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Posted to by 박남용 <> on 2011/04/22 19:43:25 UTC

Lucene Spatial Search Problem: search radius threshold?

I am trying to add spatial search functionality to my application, but having a trouble regarding lucene's spatial search.
It's very simple functionality: searching all items within given radius from given starting point.
My current starting location is 37.504602,127.049031.
When I set search radius less than 10 miles, search results are okay. The shorter the search radius becomes, the less the search results are.
But after search radius becomes larger than 10 miles, nothing is searched.
And this threshold value, in this case 10 miles, changes according to where I set the starting point.
That is, if search radius becomes larger than before, at least the same number of items should be returned as before, but it is not.
After some point, nothing returns and spatial search does not seem to work properly.
The weird thing is that if I change the starting location to someplace in US or Germany, no such problem happens.
I'm currently using lucene 2.9.4 for some reason, and checked the above problem with the test class,
Does anyone know the reason why lucene works this way, and how can I solve this problem?

Re: Lucene Spatial Search Problem: search radius threshold?

Posted by 박남용 <>.
Below is TestCartesian class. In this class, I changed starting position and predefined positions in addData method to be around 37.504602,127.049031.
The problem is that as I increase the search radius, after some threshold, spatial search returns nothing when it should return at least the same number of items as before.
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.WhitespaceAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.util.NumericUtils;
import org.apache.lucene.spatial.geohash.GeoHashUtils;
import org.apache.lucene.spatial.tier.projections.CartesianTierPlotter;
import org.apache.lucene.spatial.tier.projections.IProjector;
import org.apache.lucene.spatial.tier.projections.SinusoidalProjector;
public class TestCartesian extends TestCase{
 * @param args
 private Directory directory;
 private IndexSearcher searcher;
 // reston va
 private double lat = 38.969398; 
 private double lng= -77.386398;
 private String latField = "lat";
 private String lngField = "lng";
 private List ctps = new LinkedList();
 private String geoHashPrefix = "_geoHash_";
 private IProjector project = new SinusoidalProjector();
 protected void setUp() throws IOException {
 directory = new RAMDirectory();
 IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(directory, new WhitespaceAnalyzer(), true);
 setUpPlotter( 2, 15);
 private void setUpPlotter(int base, int top) {
 for (; base &lt;= top; base ++){
 ctps.add(new CartesianTierPlotter(base,project,
 private void addPoint(IndexWriter writer, String name, double lat, double lng) throws IOException{
 Document doc = new Document();
 doc.add(new Field("name", name,Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED));
 // convert the lat / long to lucene fields
 doc.add(new Field(latField, NumericUtils.doubleToPrefixCoded(lat),Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED));
 doc.add(new Field(lngField, NumericUtils.doubleToPrefixCoded(lng),Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.UN_TOKENIZED));
 // add a default meta field to make searching all documents easy 
 doc.add(new Field("metafile", "doc",Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED));
 int ctpsize = ctps.size();
 for (int i =0; i &lt; ctpsize; i++){
 CartesianTierPlotter ctp = ctps.get(i);
 doc.add(new Field(ctp.getTierFieldName(), 
 doc.add(new Field(geoHashPrefix, GeoHashUtils.encode(lat,lng), 
 private void addData(IndexWriter writer) throws IOException {
 addPoint(writer,"McCormick &amp; Schmick's Seafood Restaurant",38.9579000,-77.3572000);
 addPoint(writer,"Jimmy's Old Town Tavern",38.9690000,-77.3862000);
 addPoint(writer,"Ned Devine's",38.9510000,-77.4107000);
 addPoint(writer,"Old Brogue Irish Pub",38.9955000,-77.2884000);
 addPoint(writer,"Alf Laylah Wa Laylah",38.8956000,-77.4258000);
 addPoint(writer,"Sully's Restaurant &amp; Supper",38.9003000,-77.4467000);
 addPoint(writer,"Potomac Swing Dance Club",38.9027000,-77.2639000);
 addPoint(writer,"White Tiger Restaurant",38.9027000,-77.2638000);
 addPoint(writer,"Jammin' Java",38.9039000,-77.2622000);
 addPoint(writer,"Potomac Swing Dance Club",38.9027000,-77.2639000);
 addPoint(writer,"WiseAcres Comedy Club",38.9248000,-77.2344000);
 addPoint(writer,"Glen Echo Spanish Ballroom",38.9691000,-77.1400000);
 addPoint(writer,"Whitlow's on Wilson",38.8889000,-77.0926000);
 addPoint(writer,"Iota Club and Cafe",38.8890000,-77.0923000);
 addPoint(writer,"Hilton Washington Embassy Row",38.9103000,-77.0451000);
 addPoint(writer,"HorseFeathers, Bar & Grill", 39.01220000000001, -77.3942);
 public void testRange() throws IOException, InvalidGeoException {
 searcher = new IndexSearcher(directory);
 final double[] milesToTest = new double[] {6.0, 0.5, 0.001, 0.0};
 final int[] expected = new int[] {7, 1, 0, 0};
 for(int x=0;xfont>
 final double miles = milesToTest[x];
 // create a distance query
 final DistanceQueryBuilder dq = new DistanceQueryBuilder(lat, lng, miles, 
 latField, lngField, CartesianTierPlotter.DEFALT_FIELD_PREFIX, true);
 //create a term query to search against all documents
 Query tq = new TermQuery(new Term("metafile", "doc"));
 FieldScoreQuery fsQuery = new FieldScoreQuery("geo_distance", Type.FLOAT);
 CustomScoreQuery customScore = new CustomScoreQuery(dq.getQuery(tq),fsQuery){
 protected CustomScoreProvider getCustomScoreProvider(IndexReader reader) {
 return new CustomScoreProvider(reader) {
 @Override // TODO: broken, as reader is not used!
 public float customScore(int doc, float subQueryScore, float valSrcScore){
 if (dq.distanceFilter.getDistance(doc) == null)
 return 0;
 double distance = dq.distanceFilter.getDistance(doc);
 // boost score shouldn't exceed 1
 if (distance &lt; 1.0d)
 distance = 1.0d;
 //boost by distance is invertly proportional to
 // to distance from center point to location
 float score = new Float((miles - distance) / miles ).floatValue();
 return score * subQueryScore;
 // Create a distance sort
 // As the radius filter has performed the distance calculations
 // already, pass in the filter to reuse the results.
 DistanceFieldComparatorSource dsort = new DistanceFieldComparatorSource(dq.distanceFilter);
 Sort sort = new Sort(new SortField("foo", dsort,false));
 // Perform the search, using the term query, the serial chain filter, and the
 // distance sort
 Hits hits =,null,sort);
 int results = hits.length();
 // Get a list of distances 
 Map distances = dq.distanceFilter.getDistances();
 // distances calculated from filter first pass must be less than total
 // docs, from the above test of 20 items, 12 will come from the boundary box
 // filter, but only 5 are actually in the radius of the results.
 // Note Boundary Box filtering, is not accurate enough for most systems.
 System.out.println("Distance Filter filtered: " + distances.size());
 System.out.println("Results: " + results);
 System.out.println("Distances should be 7 "+ distances.size());
 System.out.println("Results should be 7 "+ results);
 assertEquals(expected[x], distances.size()); // fixed a store of only needed distances
 assertEquals(expected[x], results);
 double lastDistance = 0;
 for(int i =0 ; i &lt; results; i++){
 Document d = hits.doc(i);
 String name = d.get("name");
 double rsLat = NumericUtils.prefixCodedToDouble(d.get(latField));
 double rsLng = NumericUtils.prefixCodedToDouble(d.get(lngField)); 
 Double geo_distance = distances.get(;
 double distance = DistanceUtils.getInstance().getDistanceMi(lat, lng, rsLat, rsLng);
 double llm = DistanceUtils.getInstance().getLLMDistance(lat, lng, rsLat, rsLng);
 System.out.println("Name: "+ name +", Distance "+ distance); //(res, ortho, harvesine):"+ distance +" |"+ geo_distance +"|"+ llm +" | score "+ hits.score(i));
 assertTrue(Math.abs((distance - llm)) &lt; 1);
 assertTrue((distance &lt; miles ));
 assertTrue(geo_distance > lastDistance);
 lastDistance = geo_distance;
 public void testGeoHashRange() throws IOException, InvalidGeoException {
 searcher = new IndexSearcher(directory);
 final double[] milesToTest = new double[] {6.0, 0.5, 0.001, 0.0};
 final int[] expected = new int[] {7, 1, 0, 0};
 for(int x=0;xfont>
 final double miles = milesToTest[x];
 // create a distance query
 final DistanceQueryBuilder dq = new DistanceQueryBuilder(lat, lng, miles, 
 geoHashPrefix, CartesianTierPlotter.DEFALT_FIELD_PREFIX, true);
 //create a term query to search against all documents
 Query tq = new TermQuery(new Term("metafile", "doc"));
 FieldScoreQuery fsQuery = new FieldScoreQuery("geo_distance", Type.FLOAT);
 CustomScoreQuery customScore = new CustomScoreQuery(tq,fsQuery){
 protected CustomScoreProvider getCustomScoreProvider(IndexReader reader) {
 return new CustomScoreProvider(reader) {
 @Override // TODO: broken, as reader is not used!
 public float customScore(int doc, float subQueryScore, float valSrcScore){
 if (dq.distanceFilter.getDistance(doc) == null)
 return 0;
 double distance = dq.distanceFilter.getDistance(doc);
 // boost score shouldn't exceed 1
 if (distance &lt; 1.0d)
 distance = 1.0d;
 //boost by distance is invertly proportional to
 // to distance from center point to location
 float score = (float) ( (miles - distance) / miles );
 return score * subQueryScore;
 // Create a distance sort
 // As the radius filter has performed the distance calculations
 // already, pass in the filter to reuse the results.
 DistanceFieldComparatorSource dsort = new DistanceFieldComparatorSource(dq.distanceFilter);
 Sort sort = new Sort(new SortField("foo", dsort));
 // Perform the search, using the term query, the serial chain filter, and the
 // distance sort
 Hits hits =, dq.getFilter()); //,sort);
 int results = hits.length();
 // Get a list of distances 
 Map distances = dq.distanceFilter.getDistances();
 // distances calculated from filter first pass must be less than total
 // docs, from the above test of 20 items, 12 will come from the boundary box
 // filter, but only 5 are actually in the radius of the results.
 // Note Boundary Box filtering, is not accurate enough for most systems.
 System.out.println("Distance Filter filtered: " + distances.size());
 System.out.println("Results: " + results);
 System.out.println("Distances should be 14 "+ distances.size());
 System.out.println("Results should be 7 "+ results);
 assertEquals(expected[x], distances.size());
 assertEquals(expected[x], results);
 for(int i =0 ; i &lt; results; i++){
 Document d = hits.doc(i);
 String name = d.get("name");
 double rsLat = NumericUtils.prefixCodedToDouble(d.get(latField));
 double rsLng = NumericUtils.prefixCodedToDouble(d.get(lngField)); 
 Double geo_distance = distances.get(;
 double distance = DistanceUtils.getInstance().getDistanceMi(lat, lng, rsLat, rsLng);
 double llm = DistanceUtils.getInstance().getLLMDistance(lat, lng, rsLat, rsLng);
 System.out.println("Name: "+ name +", Distance (res, ortho, harvesine):"+ distance +" |"+ geo_distance +"|"+ llm +" | score "+ hits.score(i));
 assertTrue(Math.abs((distance - llm)) &lt; 1);
 assertTrue((distance &lt; miles ));
-----Original Message-----
From: "박남용"&lt;; 
Sent: 11-04-23(토) 02:43:25
Subject: Lucene Spatial Search Problem: search radius threshold?
I am trying to add spatial search functionality to my application, but having a trouble regarding lucene's spatial search.
It's very simple functionality: searching all items within given radius from given starting point.
My current starting location is 37.504602,127.049031.
When I set search radius less than 10 miles, search results are okay. The shorter the search radius becomes, the less the search results are.
But after search radius becomes larger than 10 miles, nothing is searched.
And this threshold value, in this case 10 miles, changes according to where I set the starting point.
That is, if search radius becomes larger than before, at least the same number of items should be returned as before, but it is not.
After some point, nothing returns and spatial search does not seem to work properly.
The weird thing is that if I change the starting location to someplace in US or Germany, no such problem happens.
I'm currently using lucene 2.9.4 for some reason, and checked the above problem with the test class,
Does anyone know the reason why lucene works this way, and how can I solve this problem?