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Posted to by Art Welch <ar...@EASTPOINT.COM> on 2001/02/28 21:15:45 UTC


I think that the function that you are looking for is the XPath name()
function which will give the QName of the node. Xalan implements XPath and
includes this function.

-----Original Message-----
From: Goli, Kotesh []
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 3:20 PM
To: ''
Subject: XSL FAq

Hi all developers,

I have been exploring the XML since its evolution,  in recent times I am
fully involved in XSLT projects for my client.  I am exploring xalan parser
in Java capabilities for my requirements in addition to other.  It is easy
to use.  But I have a request and am opening an issue for debate about
implementing this feature if I didn't overlooked.
As we know, xsl treats everything as a node ( some calls:element) that may
be attribute/text-node/processing-instruction-node or whatever it may be.  
When we use XSL there is no scope for getting Node name rather it gives the
Node value contained in-between.  I hope you can understand what I mean.
Let me describe with example.

<!--No namespaces were added as it for example purpose only-->
<!--please presume real time xml will be well formed as well as well
validated with dtd-->
<Problem type="general" severity="1">
  <time meridiem="PM">3.00<time>
<!--similar nodes...........-->
<Problem type=......>
If I want to convert it to well formed HTML and I wanna present it as table
as column headers of type & severity for different problem-nodes.  Then xsl
instruction @* will give only attribute(more specifically,node) values,  if
there is any XSL namespace-function to pick up names along with values it
will be useful in building tables with general-purpose-Xtensible Style
I felt pain in picking up and providing each node name in XSL  document for
transformation.  If  this feature is already present please let me know as I
might have overlooked the contents and extent of XSL, otherwise, you
developers can give a consideration towards exploration.

Kotesh Goli