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[7/9] ARGUS-137 Rename Apache Argus to Apache Ranger on the codebase/config
diff --git a/security-admin/scripts/ b/security-admin/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6db9984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security-admin/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,1332 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Ranger Admin Setup Script
+# This script will install policymanager webapplication under tomcat and also, initialize the database with xasecure users/tables.
+if [ ! $? = "0" ];then
+	log "$PROPFILE file not found....!!";
+	exit 1;
+usage() {
+  [ "$*" ] && echo "$0: $*"
+  sed -n '/^##/,/^$/s/^## \{0,1\}//p' "$0"
+  exit 2
+} 2>/dev/null
+log() {
+   local prefix="[$(date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S)]: "
+   echo "${prefix} $@" >> $LOGFILE
+   echo "${prefix} $@"
+	if [ $1 -ne 0 ]; then
+		log "[E] $2";
+		exit 1;
+	fi
+# 9 is the response if the group exists
+    if [ $1 -ne 0 ] && [ $1 -ne 9 ]; then
+        log "[E] $2";
+        exit 1;
+    fi
+is_command () {
+    log "[I] check if command $1 exists"
+    type "$1" >/dev/null
+	log "[I] Checking distribution name.."
+	ver=$(cat /etc/*{issues,release,version} 2> /dev/null)
+	if [[ $(echo $ver | grep DISTRIB_ID) ]]; then
+	    DIST_NAME=$(lsb_release -si)
+	else
+	    DIST_NAME=$(echo $ver | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | sort -u | head -1)
+	fi
+	export $DIST_NAME
+	log "[I] Found distribution : $DIST_NAME"
+#Get Properties from File
+#$1 -> propertyName $2 -> fileName $3 -> variableName
+	validateProperty=$(sed '/^\#/d' $2 | grep "^$1"  | tail -n 1) # for validation
+	if  test -z "$validateProperty" ; then log "[E] '$1' not found in $2 file while getting....!!"; exit 1; fi
+	value=`sed '/^\#/d' $2 | grep "^$1"  | tail -n 1 | cut -d "=" -f2-`
+	#echo 'value:'$value
+	#validate=$(sed '/^\#/d' $2 | grep "^$1"  | tail -n 1 | cut -d "=" -f2-) # for validation
+	#if  test -z "$validate" ; then log "[E] '$1' not found in $2 file while getting....!!"; exit 1; fi
+	eval $3="'$value'"
+#Update Properties to File
+#$1 -> propertyName $2 -> newPropertyValue $3 -> fileName
+	sed -i 's@^'$1'=[^ ]*$@'$1'='$2'@g' $3
+	#validate=`sed -i 's/^'$1'=[^ ]*$/'$1'='$2'/g' $3`	#for validation
+	validate=$(sed '/^\#/d' $3 | grep "^$1"  | tail -n 1 | cut -d "=" -f2-) # for validation
+	#echo 'V1:'$validate
+	if test -z "$validate" ; then log "[E] '$1' not found in $3 file while Updating....!!"; exit 1; fi
+	log "[I] File $3 Updated successfully : {'$1'}"
+init_logfiles () {
+    for f in $LOGFILES; do
+        touch $f
+    done
+    #log "start date for $0 = `date`"
+	curDt=`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`
+	VERSION=`cat ${PWD}/version`
+	RANGER_ADMIN=ranger-admin
+	DB_FLAVOR=`echo $DB_FLAVOR | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "" ]
+	then
+	fi
+	log "[I] DB_FLAVOR=${DB_FLAVOR}"
+	getPropertyFromFile 'db_root_user' $PROPFILE db_root_user
+	getPropertyFromFile 'db_root_password' $PROPFILE db_user
+	getPropertyFromFile 'db_user' $PROPFILE db_user
+	getPropertyFromFile 'db_password' $PROPFILE db_password
+	getPropertyFromFile 'audit_db_user' $PROPFILE audit_db_user
+	getPropertyFromFile 'audit_db_password' $PROPFILE audit_db_password
+wait_for_tomcat_shutdown() {
+	i=1
+	touch $TMPFILE
+	while [ $i -le 20 ]
+	do
+		ps -ef | grep catalina.startup.Bootstrap | grep -v grep > $TMPFILE
+		if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
+			log "[I] Tomcat stopped"
+			i=21
+		else
+			log "[I] stopping Tomcat.."
+			i=`expr $i + 1`
+			sleep 1
+		fi
+	done
+check_db_version() {
+    if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "MYSQL" ]
+    then
+		if is_command ${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} ; then
+			log "[I] '${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER}' command found"
+		else
+			log "[E] '${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER}' command not found"
+		exit 1;
+		fi
+	fi
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "ORACLE" ]
+    then
+        if is_command ${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} ; then
+            log "[I] '${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER}' command found"
+        else
+            log "[E] '${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER}' command not found"
+        exit 1;
+        fi
+    fi
+check_db_connector() {
+    if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "MYSQL" ]
+	then
+		if test -f "$SQL_CONNECTOR_JAR"; then
+		else
+			log "[E] MYSQL CONNECTOR FILE : $SQL_CONNECTOR_JAR does not exists" ; exit 1;
+		fi
+	fi
+    if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "ORACLE" ]
+    then
+        log "[I] Checking ORACLE CONNECTOR FILE : ${SQL_CONNECTOR_JAR}"
+        if test -f "${SQL_CONNECTOR_JAR}"; then
+        else
+			log "[E] ORACLE CONNECTOR FILE : ${SQL_CONNECTOR_JAR} does not exists" ; exit 1;
+		fi
+    fi
+check_java_version() {
+	if is_command ${JAVA_BIN} ; then
+		log "[I] '${JAVA_BIN}' command found"
+	else
+		log "[E] '${JAVA_BIN}' command not found"
+		exit 1;
+	fi
+	$JAVA_BIN -version 2>&1 | grep -q $JAVA_VERSION_REQUIRED
+	if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
+		log "[E] Java 1.7 is required"
+		exit 1;
+	fi
+	#Check for JAVA_HOME
+	if [ "${JAVA_HOME}" == "" ]
+	then
+		log "[E] JAVA_HOME environment property not defined, aborting installation."
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	#$JAVA_BIN -version 2>&1 | grep -q "$JAVA_ORACLE"
+	#if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
+		#log "[E] Oracle Java is required"
+		#exit 1;
+	#fi
+sanity_check_files() {
+	if test -d $app_home; then
+		log "[I] $app_home folder found"
+	else
+		log "[E] $app_home does not exists" ; exit 1;
+    fi
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "MYSQL" ]
+    then
+		if test -f $mysql_core_file; then
+			log "[I] $mysql_core_file file found"
+		else
+			log "[E] $mysql_core_file does not exists" ; exit 1;
+		fi
+	fi
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "ORACLE" ]
+    then
+        if test -f ${oracle_core_file}; then
+			log "[I] ${oracle_core_file} file found"
+        else
+            log "[E] ${oracle_core_file} does not exists" ; exit 1;
+        fi
+    fi
+create_rollback_point() {
+    DATE=`date`
+    log "Creating backup file : $BAK_FILE"
+    cp "$APP" "$BAK_FILE"
+	check_db_user_password
+	strError="ERROR"
+    if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "MYSQL" ]
+    then
+		log "[I] Creating ${DB_FLAVOR} user '${db_user}'"
+		for thost in '%' localhost
+		do
+			usercount=`$SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER -B -u "$db_root_user" --password="$db_root_password" -h $DB_HOST --skip-column-names -e "select count(*) from mysql.user where user = '$db_user' and host = '$thost';"`
+			if  [ ${usercount} -eq 0 ]
+			then
+				$SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER -B -u "$db_root_user" --password="$db_root_password" -h $DB_HOST -e "create user '$db_user'@'$thost' identified by '$db_password';"
+				log "[I] Creating user '$db_user' for host $thost done"
+			fi
+			echo "${dbquery}" | $SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER -u "$db_root_user" --password="$db_root_password" -h $DB_HOST
+			check_ret_status $? "'$DB_FLAVOR' revoke *.* privileges from user '$db_user'@'$thost' failed"
+		done
+		log "[I] Creating ${DB_FLAVOR} user '${db_user}' DONE"
+	fi
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "ORACLE" ]
+    then
+		#check user exist or not
+		result3=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA <<< "select UPPER(username) from all_users where UPPER(username)=UPPER('${db_user}');"`
+		username=`echo ${db_user} | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`
+		#if does not contains username so create user
+		if test "${result3#*$username}" == "$result3"
+		then
+			#create user
+			result4=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA <<< "create user ${db_user} identified by \"${db_password}\";"`
+			result3=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA <<< "select UPPER(username) from all_users where UPPER(username)=UPPER('${db_user}');"`
+			username=`echo ${db_user} | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`
+			#if user is not created print error message
+			if test "${result3#*$username}" == "$result3"
+			then
+				log "[E] Creating User: ${db_user} Failed";
+				log "[E] $result4"
+				exit 1
+			else
+				log "[I] Creating User: ${db_user} Success";
+			fi
+	    fi
+        if test "${result5#*$strError}" == "$result5"
+		then
+			log "[I] Granting User: ${db_user} Success";
+		else
+			log "[E] Granting User: ${db_user} Failed";
+			log "[E] $result5"
+			exit 1
+		fi
+		log "[I] Creating $DB_FLAVOR user '${db_user}' DONE"
+    fi
+check_db_admin_password () {
+	count=0
+	msg=''
+	cmdStatus=''
+	strError="ERROR"
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "MYSQL" ]
+    then
+		log "[I] Checking ${DB_FLAVOR} $db_root_user password"
+		msg=`$SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER -u "$db_root_user" --password="$db_root_password" -h "$DB_HOST" -s -e "select version();" 2>&1`
+		cmdStatus=$?
+    fi
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "ORACLE" ]
+    then
+		log "[I] Checking ${DB_FLAVOR} $db_root_user password"
+		msg=`echo "select 1 from dual;" | $SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER  -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA>&1`
+		cmdStatus=$?
+    fi
+	if test "${msg#*$strError}" != "$msg"
+	then
+		cmdStatus=1
+	else
+		cmdStatus=0 # $substring is not in $string
+    fi
+	while :
+	do
+		if  [  $cmdStatus != 0 ]; then
+			if [ $count != 0 ]
+			then
+				if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "MYSQL" ]
+				then
+					log "[I] COMMAND: mysql -u $db_root_user --password=...... -h $DB_HOST : FAILED with error message:"
+			    fi
+				if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "ORACLE" ]
+	            then
+	                log "[I] COMMAND: sqlplus  $db_root_user/...... @$DB_HOST AS SYSDBA : FAILED with error message:"
+	            fi
+				log "*******************************************${sg}*******************************************"
+			fi
+			if [ $count -gt 2 ]
+			then
+				log "[E] Unable to continue as db connectivity fails."
+				exit 1
+			fi
+		    trap 'stty echo; exit 1' 2 3 15
+            if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "MYSQL" ]
+		    then
+				printf "Please enter password for mysql user-id, $db_root_user@${DB_HOST} : "
+            fi
+			if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "ORACLE" ]
+			then
+				log="[msg] ${msg}"
+				printf "Please enter password for oracle user-id, $db_root_user@${DB_HOST} AS SYSDBA: "
+			fi
+			stty -echo
+			read db_root_password
+			stty echo
+			printf "\n"
+			trap '' 2 3 15
+			count=`expr ${count} + 1`
+			if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "MYSQL" ]
+			then
+				msg=`$SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER -u "$db_root_user" --password="$db_root_password" -h "$DB_HOST" -s -e "select version();" 2>&1`
+				cmdStatus=$?
+			fi
+			if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "ORACLE" ]
+			then
+				msg=`echo "select 1 from dual;" | $SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER  -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"{$DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA >&1`
+				cmdStatus=$?
+			fi
+			if test "${msg#*$strError}" != "$msg"
+		    then
+				cmdStatus=1
+			else
+				cmdStatus=0 # $substring is not in $string
+		    fi
+		else
+			log "[I] Checking DB password DONE"
+			break;
+		fi
+	done
+	return 0;
+check_db_user_password() {
+	count=0
+	muser=${db_user}@${DB_HOST}
+	while [ "${db_password}" = "" ]
+	do
+		if [ $count -gt 0 ]
+		then
+			log "[I] You can not have a empty password for user: (${muser})."
+		fi
+		if [ ${count} -gt 2 ]
+		then
+			log "[E] Unable to continue as user, ${muser} does not have a non-empty password."
+		fi
+		printf "Please enter password for the XASecure schema owner (${muser}): "
+		trap 'stty echo; exit 1' 2 3 15
+		stty -echo
+		read db_password
+		stty echo
+		printf "\n"
+		trap ''  2 3 15
+		count=`expr ${count} + 1`
+	done
+check_audit_user_password() {
+	count=0
+	muser=${audit_db_user}@${DB_HOST}
+	while [ "${audit_db_password}" = "" ]
+	do
+		if [ $count -gt 0 ]
+		then
+			log "[I] You can not have a empty password for user: (${muser})."
+		fi
+		if [ ${count} -gt 2 ]
+		then
+			log "[E] Unable to continue as user, ${muser} does not have a non-empty password."
+		fi
+		printf "Please enter password for the XASecure Audit Table owner (${muser}): "
+		trap 'stty echo; exit 1' 2 3 15
+		stty -echo
+		read audit_db_password
+		stty echo
+		printf "\n"
+		trap ''  2 3 15
+		count=`expr ${count} + 1`
+	done
+upgrade_db() {
+	log "[I] - starting upgradedb ... "
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "MYSQL" ]
+    then
+		DBVERSION_CATALOG_CREATION=db/create_dbversion_catalog.sql
+		then
+			log "[I] Verifying database version catalog table .... "
+			${mysqlexec} < ${DBVERSION_CATALOG_CREATION}
+			`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -u "${db_root_user}" --password="${db_root_password}" -h ${DB_HOST} -D ${db_name} < ${DBVERSION_CATALOG_CREATION}`
+			check_ret_status $? "Verifying database version catalog table Failed."
+		fi
+		dt=`date '+%s'`
+		tempFile=/tmp/sql_${dt}_$$.sql
+		sqlfiles=`ls -1 db/patches/*.sql 2> /dev/null | awk -F/ '{ print $NF }' | awk -F- '{ print $1, $0 }' | sort -k1 -n | awk '{ printf("db/patches/%s\n",$2) ; }'`
+		for sql in ${sqlfiles}
+		do
+			if [ -f ${sql} ]
+			then
+				bn=`basename ${sql}`
+				version=`echo ${bn} | awk -F'-' '{ print $1 }'`
+				if [ "${version}" != "" ]
+				then
+					c=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -u "${db_root_user}" --password="${db_root_password}" -h ${DB_HOST} -D ${db_name} -B --skip-column-names -e "select count(id) from x_db_version_h where version = '${version}' and active = 'Y'"`
+					check_ret_status $? "DBVerionCheck - ${version} Failed."
+					if [ ${c} -eq 0 ]
+					then
+						cat ${sql} > ${tempFile}
+						echo >> ${tempFile}
+						echo "insert into x_db_version_h (version, inst_at, inst_by, updated_at, updated_by) values ( '${version}', now(), user(), now(), user()) ;" >> ${tempFile}
+						log "[I] - patch [${version}] is being applied."
+						`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -u "${db_root_user}" --password="${db_root_password}" -h ${DB_HOST} -D ${db_name} < ${tempFile}`
+						check_ret_status $? "Update patch - ${version} Failed. See sql file : [${tempFile}]"
+						rm -f ${tempFile}
+					else
+						log "[I] - patch [${version}] is already applied. Skipping ..."
+					fi
+				fi
+			fi
+		done
+	fi
+	####
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "ORACLE" ]
+    then
+		strError="ERROR"
+		DBVERSION_CATALOG_CREATION=db/oracle/create_dbversion_catalog.sql
+		VERSION_TABLE=x_db_version_h
+		log "[I] Verifying table $VERSION_TABLE in database $db_name";
+		then
+			result1=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_user}"/"\"${db_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" <<< "select UPPER(table_name) from all_tables where UPPER(tablespace_name)=UPPER('${db_name}') and UPPER(table_name)=UPPER('${VERSION_TABLE}');"`
+			tablename=`echo $VERSION_TABLE | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`
+			if test "${result1#*$tablename}" == "$result1"	#does not contains tablename so create table
+			then
+				log "[I] Importing Version Catalog file: $DBVERSION_CATALOG_CREATION..."
+				result2=`echo "exit"|${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_user}"/"\"${db_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" @$DBVERSION_CATALOG_CREATION`
+				if test "${result2#*$strError}" == "$result2"
+				then
+					log "[I] Importing Version Catalog file : $DBVERSION_CATALOG_CREATION DONE";
+				else
+					log "[E] Importing Version Catalog file : $DBVERSION_CATALOG_CREATION Failed";
+					log "[E] $result2"
+				fi
+			else
+				log "[I] Table $VERSION_TABLE already exists in database ${db_name}"
+			fi
+		fi
+		dt=`date '+%s'`
+		tempFile=/tmp/sql_${dt}_$$.sql
+		sqlfiles=`ls -1 db/oracle/patches/*.sql 2> /dev/null | awk -F/ '{ print $NF }' | awk -F- '{ print $1, $0 }' | sort -k1 -n | awk '{ printf("db/oracle/patches/%s\n",$2) ; }'`
+		for sql in ${sqlfiles}
+		do
+			if [ -f ${sql} ]
+			then
+				bn=`basename ${sql}`
+				version=`echo ${bn} | awk -F'-' '{ print $1 }'`
+				if [ "${version}" != "" ]
+				then
+					result2=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_user}"/"\"${db_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" <<< "select version from x_db_version_h where version = '${version}' and active = 'Y';"`
+					#does not contains record so insert
+					if test "${result2#*$version}" == "$result2"
+					then
+						cat ${sql} > ${tempFile}
+						echo >> ${tempFile}
+						echo "insert into x_db_version_h (id,version, inst_at, inst_by, updated_at, updated_by) values ( X_DB_VERSION_H_SEQ.nextval,'${version}', sysdate, '${db_user}', sysdate, '${db_user}') ;" >> ${tempFile}
+						log "[I] - patch [${version}] is being applied. $tempFile"
+						result3=`echo "exit"|${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_user}"/"\"${db_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}"  @$tempFile`
+						log "[+]$result3"
+						if test "${result3#*$strError}" == "$result3"
+						then
+							log "[I] Update patch - ${version} applied. See sql file : [${tempFile}]"
+						else
+							log "[E] Update patch - ${version} Failed. See sql file : [${tempFile}]"
+						fi
+						rm -f ${tempFile}
+					elif test "${result2#*$strError}" != "$result2"
+					then
+						log "[E] - patch [${version}] could not applied. Skipping ..."
+						exit 1
+					else
+						log "[I] - patch [${version}] is already applied. Skipping ..."
+					fi
+				fi
+			fi
+		done
+	fi
+	log "[I] - upgradedb completed."
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "MYSQL" ]
+    then
+		log "[I] Verifying Database: ${db_name}";
+		existdb=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -u "${db_root_user}" --password="${db_root_password}" -h $DB_HOST -B --skip-column-names -e  "show databases like '${db_name}' ;"`
+		if [ "${existdb}" = "${db_name}" ]
+		then
+			log "[I] - database ${db_name} already exists. Ignoring import_db ..."
+		else
+			log "[I] Creating Database: $db_name";
+			$SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER -u "$db_root_user" --password="$db_root_password" -h $DB_HOST -e "create database $db_name"
+			check_ret_status $? "Creating database Failed.."
+			log "[I] Importing Core Database file: $mysql_core_file "
+			$SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER -u "$db_root_user" --password="$db_root_password" -h $DB_HOST $db_name < $mysql_core_file
+			check_ret_status $? "Importing Database Failed.."
+			if [ -f "${mysql_asset_file}" ]
+			then
+				$SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER -u "$db_root_user" --password="$db_root_password" -h $DB_HOST ${db_name} < ${mysql_asset_file}
+				check_ret_status $? "Reset of DB repositories failed"
+			fi
+			log "[I] Importing Database file : $mysql_core_file DONE";
+		fi
+		for thost in '%' localhost
+		do
+			mysqlquery="GRANT ALL ON $db_name.* TO '$db_user'@'$thost' ;
+			GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $db_name.* to '$db_user'@'$thost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
+			echo "${mysqlquery}" | $SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER -u "$db_root_user" --password="$db_root_password" -h $DB_HOST
+			check_ret_status $? "'$db_user' grant privileges on '$db_name' failed"
+			log "[I] Granting MYSQL user '$db_user' for host $thost DONE"
+		done
+	fi
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "ORACLE" ]
+    then
+		log "[I] Importing TABLESPACE: ${db_name}";
+		strError="ERROR"
+		existdb="false"
+		#Verifying Users
+		log "[I] Verifying DB User: ${db_user}";
+		result3=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA <<< "select UPPER(username) from all_users where UPPER(username)=UPPER('${db_user}');"`
+		username=`echo ${db_user} | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`
+		if test "${result3#*$username}" == "$result3"	#does not contains username so create user
+		then
+			#create user
+			result4=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA  <<< "create user ${db_user} identified by \"${db_password}\";"`
+			result3=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA <<< "select UPPER(username) from all_users where UPPER(username)=UPPER('${db_user}');"`
+			username=`echo ${db_user} | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`
+			if test "${result3#*$username}" == "$result3"	#does not contains username so create user
+			then
+				log "[E] Creating User: ${db_user} Failed";
+				log "[E] ${result4}";
+				exit 1
+			else
+				log "[I] Creating User: ${db_user} Success";
+			fi
+		else
+			log "[I] User: ${db_user} exist";
+		fi
+		#creating db/tablespace
+		result1=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA <<< "SELECT DISTINCT UPPER(TABLESPACE_NAME) FROM USER_TABLESPACES where UPPER(TABLESPACE_NAME)=UPPER('${db_name}');"`
+		tablespace=`echo ${db_name} | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`
+		if test "${result1#*$tablespace}" == "$result1" #does not contains tablespace so create tablespace
+		then
+			log "[I] Creating TABLESPACE: ${db_name}";
+			result2=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA <<< "create tablespace ${db_name} datafile '${db_name}.dat' size 10M autoextend on;"`
+			if test "${result2#*$strError}" == "$result2"
+			then
+				log "[I] TABLESPACE ${db_name} created.";
+				existdb="true"
+			else
+				log "[E] Creating TABLESPACE: ${db_name} Failed";
+				log "[E] $result2";
+				exit 1
+			fi
+		else
+			log "[I] TABLESPACE ${db_name} already exists.";
+		fi
+		#verify table space
+		result1a=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA <<< "SELECT DISTINCT UPPER(TABLESPACE_NAME) FROM USER_TABLESPACES where UPPER(TABLESPACE_NAME)=UPPER('${db_name}');"`
+		tablespace1a=`echo ${db_name} | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`
+		if test "${result1a#*$tablespace1a}" == "$result1a" #does not contains tablespace so exit
+		then
+			log "[E] TABLESPACE: ${db_name} Does not exist!!";
+			exit 1
+		fi
+		#verify user
+		result3=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA <<< "select UPPER(username) from all_users where UPPER(username)=UPPER('${db_user}');"`
+		username=`echo ${db_user} | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`
+		if test "${result3#*$username}" == "$result3"	#does not contains username so exit
+		then
+			log "[E] User: ${db_user} Does not exist!!";
+			exit 1
+		fi
+		result8=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA  <<< "alter user ${db_user} identified by \"${db_password}\" DEFAULT TABLESPACE ${db_name};"`
+	    #grant user
+        if test "${result5#*$strError}" == "$result5"
+		then
+			log "[I] Granting User: ${db_user} Success";
+		else
+			log "[E] Granting User: ${db_user} Failed";
+			log "[E] $result5";
+			exit 1
+		fi
+		#if does not contains tables create tables
+		if [ "${existdb}" == "true" ]
+		then
+			log "[I] Importing XA Database file: ${oracle_core_file}..."
+			result7=`echo "exit"|${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_user}"/"\"${db_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" @${oracle_core_file}`
+			if test "${result7#*$strError}" == "$result7"
+			then
+				log "[I] Importing XA Database file : ${oracle_core_file} DONE";
+			else
+				log "[E] Importing XA Database file : ${oracle_core_file} Failed";
+				log "[E] $result7";
+				exit 1
+			fi
+		else
+			log "[I] - database ${db_name} already exists. Ignoring import_db ..."	;
+		fi
+	fi
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "MYSQL" ]
+	then
+		log "[I] Copying MYSQL Connector to $app_home/WEB-INF/lib ";
+	    cp -f $SQL_CONNECTOR_JAR $app_home/WEB-INF/classes/lib
+		check_ret_status $? "Copying MYSQL Connector to $app_home/WEB-INF/lib failed"
+		log "[I] Copying MYSQL Connector to $app_home/WEB-INF/lib DONE";
+	fi
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "ORACLE" ]
+    then
+        log "[I] Copying ORACLE Connector to $app_home/WEB-INF/lib ";
+        cp -f $SQL_CONNECTOR_JAR $app_home/WEB-INF/classes/lib
+        check_ret_status $? "Copying ORACLE Connector to $app_home/WEB-INF/lib failed"
+        log "[I] Copying ORACLE Connector to $app_home/WEB-INF/lib DONE";
+    fi
+update_properties() {
+	newPropertyValue=''
+	echo "export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}" > ${WEBAPP_ROOT}/WEB-INF/classes/conf/
+	chmod a+rx ${WEBAPP_ROOT}/WEB-INF/classes/conf/
+	to_file=$app_home/WEB-INF/classes/conf/
+	if test -f $to_file; then
+		log "[I] $to_file file found"
+	else
+		log "[E] $to_file does not exists" ; exit 1;
+    fi
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "MYSQL" ]
+	then
+		propertyName=jdbc.url
+		newPropertyValue="jdbc:log4jdbc:mysql://${DB_HOST}/${db_name}"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+		propertyName=auditDB.jdbc.url
+		newPropertyValue="jdbc:log4jdbc:mysql://${DB_HOST}/${audit_db_name}"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+		propertyName=jdbc.dialect
+		newPropertyValue="org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.MySQLPlatform"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+		propertyName=auditDB.jdbc.dialect
+		newPropertyValue="org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.MySQLPlatform"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+		propertyName=jdbc.driver
+		newPropertyValue="net.sf.log4jdbc.DriverSpy"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+		propertyName=auditDB.jdbc.driver
+		newPropertyValue="net.sf.log4jdbc.DriverSpy"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+	fi
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "ORACLE" ]
+	then
+		propertyName=jdbc.url
+		newPropertyValue="jdbc:oracle:thin:\@//${DB_HOST}"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+		propertyName=auditDB.jdbc.url
+		newPropertyValue="jdbc:oracle:thin:\@//${DB_HOST}"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+		propertyName=jdbc.dialect
+		newPropertyValue="org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.OraclePlatform"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+		propertyName=auditDB.jdbc.dialect
+		newPropertyValue="org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.OraclePlatform"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+		propertyName=jdbc.driver
+		newPropertyValue="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+		propertyName=auditDB.jdbc.driver
+		newPropertyValue="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+	fi
+	propertyName=xa.webapp.url.root
+	newPropertyValue="${policymgr_external_url}"
+	updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+	propertyName=http.enabled
+	newPropertyValue="${policymgr_http_enabled}"
+	updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+	propertyName=jdbc.user
+	newPropertyValue="${db_user}"
+	updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+	propertyName=auditDB.jdbc.user
+	newPropertyValue="${audit_db_user}"
+	updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+	##########
+	keystore="${cred_keystore_filename}"
+	echo "Starting configuration for XA DB credentials:"
+	db_password_alias=policyDB.jdbc.password
+	if [ "${keystore}" != "" ]
+	then
+		mkdir -p `dirname "${keystore}"`
+		java -cp "cred/lib/*" com.hortonworks.credentialapi.buildks create "$db_password_alias" -value "$db_password" -provider jceks://file$keystore
+		propertyName=xaDB.jdbc.credential.alias
+		newPropertyValue="${db_password_alias}"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+		propertyName=xaDB.jdbc.credential.provider.path
+		newPropertyValue="${keystore}"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+		propertyName=jdbc.password
+		newPropertyValue="_"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+	else
+		propertyName=jdbc.password
+		newPropertyValue="${db_password}"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+	fi
+	if test -f $keystore; then
+		#echo "$keystore found."
+		chown -R ${unix_user}:${unix_group} ${keystore}
+		chmod 640 ${keystore}
+	else
+		#echo "$keystore not found. so clear text password"
+		propertyName=jdbc.password
+		newPropertyValue="${db_password}"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+	fi
+	###########
+	audit_db_password_alias=auditDB.jdbc.password
+	echo "Starting configuration for Audit DB credentials:"
+	if [ "${keystore}" != "" ]
+	then
+		java -cp "cred/lib/*" com.hortonworks.credentialapi.buildks create "$audit_db_password_alias" -value "$audit_db_password" -provider jceks://file$keystore
+		propertyName=auditDB.jdbc.credential.alias
+		newPropertyValue="${audit_db_password_alias}"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+		propertyName=auditDB.jdbc.credential.provider.path
+		newPropertyValue="${keystore}"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+		propertyName=auditDB.jdbc.password
+		newPropertyValue="_"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+	else
+		propertyName=auditDB.jdbc.password
+		newPropertyValue="${audit_db_password}"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+	fi
+	if test -f $keystore; then
+		chown -R ${unix_user}:${unix_group} ${keystore}
+		#echo "$keystore found."
+	else
+		#echo "$keystore not found. so use clear text password"
+		propertyName=auditDB.jdbc.password
+		newPropertyValue="${audit_db_password}"
+		updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $to_file
+	fi
+	check_audit_user_password
+	AUDIT_DB="${audit_db_name}"
+	AUDIT_USER="${audit_db_user}"
+	AUDIT_PASSWORD="${audit_db_password}"
+	strError="ERROR"
+	#Verifying Database
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "MYSQL" ]
+    then
+		log "[I] Verifying Database: $AUDIT_DB";
+		existdb=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -u "$db_root_user" --password="$db_root_password" -h $DB_HOST -B --skip-column-names -e  "show databases like '$AUDIT_DB' ;"`
+		if [ "${existdb}" = "$AUDIT_DB" ]
+		then
+			log "[I] Database $AUDIT_DB already exists."
+		else
+			log "[I] Creating Database: $audit_db_name";
+			$SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER -u "$db_root_user" --password="$db_root_password" -h $DB_HOST -e "create database $AUDIT_DB"
+			check_ret_status $? "Creating database $AUDIT_DB Failed.."
+		fi
+	fi
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "ORACLE" ]
+    then
+		log "[I] Verifying TABLESPACE: $AUDIT_DB";
+		result1=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA  <<< "SELECT distinct UPPER(TABLESPACE_NAME) FROM USER_TABLESPACES where UPPER(TABLESPACE_NAME)=UPPER('${AUDIT_DB}');"`
+		tablespace=`echo $AUDIT_DB | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`
+		if test "${result1#*$tablespace}" == "$result1" #does not contains tablespace so create tablespace
+		then
+			log "[I] Creating TABLESPACE: $AUDIT_DB";
+			result2=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA <<< "create tablespace $AUDIT_DB datafile '$AUDIT_DB.dat' size 10M autoextend on;"`
+			if test "${result2#*$strError}" == "$result2"
+			then
+				log "[I] TABLESPACE $AUDIT_DB created."
+			else
+				log "[E] Creating TABLESPACE: $AUDIT_DB Failed";
+				log "[E] $result2"
+				exit 1
+			fi
+		else
+			log "[I] TABLESPACE $AUDIT_DB already exists."
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Verifying Users
+	log "[I] Verifying Audit User: $AUDIT_USER";
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "MYSQL" ]
+    then
+		for thost in '%' localhost
+		do
+			usercount=`$SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER -B -u "$db_root_user" --password="$db_root_password" -h $DB_HOST --skip-column-names -e "select count(*) from mysql.user where user = '$AUDIT_USER' and host = '$thost';"`
+			if  [ ${usercount} -eq 0 ]
+			then
+				log "[I] Creating ${DB_FLAVOR} user '$AUDIT_USER'@'$thost'"
+				$SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER -B -u "$db_root_user" --password="$db_root_password" -h $DB_HOST -e "create user '$AUDIT_USER'@'$thost' identified by '$AUDIT_PASSWORD';"
+				check_ret_status $? "${DB_FLAVOR} create user failed"
+			fi
+			if [ "${AUDIT_USER}" != "${db_user}" ]
+			then
+				echo "${mysqlquery}" | $SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER -u "$db_root_user" --password="$db_root_password" -h $DB_HOST
+				check_ret_status $? "'$DB_FLAVOR' revoke privileges from user '$AUDIT_USER'@'$thost' failed"
+				log "[I] '$DB_FLAVOR' revoke all privileges from user '$AUDIT_USER'@'$thost' DONE"
+			fi
+		done
+	fi
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "ORACLE" ]
+    then
+		result3=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA <<< "select UPPER(username) from all_users where UPPER(username)=UPPER('${AUDIT_USER}');"`
+		username=`echo $AUDIT_USER | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`
+		if test "${result3#*$username}" == "$result3"	#does not contains username so create user
+		then
+			#create user
+			result4=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA <<< "create user ${AUDIT_USER} identified by \"${AUDIT_PASSWORD}\" DEFAULT TABLESPACE ${AUDIT_DB};"`
+			if test "${result4#*$strError}" == "$result4"
+		    then
+				log "[I] Creating User: ${AUDIT_USER} Success";
+			else
+				log "[E] Creating User: ${AUDIT_USER} Failed";
+				log "[E] $result4"
+				exit 1
+		    fi
+		else
+			log "[I] User: ${AUDIT_USER} exist";
+		fi
+        result5=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA <<< "GRANT CREATE SESSION TO ${AUDIT_USER};"`
+        if test "${result5#*$strError}" == "$result5"
+		then
+			log "[I] Granting User: $AUDIT_USER Success";
+		else
+			log "[E] Granting User: $AUDIT_USER Failed";
+			log "[E] $result5"
+			exit 1
+		fi
+    fi
+	#Verifying audit table
+	AUDIT_TABLE=xa_access_audit
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "MYSQL" ]
+	then
+		log "[I] Verifying table $AUDIT_TABLE in audit database $AUDIT_DB";
+		existtbl=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -u "$db_root_user" --password="$db_root_password" -D $AUDIT_DB -h $DB_HOST -B --skip-column-names -e  "show tables like '$AUDIT_TABLE' ;"`
+		if [ "${existtbl}" != "$AUDIT_TABLE" ]
+		then
+			log "[I] Importing Audit Database file: $mysql_audit_file..."
+			$SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER -u "$db_root_user" --password="$db_root_password" -h $DB_HOST $AUDIT_DB < $mysql_audit_file
+			check_ret_status $? "Importing Audit Database Failed.."
+			log "[I] Importing Audit Database file : $mysql_audit_file DONE";
+		else
+			log "[I] Table $AUDIT_TABLE already exists in audit database $AUDIT_DB"
+		fi
+	fi
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "ORACLE" ]
+	then
+		log "[I] Verifying table $AUDIT_TABLE in TABLESPACE $db_name";
+		result8=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA  <<< "alter user ${AUDIT_USER} identified by \"${AUDIT_PASSWORD}\" DEFAULT TABLESPACE ${AUDIT_DB};"`
+		result6=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA <<< "select UPPER(table_name) from all_tables where UPPER(tablespace_name)=UPPER('$db_name') and UPPER(table_name)=UPPER('${AUDIT_TABLE}');"`
+		tablename=`echo $AUDIT_TABLE | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`
+		if test "${result6#*$tablename}" == "$result6"	#does not contains tablename so create table
+		then
+			log "[I] Importing Audit Database file: $oracle_audit_file..."
+			result7=`echo "exit"|${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_user}"/"\"${db_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" @$oracle_audit_file`
+			if test "${result7#*$strError}" == "$result7"
+			then
+				log "[I] Importing Audit Database file : $oracle_audit_file DONE";
+			else
+				log "[E] Importing Audit Database file : $oracle_audit_file failed";
+				log "[E] $result7"
+			fi
+		else
+			log "[I] Table $AUDIT_TABLE already exists in TABLESPACE $db_name"
+		fi
+	fi
+	#Granting Users
+	log "[I] Granting Privileges to User: $AUDIT_USER";
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "MYSQL" ]
+    then
+		for thost in '%' localhost
+		do
+			mysqlquery="GRANT ALL ON $AUDIT_DB.* TO '$db_user'@'$thost' ;
+			echo "${mysqlquery}" | $SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER -u "$db_root_user" --password="$db_root_password" -h $DB_HOST
+			check_ret_status $? "'$db_user' grant privileges on '$AUDIT_DB' failed"
+			log "[I] Creating MYSQL user '$AUDIT_USER' for host $thost DONE"
+			mysqlquery="GRANT INSERT ON $AUDIT_DB.$AUDIT_TABLE TO '$AUDIT_USER'@'$thost' ;
+			echo "${mysqlquery}" | $SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER -u "$db_root_user" --password="$db_root_password" -h $DB_HOST
+			check_ret_status $? "'$DB_FLAVOR' grant INSERT privileges to user '$AUDIT_USER'@'$thost' on $AUDIT_TABLE failed"
+			log "[I] '$DB_FLAVOR' grant INSERT privileges to user '$AUDIT_USER'@'$thost' on $AUDIT_TABLE DONE"
+		done
+	fi
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "ORACLE" ]
+	then
+		if [ "${AUDIT_USER}" != "${db_user}" ]
+		then
+			result11=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA <<< "GRANT SELECT ON ${db_user}.XA_ACCESS_AUDIT_SEQ TO ${AUDIT_USER};"`
+			result12=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_root_user}"/"\"${db_root_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" AS SYSDBA <<< "GRANT INSERT ON ${db_user}.${AUDIT_TABLE} TO ${AUDIT_USER};"`
+			if test "${result11#*$strError}" != "$result11"
+			then
+				log "[E] Granting User: $AUDIT_USER Failed";
+				log "[E] $result11";
+				exit1
+			elif test "${result12#*$strError}" != "$result12"
+			then
+				log "[E] Granting User: $AUDIT_USER Failed";
+				log "[E] $result12";
+				exit 1
+			else
+				log "[I] Granting User: $AUDIT_USER Success";
+			fi
+		fi
+	fi
+do_unixauth_setup() {
+	RANGER_JAAS_CONF_DIR="${INSTALL_DIR}/ews/webapp/WEB-INF/classes/conf/ranger_jaas"
+	cp ./unixauth-config/*  ${RANGER_JAAS_CONF_DIR}
+	cat unixauth-config/ | \
+			grep -v '^remoteLoginEnabled=' | \
+			grep -v '^authServiceHostName=' | \
+			grep -v '^authServicePort=' > ${RANGER_JAAS_CONF_DIR}/
+	echo "remoteLoginEnabled=${remoteLoginEnabled}"   >> ${RANGER_JAAS_CONF_DIR}/
+	echo "authServiceHostName=${authServiceHostName}" >> ${RANGER_JAAS_CONF_DIR}/
+	echo "authServicePort=${authServicePort}"         >> ${RANGER_JAAS_CONF_DIR}/
+	owner=ranger
+	group=ranger
+	chown -R ${owner}:${group} ${RANGER_JAAS_CONF_DIR}
+	chmod -R go-rwx ${RANGER_JAAS_CONF_DIR}
+	log "[I] Starting setup based on user authentication method=$authentication_method";
+	./ $authentication_method $app_home
+    if [ $authentication_method = "LDAP" ] ; then
+	log "[I] Loading LDAP attributes and properties";
+		newPropertyValue=''
+		ldap_file=$app_home/WEB-INF/classes/conf/ranger_jaas/
+		if test -f $ldap_file; then
+			log "[I] $ldap_file file found"
+			propertyName=xa_ldap_url
+			newPropertyValue="${xa_ldap_url}"
+			updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $ldap_file
+			propertyName=xa_ldap_userDNpattern
+			newPropertyValue="${xa_ldap_userDNpattern}"
+			updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $ldap_file
+			propertyName=xa_ldap_groupSearchBase
+			newPropertyValue="${xa_ldap_groupSearchBase}"
+			updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $ldap_file
+			propertyName=xa_ldap_groupSearchFilter
+			newPropertyValue="${xa_ldap_groupSearchFilter}"
+			updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $ldap_file
+			propertyName=xa_ldap_groupRoleAttribute
+			newPropertyValue="${xa_ldap_groupRoleAttribute}"
+			updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $ldap_file
+			propertyName=authentication_method
+			newPropertyValue="${authentication_method}"
+			updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $ldap_file
+		else
+			log "[E] $ldap_file does not exists" ; exit 1;
+	fi
+    fi
+    if [ $authentication_method = "ACTIVE_DIRECTORY" ] ; then
+	log "[I] Loading ACTIVE DIRECTORY attributes and properties";
+		newPropertyValue=''
+		ldap_file=$app_home/WEB-INF/classes/conf/ranger_jaas/
+		if test -f $ldap_file; then
+			log "[I] $ldap_file file found"
+			propertyName=xa_ldap_ad_url
+			newPropertyValue="${xa_ldap_ad_url}"
+			updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $ldap_file
+			propertyName=xa_ldap_ad_domain
+			newPropertyValue="${xa_ldap_ad_domain}"
+			updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $ldap_file
+			propertyName=authentication_method
+			newPropertyValue="${authentication_method}"
+			updatePropertyToFile $propertyName $newPropertyValue $ldap_file
+		else
+			log "[E] $ldap_file does not exists" ; exit 1;
+		fi
+    fi
+    if [ $authentication_method = "UNIX" ] ; then
+        do_unixauth_setup
+    fi
+    log "[I] Finished setup based on user authentication method=$authentication_method";
+	log "[I] Setting up UNIX user : ${unix_user} and group: ${unix_group}";
+    groupadd ${unix_group}
+    check_ret_status_for_groupadd $? "Creating group ${unix_group} failed"
+	id -u ${unix_user} > /dev/null 2>&1
+	if [ $? -ne 0 ]
+	then
+	    log "[I] Creating new user and adding to group";
+        useradd ${unix_user} -g ${unix_group} -m
+		check_ret_status $? "useradd ${unix_user} failed"
+	else
+	    log "[I] User already exists, adding it to group";
+	    usermod -g ${unix_group} ${unix_user}
+	fi
+	log "[I] Setting up UNIX user : ${unix_user} and group: ${unix_group} DONE";
+	log "[I] Setting up installation files and directory";
+	if [ ! -d ${WEBAPP_ROOT}/WEB-INF/classes/conf ]; then
+	    log "[I] Copying ${WEBAPP_ROOT}/WEB-INF/classes/conf.dist ${WEBAPP_ROOT}/WEB-INF/classes/conf"
+	    mkdir -p ${WEBAPP_ROOT}/WEB-INF/classes/conf
+	    cp ${WEBAPP_ROOT}/WEB-INF/classes/conf.dist/* ${WEBAPP_ROOT}/WEB-INF/classes/conf
+		chown -R ${unix_user} ${WEBAPP_ROOT}/WEB-INF/classes/conf
+	fi
+	if [ ! -d ${WEBAPP_ROOT}/WEB-INF/classes/conf/ranger_jaas ]; then
+	    log "[I] Creating ${WEBAPP_ROOT}/WEB-INF/classes/conf/ranger_jaas"
+	    mkdir -p ${WEBAPP_ROOT}/WEB-INF/classes/conf/ranger_jaas
+		chown -R ${unix_user} ${WEBAPP_ROOT}/WEB-INF/classes/conf/ranger_jaas
+		chmod 700 ${WEBAPP_ROOT}/WEB-INF/classes/conf/ranger_jaas
+	fi
+	if [ ! -d ${WEBAPP_ROOT}/WEB-INF/classes/lib ]; then
+	    log "[I] Creating ${WEBAPP_ROOT}/WEB-INF/classes/lib"
+	    mkdir -p ${WEBAPP_ROOT}/WEB-INF/classes/lib
+		chown -R ${unix_user} ${WEBAPP_ROOT}/WEB-INF/classes/lib
+	fi
+	if [ ! -f /etc/init.d/${RANGER_ADMIN} ]; then
+	    log "[I] Setting up init.d"
+	    mv ${INSTALL_DIR}/ews/${RANGER_ADMIN} /etc/init.d/${RANGER_ADMIN}
+	    chmod ug+rx /etc/init.d/${RANGER_ADMIN}
+	    if [ -d /etc/rc2.d ]
+	    then
+		RC_DIR=/etc/rc2.d
+		log "[I] Creating script S88${RANGER_ADMIN}/K90${RANGER_ADMIN} in $RC_DIR directory .... "
+		ln -s /etc/init.d/${RANGER_ADMIN} $RC_DIR/S88${RANGER_ADMIN}
+		ln -s /etc/init.d/${RANGER_ADMIN} $RC_DIR/K90${RANGER_ADMIN}
+	    fi
+	    if [ -d /etc/rc3.d ]
+	    then
+		RC_DIR=/etc/rc3.d
+		log "[I] Creating script S88${RANGER_ADMIN}/K90${RANGER_ADMIN} in $RC_DIR directory .... "
+		ln -s /etc/init.d/${RANGER_ADMIN} $RC_DIR/S88${RANGER_ADMIN}
+		ln -s /etc/init.d/${RANGER_ADMIN} $RC_DIR/K90${RANGER_ADMIN}
+	    fi
+	    # SUSE has rc2.d and rc3.d under /etc/rc.d
+	    if [ -d /etc/rc.d/rc2.d ]
+	    then
+		RC_DIR=/etc/rc.d/rc2.d
+		log "[I] Creating script S88${RANGER_ADMIN}/K90${RANGER_ADMIN} in $RC_DIR directory .... "
+		ln -s /etc/init.d/${RANGER_ADMIN} $RC_DIR/S88${RANGER_ADMIN}
+		ln -s /etc/init.d/${RANGER_ADMIN} $RC_DIR/K90${RANGER_ADMIN}
+	    fi
+	    if [ -d /etc/rc.d/rc3.d ]
+	    then
+		RC_DIR=/etc/rc.d/rc3.d
+		log "[I] Creating script S88${RANGER_ADMIN}/K90${RANGER_ADMIN} in $RC_DIR directory .... "
+		ln -s /etc/init.d/${RANGER_ADMIN} $RC_DIR/S88${RANGER_ADMIN}
+		ln -s /etc/init.d/${RANGER_ADMIN} $RC_DIR/K90${RANGER_ADMIN}
+	    fi
+	fi
+	if [ ! -d ${XAPOLICYMGR_DIR}/ews/logs ]; then
+	    log "[I] ${XAPOLICYMGR_DIR}/ews/logs folder"
+	    mkdir -p ${XAPOLICYMGR_DIR}/ews/logs
+	    chown -R ${unix_user} ${XAPOLICYMGR_DIR}/ews/logs
+	fi
+	log "[I] Setting up installation files and directory DONE";
+	if [ ! -f ${INSTALL_DIR}/rpm ]; then
+	    if [ -d ${INSTALL_DIR} ]
+	    then
+		chown -R ${unix_user}:${unix_group} ${INSTALL_DIR}
+		chown -R ${unix_user}:${unix_group} ${INSTALL_DIR}/*
+	    fi
+	fi
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "MYSQL" ]
+	then
+		dt=`date '+%s'`
+		tempFile=/tmp/sql_${dt}_$$.sql
+		mysqlexec="${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -u ${db_root_user} --password="${db_root_password}" -h ${DB_HOST} ${db_name}"
+		javaFiles=`ls -1 $app_home/WEB-INF/classes/com/xasecure/patch/Patch*.class 2> /dev/null | awk -F/ '{ print $NF }' | awk -F_J '{ print $2, $0 }' | sort -k1 -n | awk '{ printf("%s\n",$2) ; }'`
+		for javaPatch in ${javaFiles}
+		do
+			if test -f "$app_home/WEB-INF/classes/com/xasecure/patch/$javaPatch"; then
+				className=$(basename "$javaPatch" .class)
+				version=`echo ${className} | awk -F'_' '{ print $2 }'`
+				if [ "${version}" != "" ]
+				then
+					c=`${mysqlexec} -B --skip-column-names -e "select count(id) from x_db_version_h where version = '${version}' and active = 'Y'"`
+					check_ret_status $? "DBVerionCheck - ${version} Failed."
+					if [ ${c} -eq 0 ]
+					then
+						log "[I] patch ${javaPatch} is being applied..";
+						msg=`java -cp "$app_home/WEB-INF/classes/conf:$app_home/WEB-INF/classes/lib/*:$app_home/WEB-INF/:$app_home/META-INF/:$app_home/WEB-INF/lib/*:$app_home/WEB-INF/classes/:$app_home/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/" com.xasecure.patch.${className}`
+						check_ret_status $? "Unable to apply patch:$javaPatch. $msg"
+						touch ${tempFile}
+						echo >> ${tempFile}
+						echo "insert into x_db_version_h (version, inst_at, inst_by, updated_at, updated_by) values ( '${version}', now(), user(), now(), user()) ;" >> ${tempFile}
+						${mysqlexec} < ${tempFile}
+						check_ret_status $? "Update patch - ${javaPatch} has failed."
+						rm -f ${tempFile}
+						log "[I] patch ${javaPatch} has been applied!!";
+					else
+						log "[I] - patch [${javaPatch}] is already applied. Skipping ..."
+					fi
+				fi
+			fi
+		done
+	fi
+	if [ "${DB_FLAVOR}" == "ORACLE" ]
+	then
+		dt=`date '+%s'`
+		tempFile=/tmp/sql_${dt}_$$.sql
+		javaFiles=`ls -1 $app_home/WEB-INF/classes/com/xasecure/patch/Patch*.class 2> /dev/null | awk -F/ '{ print $NF }' | awk -F_J '{ print $2, $0 }' | sort -k1 -n | awk '{ printf("%s\n",$2) ; }'`
+		for javaPatch in ${javaFiles}
+		do
+			if test -f "$app_home/WEB-INF/classes/com/xasecure/patch/$javaPatch"; then
+				className=$(basename "$javaPatch" .class)
+				version=`echo ${className} | awk -F'_' '{ print $2 }'`
+				if [ "${version}" != "" ]
+				then
+					result2=`${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_user}"/"\"${db_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}" <<< "select version from x_db_version_h where version = '${version}' and active = 'Y';"`
+					#does not contains record so insert
+					if test "${result2#*$version}" == "$result2"
+					then
+						log "[I] patch ${javaPatch} is being applied..";
+						msg=`java -cp "$app_home/WEB-INF/classes/conf:$app_home/WEB-INF/classes/lib/*:$app_home/WEB-INF/:$app_home/META-INF/:$app_home/WEB-INF/lib/*:$app_home/WEB-INF/classes/:$app_home/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/" com.xasecure.patch.${className}`
+						check_ret_status $? "Unable to apply patch:$javaPatch. $msg"
+						touch ${tempFile}
+						echo >> ${tempFile}
+						echo "insert into x_db_version_h (id,version, inst_at, inst_by, updated_at, updated_by) values ( X_DB_VERSION_H_SEQ.nextval,'${version}', sysdate, '${db_user}', sysdate, '${db_user}') ;" >> ${tempFile}
+						result3=`echo "exit"|${SQL_COMMAND_INVOKER} -L -S "${db_user}"/"\"${db_password}\""@"${DB_HOST}"  @$tempFile`
+						if test "${result3#*$strError}" == "$result3"
+						then
+							log "[I] patch ${javaPatch} has been applied!!";
+						else
+							log "[E] patch ${javaPatch} has failed."
+						fi
+						rm -f ${tempFile}
+					elif test "${result2#*$strError}" != "$result2"
+					then
+						log "[E] - patch [${javaPatch}] could not applied. Skipping ..."
+						exit 1
+					else
+						log "[I] - patch [${javaPatch}] is already applied. Skipping ..."
+					fi
+				fi
+			fi
+		done
+	fi
+log " --------- Running XASecure PolicyManager Web Application Install Script --------- "
+log "[I] uname=`uname`"
+log "[I] hostname=`hostname`"
+echo "Installation of XASecure PolicyManager Web Application is completed."
diff --git a/security-admin/scripts/ b/security-admin/scripts/
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 12875f4..9fe892f
--- a/security-admin/scripts/
+++ b/security-admin/scripts/
@@ -23,8 +23,10 @@ if [ $# -ne 2 ]
     echo $USAGE;
+curDt=`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`
 if [ $authentication_method = "UNIX" ] ; then
     	echo $path;
@@ -34,8 +36,8 @@ if [ $authentication_method = "UNIX" ] ; then
 	  for(i=1;i<=d;i++){ print _[i] }
-	/UNIX_BEAN_SETTINGS_END/{f=0}!f' $path/META-INF/contextXML/unix_bean_settings.xml $path/META-INF/security-applicationContext.xml  > tmp
-	mv tmp $path/META-INF/security-applicationContext.xml
+	/UNIX_BEAN_SETTINGS_END/{f=0}!f' $path/META-INF/contextXML/unix_bean_settings.xml $CONFIG_FILE  > tmp
+	mv tmp $CONFIG_FILE
 	awk 'FNR==NR{ _[++d]=$0;next}
@@ -43,8 +45,8 @@ if [ $authentication_method = "UNIX" ] ; then
 	  for(i=1;i<=d;i++){ print _[i] }
-	/UNIX_SEC_SETTINGS_END/{f=0}!f' $path/META-INF/contextXML/unix_security_settings.xml $path/META-INF/security-applicationContext.xml  > tmp
-	mv tmp $path/META-INF/security-applicationContext.xml
+	/UNIX_SEC_SETTINGS_END/{f=0}!f' $path/META-INF/contextXML/unix_security_settings.xml $CONFIG_FILE  > tmp
+	mv tmp $CONFIG_FILE
     exit 0;
@@ -56,8 +58,8 @@ elif [ $authentication_method = "LDAP" ]; then
 	  for(i=1;i<=d;i++){ print _[i] }
-	/LDAP_BEAN_SETTINGS_END/{f=0}!f' $path/META-INF/contextXML/ldap_bean_settings.xml $path/META-INF/security-applicationContext.xml  > tmp
-	mv tmp $path/META-INF/security-applicationContext.xml
+	/LDAP_BEAN_SETTINGS_END/{f=0}!f' $path/META-INF/contextXML/ldap_bean_settings.xml $CONFIG_FILE  > tmp
+	mv tmp $CONFIG_FILE
 	awk 'FNR==NR{ _[++d]=$0;next}
@@ -65,8 +67,8 @@ elif [ $authentication_method = "LDAP" ]; then
 	  for(i=1;i<=d;i++){ print _[i] }
-	/LDAP_SEC_SETTINGS_END/{f=0}!f' $path/META-INF/contextXML/ldap_security_settings.xml $path/META-INF/security-applicationContext.xml  > tmp
-	mv tmp $path/META-INF/security-applicationContext.xml
+	/LDAP_SEC_SETTINGS_END/{f=0}!f' $path/META-INF/contextXML/ldap_security_settings.xml $CONFIG_FILE  > tmp
+	mv tmp $CONFIG_FILE
     exit 0;
@@ -78,8 +80,8 @@ elif [ $authentication_method = "ACTIVE_DIRECTORY" ]; then
 	  for(i=1;i<=d;i++){ print _[i] }
-	/AD_BEAN_SETTINGS_END/{f=0}!f' $path/META-INF/contextXML/ad_bean_settings.xml $path/META-INF/security-applicationContext.xml  > tmp
-	mv tmp $path/META-INF/security-applicationContext.xml
+	/AD_BEAN_SETTINGS_END/{f=0}!f' $path/META-INF/contextXML/ad_bean_settings.xml $CONFIG_FILE  > tmp
+	mv tmp $CONFIG_FILE
 	awk 'FNR==NR{ _[++d]=$0;next}
@@ -87,8 +89,8 @@ elif [ $authentication_method = "ACTIVE_DIRECTORY" ]; then
 	  for(i=1;i<=d;i++){ print _[i] }
-	/AD_SEC_SETTINGS_END/{f=0}!f' $path/META-INF/contextXML/ad_security_settings.xml $path/META-INF/security-applicationContext.xml  > tmp
-	mv tmp $path/META-INF/security-applicationContext.xml
+	/AD_SEC_SETTINGS_END/{f=0}!f' $path/META-INF/contextXML/ad_security_settings.xml $CONFIG_FILE  > tmp
+	mv tmp $CONFIG_FILE
     exit 0;
 elif [ $authentication_method = "NONE" ]; then
diff --git a/security-admin/src/bin/ b/security-admin/src/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ebc8fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security-admin/src/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# This file provides list of deployment variables for the Policy Manager Web Application
+#------------------------- MYSQL CONFIG - BEGIN ----------------------------------
+# The executable path to be used to invoke command-line MYSQL
+# Location of mysql client library (please check the location of the jar file)
+# MYSQL password for the MYSQL root user-id
+# **************************************************************************
+# ** If the password is left empty or not-defined here,
+# ** it will be prompted to enter the password during installation process
+# **************************************************************************
+# MySQL UserId used for the XASecure schema
+# MySQL UserId for storing auditlog infromation
+# * audit_db can be same as the XASecure schema db
+# * audit_db must exists in the same ${db_host} as xaserver database ${db_name}
+# * audit_user must be a different user than db_user (as audit user has access to only audit tables)
+#------------------------- MYSQL CONFIG - END ----------------------------------
+# ------- PolicyManager CONFIG ----------------
+# ------- PolicyManager CONFIG - END ---------------
+# ------- UNIX User CONFIG ----------------
+# ------- UNIX User CONFIG  - END ----------------
+# UNIX authentication service for Policy Manager
+# PolicyManager can authenticate using UNIX username/password
+# The UNIX server specified here as authServiceHostName needs to be installed with xasecure-unix-ugsync package.
+# Once the service is installed on authServiceHostName, the UNIX username/password from the host <authServiceHostName> can be used to login into policy manager
+# ** The installation of xasecure-unix-ugsync package can be installed after the policymanager installation is finished.
+####LDAP settings - Required only if have selected LDAP authentication ####
+# Sample Settings
+####ACTIVE_DIRECTORY settings - Required only if have selected AD authentication ####
+# Sample Settings
+# -----------------------------------------------------------
+# #################  DO NOT MODIFY ANY VARIABLES BELOW #########################
+# --- These deployment variables are not to be modified unless you understand the full impact of the changes
+JAVA_ORACLE='Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment'