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Posted to by Mike Meyer <> on 2009/04/13 15:12:38 UTC

mergeinfo vs. merge.

I'm cuious if there's a difference - or can be - between what merginfo 
reports and merge does. We've got a 1.5.2 repo, and are running into the 
bug related to resurrecting dead source branches. But trying to do a merge 
of that code - which doesn't actually do the merge - takes two orders of 
magnitude longer than just asking for the mergeinfo data:

corolla% time svn mergeinfo --show-revs eligible https://svn/stuff.....
svn mergeinfo --show-revs eligible   0.12s user 0.01s system 20% cpu 0.632 
corolla% time svn merge https://svn/stuff
svn: Target path does not exist
svn merge https://svn/stuff  44.96s user 2.85s system 73% cpu 1:05.14 

If merge can find different things to merge - what are the? If merge 
should never find things not reported by mergeinfo, then it would seem 
that there's a performance issue to be dealt with.



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