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[24/69] [abbrv] [partial] Initial work to rename package to org.apache.spark
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/BitTorrentBroadcast.scala b/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/BitTorrentBroadcast.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f7d385..0000000
--- a/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/BitTorrentBroadcast.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1057 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package spark.broadcast
-import java.util.{BitSet, Comparator, Timer, TimerTask, UUID}
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
-import scala.collection.mutable.{ListBuffer, Map, Set}
-import scala.math
-import spark._
-private[spark] class BitTorrentBroadcast[T](@transient var value_ : T, isLocal: Boolean, id: Long)
-  extends Broadcast[T](id)
-  with Logging
-  with Serializable {
-  def value = value_
-  def blockId: String = "broadcast_" + id
-  MultiTracker.synchronized {
-    SparkEnv.get.blockManager.putSingle(blockId, value_, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK, false)
-  }
-  @transient var arrayOfBlocks: Array[BroadcastBlock] = null
-  @transient var hasBlocksBitVector: BitSet = null
-  @transient var numCopiesSent: Array[Int] = null
-  @transient var totalBytes = -1
-  @transient var totalBlocks = -1
-  @transient var hasBlocks = new AtomicInteger(0)
-  // Used ONLY by driver to track how many unique blocks have been sent out
-  @transient var sentBlocks = new AtomicInteger(0)
-  @transient var listenPortLock = new Object
-  @transient var guidePortLock = new Object
-  @transient var totalBlocksLock = new Object
-  @transient var listOfSources = ListBuffer[SourceInfo]()
-  @transient var serveMR: ServeMultipleRequests = null
-  // Used only in driver
-  @transient var guideMR: GuideMultipleRequests = null
-  // Used only in Workers
-  @transient var ttGuide: TalkToGuide = null
-  @transient var hostAddress = Utils.localIpAddress
-  @transient var listenPort = -1
-  @transient var guidePort = -1
-  @transient var stopBroadcast = false
-  // Must call this after all the variables have been created/initialized
-  if (!isLocal) {
-    sendBroadcast()
-  }
-  def sendBroadcast() {
-    logInfo("Local host address: " + hostAddress)
-    // Create a variableInfo object and store it in valueInfos
-    var variableInfo = MultiTracker.blockifyObject(value_)
-    // Prepare the value being broadcasted
-    arrayOfBlocks = variableInfo.arrayOfBlocks
-    totalBytes = variableInfo.totalBytes
-    totalBlocks = variableInfo.totalBlocks
-    hasBlocks.set(variableInfo.totalBlocks)
-    // Guide has all the blocks
-    hasBlocksBitVector = new BitSet(totalBlocks)
-    hasBlocksBitVector.set(0, totalBlocks)
-    // Guide still hasn't sent any block
-    numCopiesSent = new Array[Int](totalBlocks)
-    guideMR = new GuideMultipleRequests
-    guideMR.setDaemon(true)
-    guideMR.start()
-    logInfo("GuideMultipleRequests started...")
-    // Must always come AFTER guideMR is created
-    while (guidePort == -1) {
-      guidePortLock.synchronized { guidePortLock.wait() }
-    }
-    serveMR = new ServeMultipleRequests
-    serveMR.setDaemon(true)
-    serveMR.start()
-    logInfo("ServeMultipleRequests started...")
-    // Must always come AFTER serveMR is created
-    while (listenPort == -1) {
-      listenPortLock.synchronized { listenPortLock.wait() }
-    }
-    // Must always come AFTER listenPort is created
-    val driverSource =
-      SourceInfo(hostAddress, listenPort, totalBlocks, totalBytes)
-    hasBlocksBitVector.synchronized {
-      driverSource.hasBlocksBitVector = hasBlocksBitVector
-    }
-    // In the beginning, this is the only known source to Guide
-    listOfSources += driverSource
-    // Register with the Tracker
-    MultiTracker.registerBroadcast(id,
-      SourceInfo(hostAddress, guidePort, totalBlocks, totalBytes))
-  }
-  private def readObject(in: ObjectInputStream) {
-    in.defaultReadObject()
-    MultiTracker.synchronized {
-      SparkEnv.get.blockManager.getSingle(blockId) match {
-        case Some(x) =>
-          value_ = x.asInstanceOf[T]
-        case None =>
-          logInfo("Started reading broadcast variable " + id)
-          // Initializing everything because driver will only send null/0 values
-          // Only the 1st worker in a node can be here. Others will get from cache
-          initializeWorkerVariables()
-          logInfo("Local host address: " + hostAddress)
-          // Start local ServeMultipleRequests thread first
-          serveMR = new ServeMultipleRequests
-          serveMR.setDaemon(true)
-          serveMR.start()
-          logInfo("ServeMultipleRequests started...")
-          val start = System.nanoTime
-          val receptionSucceeded = receiveBroadcast(id)
-          if (receptionSucceeded) {
-            value_ = MultiTracker.unBlockifyObject[T](arrayOfBlocks, totalBytes, totalBlocks)
-            SparkEnv.get.blockManager.putSingle(
-              blockId, value_, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK, false)
-          }  else {
-            logError("Reading broadcast variable " + id + " failed")
-          }
-          val time = (System.nanoTime - start) / 1e9
-          logInfo("Reading broadcast variable " + id + " took " + time + " s")
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // Initialize variables in the worker node. Driver sends everything as 0/null
-  private def initializeWorkerVariables() {
-    arrayOfBlocks = null
-    hasBlocksBitVector = null
-    numCopiesSent = null
-    totalBytes = -1
-    totalBlocks = -1
-    hasBlocks = new AtomicInteger(0)
-    listenPortLock = new Object
-    totalBlocksLock = new Object
-    serveMR = null
-    ttGuide = null
-    hostAddress = Utils.localIpAddress
-    listenPort = -1
-    listOfSources = ListBuffer[SourceInfo]()
-    stopBroadcast = false
-  }
-  private def getLocalSourceInfo: SourceInfo = {
-    // Wait till hostName and listenPort are OK
-    while (listenPort == -1) {
-      listenPortLock.synchronized { listenPortLock.wait() }
-    }
-    // Wait till totalBlocks and totalBytes are OK
-    while (totalBlocks == -1) {
-      totalBlocksLock.synchronized { totalBlocksLock.wait() }
-    }
-    var localSourceInfo = SourceInfo(
-      hostAddress, listenPort, totalBlocks, totalBytes)
-    localSourceInfo.hasBlocks = hasBlocks.get
-    hasBlocksBitVector.synchronized {
-      localSourceInfo.hasBlocksBitVector = hasBlocksBitVector
-    }
-    return localSourceInfo
-  }
-  // Add new SourceInfo to the listOfSources. Update if it exists already.
-  // Optimizing just by OR-ing the BitVectors was BAD for performance
-  private def addToListOfSources(newSourceInfo: SourceInfo) {
-    listOfSources.synchronized {
-      if (listOfSources.contains(newSourceInfo)) {
-        listOfSources = listOfSources - newSourceInfo
-      }
-      listOfSources += newSourceInfo
-    }
-  }
-  private def addToListOfSources(newSourceInfos: ListBuffer[SourceInfo]) {
-    newSourceInfos.foreach { newSourceInfo =>
-      addToListOfSources(newSourceInfo)
-    }
-  }
-  class TalkToGuide(gInfo: SourceInfo)
-  extends Thread with Logging {
-    override def run() {
-      // Keep exchaning information until all blocks have been received
-      while (hasBlocks.get < totalBlocks) {
-        talkOnce
-        Thread.sleep(MultiTracker.ranGen.nextInt(
-          MultiTracker.MaxKnockInterval - MultiTracker.MinKnockInterval) +
-          MultiTracker.MinKnockInterval)
-      }
-      // Talk one more time to let the Guide know of reception completion
-      talkOnce
-    }
-    // Connect to Guide and send this worker's information
-    private def talkOnce {
-      var clientSocketToGuide: Socket = null
-      var oosGuide: ObjectOutputStream = null
-      var oisGuide: ObjectInputStream = null
-      clientSocketToGuide = new Socket(gInfo.hostAddress, gInfo.listenPort)
-      oosGuide = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocketToGuide.getOutputStream)
-      oosGuide.flush()
-      oisGuide = new ObjectInputStream(clientSocketToGuide.getInputStream)
-      // Send local information
-      oosGuide.writeObject(getLocalSourceInfo)
-      oosGuide.flush()
-      // Receive source information from Guide
-      var suitableSources =
-        oisGuide.readObject.asInstanceOf[ListBuffer[SourceInfo]]
-      logDebug("Received suitableSources from Driver " + suitableSources)
-      addToListOfSources(suitableSources)
-      oisGuide.close()
-      oosGuide.close()
-      clientSocketToGuide.close()
-    }
-  }
-  def receiveBroadcast(variableID: Long): Boolean = {
-    val gInfo = MultiTracker.getGuideInfo(variableID)
-    if (gInfo.listenPort == SourceInfo.TxOverGoToDefault) {
-      return false
-    }
-    // Wait until hostAddress and listenPort are created by the
-    // ServeMultipleRequests thread
-    while (listenPort == -1) {
-      listenPortLock.synchronized { listenPortLock.wait() }
-    }
-    // Setup initial states of variables
-    totalBlocks = gInfo.totalBlocks
-    arrayOfBlocks = new Array[BroadcastBlock](totalBlocks)
-    hasBlocksBitVector = new BitSet(totalBlocks)
-    numCopiesSent = new Array[Int](totalBlocks)
-    totalBlocksLock.synchronized { totalBlocksLock.notifyAll() }
-    totalBytes = gInfo.totalBytes
-    // Start ttGuide to periodically talk to the Guide
-    var ttGuide = new TalkToGuide(gInfo)
-    ttGuide.setDaemon(true)
-    ttGuide.start()
-    logInfo("TalkToGuide started...")
-    // Start pController to run TalkToPeer threads
-    var pcController = new PeerChatterController
-    pcController.setDaemon(true)
-    pcController.start()
-    logInfo("PeerChatterController started...")
-    // FIXME: Must fix this. This might never break if broadcast fails.
-    // We should be able to break and send false. Also need to kill threads
-    while (hasBlocks.get < totalBlocks) {
-      Thread.sleep(MultiTracker.MaxKnockInterval)
-    }
-    return true
-  }
-  class PeerChatterController
-  extends Thread with Logging {
-    private var peersNowTalking = ListBuffer[SourceInfo]()
-    // TODO: There is a possible bug with blocksInRequestBitVector when a
-    // certain bit is NOT unset upon failure resulting in an infinite loop.
-    private var blocksInRequestBitVector = new BitSet(totalBlocks)
-    override def run() {
-      var threadPool = Utils.newDaemonFixedThreadPool(MultiTracker.MaxChatSlots)
-      while (hasBlocks.get < totalBlocks) {
-        var numThreadsToCreate = 0
-        listOfSources.synchronized {
-          numThreadsToCreate = math.min(listOfSources.size, MultiTracker.MaxChatSlots) -
-          threadPool.getActiveCount
-        }
-        while (hasBlocks.get < totalBlocks && numThreadsToCreate > 0) {
-          var peerToTalkTo = pickPeerToTalkToRandom
-          if (peerToTalkTo != null)
-            logDebug("Peer chosen: " + peerToTalkTo + " with " + peerToTalkTo.hasBlocksBitVector)
-          else
-            logDebug("No peer chosen...")
-          if (peerToTalkTo != null) {
-            threadPool.execute(new TalkToPeer(peerToTalkTo))
-            // Add to peersNowTalking. Remove in the thread. We have to do this
-            // ASAP, otherwise pickPeerToTalkTo picks the same peer more than once
-            peersNowTalking.synchronized { peersNowTalking += peerToTalkTo }
-          }
-          numThreadsToCreate = numThreadsToCreate - 1
-        }
-        // Sleep for a while before starting some more threads
-        Thread.sleep(MultiTracker.MinKnockInterval)
-      }
-      // Shutdown the thread pool
-      threadPool.shutdown()
-    }
-    // Right now picking the one that has the most blocks this peer wants
-    // Also picking peer randomly if no one has anything interesting
-    private def pickPeerToTalkToRandom: SourceInfo = {
-      var curPeer: SourceInfo = null
-      var curMax = 0
-      logDebug("Picking peers to talk to...")
-      // Find peers that are not connected right now
-      var peersNotInUse = ListBuffer[SourceInfo]()
-      listOfSources.synchronized {
-        peersNowTalking.synchronized {
-          peersNotInUse = listOfSources -- peersNowTalking
-        }
-      }
-      // Select the peer that has the most blocks that this receiver does not
-      peersNotInUse.foreach { eachSource =>
-        var tempHasBlocksBitVector: BitSet = null
-        hasBlocksBitVector.synchronized {
-          tempHasBlocksBitVector = hasBlocksBitVector.clone.asInstanceOf[BitSet]
-        }
-        tempHasBlocksBitVector.flip(0, tempHasBlocksBitVector.size)
-        tempHasBlocksBitVector.and(eachSource.hasBlocksBitVector)
-        if (tempHasBlocksBitVector.cardinality > curMax) {
-          curPeer = eachSource
-          curMax = tempHasBlocksBitVector.cardinality
-        }
-      }
-      // Always picking randomly
-      if (curPeer == null && peersNotInUse.size > 0) {
-        // Pick uniformly the i'th required peer
-        var i = MultiTracker.ranGen.nextInt(peersNotInUse.size)
-        var peerIter = peersNotInUse.iterator
-        curPeer =
-        while (i > 0) {
-          curPeer =
-          i = i - 1
-        }
-      }
-      return curPeer
-    }
-    // Picking peer with the weight of rare blocks it has
-    private def pickPeerToTalkToRarestFirst: SourceInfo = {
-      // Find peers that are not connected right now
-      var peersNotInUse = ListBuffer[SourceInfo]()
-      listOfSources.synchronized {
-        peersNowTalking.synchronized {
-          peersNotInUse = listOfSources -- peersNowTalking
-        }
-      }
-      // Count the number of copies of each block in the neighborhood
-      var numCopiesPerBlock = Array.tabulate [Int](totalBlocks)(_ => 0)
-      listOfSources.synchronized {
-        listOfSources.foreach { eachSource =>
-          for (i <- 0 until totalBlocks) {
-            numCopiesPerBlock(i) +=
-              ( if (eachSource.hasBlocksBitVector.get(i)) 1 else 0 )
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      // A block is considered rare if there are at most 2 copies of that block
-      // This CONSTANT could be a function of the neighborhood size
-      var rareBlocksIndices = ListBuffer[Int]()
-      for (i <- 0 until totalBlocks) {
-        if (numCopiesPerBlock(i) > 0 && numCopiesPerBlock(i) <= 2) {
-          rareBlocksIndices += i
-        }
-      }
-      // Find peers with rare blocks
-      var peersWithRareBlocks = ListBuffer[(SourceInfo, Int)]()
-      var totalRareBlocks = 0
-      peersNotInUse.foreach { eachPeer =>
-        var hasRareBlocks = 0
-        rareBlocksIndices.foreach { rareBlock =>
-          if (eachPeer.hasBlocksBitVector.get(rareBlock)) {
-            hasRareBlocks += 1
-          }
-        }
-        if (hasRareBlocks > 0) {
-          peersWithRareBlocks += ((eachPeer, hasRareBlocks))
-        }
-        totalRareBlocks += hasRareBlocks
-      }
-      // Select a peer from peersWithRareBlocks based on weight calculated from
-      // unique rare blocks
-      var selectedPeerToTalkTo: SourceInfo = null
-      if (peersWithRareBlocks.size > 0) {
-        // Sort the peers based on how many rare blocks they have
-        peersWithRareBlocks.sortBy(_._2)
-        var randomNumber = MultiTracker.ranGen.nextDouble
-        var tempSum = 0.0
-        var i = 0
-        do {
-          tempSum += (1.0 * peersWithRareBlocks(i)._2 / totalRareBlocks)
-          if (tempSum >= randomNumber) {
-            selectedPeerToTalkTo = peersWithRareBlocks(i)._1
-          }
-          i += 1
-        } while (i < peersWithRareBlocks.size && selectedPeerToTalkTo == null)
-      }
-      if (selectedPeerToTalkTo == null) {
-        selectedPeerToTalkTo = pickPeerToTalkToRandom
-      }
-      return selectedPeerToTalkTo
-    }
-    class TalkToPeer(peerToTalkTo: SourceInfo)
-    extends Thread with Logging {
-      private var peerSocketToSource: Socket = null
-      private var oosSource: ObjectOutputStream = null
-      private var oisSource: ObjectInputStream = null
-      override def run() {
-        // TODO: There is a possible bug here regarding blocksInRequestBitVector
-        var blockToAskFor = -1
-        // Setup the timeout mechanism
-        var timeOutTask = new TimerTask {
-          override def run() {
-            cleanUpConnections()
-          }
-        }
-        var timeOutTimer = new Timer
-        timeOutTimer.schedule(timeOutTask, MultiTracker.MaxKnockInterval)
-        logInfo("TalkToPeer started... => " + peerToTalkTo)
-        try {
-          // Connect to the source
-          peerSocketToSource =
-            new Socket(peerToTalkTo.hostAddress, peerToTalkTo.listenPort)
-          oosSource =
-            new ObjectOutputStream(peerSocketToSource.getOutputStream)
-          oosSource.flush()
-          oisSource =
-            new ObjectInputStream(peerSocketToSource.getInputStream)
-          // Receive latest SourceInfo from peerToTalkTo
-          var newPeerToTalkTo = oisSource.readObject.asInstanceOf[SourceInfo]
-          // Update listOfSources
-          addToListOfSources(newPeerToTalkTo)
-          // Turn the timer OFF, if the sender responds before timeout
-          timeOutTimer.cancel()
-          // Send the latest SourceInfo
-          oosSource.writeObject(getLocalSourceInfo)
-          oosSource.flush()
-          var keepReceiving = true
-          while (hasBlocks.get < totalBlocks && keepReceiving) {
-            blockToAskFor =
-              pickBlockRandom(newPeerToTalkTo.hasBlocksBitVector)
-            // No block to request
-            if (blockToAskFor < 0) {
-              // Nothing to receive from newPeerToTalkTo
-              keepReceiving = false
-            } else {
-              // Let other threads know that blockToAskFor is being requested
-              blocksInRequestBitVector.synchronized {
-                blocksInRequestBitVector.set(blockToAskFor)
-              }
-              // Start with sending the blockID
-              oosSource.writeObject(blockToAskFor)
-              oosSource.flush()
-              // CHANGED: Driver might send some other block than the one
-              // requested to ensure fast spreading of all blocks.
-              val recvStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis
-              val bcBlock = oisSource.readObject.asInstanceOf[BroadcastBlock]
-              val receptionTime = (System.currentTimeMillis - recvStartTime)
-              logDebug("Received block: " + bcBlock.blockID + " from " + peerToTalkTo + " in " + receptionTime + " millis.")
-              if (!hasBlocksBitVector.get(bcBlock.blockID)) {
-                arrayOfBlocks(bcBlock.blockID) = bcBlock
-                // Update the hasBlocksBitVector first
-                hasBlocksBitVector.synchronized {
-                  hasBlocksBitVector.set(bcBlock.blockID)
-                  hasBlocks.getAndIncrement
-                }
-                // Some block(may NOT be blockToAskFor) has arrived.
-                // In any case, blockToAskFor is not in request any more
-                blocksInRequestBitVector.synchronized {
-                  blocksInRequestBitVector.set(blockToAskFor, false)
-                }
-                // Reset blockToAskFor to -1. Else it will be considered missing
-                blockToAskFor = -1
-              }
-              // Send the latest SourceInfo
-              oosSource.writeObject(getLocalSourceInfo)
-              oosSource.flush()
-            }
-          }
-        } catch {
-          // EOFException is expected to happen because sender can break
-          // connection due to timeout
-          case eofe: => { }
-          case e: Exception => {
-            logError("TalktoPeer had a " + e)
-            // FIXME: Remove 'newPeerToTalkTo' from listOfSources
-            // We probably should have the following in some form, but not
-            // really here. This exception can happen if the sender just breaks connection
-            // listOfSources.synchronized {
-              // logInfo("Exception in TalkToPeer. Removing source: " + peerToTalkTo)
-              // listOfSources = listOfSources - peerToTalkTo
-            // }
-          }
-        } finally {
-          // blockToAskFor != -1 => there was an exception
-          if (blockToAskFor != -1) {
-            blocksInRequestBitVector.synchronized {
-              blocksInRequestBitVector.set(blockToAskFor, false)
-            }
-          }
-          cleanUpConnections()
-        }
-      }
-      // Right now it picks a block uniformly that this peer does not have
-      private def pickBlockRandom(txHasBlocksBitVector: BitSet): Int = {
-        var needBlocksBitVector: BitSet = null
-        // Blocks already present
-        hasBlocksBitVector.synchronized {
-          needBlocksBitVector = hasBlocksBitVector.clone.asInstanceOf[BitSet]
-        }
-        // Include blocks already in transmission ONLY IF
-        // MultiTracker.EndGameFraction has NOT been achieved
-        if ((1.0 * hasBlocks.get / totalBlocks) < MultiTracker.EndGameFraction) {
-          blocksInRequestBitVector.synchronized {
-            needBlocksBitVector.or(blocksInRequestBitVector)
-          }
-        }
-        // Find blocks that are neither here nor in transit
-        needBlocksBitVector.flip(0, needBlocksBitVector.size)
-        // Blocks that should/can be requested
-        needBlocksBitVector.and(txHasBlocksBitVector)
-        if (needBlocksBitVector.cardinality == 0) {
-          return -1
-        } else {
-          // Pick uniformly the i'th required block
-          var i = MultiTracker.ranGen.nextInt(needBlocksBitVector.cardinality)
-          var pickedBlockIndex = needBlocksBitVector.nextSetBit(0)
-          while (i > 0) {
-            pickedBlockIndex =
-              needBlocksBitVector.nextSetBit(pickedBlockIndex + 1)
-            i -= 1
-          }
-          return pickedBlockIndex
-        }
-      }
-      // Pick the block that seems to be the rarest across sources
-      private def pickBlockRarestFirst(txHasBlocksBitVector: BitSet): Int = {
-        var needBlocksBitVector: BitSet = null
-        // Blocks already present
-        hasBlocksBitVector.synchronized {
-          needBlocksBitVector = hasBlocksBitVector.clone.asInstanceOf[BitSet]
-        }
-        // Include blocks already in transmission ONLY IF
-        // MultiTracker.EndGameFraction has NOT been achieved
-        if ((1.0 * hasBlocks.get / totalBlocks) < MultiTracker.EndGameFraction) {
-          blocksInRequestBitVector.synchronized {
-            needBlocksBitVector.or(blocksInRequestBitVector)
-          }
-        }
-        // Find blocks that are neither here nor in transit
-        needBlocksBitVector.flip(0, needBlocksBitVector.size)
-        // Blocks that should/can be requested
-        needBlocksBitVector.and(txHasBlocksBitVector)
-        if (needBlocksBitVector.cardinality == 0) {
-          return -1
-        } else {
-          // Count the number of copies for each block across all sources
-          var numCopiesPerBlock = Array.tabulate [Int](totalBlocks)(_ => 0)
-          listOfSources.synchronized {
-            listOfSources.foreach { eachSource =>
-              for (i <- 0 until totalBlocks) {
-                numCopiesPerBlock(i) +=
-                  ( if (eachSource.hasBlocksBitVector.get(i)) 1 else 0 )
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          // Find the minimum
-          var minVal = Integer.MAX_VALUE
-          for (i <- 0 until totalBlocks) {
-            if (numCopiesPerBlock(i) > 0 && numCopiesPerBlock(i) < minVal) {
-              minVal = numCopiesPerBlock(i)
-            }
-          }
-          // Find the blocks with the least copies that this peer does not have
-          var minBlocksIndices = ListBuffer[Int]()
-          for (i <- 0 until totalBlocks) {
-            if (needBlocksBitVector.get(i) && numCopiesPerBlock(i) == minVal) {
-              minBlocksIndices += i
-            }
-          }
-          // Now select a random index from minBlocksIndices
-          if (minBlocksIndices.size == 0) {
-            return -1
-          } else {
-            // Pick uniformly the i'th index
-            var i = MultiTracker.ranGen.nextInt(minBlocksIndices.size)
-            return minBlocksIndices(i)
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      private def cleanUpConnections() {
-        if (oisSource != null) {
-          oisSource.close()
-        }
-        if (oosSource != null) {
-          oosSource.close()
-        }
-        if (peerSocketToSource != null) {
-          peerSocketToSource.close()
-        }
-        // Delete from peersNowTalking
-        peersNowTalking.synchronized { peersNowTalking -= peerToTalkTo }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  class GuideMultipleRequests
-  extends Thread with Logging {
-    // Keep track of sources that have completed reception
-    private var setOfCompletedSources = Set[SourceInfo]()
-    override def run() {
-      var threadPool = Utils.newDaemonCachedThreadPool()
-      var serverSocket: ServerSocket = null
-      serverSocket = new ServerSocket(0)
-      guidePort = serverSocket.getLocalPort
-      logInfo("GuideMultipleRequests => " + serverSocket + " " + guidePort)
-      guidePortLock.synchronized { guidePortLock.notifyAll() }
-      try {
-        while (!stopBroadcast) {
-          var clientSocket: Socket = null
-          try {
-            serverSocket.setSoTimeout(MultiTracker.ServerSocketTimeout)
-            clientSocket = serverSocket.accept()
-          } catch {
-            case e: Exception => {
-              // Stop broadcast if at least one worker has connected and
-              // everyone connected so far are done. Comparing with
-              // listOfSources.size - 1, because it includes the Guide itself
-              listOfSources.synchronized {
-                setOfCompletedSources.synchronized {
-                  if (listOfSources.size > 1 &&
-                    setOfCompletedSources.size == listOfSources.size - 1) {
-                    stopBroadcast = true
-                    logInfo("GuideMultipleRequests Timeout. stopBroadcast == true.")
-                  }
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          if (clientSocket != null) {
-            logDebug("Guide: Accepted new client connection:" + clientSocket)
-            try {
-              threadPool.execute(new GuideSingleRequest(clientSocket))
-            } catch {
-              // In failure, close the socket here; else, thread will close it
-              case ioe: IOException => {
-                clientSocket.close()
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        // Shutdown the thread pool
-        threadPool.shutdown()
-        logInfo("Sending stopBroadcast notifications...")
-        sendStopBroadcastNotifications
-        MultiTracker.unregisterBroadcast(id)
-      } finally {
-        if (serverSocket != null) {
-          logInfo("GuideMultipleRequests now stopping...")
-          serverSocket.close()
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    private def sendStopBroadcastNotifications() {
-      listOfSources.synchronized {
-        listOfSources.foreach { sourceInfo =>
-          var guideSocketToSource: Socket = null
-          var gosSource: ObjectOutputStream = null
-          var gisSource: ObjectInputStream = null
-          try {
-            // Connect to the source
-            guideSocketToSource = new Socket(sourceInfo.hostAddress, sourceInfo.listenPort)
-            gosSource = new ObjectOutputStream(guideSocketToSource.getOutputStream)
-            gosSource.flush()
-            gisSource = new ObjectInputStream(guideSocketToSource.getInputStream)
-            // Throw away whatever comes in
-            gisSource.readObject.asInstanceOf[SourceInfo]
-            // Send stopBroadcast signal. listenPort = SourceInfo.StopBroadcast
-            gosSource.writeObject(SourceInfo("", SourceInfo.StopBroadcast))
-            gosSource.flush()
-          } catch {
-            case e: Exception => {
-              logError("sendStopBroadcastNotifications had a " + e)
-            }
-          } finally {
-            if (gisSource != null) {
-              gisSource.close()
-            }
-            if (gosSource != null) {
-              gosSource.close()
-            }
-            if (guideSocketToSource != null) {
-              guideSocketToSource.close()
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    class GuideSingleRequest(val clientSocket: Socket)
-    extends Thread with Logging {
-      private val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream)
-      oos.flush()
-      private val ois = new ObjectInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream)
-      private var sourceInfo: SourceInfo = null
-      private var selectedSources: ListBuffer[SourceInfo] = null
-      override def run() {
-        try {
-          logInfo("new GuideSingleRequest is running")
-          // Connecting worker is sending in its information
-          sourceInfo = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[SourceInfo]
-          // Select a suitable source and send it back to the worker
-          selectedSources = selectSuitableSources(sourceInfo)
-          logDebug("Sending selectedSources:" + selectedSources)
-          oos.writeObject(selectedSources)
-          oos.flush()
-          // Add this source to the listOfSources
-          addToListOfSources(sourceInfo)
-        } catch {
-          case e: Exception => {
-            // Assuming exception caused by receiver failure: remove
-            if (listOfSources != null) {
-              listOfSources.synchronized { listOfSources -= sourceInfo }
-            }
-          }
-        } finally {
-          logInfo("GuideSingleRequest is closing streams and sockets")
-          ois.close()
-          oos.close()
-          clientSocket.close()
-        }
-      }
-      // Randomly select some sources to send back
-      private def selectSuitableSources(skipSourceInfo: SourceInfo): ListBuffer[SourceInfo] = {
-        var selectedSources = ListBuffer[SourceInfo]()
-        // If skipSourceInfo.hasBlocksBitVector has all bits set to 'true'
-        // then add skipSourceInfo to setOfCompletedSources. Return blank.
-        if (skipSourceInfo.hasBlocks == totalBlocks) {
-          setOfCompletedSources.synchronized { setOfCompletedSources += skipSourceInfo }
-          return selectedSources
-        }
-        listOfSources.synchronized {
-          if (listOfSources.size <= MultiTracker.MaxPeersInGuideResponse) {
-            selectedSources = listOfSources.clone
-          } else {
-            var picksLeft = MultiTracker.MaxPeersInGuideResponse
-            var alreadyPicked = new BitSet(listOfSources.size)
-            while (picksLeft > 0) {
-              var i = -1
-              do {
-                i = MultiTracker.ranGen.nextInt(listOfSources.size)
-              } while (alreadyPicked.get(i))
-              var peerIter = listOfSources.iterator
-              var curPeer =
-              // Set the BitSet before i is decremented
-              alreadyPicked.set(i)
-              while (i > 0) {
-                curPeer =
-                i = i - 1
-              }
-              selectedSources += curPeer
-              picksLeft = picksLeft - 1
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        // Remove the receiving source (if present)
-        selectedSources = selectedSources - skipSourceInfo
-        return selectedSources
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  class ServeMultipleRequests
-  extends Thread with Logging {
-    // Server at most MultiTracker.MaxChatSlots peers
-    var threadPool = Utils.newDaemonFixedThreadPool(MultiTracker.MaxChatSlots)
-    override def run() {
-      var serverSocket = new ServerSocket(0)
-      listenPort = serverSocket.getLocalPort
-      logInfo("ServeMultipleRequests started with " + serverSocket)
-      listenPortLock.synchronized { listenPortLock.notifyAll() }
-      try {
-        while (!stopBroadcast) {
-          var clientSocket: Socket = null
-          try {
-            serverSocket.setSoTimeout(MultiTracker.ServerSocketTimeout)
-            clientSocket = serverSocket.accept()
-          } catch {
-            case e: Exception => { }
-          }
-          if (clientSocket != null) {
-            logDebug("Serve: Accepted new client connection:" + clientSocket)
-            try {
-              threadPool.execute(new ServeSingleRequest(clientSocket))
-            } catch {
-              // In failure, close socket here; else, the thread will close it
-              case ioe: IOException => clientSocket.close()
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      } finally {
-        if (serverSocket != null) {
-          logInfo("ServeMultipleRequests now stopping...")
-          serverSocket.close()
-        }
-      }
-      // Shutdown the thread pool
-      threadPool.shutdown()
-    }
-    class ServeSingleRequest(val clientSocket: Socket)
-    extends Thread with Logging {
-      private val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream)
-      oos.flush()
-      private val ois = new ObjectInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream)
-      logInfo("new ServeSingleRequest is running")
-      override def run() {
-        try {
-          // Send latest local SourceInfo to the receiver
-          // In the case of receiver timeout and connection close, this will
-          // throw a Broken pipe
-          oos.writeObject(getLocalSourceInfo)
-          oos.flush()
-          // Receive latest SourceInfo from the receiver
-          var rxSourceInfo = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[SourceInfo]
-          if (rxSourceInfo.listenPort == SourceInfo.StopBroadcast) {
-            stopBroadcast = true
-          } else {
-            addToListOfSources(rxSourceInfo)
-          }
-          val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
-          var curTime = startTime
-          var keepSending = true
-          var numBlocksToSend = MultiTracker.MaxChatBlocks
-          while (!stopBroadcast && keepSending && numBlocksToSend > 0) {
-            // Receive which block to send
-            var blockToSend = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[Int]
-            // If it is driver AND at least one copy of each block has not been
-            // sent out already, MODIFY blockToSend
-            if (MultiTracker.isDriver && sentBlocks.get < totalBlocks) {
-              blockToSend = sentBlocks.getAndIncrement
-            }
-            // Send the block
-            sendBlock(blockToSend)
-            rxSourceInfo.hasBlocksBitVector.set(blockToSend)
-            numBlocksToSend -= 1
-            // Receive latest SourceInfo from the receiver
-            rxSourceInfo = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[SourceInfo]
-            logDebug("rxSourceInfo: " + rxSourceInfo + " with " + rxSourceInfo.hasBlocksBitVector)
-            addToListOfSources(rxSourceInfo)
-            curTime = System.currentTimeMillis
-            // Revoke sending only if there is anyone waiting in the queue
-            if (curTime - startTime >= MultiTracker.MaxChatTime &&
-                threadPool.getQueue.size > 0) {
-              keepSending = false
-            }
-          }
-        } catch {
-          case e: Exception => logError("ServeSingleRequest had a " + e)
-        } finally {
-          logInfo("ServeSingleRequest is closing streams and sockets")
-          ois.close()
-          oos.close()
-          clientSocket.close()
-        }
-      }
-      private def sendBlock(blockToSend: Int) {
-        try {
-          oos.writeObject(arrayOfBlocks(blockToSend))
-          oos.flush()
-        } catch {
-          case e: Exception => logError("sendBlock had a " + e)
-        }
-        logDebug("Sent block: " + blockToSend + " to " + clientSocket)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-private[spark] class BitTorrentBroadcastFactory
-extends BroadcastFactory {
-  def initialize(isDriver: Boolean) { MultiTracker.initialize(isDriver) }
-  def newBroadcast[T](value_ : T, isLocal: Boolean, id: Long) =
-    new BitTorrentBroadcast[T](value_, isLocal, id)
-  def stop() { MultiTracker.stop() }
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/Broadcast.scala b/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/Broadcast.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index aba56a6..0000000
--- a/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/Broadcast.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package spark.broadcast
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
-import spark._
-abstract class Broadcast[T](private[spark] val id: Long) extends Serializable {
-  def value: T
-  // We cannot have an abstract readObject here due to some weird issues with
-  // readObject having to be 'private' in sub-classes.
-  override def toString = "spark.Broadcast(" + id + ")"
-class BroadcastManager(val _isDriver: Boolean) extends Logging with Serializable {
-  private var initialized = false
-  private var broadcastFactory: BroadcastFactory = null
-  initialize()
-  // Called by SparkContext or Executor before using Broadcast
-  private def initialize() {
-    synchronized {
-      if (!initialized) {
-        val broadcastFactoryClass = System.getProperty(
-          "spark.broadcast.factory", "spark.broadcast.HttpBroadcastFactory")
-        broadcastFactory =
-          Class.forName(broadcastFactoryClass).newInstance.asInstanceOf[BroadcastFactory]
-        // Initialize appropriate BroadcastFactory and BroadcastObject
-        broadcastFactory.initialize(isDriver)
-        initialized = true
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  def stop() {
-    broadcastFactory.stop()
-  }
-  private val nextBroadcastId = new AtomicLong(0)
-  def newBroadcast[T](value_ : T, isLocal: Boolean) =
-    broadcastFactory.newBroadcast[T](value_, isLocal, nextBroadcastId.getAndIncrement())
-  def isDriver = _isDriver
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/BroadcastFactory.scala b/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/BroadcastFactory.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d33d95c..0000000
--- a/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/BroadcastFactory.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package spark.broadcast
- * An interface for all the broadcast implementations in Spark (to allow 
- * multiple broadcast implementations). SparkContext uses a user-specified
- * BroadcastFactory implementation to instantiate a particular broadcast for the
- * entire Spark job.
- */
-private[spark] trait BroadcastFactory {
-  def initialize(isDriver: Boolean): Unit
-  def newBroadcast[T](value: T, isLocal: Boolean, id: Long): Broadcast[T]
-  def stop(): Unit
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/HttpBroadcast.scala b/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/HttpBroadcast.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 138a8c2..0000000
--- a/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/HttpBroadcast.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package spark.broadcast
-import{File, FileOutputStream, ObjectInputStream, OutputStream}
-import spark.{HttpServer, Logging, SparkEnv, Utils}
-import spark.util.{MetadataCleaner, TimeStampedHashSet}
-private[spark] class HttpBroadcast[T](@transient var value_ : T, isLocal: Boolean, id: Long)
-  extends Broadcast[T](id) with Logging with Serializable {
-  def value = value_
-  def blockId: String = "broadcast_" + id
-  HttpBroadcast.synchronized {
-    SparkEnv.get.blockManager.putSingle(blockId, value_, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK, false)
-  }
-  if (!isLocal) { 
-    HttpBroadcast.write(id, value_)
-  }
-  // Called by JVM when deserializing an object
-  private def readObject(in: ObjectInputStream) {
-    in.defaultReadObject()
-    HttpBroadcast.synchronized {
-      SparkEnv.get.blockManager.getSingle(blockId) match {
-        case Some(x) => value_ = x.asInstanceOf[T]
-        case None => {
-          logInfo("Started reading broadcast variable " + id)
-          val start = System.nanoTime
-          value_ =[T](id)
-          SparkEnv.get.blockManager.putSingle(blockId, value_, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK, false)
-          val time = (System.nanoTime - start) / 1e9
-          logInfo("Reading broadcast variable " + id + " took " + time + " s")
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-private[spark] class HttpBroadcastFactory extends BroadcastFactory {
-  def initialize(isDriver: Boolean) { HttpBroadcast.initialize(isDriver) }
-  def newBroadcast[T](value_ : T, isLocal: Boolean, id: Long) =
-    new HttpBroadcast[T](value_, isLocal, id)
-  def stop() { HttpBroadcast.stop() }
-private object HttpBroadcast extends Logging {
-  private var initialized = false
-  private var broadcastDir: File = null
-  private var compress: Boolean = false
-  private var bufferSize: Int = 65536
-  private var serverUri: String = null
-  private var server: HttpServer = null
-  private val files = new TimeStampedHashSet[String]
-  private val cleaner = new MetadataCleaner("HttpBroadcast", cleanup)
-  private lazy val compressionCodec = CompressionCodec.createCodec()
-  def initialize(isDriver: Boolean) {
-    synchronized {
-      if (!initialized) {
-        bufferSize = System.getProperty("spark.buffer.size", "65536").toInt
-        compress = System.getProperty("spark.broadcast.compress", "true").toBoolean
-        if (isDriver) {
-          createServer()
-        }
-        serverUri = System.getProperty("spark.httpBroadcast.uri")
-        initialized = true
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  def stop() {
-    synchronized {
-      if (server != null) {
-        server.stop()
-        server = null
-      }
-      initialized = false
-      cleaner.cancel()
-    }
-  }
-  private def createServer() {
-    broadcastDir = Utils.createTempDir(Utils.getLocalDir)
-    server = new HttpServer(broadcastDir)
-    server.start()
-    serverUri = server.uri
-    System.setProperty("spark.httpBroadcast.uri", serverUri)
-    logInfo("Broadcast server started at " + serverUri)
-  }
-  def write(id: Long, value: Any) {
-    val file = new File(broadcastDir, "broadcast-" + id)
-    val out: OutputStream = {
-      if (compress) {
-        compressionCodec.compressedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file))
-      } else {
-        new FastBufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file), bufferSize)
-      }
-    }
-    val ser = SparkEnv.get.serializer.newInstance()
-    val serOut = ser.serializeStream(out)
-    serOut.writeObject(value)
-    serOut.close()
-    files += file.getAbsolutePath
-  }
-  def read[T](id: Long): T = {
-    val url = serverUri + "/broadcast-" + id
-    val in = {
-      if (compress) {
-        compressionCodec.compressedInputStream(new URL(url).openStream())
-      } else {
-        new FastBufferedInputStream(new URL(url).openStream(), bufferSize)
-      }
-    }
-    val ser = SparkEnv.get.serializer.newInstance()
-    val serIn = ser.deserializeStream(in)
-    val obj = serIn.readObject[T]()
-    serIn.close()
-    obj
-  }
-  def cleanup(cleanupTime: Long) {
-    val iterator = files.internalMap.entrySet().iterator()
-    while(iterator.hasNext) {
-      val entry =
-      val (file, time) = (entry.getKey, entry.getValue)
-      if (time < cleanupTime) {
-        try {
-          iterator.remove()
-          new File(file.toString).delete()
-          logInfo("Deleted broadcast file '" + file + "'")
-        } catch {
-          case e: Exception => logWarning("Could not delete broadcast file '" + file + "'", e)
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/MultiTracker.scala b/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/MultiTracker.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 7855d44..0000000
--- a/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/MultiTracker.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package spark.broadcast
-import java.util.Random
-import scala.collection.mutable.Map
-import spark._
-private object MultiTracker
-extends Logging {
-  // Tracker Messages
-  // Map to keep track of guides of ongoing broadcasts
-  var valueToGuideMap = Map[Long, SourceInfo]()
-  // Random number generator
-  var ranGen = new Random
-  private var initialized = false
-  private var _isDriver = false
-  private var stopBroadcast = false
-  private var trackMV: TrackMultipleValues = null
-  def initialize(__isDriver: Boolean) {
-    synchronized {
-      if (!initialized) {
-        _isDriver = __isDriver
-        if (isDriver) {
-          trackMV = new TrackMultipleValues
-          trackMV.setDaemon(true)
-          trackMV.start()
-          // Set DriverHostAddress to the driver's IP address for the slaves to read
-          System.setProperty("spark.MultiTracker.DriverHostAddress", Utils.localIpAddress)
-        }
-        initialized = true
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  def stop() {
-    stopBroadcast = true
-  }
-  // Load common parameters
-  private var DriverHostAddress_ = System.getProperty(
-    "spark.MultiTracker.DriverHostAddress", "")
-  private var DriverTrackerPort_ = System.getProperty(
-    "spark.broadcast.driverTrackerPort", "11111").toInt
-  private var BlockSize_ = System.getProperty(
-    "spark.broadcast.blockSize", "4096").toInt * 1024
-  private var MaxRetryCount_ = System.getProperty(
-    "spark.broadcast.maxRetryCount", "2").toInt
-  private var TrackerSocketTimeout_ = System.getProperty(
-    "spark.broadcast.trackerSocketTimeout", "50000").toInt
-  private var ServerSocketTimeout_ = System.getProperty(
-    "spark.broadcast.serverSocketTimeout", "10000").toInt
-  private var MinKnockInterval_ = System.getProperty(
-    "spark.broadcast.minKnockInterval", "500").toInt
-  private var MaxKnockInterval_ = System.getProperty(
-    "spark.broadcast.maxKnockInterval", "999").toInt
-  // Load TreeBroadcast config params
-  private var MaxDegree_ = System.getProperty(
-    "spark.broadcast.maxDegree", "2").toInt
-  // Load BitTorrentBroadcast config params
-  private var MaxPeersInGuideResponse_ = System.getProperty(
-    "spark.broadcast.maxPeersInGuideResponse", "4").toInt
-  private var MaxChatSlots_ = System.getProperty(
-    "spark.broadcast.maxChatSlots", "4").toInt
-  private var MaxChatTime_ = System.getProperty(
-    "spark.broadcast.maxChatTime", "500").toInt
-  private var MaxChatBlocks_ = System.getProperty(
-    "spark.broadcast.maxChatBlocks", "1024").toInt
-  private var EndGameFraction_ = System.getProperty(
-      "spark.broadcast.endGameFraction", "0.95").toDouble
-  def isDriver = _isDriver
-  // Common config params
-  def DriverHostAddress = DriverHostAddress_
-  def DriverTrackerPort = DriverTrackerPort_
-  def BlockSize = BlockSize_
-  def MaxRetryCount = MaxRetryCount_
-  def TrackerSocketTimeout = TrackerSocketTimeout_
-  def ServerSocketTimeout = ServerSocketTimeout_
-  def MinKnockInterval = MinKnockInterval_
-  def MaxKnockInterval = MaxKnockInterval_
-  // TreeBroadcast configs
-  def MaxDegree = MaxDegree_
-  // BitTorrentBroadcast configs
-  def MaxPeersInGuideResponse = MaxPeersInGuideResponse_
-  def MaxChatSlots = MaxChatSlots_
-  def MaxChatTime = MaxChatTime_
-  def MaxChatBlocks = MaxChatBlocks_
-  def EndGameFraction = EndGameFraction_
-  class TrackMultipleValues
-  extends Thread with Logging {
-    override def run() {
-      var threadPool = Utils.newDaemonCachedThreadPool()
-      var serverSocket: ServerSocket = null
-      serverSocket = new ServerSocket(DriverTrackerPort)
-      logInfo("TrackMultipleValues started at " + serverSocket)
-      try {
-        while (!stopBroadcast) {
-          var clientSocket: Socket = null
-          try {
-            serverSocket.setSoTimeout(TrackerSocketTimeout)
-            clientSocket = serverSocket.accept()
-          } catch {
-            case e: Exception => {
-              if (stopBroadcast) {
-                logInfo("Stopping TrackMultipleValues...")
-              }              
-            }
-          }
-          if (clientSocket != null) {
-            try {
-              threadPool.execute(new Thread {
-                override def run() {
-                  val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream)
-                  oos.flush()
-                  val ois = new ObjectInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream)
-                  try {
-                    // First, read message type
-                    val messageType = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[Int]
-                    if (messageType == REGISTER_BROADCAST_TRACKER) {
-                      // Receive Long
-                      val id = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[Long]
-                      // Receive hostAddress and listenPort
-                      val gInfo = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[SourceInfo]
-                      // Add to the map
-                      valueToGuideMap.synchronized {
-                        valueToGuideMap += (id -> gInfo)
-                      }
-                      logInfo ("New broadcast " + id + " registered with TrackMultipleValues. Ongoing ones: " + valueToGuideMap)
-                      // Send dummy ACK
-                      oos.writeObject(-1)
-                      oos.flush()
-                    } else if (messageType == UNREGISTER_BROADCAST_TRACKER) {
-                      // Receive Long
-                      val id = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[Long]
-                      // Remove from the map
-                      valueToGuideMap.synchronized {
-                        valueToGuideMap(id) = SourceInfo("", SourceInfo.TxOverGoToDefault)
-                      }
-                      logInfo ("Broadcast " + id + " unregistered from TrackMultipleValues. Ongoing ones: " + valueToGuideMap)
-                      // Send dummy ACK
-                      oos.writeObject(-1)
-                      oos.flush()
-                    } else if (messageType == FIND_BROADCAST_TRACKER) {
-                      // Receive Long
-                      val id = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[Long]
-                      var gInfo =
-                        if (valueToGuideMap.contains(id)) valueToGuideMap(id)
-                        else SourceInfo("", SourceInfo.TxNotStartedRetry)
-                      logDebug("Got new request: " + clientSocket + " for " + id + " : " + gInfo.listenPort)
-                      // Send reply back
-                      oos.writeObject(gInfo)
-                      oos.flush()
-                    } else {
-                      throw new SparkException("Undefined messageType at TrackMultipleValues")
-                    }
-                  } catch {
-                    case e: Exception => {
-                      logError("TrackMultipleValues had a " + e)
-                    }
-                  } finally {
-                    ois.close()
-                    oos.close()
-                    clientSocket.close()
-                  }
-                }
-              })
-            } catch {
-              // In failure, close socket here; else, client thread will close
-              case ioe: IOException => clientSocket.close()
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      } finally {
-        serverSocket.close()
-      }
-      // Shutdown the thread pool
-      threadPool.shutdown()
-    }
-  }
-  def getGuideInfo(variableLong: Long): SourceInfo = {
-    var clientSocketToTracker: Socket = null
-    var oosTracker: ObjectOutputStream = null
-    var oisTracker: ObjectInputStream = null
-    var gInfo: SourceInfo = SourceInfo("", SourceInfo.TxNotStartedRetry)
-    var retriesLeft = MultiTracker.MaxRetryCount
-    do {
-      try {
-        // Connect to the tracker to find out GuideInfo
-        clientSocketToTracker =
-          new Socket(MultiTracker.DriverHostAddress, MultiTracker.DriverTrackerPort)
-        oosTracker =
-          new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocketToTracker.getOutputStream)
-        oosTracker.flush()
-        oisTracker =
-          new ObjectInputStream(clientSocketToTracker.getInputStream)
-        // Send messageType/intention
-        oosTracker.writeObject(MultiTracker.FIND_BROADCAST_TRACKER)
-        oosTracker.flush()
-        // Send Long and receive GuideInfo
-        oosTracker.writeObject(variableLong)
-        oosTracker.flush()
-        gInfo = oisTracker.readObject.asInstanceOf[SourceInfo]
-      } catch {
-        case e: Exception => logError("getGuideInfo had a " + e)
-      } finally {
-        if (oisTracker != null) {
-          oisTracker.close()
-        }
-        if (oosTracker != null) {
-          oosTracker.close()
-        }
-        if (clientSocketToTracker != null) {
-          clientSocketToTracker.close()
-        }
-      }
-      Thread.sleep(MultiTracker.ranGen.nextInt(
-        MultiTracker.MaxKnockInterval - MultiTracker.MinKnockInterval) +
-        MultiTracker.MinKnockInterval)
-      retriesLeft -= 1
-    } while (retriesLeft > 0 && gInfo.listenPort == SourceInfo.TxNotStartedRetry)
-    logDebug("Got this guidePort from Tracker: " + gInfo.listenPort)
-    return gInfo
-  }
-  def registerBroadcast(id: Long, gInfo: SourceInfo) {
-    val socket = new Socket(MultiTracker.DriverHostAddress, DriverTrackerPort)
-    val oosST = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream)
-    oosST.flush()
-    val oisST = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream)
-    // Send messageType/intention
-    oosST.flush()
-    // Send Long of this broadcast
-    oosST.writeObject(id)
-    oosST.flush()
-    // Send this tracker's information
-    oosST.writeObject(gInfo)
-    oosST.flush()
-    // Receive ACK and throw it away
-    oisST.readObject.asInstanceOf[Int]
-    // Shut stuff down
-    oisST.close()
-    oosST.close()
-    socket.close()
-  }
-  def unregisterBroadcast(id: Long) {
-    val socket = new Socket(MultiTracker.DriverHostAddress, DriverTrackerPort)
-    val oosST = new ObjectOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream)
-    oosST.flush()
-    val oisST = new ObjectInputStream(socket.getInputStream)
-    // Send messageType/intention
-    oosST.flush()
-    // Send Long of this broadcast
-    oosST.writeObject(id)
-    oosST.flush()
-    // Receive ACK and throw it away
-    oisST.readObject.asInstanceOf[Int]
-    // Shut stuff down
-    oisST.close()
-    oosST.close()
-    socket.close()
-  }
-  // Helper method to convert an object to Array[BroadcastBlock]
-  def blockifyObject[IN](obj: IN): VariableInfo = {
-    val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream
-    val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos)
-    oos.writeObject(obj)
-    oos.close()
-    baos.close()
-    val byteArray = baos.toByteArray
-    val bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArray)
-    var blockNum = (byteArray.length / BlockSize)
-    if (byteArray.length % BlockSize != 0)
-      blockNum += 1
-    var retVal = new Array[BroadcastBlock](blockNum)
-    var blockID = 0
-    for (i <- 0 until (byteArray.length, BlockSize)) {
-      val thisBlockSize = math.min(BlockSize, byteArray.length - i)
-      var tempByteArray = new Array[Byte](thisBlockSize)
-      val hasRead =, 0, thisBlockSize)
-      retVal(blockID) = new BroadcastBlock(blockID, tempByteArray)
-      blockID += 1
-    }
-    bais.close()
-    var variableInfo = VariableInfo(retVal, blockNum, byteArray.length)
-    variableInfo.hasBlocks = blockNum
-    return variableInfo
-  }
-  // Helper method to convert Array[BroadcastBlock] to object
-  def unBlockifyObject[OUT](arrayOfBlocks: Array[BroadcastBlock],
-                            totalBytes: Int, 
-                            totalBlocks: Int): OUT = {
-    var retByteArray = new Array[Byte](totalBytes)
-    for (i <- 0 until totalBlocks) {
-      System.arraycopy(arrayOfBlocks(i).byteArray, 0, retByteArray,
-        i * BlockSize, arrayOfBlocks(i).byteArray.length)
-    }
-    byteArrayToObject(retByteArray)
-  }
-  private def byteArrayToObject[OUT](bytes: Array[Byte]): OUT = {
-    val in = new ObjectInputStream (new ByteArrayInputStream (bytes)){
-      override def resolveClass(desc: ObjectStreamClass) =
-        Class.forName(desc.getName, false, Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader)
-    }    
-    val retVal = in.readObject.asInstanceOf[OUT]
-    in.close()
-    return retVal
-  }
-private[spark] case class BroadcastBlock(blockID: Int, byteArray: Array[Byte]) 
-extends Serializable
-private[spark] case class VariableInfo(@transient arrayOfBlocks : Array[BroadcastBlock],
-                        totalBlocks: Int, 
-                        totalBytes: Int) 
-extends Serializable {
- @transient var hasBlocks = 0 
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/SourceInfo.scala b/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/SourceInfo.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b17ae63..0000000
--- a/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/SourceInfo.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package spark.broadcast
-import java.util.BitSet
-import spark._
- * Used to keep and pass around information of peers involved in a broadcast
- */
-private[spark] case class SourceInfo (hostAddress: String,
-                       listenPort: Int,
-                       totalBlocks: Int = SourceInfo.UnusedParam,
-                       totalBytes: Int = SourceInfo.UnusedParam)
-extends Comparable[SourceInfo] with Logging {
-  var currentLeechers = 0
-  var receptionFailed = false
-  var hasBlocks = 0
-  var hasBlocksBitVector: BitSet = new BitSet (totalBlocks)
-  // Ascending sort based on leecher count
-  def compareTo (o: SourceInfo): Int = (currentLeechers - o.currentLeechers)
- * Helper Object of SourceInfo for its constants
- */
-private[spark] object SourceInfo {
-  // Broadcast has not started yet! Should never happen.
-  val TxNotStartedRetry = -1
-  // Broadcast has already finished. Try default mechanism.
-  val TxOverGoToDefault = -3
-  // Other constants
-  val StopBroadcast = -2
-  val UnusedParam = 0
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/TreeBroadcast.scala b/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/TreeBroadcast.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ea1e9a1..0000000
--- a/core/src/main/scala/spark/broadcast/TreeBroadcast.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,602 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package spark.broadcast
-import java.util.{Comparator, Random, UUID}
-import scala.collection.mutable.{ListBuffer, Map, Set}
-import scala.math
-import spark._
-private[spark] class TreeBroadcast[T](@transient var value_ : T, isLocal: Boolean, id: Long)
-extends Broadcast[T](id) with Logging with Serializable {
-  def value = value_
-  def blockId = "broadcast_" + id
-  MultiTracker.synchronized {
-    SparkEnv.get.blockManager.putSingle(blockId, value_, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK, false)
-  }
-  @transient var arrayOfBlocks: Array[BroadcastBlock] = null
-  @transient var totalBytes = -1
-  @transient var totalBlocks = -1
-  @transient var hasBlocks = 0
-  @transient var listenPortLock = new Object
-  @transient var guidePortLock = new Object
-  @transient var totalBlocksLock = new Object
-  @transient var hasBlocksLock = new Object
-  @transient var listOfSources = ListBuffer[SourceInfo]()
-  @transient var serveMR: ServeMultipleRequests = null
-  @transient var guideMR: GuideMultipleRequests = null
-  @transient var hostAddress = Utils.localIpAddress
-  @transient var listenPort = -1
-  @transient var guidePort = -1
-  @transient var stopBroadcast = false
-  // Must call this after all the variables have been created/initialized
-  if (!isLocal) {
-    sendBroadcast()
-  }
-  def sendBroadcast() {
-    logInfo("Local host address: " + hostAddress)
-    // Create a variableInfo object and store it in valueInfos
-    var variableInfo = MultiTracker.blockifyObject(value_)
-    // Prepare the value being broadcasted
-    arrayOfBlocks = variableInfo.arrayOfBlocks
-    totalBytes = variableInfo.totalBytes
-    totalBlocks = variableInfo.totalBlocks
-    hasBlocks = variableInfo.totalBlocks
-    guideMR = new GuideMultipleRequests
-    guideMR.setDaemon(true)
-    guideMR.start()
-    logInfo("GuideMultipleRequests started...")
-    // Must always come AFTER guideMR is created
-    while (guidePort == -1) {
-      guidePortLock.synchronized { guidePortLock.wait() }
-    }
-    serveMR = new ServeMultipleRequests
-    serveMR.setDaemon(true)
-    serveMR.start()
-    logInfo("ServeMultipleRequests started...")
-    // Must always come AFTER serveMR is created
-    while (listenPort == -1) {
-      listenPortLock.synchronized { listenPortLock.wait() }
-    }
-    // Must always come AFTER listenPort is created
-    val masterSource =
-      SourceInfo(hostAddress, listenPort, totalBlocks, totalBytes)
-    listOfSources += masterSource
-    // Register with the Tracker
-    MultiTracker.registerBroadcast(id,
-      SourceInfo(hostAddress, guidePort, totalBlocks, totalBytes))
-  }
-  private def readObject(in: ObjectInputStream) {
-    in.defaultReadObject()
-    MultiTracker.synchronized {
-      SparkEnv.get.blockManager.getSingle(blockId) match {
-        case Some(x) =>
-          value_ = x.asInstanceOf[T]
-        case None =>
-          logInfo("Started reading broadcast variable " + id)
-          // Initializing everything because Driver will only send null/0 values
-          // Only the 1st worker in a node can be here. Others will get from cache
-          initializeWorkerVariables()
-          logInfo("Local host address: " + hostAddress)
-          serveMR = new ServeMultipleRequests
-          serveMR.setDaemon(true)
-          serveMR.start()
-          logInfo("ServeMultipleRequests started...")
-          val start = System.nanoTime
-          val receptionSucceeded = receiveBroadcast(id)
-          if (receptionSucceeded) {
-            value_ = MultiTracker.unBlockifyObject[T](arrayOfBlocks, totalBytes, totalBlocks)
-            SparkEnv.get.blockManager.putSingle(
-              blockId, value_, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK, false)
-          }  else {
-            logError("Reading broadcast variable " + id + " failed")
-          }
-          val time = (System.nanoTime - start) / 1e9
-          logInfo("Reading broadcast variable " + id + " took " + time + " s")
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  private def initializeWorkerVariables() {
-    arrayOfBlocks = null
-    totalBytes = -1
-    totalBlocks = -1
-    hasBlocks = 0
-    listenPortLock = new Object
-    totalBlocksLock = new Object
-    hasBlocksLock = new Object
-    serveMR =  null
-    hostAddress = Utils.localIpAddress
-    listenPort = -1
-    stopBroadcast = false
-  }
-  def receiveBroadcast(variableID: Long): Boolean = {
-    val gInfo = MultiTracker.getGuideInfo(variableID)
-    if (gInfo.listenPort == SourceInfo.TxOverGoToDefault) {
-      return false
-    }
-    // Wait until hostAddress and listenPort are created by the
-    // ServeMultipleRequests thread
-    while (listenPort == -1) {
-      listenPortLock.synchronized { listenPortLock.wait() }
-    }
-    var clientSocketToDriver: Socket = null
-    var oosDriver: ObjectOutputStream = null
-    var oisDriver: ObjectInputStream = null
-    // Connect and receive broadcast from the specified source, retrying the
-    // specified number of times in case of failures
-    var retriesLeft = MultiTracker.MaxRetryCount
-    do {
-      // Connect to Driver and send this worker's Information
-      clientSocketToDriver = new Socket(MultiTracker.DriverHostAddress, gInfo.listenPort)
-      oosDriver = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocketToDriver.getOutputStream)
-      oosDriver.flush()
-      oisDriver = new ObjectInputStream(clientSocketToDriver.getInputStream)
-      logDebug("Connected to Driver's guiding object")
-      // Send local source information
-      oosDriver.writeObject(SourceInfo(hostAddress, listenPort))
-      oosDriver.flush()
-      // Receive source information from Driver
-      var sourceInfo = oisDriver.readObject.asInstanceOf[SourceInfo]
-      totalBlocks = sourceInfo.totalBlocks
-      arrayOfBlocks = new Array[BroadcastBlock](totalBlocks)
-      totalBlocksLock.synchronized { totalBlocksLock.notifyAll() }
-      totalBytes = sourceInfo.totalBytes
-      logDebug("Received SourceInfo from Driver:" + sourceInfo + " My Port: " + listenPort)
-      val start = System.nanoTime
-      val receptionSucceeded = receiveSingleTransmission(sourceInfo)
-      val time = (System.nanoTime - start) / 1e9
-      // Updating some statistics in sourceInfo. Driver will be using them later
-      if (!receptionSucceeded) {
-        sourceInfo.receptionFailed = true
-      }
-      // Send back statistics to the Driver
-      oosDriver.writeObject(sourceInfo)
-      if (oisDriver != null) {
-        oisDriver.close()
-      }
-      if (oosDriver != null) {
-        oosDriver.close()
-      }
-      if (clientSocketToDriver != null) {
-        clientSocketToDriver.close()
-      }
-      retriesLeft -= 1
-    } while (retriesLeft > 0 && hasBlocks < totalBlocks)
-    return (hasBlocks == totalBlocks)
-  }
-  /**
-   * Tries to receive broadcast from the source and returns Boolean status.
-   * This might be called multiple times to retry a defined number of times.
-   */
-  private def receiveSingleTransmission(sourceInfo: SourceInfo): Boolean = {
-    var clientSocketToSource: Socket = null
-    var oosSource: ObjectOutputStream = null
-    var oisSource: ObjectInputStream = null
-    var receptionSucceeded = false
-    try {
-      // Connect to the source to get the object itself
-      clientSocketToSource = new Socket(sourceInfo.hostAddress, sourceInfo.listenPort)
-      oosSource = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocketToSource.getOutputStream)
-      oosSource.flush()
-      oisSource = new ObjectInputStream(clientSocketToSource.getInputStream)
-      logDebug("Inside receiveSingleTransmission")
-      logDebug("totalBlocks: "+ totalBlocks + " " + "hasBlocks: " + hasBlocks)
-      // Send the range
-      oosSource.writeObject((hasBlocks, totalBlocks))
-      oosSource.flush()
-      for (i <- hasBlocks until totalBlocks) {
-        val recvStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis
-        val bcBlock = oisSource.readObject.asInstanceOf[BroadcastBlock]
-        val receptionTime = (System.currentTimeMillis - recvStartTime)
-        logDebug("Received block: " + bcBlock.blockID + " from " + sourceInfo + " in " + receptionTime + " millis.")
-        arrayOfBlocks(hasBlocks) = bcBlock
-        hasBlocks += 1
-        // Set to true if at least one block is received
-        receptionSucceeded = true
-        hasBlocksLock.synchronized { hasBlocksLock.notifyAll() }
-      }
-    } catch {
-      case e: Exception => logError("receiveSingleTransmission had a " + e)
-    } finally {
-      if (oisSource != null) {
-        oisSource.close()
-      }
-      if (oosSource != null) {
-        oosSource.close()
-      }
-      if (clientSocketToSource != null) {
-        clientSocketToSource.close()
-      }
-    }
-    return receptionSucceeded
-  }
-  class GuideMultipleRequests
-  extends Thread with Logging {
-    // Keep track of sources that have completed reception
-    private var setOfCompletedSources = Set[SourceInfo]()
-    override def run() {
-      var threadPool = Utils.newDaemonCachedThreadPool()
-      var serverSocket: ServerSocket = null
-      serverSocket = new ServerSocket(0)
-      guidePort = serverSocket.getLocalPort
-      logInfo("GuideMultipleRequests => " + serverSocket + " " + guidePort)
-      guidePortLock.synchronized { guidePortLock.notifyAll() }
-      try {
-        while (!stopBroadcast) {
-          var clientSocket: Socket = null
-          try {
-            serverSocket.setSoTimeout(MultiTracker.ServerSocketTimeout)
-            clientSocket = serverSocket.accept
-          } catch {
-            case e: Exception => {
-              // Stop broadcast if at least one worker has connected and
-              // everyone connected so far are done. Comparing with
-              // listOfSources.size - 1, because it includes the Guide itself
-              listOfSources.synchronized {
-                setOfCompletedSources.synchronized {
-                  if (listOfSources.size > 1 &&
-                    setOfCompletedSources.size == listOfSources.size - 1) {
-                    stopBroadcast = true
-                    logInfo("GuideMultipleRequests Timeout. stopBroadcast == true.")
-                  }
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          if (clientSocket != null) {
-            logDebug("Guide: Accepted new client connection: " + clientSocket)
-            try {
-              threadPool.execute(new GuideSingleRequest(clientSocket))
-            } catch {
-              // In failure, close() the socket here; else, the thread will close() it
-              case ioe: IOException => clientSocket.close()
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        logInfo("Sending stopBroadcast notifications...")
-        sendStopBroadcastNotifications
-        MultiTracker.unregisterBroadcast(id)
-      } finally {
-        if (serverSocket != null) {
-          logInfo("GuideMultipleRequests now stopping...")
-          serverSocket.close()
-        }
-      }
-      // Shutdown the thread pool
-      threadPool.shutdown()
-    }
-    private def sendStopBroadcastNotifications() {
-      listOfSources.synchronized {
-        var listIter = listOfSources.iterator
-        while (listIter.hasNext) {
-          var sourceInfo =
-          var guideSocketToSource: Socket = null
-          var gosSource: ObjectOutputStream = null
-          var gisSource: ObjectInputStream = null
-          try {
-            // Connect to the source
-            guideSocketToSource = new Socket(sourceInfo.hostAddress, sourceInfo.listenPort)
-            gosSource = new ObjectOutputStream(guideSocketToSource.getOutputStream)
-            gosSource.flush()
-            gisSource = new ObjectInputStream(guideSocketToSource.getInputStream)
-            // Send stopBroadcast signal
-            gosSource.writeObject((SourceInfo.StopBroadcast, SourceInfo.StopBroadcast))
-            gosSource.flush()
-          } catch {
-            case e: Exception => {
-              logError("sendStopBroadcastNotifications had a " + e)
-            }
-          } finally {
-            if (gisSource != null) {
-              gisSource.close()
-            }
-            if (gosSource != null) {
-              gosSource.close()
-            }
-            if (guideSocketToSource != null) {
-              guideSocketToSource.close()
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    class GuideSingleRequest(val clientSocket: Socket)
-    extends Thread with Logging {
-      private val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream)
-      oos.flush()
-      private val ois = new ObjectInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream)
-      private var selectedSourceInfo: SourceInfo = null
-      private var thisWorkerInfo:SourceInfo = null
-      override def run() {
-        try {
-          logInfo("new GuideSingleRequest is running")
-          // Connecting worker is sending in its hostAddress and listenPort it will
-          // be listening to. Other fields are invalid (SourceInfo.UnusedParam)
-          var sourceInfo = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[SourceInfo]
-          listOfSources.synchronized {
-            // Select a suitable source and send it back to the worker
-            selectedSourceInfo = selectSuitableSource(sourceInfo)
-            logDebug("Sending selectedSourceInfo: " + selectedSourceInfo)
-            oos.writeObject(selectedSourceInfo)
-            oos.flush()
-            // Add this new (if it can finish) source to the list of sources
-            thisWorkerInfo = SourceInfo(sourceInfo.hostAddress,
-              sourceInfo.listenPort, totalBlocks, totalBytes)
-            logDebug("Adding possible new source to listOfSources: " + thisWorkerInfo)
-            listOfSources += thisWorkerInfo
-          }
-          // Wait till the whole transfer is done. Then receive and update source
-          // statistics in listOfSources
-          sourceInfo = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[SourceInfo]
-          listOfSources.synchronized {
-            // This should work since SourceInfo is a case class
-            assert(listOfSources.contains(selectedSourceInfo))
-            // Remove first 
-            // (Currently removing a source based on just one failure notification!)
-            listOfSources = listOfSources - selectedSourceInfo
-            // Update sourceInfo and put it back in, IF reception succeeded
-            if (!sourceInfo.receptionFailed) {
-              // Add thisWorkerInfo to sources that have completed reception
-              setOfCompletedSources.synchronized {
-                setOfCompletedSources += thisWorkerInfo
-              }
-              // Update leecher count and put it back in 
-              selectedSourceInfo.currentLeechers -= 1
-              listOfSources += selectedSourceInfo
-            }
-          }
-        } catch {
-          case e: Exception => {
-            // Remove failed worker from listOfSources and update leecherCount of
-            // corresponding source worker
-            listOfSources.synchronized {
-              if (selectedSourceInfo != null) {
-                // Remove first
-                listOfSources = listOfSources - selectedSourceInfo
-                // Update leecher count and put it back in
-                selectedSourceInfo.currentLeechers -= 1
-                listOfSources += selectedSourceInfo
-              }
-              // Remove thisWorkerInfo
-              if (listOfSources != null) {
-                listOfSources = listOfSources - thisWorkerInfo
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        } finally {
-          logInfo("GuideSingleRequest is closing streams and sockets")
-          ois.close()
-          oos.close()
-          clientSocket.close()
-        }
-      }
-      // Assuming the caller to have a synchronized block on listOfSources
-      // Select one with the most leechers. This will level-wise fill the tree
-      private def selectSuitableSource(skipSourceInfo: SourceInfo): SourceInfo = {
-        var maxLeechers = -1
-        var selectedSource: SourceInfo = null
-        listOfSources.foreach { source =>
-          if ((source.hostAddress != skipSourceInfo.hostAddress || 
-               source.listenPort != skipSourceInfo.listenPort) && 
-            source.currentLeechers < MultiTracker.MaxDegree &&
-            source.currentLeechers > maxLeechers) {
-              selectedSource = source
-              maxLeechers = source.currentLeechers
-            }
-        }
-        // Update leecher count
-        selectedSource.currentLeechers += 1
-        return selectedSource
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  class ServeMultipleRequests
-  extends Thread with Logging {
-    var threadPool = Utils.newDaemonCachedThreadPool()
-    override def run() {      
-      var serverSocket = new ServerSocket(0)
-      listenPort = serverSocket.getLocalPort
-      logInfo("ServeMultipleRequests started with " + serverSocket)
-      listenPortLock.synchronized { listenPortLock.notifyAll() }
-      try {
-        while (!stopBroadcast) {
-          var clientSocket: Socket = null
-          try {
-            serverSocket.setSoTimeout(MultiTracker.ServerSocketTimeout)
-            clientSocket = serverSocket.accept
-          } catch {
-            case e: Exception => { }
-          }
-          if (clientSocket != null) {
-            logDebug("Serve: Accepted new client connection: " + clientSocket)
-            try {
-              threadPool.execute(new ServeSingleRequest(clientSocket))
-            } catch {
-              // In failure, close socket here; else, the thread will close it
-              case ioe: IOException => clientSocket.close()
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      } finally {
-        if (serverSocket != null) {
-          logInfo("ServeMultipleRequests now stopping...")
-          serverSocket.close()
-        }
-      }
-      // Shutdown the thread pool
-      threadPool.shutdown()
-    }
-    class ServeSingleRequest(val clientSocket: Socket)
-    extends Thread with Logging {
-      private val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream)
-      oos.flush()
-      private val ois = new ObjectInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream)
-      private var sendFrom = 0
-      private var sendUntil = totalBlocks
-      override def run() {
-        try {
-          logInfo("new ServeSingleRequest is running")
-          // Receive range to send
-          var rangeToSend = ois.readObject.asInstanceOf[(Int, Int)]
-          sendFrom = rangeToSend._1
-          sendUntil = rangeToSend._2
-          // If not a valid range, stop broadcast
-          if (sendFrom == SourceInfo.StopBroadcast && sendUntil == SourceInfo.StopBroadcast) {
-            stopBroadcast = true
-          } else {
-            sendObject
-          }
-        } catch {
-          case e: Exception => logError("ServeSingleRequest had a " + e)
-        } finally {
-          logInfo("ServeSingleRequest is closing streams and sockets")
-          ois.close()
-          oos.close()
-          clientSocket.close()
-        }
-      }
-      private def sendObject() {
-        // Wait till receiving the SourceInfo from Driver
-        while (totalBlocks == -1) {
-          totalBlocksLock.synchronized { totalBlocksLock.wait() }
-        }
-        for (i <- sendFrom until sendUntil) {
-          while (i == hasBlocks) {
-            hasBlocksLock.synchronized { hasBlocksLock.wait() }
-          }
-          try {
-            oos.writeObject(arrayOfBlocks(i))
-            oos.flush()
-          } catch {
-            case e: Exception => logError("sendObject had a " + e)
-          }
-          logDebug("Sent block: " + i + " to " + clientSocket)
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-private[spark] class TreeBroadcastFactory
-extends BroadcastFactory {
-  def initialize(isDriver: Boolean) { MultiTracker.initialize(isDriver) }
-  def newBroadcast[T](value_ : T, isLocal: Boolean, id: Long) =
-    new TreeBroadcast[T](value_, isLocal, id)
-  def stop() { MultiTracker.stop() }
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/spark/deploy/ApplicationDescription.scala b/core/src/main/scala/spark/deploy/ApplicationDescription.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a8b22fb..0000000
--- a/core/src/main/scala/spark/deploy/ApplicationDescription.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package spark.deploy
-private[spark] class ApplicationDescription(
-    val name: String,
-    val maxCores: Int, /* Integer.MAX_VALUE denotes an unlimited number of cores */
-    val memoryPerSlave: Int,
-    val command: Command,
-    val sparkHome: String,
-    val appUiUrl: String)
-  extends Serializable {
-  val user = System.getProperty("", "<unknown>")
-  override def toString: String = "ApplicationDescription(" + name + ")"
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/spark/deploy/Command.scala b/core/src/main/scala/spark/deploy/Command.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index bad629e..0000000
--- a/core/src/main/scala/spark/deploy/Command.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package spark.deploy
-import scala.collection.Map
-private[spark] case class Command(
-    mainClass: String,
-    arguments: Seq[String],
-    environment: Map[String, String]) {