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[GitHub] [arrow-datafusion] mingmwang opened a new issue #1688: Testing result of String related built-in functions

mingmwang opened a new issue #1688:

   **Describe the bug**
   Recently I did some test on DataFusion's String related build-in functions. I found there are lots of gaps compared with Spark SQL's (3.x) result.  Some of them maybe bug in Spark SQL but I believe most of them are bugs in DataFusion.
   **To Reproduce**
   Please see the details below:
   SELECT upper('Haßler');
   Spark returns "HASSLER"
   DataFusion returns "HAßLER"
   SELECT array(1, 2, 3);
   Spark returns [1,2,3]
   DataFusion returns Error: NotImplemented("Array is not implemented for scalar values.")
   SELECT ascii('ß'); 
   Spark returns -61
   DataFusion returns 223
   SELECT ascii('ℝ');
   Spark returns -30
   DataFusion returns 8477 
   SELECT bit_length('Spark SQL');
   SELECT bit_length('ß');
   SELECT bit_length('𠎠');
   SELECT bit_length('');
   DataFusion results match with Spark.
   char() /chr()
   Spark supports both char() and chr(). DataFusion only supports chr().
   SELECT chr(65);
   Result matches
   SELECT chr(0);
   Spark returns empty result.
   DataFusion returns  Error: Execution("null character not permitted.")
   SELECT chr(-1);
   Spark returns empty result.
   DataFusion returns Error: Execution("requested character too large for encoding."
   SELECT chr(65.0);
   Spark returns 'A'.
   DataFusion returns Error: Plan("Coercion from [Float64] to the signature Uniform(1, [Int64]) failed.")
   SELECT chr(10000000000000);
   Spark returns empty result.
   DataFusion returns Error: Execution("requested character too large for encoding.")
   SELECT char_length('Haßler');
   Result matches.
   SELECT char_length('é');
   Result matches.
   SELECT char_length('é');
   Spark returns 2.
   DataFusion returns 1
   SELECT char_length('𠎠');
   Result matches.
   SELECT char_length('𝕆');
   Result matches.
   SELECT char_length('');
   Result matches.
   SELECT concat('Spark', 'SQL', '', '', '');
   Result matches.
   SELECT concat_ws('Spark', 'Spark', 'SQL','','','','');
   Result matches.
   SELECT concat_ws('s');
   Spark returns empty result.
   DataFusion returns Error: Internal("concat_ws was called with 1 arguments. It requires at least 2.")
   DataFusion only support "hour" and "year" as the Date part.
   SELECT date_part('YEAR', TIMESTAMP '2019-08-12 01:00:00.123456');
   Result matches
   SELECT date_part('YEAR', DATE'2019-08-12');
   Result matches
   SELECT date_part('YEAR', '2019-08-12');
   Spark returns 2019.
   DataFusion returns
   Error: Plan("Coercion from [Utf8, Utf8] to the signature OneOf([Exact([Utf8, Date32]), Exact([Utf8, Date64]), Exact([Utf8, Timestamp(Second, None)]), Exact([Utf8, Timestamp(Microsecond, None)]), Exact([Utf8, Timestamp(Millisecond, None)]), Exact([Utf8, Timestamp(Nanosecond, None)])]) failed.")
   SELECT date_part('hour', TIMESTAMP '2019-08-12 01:00:00.123456');
   Spark returns 1
   DataFusion returns 17
   DataFusion doesn't support the following:
   SELECT date_part('week', timestamp'2019-08-12 01:00:00.123456');
   SELECT date_part('doy', DATE'2019-08-12');
   SELECT date_part('SECONDS', timestamp'2019-10-01 00:00:01.000001');
   SELECT date_part('days', interval 5 days 3 hours 7 minutes);
   SELECT date_part('seconds', interval 5 hours 30 seconds 1 milliseconds 1 microseconds);
   SELECT date_part('MONTH', INTERVAL '2021-11' YEAR TO MONTH);
   SELECT date_part('MINUTE', INTERVAL '123 23:55:59.002001' DAY TO SECOND);
   DataFusion only support lower case granularity like year/quarter/month/week/day/hour/minute/second.
   SELECT date_trunc('year', '2015-03-05T09:32:05.359');
   Spark returns '2015-01-01 00:00:00.0'.
   DataFusion returns Error: Plan("Coercion from [Utf8, Utf8] to the signature Exact([Utf8, Timestamp(Nanosecond, None)]) failed.").
   SELECT date_trunc('year', timestamp'2015-03-05T09:32:05.359')
   Spark returns '2015-01-01 00:00:00.0'.
   DataFusion returns '2015-01-01 00:00:00'
   DataFusion doesn't support the following:
   SELECT date_trunc('MM', '2015-03-05T09:32:05.359');
   SELECT date_trunc('DD', '2015-03-05T09:32:05.359');
   SELECT date_trunc('HOUR', '2015-03-05T09:32:05.359');
   SELECT date_trunc('SECOND', timestamp'2015-03-05T09:32:05.123456');
   SELECT date_trunc('MILLISECOND', '2015-03-05T09:32:05.123456');
   DataFusion doesn't support this function
   SELECT decode(encode('abc', 'utf-8'), 'utf-8');
   SELECT decode(2, 1, 'Southlake', 2, 'San Francisco', 3, 'New Jersey', 4, 'Seattle', 'Non domestic');
   SELECT decode(6, 1, 'Southlake', 2, 'San Francisco', 3, 'New Jersey', 4, 'Seattle', 'Non domestic');
   SELECT decode(6, 1, 'Southlake', 2, 'San Francisco', 3, 'New Jersey', 4, 'Seattle');
   DataFusion doesn't support this function
   SELECT encode('abc', 'utf-8');
   DataFusion doesn't support this function
   SELECT format_string("Hello World %d %s", 100, "days");
   DataFusion function name is to_hex()
   SELECT hex(17);
   Return matches
   SELECT hex('Spark SQL');
   Spark returns '537061726B2053514C'.
   DataFusion returns Error: Plan("Coercion from [Utf8] to the signature Uniform(1, [Int64]) failed.")
   DataFusion doesn't support this function
   SELECT instr('SparkSQL', 'SQL');
   SELECT initcap('sPark sql');
   Result matches.
   SELECT initcap('ßsPark sql');
   Spark returns 'ßspark Sql'.
   DataFusion returns 'ßSpark Sq'.
   SELECT initcap('ß'), upper('ß');
   Spark returns 'ß   SS'.
   DataFusion returns 'ß   ß'.
   Looks like Spark's result is inconsistent.
   SELECT 'Spark' like '_park';
   Result matches
   SELECT like('Spark', '_park');
   DataFusion doesn't support like function
   SELECT '%SystemDrive%\Users\John' like '\%SystemDrive\%\\Users%';
   Spark returns true.
   DataFusion returns false.
   SELECT '%SystemDrive%\\Users\\John' like '\%SystemDrive\%\\\\Users%';
   Spark returns true.
   DataFusion returns false.
   SELECT '%SystemDrive%/Users/John' like '/%SystemDrive/%//Users%' ESCAPE '/';
   Spark returns true.
   DataFusion returns Error: SQL(ParserError("Expected end of statement, found: '/'")).
   rlike, like any, like all
   DataFusion doesn't support those.
   SELECT left('Spark SQL', 3);
   Result matches.
   SELECT left('Spark SQL', 0);
   Result matches.
   SELECT left('Spark SQL', -20);
   Result matches.
   SELECT left('Spark SQL', 20);
   Result matches.
   SELECT left('Spark SQL', -1);
   Spark returns empty.
   DataFusion returns 'Spark SQ'.
   SELECT length('Haßler');
   Result matches.
   SELECT length('é');
   Result matches.
   SELECT length('?');
   SELECT length('测试测试');
   SELECT length('');
   Result matches.
   SELECT length('é');
   Spark returns 2
   DataFusion returns 1
   SELECT lpad('hi', 5, '??');
   SELECT lpad('hi', 1, '??');
   SELECT lpad('hi', 0, '??');
   Result matches.
   SELECT lpad('hi', -1, '??');
   Spark returns empty
   DataFusion thread panic. thread 'main' panicked at 'capacity overflow', library/alloc/src/
   SELECT lpad('hi', 5);
   Result matches.
   SELECT lpad('hi', 100000, '??');
   Spark returns.
   DataFusion thread panic. thread 'main' panicked at 'attempt to add with overflow', /Users/xxx/.cargo/registry/src/
   DataFusion doesn't support locate(). But DataFusion has another function called strpos().
   SELECT locate('bar', 'foobarbar');
   SELECT locate('bar', 'foobarbar', 5);
   ltrim(), btrim(),  rtrim()
   SELECT ltrim('    SparkSQL   ');
   SELECT length(ltrim('    SparkSQL   '));
   SELECT btrim('    SparkSQL   ');
   SELECT length(btrim('    SparkSQL   '));
   SELECT rtrim('    SparkSQL   ');
   SELECT length(rtrim('    SparkSQL   '));
   Result matches.
   SELECT md5('Spark');
   SELECT md5('测试测试');
   Result matches.
   SELECT nullif(2, 2);
   Spark returns NULL
   DataFusion returns Error: NotImplemented("nullif does not support a literal as first argument").
   SELECT octet_length('Spark SQL');
   Result matches.
   DataFusion doesn't support position() function.
   SELECT position('bar', 'foobarbar');
   SELECT position('bar', 'foobarbar', 5);
   SELECT POSITION('bar' IN 'foobarbar');
   DataFusion doesn't support position() function.
   SELECT printf("Hello World %d %s", 100, "days");
   SELECT repeat('123', 0);
   Result matches.
   SELECT repeat('123', -1);
   Spark returns empty.
   DataFusion thread 'main' panicked at 'capacity overflow', library/alloc/src/
   SELECT repeat('123', 100000);
   Spark returns correct reuslt.
   DataFusion thread 'main' panicked at 'attempt to add with overflow', /Users/xxx/.cargo/registry/src/
   DataFusion doesn't support regexp(). (regexp_match() is the funtion name in DataFusion ??)
   SELECT regexp('%SystemDrive%\Users\John', '%SystemDrive%\\Users.*');
   DataFusion doesn't support regexp_extract().
   SELECT regexp_extract('100-200', '(\\d+)-(\\d+)', 1);
   SELECT regexp_replace('100-200', '(\\d+)', 'num');
   Spark returns 'num-num'.
   DataFusion returns '100-200'
   SELECT replace('ABCabc', 'abc', 'DEF');
   SELECT replace('ABABA', 'ABA', 'abA');
   Result matches.
   SELECT reverse('Spark SQL');
   Result matches.
   Spark supports both but DataFusion only supports substr().
   SELECT substr('Spark SQL', 5);
   Result matches.
   SELECT substr('Spark SQL', 5, 1);
   Result matches.
   SELECT substr('Spark SQL', -3);
   Spark returns 'SQL'.
   DataFusion returns  'Spark SQL'.
   DataFusion doesn't support the following:
   SELECT substr('Spark SQL' FROM 5);
   SELECT substr('Spark SQL' FROM -3);
   SELECT substr('Spark SQL' FROM 5 FOR 1);
   DataFusion doesn't support split(). DataFusion supports split_part() but the behavior is not the same.
   SELECT split('oneAtwoBthreeC', '[ABC]');
   SELECT split('oneAtwoBthreeC', '[ABC]', -1);
   SELECT split('oneAtwoBthreeC', '[ABC]', 2);
   SELECT trim('    SparkSQL   ');
   Result matches.
   SELECT trim(BOTH 'SL' FROM 'SSparkSQLS');
   Result matches.
   Result matches.
   Result matches.
   DataFusion doesn't support the following:
   SELECT trim(BOTH FROM '    SparkSQL   ');
   SELECT trim(LEADING FROM '    SparkSQL   ');
   SELECT trim(TRAILING FROM '    SparkSQL   ');
   SELECT trim('SL' FROM 'SSparkSQLS');
   DataFusion doesn't support the timestamp() function but support the to_timestamp() function
   SELECT timestamp(1230219000123);
   Spark returns empty
   SELECT to_timestamp(1230219000123);
   DataFusion returns '1970-01-01 00:20:30.219000123'.
   SELECT timestamp(1230219000);
   Spark returns '2008-12-25 08:30:00.0'
   SELECT to_timestamp(1230219000);
   DataFusion returns 1970-01-01 00:00:01.230219
   DataFusion doesn't support the timestamp_millis() function but support the to_timestamp_millis() function.
   SELECT timestamp_millis(1230219000123);
   Spark returns '2008-12-25 07:30:00.123'.
   SELECT to_timestamp_millis(1230219000123);
   DataFusion returns '2008-12-25 15:30:00.123'
   DataFusion doesn't support the timestamp_micros() function but support the to_timestamp_micros() functionf.
   SELECT timestamp_micros(1230219000123123);
   Spark returns '2008-12-25 07:30:00.123123'
   SELECT to_timestamp_micros(1230219000123123);
   DataFusion returns '2008-12-25 15:30:00.123123'
   DataFusion doesn't support the timestamp_seconds() function but support the to_timestamp_seconds() function.
   SELECT timestamp_seconds(1230219000);
   Spark returns '2008-12-25 07:30:00'.
   SELECT to_timestamp_seconds(1230219000);
   DataFusion returns '2008-12-25 15:30:00'.
   SELECT timestamp_seconds(1230219000.123);
   Spark returns '2008-12-25 07:30:00.123'.
   SELECT to_timestamp_seconds(1230219000.123);
   DataFusion returns Error: ArrowError(CastError("Error parsing '1230219000.123' as timestamp")).
   SELECT to_timestamp_seconds(-100000000000000);
   thread 'main' panicked at 'invalid or out-of-range datetime', /Users/xxx/.cargo/registry/src/
   SELECT translate('AaBbCc', 'abc', '123');
   Result matches.
   DataFusion doesn't support this function.
   SELECT unbase64('U3BhcmsgU1FM');
   DataFusion doesn't support this function.
   SELECT unhex('537061726B2053514C');
   **Expected behavior**
   A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
   **Additional context**

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[GitHub] [arrow-datafusion] seddonm1 commented on issue #1688: Testing result of String related built-in functions

Posted by GitBox <>.
seddonm1 commented on issue #1688:

   Remember these were tested against Postgres not Spark as Postgres is much more ANSI SQL aligned than Spark.

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[GitHub] [arrow-datafusion] mingmwang commented on issue #1688: Testing result of String related built-in functions

Posted by GitBox <>.
mingmwang commented on issue #1688:

   > Thank you @mingmwang for this detailed comparison note! I think it would be good to create separate issue for each of the issues identified in this research so it's easier for the community to divide and conquer. I can see some of the problems will result good first issues that new community members could pick up to ramp up on the code base.
   Sure, I will create separate issue for each of them. I will also try to start fixing some of the gaps.

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[GitHub] [arrow-datafusion] houqp commented on issue #1688: Testing result of String related built-in functions

Posted by GitBox <>.
houqp commented on issue #1688:

   Thank you @mingmwang for this detailed comparison note! I think it would be good to create separate issue for each of the issues identified in this research so it's easier for the community to divide and conquer. I can see some of the problems will result good first issues that new community members could pick up to ramp up on the code base.

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[GitHub] [arrow-datafusion] seddonm1 edited a comment on issue #1688: Testing result of String related built-in functions

Posted by GitBox <>.
seddonm1 edited a comment on issue #1688:

   Remember these were tested against Postgres not Spark as Postgres is much more ANSI SQL aligned than Spark.
   I implemented most of these and tested explicitly against the agreed target Postgres values. Spark is not exactly the gold-standard of following ANSI spec.

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[GitHub] [arrow-datafusion] xudong963 commented on issue #1688: Testing result of String related built-in functions

Posted by GitBox <>.
xudong963 commented on issue #1688:

   About `substr` & `substring`
   I believe now datafusion supports `substring` and `select substring("" from x for y)`. BTW the behavior is the same as Postgres.
   ❯ SELECT substring('Spark SQL', -3);
   | substr(Utf8("Spark SQL"),Int64(-3)) |
   | Spark SQL                           |
   1 row in set. Query took 0.006 seconds.
   ❯ SELECT substr('Spark SQL', -3);
   | substr(Utf8("Spark SQL"),Int64(-3)) |
   | Spark SQL                           |
   1 row in set. Query took 0.006 seconds.
   ❯ SELECT substring('Spark SQL' from 5 for 1);
   | substr(Utf8("Spark SQL"),Int64(5),Int64(1)) |
   | k                                           |
   1 row in set. Query took 0.007 seconds.

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[GitHub] [arrow-datafusion] seddonm1 edited a comment on issue #1688: Testing result of String related built-in functions

Posted by GitBox <>.
seddonm1 edited a comment on issue #1688:

   Remember these were built to align with Postgres not Spark as Postgres is much more ANSI SQL aligned than Spark.
   I implemented most of these and tested explicitly against the agreed target Postgres values. Spark is not exactly the gold-standard of following ANSI spec.

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