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svn commit: r961978 [7/13] - in /incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework: ./ app/ app/controllers/ app/helpers/ app/models/ app/views/ app/views/accounts/ app/views/credentials/ app/views/images/ app/views/instances/ app/views/layouts/ app/views/root/ con...

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/buffer.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/buffer.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/buffer.rb Thu Jul  8 23:14:13 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+module Haml
+  # This class is used only internally. It holds the buffer of HTML that
+  # is eventually output as the resulting document.
+  # It's called from within the precompiled code,
+  # and helps reduce the amount of processing done within `instance_eval`ed code.
+  class Buffer
+    include Haml::Helpers
+    include Haml::Util
+    # The string that holds the compiled HTML. This is aliased as
+    # `_erbout` for compatibility with ERB-specific code.
+    #
+    # @return [String]
+    attr_accessor :buffer
+    # The options hash passed in from {Haml::Engine}.
+    #
+    # @return [Hash<String, Object>]
+    # @see Haml::Engine#options_for_buffer
+    attr_accessor :options
+    # The {Buffer} for the enclosing Haml document.
+    # This is set for partials and similar sorts of nested templates.
+    # It's `nil` at the top level (see \{#toplevel?}).
+    #
+    # @return [Buffer]
+    attr_accessor :upper
+    # nil if there's no capture_haml block running,
+    # and the position at which it's beginning the capture if there is one.
+    #
+    # @return [Fixnum, nil]
+    attr_accessor :capture_position
+    # @return [Boolean]
+    # @see #active?
+    attr_writer :active
+    # @return [Boolean] Whether or not the format is XHTML
+    def xhtml?
+      not html?
+    end
+    # @return [Boolean] Whether or not the format is any flavor of HTML
+    def html?
+      html4? or html5?
+    end
+    # @return [Boolean] Whether or not the format is HTML4
+    def html4?
+      @options[:format] == :html4
+    end
+    # @return [Boolean] Whether or not the format is HTML5.
+    def html5?
+      @options[:format] == :html5
+    end
+    # @return [Boolean] Whether or not this buffer is a top-level template,
+    #   as opposed to a nested partial
+    def toplevel?
+      upper.nil?
+    end
+    # Whether or not this buffer is currently being used to render a Haml template.
+    # Returns `false` if a subtemplate is being rendered,
+    # even if it's a subtemplate of this buffer's template.
+    #
+    # @return [Boolean]
+    def active?
+      @active
+    end
+    # @return [Fixnum] The current indentation level of the document
+    def tabulation
+      @real_tabs + @tabulation
+    end
+    # Sets the current tabulation of the document.
+    #
+    # @param val [Fixnum] The new tabulation
+    def tabulation=(val)
+      val = val - @real_tabs
+      @tabulation = val > -1 ? val : 0
+    end
+    # @param upper [Buffer] The parent buffer
+    # @param options [Hash<Symbol, Object>] An options hash.
+    #   See {Haml::Engine#options\_for\_buffer}
+    def initialize(upper = nil, options = {})
+      @active = true
+      @upper = upper
+      @options = options
+      @buffer = ruby1_8? ? "" : "".encode(Encoding.find(options[:encoding]))
+      @tabulation = 0
+      # The number of tabs that Engine thinks we should have
+      # @real_tabs + @tabulation is the number of tabs actually output
+      @real_tabs = 0
+    end
+    # Appends text to the buffer, properly tabulated.
+    # Also modifies the document's indentation.
+    #
+    # @param text [String] The text to append
+    # @param tab_change [Fixnum] The number of tabs by which to increase
+    #   or decrease the document's indentation
+    # @param dont_tab_up [Boolean] If true, don't indent the first line of `text`
+    def push_text(text, tab_change, dont_tab_up)
+      if @tabulation > 0
+        # Have to push every line in by the extra user set tabulation.
+        # Don't push lines with just whitespace, though,
+        # because that screws up precompiled indentation.
+        text.gsub!(/^(?!\s+$)/m, tabs)
+        text.sub!(tabs, '') if dont_tab_up
+      end
+      @buffer << text
+      @real_tabs += tab_change
+    end
+    # Modifies the indentation of the document.
+    #
+    # @param tab_change [Fixnum] The number of tabs by which to increase
+    #   or decrease the document's indentation
+    def adjust_tabs(tab_change)
+      @real_tabs += tab_change
+    end
+    Haml::Util.def_static_method(self, :format_script, [:result],
+                                 :preserve_script, :in_tag, :preserve_tag, :escape_html,
+                                 :nuke_inner_whitespace, :interpolated, :ugly, <<RUBY)
+      <% unless ugly %>
+        # If we're interpolated,
+        # then the custom tabulation is handled in #push_text.
+        # The easiest way to avoid it here is to reset @tabulation.
+        <% if interpolated %>
+          old_tabulation = @tabulation
+          @tabulation = 0
+        <% end %>
+        tabulation = @real_tabs
+        result = result.to_s.<% if nuke_inner_whitespace %>strip<% else %>rstrip<% end %>
+      <% else %>
+        result = result.to_s<% if nuke_inner_whitespace %>.strip<% end %>
+      <% end %>
+      <% if escape_html %> result = html_escape(result) <% end %>
+      <% if preserve_tag %>
+        result = Haml::Helpers.preserve(result)
+      <% elsif preserve_script %>
+        result = Haml::Helpers.find_and_preserve(result, options[:preserve])
+      <% end %>
+      <% if ugly %>
+        return result
+      <% else %>
+        has_newline = result.include?("\\n") 
+        <% if in_tag && !nuke_inner_whitespace %>
+          <% unless preserve_tag %> if !has_newline <% end %>
+          @real_tabs -= 1
+          <% if interpolated %> @tabulation = old_tabulation <% end %>
+          return result
+          <% unless preserve_tag %> end <% end %>
+        <% end %>
+        # Precompiled tabulation may be wrong
+        <% if !interpolated && !in_tag %>
+          result = tabs + result if @tabulation > 0
+        <% end %>
+        if has_newline
+          result = result.gsub "\\n", "\\n" + tabs(tabulation)
+          # Add tabulation if it wasn't precompiled
+          <% if in_tag && !nuke_inner_whitespace %> result = tabs(tabulation) + result <% end %>
+        end
+        <% if in_tag && !nuke_inner_whitespace %>
+          result = "\\n\#{result}\\n\#{tabs(tabulation-1)}"
+          @real_tabs -= 1
+        <% end %>
+        <% if interpolated %> @tabulation = old_tabulation <% end %>
+        result
+      <% end %>
+    # Takes the various information about the opening tag for an element,
+    # formats it, and appends it to the buffer.
+    def open_tag(name, self_closing, try_one_line, preserve_tag, escape_html, class_id,
+                 nuke_outer_whitespace, nuke_inner_whitespace, obj_ref, content, *attributes_hashes)
+      tabulation = @real_tabs
+      attributes = class_id
+      attributes_hashes.each do |old|
+        self.class.merge_attrs(attributes, to_hash( {|k, v| [k.to_s, v]}))
+      end
+      self.class.merge_attrs(attributes, parse_object_ref(obj_ref)) if obj_ref
+      if self_closing && xhtml?
+        str = " />" + (nuke_outer_whitespace ? "" : "\n")
+      else
+        str = ">" + ((if self_closing && html?
+                        nuke_outer_whitespace
+                      else
+                        try_one_line || preserve_tag || nuke_inner_whitespace
+                      end) ? "" : "\n")
+      end
+      attributes = Precompiler.build_attributes(html?, @options[:attr_wrapper], attributes)
+      @buffer << "#{nuke_outer_whitespace || @options[:ugly] ? '' : tabs(tabulation)}<#{name}#{attributes}#{str}"
+      if content
+        @buffer << "#{content}</#{name}>" << (nuke_outer_whitespace ? "" : "\n")
+        return
+      end
+      @real_tabs += 1 unless self_closing || nuke_inner_whitespace
+    end
+    # Remove the whitespace from the right side of the buffer string.
+    # Doesn't do anything if we're at the beginning of a capture_haml block.
+    def rstrip!
+      if capture_position.nil?
+        buffer.rstrip!
+        return
+      end
+      buffer << buffer.slice!(capture_position..-1).rstrip
+    end
+    # Merges two attribute hashes.
+    # This is the same as `to.merge!(from)`,
+    # except that it merges id and class attributes.
+    #
+    # ids are concatenated with `"_"`,
+    # and classes are concatenated with `" "`.
+    #
+    # Destructively modifies both `to` and `from`.
+    #
+    # @param to [Hash<String, String>] The attribute hash to merge into
+    # @param from [Hash<String, String>] The attribute hash to merge from
+    # @return [Hash<String, String>] `to`, after being merged
+    def self.merge_attrs(to, from)
+      if to['id'] && from['id']
+        to['id'] << '_' << from.delete('id')
+      elsif to['id'] || from['id']
+        from['id'] ||= to['id']
+      end
+      if to['class'] && from['class']
+        # Make sure we don't duplicate class names
+        from['class'] = (from['class'].split(' ') | to['class'].split(' ')).sort.join(' ')
+      elsif to['class'] || from['class']
+        from['class'] ||= to['class']
+      end
+      to.merge!(from)
+    end
+    private
+    @@tab_cache = {}
+    # Gets `count` tabs. Mostly for internal use.
+    def tabs(count = 0)
+      tabs = [count + @tabulation, 0].max
+      @@tab_cache[tabs] ||= '  ' * tabs
+    end
+    # Takes an array of objects and uses the class and id of the first
+    # one to create an attributes hash.
+    # The second object, if present, is used as a prefix,
+    # just like you can do with `dom_id()` and `dom_class()` in Rails
+    def parse_object_ref(ref)
+      prefix = ref[1]
+      ref = ref[0]
+      # Let's make sure the value isn't nil. If it is, return the default Hash.
+      return {} if ref.nil?
+      class_name =
+        if ref.respond_to?(:haml_object_ref)
+          ref.haml_object_ref
+        else
+          underscore(ref.class)
+        end
+      id = "#{class_name}_#{ || 'new'}"
+      if prefix
+        class_name = "#{ prefix }_#{ class_name}"
+        id = "#{ prefix }_#{ id }"
+      end
+      {'id' => id, 'class' => class_name}
+    end
+    # Changes a word from camel case to underscores.
+    # Based on the method of the same name in Rails' Inflector,
+    # but copied here so it'll run properly without Rails.
+    def underscore(camel_cased_word)
+      camel_cased_word.to_s.gsub(/::/, '_').
+        gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2').
+        gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2').
+        tr("-", "_").
+        downcase
+    end
+  end

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/engine.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/engine.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/engine.rb Thu Jul  8 23:14:13 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+require 'haml/helpers'
+require 'haml/buffer'
+require 'haml/precompiler'
+require 'haml/filters'
+require 'haml/error'
+module Haml
+  # This is the frontend for using Haml programmatically.
+  # It can be directly used by the user by creating a
+  # new instance and calling \{#render} to render the template.
+  # For example:
+  #
+  #     template ='templates/really_cool_template.haml')
+  #     haml_engine =
+  #     output = haml_engine.render
+  #     puts output
+  class Engine
+    include Precompiler
+    # The options hash.
+    # See { the Haml options documentation}.
+    #
+    # @return [Hash<Symbol, Object>]
+    attr_accessor :options
+    # The indentation used in the Haml document,
+    # or `nil` if the indentation is ambiguous
+    # (for example, for a single-level document).
+    #
+    # @return [String]
+    attr_accessor :indentation
+    # @return [Boolean] Whether or not the format is XHTML.
+    def xhtml?
+      not html?
+    end
+    # @return [Boolean] Whether or not the format is any flavor of HTML.
+    def html?
+      html4? or html5?
+    end
+    # @return [Boolean] Whether or not the format is HTML4.
+    def html4?
+      @options[:format] == :html4
+    end
+    # @return [Boolean] Whether or not the format is HTML5.
+    def html5?
+      @options[:format] == :html5
+    end
+    # The source code that is evaluated to produce the Haml document.
+    #
+    # In Ruby 1.9, this is automatically converted to the correct encoding
+    # (see { the `:encoding` option}).
+    #
+    # @return [String]
+    def precompiled
+      return @precompiled if ruby1_8?
+      return @precompiled.encode(Encoding.find(@options[:encoding]))
+    end
+    # Precompiles the Haml template.
+    #
+    # @param template [String] The Haml template
+    # @param options [Hash<Symbol, Object>] An options hash;
+    #   see { the Haml options documentation}
+    # @raise [Haml::Error] if there's a Haml syntax error in the template
+    def initialize(template, options = {})
+      @options = {
+        :suppress_eval => false,
+        :attr_wrapper => "'",
+        # Don't forget to update the docs in lib/haml.rb if you update these
+        :autoclose => %w[meta img link br hr input area param col base],
+        :preserve => %w[textarea pre],
+        :filename => '(haml)',
+        :line => 1,
+        :ugly => false,
+        :format => :xhtml,
+        :escape_html => false,
+      }
+      unless ruby1_8?
+        @options[:encoding] = Encoding.default_internal || "utf-8"
+      end
+      @options.merge! options
+      @index = 0
+      unless [:xhtml, :html4, :html5].include?(@options[:format])
+        raise Haml::Error, "Invalid format #{@options[:format].inspect}"
+      end
+      if @options[:encoding] && @options[:encoding].is_a?(Encoding)
+        @options[:encoding] = @options[:encoding].name
+      end
+      # :eod is a special end-of-document marker
+      @template = (template.rstrip).split(/\r\n|\r|\n/) + [:eod, :eod]
+      @template_index = 0
+      @to_close_stack = []
+      @output_tabs = 0
+      @template_tabs = 0
+      @flat = false
+      @newlines = 0
+      @precompiled = ''
+      @to_merge = []
+      @tab_change  = 0
+      @temp_count = 0
+      precompile
+    rescue Haml::Error => e
+      e.backtrace.unshift "#{@options[:filename]}:#{(e.line ? e.line + 1 : @index) + @options[:line] - 1}" if @index
+      raise
+    end
+    # Processes the template and returns the result as a string.
+    #
+    # `scope` is the context in which the template is evaluated.
+    # If it's a `Binding` or `Proc` object,
+    # Haml uses it as the second argument to `Kernel#eval`;
+    # otherwise, Haml just uses its `#instance_eval` context.
+    #
+    # Note that Haml modifies the evaluation context
+    # (either the scope object or the `self` object of the scope binding).
+    # It extends {Haml::Helpers}, and various instance variables are set
+    # (all prefixed with `haml_`).
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #     s = "foobar"
+    #"%p= upcase").render(s) #=> "<p>FOOBAR</p>"
+    #
+    #     # s now extends Haml::Helpers
+    #     s.responds_to?(:html_attrs) #=> true
+    #
+    # `locals` is a hash of local variables to make available to the template.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #"%p= foo").render(, :foo => "Hello, world!") #=> "<p>Hello, world!</p>"
+    #
+    # If a block is passed to render,
+    # that block is run when `yield` is called
+    # within the template.
+    #
+    # Due to some Ruby quirks,
+    # if `scope` is a `Binding` or `Proc` object and a block is given,
+    # the evaluation context may not be quite what the user expects.
+    # In particular, it's equivalent to passing `eval("self", scope)` as `scope`.
+    # This won't have an effect in most cases,
+    # but if you're relying on local variables defined in the context of `scope`,
+    # they won't work.
+    #
+    # @param scope [Binding, Proc, Object] The context in which the template is evaluated
+    # @param locals [Hash<Symbol, Object>] Local variables that will be made available
+    #   to the template
+    # @param block [#to_proc] A block that can be yielded to within the template
+    # @return [String] The rendered template
+    def render(scope =, locals = {}, &block)
+      buffer ='@haml_buffer'), options_for_buffer)
+      if scope.is_a?(Binding) || scope.is_a?(Proc)
+        scope_object = eval("self", scope)
+        scope = scope_object.instance_eval{binding} if block_given?
+      else
+        scope_object = scope
+        scope = scope_object.instance_eval{binding}
+      end
+      set_locals(locals.merge(:_hamlout => buffer, :_erbout => buffer.buffer), scope, scope_object)
+      scope_object.instance_eval do
+        extend Haml::Helpers
+        @haml_buffer = buffer
+      end
+      eval(precompiled, scope, @options[:filename], @options[:line])
+      # Get rid of the current buffer
+      scope_object.instance_eval do
+        @haml_buffer = buffer.upper
+      end
+      buffer.buffer
+    end
+    alias_method :to_html, :render
+    # Returns a proc that, when called,
+    # renders the template and returns the result as a string.
+    #
+    # `scope` works the same as it does for render.
+    #
+    # The first argument of the returned proc is a hash of local variable names to values.
+    # However, due to an unfortunate Ruby quirk,
+    # the local variables which can be assigned must be pre-declared.
+    # This is done with the `local_names` argument.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #     # This works
+    #"%p= foo").render_proc(, :foo).call :foo => "Hello!"
+    #       #=> "<p>Hello!</p>"
+    #
+    #     # This doesn't
+    #"%p= foo") :foo => "Hello!"
+    #       #=> NameError: undefined local variable or method `foo'
+    #
+    # The proc doesn't take a block; any yields in the template will fail.
+    #
+    # @param scope [Binding, Proc, Object] The context in which the template is evaluated
+    # @param local_names [Array<Symbol>] The names of the locals that can be passed to the proc
+    # @return [Proc] The proc that will run the template
+    def render_proc(scope =, *local_names)
+      if scope.is_a?(Binding) || scope.is_a?(Proc)
+        scope_object = eval("self", scope)
+      else
+        scope_object = scope
+        scope = scope_object.instance_eval{binding}
+      end
+      eval(" { |*_haml_locals| _haml_locals = _haml_locals[0] || {};" +
+           precompiled_with_ambles(local_names) + "}\n", scope, @options[:filename], @options[:line])
+    end
+    # Defines a method on `object` with the given name
+    # that renders the template and returns the result as a string.
+    #
+    # If `object` is a class or module,
+    # the method will instead by defined as an instance method.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #     t =
+    #"%p\n  Today's date is\n  .date= self.to_s").def_method(t, :render)
+    #     t.render #=> "<p>\n  Today's date is\n  <div class='date'>Fri Nov 23 18:28:29 -0800 2007</div>\n</p>\n"
+    #
+    #".upcased= upcase").def_method(String, :upcased_div)
+    #     "foobar".upcased_div #=> "<div class='upcased'>FOOBAR</div>\n"
+    #
+    # The first argument of the defined method is a hash of local variable names to values.
+    # However, due to an unfortunate Ruby quirk,
+    # the local variables which can be assigned must be pre-declared.
+    # This is done with the `local_names` argument.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #     # This works
+    #     obj =
+    #"%p= foo").def_method(obj, :render, :foo)
+    #     obj.render(:foo => "Hello!") #=> "<p>Hello!</p>"
+    #
+    #     # This doesn't
+    #     obj =
+    #"%p= foo").def_method(obj, :render)
+    #     obj.render(:foo => "Hello!") #=> NameError: undefined local variable or method `foo'
+    #
+    # Note that Haml modifies the evaluation context
+    # (either the scope object or the `self` object of the scope binding).
+    # It extends {Haml::Helpers}, and various instance variables are set
+    # (all prefixed with `haml_`).
+    #
+    # @param object [Object, Module] The object on which to define the method
+    # @param name [String, Symbol] The name of the method to define
+    # @param local_names [Array<Symbol>] The names of the locals that can be passed to the proc
+    def def_method(object, name, *local_names)
+      method = object.is_a?(Module) ? :module_eval : :instance_eval
+      object.send(method, "def #{name}(_haml_locals = {}); #{precompiled_with_ambles(local_names)}; end",
+                  @options[:filename], @options[:line])
+    end
+    protected
+    # Returns a subset of \{#options}: those that {Haml::Buffer} cares about.
+    # All of the values here are such that when `#inspect` is called on the hash,
+    # it can be `Kernel#eval`ed to get the same result back.
+    #
+    # See { the Haml options documentation}.
+    #
+    # @return [Hash<Symbol, Object>] The options hash
+    def options_for_buffer
+      {
+        :autoclose => @options[:autoclose],
+        :preserve => @options[:preserve],
+        :attr_wrapper => @options[:attr_wrapper],
+        :ugly => @options[:ugly],
+        :format => @options[:format],
+        :encoding => @options[:encoding],
+      }
+    end
+    private
+    def set_locals(locals, scope, scope_object)
+      scope_object.send(:instance_variable_set, '@_haml_locals', locals)
+      set_locals = { |k| "#{k} = @_haml_locals[#{k.inspect}]" }.join("\n")
+      eval(set_locals, scope)
+    end
+  end

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/error.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/error.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/error.rb Thu Jul  8 23:14:13 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+module Haml
+  # An exception raised by Haml code.
+  class Error < StandardError
+    # The line of the template on which the error occurred.
+    #
+    # @return [Fixnum]
+    attr_reader :line
+    # @param message [String] The error message
+    # @param line [Fixnum] See \{#line}
+    def initialize(message = nil, line = nil)
+      super(message)
+      @line = line
+    end
+  end
+  # SyntaxError is the type of exception raised when Haml encounters an
+  # ill-formatted document.
+  # It's not particularly interesting,
+  # except in that it's a subclass of {Haml::Error}.
+  class SyntaxError < Haml::Error; end

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/exec.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/exec.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/exec.rb Thu Jul  8 23:14:13 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+require 'optparse'
+require 'fileutils'
+module Haml
+  # This module handles the various Haml executables (`haml`, `sass`, `css2sass`, etc).
+  module Exec
+    # An abstract class that encapsulates the executable code for all three executables.
+    class Generic
+      # @param args [Array<String>] The command-line arguments
+      def initialize(args)
+        @args = args
+        @options = {}
+      end
+      # Parses the command-line arguments and runs the executable.
+      # Calls `Kernel#exit` at the end, so it never returns.
+      def parse!
+        begin
+          @opts =
+          @opts.parse!(@args)
+          process_result
+          @options
+        rescue Exception => e
+          raise e if @options[:trace] || e.is_a?(SystemExit)
+          $stderr.puts e.message
+          exit 1
+        end
+        exit 0
+      end
+      # @return [String] A description of the executable
+      def to_s
+        @opts.to_s
+      end
+      protected
+      # Finds the line of the source template
+      # on which an exception was raised.
+      #
+      # @param exception [Exception] The exception
+      # @return [String] The line number
+      def get_line(exception)
+        # SyntaxErrors have weird line reporting
+        # when there's trailing whitespace,
+        # which there is for Haml documents.
+        return exception.message.scan(/:(\d+)/).first.first if exception.is_a?(::SyntaxError)
+        exception.backtrace[0].scan(/:(\d+)/).first.first
+      end
+      # Tells optparse how to parse the arguments
+      # available for all executables.
+      #
+      # This is meant to be overridden by subclasses
+      # so they can add their own options.
+      #
+      # @param opts [OptionParser]
+      def set_opts(opts)
+        opts.on('-s', '--stdin', :NONE, 'Read input from standard input instead of an input file') do
+          @options[:input] = $stdin
+        end
+        opts.on('--trace', :NONE, 'Show a full traceback on error') do
+          @options[:trace] = true
+        end
+        opts.on_tail("-?", "-h", "--help", "Show this message") do
+          puts opts
+          exit
+        end
+        opts.on_tail("-v", "--version", "Print version") do
+          puts("Haml #{::Haml.version[:string]}")
+          exit
+        end
+      end
+      # Processes the options set by the command-line arguments.
+      # In particular, sets `@options[:input]` and `@options[:output]`
+      # to appropriate IO streams.
+      #
+      # This is meant to be overridden by subclasses
+      # so they can run their respective programs.
+      def process_result
+        input, output = @options[:input], @options[:output]
+        input_file, output_file = if input
+                                    [nil, open_file(@args[0], 'w')]
+                                  else
+                                    @options[:filename] = @args[0]
+                                    [open_file(@args[0]), open_file(@args[1], 'w')]
+                                  end
+        input  ||= input_file
+        output ||= output_file
+        input  ||= $stdin
+        output ||= $stdout
+        @options[:input], @options[:output] = input, output
+      end
+      private
+      def open_file(filename, flag = 'r')
+        return if filename.nil?
+, flag)
+      end
+    end
+    # An abstrac class that encapsulates the code
+    # specific to the `haml` and `sass` executables.
+    class HamlSass < Generic
+      # @param args [Array<String>] The command-line arguments
+      def initialize(args)
+        super
+        @options[:for_engine] = {}
+      end
+      protected
+      # Tells optparse how to parse the arguments
+      # available for the `haml` and `sass` executables.
+      #
+      # This is meant to be overridden by subclasses
+      # so they can add their own options.
+      #
+      # @param opts [OptionParser]
+      def set_opts(opts)
+        opts.banner = <<END
+Usage: #{@name.downcase} [options] [INPUT] [OUTPUT]
+  Uses the #{@name} engine to parse the specified template
+  and outputs the result to the specified file.
+        opts.on('--rails RAILS_DIR', "Install Haml and Sass from the Gem to a Rails project") do |dir|
+          original_dir = dir
+          dir = File.join(dir, 'vendor', 'plugins')
+          unless File.exists?(dir)
+            puts "Directory #{dir} doesn't exist"
+            exit
+          end
+          dir = File.join(dir, 'haml')
+          if File.exists?(dir)
+            print "Directory #{dir} already exists, overwrite [y/N]? "
+            exit if gets !~ /y/i
+            FileUtils.rm_rf(dir)
+          end
+          begin
+            Dir.mkdir(dir)
+          rescue SystemCallError
+            puts "Cannot create #{dir}"
+            exit
+          end
+, 'init.rb'), 'w') do |file|
+            file.puts "require 'rubygems'"
+            file << + "/../../init.rb")
+          end
+          puts "Haml plugin added to #{original_dir}"
+          exit
+        end
+        opts.on('-c', '--check', "Just check syntax, don't evaluate.") do
+          require 'stringio'
+          @options[:check_syntax] = true
+          @options[:output] =
+        end
+        super
+      end
+      # Processes the options set by the command-line arguments.
+      # In particular, sets `@options[:for_engine][:filename]` to the input filename
+      # and requires the appropriate file.
+      #
+      # This is meant to be overridden by subclasses
+      # so they can run their respective programs.
+      def process_result
+        super
+        @options[:for_engine][:filename] = @options[:filename] if @options[:filename]
+        require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../#{@name.downcase}"
+      end
+    end
+    # The `sass` executable.
+    class Sass < HamlSass
+      # @param args [Array<String>] The command-line arguments
+      def initialize(args)
+        super
+        @name = "Sass"
+        @options[:for_engine][:load_paths] = ['.'] + (ENV['SASSPATH'] || '').split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+      end
+      protected
+      # Tells optparse how to parse the arguments.
+      #
+      # @param opts [OptionParser]
+      def set_opts(opts)
+        super
+        opts.on('-t', '--style NAME',
+                'Output style. Can be nested (default), compact, compressed, or expanded.') do |name|
+          @options[:for_engine][:style] = name.to_sym
+        end
+        opts.on('-l', '--line-comments',
+                'Line Comments. Emit comments in the generated CSS indicating the corresponding sass line.') do
+          @options[:for_engine][:line_comments] = true
+        end
+        opts.on('-i', '--interactive',
+                'Run an interactive SassScript shell.') do
+          @options[:interactive] = true
+        end
+        opts.on('-I', '--load-path PATH', 'Add a sass import path.') do |path|
+          @options[:for_engine][:load_paths] << path
+        end
+        opts.on('--cache-location', 'The path to put cached Sass files. Defaults to .sass-cache.') do |loc|
+          @options[:for_engine][:cache_location] = path
+        end
+        opts.on('-C', '--no-cache', "Don't cache to sassc files.") do
+          @options[:for_engine][:cache] = false
+        end
+      end
+      # Processes the options set by the command-line arguments,
+      # and runs the Sass compiler appropriately.
+      def process_result
+        if @options[:interactive]
+          require 'sass'
+          require 'sass/repl'
+          return
+        end
+        super
+        input = @options[:input]
+        output = @options[:output]
+        tree =
+          if input.is_a?(File) && !@options[:check_syntax]
+            ::Sass::Files.tree_for(input.path, @options[:for_engine])
+          else
+            # We don't need to do any special handling of @options[:check_syntax] here,
+            # because the Sass syntax checking happens alongside evaluation
+            # and evaluation doesn't actually evaluate any code anyway.
+  , @options[:for_engine]).to_tree
+          end
+        input.close() if input.is_a?(File)
+        output.write(tree.render)
+        output.close() if output.is_a? File
+      rescue ::Sass::SyntaxError => e
+        raise e if @options[:trace]
+        raise "Syntax error on line #{get_line e}: #{e.message}"
+      end
+    end
+    # The `haml` executable.
+    class Haml < HamlSass
+      # @param args [Array<String>] The command-line arguments
+      def initialize(args)
+        super
+        @name = "Haml"
+        @options[:requires] = []
+        @options[:load_paths] = []
+      end
+      # Tells optparse how to parse the arguments.
+      #
+      # @param opts [OptionParser]
+      def set_opts(opts)
+        super
+        opts.on('-t', '--style NAME',
+                'Output style. Can be indented (default) or ugly.') do |name|
+          @options[:for_engine][:ugly] = true if name.to_sym == :ugly
+        end
+        opts.on('-f', '--format NAME',
+                'Output format. Can be xhtml (default), html4, or html5.') do |name|
+          @options[:for_engine][:format] = name.to_sym
+        end
+        opts.on('-e', '--escape-html',
+                'Escape HTML characters (like ampersands and angle brackets) by default.') do
+          @options[:for_engine][:escape_html] = true
+        end
+        opts.on('-r', '--require FILE', "Same as 'ruby -r'.") do |file|
+          @options[:requires] << file
+        end
+        opts.on('-I', '--load-path PATH', "Same as 'ruby -I'.") do |path|
+          @options[:load_paths] << path
+        end
+        opts.on('--debug', "Print out the precompiled Ruby source.") do
+          @options[:debug] = true
+        end
+      end
+      # Processes the options set by the command-line arguments,
+      # and runs the Haml compiler appropriately.
+      def process_result
+        super
+        input = @options[:input]
+        output = @options[:output]
+        template =
+        input.close() if input.is_a? File
+        begin
+          engine =, @options[:for_engine])
+          if @options[:check_syntax]
+            puts "Syntax OK"
+            return
+          end
+          @options[:load_paths].each {|p| $LOAD_PATH << p}
+          @options[:requires].each {|f| require f}
+          if @options[:debug]
+            puts engine.precompiled
+            puts '=' * 100
+          end
+          result = engine.to_html
+        rescue Exception => e
+          raise e if @options[:trace]
+          case e
+          when ::Haml::SyntaxError; raise "Syntax error on line #{get_line e}: #{e.message}"
+          when ::Haml::Error;       raise "Haml error on line #{get_line e}: #{e.message}"
+          else raise "Exception on line #{get_line e}: #{e.message}\n  Use --trace for backtrace."
+          end
+        end
+        output.write(result)
+        output.close() if output.is_a? File
+      end
+    end
+    # The `html2haml` executable.
+    class HTML2Haml < Generic
+      # @param args [Array<String>] The command-line arguments
+      def initialize(args)
+        super
+        @module_opts = {}
+        begin
+          require 'haml/html'
+        rescue LoadError => err
+          dep = err.message.scan(/^no such file to load -- (.*)/)[0]
+          puts "Required dependency #{dep} not found!"
+          exit 1
+        end
+      end
+      # Tells optparse how to parse the arguments.
+      #
+      # @param opts [OptionParser]
+      def set_opts(opts)
+        opts.banner = <<END
+Usage: html2haml [options] [INPUT] [OUTPUT]
+Description: Transforms an HTML file into corresponding Haml code.
+        opts.on('-r', '--rhtml', 'Parse RHTML tags.') do
+          @module_opts[:rhtml] = true
+        end
+        opts.on('--no-rhtml', "Don't parse RHTML tags.") do
+          @options[:no_rhtml] = true
+        end
+        opts.on('-x', '--xhtml', 'Parse the input using the more strict XHTML parser.') do
+          @module_opts[:xhtml] = true
+        end
+        super
+      end
+      # Processes the options set by the command-line arguments,
+      # and runs the HTML compiler appropriately.
+      def process_result
+        super
+        input = @options[:input]
+        output = @options[:output]
+        @module_opts[:rhtml] ||= input.respond_to?(:path) && input.path =~ /\.(rhtml|erb)$/
+        @module_opts[:rhtml] &&= @options[:no_rhtml] != false
+        output.write(, @module_opts).render)
+      end
+    end
+    # The `css2sass` executable.
+    class CSS2Sass < Generic
+      # @param args [Array<String>] The command-line arguments
+      def initialize(args)
+        super
+        @module_opts = {}
+        require 'sass/css'
+      end
+      # Tells optparse how to parse the arguments.
+      #
+      # @param opts [OptionParser]
+      def set_opts(opts)
+        opts.banner = <<END
+Usage: css2sass [options] [INPUT] [OUTPUT]
+Description: Transforms a CSS file into corresponding Sass code.
+        opts.on('--old', 'Output the old-style ":prop val" property syntax') do
+          @module_opts[:old] = true
+        end
+        opts.on_tail('-a', '--alternate', 'Ignored') {}
+        super
+      end
+      # Processes the options set by the command-line arguments,
+      # and runs the CSS compiler appropriately.
+      def process_result
+        super
+        input = @options[:input]
+        output = @options[:output]
+        output.write(, @module_opts).render)
+      end
+    end
+  end

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/filters.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/filters.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/filters.rb Thu Jul  8 23:14:13 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+module Haml
+  # The module containing the default Haml filters,
+  # as well as the base module, {Haml::Filters::Base}.
+  #
+  # @see Haml::Filters::Base
+  module Filters
+    # @return [Hash<String, Haml::Filters::Base>] a hash of filter names to classes
+    def self.defined
+      @defined ||= {}
+    end
+    # The base module for Haml filters.
+    # User-defined filters should be modules including this module.
+    # The name of the filter is taken by downcasing the module name.
+    # For instance, if the module is named `FooBar`, the filter will be `:foobar`.
+    #
+    # A user-defined filter should override either \{#render} or {\#compile}.
+    # \{#render} is the most common.
+    # It takes a string, the filter source,
+    # and returns another string, the result of the filter.
+    # For example, the following will define a filter named `:sass`:
+    #
+    #     module Haml::Filters::Sass
+    #       include Haml::Filters::Base
+    #
+    #       def render(text)
+    #
+    #       end
+    #     end
+    #
+    # For details on overriding \{#compile}, see its documentation.
+    #
+    # Note that filters overriding \{#render} automatically support `#{}`
+    # for interpolating Ruby code.
+    # Those overriding \{#compile} will need to add such support manually
+    # if it's desired.
+    module Base
+      # This method is automatically called when {Base} is included in a module.
+      # It automatically defines a filter
+      # with the downcased name of that module.
+      # For example, if the module is named `FooBar`, the filter will be `:foobar`.
+      #
+      # @param base [Module, Class] The module that this is included in
+      def self.included(base)
+        Filters.defined["::").last.downcase] = base
+        base.extend(base)
+      end
+      # Takes the source text that should be passed to the filter
+      # and returns the result of running the filter on that string.
+      #
+      # This should be overridden in most individual filter modules
+      # to render text with the given filter.
+      # If \{#compile} is overridden, however, \{#render} doesn't need to be.
+      #
+      # @param text [String] The source text for the filter to process
+      # @return [String] The filtered result
+      # @raise [Haml::Error] if it's not overridden
+      def render(text)
+        raise"#{self.inspect}#render not defined!")
+      end
+      # Same as \{#render}, but takes a {Haml::Engine} options hash as well.
+      # It's only safe to rely on options made available in {Haml::Engine#options\_for\_buffer}.
+      #
+      # @see #render
+      # @param text [String] The source text for the filter to process
+      # @return [String] The filtered result
+      # @raise [Haml::Error] if it or \{#render} isn't overridden
+      def render_with_options(text, options)
+        render(text)
+      end
+      # Same as \{#compile}, but requires the necessary files first.
+      # *This is used by {Haml::Engine} and is not intended to be overridden or used elsewhere.*
+      #
+      # @see #compile
+      def internal_compile(*args)
+        resolve_lazy_requires
+        compile(*args)
+      end
+      # This should be overridden when a filter needs to have access to the Haml evaluation context.
+      # Rather than applying a filter to a string at compile-time,
+      # \{#compile} uses the {Haml::Precompiler} instance to compile the string to Ruby code
+      # that will be executed in the context of the active Haml template.
+      #
+      # Warning: the {Haml::Precompiler} interface is neither well-documented
+      # nor guaranteed to be stable.
+      # If you want to make use of it, you'll probably need to look at the source code
+      # and should test your filter when upgrading to new Haml versions.
+      #
+      # @param precompiler [Haml::Precompiler] The precompiler instance
+      # @param text [String] The text of the filter
+      # @raise [Haml::Error] if none of \{#compile}, \{#render}, and \{#render_with_options} are overridden
+      def compile(precompiler, text)
+        resolve_lazy_requires
+        filter = self
+        precompiler.instance_eval do
+          if contains_interpolation?(text)
+            return if options[:suppress_eval]
+            push_script <<RUBY, :escape_html => false
+find_and_preserve(#{filter.inspect}.render_with_options(#{unescape_interpolation(text)}, _hamlout.options))
+            return
+          end
+          rendered = Haml::Helpers::find_and_preserve(filter.render_with_options(text, precompiler.options), precompiler.options[:preserve])
+          if !options[:ugly]
+            push_text(rendered.rstrip.gsub("\n", "\n#{'  ' * @output_tabs}"))
+          else
+            push_text(rendered.rstrip)
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      # This becomes a class method of modules that include {Base}.
+      # It allows the module to specify one or more Ruby files
+      # that Haml should try to require when compiling the filter.
+      #
+      # The first file specified is tried first, then the second, etc.
+      # If none are found, the compilation throws an exception.
+      #
+      # For example:
+      #
+      #     module Haml::Filters::Markdown
+      #       lazy_require 'rdiscount', 'peg_markdown', 'maruku', 'bluecloth'
+      #
+      #       ...
+      #     end
+      #
+      # @param reqs [Array<String>] The requires to run
+      def lazy_require(*reqs)
+        @lazy_requires = reqs
+      end
+      private
+      def resolve_lazy_requires
+        return unless @lazy_requires
+        @lazy_requires[0...-1].each do |req|
+          begin
+            @required = req
+            require @required
+            return
+          rescue LoadError; end # RCov doesn't see this, but it is run
+        end
+        begin
+          @required = @lazy_requires[-1]
+          require @required
+        rescue LoadError => e
+          classname =\w+$/)[0]
+          if @lazy_requires.size == 1
+            raise"Can't run #{classname} filter; required file '#{@lazy_requires.first}' not found")
+          else
+            raise"Can't run #{classname} filter; required #{ { |r| "'#{r}'" }.join(' or ')}, but none were found")
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  require 'rubygems'
+rescue LoadError; end
+module Haml
+  module Filters
+    # Does not parse the filtered text.
+    # This is useful for large blocks of text without HTML tags,
+    # when you don't want lines starting with `.` or `-`
+    # to be parsed.
+    module Plain
+      include Base
+      # @see Base#render
+      def render(text); text; end
+    end
+    # Surrounds the filtered text with `<script>` and CDATA tags.
+    # Useful for including inline Javascript.
+    module Javascript
+      include Base
+      # @see Base#render_with_options
+      def render_with_options(text, options)
+        <<END
+<script type=#{options[:attr_wrapper]}text/javascript#{options[:attr_wrapper]}>
+  //<![CDATA[
+    #{text.rstrip.gsub("\n", "\n    ")}
+  //]]>
+      end
+    end
+    # Surrounds the filtered text with CDATA tags.
+    module Cdata
+      include Base
+      # @see Base#render
+      def render(text)
+        "<![CDATA[#{("\n" + text).rstrip.gsub("\n", "\n    ")}\n]]>"
+      end
+    end
+    # Works the same as {Plain}, but HTML-escapes the text
+    # before placing it in the document.
+    module Escaped
+      include Base
+      # @see Base#render
+      def render(text)
+        Haml::Helpers.html_escape text
+      end
+    end
+    # Parses the filtered text with the normal Ruby interpreter.
+    # All output sent to `$stdout`, such as with `puts`,
+    # is output into the Haml document.
+    # Not available if the { `:suppress_eval`} option is set to true.
+    # The Ruby code is evaluated in the same context as the Haml template.
+    module Ruby
+      include Base
+      lazy_require 'stringio'
+      # @see Base#compile
+      def compile(precompiler, text)
+        return if precompiler.options[:suppress_eval]
+        precompiler.instance_eval do
+          push_silent <<-FIRST.gsub("\n", ';') + text + <<-LAST.gsub("\n", ';')
+            _haml_old_stdout = $stdout
+            $stdout =, 'a')
+          FIRST
+            _haml_old_stdout, $stdout = $stdout, _haml_old_stdout
+            _haml_old_stdout.close
+          LAST
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    # Inserts the filtered text into the template with whitespace preserved.
+    # `preserve`d blocks of text aren't indented,
+    # and newlines are replaced with the HTML escape code for newlines,
+    # to preserve nice-looking output.
+    #
+    # @see Haml::Helpers#preserve
+    module Preserve
+      include Base
+      # @see Base#render
+      def render(text)
+        Haml::Helpers.preserve text
+      end
+    end
+    # Parses the filtered text with {Sass} to produce CSS output.
+    module Sass
+      include Base
+      lazy_require 'sass/plugin'
+      # @see Base#render
+      def render(text)
+, ::Sass::Plugin.engine_options).render
+      end
+    end
+    # Parses the filtered text with ERB, like an RHTML template.
+    # Not available if the { `:suppress_eval`} option is set to true.
+    # Embedded Ruby code is evaluated in the same context as the Haml template.
+    module ERB
+      include Base
+      lazy_require 'erb'
+      # @see Base#compile
+      def compile(precompiler, text)
+        return if precompiler.options[:suppress_eval]
+        src =^#coding:.*?\n/, '').
+          sub(/^_erbout = '';/, "").gsub("\n", ';')
+        precompiler.send(:push_silent, src)
+      end
+    end
+    # Parses the filtered text with [Textile](
+    # Only works if [RedCloth]( is installed.
+    module Textile
+      include Base
+      lazy_require 'redcloth'
+      # @see Base#render
+      def render(text)
+      end
+    end
+    RedCloth = Textile
+    Filters.defined['redcloth'] = RedCloth
+    # Parses the filtered text with [Markdown](
+    # Only works if [RDiscount](,
+    # [RPeg-Markdown](,
+    # [Maruku](,
+    # or [BlueCloth]( are installed.
+    module Markdown
+      include Base
+      lazy_require 'rdiscount', 'peg_markdown', 'maruku', 'bluecloth'
+      # @see Base#render
+      def render(text)
+        engine = case @required
+                 when 'rdiscount'
+                   ::RDiscount
+                 when 'peg_markdown'
+                   ::PEGMarkdown
+                 when 'maruku'
+                   ::Maruku
+                 when 'bluecloth'
+                   ::BlueCloth
+                 end
+      end
+    end
+    # Parses the filtered text with [Maruku](,
+    # which has some non-standard extensions to Markdown.
+    module Maruku
+      include Base
+      lazy_require 'maruku'
+      # @see Base#render
+      def render(text)
+      end
+    end
+  end

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/helpers.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/helpers.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/helpers.rb Thu Jul  8 23:14:13 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+if defined?(ActionView)
+  require 'haml/helpers/action_view_mods'
+  require 'haml/helpers/action_view_extensions'
+module Haml
+  # This module contains various helpful methods to make it easier to do various tasks.
+  # {Haml::Helpers} is automatically included in the context
+  # that a Haml template is parsed in, so all these methods are at your
+  # disposal from within the template.
+  module Helpers
+    # An object that raises an error when \{#to\_s} is called.
+    # It's used to raise an error when the return value of a helper is used
+    # when it shouldn't be.
+    class ErrorReturn
+      # @param message [String] The error message to raise when \{#to\_s} is called
+      def initialize(method)
+        @message = <<MESSAGE
+#{method} outputs directly to the Haml template.
+Disregard its return value and use the - operator,
+or use capture_haml to get the value as a String.
+      end
+      # Raises an error.
+      #
+      # @raise [Haml::Error] The error
+      def to_s
+        raise
+      rescue Haml::Error => e
+        e.backtrace.shift
+        # If the ErrorReturn is used directly in the template,
+        # we don't want Haml's stuff to get into the backtrace,
+        # so we get rid of the format_script line.
+        #
+        # We also have to subtract one from the Haml line number
+        # since the value is passed to format_script the line after
+        # it's actually used.
+        if e.backtrace.first =~ /^\(eval\):\d+:in `format_script/
+          e.backtrace.shift
+          e.backtrace.first.gsub!(/^\(haml\):(\d+)/) {|s| "(haml):#{$1.to_i - 1}"}
+        end
+        raise e
+      end
+      # @return [String] A human-readable string representation
+      def inspect
+        "Haml::Helpers::ErrorReturn(#{@message.inspect})"
+      end
+    end
+    self.extend self
+    @@action_view_defined = defined?(ActionView)
+    @@force_no_action_view = false
+    # @return [Boolean] Whether or not ActionView is loaded
+    def self.action_view?
+      @@action_view_defined
+    end
+    # Note: this does **not** need to be called when using Haml helpers
+    # normally in Rails.
+    #
+    # Initializes the current object as though it were in the same context
+    # as a normal ActionView instance using Haml.
+    # This is useful if you want to use the helpers in a context
+    # other than the normal setup with ActionView.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #     context =
+    #     class << context
+    #       include Haml::Helpers
+    #     end
+    #     context.init_haml_helpers
+    #     context.haml_tag :p, "Stuff"
+    #
+    def init_haml_helpers
+      @haml_buffer =,'').send(:options_for_buffer))
+      nil
+    end
+    # Runs a block of code in a non-Haml context
+    # (i.e. \{#is\_haml?} will return false).
+    #
+    # This is mainly useful for rendering sub-templates such as partials in a non-Haml language,
+    # particularly where helpers may behave differently when run from Haml.
+    #
+    # Note that this is automatically applied to Rails partials.
+    #
+    # @yield A block which won't register as Haml
+    def non_haml
+      was_active =
+ = false
+      yield
+    ensure
+ = was_active
+    end
+    # Uses \{#preserve} to convert any newlines inside whitespace-sensitive tags
+    # into the HTML entities for endlines.
+    #
+    # @param tags [Array<String>] Tags that should have newlines escaped
+    #
+    # @overload find_and_preserve(input, tags = haml_buffer.options[:preserve])
+    #   Escapes newlines within a string.
+    #
+    #   @param input [String] The string within which to escape newlines
+    # @overload find_and_preserve(tags = haml_buffer.options[:preserve])
+    #   Escapes newlines within a block of Haml code.
+    #
+    #   @yield The block within which to escape newlines
+    def find_and_preserve(input = nil, tags = haml_buffer.options[:preserve], &block)
+      return find_and_preserve(capture_haml(&block), input || tags) if block
+      input = input.to_s
+      input.gsub(/<(#{'|')})([^>]*)>(.*?)(<\/\1>)/im) do
+        "<#{$1}#{$2}>#{preserve($3)}</#{$1}>"
+      end
+    end
+    # Takes any string, finds all the newlines, and converts them to
+    # HTML entities so they'll render correctly in
+    # whitespace-sensitive tags without screwing up the indentation.
+    #
+    # @overload perserve(input)
+    #   Escapes newlines within a string.
+    #
+    #   @param input [String] The string within which to escape all newlines
+    # @overload perserve
+    #   Escapes newlines within a block of Haml code.
+    #
+    #   @yield The block within which to escape newlines
+    def preserve(input = '', &block)
+      return preserve(capture_haml(&block)) if block
+      input.chomp("\n").gsub(/\n/, '&#x000A;').gsub(/\r/, '')
+    end
+    alias_method :flatten, :preserve
+    # Takes an `Enumerable` object and a block
+    # and iterates over the enum,
+    # yielding each element to a Haml block
+    # and putting the result into `<li>` elements.
+    # This creates a list of the results of the block.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #     = list_of([['hello'], ['yall']]) do |i|
+    #       = i[0]
+    #
+    # Produces:
+    #
+    #     <li>hello</li>
+    #     <li>yall</li>
+    #
+    # And
+    #
+    #     = list_of({:title => 'All the stuff', :description => 'A book about all the stuff.'}) do |key, val|
+    #       %h3= key.humanize
+    #       %p= val
+    #
+    # Produces:
+    #
+    #     <li>
+    #       <h3>Title</h3>
+    #       <p>All the stuff</p>
+    #     </li>
+    #     <li>
+    #       <h3>Description</h3>
+    #       <p>A book about all the stuff.</p>
+    #     </li>
+    #
+    # @param enum [Enumerable] The list of objects to iterate over
+    # @yield [item] A block which contains Haml code that goes within list items
+    # @yieldparam item An element of `enum`
+    def list_of(enum, &block)
+      to_return = enum.collect do |i|
+        result = capture_haml(i, &block)
+        if result.count("\n") > 1
+          result.gsub!("\n", "\n  ")
+          result = "\n  #{result.strip}\n"
+        else
+          result.strip!
+        end
+        "<li>#{result}</li>"
+      end
+      to_return.join("\n")
+    end
+    # Returns a hash containing default assignments for the `xmlns`, `lang`, and `xml:lang`
+    # attributes of the `html` HTML element.
+    # For example,
+    #
+    #     %html{html_attrs}
+    #
+    # becomes
+    #
+    #     <html xmlns='' xml:lang='en-US' lang='en-US'>
+    #
+    # @param lang [String] The value of `xml:lang` and `lang`
+    # @return [Hash<#to_s, String>] The attribute hash
+    def html_attrs(lang = 'en-US')
+      {:xmlns => "", 'xml:lang' => lang, :lang => lang}
+    end
+    # Increments the number of tabs the buffer automatically adds
+    # to the lines of the template.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #     %h1 foo
+    #     - tab_up
+    #     %p bar
+    #     - tab_down
+    #     %strong baz
+    #
+    # Produces:
+    #
+    #     <h1>foo</h1>
+    #       <p>bar</p>
+    #     <strong>baz</strong>
+    #
+    # @param i [Fixnum] The number of tabs by which to increase the indentation
+    # @see #tab_down
+    def tab_up(i = 1)
+      haml_buffer.tabulation += i
+    end
+    # Decrements the number of tabs the buffer automatically adds
+    # to the lines of the template.
+    #
+    # @param i [Fixnum] The number of tabs by which to decrease the indentation
+    # @see #tab_up
+    def tab_down(i = 1)
+      haml_buffer.tabulation -= i
+    end
+    # Surrounds a block of Haml code with strings,
+    # with no whitespace in between.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #     = surround '(', ')' do
+    #       %a{:href => "food"} chicken
+    #
+    # Produces:
+    #
+    #     (<a href='food'>chicken</a>)
+    #
+    # and
+    #
+    #     = surround '*' do
+    #       %strong angry
+    #
+    # Produces:
+    #
+    #     *<strong>angry</strong>*
+    #
+    # @param front [String] The string to add before the Haml
+    # @param back [String] The string to add after the Haml
+    # @yield A block of Haml to surround
+    def surround(front, back = front, &block)
+      output = capture_haml(&block)
+      "#{front}#{output.chomp}#{back}\n"
+    end
+    # Prepends a string to the beginning of a Haml block,
+    # with no whitespace between.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #     = precede '*' do
+    #       %span.small Not really
+    #
+    # Produces:
+    #
+    #     *<span class='small'>Not really</span>
+    #
+    # @param str [String] The string to add before the Haml
+    # @yield A block of Haml to prepend to
+    def precede(str, &block)
+      "#{str}#{capture_haml(&block).chomp}\n"
+    end
+    # Appends a string to the end of a Haml block,
+    # with no whitespace between.
+    # For example:
+    #
+    #     click
+    #     = succeed '.' do
+    #       %a{:href=>"thing"} here
+    #
+    # Produces:
+    #
+    #     click
+    #     <a href='thing'>here</a>.
+    #
+    # @param str [String] The string to add after the Haml
+    # @yield A block of Haml to append to
+    def succeed(str, &block)
+      "#{capture_haml(&block).chomp}#{str}\n"
+    end
+    # Captures the result of a block of Haml code,
+    # gets rid of the excess indentation,
+    # and returns it as a string.
+    # For example, after the following,
+    #
+    #     .foo
+    #       - foo = capture_haml(13) do |a|
+    #         %p= a
+    #
+    # the local variable `foo` would be assigned to `"<p>13</p>\n"`.
+    #
+    # @param args [Array] Arguments to pass into the block
+    # @yield [args] A block of Haml code that will be converted to a string
+    # @yieldparam args [Array] `args`
+    def capture_haml(*args, &block)
+      buffer = eval('_hamlout', block.binding) rescue haml_buffer
+      with_haml_buffer(buffer) do
+        position = haml_buffer.buffer.length
+        haml_buffer.capture_position = position
+        captured = haml_buffer.buffer.slice!(position..-1).split(/^/)
+        min_tabs = nil
+        captured.each do |line|
+          tabs = line.index(/[^ ]/) || line.length
+          min_tabs ||= tabs
+          min_tabs = min_tabs > tabs ? tabs : min_tabs
+        end
+ do |line|
+          line[min_tabs..-1]
+        end.join
+      end
+    ensure
+      haml_buffer.capture_position = nil
+    end
+    # @deprecated This will be removed in version 2.4.
+    # @see \{#haml\_concat}
+    def puts(*args)
+      warn <<END
+The Haml #puts helper is deprecated and will be removed in version 2.4.
+Use the #haml_concat helper instead.
+      haml_concat(*args)
+    end
+    # Outputs text directly to the Haml buffer, with the proper indentation.
+    #
+    # @param text [#to_s] The text to output
+    def haml_concat(text = "")
+      haml_buffer.buffer << haml_indent << text.to_s << "\n"
+    end
+    # @return [String] The indentation string for the current line
+    def haml_indent
+      '  ' * haml_buffer.tabulation
+    end
+    # Creates an HTML tag with the given name and optionally text and attributes.
+    # Can take a block that will run between the opening and closing tags.
+    # If the block is a Haml block or outputs text using \{#haml\_concat},
+    # the text will be properly indented.
+    #
+    # `flags` is a list of symbol flags
+    # like those that can be put at the end of a Haml tag
+    # (`:/`, `:<`, and `:>`).
+    # Currently, only `:/` and `:<` are supported.
+    #
+    # `haml_tag` outputs directly to the buffer;
+    # its return value should not be used.
+    # If you need to get the results as a string,
+    # use \{#capture\_haml\}.
+    #
+    # For example,
+    #
+    #     haml_tag :table do
+    #       haml_tag :tr do
+    #         haml_tag :td, {:class => 'cell'} do
+    #           haml_tag :strong, "strong!"
+    #           haml_concat "data"
+    #         end
+    #         haml_tag :td do
+    #           haml_concat "more_data"
+    #         end
+    #       end
+    #     end
+    #
+    # outputs
+    #
+    #     <table>
+    #       <tr>
+    #         <td class='cell'>
+    #           <strong>
+    #             strong!
+    #           </strong>
+    #           data
+    #         </td>
+    #         <td>
+    #           more_data
+    #         </td>
+    #       </tr>
+    #     </table>
+    #
+    # @param name [#to_s] The name of the tag
+    # @param flags [Array<Symbol>] Haml end-of-tag flags
+    #
+    # @overload haml_tag(name, *flags, attributes = {})
+    #   @yield The block of Haml code within the tag
+    # @overload haml_tag(name, text, *flags, attributes = {})
+    #   @param text [#to_s] The text within the tag
+    def haml_tag(name, *rest, &block)
+      ret ="haml_tag")
+      name = name.to_s
+      text = rest.shift.to_s unless [Symbol, Hash, NilClass].any? {|t| rest.first.is_a? t}
+      flags = []
+      flags << rest.shift while rest.first.is_a? Symbol
+      attributes = Haml::Precompiler.build_attributes(haml_buffer.html?,
+                                                      haml_buffer.options[:attr_wrapper],
+                                                      rest.shift || {})
+      if text.nil? && block.nil? && (haml_buffer.options[:autoclose].include?(name) || flags.include?(:/))
+        haml_concat "<#{name}#{attributes} />"
+        return ret
+      end
+      if flags.include?(:/)
+        raise"Self-closing tags can't have content.") if text
+        raise"Illegal nesting: nesting within a self-closing tag is illegal.") if block
+      end
+      tag = "<#{name}#{attributes}>"
+      if block.nil?
+        tag << text.to_s << "</#{name}>"
+        haml_concat tag
+        return ret
+      end
+      if text
+        raise"Illegal nesting: content can't be both given to haml_tag :#{name} and nested within it.")
+      end
+      if flags.include?(:<)
+        tag << capture_haml(&block).strip << "</#{name}>"
+        haml_concat tag
+        return ret
+      end
+      haml_concat tag
+      tab_up
+      tab_down
+      haml_concat "</#{name}>"
+      ret
+    end
+    # Characters that need to be escaped to HTML entities from user input
+    HTML_ESCAPE = { '&'=>'&amp;', '<'=>'&lt;', '>'=>'&gt;', '"'=>'&quot;', "'"=>'&#039;', }
+    # Returns a copy of `text` with ampersands, angle brackets and quotes
+    # escaped into HTML entities.
+    #
+    # @param text [String] The string to sanitize
+    # @return [String] The sanitized string
+    def html_escape(text)
+      text.to_s.gsub(/[\"><&]/) { |s| HTML_ESCAPE[s] }
+    end
+    # Escapes HTML entities in `text`, but without escaping an ampersand
+    # that is already part of an escaped entity.
+    #
+    # @param text [String] The string to sanitize
+    # @return [String] The sanitized string
+    def escape_once(text)
+      text.to_s.gsub(/[\"><]|&(?!([a-zA-Z]+|(#\d+));)/) { |s| HTML_ESCAPE[s] }
+    end
+    # Returns whether or not the current template is a Haml template.
+    #
+    # This function, unlike other {Haml::Helpers} functions,
+    # also works in other `ActionView` templates,
+    # where it will always return false.
+    #
+    # @return [Boolean] Whether or not the current template is a Haml template
+    def is_haml?
+      !@haml_buffer.nil? &&
+    end
+    # Returns whether or not `block` is defined directly in a Haml template.
+    #
+    # @param block [Proc] A Ruby block
+    # @return [Boolean] Whether or not `block` is defined directly in a Haml template
+    def block_is_haml?(block)
+      eval('_hamlout', block.binding)
+      true
+    rescue
+      false
+    end
+    private
+    # Runs a block of code with the given buffer as the currently active buffer.
+    #
+    # @param buffer [Haml::Buffer] The Haml buffer to use temporarily
+    # @yield A block in which the given buffer should be used
+    def with_haml_buffer(buffer)
+      @haml_buffer, old_buffer = buffer, @haml_buffer
+, was_active = false, if old_buffer
+ = true
+      yield
+    ensure
+ = false
+ = was_active if old_buffer
+      @haml_buffer = old_buffer
+    end
+    # The current {Haml::Buffer} object.
+    #
+    # @return [Haml::Buffer]
+    def haml_buffer
+      @haml_buffer
+    end
+    # Gives a proc the same local `_hamlout` and `_erbout` variables
+    # that the current template has.
+    #
+    # @param proc [#call] The proc to bind
+    # @return [Proc] A new proc with the new variables bound
+    def haml_bind_proc(&proc)
+      _hamlout = haml_buffer
+      _erbout = _hamlout.buffer
+      proc { |*args|*args) }
+    end
+    include ActionViewExtensions if self.const_defined? "ActionViewExtensions"
+  end
+class Object
+  # Haml overrides various `ActionView` helpers,
+  # which call an \{#is\_haml?} method
+  # to determine whether or not the current context object
+  # is a proper Haml context.
+  # Because `ActionView` helpers may be included in non-`ActionView::Base` classes,
+  # it's a good idea to define \{#is\_haml?} for all objects.
+  def is_haml?
+    false
+  end

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/helpers/action_view_extensions.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/helpers/action_view_extensions.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/helpers/action_view_extensions.rb Thu Jul  8 23:14:13 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+require 'haml/helpers/action_view_mods'
+module Haml
+  module Helpers
+    # This module contains various useful helper methods
+    # that either tie into ActionView or the rest of the ActionPack stack,
+    # or are only useful in that context.
+    # Thus, the methods defined here are only available
+    # if ActionView is installed.
+    module ActionViewExtensions
+      # Returns a value for the "class" attribute
+      # unique to this controller/action pair.
+      # This can be used to target styles specifically at this action or controller.
+      # For example, if the current action were `EntryController#show`,
+      #
+      #     %div{:class => page_class} My Div
+      #
+      # would become
+      #
+      #     <div class="entry show">My Div</div>
+      #
+      # Then, in a stylesheet (shown here as {Sass}),
+      # you could refer to this specific action:
+      #
+      #
+      #       font-weight: bold
+      #
+      # or to all actions in the entry controller:
+      #
+      #     .entry
+      #       color: #00f
+      #
+      # @return [String] The class name for the current page
+      def page_class
+        controller.controller_name + " " + controller.action_name
+      end
+      alias_method :generate_content_class_names, :page_class
+    end
+  end

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/helpers/action_view_mods.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/helpers/action_view_mods.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/helpers/action_view_mods.rb Thu Jul  8 23:14:13 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+module ActionView
+  class Base
+    def render_with_haml(*args, &block)
+      options = args.first
+      # If render :layout is used with a block,
+      # it concats rather than returning a string
+      # so we need it to keep thinking it's Haml
+      # until it hits the sub-render
+      if is_haml? && !(options.is_a?(Hash) && options[:layout] && block_given?)
+        return non_haml { render_without_haml(*args, &block) }
+      end
+      render_without_haml(*args, &block)
+    end
+    alias_method :render_without_haml, :render
+    alias_method :render, :render_with_haml
+    # Rails >2.1
+    if Haml::Util.has?(:instance_method, self, :output_buffer)
+      def output_buffer_with_haml
+        return haml_buffer.buffer if is_haml?
+        output_buffer_without_haml
+      end
+      alias_method :output_buffer_without_haml, :output_buffer
+      alias_method :output_buffer, :output_buffer_with_haml
+      def set_output_buffer_with_haml(new)
+        if is_haml?
+          haml_buffer.buffer = new
+        else
+          set_output_buffer_without_haml new
+        end
+      end
+      alias_method :set_output_buffer_without_haml, :output_buffer=
+      alias_method :output_buffer=, :set_output_buffer_with_haml
+    end
+  end
+  module Helpers
+    # In Rails <=2.1, we've got to override considerable capturing infrastructure.
+    # In Rails >2.1, we can make do with only overriding #capture
+    # (which no longer behaves differently in helper contexts).
+    unless Haml::Util.has?(:instance_method, ActionView::Base, :output_buffer)
+      module CaptureHelper
+        def capture_with_haml(*args, &block)
+          # Rails' #capture helper will just return the value of the block
+          # if it's not actually in the template context,
+          # as detected by the existance of an _erbout variable.
+          # We've got to do the same thing for compatibility.
+          if is_haml? && block_is_haml?(block)
+            capture_haml(*args, &block)
+          else
+            capture_without_haml(*args, &block)
+          end
+        end
+        alias_method :capture_without_haml, :capture
+        alias_method :capture, :capture_with_haml
+        def capture_erb_with_buffer_with_haml(buffer, *args, &block)
+          if is_haml?
+            capture_haml(*args, &block)
+          else
+            capture_erb_with_buffer_without_haml(buffer, *args, &block)
+          end
+        end
+        alias_method :capture_erb_with_buffer_without_haml, :capture_erb_with_buffer
+        alias_method :capture_erb_with_buffer, :capture_erb_with_buffer_with_haml
+      end
+      module TextHelper
+        def concat_with_haml(string, binding = nil)
+          if is_haml?
+            haml_buffer.buffer.concat(string)
+          else
+            concat_without_haml(string, binding)
+          end
+        end
+        alias_method :concat_without_haml, :concat
+        alias_method :concat, :concat_with_haml
+      end
+    else
+      module CaptureHelper
+        def capture_with_haml(*args, &block)
+          if Haml::Helpers.block_is_haml?(block)
+            capture_haml(*args, &block)
+          else
+            capture_without_haml(*args, &block)
+          end
+        end
+        alias_method :capture_without_haml, :capture
+        alias_method :capture, :capture_with_haml
+      end
+    end
+    module TagHelper
+      def content_tag_with_haml(name, *args, &block)
+        return content_tag_without_haml(name, *args, &block) unless is_haml?
+        preserve = haml_buffer.options[:preserve].include?(name.to_s)
+        if block_given? && block_is_haml?(block) && preserve
+          return content_tag_without_haml(name, *args) {preserve(&block)}
+        end
+        returning content_tag_without_haml(name, *args, &block) do |content|
+          return Haml::Helpers.preserve(content) if preserve && content
+        end
+      end
+      alias_method :content_tag_without_haml, :content_tag
+      alias_method :content_tag, :content_tag_with_haml
+    end
+    class InstanceTag
+      # Includes TagHelper
+      def haml_buffer
+        @template_object.send :haml_buffer
+      end
+      def is_haml?
+        @template_object.send :is_haml?
+      end
+      alias_method :content_tag_without_haml, :content_tag
+      alias_method :content_tag, :content_tag_with_haml
+    end
+    module FormTagHelper
+      def form_tag_with_haml(url_for_options = {}, options = {}, *parameters_for_url, &proc)
+        if is_haml?
+          if block_given?
+            oldproc = proc
+            proc = haml_bind_proc do |*args|
+              concat "\n"
+              tab_up
+    *args)
+              tab_down
+              concat haml_indent
+            end
+            concat haml_indent
+          end
+          res = form_tag_without_haml(url_for_options, options, *parameters_for_url, &proc) + "\n"
+          concat "\n" if block_given?
+          res
+        else
+          form_tag_without_haml(url_for_options, options, *parameters_for_url, &proc)
+        end
+      end
+      alias_method :form_tag_without_haml, :form_tag
+      alias_method :form_tag, :form_tag_with_haml
+    end
+    module FormHelper
+      def form_for_with_haml(object_name, *args, &proc)
+        if block_given? && is_haml?
+          oldproc = proc
+          proc = haml_bind_proc do |*args|
+            tab_up
+  *args)
+            tab_down
+            concat haml_indent
+          end
+          concat haml_indent
+        end
+        form_for_without_haml(object_name, *args, &proc)
+        concat "\n" if block_given? && is_haml?
+      end
+      alias_method :form_for_without_haml, :form_for
+      alias_method :form_for, :form_for_with_haml
+    end
+  end

Added: incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/html.rb
--- incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/html.rb (added)
+++ incubator/deltacloud/trunk/framework/vendor/plugins/haml/lib/haml/html.rb Thu Jul  8 23:14:13 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../haml'
+require 'haml/engine'
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'cgi'
+module Haml
+  class HTML
+    # A module containing utility methods that every Hpricot node
+    # should have.
+    module Node
+      # Returns the Haml representation of the given node.
+      #
+      # @param tabs [Fixnum] The indentation level of the resulting Haml.
+      # @option options (see Haml::HTML#initialize)
+      def to_haml(tabs, options)
+        parse_text(self.to_s, tabs)
+      end
+      private
+      def tabulate(tabs)
+        '  ' * tabs
+      end
+      def parse_text(text, tabs)
+        text.strip!
+        if text.empty?
+        else
+          lines = text.split("\n")
+ do |line|
+            line.strip!
+            "#{tabulate(tabs)}#{'\\' if Haml::Engine::SPECIAL_CHARACTERS.include?(line[0])}#{line}\n"
+          end.join
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+# Haml monkeypatches various Hpricot classes
+# to add methods for conversion to Haml.
+module Hpricot
+  # @see Hpricot
+  module Node
+    include Haml::HTML::Node
+  end
+  # @see Hpricot
+  class BaseEle
+    include Haml::HTML::Node
+  end
+require 'hpricot'
+module Haml
+  # Converts HTML documents into Haml templates.
+  # Depends on [Hpricot]( for HTML parsing.
+  #
+  # Example usage:
+  #
+  #"<a href=''>Blat</a>").render
+  #       #=> "%a{:href => ''} Blat"
+  class HTML
+    # @param template [String, Hpricot::Node] The HTML template to convert
+    # @option options :rhtml [Boolean] (false) Whether or not to parse
+    #   ERB's `<%= %>` and `<% %>` into Haml's `=` and `-`
+    # @option options :xhtml [Boolean] (false) Whether or not to parse
+    #   the HTML strictly as XHTML
+    def initialize(template, options = {})
+      @options = options
+      if template.is_a? Hpricot::Node
+        @template = template
+      else
+        if template.is_a? IO
+          template =
+        end
+        if @options[:rhtml]
+          match_to_html(template, /<%=(.*?)-?%>/m, 'loud')
+          match_to_html(template, /<%-?(.*?)-?%>/m,  'silent')
+        end
+        method = @options[:xhtml] ? Hpricot.method(:XML) : method(:Hpricot)
+        @template ='&', '&amp;'))
+      end
+    end
+    # Processes the document and returns the result as a string
+    # containing the Haml template.
+    def render
+      @template.to_haml(0, @options)
+    end
+    alias_method :to_haml, :render
+    TEXT_REGEXP = /^(\s*).*$/
+    # @see Hpricot
+    class ::Hpricot::Doc
+      # @see Haml::HTML::Node#to_haml
+      def to_haml(tabs, options)
+        (children || []).inject('') {|s, c| s << c.to_haml(0, options)}
+      end
+    end
+    # @see Hpricot
+    class ::Hpricot::XMLDecl
+      # @see Haml::HTML::Node#to_haml
+      def to_haml(tabs, options)
+        "#{tabulate(tabs)}!!! XML\n"
+      end
+    end
+    # @see Hpricot
+    class ::Hpricot::CData
+      # @see Haml::HTML::Node#to_haml
+      def to_haml(tabs, options)
+        "#{tabulate(tabs)}:cdata\n#{parse_text(self.content, tabs + 1)}"
+      end
+    end
+    # @see Hpricot
+    class ::Hpricot::DocType
+      # @see Haml::HTML::Node#to_haml
+      def to_haml(tabs, options)
+        attrs = public_id.scan(/DTD\s+([^\s]+)\s*([^\s]*)\s*([^\s]*)\s*\/\//)[0]
+        if attrs == nil
+          raise"Invalid doctype")
+        end
+        type, version, strictness = { |a| a.downcase }
+        if type == "html"
+          version = "1.0"
+          strictness = "transitional"
+        end
+        if version == "1.0" || version.empty?
+          version = nil
+        end
+        if strictness == 'transitional' || strictness.empty?
+          strictness = nil
+        end
+        version = " #{version}" if version
+        if strictness
+          strictness[0] = strictness[0] - 32
+          strictness = " #{strictness}"
+        end
+        "#{tabulate(tabs)}!!!#{version}#{strictness}\n"
+      end
+    end
+    # @see Hpricot
+    class ::Hpricot::Comment
+      # @see Haml::HTML::Node#to_haml
+      def to_haml(tabs, options)
+        "#{tabulate(tabs)}/\n#{parse_text(self.content, tabs + 1)}"
+      end
+    end
+    # @see Hpricot
+    class ::Hpricot::Elem
+      # @see Haml::HTML::Node#to_haml
+      def to_haml(tabs, options)
+        output = "#{tabulate(tabs)}"
+        if options[:rhtml] && name[0...5] == 'haml:'
+          return output + send("haml_tag_#{name[5..-1]}", CGI.unescapeHTML(self.inner_text))
+        end
+        output += "%#{name}" unless name == 'div' &&
+          (static_id?(options) || static_classname?(options))
+        if attributes
+          if static_id?(options)
+            output += "##{attributes['id']}"
+            remove_attribute('id')
+          end
+          if static_classname?(options)
+            attributes['class'].split(' ').each { |c| output += ".#{c}" }
+            remove_attribute('class')
+          end
+          output += haml_attributes(options) if attributes.length > 0
+        end
+        (self.children || []).inject(output + "\n") do |output, child|
+          output + child.to_haml(tabs + 1, options)
+        end
+      end
+      private
+      def dynamic_attributes
+        @dynamic_attributes ||= begin
+          Haml::Util.map_hash(attributes) do |name, value|
+            next if value.empty?
+            full_match = nil
+            ruby_value = value.gsub(%r{<haml:loud>\s*(.+?)\s*</haml:loud>}) do
+              full_match = $`.empty? && $'.empty?
+              full_match ? $1: "\#{#{$1}}"
+            end
+            next if ruby_value == value
+            [name, full_match ? ruby_value : %("#{ruby_value}")]
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      def haml_tag_loud(text)
+        "= #{text.gsub(/\n\s*/, ' ').strip}\n"
+      end
+      def haml_tag_silent(text)
+        text.split("\n").map { |line| "- #{line.strip}\n" }.join
+      end
+      def static_attribute?(name, options)
+        attributes[name] and !dynamic_attribute?(name, options)
+      end
+      def dynamic_attribute?(name, options)
+        options[:rhtml] and dynamic_attributes.key?(name)
+      end
+      def static_id?(options)
+        static_attribute?('id', options)
+      end
+      def static_classname?(options)
+        static_attribute?('class', options)
+      end
+      # Returns a string representation of an attributes hash
+      # that's prettier than that produced by Hash#inspect
+      def haml_attributes(options)
+        attrs = do |name, value|
+          value = dynamic_attribute?(name, options) ? dynamic_attributes[name] : value.inspect
+          name = name.index(/\W/) ? name.inspect : ":#{name}"
+          "#{name} => #{value}"
+        end
+        "{ #{attrs.join(', ')} }"
+      end
+    end
+    private
+    def match_to_html(string, regex, tag)
+      string.gsub!(regex) do
+        "<haml:#{tag}>#{CGI.escapeHTML($1)}</haml:#{tag}>"
+      end
+    end
+  end