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Posted to by on 2003/04/10 06:09:05 UTC

a simple highlight resolvent

hi everyone,
I am new one in lucene and got a lot help in last 2 weeks. Here I want to share a a simple highlight resolvent. Of course I have try de.iqcomputing.lucene. Here just a simple way base the demo. Here is the source. It's a little inept. And I don't don't why it can't compile if I use String.replaceAll(), So I write another method to handle it. Any suggestion are welcomed.

to use it in results.jsp. --------------------------------
hl = new org.apache.lucene.demo.HightLighter(query.toString("contents"));
      summary = hl.getHighlightFile(path);
      if (summary == null || summary.length() < 100 ){
         summary = doc.get("summary");
 } catch (Exception e){
        summary = doc.get("summary");
package org.apache.lucene.demo;

import java.util.*;
import org.apache.lucene.demo.html.HTMLParser;

public class HightLighter {

  String[] keys;
  boolean[] b;

  public HightLighter(String query) {
    HashMap highlight = new HashMap();
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(query, "\"");
    String aToken;
    int off = 0;
      aToken = st.nextToken();
      char aChar;
      String dest = "";
      for(int i=0; i<aToken.length(); i++){
        aChar = aToken.charAt(i);
        if (aChar != '+' &&
            aChar != '-' &&
            aChar != '(' &&
            aChar != ')' &&
            aChar != ' '){
          dest = dest + aChar;
      if (dest.length() > 0) {
        highlight.put(Integer.toString(off) , dest);
        off = off + 1;

    keys = new String[highlight.size()];
    b = new boolean[highlight.size()];
    for(int c=0; c<highlight.size(); c++){
      keys[c] = (String)highlight.get(Integer.toString(c));
      b[c] = false;

  public String replaceKey(String sourceString, String key) {
    String destString = "";
    int i = sourceString.indexOf(key);
    while ( i != -1 ) {
      destString = destString + sourceString.substring(0,i)
                 + "<font color=\"red\">" + key + "</font>";
      sourceString = sourceString.substring(i+key.length());
      i = sourceString.indexOf(key);
    destString = destString+sourceString;
    return destString;

  public String getHighlight(String string){
    for(int i=0; i<keys.length; i++){
      if (string.indexOf(keys[i]) != -1){
        //string = string.replaceAll(keys[i], "<font color=\"red\">" + keys[i] + "</font>");
        string = replaceKey(string, keys[i]);
    return string;

  public String getHighlightFile(String path)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException  {

    HTMLParser parser = new HTMLParser(new File(path));
    Reader fr = parser.getReader();
    String hlString = this.getHighlight(fr);
    return hlString;

  public String getHighlight(Reader reader){

      int size = 5 - keys.length;
      if ( size > 0) {
        size = size * 100;
      } else {
        size = 100;
      char[] buffer = new char[size];
      StringBuffer last = new StringBuffer("..");
      String temp;
      boolean end = false;
      for(int c=0; c<b.length; c++){
        b[c] = false;

      while (( != -1) && !end){
        temp = new String(buffer);
        //temp = temp.replaceAll("\r\n", " ");
        for(int i=0; i<keys.length; i++){
          if (!b[i] && temp.indexOf(keys[i]) != -1){
            b[i] = true;
            //temp = temp.replaceAll(keys[i], "<font color=\"red\">" + keys[i] + "</font>");
            last.append("." + temp + "..");
        for(int i=0; i<keys.length; i++){
          if (!b[i]){
            end = false;
          } else {
            end = true;
      if (last.length() < 100){
        return null;
      } else {
    } catch (Exception e){
      return null;