30">
  		    {if {[string length $mainTitle] > 0 } {
  			web::putx {<h1>{web::put $mainTitle}</h1>}
  		    } else {
  			web::putx {&nbsp;}
                      <td width="10" height="30"><br>
                      <td width="145" height="30">
  		    {if {[string length $rightTitle] > 0 } {
  			web::putx {<h1>{web::put $rightTitle}</h1>}
  		    } else {
  			web::putx {&nbsp;}
  proc navBarElementSub {ref str flag} {
      if { $flag == 1 } {
  	web::putx {
  	    - <a href="{web::put $ref}">{web::put $str}</a><br>
      if { $flag == 0 } {
  	web::putx {
  	    - {web::put $str}<br>
      if { $flag == 2 } {
  	web::putx {
  	    - <span class=grey>{web::put $str}</span><br>
  proc navBarElementOne {ref str flag} {
      if { $flag == 1 } {
  	web::putx {<a href="{web::put $ref}"><b>{web::put $str}</b></a><br>
      if { $flag == 0 } {
  	web::putx {<b>{web::put $str}</b><br>
      if { $flag == 2 } {
  	web::putx {<b class=grey>{web::put $str}</b><br>
  proc navBarElement {ref str flag args} {
      web::putx {
          <tr valign="top">
          <td width="10"><img height="11" width="10" src="images/pfeil.gif"></td>
          <td class=nav>
  	    navBarElementOne $ref $str $flag
              foreach {arg value isLink} $args {
  		navBarElementSub $arg $value $isLink
  proc navBarStart {} {
      web::putx {
  	<td width="10"><img height="1" border="0" width="10" src="images/stuntFFFFFF001010.gif"></td>
          <td width="150">
          <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="141">
  proc navBarEnd {} {
      web::putx {
  proc redPointElement {text} {
      web::putx {
          <tr valign="top">
          <td width="10"><img height="10" width="10" src="images/punkt_rot.gif"></td>
          <td>{web::putx $text}
  proc newsBarElement {title {desc ""}} {
      web::putx {
          <tr valign="top">
          <td width="10"><img height="10" width="10" src="images/punkt_rot.gif"></td>
          <td class=news><b>{web::putx $title}</b><br>
          {web::putx $desc}
  proc newsBarElementGrey {title {desc ""}} {
      web::putx {
          <tr valign="top">
          <td width="10"><img height="10" width="10" src="images/punkt_grau.gif"></td>
          <td class=grey><b>{web::putx $title}</b><br>
          {web::putx $desc}
  proc pageLink {url args} {
      set showName $url
      foreach {arg value} $args {
  	switch -- $arg \
  	    -show { set showName $value} \
  	    -pre { set url "http://$url" }
      web::put "<a href=\"$url\">$showName</a>"
  proc uppfeil {link args} {
      set aName ""
      set text ""
      foreach {arg value} $args {
  	switch -- $arg \
  	    -aName { set aName $value} \
  	    -text { set text $value }
      web::putx {
  	<tr valign="top">
          <tr valign="top">
          <td width="10"><a href="{web::putx $link}"><img height="10" border="0" width="10" src="images/uppfeil.gif"></a></td>
  	<td width="455">
  	    if {[string compare $aName ""] == 0 } {
  		web::putx {<h2 class=nomargin>{web::putx $text}</h2>}
  	    } else {
  		web::putx {<h2 class="nomargin"><a name="{web::put $aName}">{web::putx $text}</a></h2>}
  ## ============================================================================
  ## navigation bars
  ## ============================================================================
  proc navbar_prod {{where 0}} {
      web::putx {
          {navBarElement "product.ws3" "product description" [expr $where != 0] \
               "#history" "history" 1 \
               "#tcl" "based on Tcl" 1 \
               "#design" "design" 1}
          {navBarElement "TBD" "Websh in action" 2}
          {navBarElement "TBD" "success stories" 2}
          {navBarElement "TBD" "comparison chart" 2}
  proc navbar_docu {{where 0}} {
      web::putx {
          {navBarElement "docu.ws3" "documentation" [expr $where != 0]}
          {navBarElement "whitepaper.ws3" "white paper" [expr $where != 1] \
               "whitepaper.ws3#toc" "index" 1}
          {navBarElement "quickref.ws3" "quick reference" [expr $where != 2] \
               "quickref.ws3#toc" "index" 1}
          {#navBarElement "tutorial.ws3" "tutorial" 2}
          {navBarElement "examples.ws3" "examples" [expr $where != 4]}
          {#navBarElement "reference.ws3" "reference" 2}
  proc navbar_supp {{where 0}} {
      web::putx {
  	<td width="10"><br></td>
          <td width="150">
          <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="141">
          {navBarElement "support.ws3" "support" [expr $where != 0]}
          {navBarElement "faq.ws3" "faq" [expr $where != 1] \
               "faq.ws3#generic" "generic questions" 1 \
               "faq.ws3#technical" "technical questions" 1 \
               "faq.ws3#toc" "index" 1}
          {navBarElement "subscribe.ws3" "mailing list" 1}
          {navBarElement "" "bug tracking system" [expr $where != 3]}
  proc navbar_ress {{where 0}} {
      web::putx {
  proc navbar_down {{where 0}} {
      web::putx {
  proc navbar_null {} {
      web::putx {
  	<td width="10"><img height="1" border="0" width="10" src="images/stuntFFFFFF001010.gif"></td>
          <td width="150">&nbsp;</td>
  ## ============================================================================
  ## news bars
  ## ============================================================================
  proc newsbar_supp {} {
      web::putx {
          <td width="10"><br></td>
          <td width="145">
          <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="145">
  proc newsbar_ress {} {
      web::putx {
          <td width="10"></td>
          <td width="145">
          <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="145">
  proc jslink {linkname generic onover onout width gif alt} {
      return "<a href=\"$linkname\" \
  onmouseover=\"swap('$generic','$onover')\" \
  onmouseout=\"swap('$generic','$onout')\"><img height=\"20\" \
    width=\"$width\" \
    src=\"buttons/$gif\" \
    name=\"$generic\" border=\"0\" alt=\"$alt\"></a>"
  proc startHtmlPage {} {
      web::putx {
          <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1">
          <title>Websh - Welcome</title>
          <script language="JavaScript" src="buttons.js"></script>
          <link href="websh.css" rel="styleSheet" type="text/css">
          <meta name="description" content="Websh - the rapid development environment to build powerful web applications.">
          <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="websh, Websh, e-commerce, web application, apache, perl,  php, asp, cold fusion">
  proc startHtmlBody {} {
      web::putx {
          <body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0"
          bgcolor="#ffffff" link="#006699" alink="red" vlink="#006699">
  proc putHeader {{mainSectionNr 0} {quickNaviNr 1}} {
      web::putx {
          <map name="grafik_navi">
          <area href="" coords="94,2,154,26" shape="rect">
          <area href="" coords="4,2,64,26" shape="rect">
          <area href="contact.ws3" coords="184,2,244,26" shape="rect">
          <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" height="76">
          <tr valign="top">
      if {$quickNaviNr == 0} {
          web::putx {
              <td width="500" bgcolor="#006699"><img height="50" width="300" src="images/grafik_navi.gif" alt="quick navigation" border="0" usemap="#grafik_navi"><img height="50" width="200" src="images/grafik_index.gif" alt="drawing"></td>
      } else {
          web::putx {
              <!-- quick navigation --><!-- map --><!-- technical drawing  -->
              <td width="500" bgcolor="#006699"><img height="50" width="300" src="images/grafik_navi_home.gif" alt="quick navigation" border="0" usemap="#grafik_navi"><img height="50" width="200" src="images/grafik_index.gif" alt="drawing"></td>
      web::putx {
          <td><img height="50" width="270" src="images/logo.gif" alt="websh"></td>
  	<td width="5000" bgcolor="#000000">&nbsp;</td>
          <td width="500">
          <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="500" height="40">
      if {$mainSectionNr == 0} {
          web::putx {
              <td>{web::put [jslink product.ws3 prod b_prod_b b_prod_a 120 b_prod_a.gif "product description"]}</td>
              <td>{web::put [jslink docu.ws3 docu b_docu_b b_docu_a 100 b_docu_a.gif "documentation"]}</td>
              <td>{web::put [jslink support.ws3 supp b_supp_b b_supp_a 70 b_supp_a.gif "support"]}</td>
              <td>{web::put [jslink resources.ws3 ress b_ress_b b_ress_a 110 b_ress_a.gif "resources and links"]}</td>
              <td>{web::put [jslink download.ws3 down b_down_b b_down_a 100 b_down_a.gif "download"]}</td>
              <td colspan="5"><img height="20" width="500" src="images/title_neutral.gif" alt="lines"></td>
      if {$mainSectionNr == 1} {
          web::putx {
              <tr bgcolor="#006699">
              <td width="120"><br></td>
              <td>{web::put [jslink docu.ws3 docu b_docu_b b_docu_a 100 b_docu_a.gif "documentation"]}</td>
              <td>{web::put [jslink support.ws3 supp b_supp_b b_supp_a 70 b_supp_a.gif "support"]}</td>
              <td>{web::put [jslink resources.ws3 ress b_ress_b b_ress_a 110 b_ress_a.gif "resources and links"]}</td>
              <td>{web::put [jslink download.ws3 down b_down_b b_down_a 100 b_down_a.gif "download"]}</td>
              <tr height="20">
              <td width="120" height="20"><img height="20" width="120" src="buttons/b_prod_c.gif"></td>
              <td width="100" height="20"><img height="20" width="100" src="images/title.gif"></td>
              <td width="70" height="20"><img height="20" width="70" src="images/title.gif"></td>
              <td width="110" height="20"><img height="20" width="110" src="images/title.gif"></td>
              <td width="100" height="20"><img height="20" width="100" src="images/title.gif"></td>
      if {$mainSectionNr == 2} {
          web::putx {
              <tr bgcolor="#006699">
              <td>{web::put [jslink product.ws3 prod b_prod_b b_prod_a 120 b_prod_a.gif "product description"]}</td>
              <td width="100"><br></td>
              <td>{web::put [jslink support.ws3 supp b_supp_b b_supp_a 70 b_supp_a.gif "support"]}</td>
              <td>{web::put [jslink resources.ws3 ress b_ress_b b_ress_a 110 b_ress_a.gif "resources and links"]}</td>
              <td>{web::put [jslink download.ws3 down b_down_b b_down_a 100 b_down_a.gif "download"]}</td>
              <tr height="20">
              <td width="120" height="20"><img height="20" width="120" src="images/title.gif"></td>
              <td width="100" height="20"><img height="20" width="100" src="buttons/b_docu_c.gif"></td>
              <td width="70" height="20"><img height="20" width="70" src="images/title.gif"></td>
              <td width="110" height="20"><img height="20" width="110" src="images/title.gif"></td>
              <td width="100" height="20"><img height="20" width="100" src="images/title.gif"></td>
      if {$mainSectionNr == 3} {
          web::putx {
              <tr bgcolor="#006699">
              <td>{web::put [jslink product.ws3 prod b_prod_b b_prod_a 120 b_prod_a.gif "product description"]}</td>
              <td>{web::put [jslink docu.ws3 docu b_docu_b b_docu_a 100 b_docu_a.gif "documentation"]}</td>
              <td width="70"><br></td>
              <td>{web::put [jslink resources.ws3 ress b_ress_b b_ress_a 110 b_ress_a.gif "resources and links"]}</td>
              <td>{web::put [jslink download.ws3 down b_down_b b_down_a 100 b_down_a.gif "download"]}</td>
              <tr height="20">
              <td width="120" height="20"><img height="20" width="120" src="images/title.gif"></td>
              <td width="100" height="20"><img height="20" width="100" src="images/title.gif"></td>
              <td width="70" height="20"><img height="20" width="70" src="buttons/b_supp_c.gif"></td>
              <td width="110" height="20"><img height="20" width="110" src="images/title.gif"></td>
              <td width="100" height="20"><img height="20" width="100" src="images/title.gif"></td>
      if {$mainSectionNr == 4} {
          web::putx {
              <tr bgcolor="#006699">
              <td>{web::put [jslink product.ws3 prod b_prod_b b_prod_a 120 b_prod_a.gif "product description"]}</td>
              <td>{web::put [jslink docu.ws3 docu b_docu_b b_docu_a 100 b_docu_a.gif "documentation"]}</td>
              <td>{web::put [jslink support.ws3 supp b_supp_b b_supp_a 70 b_supp_a.gif "support"]}</td>
              <td width="110"><br></td>
              <td>{web::put [jslink download.ws3 down b_down_b b_down_a 100 b_down_a.gif "download"]}</td>
              <tr height="20">
              <td width="120" height="20"><img height="20" width="120" src="images/title.gif"></td>
              <td width="100" height="20"><img height="20" width="100" src="images/title.gif"></td>
              <td width="70" height="20"><img height="20" width="70" src="images/title.gif"></td>
              <td width="110" height="20"><img height="20" width="110" src="buttons/b_ress_c.gif"></td>
              <td width="100" height="20"><img height="20" width="100" src="images/title.gif"></td>
      if {$mainSectionNr == 5} {
          web::putx {
              <tr bgcolor="#006699">
              <td>{web::put [jslink product.ws3 prod b_prod_b b_prod_a 120 b_prod_a.gif "product description"]}</td>
              <td>{web::put [jslink docu.ws3 docu b_docu_b b_docu_a 100 b_docu_a.gif "documentation"]}</td>
              <td>{web::put [jslink support.ws3 supp b_supp_b b_supp_a 70 b_supp_a.gif "support"]}</td>
              <td>{web::put [jslink resources.ws3 ress b_ress_b b_ress_a 110 b_ress_a.gif "resources and links"]}</td>
              <td width="100"><br></td>
              <tr height="20">
              <td width="120" height="20"><img height="20" width="120" src="images/title.gif"></td>
              <td width="100" height="20"><img height="20" width="100" src="images/title.gif"></td>
              <td width="70" height="20"><img height="20" width="70" src="images/title.gif"></td>
              <td width="110" height="20"><img height="20" width="110" src="images/title.gif"></td>
              <td width="100" height="20"><img height="20" width="100" src="buttons/b_down_c.gif"></td>
      web::putx {
          <td><img height="40" width="270" src="images/logo_strich.gif"></td>
  proc finishPage {{where 0}} {
      web::putx {
          <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="770" height="45">
          <tr valign="top">
          <td colspan="2">
          <hr noshade size="1">
          <tr valign="top">
          <td width="10"></td>
          <td width="760">
  	    if {$where != 1 } {
  		web::put {<a href="product.ws3">product description</a>&nbsp;|}
  	    } else {
  		web::put {<span class="blue">product description</span>&nbsp;|}
  	    if {$where != 2 } {
  		web::put {&nbsp;<a href="docu.ws3">documentation</a>&nbsp;|}
  	    } else {
  		web::put {&nbsp;<span class="blue">documentation</span>&nbsp;|}
  	    if {$where != 3 } {
  		web::put {&nbsp;<a href="support.ws3">support</a>&nbsp;|}
  	    } else {
  		web::put {&nbsp;<span class="blue">support</span>&nbsp;|}
  	    if {$where != 4 } {
  		web::put {&nbsp;<a href="resources.ws3">resources</a>&nbsp;|}
  	    } else {
  		web::put {&nbsp;<span class="blue">resources</span>&nbsp;|}
  	    if {$where != 5 } {
  		web::put {&nbsp;<a href="download.ws3">download area</a>&nbsp;|}
  	    } else {
  		web::put {&nbsp;<span class="blue">download area</span>&nbsp;|}
  	    web::put {&nbsp;<a href="copyright.ws3">copyright statement</a>}
          <tr valign="top">
          <td colspan="2">
          <hr noshade size="1">
          <tr valign="top">
          <td width="10"></td>
          <td width="760">
          <span class="klein"><b>&copy; Websh - an <a href="">Apache Tcl</a> project - part of the <a href="">Apache Software Foundation</a></b></span></td>

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